Evaluating Diversity in Automatic Poetry Generation
Yanran Chen
, Hannes Gröner
, Sina Zarrieß
, Steffen Eger
NLLG, University of Mannheim;
Computational Linguistics, Bielefeld University
Natural Language Generation (NLG), and more
generally generative AI, are among the cur-
rently most impactful research fields. Creative
NLG, such as automatic poetry generation, is a
fascinating niche in this area. While most previ-
ous research has focused on forms of the Turing
test when evaluating automatic poetry genera-
tion — can humans distinguish between auto-
matic and human generated poetry — we evalu-
ate the diversity of automatically generated po-
etry, by comparing distributions of generated
poetry to distributions of human poetry along
structural, lexical, semantic and stylistic dimen-
sions, assessing different model types (word
vs. character-level, general purpose LLMs vs.
poetry-specific models), including the very re-
cent LLaMA3, and types of fine-tuning (condi-
tioned vs. unconditioned). We find that current
automatic poetry systems are considerably un-
derdiverse along multiple dimensions — they
often do not rhyme sufficiently, are semanti-
cally too uniform and even do not match the
length distribution of human poetry. Our exper-
iments reveal, however, that style-conditioning
and character-level modeling clearly increases
diversity across virtually all dimensions we ex-
plore. Our identified limitations may serve as
the basis for more genuinely diverse future po-
etry generation models.
1 Introduction
A key aspect of creative language generation is the
ability to create new, original and interesting text,
cf. (Colton et al., 2012; Gatt and Krahmer, 2018;
Yi et al., 2020; Elgammal et al., 2017). To date, ex-
tremely little attention has been given to the eval-
uation of originality and creativity in recent cre-
ative text generation models such as those for auto-
matic poetry generation, despite renewed interest
in the context of recent LLMs (Franceschelli and
Musolesi, 2023). In fact, existing automatic poetry
Code + data:
generation models are typically not evaluated re-
garding how different generated poems are from
existing poems in the training set but with the Tur-
ing test: can humans distinguish whether a poem is
human authored or automatically generated (Hop-
kins and Kiela, 2017; Lau et al., 2018; Manjavacas
et al., 2019)? However, this form of Turing test and
other similar forms of human evaluation may con-
tain an overlooked risk of failure: namely, if the au-
tomatically generated instances are (near-)copies
of training data instances.
In this work, we fill this gap and evaluate, for
the first time, automatic poetry generation systems
for their diversity. As human evaluation is gener-
ally not well suited to assess diversity (Hashimoto
et al., 2019), we automatically measure diversity
by comparing distributions of generated and ex-
isting poems along formal, semantic and stylistic
dimensions. This yields much better evidence of
the models’ creative capabilities in contrast to be-
ing mere ‘stochastic parrots’.
Our main contributions are: (i) we conceptualize
diversity of poetry generation systems along dif-
ferent dimensions: diversity on the structural (e.g.,
length), stylistic (e.g., rhyming), lexical and se-
mantic level; (ii) we assess different types of auto-
matic poetry generation systems for diversity: gen-
eral purpose word- and character-level LLMs, both
unconditioned and style-conditioned ones, on the
one hand, and poetry-specific models, on the other
hand; (iii) we evaluate each class of model for di-
versity across the different dimensions, by compar-
ing the distribution of the human authored train-
ing data set to the distribution of generated poems.
We find that on a distributional level, generated po-
ems are considerably different from human ones.
Character-level style-conditioned general-purpose
LLMs are most diverse.
Our work prepares the groundwork for truly
creative generative AI models (Veale and Pérez y
Pérez, 2020) and also has implications for the de-
arXiv:2406.15267v1 [cs.CL] 21 Jun 2024
tection of generative AI (Sadasivan et al., 2023).
2 Related Work
Our work connects to research on diversity and au-
tomatic poetry generation, which we now discuss.
Diversity Building systems able to generate di-
verse output has been a long-standing concern
in NLG research (Reiter and Sripada, 2002; van
Deemter et al., 2005; Foster and White, 2007) and
remains a central issue in neural NLG (Holtzman
et al., 2019). The need for careful analysis of NLG
systems’ diversity – beyond an assessment of the
quality or fluency of single-best generation outputs
– has been widely acknowledged (Gatt and Krah-
mer, 2018; Hashimoto et al., 2019; Mahamood and
Zembrzuski, 2019; Celikyilmaz et al., 2020; Tevet
and Berant, 2021; Schüz et al., 2021). A well-
known finding from this line of research is that neu-
ral NLG systems typically face a quality-diversity
trade-off (Ippolito et al., 2019; Caccia et al., 2020;
Wiher et al., 2022): their outputs are either well-
formed and fluent or diverse and variable.
Work on evaluating diversity of NLG typically
uses automatic metrics that quantify to what ex-
tent different outputs by the same system vary
(Hashimoto et al., 2019). In practice, though, eval-
uations of diversity in NLG differ widely across
tasks (Tevet and Berant, 2021) and even adopt dif-
ferent notions of diversity (Zarrieß et al., 2021).
At the same time, most of these notions focus on
lexical or semantic aspects of diversity, e.g., lo-
cal lexical diversity. For instance, Ippolito et al.
(2019) compare decoding methods in dialogue
generation and image captioning, assessing lexical
overlaps in
-best NLG outputs for the same input.
Chakrabarty et al. (2022) simply measure the local
lexical diversity in automatic generated poems in
terms of distinct unigrams. Global lexical diver-
sity, on the other hand, measures whether the NLG
system generates different outputs for different
inputs. For instance, van Miltenburg et al. (2018)
define the global diversity of image captioning sys-
tems as their ability to generate different captions
for a set of inputs, using metrics like the number
of types in the output vocabulary, type-token ratio,
and the percentage of novel descriptions. Similarly,
Hashimoto et al. (2019) view diversity as related
to the model’s ability to generalize beyond the
training set, i.e., generate novel sentences.
Besides lexical diversity, work on open-ended or
creative text generation tasks has been interested in
diversity at a more general semantic level. For in-
stance, Zhang et al. (2018) and Stasaski and Hearst
(2022) aim at building dialogue systems that gener-
ate entertaining and semantically diverse responses
in chit-chat dialog. Here, semantic diversity has
been measured, e.g., with the help of embedding-
based similarity (Du and Black, 2019).
In our work on diversity in poetry generation,
we complement both lexical and semantic aspects
of diversity with aspects of formal diversity. We
thus explore whether automatic poetry generation
systems are able to capture the ‘full bandwidth’ of
realizations of poetry found in the data distribution
with which they have been trained, focusing mostly
on global diversity.
Poetry generation Automatic poetry generation
is a long standing dream of AI research, dating
back at least to the mid 20th century (e.g., Theo
Lutz’ Stochastische Texte). While early modern
systems were heavily hand-engineered (Gervás,
2001), more recent approaches are all trained on
collections of human poetry (Lau et al., 2018; Jham-
tani et al., 2019; Agarwal and Kann, 2020) but still
extensively utilize human guidance e.g. to enforce
formal characteristics of poetry such as rhyming
(Wöckener et al., 2021). Belouadi and Eger (2023)
have recently released a character-level decoder-
only LLM (ByGPT5) capable of learning style-
constraints such as rhyming without human involve-
ment in model design. Chakrabarty et al. (2022)
propose a collaborative system for poetry, which
can follow human instructions to write poems.
They measure creativity of the generated poems via
crowd workers, who decide which of two poems
is more creative. While Chakrabarty et al. (2022)
do not define creativity, it could be considered as
generating novel poems outside the training data
set; in contrast, we measure diversity by assessing
whether poetry generation systems generate out-
puts that are as diverse as their human training data.
In our work, we explore varying poetry genera-
tion models with regard to diversity: poetry-specific
models that use hand-engineered architectures as
well as general purpose LLMs, including ByGPT5.
3 Diversity in Poetry Generation
We first conceptualize diversity in poetry genera-
tion using formal and semantic criteria.
Memorization. In poetry, as in other forms of
art, creativity (Sternberg, 1999) plays a central role.
A basic aspect of creativity is the models’ ability to
generate poems that are different from the training
data, i.e. have not been memorized as a whole. To
examine memorization, we proceed as in Belouadi
and Eger (2023). We apply the Ratcliff-Obershelp
similarity (Ratcliff et al., 1988) to compare each
poem in a sample with poems in the training corpus.
If a generated quatrain exhibits a similarity score of
0.7 with a quatrain in the training data, we clas-
sify it as memorized. A quatrain can be divided into
4 verses or 2 couplets; thus, we also inspect mem-
orization at the verse and couplet levels by compar-
ing each verse or couplet in a sample to those in the
training data. Higher thresholds for classification
are used for these finer-grained comparison lev-
els, as shorter texts have higher chances of being
more similar in general. Specifically, a verse with
a similarity score
0.9 or a couplet
0.8 is consid-
ered as memorized. We define the memorization
score of a sample as the proportion of memorized
quatrains in that sample. How much LLMs mem-
orize from their training data has been a question
of central concern recently (McCoy et al., 2023).
Poem length. Within a sample of generated po-
ems, we consider differences at the level of poem
length, i.e., their number of tokens, as a basic as-
pect of diversity at the formal or structural level.
We analyze to what extent the length distribution of
generated poems differs from the distribution in the
training data. We define the length of a quatrain as
the number of tokens contained: we eliminate all
punctuation symbols and split the remaining text
by white space. We report mean length, standard
deviation, minimal and maximal length of samples.
We additionally deploy distance measures between
training data distribution and generated samples, in
particular, a metric called histogram intersection
(Swain and Ballard, 1991), which measures the in-
tersection area of two normalized histograms (and
therefore returns values between 0 and 1).
Rhyme patterns. As a more complex dimension
of formal diversity, we consider rhyming as a cen-
tral aspect that characterizes the structure of a poem.
Diversity can then be assessed by comparing rhyme
distributions between generated samples and train-
ing data. In order to classify rhymes in our sam-
ples, we use the same classifier used to annotate
QuaTrain (Belouadi and Eger, 2023). We distin-
guish between true rhymes, which involve differ-
ent words, and repetitions, which refer to rhymes
based on the same word.
Lexical diversity. Lexical diversity is a standard
aspect of diversity evaluation in NLG and is used to
QuaTrain SonNet QuaTrain SonNet
Train 253,843 72,526 181,670 51,905
Dev 28,205 8,058 20,186 5,767
Total 282,048 80,584 201,856 57,672
Table 1: Number of quatrains/sonnets in our datasets.
assess how generation outputs vary in their vocabu-
lary, either at the local text level or at the global cor-
pus level. We use the following metrics to measure
the lexical diversity for both the training data and
the generated samples: (i) Averaged type token
ratio (ATTR). We calculate ATTR as the average
of all type token ratios (Richards, 1987) (TTRs) for
each quatrain in a sample, i.e. as a measure of local
lexical diversity. (ii) Moving average type token
ratio (MATTR). The MATTR (Covington and Mc-
Fall, 2010) acts on the corpus level and calculates
a moving average by sliding through the corpus us-
ing a window of fixed size. We deploy this metric
as a measure of global lexical diversity. (iii) Mea-
sure of textual, lexical diversity (MTLD). The
MTLD (McCarthy, 2005) is calculated as the aver-
age length of a substring that maintains a specified
TTR level. MTLD is deployed to measure lexical
diversity on a global scale.
Semantic diversity. Even if a poetry genera-
tion system does not directly copy data from the
training data, the generated poems may still be
semantically very similar to the training data dis-
tribution. We employ a multilingual distilled ver-
sion of Sentence-BERT (SBERT) (Reimers and
Gurevych, 2019) as dense vector representations
to measure semantic similarity between poems: (i)
across the human train set and the generated po-
ems, (ii) within human and generated poems. In
particular, for each generated quatrain, we note
down the similarity value of the most similar hu-
man quatrain, then report the average over all those
maximum similarity values. We proceed analo-
gously within the human training data and within
the automatically generated poems.
4 Experiment Setup
Data We use the QuaTrain dataset published by
Belouadi and Eger (2023), which consists of En-
glish and German quatrains from different publicly
available poetry datasets. The dataset contains
human written quatrains but mixes them synthet-
ically: every sequence of four consecutive lines
Class Model Smaller Larger Lang
DeepSpeare - - de/en
SA - - de/en
/ Conditioned
ByGPT5 140m 290m de/en
GPT2 117m 774m de/en
GPTNeo 125m 1.3b en
LLaMA2 7b 13b de/en
LLaMA3 8b de/en
Table 2: Models used in this work. The ‘Smaller’ and
‘Larger’ columns display the sizes of the models consid-
ered. The ‘Lang’ column indicates for which languages
the models were trained.
from the underlying human data are included in or-
der to increase dataset size. Besides, it is automat-
ically annotated for meter and rhyme using high-
quality classifers (especially for rhyme). Because
our focus lies on the diversity of model outputs, we
have to avoid repetitions in the training data created
by the data augmentation methods used in its cre-
ation. To avoid lines appearing multiple times, we
first parse the dataset sequentially, eliminating qua-
trains that overlap the preceding one. Because this
method does not eliminate all overlaps, we then
use a heuristic, deleting the ten percent of the qua-
trains which have the biggest overlap with other
quatrains until there is no overlap remaining. We
refer to the resulting dataset (again) as QuaTrain.
QuaTrain is split into train and dev sets using a
ratio of 9:1; we do not keep a test set since no held-
out human data is needed for generation or evalu-
ation. Further, as some models used in this work
are designed to process sonnets and/or limerick
data, we create pseudo sonnets for them, denoted
. Specifically, for each sonnet, we ran-
domly draw three quatrains and one couplet from
the corresponding data split of
, ensuring
that each comes from a different original quatrain.
Table 1 provides the data sizes.
Models We use 2 different model classes:
Poetry-specific Models: We select two models
that integrate LSTM language models with ad-
ditional components to generate quatrains with
rhymes. DeepSpeare (Lau et al., 2018) utilizes
a pentameter model to learn iambic meter and
a rhyme model to distinguish between rhyming
and non-rhyming words. Structured Adversary
(SA) (Jhamtani et al., 2019) learns to rhyme in an
adversarial setup, where a language model aims
to generate poems misclassified by the discrim-
inator, while a discriminator is trained to differ-
entiate between generated and real poems. Both
models can take sonnets as input during training
and output quatrains during inference. For more
detailed model descriptions, see Appendix A.1.
General Purpose LLMs: We consider several
decoder-only transformer-based models, encom-
passing both (sub)word- and character-level mod-
els, as well as older and very recent models.
We choose two model families from the GPT
series, GPT2 (Radford et al., 2019) and GPT-
Neo (Black et al., 2022) (a replicated version of
GPT3 by EleutherAI
), two from the LLaMA
series, LLaMA2 (Touvron et al., 2023) and
LLaMA3 (AI@Meta, 2024), and the character-
level ByGPT5 (Belouadi and Eger, 2023). Except
for LLaMA3, we consider one smaller and one
larger variant within each model family based on
model size. We train each model in both uncon-
ditioned and conditioned manners, with rhymes
and meters exposed during training in the latter
case. We encode styles with special tokens dur-
ing training and allow the models to predict the
styles autonomously during inference. For all
LLMs, we employ consistent decoding strate-
gies for generation: we use the default settings
of the LLaMA2 chat models on Hugging Face
but limit the number of newly generated tokens
to 100 for the word-level models and 300 for the
character-level ByGPT5 models.
We end up with a total of 36 models for Ger-
man and English, categorized into three groups: 1)
poetry specific LSTM-based models, 2) uncondi-
tioned LLMs, and 3) conditioned LLMs, as sum-
marized in Table 2.
is used for training 1),
is used for 2) and 3), separately
for each language. We train all models using early
stopping based on the perplexity/loss observed in
the dev sets (details see Appendix A.2), as overfit-
ting may negatively bias certain metrics like mem-
orization rates. To distinguish between the differ-
ent sizes and training manners of the LLMs, we
use the following notation: a subscript of S/L indi-
cates whether it is a smaller/larger version, and a
superscript of “con” stands for conditioned train-
ing. E.g., GPT2
and GPT2
represent the uncon-
ditioned and conditioned trained GPT2 small mod-
els, respectively.
verse couplet verse couplet
DeepSpeare 0.83% 0.83%
SA 0.40% 0.10%
1.23% 0.93%
6.85% 0.10% 3.90% 0.10%
0.10% 4.03%
- 5.60%
- 4.73% 0.10%
4.65% 3.45%
LLaMA3 3.60% 2.88% 0.05%
0.68% 0.75%
4.38% 0.15%
0.10% 2.03%
- 3.88%
- 3.50%
0.70% 0.55%
2.33% 1.65%
Table 3: Verse- and Couplet-level memorization rates
(lower rates are better). Only non-zero entries are dis-
played. We underline the higher ones between the same
models with different training methods, and mark those
between the same models of varying sizes with
. The
best results in each dimension are bold.
5 Evaluation
From each model, we randomly draw 1000 gen-
erated poems. Whenever we do a direct compari-
son between training and generated data (e.g. when
comparing lexical diversity), we randomly draw 10
samples of size 1000 (matching the sample size)
from the train set and use mean results as repre-
sentatives. We deploy this strategy to mitigate the
large discrepancy in size between human data and
generated poems.
We first investigate structural properties of the
generated poems (repetition of instances on a sur-
face level, length distributions, rhyming), then con-
sider lexical and semantic properties. After dis-
cussing each dimension of diversity, we provide
a brief summary that generalizes across different
model classes (e.g., poetry-specific vs. style condi-
tioned vs. unconditioned, character- vs. word-level,
larger vs. smaller). These summaries are based on
Table 6 in the appendix.
Memorization Table 3 showcases the couplet-
and verse level memorization rates. Since all mod-
els exhibit zero memorization rates on quatrain-
level, we omit them in the table.
Considering couplet-level memorization, 23 out
of 36 models show zero memorization, while 13
models display scores between 0.05% and 0.15%.
The poetry-specific models, SA and DeepSpeare, as
well as the character-level ByGPT5 models, exhibit
no memorization; in contrast, GPT2 and GPTNeo
models show the highest rates on average (up to
0.15% for German and 0.10% for English). When
comparing models of the same architecture and
training methods but varying sizes, differences are
found in 6 out of 14 cases. In 5 cases, larger mod-
els have 0.05%-0.10% higher absolute memoriza-
tion scores than their smaller counterparts (the Ger-
man GPT2
and LLaMA2
models, and the
English GPT2
, GPTNeo
, LLaMA2 models);
the only exception is the English GPTNeo models,
where the smaller one has a 0.05% higher memo-
rization rate. On the other hand, conditioned mod-
els mostly outperform their unconditioned counter-
parts: in 4 out of 6 cases where discrepancies in
memorization rates exist, the conditioned ones ex-
hibit lower memorization rates, with absolute de-
clines of 0.05%-0.10%.
In the verse-level evaluation, the poetry-specific
models perform best overall (0.4%-0.83% for Ger-
man and 0.1%-0.83% for English), followed by
the ByGPT5 models (0.68%-1.3% for German and
0.58%-1.23% for English). SA is the best individ-
ual model, obtaining memorization rates of 0.4%
for German and 0.1% for English. Again, GPT2 is
worst for German, exhibiting memorization rates
of 4.38%-8.7%, whereas, for English, GPTNeo ex-
hibits the highest rates, ranging from 3.5%-5.6%.
Concerning different model sizes, we again see that
larger models memorize more than their smaller
counterparts: in 9 out of 14 cases, larger models
show higher memorization rates, with an average
absolute increase of 0.15%. Here, each conditioned
model exhibits a strictly lower memorization rate
compared to its unconditioned counterpart, with
an absolute decrease of 1.47% on average.
Overall: (1) No models exhibit severe memo-
rization issues, such as copying entire poems or
large portions of poem snippets from the training
data. In terms of memorization, (2) among model
groups, the poetry-specific and character-level mod-
els are more diverse; SA is the best individual one.
(3) Larger models are less diverse compared to their
smaller versions. (4) Conditional training enhances
model diversity.
Length Table 7 (appendix) reports statistics on
the length of poems, both human and automati-
cally generated. The mean length of human writ-
(a) Human (b) SA (c) GPTNeo
Figure 1: Length distribution of human poems (left), SA (middle) and GPTNeo
(right) for English.
ten poems is 28 in English and 24 in German. His-
togram intersection values between samples gen-
erated by the models and the human written data
range from 0.61 to 0.88 in German (LLaMA2
SA) and from 0.48 to 0.92 in English (GPTNeo
and SA). While the SA models fit the distribution of
the human written poems the best, the character-
level ByGPT5 models also perform well consis-
tently with histogram intersection values between
0.77 and 0.85. The poems generated by German
and English GPTNeo
are too short and
not diverse enough (in terms of standard devia-
tion). The poetry-specific DeepSpeare models do
not match the human distribution very well either,
with intersection values of 0.63 and 0.57 for Ger-
man and English, respectively. Here, too, poem
lengths are too short and not diverse enough. Con-
ditioned models seem to fit the training data better
across the board, the only exceptions being Ger-
man ByGPT5
and English LLaMA2
. Figure 1 il-
lustrates the length distribution of human written
poems, SA and GPTNeo
for English.
Overall, regarding the alignment with human
distributions: (1) Character-level ByGPT5 models
generally align best with human data, followed by
poetry-specific models; nevertheless, the poetry-
specific SA is the top individual model. (2) Style-
conditional models outperform the unconditioned
trained ones. (3) Smaller models demonstrate a
better fit than the larger ones.
Rhyme Figures 2 (a) and 3 (a) show the dis-
tributions of rhyme schemes in our human train-
ing datasets for German and English, respectively.
For both languages, less than 15% of all quatrains
in training do not rhyme at all (rhyme scheme
ABCD). Excluding ABCD, the top 3 dominant
rhyme schemes by appearance are ABAB, AABB
and ABCB for both datasets, with a total share of
approximately 60% in each language. German has
a higher proportion of ABAB (above 35%), while
English has ABAB and AABB in roughly equal
proportions (25%). Table 8 (appendix) reports the
entropy of all rhyme distributions and the distance
between the human distribution and model distribu-
tions, measured in KL divergence. The best, worst
and an average model, in terms of KL divergence,
are shown in Figures 2 and 3.
Poetry-specific models: Figure 4 (appendix)
shows the distributional plots for DeepSpeare and
SA. We observe that DeepSpeare has a very low ra-
tio of ABCD, considerably lower than human po-
ems (less than 5% for both languages). The three
dominating patterns are AABB, ABAB, and ABBA
which (only) partially agrees with the dominating
patterns in the human data. Nonetheless, DeepS-
peare has the best fit of all models in terms of KL
divergence, ranking first for German and second
for English. SA has a much worse fit and produces
considerably too many ABCD patterns (close to or
above 30% in both languages). It has one of the
worst fits to the human rhyme distributions across
all models.
Figures 5 and 6 (appendix) show the distribu-
tions of rhyme patterns for unconditioned LLMs.
Except for LLaMA3, all models of this kind have a
high distribution of ABCD and consequently a high
likelihood of producing non-rhyming poems. Thus,
they have the worst fit to the human distribution,
on average, among all model classes considered.
Style-conditioned LLMs are shown in Figures
7 and 8 (appendix). In general, this model class
matches the human distribution closest in terms of
KL divergence. However, no model produces a
lot of AABB rhyme pattern which abound in our
human training data. Across all models in this class,
the fit to the human data is still mediocre at best.
(a) Human (b) Best: DeepSpeare (c) Worst: SA (d) Avg: LLaMA3
Figure 2: Distribution of rhyme schemes in (a) the human data, and the samples from the (b) best, (c) worst, and (d)
average models based on their KL divergence from the human distribution for German.
(a) Human (b) Best: GPTNeo
(c) Worst: GPTNeo
(d) Avg: GPT2
Figure 3: Distribution of rhyme schemes in (a) the human data, and the samples from the (b) best, (c) worst, and (d)
average models based on their KL divergence from the human distribution for English.
Overall, most models have clearly higher
ABCD rhyming schemes than the human data, thus
are underdiverse concerning rhyming. (1) Condi-
tioned models very clearly outperform uncondi-
tioned models and (2) character-level and poetry-
specifc models are clearly better than word-level
models in terms of matching the human rhyme
distribution. (3) There is no clear size effect.
Lexical Diversity. Table 4 shows the lexical di-
versity results for English and German. For local
diversity (ATTR), most of the models are close to
the diversity in human-written poems, with the tra-
ditional models (DeepSpeare, SA) and the LLaMA
exceeding the ATTR values of human-written po-
ems. For German, the least locally diverse poems
are generated by GPT2
, in the un/conditioned case,
respectively. For English, the least locally diverse
models is GPTNeo
, in the un/conditioned case, re-
spectively. The global diversity metrics (MATTR,
MTLD) show different trends than ATTR, though.
The MATTR metric suggests that most models do
not generally achieve the level of diversity found
in human poems: in English, only SA matches and
slightly exceeds human diversity, in German, only
the LLaMA2
and LLaMA3
model exceeds hu-
man diversity. According to the MTLD metric, all
models generate severely under-diverse output at
the sample level. Here, the best model in English
and German is SA, but even SA does not come close
to the human level of global diversity. According
to MTLD, style-conditioned LLMs consistently out-
perform their non-conditioned counterparts, with
the English LlaMA2 models being the only excep-
tions here. Moreover, we observe that model size
affects all three lexical diversity metrics, whereby
larger models are more diverse than their smaller
counterparts. The effect of size is most pronounced
for GPT2, where ATTR, MATTR and MTLD sub-
stantially improve from the small to the larger
model variant. Generally, the MTLD results sug-
gest more pronounced differences between models
as well as humans and models than MATTR.
Overall, in terms of lexical diversity, (1) neu-
ral models match human performance at the local
level but fall short at the global level. (2) Poetry-
specific models outperform other model classes,
while character-level LLMs are most deficient (ex-
cept for MTLD). (3) Conditional training is benefi-
cial. (4) Larger models perform better.
Semantic Similarity Table 5 presents results for
the semantic (cosine) similarity of quatrains: (i)
within human and model-generated samples, and
(ii) across generated samples and the human data.
None of the models generates a sample of poems
Model ATTR (%) MATTR (%) MTLD
HUMAN 91.6 / 87.7 90.6 / 87.3 283.1 / 183.4
DeepSpeare 92.6 / 89.1 87.9 / 84.8 110.0 / 89.7
SA 93.0 / 88.9 91.0 / 87.8 215.6 / 162.2
89.7 / 81.5 86.9 / 79.7 135.4 / 66.5
91.2 / 82.5 88.1 / 80.5 151.6 / 69.9
86.2 / 79.4 81.2 / 76.4 64.1 / 46.0
94.2 / 87.6 89.5 / 83.5 131.8 / 81.6
- / 78.3 - / 74.9 - / 40.1
- / 86.8 - / 81.3 - / 61.7
92.8 / 89.6 87.7 / 86.8 120.7 / 106.8
94.8 / 90.2 90.2 / 85.7 150.1 / 96.0
LLaMA3 94.4 / 92.7 89.3 / 87.4 128.0 / 108.1
92.2 / 85.1 89.5 / 83.1 187.1 / 94.6
93.0 / 85.9 90.0 / 83.9 192.6 / 102.5
89.2 / 84.0 84.2 / 81.9 82.0 / 70.3
94.2 / 88.0 90.0 / 85.3 137.4 / 90.7
- / 83.1 - / 80.2 - / 61.2
- / 87.0 - / 82.1 - / 69.4
91.1 / 90.0 86.8 / 88.2 104.4 / 109.3
91.9 / 90.8 86.5 / 87.2 100.2 / 101.0
93.5 / 91.7 89.1 / 88.3 128.5 / 116.3
Table 4: Lexical diversity metrics for German (first
entry) and English (second entry) models. Best results
in each dimension are underlined; best among models
are in bold.
with a within-sample diversity as low as the hu-
man with-sample diversity. SA is the model that
achieves the lowest within-sample similarity and
the lowest across-sample similarity.
Overall, (1) poetry-specific models are most di-
verse regarding semantic similarity and word-level
models are least diverse; (2) style-conditioning
makes models slightly more diverse semantically;
(3) larger models are also slightly more diverse.
Which is the most diverse model? We have
seen that unconditioned LLMs exhibit poor results
across various dimensions of diversity: they often
do not rhyme, are lexically underdiverse and do
not show sufficient semantic variation. However,
character-level models are more diverse than word
level models. Style-conditioned models perform
better regarding memorization, rhyming, and lexi-
cal variation, while deviating less from human po-
ems according to the distribution match of length
and rhymes. On the other hand, larger LLMs often
outperform their smaller counterparts in semantic
and lexical diversity, but they also tend to memo-
rize more from the training data. Character-level
style-conditioned LLMs produce overall best di-
versity results and do not deteriorate as a function
of model/training data size. In Appendix A.3, we
calculate the average ranks of the models across
all 5 dimensions, finding that indeed, for both lan-
Model Within (%) Across (%)
HUMAN 55.0 / 48.2 -
DeepSpeare 59.5 / 52.2 67.8 / 60.8
SA 55.8 / 49.6 65.9 / 59.4
58.4 / 53.2 68.1 / 61.5
58.2 / 52.7 67.9 / 61.6
64.5 / 59.5 69.3 / 63.9
63.6 / 57.6 70.1 / 63.3
- / 62.2 - / 63.8
- / 60.9 - / 63.9
61.0 / 59.4 68.5 / 64.2
62.3 / 58.0 68.9 / 62.9
LLaMA3 61.2 / 58.4 69.1 / 63.8
58.4 / 52.2 67.7 / 60.8
57.9 / 50.9 67.6 / 60.3
64.3 / 59.2 70.1 / 64.3
62.6 / 57.4 69.7 / 63.1
- / 58.9 - / 64.0
- / 60.3 - / 62.9
66.9 / 57.3 69.3 / 64.0
63.3 / 58.5 69.5 / 62.9
59.6 / 58.2 68.0 / 62.3
Table 5: Average maximum semantic similarity values
for German (first entry) and English (second entry):
(i) within models including the training data (left) and
(ii) across models and humans (middle). We bold the
best result in each dimension (Lower similarity means
higher/better diversity).
guages, the conditioned trained ByGPT5 models
perform overall best among all models, ranking as
the first and second places for German and the first
and third places for English. In terms of diversity,
poetry-specific SA and DeepSpeare overall lag only
slightly behind character-level LLMs but require
more modeling effort from human experts (e.g.,
in developing rhyming components). The largest
word-level LLMs explored in this work, LLaMA2
and LLaMA3, generally perform best among the
word-level models; however, they do not exhibit su-
periority over the style-conditioned character-level
models and poetry-specific models as well.
We also compute Pearson’s correlations between
ranks for different dimensions. For German, the
highest correlation is between semantic diversity
and memorization (0.842), followed by the two
moderate to high correlations: 0.526 (semantic vs.
lexical) and 0.518 (memorization vs. rhyme). Two
pairs show moderate correlations: 0.480 (semantics
vs. length) and 0.404 (memorization vs. rhyme).
The remaining pairs exhibit weak positive or neg-
ative correlations, with absolute values between
0.051 and 0.228. For English, no pairs exhibit high
correlations. Two pairs show moderate to high cor-
relations: 0.628 and 0.635 (memorization vs. se-
mantics/length). Three pairs demonstrate moderate
correlations, ranging from 0.307 to 0.357 (seman-
tics vs. lexical/length and memorization vs. length).
The others show weak correlations, with absolute
values between 0.024 and 0.267. Concretely, these
sometimes low correlations are mirrored in the dif-
ferent ranks models have across different dimen-
sions: for example, SA is almost as diverse as
the human training data regarding semantics and
length, but provides one of the worst fits regarding
rhyming. This indicates that most current models
face a tradeoff for different diversity dimensions.
6 Conclusion
Our work is the first and most comprehensive auto-
matic evaluation of poetry diversity, yielding sev-
eral interesting observations: for example, we find
that style-conditioning enhances virtually all mea-
sures of diversity and that character-level modeling
also increases diversity, including reducing mem-
orization. Our evaluations also shed light on the
fact that none of the state-of-the-art poetry genera-
tors is able to match the level of diversity in human
poems. Thus, we find overall that an automatic as-
sessment of the diversity of generated poems cov-
ers an important blind spot of existing studies. Fu-
ture work should aim for more diverse automatic
poetry generation systems as a prerequisite of gen-
eral computational creativity.
Our work evaluates a range of existing state-of-the-
art approaches, such as poetry-specific models like
Deepspeare or pretrained LLMs. These models dif-
fer in various ways, with respect to their architec-
ture, training scheme, pretraining, and the type of
data they expect during training and/or finetuning.
In light of these differences, it is difficult to isolate
exactly how different aspects of a poetry generator
impact on the diversity of its outputs. While our
work investigated the influence of the model archi-
tecture on a high level (character vs. word), further
aspects — and in particular pre-training — may be
worth investigating in future work.
Due to the hardware constraints and time limi-
tations, we did not run experiments multiple times
to take the averages or optimize the training hyper-
parameters, which may have introduced a degree
of randomness in our results. For example, in
our initial experiments, we trained GPT2 models
with a slightly different setting. Compared to the
GPT2 models we mainly reported, these models
behave slightly differently. E.g., they exhibit better
lexical diversity, as shown by an increase in ATTR
from 0.87 to 0.89, MATTR from 0.84 to 0.86, and
MTLD from 88 to 101 on average. Similarly, they
are also more diverse according to the semantic sim-
ilarity metrics, which are on average
lower. In contrast, these models perform worse in
rhyming; they have a
10% lower chance of pro-
ducing rhymed quatrains, and their rhyme distri-
butions are more distant from human distributions
(0.27 higher KL divergence). Despite these differ-
ences, our findings are generally robust as we re-
port averages over model classes in our analysis.
Further, we note that our trained LLMs occasion-
ally do not generate texts in the form of a quatrain
(i.e., 4 verses). These outputs were excluded from
the analysis, though such cases are rare (1.5% on
Ethics Statement
All the datasets, models and code used in this work
are publicly available or will be made available
upon publication. We have not collected private or
sensitive data and have only used language models
with free access, such that our experiments can be
fully replicated by anyone.
Generally, our work is concerned with the eval-
uation of NLG systems; evaluation methods and
evaluation metrics (Zhao et al., 2019; Zhang et al.,
2020; Peyrard et al., 2021; Yuan et al., 2021; Chen
et al., 2022; Chen and Eger, 2023; Leiter et al.,
2023) are a well-known and notorious issue in this
research field. While a lot of recent work has aimed
at improving common practices in human evalu-
ation (Belz et al., 2023) or advancing the study
of metrics for quality or fluency of NLG outputs,
the evaluation of diversity is comparatively under-
researched. In this work, we aimed at providing a
range of metrics assessing different aspects of di-
versity, but could not cover all potentially interest-
ing ways of measuring diversity. Here, future work
could look at further aspects of formal and struc-
tural diversity (e.g. at the level of syntax, or meter),
or other aspects of semantic diversity (e.g. topi-
cal diversity, rhetorical figures). Future work could
also consider more (diverse) languages and other
genres and datasets for poetry.
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A Appendix
A.1 DeepSpeare and SA
Deepspeare (Lau et al., 2018) is specifically de-
signed for poetry generation. Its core architecture
consists of an LSTM language model, a pentameter
model (specifically designed to learn iambic me-
ter) and a rhyme model. During training, it takes
sonnets as input data (three quatrains followed by
a couplet) but ultimately processes the contained
quatrains by splitting any given sonnet. The rhyme
model processes ending words of quatrain verses
and uses a margin-based loss to discriminate be-
tween rhyming and non-rhyming words. It is not
limited to specific rhyme patterns but assumes that
rhymes exist in the data. At inference time, Deeps-
peare generates quatrains.
Structured Adversary. Like Deepspeare, Struc-
tured Adversary (SA) (Jhamtani et al., 2019) incor-
porates different components: an LSTM language
model and a discriminator used to decide whether
line endings are typical for poetry. Both compo-
nents are organized in an adversarial setup, where
the language model acts as a generator, trying to
generate poems that are misclassified by the dis-
criminator, while the discriminator is trained to dis-
tinguish generated poems from real ones. SA is
trained with sonnets as input data. At inference
time, it generates quatrains.
A.2 Training
DeepSpeare DeepSpeare (Lau et al., 2018) lever-
ages pretrained static word vectors. We use
to train our own Word2vec
embeddings (Mikolov et al., 2013) and the final
sonnet models respectively. For the sonnet model
training, we use a batch size of 128 and apply early
stopping with a patience of 5 epochs; default set-
tings are maintained for the other hyperparameters.
SA We use the same word vectors and training
data splits as for DeepSpeare. Training SA involves
1) pretraining the discriminator’s encoder using a
publicly available pronouncing dictionary ; 2) train-
ing the LM component; 3) training a final aggre-
gated model in a generative adversarial setup. We
train the discriminators with a batch size of 128, the
LMs with a batch size of 64, and the final sonnet
models with a batch size of 128; here, we also im-
plement early stopping with a patience of 5 epochs.
Style-un/conditioned LLMs We train all LLMs
for 50 epochs on our train set using the paged
AdamW optimizer with a weight decay of 0.001,
a learning rate 4e-05, a cosine learning rate de-
cay with a 3% warmup ratio, and early stopping
with patience of 5 epochs. As we run experiments
on GPUs with varying memory capacities ranging
from 12GB to 80GB, and with models that drasti-
cally differ in size. To achieve as much consistency
as possible, we either train models with a batch
size of 128 or accumulate the batches to reach a
size of 128. For LLaMA, we use 4-bit quantization
and LORA (Hu et al., 2021); the corresponding pa-
rameters are list below:
target modules: q_proj, v_proj, k_proj, o_proj,
lora alpha: 16
lora dropout: 0.05
r: 16
A.3 Evaluation Results
Table 6 reports the average statistics for different
model type aggregations.
Length Table 7 displays the length related statis-
Rhyme Table 8 shows the entropy of the rhyme
distributions in each sample as well as the distances
of the distributions to that in the human data, mea-
sured by KL divergence. Figure 3 demonstrates the
human rhyme distribution as well as the best, worst,
and an average fit distributions in terms of KL di-
vergence. Figures 4, 5/6, and 7/8 demonstrate the
rhyme distributions for the poetry specific models,
unconditioned and conditioned LLMs, respectively.
Best model We rank the models for each dimen-
sion and then average the ranks across the five di-
mensions to determine the overall rankings. For di-
mensions with multiple metrics, such as the three
memorization metrics (due to different evaluation
levels) and the three lexical metrics (measuring lo-
cal or global lexical diversity), we first rank the
models according to each metric and then average
these ranks to represent that dimension. For dimen-
sions primarily based on distributions, we use met-
rics that measure the distance/similarity of their
distributions from human data: KL divergence for
rhyme and histogram intersection for length. The
results are shown in Table 9 and 10 for German and
English respectively.
Memorization () Length () Rhyme ()
Couplet Verse Couplet Verse
Poetry-specific 0.0000 0.006 0.0000 0.0046 0.752 0.745 0.992 0.825
Character-level 0.0000 0.010 0.0000 0.0087 0.815 0.813 0.893 0.895
Word-level 0.0476 0.048 0.0005 0.0309 0.686 0.700 1.057 0.852
Unconditioned 0.0003 0.045 0.0006 0.0324 0.686 0.681 1.107 0.937
Conditioned 0.0004 0.028 0.0002 0.0194 0.760 0.769 0.913 0.785
Larger 0.0005 0.037 0.0005 0.0290 0.713 0.705 1.111 0.861
Smaller 0.0003 0.039 0.0003 0.0237 0.726 0.756 0.931 0.890
(a) Structural Properties: couplet- and verse-level memorization rates, histogram intersection of length distributions between
human and system-generated poems, and KL divergence between rhyme distributions of human and system-generated poems.
Lexical () Semantic ()
Poetry-specific 0.928 0.895 162.8 0.890 0.863 126.0 0.577 0.669 0.509 0.601
Character-level 0.915 0.886 166.7 0.837 0.818 83.4 0.582 0.678 0.522 0.610
Word-level 0.922 0.874 114.7 0.871 0.835 82.7 0.629 0.693 0.587 0.634
Unconditioned 0.919 0.875 125.9 0.854 0.818 75.2 0.613 0.688 0.580 0.632
Conditioned 0.921 0.880 133.2 0.873 0.845 90.6 0.619 0.688 0.571 0.627
Larger 0.932 0.890 143.9 0.873 0.837 84.1 0.613 0.689 0.571 0.626
Smaller 0.902 0.861 115.6 0.839 0.814 74.3 0.623 0.688 0.577 0.631
(b) Lexical and Semantic Properties: lexical diversity metrics and ‘within’/‘across’ similarity scores.
Table 6: Average metrics for different model type aggregations.
in the brackets indicate that lower/higher
values for the metrics are better, respectively. We bold the best results for each comparison.
(a) DeepSpeare (de) (b) DeepSpeare (en) (c) SA (de) (d) SA (en)
Figure 4: Distribution of rhyme schemes in the samples from DeepSpeare and SA models for German and English.
L model h m M µ σ std
de HUMAN 1.00 4 65 24.40 23 6.39
de DeepSpeare 0.63 14 30 21.69 22 2.45
de SA 0.88 10 44 24.44 24 5.36
de ByGPT5
0.84 9 43 22.11 22 4.86
de ByGPT5
0.79 9 40 21.09 21 4.59
de GPT2
0.59 9 32 19.18 19 3.54
de GPT2
0.73 13 41 21.98 22 3.55
de LLaMA2
0.57 9 31 18.84 19 3.29
de LLaMA2
0.55 9 30 18.73 19 3.17
de LLaMA3 0.74 12 40 21.39 21 3.99
de ByGPT5
0.82 11 47 22.38 22 4.98
de ByGPT5
0.81 9 45 21.78 21 5.17
de GPT2
0.70 11 37 20.68 20 3.56
de GPT2
0.79 14 45 24.14 24 4.38
de LLaMA2
0.83 12 49 24.22 23 5.41
de LLaMA2
0.62 12 34 20.18 20 2.84
de LLaMA3
0.76 10 47 21.69 21 4.14
en HUMAN 1.00 4 67 28.06 28 6.26
en DeepSpeare 0.57 15 33 23.85 24 2.85
en SA 0.92 12 52 27.36 27 5.38
en ByGPT5
0.80 12 44 25.30 25 5.09
en ByGPT5
0.77 11 47 24.97 25 4.87
en GPT2
0.69 13 55 24.11 24 4.48
en GPT2
0.72 13 56 24.74 24 4.94
en GPTNeo
0.55 11 55 22.67 22 3.89
en GPTNeo
0.48 13 34 21.93 22 3.16
en LLaMA2
0.87 15 75 28.60 27 7.52
en LLaMA2
0.67 12 54 23.95 24 4.50
en LLaMA3 0.59 14 60 23.20 23 4.23
en ByGPT5
0.85 13 42 26.21 26 4.96
en ByGPT5
0.84 14 42 25.85 25 4.84
en GPT2
0.86 17 61 28.37 27 6.18
en GPT2
0.83 16 70 27.82 27 6.15
en GPTNeo
0.74 16 49 25.13 24 4.47
en GPTNeo
0.53 12 35 22.26 22 3.36
en LLaMA2
0.70 17 74 33.55 32 7.83
en LLaMA2
0.81 15 56 26.92 26 5.80
en LLaMA3
0.78 16 65 27.12 26 5.35
Table 7: Reported statistical and distance measures regarding the length of training data and generated quatrains.
= histogram intersection score between sample and training data,
= mean length,
= median,
= standard
deviation, m = minimal length, M = maximal length.
Model Entropy KL Divergence Entropy KL Divergence
HUMAN 2.90 0.00 3.10 0.00
DeepSpeare 2.97 0.55 3.16 0.48
SA 3.14 1.43 3.22 1.17
2.89 1.23 2.92 1.08
3.13 1.09 2.91 1.13
2.86 1.26 2.97 1.06
3.16 1.13 2.99 1.03
- - 2.80 1.18
- - 3.16 0.96
2.93 1.18 3.24 0.71
3.18 1.04 3.24 0.71
LLaMA3 3.27 0.83 3.45 0.56
3.17 0.67 3.22 0.83
3.16 0.58 3.38 0.54
2.98 0.99 3.41 0.61
3.11 1.04 3.22 0.85
- - 3.43 0.45
- - 3.29 0.83
2.69 1.33 2.89 0.95
3.11 0.71 2.67 1.07
2.98 1.06 2.58 0.94
Table 8: Entropy and KL divergence of rhyme distributions. We bold the lowest and underline the highest KL
divergence from human to model distributions.
Language Model Size Conditioned semantic lexical length rhyme memorization avg_rank
de BYGPT5 L TRUE 2.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 1.7 3.1
de BYGPT5 S TRUE 3.5 6.0 4.0 2.0 1.3 3.4
de SA - - 1.0 2.7 1.0 16.0 2.0 4.5
de DS - - 5.0 10.3 12.0 1.0 1.0 5.9
de BYGPT5 S FALSE 6.0 11.0 2.0 10.0 2.7 6.3
de BYGPT5 L FALSE 4.0 8.3 6.0 13.0 3.0 6.9
de LLAMA3 - FALSE 9.5 6.3 9.0 5.0 6.0 7.2
de LLAMA3 - TRUE 6.5 7.3 8.0 9.0 5.7 7.3
de LLAMA2 S TRUE 13.5 13.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 7.5
de GPT2 L TRUE 12.5 4.7 7.0 6.0 8.3 7.7
de LLAMA2 L FALSE 9.5 2.7 16.0 12.0 5.3 9.1
de LLAMA2 S FALSE 8.0 10.0 15.0 8.0 5.0 9.2
de GPT2 L FALSE 14.0 5.7 10.0 14.0 8.7 10.5
de GPT2 S TRUE 15.0 15.0 11.0 7.0 6.3 10.9
de LLAMA2 L TRUE 12.5 13.0 13.0 15.0 8.0 12.3
de GPT2 S FALSE 13.5 16.0 14.0 11.0 7.7 12.4
Table 9: Ranking of German models for each dimension, as well as the average ranks across all dimensions.
(a) ByGPT5
(b) ByGPT5
(c) GPT2
(d) GPT2
(e) LLaMA2
(f) LLaMA2
(g) LLaMA3
Figure 5: Rhyme distribution plots for samples generated by German unconditioned large language models.
(a) ByGPT5
(b) ByGPT5
(c) GPT2
(d) GPT2
(e) GPTNeo
(f) GPTNeo
(g) LLaMA2
(h) LLaMA2
(i) LLaMA3
Figure 6: Rhyme distribution plots for samples generated by English unconditioned large language models.
(a) ByGPT5
(b) ByGPT5
(c) GPT2
(d) GPT2
(e) LLaMA2
(f) LLaMA2
(g) LLaMA3
Figure 7: Rhyme distribution plots for samples generated by German conditioned large language models.
(a) ByGPT5
(b) ByGPT5
(c) GPT2
(d) GPT2
(e) GPTNeo
(f) GPTNeo
(g) LLaMA2
(h) LLaMA2
(i) LLaMA3
Figure 8: Rhyme distribution plots for samples generated by English conditioned large language models.
Language Model Size Conditioned semantic lexical length rhyme memorization avg_rank
en BYGPT5 S TRUE 3.5 11.7 4.0 3.0 2.0 4.8
en SA - - 1.0 4.0 1.0 19.0 1.0 5.2
en BYGPT5 L TRUE 2.0 9.7 5.0 9.0 1.7 5.5
en DS - - 3.5 9.0 17.0 2.0 2.3 6.8
en LLAMA2 S FALSE 17.5 5.7 2.0 6.0 4.7 7.2
en LLAMA3 - TRUE 12.0 1.7 9.0 11.0 3.3 7.4
en GPT2 L TRUE 9.0 9.0 6.0 5.0 9.3 7.7
en LLAMA2 L TRUE 12.0 5.0 7.0 12.0 4.0 8.0
en LLAMA2 S TRUE 7.0 3.3 13.0 16.0 1.3 8.1
en LLAMA3 - FALSE 13.0 3.0 16.0 4.0 9.0 9.0
en LLAMA2 L FALSE 9.0 6.3 15.0 7.0 10.3 9.5
en GPT2 S TRUE 17.5 14.0 3.0 10.0 3.7 9.6
en BYGPT5 L FALSE 5.5 15.7 10.0 17.0 3.0 10.2
en BYGPT5 S FALSE 5.5 17.3 8.0 18.0 2.7 10.3
en GPTNEO L TRUE 13.5 13.0 19.0 1.0 10.0 11.3
en GPTNEO S TRUE 16.0 17.0 11.0 8.0 5.7 11.5
en GPT2 L FALSE 10.5 11.0 12.0 15.0 11.3 12.0
en GPT2 S FALSE 17.0 19.0 14.0 14.0 11.7 15.1
en GPTNEO S FALSE 17.5 20.0 18.0 13.0 12.0 16.1
en GPTNEO L FALSE 17.5 14.7 20.0 20.0 11.3 16.7
Table 10: Ranking of English models for each dimension, as well as the average ranks across all dimensions.