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ITEM NO: 009-60
DATE: 25 OCT2022
1.1 Title: Schedule and Associated Reports for CNO Availabilities; provide and
2.1 Standard Items
2.2 S9AA0-AB-GOS-010, General Specifications for Overhaul of Surface Ships
3.1 Develop one legible copy in Gantt Chart format of an Integrated Production Schedule
(IPS) using Critical Path Method (CPM) Network Analysis principles, tools, and practices that
reflects accurate scheduling data for each key event and milestone using automated Network
Analysis tools in accordance with the following requirements:
3.1.1 Include Key Events, Milestones, tests, and work being accomplished by
Alteration Installation Teams (AITs), Government-Contracted Third Party Maintenance
Providers, Ship's Force (S/F), Commercial Industrial Services (CISs), and Fleet Maintenance
Activities (FMAs). Alteration (ALT) numbers, Job Sequence Numbers (JSNs), and
Task Order numbers (TOs) are considered equivalent to the contractors Work Specification
Work Items for the purposes of scheduling the work of these third-party organizations in
accordance with this Standard Item. The term Work Item is inclusive of these additional methods of
identifying a body of work. When calling out the Key Events for any Work Activity, the
following KE acronyms shall be used - AC, C5ILO, DT, FC, UD, PCD, WC, and ST.
3.1.2 Schedule each Work Item to the Work Activity level, listing the planned start
and planned completion dates, and durations in full days for each Work Activity. Assign each Work Activity with the appropriate predecessor and
successor relationships within the contractor’s scheduling software that establish the logic
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relationship between schedule Work Activities. Each activity must have at least one predecessor
and one successor, with the exception of the Key Event Start Availability (which may have no
predecessors) and the Key Event Complete Availability (which may have no successors). Each
Event and Activity may have more than one predecessor and more than one successor. The
majority of relationships within the detailed schedule should be Finish-Start however, work
that is concurrent or in parallel should be scheduled as start-start or finish-finish accordingly.
The use of scheduling Lags and Leads must be minimized. Assign appropriate predecessor relationships to each Key Event
and Milestone(s) to ensure there is an accurate logical progression through all work activities
leading to their assigned Key Event and Milestone(s), ensure milestones are linked to the Key
Events they support, and ensure the IPS supports accurate prediction of Key Event and
Milestone(s) attainment. Assign appropriate predecessor and successor relationships
between the Work Activities conducted on the same component, or in the same location but
under differing Work Items, to ensure all related Work Activities across all Work Items are
interdependently linked together. Schedule Stage 2 Weight Tests and Hydrostatic Tests, and all
Stage 3 through Stage 6 required tests as Work Activities by Work Item. Include the
predecessor/successor relationships between tests, the production work, and system restoration
required to manage work-to-test progression. Test Stages are defined in Section 092 of 2.2. The use of hard constraints is limited to contractually-defined
Key Events and milestones. Each contractually-defined Key Event and Milestone will have a
constraint assigned in order to lock their date to the current contractual or government approved
date. The contractor is permitted, to include contract changes (growth,
descopes, and new work) within the integrated production schedule prior to settlement of the
associated change. All changes incorporated prior to settlement must be clearly denoted by the
word “pending” in the title, in accordance with TABLE 1. Descope activities must remain in the schedule until settlement of
the associated change. Corresponding hours and schedule logic may be removed and or updated
accordingly. In execution of the availability, the contractor may allow dates to
exceed the contract period of performance. This does not constitute government approval of a
change to the end of availability. When required by contract, the LMA will be required to lead a
Schedule Model Review (SMR). See note 4.1.31.
3.1.3 Schedule production work and preliminary inspections generating reports
required by 2.1 or the Work Item, that could result in a change in work to be accomplished or
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additional material to be procured, to support reporting no later than the first 20 percent of the
availability duration. Schedule dry dock, or dry berth for Navy boats and craft, related
inspections generating reports required by 2.1 or the Work Item to support reporting no later than
the first 20 percent of the scheduled docking or dry berth period. When the Required O&I Reports present a sequencing conflict
that would prevent one or more reports from being accomplished by the 20 percent O&I
Milestone (e.g., stability, work integration, etc.), additional milestones will be created based on
when they could be accomplished, and the lower priority conflicted Required O&I Reports will
be associated to those new milestones. (See NOTE 4.1.33)
3.1.4 Schedule production work final inspections and testing for work that has to
be completed prior to pre-flood/undocking and which generates technical data requiring
Government review to complete no later than four days prior to the scheduled undocking (when
applicable) or provide a technical justification for not meeting this requirement.
3.1.5 Develop the Schedule of Record (SOR) to serve as the “baseline” schedule, a
revised IPS at the start of the availability (A-0 day) that includes refined sequencing and
completeness as a result of completed subcontracting actions, incorporation of additional
Government Furnished Information (GFI), or any contract modifications increasing the scope of
work between contract/delivery Order award and availability start. The baseline will be
maintained to reflect contract changes (RCCs and descopes) throughout availability execution.
Deviations from contractually authorized dates will be addressed in the mitigation plan.
Mitigation measures must be formulated prior to the next weekly update of the IPS, but in no
case exceed two weekly IPS update cycles.
3.1.6 Revise Weekly IPS at the Work Activity level to include additions, deletions,
modifications, actual start and finish dates, progress, and completions. Progress must be based
on degree of completion of physical work or accomplishment of the Work Activity. Reassign Milestone and Key Event relationships for incomplete
Work Activities when the associated Milestone or Key Event has passed and the Work Activity
was authorized as an exception. All other reassignments of Milestone or Key Event relationships
must be approved by the SUPERVISOR prior to implementation in the IPS. Activities projected to finish after their assigned Key Event or
Milestone date, either by scheduling software-calculated date or by the accumulation of negative
float, must be identified and a mitigation plan must be developed. Mitigation measures must be
formulated and documented in report in accordance with 3.4 prior to the next weekly update of
the IPS, but in no case exceed two weekly IPS update cycles. When attainment of each Milestone or Key Event is projected to
finish after their planned completion dates as a result of settled contract scope, corrective action
must be taken through resource allocation, rescheduling, or other means, to restore predicted
Milestone or Key Event attainment within contractually authorized dates. Where the attainment
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of a contractually-defined Key Event or Milestone cannot be recovered by means that are within
the contractor’s control, comply with the reporting requirements of 009-01 of 2.1.
3.1.7 Include the following minimum data elements for each Work Activity in the
schedule, as appropriate. Elements listed in Table 1 are not required to be displayed in ADOBE
PDF views of submitted IPS unless otherwise directed in this Standard Item.
Table 1
Activity Data Elements and Descriptions
Data Element
Work Item Number (as
4-E specification Work Item number
Work Activity Identifier
Numerical designator identifying the Work Activity within the
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Descriptive title of Work Item and Work Activity
ICN / Task Number (as
Industrial Control Number (ICN): AIM/PSS system identifier
for naval shipyard and FMA work and for private shipyards
the unique identifier (Task Number) from AIT, Government-
Contracted Third Party Maintenance Providers, S/F, CIS,
FMA, and other maintenance providers Plan of Actions and
Milestones (POAM).
Key Event
Key Event applicable to the Work Activity (See 4.4)
Milestone (as appropriate)
Milestone applicable to the Work Activity
System (as appropriate)
System(s) affected (See 4.5)
Component (as appropriate)
Component Unit (For example: tank, valve, motor, pump)
Work location/individual tank/compartment number (See 4.6)
Executing Activity
ID specific organization: Prime KTR, Sub-KTR, FMA,
Superintendent or Zone
Responsible Contractor Superintendent or Zone Manager
Baseline Start
The Baseline start date identified on the current IPS. (See
Baseline Finish
The Baseline finish date identified on the current IPS. (See
Early Start
Software determined date (See 4.1.18)
Early Finish
Software determined date (See 4.1.19)
Late Start
Software determined date (See 4.1.20)
Late Finish
Software determined date (See 4.1.21)
Actual Start
Actual date for the Work Activity’s start
Actual Finish
Actual date for the Work Activity’s finish
Percent Complete (Planned)
Degree of completion based on the Work Activity planned
work scope and planned degree of accomplishment of
production labor. Based on the Project Baseline.
Percent Complete (Actual)
Degree of completion based on the Work Activity’s work
scope and degree of accomplishment of production labor.
The total number of work periods required to complete a
Work Activity.
Calendar Identification
Number of scheduled workdays per week
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Total Float
The total number of workdays that the Contractor can delay a
Work Activity without affecting the project finish date.
An Activity or Event that immediately precedes one or more
Activities or Events with a direct tie in the Total Project
Network. Every Activity and Event in the Total Project
Network must have at least one Predecessor (except Start
An Activity or Event that immediately follows one or more
Activities or Events with a direct tie in the Total Project
Network. Every Activity and Event in the Total Project
Network must have at least one Successor (except Complete
Constraints used as applicable to Work Item or Work
Activity. This may be provided within the predecessor or
successor field.
3.1.8 Develop an export of the IPS data elements in a sortable/filterable
spreadsheet format compatible with Microsoft Excel. The spreadsheet must include a column for
each of these elements laid out in the order presented in table one from left to right. For AIT
Installed alterations the Alt Type and Number should be entered in the Work Item Number field.
3.2 Display the IPS in a time-oriented Gantt chart format that shows only Critical Path
and Controlling Work Items at the Work Activity level and assigned Key Events and/or
3.2.1 Revise the Gantt Chart weekly in conjunction with the weekly IPS revisions
of 3.1.6.
3.3 Develop a Critical Path Network in Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) format that
displays only the Critical Path sequences of the availability with associated Key Events and
Milestones. Display Critical Path at the Work Activity level to provide visual representation of
the logic relationships between displayed Work Activities.
3.3.1 The network or any sub-network thereof may be continued on additional
3.3.2 Label each Work Item, Work Activity, Milestone, and Key Event of the
network with each Activity box on every Precedence Diagram must contain the following data
elements of 3.1.8: Work Item Number, Activity Title, Early Start Date or Actual Start Date, if
Started, Early Finish Dates or Actual Finish Date, if finished, Original Duration, Percent
Complete, Calendar Identification, and Total Float.
3.3.3 Update the project’s PDM for the 25, 50 and 75 percent points of the
3.4 Provide Schedule Analysis Reports.
3.4.1 Generate a Key Event and Milestone Analysis Report that includes the
following information for each Key Event and contractually-defined Milestone: Event Type
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(Key Event/Milestone), Title, Work Activity Identifier, Original Schedule Date, Revised
Schedule Date, Actual Completion Date, Projected Finish Date, (inclusive of accounting for
negative float), and analysis/actions. The revised schedule date and actual date of accomplishment
must be left blank on the initial submission and filled in to reflect actual conditions on
subsequent submission of the report. Revise the Key Event and Milestone Analysis Report weekly to
reflect up-to-date contract performance. Address Work Items on the Critical and Controlling
Path with negative float to Key Events and Milestones in accordance with The report
must reflect the addition, deletion, or modification of settled and pending Work Item changes.
3.4.2 Generate a Schedule Health Report that includes the following information:
Number of incomplete activities with missing logic; Finishto-Start Percentage; Number of
incomplete activities with negative float; Number of incomplete activities with high duration;
Throughput Percentage. Parameters exceeding threshold values require explanation. Submit
Schedule Health Report with the Initial IPS, SOR, and at the 25, 50, and 75 percent progress of
the availability. (See 4.1.29, for report element description and threshold values).
3.5 Provide manpower management information using Attachment A.
3.5.1 Develop a total manpower-loading curve depicting the forecasted manning
required to execute the IPS. Show scheduled manning throughout the contract period calculated
in Full Time Equivalents (FTEs). The curve must indicate that portion of the total that is
subcontractor provided. The curve must be incremented on a weekly progression. Manning values must reflect actual FTEs expended. Future
requirements must reflect weekly average FTE estimated to complete the project, scheduled
using the early start/finish dates.
3.5.2 Develop separate manpower curves showing scheduled manning by trade
throughout the contract period calculated in FTE. The curves must indicate that portion of the
total that is subcontractor provided. The curves must be incremented on a weekly progression. Manning values must reflect actual FTEs expended. Future
requirements must reflect weekly average FTE estimated to complete the project, scheduled
using the early start/finish dates.
3.5.3 Update the manpower curves of 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 weekly to accurately reflect
the actual FTE expended and any changes necessary in future weeks’ manpower requirements to
meet scheduled Milestones, Key Events and vessel delivery.
3.5.4 Develop a weekly progress report showing the availabilitys planned and
actual progress.
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FY-24 The weekly progress report must indicate the total hours, within
the 3.5.1 Manpower Loading Curve, which are attributed to work pending descope and pending
growth RCCs. This must not include unallocated LOE to completion.
3.6 Provide a representative whose function is to coordinate and schedule AIT,
Government-Contracted Third Party Maintenance Providers, S/F, CIS, and FMA work with
contractor work into the IPS.
3.6.1 The representative must meet with the SUPERVISOR, AIT, Government-
Contracted Third Party Maintenance Providers, S/F, CIS, and FMA between contract award and
A-0. Commencing at A-0, this engagement must occur daily to compare and coordinate
programmed AIT, Government-Contracted Third Party Maintenance Provider, S/F, CIS, and
FMA work with the IPS.
3.6.2 Coordinate AIT, Government-Contracted Third Party Maintenance Provider,
S/F, CIS, and FMA work integration into the IPS prior to setting the Schedule of Record (SOR).
(See 4.1.22). The representative must develop a report identifying missing or
incomplete schedule integration data for known participants in the availability when the SOR is
submitted. Identification of missing or incomplete schedule integration data is required to
highlight areas of elevated IPS uncertainty, but must not be cause for delay in establishing the
SOR nor the delivery of reports required under this Standard Item.
3.6.3 Incorporate updated progress from AIT, Government-Contracted Third Party
Maintenance Providers, S/F, CIS, FMA, and other maintenance providers into the IPS. Provide a common template in Microsoft Excel compatible
format to facilitate submission of progress updates of 3.6.3.
3.6.4 Identify, at the weekly progress meeting, schedule conflicts where
programmed AIT, Government-Contracted Third Party Maintenance Provider, S/F, CIS, and
FMA work interferes with previously scheduled contractor work.
3.6.5 Identify, at the weekly progress meeting, required AIT, Government-
Contracted Third Party Maintenance Provider, S/F, CIS, and FMA prerequisite actions necessary
to support contractor testing and equipment operation schedule.
3.7 Provide cognizant shipyard management representation to participate in the weekly
progress meeting at the time and location agreed to by the SUPERVISOR. The representative(s)
must be authorized to make management decisions relative to the routine requirements,
implementation of corrective actions for each schedule shortfall that, in good faith, commit the
contractor. Discussion will include the Schedule Analysis of 3.4 and each work item of concern.
3.8 Participate in review conferences at the 25, 50, and 75 percent points in the
availability. Data from the most recent submission in accordance with 3.9.3 will be used at the
review conferences. Review conferences will be held within 2 days of the Weekly progress
Meeting of 3.7 or, subject to SUPERVISOR approval, may be held simultaneously with the
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Weekly Progress Meeting. The conferences will be scheduled at a time and place mutually
agreeable to all parties. The contractor must:
3.8.1 Be prepared to discuss planned production manning versus actual production
manning by total, trades, and subcontractors.
3.8.2 Identify known factors that may affect Key Events, Milestones and the
contract completion. Provide recommended courses of action to resolve problem areas.
3.8.3 Provide the SUPERVISOR with the status of open and inspect reports and be
prepared to discuss possible impact of growth work in these items at the 25 percent review
3.8.4 Provide the SUPERVISOR with the following information for the 50 percent
review conference: A machinery reinstallation plan showing projected dates for
installing the equipment on the foundation, hook-up of the equipment, and operational tests of
the equipment. A valve status list showing projected completion and
reinstallation dates. A list of items required for the next Key Event and Production
Completion Date (PCD) that are not complete. Annotate those items on the list that may be in
jeopardy of completing by the next Key Event and PCD.
3.8.5 Provide the SUPERVISOR with one legible copy, in approved transferrable
media, of a test schedule for all planned underway equipment and system testing to the
SUPERVISOR to support the 75 percent review conference.
3.9 Submit the following reports as listed in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Microsoft Excel (.xls),
or Microsoft Word (.doc) compatible media as per Table 2 and Table 3:
Table 2
*.doc or *.xls
Based on
contract type
as listed in
Table 3
*.doc or *.xls
9 of 20 ITEM NO: 009-60
*.doc or *.xls
Weekly after
A-0, 24 hrs
prior to weekly
*.doc or *.xls
3 days prior to
*.doc or *.xls
3 days prior to
*.doc or *.xls
3 days prior to
Table 3
Initial IPS Schedule Submission Requirements
Firm Fixed Price Type Contract
Cost Plus Type Contract
The earlier of: 60-days after contract
award or A-7
NLT A-30 Days (Surface Ships)
NLT A-60 Days (CVNs and Submarines)
4.1 Definitions.
4.1.1 Critical Path Method: The critical path method is used to derive the critical
activities that is, activities that cannot be delayed without delaying the end date of the
program. The amount of time an activity can slip before the program’s end date is affected is
known as “total float.” Additionally, the critical path method is used for planning and executing
complex, interdependent projects that identifies the Critical Path to each Key Event and
Milestone using automated Network Analysis Tools. Unless the IPS represents the entire scope
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of effort and the effort is correctly sequenced through network logic, the scheduling software
will report an incorrect or invalid critical path. That is, the critical path will not represent the
activities affecting the program finish date. With no accurate critical path, management cannot
focus on the activities that will be detrimental to the program’s key milestones and finish date if
they slip.
4.1.2 Work Breakdown Structure: The WBS reflects how each Work Item is
broken down into Work Activities in the IPS, representing a manageable unit of work to be
accomplished at a specific period of time in relation to other Work Activities in the IPS to
complete the Availability. Typical WBS might break a Work Item down into Work Activities to
Remove a component, Repair the component, Install the Component, and Test the Component.
4.1.3 Industrial Testing: Conducted by using stages of testing for the progressive
validation of the proper installation and performance of equipment and systems. Test Stages are
identified in 009-67 of 2.1.
4.1.4 Integrated Production Schedule (IPS): A schedule used by the contractor as a
means of planning, tracking, coordinating and de-conflicting work during the availability. It
incorporates all work planned for accomplishment during the maintenance availability including;
Alteration Installation Team (AIT), Government-Contracted Third Party Maintenance Providers,
Ship's Force, Commercial Industrial Services (CIS), and Fleet Maintenance Activity (FMA)
work. An IPS connects all the scheduled work of the government and the contractor in a
network, or collection of logically linked sequences of activities. The sequences clearly show
how related portions of work depend on one another, including the relationships between the
government and contractors.
4.1.5 Work Activity: A portion of an individual Work Item, which is a logical
subdivision of the Work Item, representing a manageable unit of work which must be
accomplished at a specific period of time in relation to other Activities of the Job Order.
4.1.6 Duration: The total number of work periods (not including holidays or other
nonworking periods) required to complete a scheduled Work Activity.
4.1.7 Key Event: Specific occurrences that could impact or delay the overall
schedule, or prevent timely delivery of the vessel. Key Events are identified by the contract, the
SUPERVISOR, or the contractor.
4.1.8 Milestone: A significant event identified by the Maintenance Team.
Milestones are used as a scheduling aid and establish significant points where progress must be
evaluated and confirmed. Accumulated failure to achieve Milestones on schedule may result in
missed Key Events. Milestones may be identified by either the contractor or the SUPERVISOR.
4.1.9 Critical Path: That sequence of Work Activities which forms the work and
test chain of the longest duration, and directly affects the completion of the availability. Factors
that influence when a Work Activity is on the Critical Path include: time duration required for
the Work Activity, space limitations, manpower available, and the predecessor/successor
relationships between Work Activities. The Critical Path is determined by automated schedule
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analysis and will include any sequential set of Work Activities forming the longest chain of
events extending throughout the schedule and which has the least Total Float.
4.1.10 Controlling Work Items: Specifications in which include activities that are
on the critical path of the IPS, which, by virtue of scope, material requirements, complexity, or
other considerations, have the significant potential for impact on the scheduled project Key
Events or completion of the availability.
4.1.11 Total Float: The total number of days that the Contractor can delay a Work
Activity without affecting the project finish date. A path of Work Activities is established by
predecessor and successor relationships.
4.1.12 Logic Relationship: Defines an interdependence between Work Activities. It
is established by assigning predecessor and successor relationships to Work Activities using the
functionality provided by project scheduling software. An individual Work Activity will
frequently have more than one predecessor or more than one successor.
4.1.13 Network: A graphic display showing the planned sequence and
interdependent relationship of Work Activities, Milestones, or Key Events within the Job Order.
4.1.14 Resource: Labor and non-labor demands required to complete a Work
Activity. These may include personnel (trade skills), material, special tools, facilities, space, and
4.1.15 Baseline Start or Baseline Finish. The date identified in the IPS when the
contractor plans to start or finish (respectively) the Work Activity. This may be established by a
controlled schedule baseline (preferred method) or by manual entry into the scheduling software
according to contractor policy/practice.
4.1.16 Planned progress percent. Baseline progress of work to be completed based on
planned start and planned finish dates.
4.1.17 Actual Progress percent. Degree of completion based on the Work Activity’s
work scope and degree of accomplishment of production labor.
4.1.18 Early Start: The earliest point in time that a Work Activity may start based
on the IPS network logic and any other schedule constraints. Early start dates may change as the
availability progresses.
4.1.19 Early Finish: The earliest point in time that a Work Activity may be
completed based on the IPS network logic and any schedule constraints. Early finish dates may
change as the availability progresses.
4.1.20 Late Start: The latest point in time that a Work Activity may begin without
delaying the applicable Milestone or Key Event based on the IPS network logic.
4.1.21 Late Finish: The latest point in time that a Work Activity may be completed
without delaying the applicable Milestone or Key Event based on the IPS network logic.
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4.1.22 Integration: The incorporation of all work (including testing and availability
work certification) for all organizations involved in an availability.
4.1.23 Precedence Diagram Method (PDM): Used in Critical Path Method Project
Management for building a project schedule network diagram using lines and nodes to show the
logical relationship between schedule activities.
4.1.24 Gantt Chart: A graphic display of schedule-related information. Typically,
schedule Work Activities or work breakdown structure components are listed down the left side
of the chart, dates are shown across the top, and Work Activity durations are shown as date-
placed horizontal bars.
4.1.25 Negative Float: The amount of time by which the early start or finish dates of
a Work Activity exceeds its late start or ending dates. The quantity of float then indicates the
amount of time that must be recovered in order to achieve an imposed date.
4.1.26 Schedule of Record: The official IPS at the start of the availability (A-0 day)
that includes refined sequencing and completeness as a result of completed subcontracting
actions, incorporation of additional Government Furnished Information (GFI), or any contract
modifications increasing the scope of work between contract/delivery Order award and
availability start.
4.1.27 Un-Exercised Level of Effort: LOE which has not been settled and placed on
4.1.28 Hard Constraint: A Mandatory Start or Finish date imposed on an activity,
i.e. the activity becomes fixed to that date. When expressed as the activity Must Start On (MSO)
or Must Finish On (MFO) the given date. Hard Constraints prevent their associated activity from
being logic-driven.
4.1.29 Schedule Health Report: A report inferring the reliability of the IPS in
accurately predicting availability progression based on correct logic relationships, adequate work
breakdown structure, and the completion of work. Schedule Health report elements include: Activities with missing logic. Denotes incomplete activities
without a predecessor or successor relationship to another activity. Threshold value is 2 activities
of the total incomplete work activities in the IPS. Does not include Summary Activities. Finishto-Start Percentage. Denotes the preference for use of
Finish-to-Start logic relationships between incomplete work activities in the IPS. Calculated by
dividing the total number of Finish-to-Start logic links by the total number of all logic link types
in the IPS. There is no threshold value; however, a Finish-to-Start percentage below 90 percent
may require explanation by the contractor for other relationship types and their application. Activities with negative float. Denotes the accumulation of
incomplete activities projected to finish later than required to maintain the downstream schedule.
Threshold value is 5 percent. Does not include Summary Activities.
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FY-24 Activities with high (>60 days) duration. Denotes incomplete
activities that may not be distributed into an effective Work Breakdown Structure. Threshold
value is 5% of the total incomplete work activities in the IPS. Does not include Summary
Activities or administrative and support activities planned for the duration of the availability. Progressing Percentage. Denotes success in meeting scheduled
activity completion for the 25, 50 and 75 percent point of the availability. Calculated by dividing
the number of activities actually completed in the period prior to the data date of the analysis by
the number of activities required to complete in the same time period according to the planned
schedule finish dates. Does not include Summary Activities, or GFI regarding work
accomplished by AIT, Government-Contracted Third Party Maintenance Provider, S/F, CIS, and
FMA. There is no threshold value, however, throughput below 80 percent must be evaluated to
understand causal factors and potential impact to on-time availability completion.
4.1.30 Lags and Leads. Lags and Leads are scheduling functions used to represent a
gap (Lag) or overlap (Lead) between activities. The use of Lags and Leads must be controlled to
ensure they support an accurate and logical work flow. Improper and overuse of Lags and Leads
can have a detrimental effect on a logic driven schedule and adversely affect float and the
Critical Path. Typical examples where their use may be warranted include: insertion of time
delay to represent report cycle time, staggering unrelated work item start dates, or drive work
based on material receipt projection. Lag: The delayed start of a successor activity and represents time
that must pass before the second activity can begin. Lead: The accelerated start of a successor activity where there is a
finish to start relationship. The second activity can begin and be conducted in parallel with the
first activity.
4.1.31 Schedule Model Review. An LMA-led event to review the IPS (in its current
state) and thorough discussion of any predicted challenges, constraints, schedule efficiencies, etc
will be conducted in accordance with contractual requirements. The contractor will discuss the
schedule in sufficient detail to support understanding of time and space constraints, critical and
controlling path work, and items requiring integration. CNRMCINST 4701.1 Schedule Model
Review (SMR), provides policy and guidance for the administration, preparation and execution
of the Schedule Model Review (SMR) meeting.
4.1.32 Full Time Equivalents (FTE) A normalized representation of full-time
workers based on the number of hours spent/scheduled during a finite period of time. An FTE
unit assumes an 8-hour work day and a 5-day work week (Monday-Friday) except when
accounting for holidays. For example, if the hours spent or scheduled during a week with one
holiday was 160 hours, then the FTE value representing that week would be equal to 5 FTE (160
hours divided by 8-hour days divided by 4 works days equals 5 FTE).
provides guidance for the request and approval process for additional O&I milestones.
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4.2 The SUPERVISOR will provide, or direct provision, of the AIT, Government-
Contracted Third Party Maintenance Providers, S/F, CIS, and FMA availability data required for
schedule integration in 3.1.1,, and progress/de-confliction in 3.6.
4.3 When invoked, the following Standard Items interface with this Standard Item: 009-
67, and 009-81.
4.4 The following codes are provided as designators for Key Events within the IPS as
directed in 3.1.7.
Code Description / Meaning
AC Availability Complete
C5ILO Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Combat Systems and Intelligence
(C5I) Light-Off
DT Dock Trials
FC Fast Cruise
UD Undock/Flood Dock
PCD Engineering Plant Production Completion Date (Propulsion/Aux)
WC Work Complete
ST Sea Trials
4.5 The following codes are provided as designators for specific ship systems when
applied to Work Activities in the IPS as directed in 3.1.7. More than one designator may be used
for a Work Activity. This list is not all-inclusive.
Code System
ACE Aircraft Elevator
ACP Air Conditioning Plant
AG Arresting Gear
ANT Antenna
AUX Auxiliary Steam
BIL Bilges
CAT Catapults
CHT Collecting, Holding and Transfer
CHW Chilled Water
COM Communications
CNDS Condensate
CS Combat Systems
CMWD Countermeasures Wash Down
DECK Any Decking Work
DC Damage Control
ENG Engineering
MNFD Main Feed
FDK Flight Deck
FM Fire Main
15 of 20 ITEM NO: 009-60
FO Fuel Oil
HAB Habitability
HDK Hangar Deck
HPA High Pressure Air
IC Internal Communication
JP5 JP-5 Tanks/System
LAG Lagging and Insulation
LC Load Center
LO Lube Oil
MAG Magazine
MS Main Steam
NSK Non-Skid
PROP Propulsion System, including Controllable Pitch Propeller
PW Potable Water
SCAF Scaffolding Required
SS Service Steam
STRG Steering System
STRL Structural, General
SW Sea Water
TIS Temporary Industrial Systems
VEN Vents/Ventilation
VPC Vertical Package Conveyor
WH Water Heaters
WEL Weapons Elevator
WPNS Weapons
WW Waste Water
4.6 The following standard convention is used for identifying locations when applied to
Work Activities in the IPS as directed in 3.1.7. The use of general terminology, such as
“throughout ship”, as a means of documenting location must be minimized.
- Space/Compartment Number (i.e. 03-130-2-L, 6-81-0-E, etc.)
- Flight and Hangar Deck Locations: deck-frame-P or S (e.g. 04-190-S or 1-190-P)
- Weather Decks: closest deck-frame-P or S (e.g. 03-140-P-WEA)
- Span of Frames: deck-frame span-P or S (e.g. for flight deck frames 55 to 100 starboard side
use 04-55/100-S)
- Masts: Use mast name (e.g. Main Mast, etc.)
Attachment A
16 of 20 ITEM NO: 009-60
Date (xx/xx/xxxx) (SOA)
Project 1 - Actuals/Forecast
Project 1 Subs - Actuals/Forecast
Template: Total Manpower Loading Curve
Project 1 - Actuals/Forecast Project 1 Subs - Actuals/Forecast
Historical FTE
Forecasted FTE
Attachment A
17 of 20 ITEM NO: 009-60
Date (xx/xx/xxxx) (SOA)
Crane & Rigger
Template: Total Manpower Loading Curve
Machinist/Valve Pipefitter Electrician Welder Shipfitter Crane & Rigger Painter Subs
Historical FTE
Forecasted FTE
Attachment A
18 of 20 ITEM NO: 009-60
Production Progress (not inclusive of material):
Current Week
Planned Progress
Actual Progress
Pending RCC Impact Summary:
Growth/New Work Hours
Descope Hours
Attachment A
19 of 20 ITEM NO: 009-60
(SOA) 11/20/2020
11/27/2020 12/4/2020 12/11/2020 12/18/2020 12/25/2020 1/1/2021 1/8/2021 1/15/2021 1/22/2021 1/29/2021 2/5/2021 2/12/2021 2/19/2021 2/26/2021 3/5/2021 3/12/2021 3/19/2021 3/26/2021 4/2/2021 4/9/2021 4/16/2021 4/23/2021 4/30/2021 5/7/2021 (EOA) 5/14/2021
Project 1 - Actuals/Forecast 5 25 75 125 150 175 250 260 270 270 280 250 240 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 200 125 100 75 25 5
Project 1 Subs - Actuals/Forecast 5 15 25 30 35 50 52 54 54 56 50 48 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 40 25 20 15 5 0
*Template contains notional data. To be revised for contractual submission.
Template: Total Manpower Loading Curve (Week 4)
Project 1 - Actuals/Forecast Project 1 Subs - Actuals/Forecast
Historical FTE
Forecasted FTE
Attachment A
20 of 20 ITEM NO: 009-60
(SOA) 11/20/2020
11/27/2020 12/4/2020 12/11/2020 12/18/2020 12/25/2020 1/1/2021 1/8/2021 1/15/2021 1/22/2021 1/29/2021 2/5/2021 2/12/2021 2/19/2021 2/26/2021 3/5/2021 3/12/2021 3/19/2021 3/26/2021 4/2/2021 4/9/2021 4/16/2021 4/23/2021 4/30/2021 5/7/2021 (EOA) 5/14/2021
Machinist/Valve 1 7 21 36 43 50 71 74 77 77 80 71 69 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 57 36 29 21 7 1
Pipefitter 0 2 5 9 11 13 18 19 19 19 20 18 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 14 9 7 5 2 0
Electrician 0 2 5 9 11 13 18 19 19 19 20 18 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 14 9 7 5 2 0
Welder 1 4 11 18 21 25 36 37 39 39 40 36 34 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 29 18 14 11 4 1
Shipfitter 1 4 11 18 21 25 36 37 39 39 40 36 34 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 29 18 14 11 4 1
Crane & Rigger 1 4 11 18 21 25 36 37 39 39 40 36 34 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 29 18 14 11 4 1
Painter 1 4 11 18 21 25 36 37 39 39 40 36 34 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 29 18 14 11 4 1
Subs 0 5 15 25 30 35 50 52 54 54 56 50 48 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 40 25 20 15 5 0
*Template contains notional data. To be revised for contractual submission.
Template: Total Manpower Loading Curve (Week 4)
Machinist/Valve Pipefitter Electrician Welder Shipfitter Crane & Rigger Painter Subs
Historical FTE
Forecasted FTE