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Cognition and Emotion
ISSN: 0269-9931 (Print) 1464-0600 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/pcem20
How is anxiety related to math performance in
young students? A longitudinal study of Grade 2 to
Grade 3 children
Elisa Cargnelutti, Carlo Tomasetto & Maria Chiara Passolunghi
To cite this article: Elisa Cargnelutti, Carlo Tomasetto & Maria Chiara Passolunghi (2017) How is
anxiety related to math performance in young students? A longitudinal study of Grade 2 to Grade 3
children, Cognition and Emotion, 31:4, 755-764, DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2016.1147421
To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02699931.2016.1147421
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Published online: 03 Mar 2016.
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How is anxiety related to math performance in young students? A
longitudinal study of Grade 2 to Grade 3 children
Elisa Cargnelutti
, Carlo Tomasetto
and Maria Chiara Passolunghi
Department of Life Sciences Psychology Unit Gaetano Kanizsa, University of Trieste, Trieste (TS), Italy;
Department of
Psychology, University of Bologna, Cesena (FC), Italy
Both general and math-specic anxiety are related to prociency in mathematics.
However, it is not clear when math anxiety arises in young children, nor how it
relates to early math performance. This study therefore investigated the early
association between math anxiety and math performance in Grades 2 and 3, by
accounting for general anxiety and by further inspecting the prevalent directionality
of the anxietyperformance link. Results revealed that this link was signicant in
Grade 3, with a prevalent direction from math anxiety to performance, rather than
the reverse. Longitudinal analyses also showed an indirect effect of math anxiety in
Grade 2 on subsequent math performance in Grade 3. Overall, these ndings
highlight the importance of monitoring anxiety from the early stages of schooling
in order to promote procient academic performance.
Received 9 July 2015
Revised 21 January 2016
Accepted 23 January 2016
Math anxiety; general
anxiety; math performance;
math precursors; early
Basic mathematical skills are regularly used in every-
day life, and their deciency affects both employ-
ment opportunities and socio-emotional well-being
(e.g. McCloskey, 2007 ). As adulthood math compe-
tence is the end result of the math skills acquired
early in life, many studies have sought to identify
the factors responsible for math difculties in
Research in the eld is mainly focused on those
cognitive abilities that underpin math learning and
are potentially impaired in individuals with math dif-
culties (e.g. Fuchs et al., 2010; Passolunghi, Cargnelutti,
& Pastore, 2014). Conversely, the role of the affective
aspects such as anxiety is frequently neglected or
underestimated when dealing with young students
(e.g. Liew, McTigue, Barrois, & Hughes, 2008). Our
study was aimed at lling this gap, by longi tudinally
investigating the relation between both general and
math-specic anxiety and math performance in chil-
dren from Grade 2 through Grade 3.
Anxiety and its relation with academic and
math performance
General anxiety
Anxiety, broadly dened as a disproportional and dys-
functional response to a situation perceived as threa-
tening, is already present in preschool children with
a preva lence of around 10% (Egger & Angold, 2006).
Even though many factors ma y moderate the inter-
play between anxiet y and performance in the aca-
demic context, the negative consequences of
anxiety alone are proven, with particularly damaging
effects in children with learning difculties, typically
more anxious than their no rmall y achieving peers
(e.g. Fisher, Allen, & Kose, 1996).
This trend was observed not simply when referring
to test anxiety, a subtype of anxiety experienced in
testing situations (see Hembree, 1990), but also to
general anxiety. These ndings outline how academic
performance can also be affected by trait dispositions
© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
CONTACT Elisa Cargnelutti [email protected]
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed 10.1080/02699931.2016.1147421.
VOL. 31, NO. 4, 755764
Downloaded by [Universita di Padova] at 08:18 22 October 2017
of the individual, such as general anxiety, and not
merely by factors tightly associated with the academic
Math anxiety
Math anxiety is a distinct subtype of anxie ty which can
be experienced even in the absence of both general
and test anxiety (Hembree, 1990). It is dened as a
negative emotional response occurring in situations
involving math, and can produce stress and avoidance
behaviour (Ashcraft & Ridley, 2005). Math anxiety is
not infrequent, and recent data report it to be experi-
enced at a high degree by approximately 17% of the
population (Ashcraft & Moore, 2009). Its effects tend
to endure over time also causing repercussions on
work choices (Ma & Xu, 2004).
The negative relation between math anxiety and
math achievement has been largely proved, with
high levels of anxiety demonstrated to be linked to
low performance (e.g. Faust, Ashcraft, & Fleck, 1996;
Ma & Xu, 2004). However, math anxiety is typically
monitored from middle school onward, and
assumed to interfere with the execution of complex
arithmetic operations (e.g. Faust et al., 1996). Math
anxiety has been therefore imputed to cause an affec-
tive drop, meaning a decline in performance attribu-
table to its presence rather than to inadequate
competence (e.g. Ashcraft & Moore, 2009).
Nevertheless, alternative accounts are also plau-
sible. Math anxiety may be interpreted as a result
rather than the cause of negative math experiences,
poor attainment, and failures (Ma & Xu, 2004). Math
anxiety, actually, may be simultaneously both the
cause and consequence of limited performance (e.g.
Ashcraft & Moore, 2009).
Math anxiety in young children
Even if we assume the link between math anxiety and
math performance to be bidirectional, the onset of
this relation is still almost unexplored. Until recently,
only a handful of studies involved children before
Grade 5. Moreover, outcomes about students during
the rst grades of primary school are divergent: It is
not clear how and when math anxiety arises, and,
more importantly, when it becomes relevant to math
performance. Some authors have indeed failed to
nd an early relation betwee n math anxiety and per-
formance. Among them, Thomas and Dowker (2000)
hypothesised an age-dependent relation between
the two variables, expected to surface after the age
of 9. Krinzinger, Kaufmann, and Willmes (2009)
instead proposed the link to possibly emerge only in
individuals with extremely high math anxiety conco-
mitant with very pronounced math difculties.
On the other hand, evidence has also been found
for a signicant link between math anxiety and math
prociency in the rst stages of schooling. Wu, Barth,
Amin, Malcame, and Menon (2012) and Wu, Willcutt,
Escovar, and Menon (2014) observed that math
anxiety predicted performance in Grades 2 and 3
even when controlling for general anxiety, and that
some math domains (e.g. those involving reasoning)
were more affected than others. The effects of math
anxiety were also detected in other studies, with
other constructs also proposed to moderate the
relation between anxiety and performance (e.g.
Harari, Vukovic, & Bailey, 2013; Jameson, 2014).
Current study
Given the sparse and contradicting ndings on the
issue, our research was aimed at shedding light on
the relation between anxie ty and math prociency
in the early primary grades. Our rst purpose was to
verify whether math anxiety, in particular, can
impact math performance even in young children,
and whether a possible reciprocal inuence exists.
We collected data from children attending Grade 2
and subsequently Grade 3, attempting to dene
both concurrent and developmental patterns.
Overall, this study advances prior works in several
ways. First, in contrast to Wu et al. (2012, 2014), we
explored the interplay between math anxiety and per-
formance by means of path analyses, with longitudinal
models aimed at shedding light on the causal path-
ways and prevalent directionality of this link. Second,
expanding upon Krinzinger et al. (2009), we also eval-
uated the role of general anxiety (as in Wu et al., 2012,
2014), in order to see whether math anxiety is inde-
pendent from it, and uniquely linked to math perform-
ance even in early schooling. Further, in contrast to
past research in which only computation was assessed
(Krinzinger et al., 2009; Thomas & Dowker, 2000), we
tested diverse math skills relevant to the early
primary school curriculum, in order to achieve a
more global and robust index of math competence.
In summary, our hypotheses were that math
anxiety, independently from general anxiety, could
impact math prociency very early, with signicant
negative effects traceable even in Grade 2. Regarding
the directionality of the link, we expected math
Downloaded by [Universita di Padova] at 08:18 22 October 2017
anxiety at this stage to already be both the cause and
consequence of low math performance.
Two hundred and three children attending Grade 2
were recruited for the study. Children attended 10
different classes across 6 primary schools in Northeast-
ern Italy. These schools were located in urban non-dis-
advantaged areas and were attended mostly by
children from middle-income families. From the
initial sample, three children were excluded because
of neurological diseases, and two for atypical ages
for their grade. The resulting sample included 198 chil-
dren (105 males; mean age = 7 years 7 months).
Of this sample, 80 children (48 males; mean age = 8
years 4 months) were also included in the testing
phase in Grade 3. The remaining students did not par-
ticipate because of not-renewed school consent.
The study took place at two different time points: The
second term of Grade 2 (AprilMay) and the rst term
of Grade 3 (December). The investigated constructs
(general anxiety, math anxiety, and math compe-
tence) were assessed collectively and on different
days within the same week, by randomly alternating
the order of the tasks.
Self-rating questionnaires were used to assess
general and math anxiety. Teachers ratings of chil-
drens general anxiety were also collected. This
measure was taken to check for potential discrepan-
cies with the ratings given by children of their affective
states. This was done purposely because general
anxiety, contrary to math anxiety, lacks specicity
(i.e. it can be experienced in several contexts and
can be determined by different stressors), thus
resulting in less reliable self-evaluations by young
students (White, Oswald, Ollendick, & Scahill, 2009).
General anxiety. Depression and Anxiety in Youth Scale
(DAYS, Newcomer, Barenbaum, & Bryant, 1994; Italian
ed., 1995). This questionnaire was developed for
youths from 6 years of age onward. Concerning the
self-rating scale (hereafter Anxiety-Self), we partly
modied the original version by removing or reformu-
lating some items in order to make it more suitable for
younger children (e.g. the sentence I want to kill
myself. was removed). The administered scale
resulted in eight items with four response options:
Never, sometimes, often, and always. Scoring ranged
from 0 (never )to3(always). The maximum score was
24 points.
The scale for teachers (hereafter Anxiety-Obs erved)
was kept in the original version and includes seven
statements (e.g. He/she easily changes his/her
mood.) with a dichotomous response modality (true
or false). Responses indicating the presence of an
anxiety symptom were scored 1 point, or otherwise
0 points. The maximum score was 7 points.
Math anxiety. Scale for Early Math Anxiety (SEMA,
translated and adapted from Wu & Menon, 2012).
This questionnaire includes 20 items requiring chil-
dren to imagine either having to solve a given math
problem (e.g. What time will it be in 20 minutes?),
or to be experiencing common situations occurring
during math lessons (e.g. Your teacher give s you a
bunch of subtraction problems to work on.). In both
cases, children had to indicate the level of nervous-
ness they would feel if these conditions were truly
This version provided four instead of the original
ve response options: Not nervous at all, a little
nervous, somewhat nervous, and very nervous. The
choice was supported by pilot studies showing
pupils difculty in selecting between ve different
response options. Each response was scored 0 (not
nervous at all)to3(very nervous
) points, giving a
score of 60 points.
Math skills
Written computation. This test was developed in two
versions, one for each grade, by referring to the corre-
sponding math textbooks. Both versions are com-
posed of 16 arithmetic computations to be solved
within 10 minutes (additions and subtractions for
Grade 2, all operations for Grade 3). In both versions,
each correct solution received 1 point, giving a
maximum of 16 points.
Word problems (from Giovanardi Rossi & Malaguti,
1994). This test requires children to solve, within 15
minutes, six word-problem questions for Grade 2
(additions and subtractions), and eight for Grade 3
(all operations). Up to 1.5 points were assigned for
each correct answer (1 point for the correct set out
of the expression to be solved, plus 0.5 if also the
Downloaded by [Universita di Padova] at 08:18 22 October 2017
computation procedure was correctly executed). The
maximum score was 9 points for Grade 2 and 12
points for Grade 3.
MAT-2 (from Amoretti, Bazzini, Pesci, & Reggiani,
2007). We administered the module Number, including
a wide spectrum of tasks to be performed within 20
minutes. The module consists of 11 tasks for Grade 2
(e.g. ranking numbers from the smallest, decomposing
numbers) and 13 tasks for Grade 3 (e.g. writing down
numbers in the rank of thousands, solving problems
involving the concepts of expenses and prots).
Each exercise correctly solved was scored 1 point,
with a maximum score of 11 points for Grade 2 and
13 points for Grade 3.
Data analysis
Main statistical analyses were conducted by PAW Stat-
istics 21. AMOS 21 package was used to perform path
analyses. Missing data were imputed using a stochas-
tic procedure, and a maximum likelihood approach
was adopted for model estimation. A bias-corrected
bootstrap procedure with 2000 re-samples was run
to estimate condence intervals for direct, indirect,
and total effects.
Pertaining to general anxiety, Anxiety-Se lf and
Anxiety-Observed scores were treated separately,
being mildly cor related with each other and, more
importantly, differentially correlated with the other
variables (see Table 1). Concerning math performance,
we computed a unique composite score for each
grade, named Math, by averaging the scores of
Written computation, Word problems, and MAT-2.
Path models were rst estimated independently for
each grade to test the impact of anxiety on concurrent
math performance. The link causal ordering was
instead inspected in the longitudinal models including
both assessment times. For the denition of the longi-
tudinal relations, we tested different models with
alternative directionality solutions. All the models
were estimated with each variable in Grade 2
expected to predict the correspondent in Grade 3,
and by taking general anxiety as a covariate, to
control for its non-specic effects on Math.
In detail, Anxiety-Observed in Grades 2 and 3 was
hypothesised to be linked to correspondent math per-
formance (in Grades 2 and 3, respectively). Despite a
bidirectionality possibly being observed in the relation
between general anxiety and Math, preliminary ana-
lyses conrmed that the statistical t systematically
favoured models with general anxiety predicting
Math, rather than the reverse. Moreover, given that
Anxiety-Self was not strongly correlated to any other
measure, except for SEMA, we retained only Anxiety-
Observed, in order to reduce the model complexity.
Alternative model comparison
Taking the const raints on the model denition
described in the data analysis section, we compared
ve alternative models in which we tested the relation
between SEMA and Math in both causal orderings, and
by dening these links as concurrent within each wave,
longitudinal, and cross-lagged. In detai l, the following
models were compared: (a) Model 3.1 (anxiety-driven
model), in which SEMA in Grades 2 and 3 (hereafter,
SEMA_2 and SEMA_3) concurrently predicted Math
scores in Grades 2 and 3 (hereafter, Math_2 and
Math_3), respectively; (b) Model 3.2 (performance-
driven model), in which the reverse paths were
tested; (c) Model 3.3 (mixed model ), with Math_2 pre-
dicting SEMA_2, and SEMA_3 predicting Math_3; (d)
Model 3.4, which tested the reverse mixed solution;
and (e) Model 3.5 (cross-lagged model), in which
SEMA_2 predicted Math_3, via direct effect, and
Math_2 predicted SEMA_3, directly as well, with no
concurrent relations admitted from SEMA to Math
within each grade. In all the tested models, both
SEMA_2 and Math_2 were allowed to longitudinally
predict the corresponding variable in Grade 3.
As the models were non-nested, the traditional
approach for model comparison based on the chi-
square difference value was not applicable. Therefore,
model comparison was based on direct comparison of
indices, such as Akaike s Information Criterion (AIC) and
Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), with lower values
indicating better t (according to Raftery, 1995, BIC
differences (Δ) < 2, between 2 and 6, and > 6 indicate,
respectively, weak, moderate, and strong evid ence in
favour of the model with the lowest values).
Although the t indices were from acceptable to
good for all the tested models (for details, see Sup-
plemental Table 1 in Supplemental Material),
Model 3.1 and Model 3.3 displayed a better tas
compared to Model 3.2 and Model 3.4 (ΔAICs and
ΔBICs > 4). Model 3.5, in which only cross-lagged
paths were admitted, globally show ed the worst t.
Importantly, none of the cross-lagged paths directly
linking SEMA and Math of consecutive grades were
signicant. In sum, Model 3.1 and Model 3.3 should
be retained as the best-tting and more parsimonious
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Table 1. Descriptive statistics, reliability measures, and intercorrelations between all variables.
Descriptive statistics Intercorrelations
Min Max Mean SD Skewness Kurtosis Reliability 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Computation_2 0.00 16.00 11.65 4.30 1.04 0.30 .84
2 Problem
0.00 9.00 6.61 2.25 1.21 1.16 .69 .17*
3 MAT_2 0.00 11.00 7.47 2.25 0.96 1.54 .74 .32*** .08
4 Computation_3 0.00 15.00 10.06 2.58 0.17 1.08 .88 .10 .20** .04
5 Problem
0.00 12.00 5.65 3.19 0.34 0.85 .79 <.01 .20** .09 .54***
6 MAT_3 1.00 11.00 6.13 2.31 0.20 0.38 .80 .06 .30*** .12 .65*** .60***
7 Anxiety-Self_2 0.00 20.00 6.89 3.85 0.42 0.21 .65 .28* .02 .24* .10 .09 .07
8 Anxiety-
0.00 7.00 1.47 1.52 1.03 0.61 .65 .21 .46*** .19 .25* .37** .26* .18
9 SEMA_2 0.00 57.00 14.82 10.57 0.80 0.74 .86 <.01 .04 .61*** .14 .22* .12 .29** .01
10 Anxiety-Self_3 0.00 20.00 7.79 4.69 0.43 0.58 .84 .13 .27 .12 .26* .31** .17 .05 .35** .17
11 Anxiety-
0.00 7.00 1.68 1.82 0.94 0.04 .72 .10 .27 .18 .34** .35** .35** .03 .30** .18 .43***
12 SEMA_3 0.00 39.00 12.44 8.83 0.95 0.44 .87 .12 .24 .21 .31** .31** .36** .11 .24 .27* .38*** .67***
Notes: Min = minimum; Max = maximum; SD = standard deviation; _2 = measure collected in Grade 2; _3 = measure collected in Grade 3.
*p .05.
**p .01.
***p .001.
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Descriptive statistics, reliability measures, and corre-
lations are reported in Table 1. The path analysis
results are described below. We reported the nal
models we chose on the basis of their robustness
from both the theoretical and statistical viewpoints.
Cross-sectional path models
Concerning the Grade 2 assessment, we reported the
full model entailing the links for all anxiety measures
to math performance. This model, termed Model 1
(Figure 1(a); see Supplemental Table 2 for details),
explained 8% of Math varian ce with a good statistical
t: CMIN = 0.07, df = 1, CMIN/df = 0.07, p = .80, CFI =
1.000, NFI = .999, TLI = 1.141, RMSEA < .001, AIC =
18.08, BIC = 47.71 (where CMIN is the chi-square
equivalent, NFI the Normed Fit Index , TLI the Tucker-
Lewis Index, and RMSEA the Root Mean Square Error
of Approximation).
Anxiety-Observed appeared as the only variable
directly and negatively accounting for math perform-
ance (β = .26, p < .001). SEMA did not predict Math sig-
nicantly (β = .12, p = .10), nor Anxiety-Self (β = .06, p
= .38), whose indirect effect via Anxiety-Observed was
however signicant (mean = .09, 95% CI = [.02, .17]).
Concerning the Grade 3 assessment, the relations
between the inspected variables are represented in
Model 2 (Figure 1(b) and Supplemental Table 3). As
the model is saturated, we report only AIC and BIC
values as t indices: AIC = 18.00, BIC = 39.44.
Anxiety measures explained 27% of variance in
Math, and it signicantly concurred with both
Anxiety-Observed and SEMA (β = .45, p < .001, and
β = .29, p < .01, respectively). Although Anxiety-Self
did not act on Math directly (β = .10, p = .18), it
yielded a signicant indirect effect through Anxiety-
Observed (mean = .17, 95% CI = [.05, .33]).
Longitudinal path models
We report data on the selected longitudinal models.
Model 3.1 is illustrated in Figure 2(a) (with related
values in Supplemental Table 4). Anxiety-Observed
was a signicant predictor of concurrent Math, stron-
ger in Grade 2 (β = .36, p < .001 ) than in Grade 3 (β
= .16, p = .04). With regard to SEMA, its relation to
Math was signicant in Grade 3 (β = .21, p < .01),
but not in Grade 2 (β = .16, p = .12). However, boot-
strap analysis showed that SEMA_2 signicantly
predicted Math_3 indirectly via Math_2 and SEMA_3
(mean = .23, 95% CI [.07, .38]).
Model 3.3 (see Figure 2(b) and Supplemental Table 5)
was identical to Model 3.1, except for the path linking
Math and SEMA in Grade 2, directed from the former
to the latter, with the reverse path in Grade 3. The
path from Math_2 to SEMA_2 was slightly stronger
than the reverse tested in Model3.1,eventhoughit
only approximated the conventional signicance
threshold (β = .19, p = .08). The link between SEMA_3
and Math_3 was instead signicant (β = .21, p <.01).
Bootstrap analyses also showed a signicant indirect
impact of SEMA_2 on Math_3, via SEMA_3 (mean =
.13, 95% CI = [.04, .24]). In sum, math anxiety and
performance in consecutive grades appeared to be
related, but only indirectly. Importantly, part of the longi-
tudinal relation between math performance scores in
consecutive grades was likely to be a function of
related variability in math anxiety.
The main purpose of this research project was to
uncover whether affective aspects, such as anxiety,
can be even precociously related to math prociency.
To date, only a few studies examined math anxiety
before Grade 5, with even fewer works adopting a
longitudinal perspective (Krinzinger et al., 2009), con-
trolling for the role of general anxiety (Wu et al.,
2012, 2014), or including a robust index of math com-
petence. This study adds to existing literature in all
these respects by assessing general anxiety, math
anxiety, and math prociency, and by targeting their
causal ordering from Grade 2 through Grade 3.
Both general and math anxiety were tested by self-
rating questionnaires. General anxiety was further
inspected by a questionnaire completed by teachers
(Anxiety-Observed). This was done purposefully for
general anxiety, which young children nd difcult
to appraise because of its lack of specicity (see
White et al., 2009), and not for math anxiety, which
was expected to be more easily self-detected (as
also supported by the good reliability indexes). In
agreement with this, Anxiety-Observed and Anxiety-
Self app eared mildly related (see De Los Reyes &
Kazdin, 2005), and presented different correlation pat-
terns. Nonetheless, we judge teachers ratings to be a
reliable measure, as already proven (see Tripp,
Schaughency, & Clarke, 2006). Therefore, it is impor-
tant to point out that the discussed results about
general anxiety are those concerning Anxiety-
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Observed. However, the issue remains of the suit-
ability of the self-rating scales in measuring some con-
structs in young students.
Differential impact of anxiety in the two grades
Results from the current study globally highlight the
strong negative link between anxiety and math per-
formance. Interestingly, results from the cross-sectional
models, designed independently for each grade, show
that the combined effect of general and math anxiety
on performance was noteworthy and appreciably
increased from Grade 2 to Grade 3 (respectively, 8%
and 27% of explained variability in math performance).
Nevertheless, whereas general anxiety affected
prociency in both grades, a signicant direct role of
math anxiety emerged only in Grade 3. These ndings
suggest that the effect of math anxiety may increase
over time (see Thomas & Dowker, 2000), possibly
due to the accumulation of negative experience in
the discipline. However, we cannot exclude the idea
of this relation being strengthened by other factors
intervening in Grade 3, such as the increased
demands of math tests. According to Stevenson,
Hofer, and Randel (2000), this change may also
reect the possibility that the effects of math anxiety
may be overwhelmed by other powerful sources of
inuence at this stage (e.g. teach ers and parents atti-
tudes, or other general personality aspects).
Irrespective of this, it is important to underline the
nding that the effect of math anxiety actually
appeared to be independent from that of general
anxiety even in Grade 2, suggesting its precocious
onset and specicity (as in Wu et al., 2012, 2014).
Longitudinal relations
Longitudinal outcomes indicate that math anxiety
and performance inuence one another, so the
link is very likely to be bidirectional (see Ashcraft &
Moore, 2009). However, whereas i n Grade 2 the
impact of performance on math anxiety was the
strongest (despite not y et being statistically signi-
cant), the reverse relation emerged in Grade
3. Fur ther, the effect size of math anxiety in Grade
3 was even higher than that of general anxiety. A
possible interpretation of these ndings is that
poor math at tainment can rstly boost math
anxiety (e.g. Ma & Xu, 2004), which only secondarily
harms math performance, in a sort of vicious cycle.
Even more importantly, math anxiety in Grade 2
appeared to have a signicant impact, though
Figure 1. Standardised solution for cross-sectional models. Anxiety-Obs = Anxiety-Observed; _2 = measure collected in Grade 2; _3 = measure
collected in Grade 3. Dashed lines indicate links approaching statistical signicance.
Downloaded by [Universita di Padova] at 08:18 22 October 2017
Figure 2. Standardised solution for longitudinal models. Anxiety-Obs = Anxiety-Observed; _2 = measure collected in Grade 2; _3 = measure col-
lected in Grade 3. Dashed lines indicate links approaching statistical signicance.
Downloaded by [Universita di Padova] at 08:18 22 October 2017
indirect, on determining future math competence.
Overall, these ndings call for a precocious monitor-
ently related to attainment, as the early onset of
negative experience towards math is p redictive of
poorer pro c iency over time.
Limitations of the study and implications
Findings from this study leave some questions open,
concerning in particular the assessment of the affec-
tive states in very young students. For this reason, sub-
sequent investigations are necessary to understand
whether ratings of young children evaluating their
own anxiety are effectively reliable, and how they
relate to those collected from signicant adults.
Furthermore, results should be corroborated by
inspecting the relation between these constructs on
larger and numerically more homogeneous samples
of participants, especially when dealing with longi-
tudinal data.
Outcomes of the present study are noteworthy in
the way they extend previous ndings on the onset
of the relation between math anxiety and prociency.
By highlighting the strong impact of affective com-
ponents on academic performance in very young stu-
dents, these ndings are important also from an
educational perspective. Promoting successful learn-
ing and preventing drawbacks of poor math pro-
ciency is crucial in different aspects of childrens
present and future life, ranging from occupational
opportunities to self-esteem. Therefore, greater care
should be taken to precociously detect and treat not
only deciencies in cognitive math precursors, as tra-
ditional approaches do, but also negative affective con-
ditions such as anxiety.
This necessity is corroborated by the limited but
interesting data on interventions aimed at increasing
math performance through the reduction of math
anxiety, even in children with math disabilities (see
Furner & Duffy, 2002). Students can be provided with
simple self-instruction strategies to handle their
anxiety, but teachers can also adopt simple strategies,
such as creating a serene learning atmosphere, and
appraising an achieved goal rather than emphasising
failure. Students should not be disparaged in the face
of an error, which should be considered as just a
normal step along the path leading to successful learn-
ing (for recommendations and suggestions, see Furner
& Duffy, 2002).
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the authors.
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2014 from the University of Trieste to M.C. Passolunghi.
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