From User Insights to Actionable Metrics: A User-Focused
Evaluation of Privacy-Preserving Browser Extensions
Ritik Roongta
New York University
Brooklyn, USA
Rachel Greenstadt
New York University
Brooklyn, USA
The rapid growth of web tracking via advertisements has led to
an increased adoption of privacy-preserving browser extensions.
These extensions are crucial for blocking trackers and enhancing
the overall web browsing experience. The advertising industry
is constantly changing, leading to ongoing development and im-
provements in both new and existing ad-blocking and anti-tracking
extensions. Despite this, there is a lack of comprehensive studies
exploring the set of user concerns associated with these extensions.
Our research addresses this gap by identifying ve user concerns
and establishing a privacy and usability topics framework, specic
to privacy-preserving extensions.
Also, many of these user concerns have not been extensively
studied in the prior works. Therefore, we conducted an extensive
literature review to identify shortcomings in the current benchmark-
ing methodology. This led to the development of new techniques,
including experiments to measure newly identied metrics. Our
study reveals eight new metrics for privacy-preserving exten-
sions that have not been previously measured. Additionally, our
study enhances the measurement methodology for two metrics,
ensuring precise results. We focus particularly on metrics that users
commonly encounter on the web and report in Chrome web store
reviews. Our goal is to serve as a foundational reference for future
research in this eld.
Security and privacy
Human and societal aspects of se-
curity and privacy; Usability in security and privacy; Privacy
Web Measurement, Privacy, AdBlockers, User Concerns, Metrics,
ACM Reference Format:
Ritik Roongta and Rachel Greenstadt. 2024. From User Insights to Action-
able Metrics: A User-Focused Evaluation of Privacy-Preserving Browser
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classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
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ASIA CCS ’24, July 1–5, 2024, Singapore, Singapore
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ACM ISBN 979-8-4007-0482-6/24/07.. . $15.00
Extensions. In ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Se-
curity (ASIA CCS ’24), July 1–5, 2024, Singapore, Singapore. ACM, New York,
NY, USA, 17 pages.
The web has become a key part of our daily lives, especially post
CoVID-19. As of 2023, the average daily time spent online has
surpassed six hours [
]. Reports from the World Bank and the
National Institute of Health have highlighted the steep rise in e-
commerce [
], health [
], and banking [
] trac. Greater internet
usage of these services leads to increased exposure of Personally
Identiable Information (PII). Previous research [
has shown that tracking through advertisements is not only in-
trusive but also deteriorates the overall web browsing experience
for users. To safeguard themselves from increased web tracking
and enhance their web browsing experience, users have embraced
privacy-preserving extensions for their web browsers, many of
which operate by blocking ads or trackers. As reported in the re-
cent Pagefair report [
], the number of users blocking ads on the
internet exceeded 820 million in 2022. Another study found that
22.2% of all users and 30% of Chrome users were using AdBlock
Plus [
]. Furthermore, the FBI recommended consumers and busi-
nesses use ad-blockers in a 2022 advisory [10].
Privacy-preserving extensions typically function by implement-
ing various features that protect against tracking, data collection,
and privacy-invasive practices used by websites and advertisers.
Apart from being popular, the space of privacy-preserving exten-
sions is highly competitive. There are more than four privacy-
preserving extensions with over 10 million downloads on the Chrome
Web Store alone. This number rises substantially for extensions hav-
ing over 100k downloads, indicating that there is no single widely
accepted extension.
Using browser extensions comes with a few challenges. First,
these extensions operate with the same privileges as the browser
itself, creating new avenues for exploitation [
]. Second, they
consume signicant computational resources as they continuously
check for intrusive ads and trackers. Third, extensions often need to
communicate with various third parties to sync data, potentially in-
troducing new channels for data leaks [
]. Lastly, while attempting
to block ads, an extension may inadvertently break the functionality
of a website, posing a usability trade-o for users who still need
access to the desired content [
]. Users and their advocates face a
fog of uncertainty about the impact that using privacy-preserving
extensions and ad-blockers will have on their experience and how
much of the dierences, such as broken layouts, are intrinsic to
the technologies or based on a dierential treatment by sites and
ASIA CCS ’24, July 1–5, 2024, Singapore, Singapore Roongta et al.
Table 1: List of popular privacy-preserving extensions showcasing the diversity of the domains covered. Extensions have been
categorized based on their descriptions on the web store and public perception. The popular abbreviations for each extension,
developer information, number of reviews, release year, and blocking strategy for each extension are tabulated.
Category Extension Abbr. Developer No. of Reviews Release year Blocking strategy
Ad-Blockers &
AdBlock Plus ABP Eyeo GmbH 18156 2011 Filterlist
UBlock Origin UbO Raymond Hill 9896 2014 Filterlist
Adguard AdG Adguard Software Ltd 5610 2013 Filterlist
Ghostery - Ghostery GmbH 3364 2012 Filterlist
Privacy Badger PB Electronic Frontier Foundation 542 2014 Filterlist
Decentraleyes - Thomas Rientjes 107 2017 CDN list
Disconnect - Casey Oppenheim 648 2011 Filterlist
The rapid expansion of the advertising industry has led to in-
creasingly aggressive ad tracking and targeting techniques [
To counter it, there has been a continuous enhancement of ad-
blocking extensions. However, our preliminary study highlighted
user dissatisfaction with these tools where 31% of all reviews on
the Chrome web store mention at least one critical aspect of these
extensions. This indicates a gap in extension developers’ under-
standing of user needs. Additionally, many extensions fail to meet
all user requirements. Therefore, it’s crucial to gain a deeper in-
sight into user concerns and identify the shortcomings in existing
evaluation methods. This will enable future developers to create
eective and user-centric ad-blocking extensions.
Our work addresses the following research questions:
RQ1: What are the various user concerns around privacy-
preserving browser extensions?
RQ2: What are the unidentied metrics in the usability and
privacy benchmarking methodologies of these extensions?
RQ3: How to measure the novel metrics to provide a ex-
haustive benchmark for evaluation of the extensions?
To address these questions, we adopt a three-phased approach
as shown in Figure 1. The rst phase is to develop a usability and
privacy framework, generated from the critical user reviews. If a
user expresses discontent with any functionality of the extension
in the review, we consider it as a critical aspect and classify it as a
critical review. This framework contains 11 broad categories block,
ads, break, tracking, manual, lter, conguration, privacy policy,
compatibility, data, and performance. We select critical reviews,
using a critical score classier, as they tend to be more informative
about the problems faced by users. Our hypothesis is backed by a
study done by researchers from Colorado State University [
] who
found that negative information gives you more cues as compared
to the expected positive information to make a decision. Each broad
category further comprises a set of related keywords to enhance
understanding and provide instructions for building new metrics.
We use this framework to gauge the concerns users encounter while
using these extensions. We identify and address ve major user
concerns (UCs) Performance, Web compatibility, Data and Privacy
Policy, Extension eectiveness, and Default congurations.
In the second phase, we perform topic modeling on the critical
review dataset to pinpoint important areas for extension evaluation.
We conduct a thorough literature review to determine the metrics
covered by existing benchmarking methods along with their spe-
cic measurement techniques, as illustrated later in Figure 3. Our
analysis reveals that, of the 14 metrics identied, 10 have not been
thoroughly measured or analyzed in past studies.
In the third phase, we conduct a series of experiments to evaluate
the performance of the extensions across each identied metric.
We analyze each metric in-depth and oer reasonable proxies for
the challenging metrics. For example, it is hard to measure repro-
ducible breakages due to the dynamic nature of websites and the
stochastic performance of automated crawls [
]. Nevertheless, our
approach oers a signicant step forward in understanding these
metrics, laying a foundation for future, exhaustive evaluations in
this domain. Our methods include techniques like web crawling,
static analysis, and le comparisons. Detailed information on these
methods is available in Section 5.
To conduct our study, we focus on the seven most popular
privacy-preserving extensions spanning two broad categories (listed
in Table 1). We select them based on their popularity as reported by
AmIUnique, Wired, and MyIP [
. Ad-Blockers & Privacy
Protection (Category 1) include extensions that block ads and 3rd
party trackers. Privacy Protection (Category 2) consists of exten-
sions with the main goal of enhancing user privacy by blocking
trackers. Extensions like NoScript and ScriptSafe also enhance the
privacy of users but block all the JavaScript present on a page trad-
ing o usability for privacy and security. Hence, we do not use
them in our analysis. Their performance can only be measured and
compared when used with highly curated allowlists.
Our paper has four key contributions in the space of privacy-
preserving extensions:
We develop a ne-tuned classier to identify and extract
user reviews with critical insights.
We generate a comprehensive framework for understanding
the usability and privacy concerns of users around these
browser extensions.
We propose a comprehensive set of metrics to analyze these
extensions and highlight the state of current research to
identify gaps.
Adblock was not included as Eyeo GmBH, Adblock Plus parent company, acquired
AdBlock, Inc in April 2021
From User Insights to Actionable Metrics: A User-Focused Evaluation of Privacy-Preserving Browser Extensions ASIA CCS ’24, July 1–5, 2024, Singapore, Singapore
We design new proxies to measure the performance of these
extensions on the novel metrics and improve a few existing
Together, these contributions provide a comprehensive taxon-
omy of user concerns, identify gaps in existing research, and enable
eective comparison of privacy-preserving extensions.
Browser extension or browser plugin is a small software applica-
tion that enhances the capacity or functionality of a web browser [
A browser extension leverages the same Application Program In-
terfaces (APIs) available to the website’s JavaScript, in addition to
its own set of APIs, thus oering additional capabilities. Privacy-
preserving extensions oer advanced functionality and use sensi-
tive permissions, making them an attractive target for adversaries.
Previous studies [
] have extensively examined
the privacy and performance of a subset of these extensions using
static analysis and web measurement. Our research focuses on a
superset of these studied extensions, ltering out the less popular,
deprecated, or acquired ones.
Review Analysis is a widely used technique for understanding
concerns in various domains and extracting useful features. Sen-
timent Analysis is often employed to aid in the process of analyz-
ing reviews. Hu and Liu [
] studied customer reviews, using a
small dataset of opinion words to calculate the sentiment of the
reviews. Vu et al. [
] developed MARK, a keyword-based frame-
work for semi-automated review analysis, employing a curated
keyword dataset tailored to specic categories. A similar approach
was adopted by Jindal and Liu [
]. All these approaches highlight
the importance of having an initial keyword dataset to conduct
such analyses which is lacking in the case of privacy-preserving ex-
tensions. Pang et al., Kanojia, and Joshi [
] highlighted the
challenges in performing sentiment analysis on user reviews from
dierent domains and providing plausible solutions. Niseno et
al. [
] used user reviews and ratings to study issues with Chrome
Topic Modeling using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) [
] has
been extensively used in unsupervised categorization of large texts,
social media content, user reviews, and more. Topic classication
for privacy-preserving extensions has two major challenges. First,
the absence of a privacy-focused taxonomy about extension usage
limits the use of supervised learning. Second, unsupervised learning
generates noise due to the randomness of reviews, resulting in a
wide range of irrelevant topics. To address these challenges, one
can combine manual coding and analysis with LDA to enhance
precision [
]. Xue et al. [
] and Sokolova et al. [
used LDA with qualitative analysis for topic modeling on Twitter
data. Hu et al. [
] highlighted the limitations of LDA and manual
analysis in identifying customer complaints through hotel reviews.
Selenium [
] and Puppeteer [
] are leading automated crawlers
for web measurement and testing. Selenium is versatile, supporting
multiple languages and browsers, while Puppeteer, designed for
NodeJS and Chrome, excels in speed and advanced browser control
features. OpenWPM [
], another framework, is built upon Firefox
and Selenium and has been widely used in various studies for web
and privacy measurements.
Filterlists serve as an extensive, independent directory of lters
and host lists designed to block advertisements, trackers, mal-
ware, and various online annoyances [
]. These lists are diligently
maintained by a group of dedicated researchers who regularly
update them by adding new trackers and removing obsolete en-
tries. This involves adding new trackers that emerge daily and
removing those that become redundant. Some of the well-known
lterlists [
] include EasyPrivacy, EasyList, Fanboy, and Peter
Lowe’s serverlist [
]. Importantly, these lterlists are tailored to
address the multilingual nature of the web, oering support for
various languages to eectively handle content from dierent parts
of the world. Most modern ad-blockers leverage these lterlists to
function, using them as a foundation to block unwanted content
and enhance the user’s web browsing experience.
To identify the user concerns around privacy-preserving Chrome ex-
tensions (Table 1), we extract user reviews from Chrome web store
pages of the extensions and subsequently extract usability/privacy
themes from the review dataset to generate the privacy and usabil-
ity topic framework (refer Table 5). Later, we identify ve major
user concerns from the topic framework. Only publicly available
information was scraped and no personal data or user proles were
collected or stored in this process. We also got an exemption from
the IRB to get a response from the developers of these extensions
about our analysis of their tools. In the following subsections, we
highlight the methodology used and the topics extracted.
3.1 Review Analysis
To gain valuable insights into users’ perceptions, we analyze the
reviews posted by users on the Chrome web store for the selected
extensions. We scraped the reviews and support queries for the ex-
tensions in September 2022 using Selenium with a Chrome headless
browser in incognito mode. By studying user perceptions, we gain
insights into the usability and privacy topics that concern users
when using these extensions This process involves two steps – l-
tering unimportant reviews from the review dataset and applying
topic modeling on the rened dataset.
Filtering Review Dataset. We collected over 40k user reviews
and support queries of the seven extensions (see Table 1) from the
Chrome web store. It’s essential to rene the review dataset to
minimize noise in topic modeling, ensuring a focused and stream-
lined thematic framework. Historically, prior studies [
] have
relied on star ratings, often sidelining higher-rated reviews un-
der the assumption that they depict satised users. However, our
preliminary investigation contradicts this notion. We discovered
numerous cases where users mentioned concerns about the prod-
uct despite awarding it with 4 or 5 star ratings. For example, the
review: “Youtube’s been updating their stu and it stopped working
at least in my region. Hope the team gets a xed or work around
soon” highlights extension’s inability to block YouTube ads despite
getting 5 stars.
Adopting the previous approach might lead to ignoring the is-
sues highlighted in these higher-rated reviews. To address this,
we categorize the reviews as critical or non-critical. A review is
labeled as critical if the reviewer is unsatised with at least one
ASIA CCS ’24, July 1–5, 2024, Singapore, Singapore Roongta et al.
RQ 2 + RQ 3RQ 1
BERT Model
Gaps in
Measurement of
novel metricsUser concerns
Figure 1: The analysis unfolds in distinct stages as outlined in the ow diagram. Phase
involves developing the topic
framework using review analysis, to identify user concerns (RQ 1). In phase
, through topic modeling and literature review,
we nd gaps in the benchmarking methods and introduce novel metrics for evaluation(RQ 2). Finally, phase
designing measurement experiments to evaluate the extension against the novel and existing metrics (RQ 3). The contributions
are highlighted in bold.
privacy/usability feature of the extension, even if they are generally
content with its overall performance. For example, consider the re-
view: “Awesome until your web page recognizes it =(". A non-critical
review means that the reviewer did not express any hostile opinion
about any aspect/feature of the extension. For example, review: It’s
sooo good as it blocks every ads 100% recommend this!!!". Topic-based
examples are given in Table 5 of the Appendix.
We develop a classier to identify critical reviews by ne-tuning
the BERT classier. This technique broadly aligns with aspect-based
sentiment analysis (ABSA) [
]. This classier-driven automated
tool helps to lter out non-critical reviews. To build and test this
classier, we created a training and testing dataset of 620 and 130
manually annotated reviews respectively. One author along with an
undergraduate researcher independently annotated this pool of 750
reviews as either critical (assigned 0) or non-critical (assigned 1).
To remove bias, the annotators reviewed the annotations, and any
discrepancy (around 10%) in opinion was discussed and addressed.
45% of these reviews were annotated as critical and 55% as non-
critical. The decision to use critical reviews is based on the notion
that people tend to be descriptive when expressing criticism [
We ensure that there are enough reviews in the training dataset
from every extension to cover the dynamic critiques of users across
dierent extensions. We ne-tuned the Hugging Face sentiment
analysis transformers model (distilbert-base-uncased)
by fur-
ther training it on our manually annotated training dataset, thus
providing us with a criticality score. A positive criticality score sig-
nies that the reviewer didn’t express any feature/aspect-based
critique in the review. The resulting model achieved an accuracy
of 86.15% on our manually annotated test dataset, surpassing the
performance of the original DistilBERT model, which attained only
42.2% accuracy.
The robustness of our model is demonstrated in Figure 2. It shows
the number of reviews within each criticality score bin of size 0.1.
Our ne-tuned model classies 92.33% of the reviews as critical/non-
critical with a condence level exceeding 85%. This metric increases
to 95.24% for a condence level exceeding 75%. Thus, our ne-tuned
classier dierentiates between critical and non-critical reviews
with high condence. The non-critical-to-critical ratio is highest
for ABP and AdG, while for UbO, it is almost equal to one. This
nding is surprising, considering UbO’s popularity among privacy-
conscious individuals. One possible explanation is that privacy-
aware users write descriptive reviews, resulting in a higher number
of critical reviews for UbO. After ltering and removing out reviews
with a criticality score greater than -0.7, we get a pool of 12,572
critical reviews.
3.2 Topic Modeling
To identify broad privacy and usability categories, we qualitatively
analyze the critical reviews dataset. First, we use Latent Dirichlet
Allocation (LDA) [
] along with a manual literature survey to
perform unsupervised topic classication to get the initial set of
codes. The literature survey consisted of an extensive exploration
of various sources including privacy policies, web store descrip-
tions of extensions, critical review dataset and support queries,
and relevant peer-research literature on these extensions. These
codes are further rened through manual classication to identify
broad topics wherein an iterative, inductive theory-driven data cod-
ing and analysis framework is used [
]. In this manual modeling
process, we streamline the noise, common in LDA, by eliminating
unnecessary codes and grouping similar ones. This leads to the for-
mation of a smaller code set, rened through iterative discussions
among authors. We identify 11 broad, independent topics related
From User Insights to Actionable Metrics: A User-Focused Evaluation of Privacy-Preserving Browser Extensions ASIA CCS ’24, July 1–5, 2024, Singapore, Singapore
-1.0 -0.9 -0.8 -0.7 -0.6 .... 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Sentiment Score intervals
No. of Reviews
No. of Reviews Vs Sentiment Score
(a) Ad-blockers and Privacy Protection
-1.0 -0.9 -0.8 -0.7 -0.6 .... 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Sentiment Score intervals
No. of Reviews
No. of Reviews Vs Sentiment Score
(b) Privacy Protection
Figure 2: Number of reviews within each 0.1 critical score
interval. Our ne-tuned model classies 92.33% of the re-
views as either critical or non-critical with a condence level
exceeding 85% (see clusters around 1 and -1). Note: Since we
use a (-1,1) annotation scale for the criticality score, there is
no review with a sentiment score between -0.5 and 0.5. Hence
that interval has been omitted.
to user privacy and usability, under which other codes are catego-
rized as subcategories or related keywords (Table 5). These related
keywords are then used to categorize reviews into each broad topic
through keyword extraction and matching [
], ensuring a pre-
cise and coherent classication. To establish the robustness of this
framework, we randomly selected 20 reviews from each extension’s
critical review pool and manually examined them for potential
new privacy and usability topics. As no new topics or keywords
were discovered during this process, it armed the robustness and
comprehensiveness of our initial topic framework.
User concerns From the developed topic framework, we pinpoint
ve key user concerns (UCs) by clustering together broad topics that
share similar fundamental issues. The broad topics are highlighted
in the brackets.
UC1 - Performance: What are the scenarios where a privacy-
preserving extension slows down system performance or
consumes excessive memory, thus aecting computer hard-
ware? (performance)
UC2 - Web compatibility: When does an extension break
websites or cause delays in their rendering? Is it due to anti-
adblocking scripts deployed by dierent sites, or by blan-
ket blocking of JavaScript by the extensions? (compatibility,
UC3 - Data and Privacy Policy: How is data handled, in
stationary as well as transient form, by the extensions? Can
you trust the extension’s permissions and policy landscape?
(data, privacy policy)
UC4 - Extension eectiveness: How eective are the ex-
tensions in blocking online tracking? Does their failure sig-
nify that they are malicious or simply incapable? (ads, track-
ing, block)
UC5 - Default congurations: Which congurations and
updates of these extensions have attracted critical atten-
tion from the users and made them wary of the privacy-
preserving extensions? (conguration, manual, lter)
Having identied the user concerns related to these extensions, our
next step is to assess their eectiveness in addressing these issues.
This will involve evaluating the extensions against a specic set of
metrics that comprehensively represent the user concerns. Initially,
we determine a set of metrics by referencing the related keywords
in the topic framework, which encapsulate the various topics within
each user concern. Subsequently, we review existing literature to
ascertain which of these metrics have already been explored. This
process helps us identify the metrics that remain unaddressed, form-
ing the basis for our following analysis and measurement of these
overlooked metrics.
In Figure 3, we highlight the dierent areas that concern peo-
ple in dierent categories. For each user concern identied, we
also indicate the proportion of critical reviews that are associated
with that specic concern. The metrics that have been measured in
the past are also highlighted with the literature references against
them. The measurements for the newly identied metrics are cov-
ered later in Section 5. Each of the metrics colored in Blue indicates
that there has been previous work addressing it. Orange-colored
metrics indicated that these metrics are novel and haven’t been
measured before. Yellow-colored metrics are those metrics that
have been evaluated before but could benet from enhanced mea-
surement methods. We nd eight novel metrics for measurement –
RAM Usage, Disable Adblocker, Unable to load, Permissions, Privacy
Policy and CSP, Ads, Filterlists, Acceptable Ads while we improve
measurement methods of two other metrics – Data Usage and CPU
Performance is mentioned in 6.01% of the critical reviews. We
identied four crucial areas that users are concerned with – CPU
ASIA CCS ’24, July 1–5, 2024, Singapore, Singapore Roongta et al.
CPU Usage
Load Time
Data and
Privacy Policy
Data Usage
RAM Usage
Privacy Policy
and CSP
3rd Party
Borgolte et al.('20)
Borgolte et al. ('20),
Traverso et al.('17),
Garimella et al.('17)
Borgolte et al. ('20),
Traverso et al.('17),
Garimella et al.('17)
Traverso et al.('17) ,
Garimella et al.('17)
Unable to
Proxy based
Zhu et al.('18),
Nithyanand et al.('16),
Iqbal et al.('17)
Smith et al.('22),
Le et al. ('23),
Amjad et al.('23)
Figure 3: A mind map illustrating the diverse User Concerns
(UCs) and the corresponding metrics identied within each
concern. The percentage of critical reviews discussing each
concern is mentioned in brackets. For each metric, existing
literature is cited where available. The metrics are visually
dierentiated using three colors: Blue indicates metrics that
have been addressed in previous studies, Orange indicates
metrics lacking prior research, and Yellow represents met-
rics that have been studied before but could benet from
enhanced measurement methods.
Usage, Load Time, Data Usage, and RAM Usage through the related
keywords. The most recent work in measuring performance was
conducted by Borgolte et al. [
]. They used the perf tool to measure
CPU usage, HAR les for Load time, and downloaded page size for
Data usage on a pool of 2k live websites. Borgolte et al. [
] do not
measure the RAM usage and ne-grained CPU usage. Traverso et
al. [
] conducted a comparison study of a few tracker-blockers over
Load time, Data usage, and the number of third parties contacted
over 100 websites. Garimella et al. [
] studied Data usage, third-
party tracking, and Load Time of the top 150 websites. These papers
aim to analyze a selection of privacy-preserving extensions using a
predened set of metrics, focusing on a limited number of websites.
A signicant gap in the prior work has been the ignorance of
the upward shift of website content to replace the ad content to ll
the virtual display window leading to almost similar data usage in
the extension and the control case. We improve this methodology
by capturing every network packet fetched for the entire scrollable
page length. This accounts for the upward shift of page content
after ad-blocking as well as the lazy loading [
] of ads which
is a common technique used for page speed enhancement. Debug-
Bear [
] conducted a high-level study on various ad-blockers in
2021, utilizing their proprietary tools to analyze their performance
on two specic websites: The Independent and the Pittsburgh Post-
Gazette. They focused on metrics such as on-page CPU usage, the
number of network requests, browser memory usage, and the down-
load size of web pages. Although their analysis tools are not publicly
available and their study was limited to just two websites, we ob-
serve a similar pattern between their ndings on two websites and
our results on 1500 tranco websites.
For web compatibility, we nd that users most often write
about cosmetic breakages in dierent HTML elements that can
be visually observed. Web breakages are mentioned in 49.93% of
all the critical reviews. Since these visual breakages are hard to
measure due to the dynamic nature of the websites, we focus on
two categories of breakages – ’disable adblocker’ prompt detection
and ’failed to load’ website. Our ndings are in agreement with
the work done by Niseno et al. [
], who built a website breakage
taxonomy using web store reviews and GitHub issue reports, sub-
sequently verifying it with user experiences. According to them,
unresponsiveness and extension detection (the metrics we measure)
constitute 43.5% of all breakages.
Dierent researchers have tried to measure breakages via various
proxies without explicitly reproducing those breakages. Amjad
et al. [
] manually annotated 383 websites for dierent kinds of
breakages with NoScript and UbO. They used this dataset to validate
their ndings about the plausible impact of blocking functional
javaScripts on web breakages. Smith et al. [
] developed a classier
based on breakages caused by individual lterlist rules to predict
potential breakages. They used issue reports from Easylist to train
their classier. Le et al. [
] used the change in the number of images
and text on the website after installing an extension to argue about
the possibility of visible breakages. A common research gap in all
these studies is the lack of large-scale measurement of reproducible
web breakages. For detection, various researchers have used the
presence of anti-adblocking scripts on websites to argue about the
potential of websites in detecting ad-blocking [
] but they
do not measure the likelihood of a specic extension to get detected.
Our paper is the rst to study permissions, privacy policies,
and the impact of default congurations on user experience in de-
tail for privacy-preserving extensions. Data and Privacy policy is
talked about in 2.27% of critical reviews. Previous works by Carlini
et al. [
] study the overall extension permission system in detail
with a specic focus on security. Felt et al. [
] study the permission
landscape of Android apps. Liu et al. [
] and Sanchez et al. [
study the general browser extension landscape with the principle
of least privilege (PoLP) in perspective and highlight vulnerabili-
ties due to its violation. Although these papers do not specically
compare privacy-preserving extensions on permission abuse, they
do highlight the criticality of the permissions in our evaluation set.
From User Insights to Actionable Metrics: A User-Focused Evaluation of Privacy-Preserving Browser Extensions ASIA CCS ’24, July 1–5, 2024, Singapore, Singapore
Around 22.66% of critical reviews express concerns about the
default congurations in ad-blockers, a signicant issue not ex-
tensively explored by previous researchers. Our analysis goes be-
yond comparing the lter lists utilized by dierent ad-blockers; we
delve into the specics of URL-based, HTML-based, and exception
lter rules used by each. Additionally, we examine the rules of
ABP’s Acceptable Ads list and contrast them with those of other
extensions. This approach provides a detailed understanding of
ad-blocker congurations and their implications.
For the eectiveness of these extensions, users are primarily
focused on ads and 3rd party trackers being blocked. It appears
in 41.76% of the critical reviews. Roesner et al. [
] devised tech-
niques for detecting the tracking abilities of third-party websites
using their behavior. Siby et al. [
] developed an ML classier for
identifying tracking behavior robust to tracking and detecting ad-
versaries. Traverso et al [
] and Garimella et al. [
] also measured
the number of third parties contacted on a small set of websites
by measuring the HTTP requests. We perform a high-level anal-
ysis to understand the blocking eciency of privacy-preserving
extensions rather than focusing on tracker behavior.
In the following section, we highlight the measurement methods
and the subsequent results.
We formulate our measurement strategy to measure the new met-
rics identied in Section 4. To gather data for comparison, we use
Selenium [
] and Puppeteer [
] based crawlers to visit websites.
It is important to note that all measurements are conducted using
extension versions dated May 27, 2023.
Website testing pool. To capture the full extension activity, it is
important to evaluate the extensions on both the landing pages and
inner pages of websites. Inner pages often contain more content,
scripts, and ads compared to the landing page, making them valu-
able for our experiments. While Hispar [
], a database of internal
pages, could be useful, it does not specically focus on inner landing
pages with high content. To build a suitable website testing pool,
we select 1500 websites from the Tranco list [
]. This pool contains
the top 1000 websites from the Tranco list and then one website for
every next 500 websites, allowing us to capture a broader spectrum
of websites, as lower-ranked websites may exhibit dierent behav-
iors compared to higher-ranked ones. This website pool is referred
to as basic testing po ol. We ensure that only one website (the most
popular) belonging to a unique second-level domain is included,
as the base policies generally do not change within the websites
of the same organization. For example, we omit
since we already included
After ltering out unreachable websites we extract the three
longest same-origin href links from the websites that have more
than 10 href links in total. This process leaves us with our inner
page testing pool consisting of 476 websites without any inner pages
and 834 websites with three inner pages. By choosing the longest
href strings, we increase the likelihood of selecting actual inner
pages rather than landing pages’ sections. We lter out websites
with less than 10 href links on their landing page, as they tend to
have only promotional or informational links and lack a lot of inner
pages. Although this methodology for nding the inner pages of a
website is not ideal, it provides us with a fair number of inner pages.
The threshold of 10 href links is qualitatively decided by observing
a sudden drop in the number of websites with more than 10 href
links, followed by a consistent pattern afterward.
In the following subsections, we discuss the measurements con-
ducted, the results obtained, and how our observations compare
with the prior work. We use the Google Chrome browser for our
experiments because of its popularity (market share of over 60%
as of 2023). All measurements are done within docker containers,
on an AMD EPYC 7542 128-core machine from a vantage point in
the USA. We perform all experiments on Chrome version 113 for
reproducibility. All webpages are visited three times to account for
DNS caching and the average result for the metric is reported.
5.1 UC1: Performance
Performance is a crucial metric when it comes to evaluating browser
extensions as it’s discussed in over 750 critical reviews. One of the
user reviews for example highlighted:
“Consumes way too much ram and processing power,
even while browsing websites that contain zero ads.
To measure performance, we focus on the following metrics: CPU
usage, Data usage, and RAM usage. Although the rst two metrics
have been studied beforehand, we propose an improved approach
to measure them and hence report our ndings. Website Load time
is a crucial metric; however, we do not assess it in our study as it
has been eectively measured in previous research [40, 81].
For measuring CPU usage, the containers are congured to run on
a single core, allowing us to accurately monitor CPU performance.
We employ the ‘mpstat’ functionality instead of the perf tool utilized
in the work by Borgolte et al. [
] to measure CPU usage. Instead
of providing overall clock time, ‘mpstat’ provides us with the CPU
occupancy in the user and kernel space for the duration of the
process averaged over the given tick size of one second. We collect
these statistics for the duration of the website load time plus an
additional two seconds to allow the CPU to cool down after browser
closure. Since these extensions do not spend signicant time in the
kernel space, we report the dierence between the average value
for the overall CPU usage from the control case (or no extension
case) for each extension.
To measure Data usage, we set up a browsermob proxy [
] to
intercept all request and response packets while accessing the inner
page website pool via Selenium. We calculate the average of all the
‘Content-Length’ header elds for every website in the inner page
testing pool across all inner pages. We then report the dierence
between the data usage measured with the extension enabled and
the data usage in the control case. To account for the upward shift
of content and lazy loading of ads [
], we visit a web page and
scroll down to the end of the page at a constant speed to capture
all possible network requests from the web page.
For RAM usage measurement, the websites in the basic testing
pool are run inside docker containers with a restricted memory
limit of 4GB. We extract the RAM usage data from the ‘docker stats’
functionality provided by the host machine every 1.5 seconds and
report the dierence of average values observed during the load
time for each extension from the control case.
ASIA CCS ’24, July 1–5, 2024, Singapore, Singapore Roongta et al.
Table 2: Data for multiple metrics for every extension. Mean and corresponding standard deviation across all websites is shown
for each extension in the performance, frames, and third-party metric. For permissions:
denotes not requested,
present but not justied i.e. the permission should not be requested or an alternative less powerful permission should be used,
represents that the permission is requested in a justied and reasonable way. For policy,
denotes that the policy is
denotes the policy does not address all the GDPR concerns as covered in PrivacyCheck, and
represents either the
policy complies with the GDPR concerns as covered in PrivacyCheck or claims to not collect any data.
Performance Break Storage Frames 3rd Party Permissions Policy
CPU Usage (in %)
(Mean (SD))
Data Usage (in MB)
(Mean (SD))
RAM Usage (in MB)
(Mean (SD))
(in MB)
(in MB)
Mean (SD)
Mean (SD)
Privacy Policy
25 4 0.084 19.0
è è
15 1 13.0 0.0
18 3 1.092 0.0
14 2 0.124 0.0
19 2 0.150 0.0
15 4 0.712 6.8
20 8 4.412 0.0
è è
CPU Usage (avg)
(in percentage)
Data Usage
(in MB)
RAM Usage (avg)
(in MB)
ABP UbO PB Decentraleyes Disconnect Ghostery AdG
Figure 4: Dierent performance metrics against every exten-
sion. The reported values are dierences between the value
recorded with the extension and the control case over the
inner website pool. The doed line represents the median of
the data. Negative values signify better performance com-
pared to the control case whereas positive median values
signify poorer performance compared to the control case.
Results. Figure 4 represents the performance metrics calculated
for each extension using boxplots. The plotted values depict the
dierence between the metrics recorded when the corresponding
extension is installed and the control case. Negative median values
signify better performance compared to the control case whereas
positive median values signify poorer performance. The outliers
have not been plotted in this graph, but are depicted in Figure 6
(refer Appendix), showing the signicantly high metric values for
a few websites.
In terms of overall CPU usage, a majority of the extensions show
positive median dierences from the control case, indicating that
they do not improve CPU performance. ABP also has a signicant
positive dierence. PB and Ghostery perform slightly better than
other extensions included in the analysis. The prior work [
] sug-
gests that ABP performs less eectively in this metric compared to
PB and Ghostery, which show similar performance levels to UbO
with minimal performance enhancement. However, our granular-
level ndings suggest that Ghostery and PB slightly impact per-
formance but still outperform other extensions. The variation ob-
served in PB’s performance could be linked to its comprehensive
pre-training process [
], which blocks trackers from installation.
This aspect of PB has seen considerable improvement in recent
Data usage exhibits a median value of almost 0 for all extensions,
implying no signicant dierence between data transferred in the
extension case compared to the control case. This might be due
to additional network requests made by the ad-blockers and also
From User Insights to Actionable Metrics: A User-Focused Evaluation of Privacy-Preserving Browser Extensions ASIA CCS ’24, July 1–5, 2024, Singapore, Singapore
websites updating their content post-blocking. Refer to Figure 6 for
the outliers. Most ad-blockers have a negative average value for the
dierence in data usage, with UbO showing the largest negative
value. AdG has the highest inter-quartile spread amongst the ad-
blockers indicating that it aects data usage for a certain number
of websites. ABP has a positive average value of 0.2, indicating that
it transfers an additional 0.2MB of data on average.
RAM usage emerges as one of the most pressing concerns among
users. UbO is the only ad-blocker that has the least positive median
RAM usage dierence, requiring an average of only 24.92 MB of
additional RAM. In contrast, other ad-blockers consume signicant
amounts of RAM, with ABP being the worst performer, utilizing
an additional average of 185.68 MB of RAM and a maximum RAM
value of 315 MB.
5.2 UC2: Web compatibility
Web compatibility is a signicant consideration when assessing the
tradeo between the security and usability of these extensions as
in this review:
“I second the request for a quick way to ’Pause’ or ’En-
able/Disable’ µBlock. I nd that there are quite a few
sites that it breaks and it is easier to just turn it o
temporarily and reload the site than to try to gure out
what is breaking.
To determine a website’s behavior of prompting users with a
‘disable extension’ dialog box, we run a Selenium crawler in virtual
display mode on the inner page testing pool. This approach helps
us to capture the dierent behaviors exhibited by websites towards
extensions on their inner pages in addition to their landing pages.
This discrepancy may be attributed to websites aiming to preserve
ads on high-trac and high-content pages by resisting ad ltering.
During the crawling process, we visit websites, including their
inner pages, both with and without the extensions. We inspect the
source code of every frame for the presence of ad-blocker detector
keywords such as ‘adblock:detect’ or ‘disable ad blocker’. These
keywords or their subtle variations often appear in alert boxes
or iframes on the web page. Therefore, we visit each frame on
the page and search for these specic keywords. We report the
number of websites where such keywords are detected, indicating
the websites that actively detect the presence of ad-blockers using
basic JavaScript or prompt users to disable them. Additionally, we
measure the number of websites that experience page hangs in the
presence of extensions. A website is considered to hang if it exceeds
a load time threshold of 60 seconds with the extensions enabled,
while it loads within an acceptable timeframe in the control case
without extensions. We selected this threshold because load times
exceeding a minute are typically impractical in real-world scenarios
where load times are measured in milliseconds.
Results. Table 2 provides an overview of the two categories of
website breakages observed with the extensions. The category “de-
tect” indicates the number of websites that either employ a basic
adblock detector JavaScript or display a prompt asking users to
disable their ad-blocker. The category “hang” represents the num-
ber of websites that take more than 60 seconds to load when the
extensions are present. Based on our data, ABP and AdG are the
most detectable extensions with 25 and 20 websites detecting them
respectively. It is worth noting that ABP triggers the ad-blocker
disable prompt on a signicant number of websites. This nding
suggests that ABP is more detectable, and websites are more willing
to disable it, despite using the acceptable ads exception list.
For websites taking more than 60 seconds to load in the presence
of extensions, the data reveals that there are not many instances
of such behavior. AdG is associated with the highest number of
websites (8) experiencing hanging or delayed loading. This num-
ber increases substantially for lower thresholds. For example, 22
websites take more than 30 seconds with ABP installed while only
2 websites take that much time with UbO. It is important to con-
sider that this behavior is not solely dependent on the presence
of extensions. Many websites have mechanisms in place to detect
automated crawling, resulting in dierential behavior. Manual ver-
ication of these websites was performed to ensure consistency
in the data. Although the actual Load time during manual crawls
varied from the automated crawls, the relative pattern remained
the same i.e. websites taking longer times to load in automated
crawls showed similar behavior with manual crawls.
5.3 UC3: Data and Privacy Policy
We identied many critical reviews about permissions, data stor-
age, data prefetching, privacy & content security policies, and web
anonymity. For example:
“In the latest update my chrome prompted me that the
new p ermission "Full History Access" was added. Why?”
While these extensions are cautious in their permission requests,
even slight oversights can violate the Principle of Least Privilege
(PoLP). Considering the extensive range of permissions required
by these extensions, such oversights can occur frequently. To gain
a deeper understanding of these issues, we conduct a qualitative
analysis of the extension’s permission landscape.
Permissions. In our evaluation of the extensions, we focus on ve
specic permissions: privacy, unlimitedStorage, all-urls, notications,
and cookies. Our goal is to determine if the permissions requested by
the extensions are necessary for the tasks they perform. Regarding
data storage capabilities, we explore two commonly used tech-
niques: localStorage and IndexedDB. LocalStorage and IndexedDB
are commonly used by extensions to store various data objects re-
quired for their functionality. Refer to their documentation [
for in-depth information about their functionality.
As per Chrome documentation [
], the all-urls permission
matches any URL that starts with a permitted scheme (http:, https:,
le:, ws:, wss: or ftp:). The privacy permission enables network
prefetching, webRTC blocking, etc., and is considered sensitive. It
triggers a warning message that it “can change your privacy-related
settings, which has drawn attention from users and raised concerns
about its usage. The cookies permission gives extensions access to
the chrome.cookies API. The notications permission enables ex-
tensions to create and show notications.
Privacy policy and CSP. Some of the extensions in our study
lack clearly dened privacy policies, even though they are available
in the European region, which falls under the jurisdiction of the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) [
]. Given that these
extensions process various aspects of PII associated with users, they
must have well-dened privacy policies, at least in principle. To
ASIA CCS ’24, July 1–5, 2024, Singapore, Singapore Roongta et al.
assess and compare the privacy policies of these extensions, we
use the PrivacyCheck extension developed by Zaeem et al. [
]. It
enables us to summarize and evaluate the privacy policies of the
extensions under consideration. Additionally, we also examine the
content security policies (CSP) implemented by these extensions
via source code analysis.
Results. Permissions. The results of the source code exami-
nation of the extensions are shown in Table 2. unlimitedStorage
permission is requested by four extensions but is only used by UbO
and AdG. Table 2 provides information on the local storage space
utilized by each extension–only UbO exceeds the 5 MB limit. Some
extensions argue that this permission is necessary because users
can add large lterlists that may surpass the limit. However, exten-
sions like Ghostery and PB allow lterlists without requiring this
permission, demonstrating that alternatives exist. Moreover, the
inability to optionally use this permission becomes an easy justi-
cation for the extension developers to request it, even though it
serves a tiny population of users who might import large lterlists.
all-urls permission is requested by ABP, UbO, and AdG. How-
ever, Chrome and Mozilla disabled FTP support in their respective
browsers in 2021 [
]. Additionally, the limited number of "le:"
based URLs are usually static so there appears to be minimal scope
for these extensions to block content on those web pages. Therefore,
it is recommended to use strict URL matching for "http:" and "ws:"
protocols only.
During our review study, many users expressed dissatisfaction
with receiving annoying and intrusive notications. Some noti-
cations are a result of the extensions’ inability to block them,
while others are self-generated by the extensions. ABP uses this
permission to redirect users to their donation and review pages,
respectively. Considering the critical user sentiment towards these
notications, extensions might consider providing this information
in their descriptions instead. The cookies permission is requested
by Ghostery and AdG. Ghostery requests this permission to block
cookies and check for logged-in users. AdG uses it to remove cook-
ies that match its lterlist rules. Overall, the usage of this permission
by these extensions seems to be for benign purposes, aligning with
their functionality and privacy objectives.
Among the four extensions that request the privacy permission
(UbO, AdG, PB, and Decentraleyes), AdG is the only extension that
lists it as an optional permission. The primary reason for request-
ing this permission is to disable network prefetching
, hyperlink
, and block WebRTC requests
Decentraleyes, PB, and UbO use this permission to disable prefetch-
ing. PB and UbO also use it to disable hyperlink auditing. Addi-
tionally, PB employs this permission to block alternate error pages,
where setting the policy to True allows Google Chrome to use built-
in alternate error pages (such as “page not found”). AdG uses this
permission to block WebRTC functionality. However, UbO recently
removed the WebRTC blocking option, as both Chrome and Firefox
no longer leak private IP addresses [
]. Requesting this permission
solely for WebRTC blocking, as done by AdG, may be unnecessary.
Privacy Policy and CSP. Some extensions lack a privacy pol-
icy or claim no data collection, operating solely on the client side.
We used PrivacyCheck for 10 GDPR checks on the remaining ex-
tensions’ policies. None inform users of data breaches. ABP and
AdG restrict PII use from minors under 16. Most extensions, except
Disconnect, comply with other GDPR sections covered by Priva-
cyCheck. Regarding the handling of PII categories, ABP complies
with COPPA, allowing users to opt out in case their privacy pol-
icy changes. Disconnect lacks user data control, such as editing
collected information. While all extensions collect PII like email
addresses, none gather sensitive data like SSNs or credit card details.
All extensions may disclose information to government authorities
as legally required, such as subpoenas.
In terms of Content Security Policy (CSP) implementation, UbO,
Ghostery, and AdG use CSP directives in their manifest les. These
extensions congure the ‘script-src’ and ‘object-src’ elds to ‘self,
allowing local plugin content and script origins. Ghostery imple-
ments ‘wasm-eval’, which may be considered unsafe and is not
included in MDN’s CSP directives [19].
5.4 UC4: Extension Eectiveness
This user concern raises critical questions about the improvements
oered by the extensions in web browsing. It encompasses two
main categories: ads and tracking.
“double click advertising is tracking me even blocked
what can i do?? Help block them! I also get a lot of
Google analytics and google platforms should i trust
them or what??”
We address each category individually, assuming that the websites
are rendered without breakage and that increased ltering indicates
better performance. These measurements are high-level proxies to
provide us insights into how many ads and third parties might have
been blocked by these extensions without measuring advanced ad-
versaries that employ extension evasion strategies. For calculating
both Ads and third parties, we visit each website in the inner page
testing pool, three times, and report the average dierence between
the extension and the control case. This approach accounts for the
dynamic nature of the websites.
Ads. To evaluate the eectiveness of ad-blocking, we measure the
reduction in the number of frames on web pages. Advertisements
are often displayed within HTML frames, which display content
independent of its container. Many HTML tags that contain ad
scripts are rendered as frames and iframes. Eective ad-blockers
remove the frame objects from the page layout as part of the ltering
process. We use Puppeteer to hook into the web page and calculate
the number of frames using the page.metrics() function.
Third parties. A 3rd-party website domain refers to the domain
or web address of a website that is operated and owned by a sep-
arate entity or organization distinct from the owner/operator of
the primary website. Most trackers can be classied as a 3rd party
domain. OpenWPM [
] provides us with a mechanism to calculate
the number of 3rd parties contacted during a website crawl.
Results. Table 2 shows the average and standard deviation values
obtained from our data collection for each crawl. The mean value
represents the average reduction in the recorded metric. A higher
From User Insights to Actionable Metrics: A User-Focused Evaluation of Privacy-Preserving Browser Extensions ASIA CCS ’24, July 1–5, 2024, Singapore, Singapore
negative mean value suggests that the extension is more eective
at blocking ads and third-party content.
Ads. UbO and Ghostery perform the least eectively, blocking only
0.2 and 0.4 frames on average. PB performs well by blocking an
average of 7.9 frames.
Third parties. UbO performs best, blocking an average of 77 third
parties, while Ghostery has the lowest eectiveness, blocking only
3.4 third parties. Decentraleyes actually increases the number of
third parties contacted on average.
5.5 UC5: Default Congurations
Default congurations are signicant user concerns that encompass
categories such as manual settings, lters, and congurations. For
“Great app, but it lacks default blocking options. There
are services I want to block everywhere and there are
services I don’t want to block at all (e.g. facebook).
Many users found the necessity to manually congure allowlists
or adjust extension settings to be bothersome. This aligns with
the common understanding that users typically prefer to use tools
with their default congurations [
]. Quantifying this through
automated testing is challenging. We examine the default lter lists
used by ad-blockers and measure the dierent URLs and HTML
elements blocked by these lists along with the exception rules.
We identify the lterlists imported by the extensions and calcu-
late the number of third-party domains allowed by the Acceptable
Ads exception list of ABP that are blocked by other extensions. The
presence of Acceptable Ads is a signicant concern for users, as
they may encounter ads on websites despite having ad-blocking
extensions installed. This discrepancy in ad-blocking eectiveness
can lead to user dissatisfaction, as is evident in one of the ABP’s
user reviews (e.g., Review: They used to block adds but now their
"acceptable adds" are just as bad as what they used to block.). We
focus specically on third-party domains allowed by the Acceptable
Ads list, excluding any HTML tags or cookies.
Table 3: Number of URL-based, HTML-based and exception
lter rules used by the extensions in their default state. PB
and Disconnect neither have lter rules for HTML-based
elements nor Exception rules.
Extension URL-
lter rules
lter rules
ABP 75992 293403 13117
UbO 43202 22808 3088
PB 2171 - -
Disconnect 2506 - -
Ghostery 75317 38249 5328
AdG 263912 117607 13364
Results. Filterlists. ABP, UbO, and Ghostery use popular l-
terlists such as Easylist and Easyprivacy. Ghostery and UbO also
import Peter Lowe’s lterlist and Fanboy, and UbO has its addi-
tional lists as well. AdG uses its own set of desktop and mobile
lterlists. PB begins with a seed le to calibrate its third-party track-
ing algorithm. Disconnect’s lterlist was last updated in 2019 before
the transition to a paid service. Decentraleyes maintains a local
copy of popular JS libraries to prevent tracking by popular CDN
servers. Table 3 shows the number of URL-based lter tiles, HTML
elements-based lter rules, and exception rules for each extension
in their default mode. UBO and Ghostery have a similar number
of lter rules while ABP has signicantly fewer lter rules among
the lterlist-based extensions. Also, ABP has a signicantly high
number of exception rules due to the Acceptable Ads list. AdG has
the highest number of lters as well as exception rules because it
uses its own big set of lterlists for blocking.
Acceptable Ads. Many users express concerns about the use of
the Acceptable Ads campaign and the corresponding allowlist used
by ABP. While other extensions also allow certain URLs for com-
patibility purposes, the Acceptable Ads allowlist aims to support
advertisers who adhere to the Acceptable Ads Standard policies [
This list contains a total of 10,934 exception URLs that are allowed.
To assess the treatment of these URLs by other extensions, we focus
on AdG, UbO, and Ghostery since they use dierent lterlists to
block ads. From the Acceptable Ads allowlist, we nd that UbO,
AdG, Ghostery block 277, 442, 293 URLs and allow 143, 258, 150
URLs respectively. The remaining URLs from the Acceptable Ads
allowlist are not mentioned in the blocked or allowed sections of
the respective lterlists.
In our work, we initially pinpoint user concerns regarding privacy-
preserving extensions by analyzing reviews from the Chrome Web
Store. This analysis leads to the creation of a framework focusing on
usability and privacy topics, revealing ve key user concerns. From
this framework, we identify 14 critical metrics for evaluating these
extensions. We discover that existing literature does not address
10 out of these 14 metrics eectively. To bridge this research gap,
we design measurement methods and apply them to evaluate the
performance of various extensions on these metrics.
In Table 4, we summarize our ndings for each metric analyzed.
We focus on major metrics evaluated in this paper and mention
the ideal and subpar extensions. As observed here, it is challenging
for the existing pool of extensions to address all user concerns but
can help them to evaluate the extensions based on their priorities.
Table 4 underscores several novel metrics such as Data Usage, RAM
usage, permissions, reproducible detection, unresponsiveness, etc.
which are essential for assessing privacy-preserving extensions.
This evaluation, encompassing a broad range of user concerns,
enables individuals to make informed decisions about which exten-
sion or combination of extensions to install, based on their specic
priorities and areas of interest.
Recommendations. We reached out to the developers of all the
extensions regarding the instances of permission abuse. We got an
unsatisfactory response from the developers of a few extensions
citing legacy support as the reason for the continuation of using
such permissions. We have the following recommendations for the
ASIA CCS ’24, July 1–5, 2024, Singapore, Singapore Roongta et al.
Table 4: Summary of extensions’ performance on dierent
metrics. Ideal represents the best-performing set of exten-
sions, and Subpar represents poorly performing extensions.
Abbreviations: D’nect-Disconnect, Gh’ry-Ghostery.
Metrics Ideal Subpar
CPU usage Gh’ry ABP
Data Usage UbO ABP
RAM usage UbO ABP
detection prompt
Permissions Gh’ry AdG
Ads PB
3rd-party UbO
Maintain a version database to support legacy browsers
while shipping the most secure version in the web store.
Develop a sound issue reporting forum for users to report
issues with the extension usage.
Work with browser vendors to design permission APIs ad-
hering to security and privacy principles.
In our research, we identify certain limitations and complex
issues, which merit further attention from fellow researchers in the
eld of security and privacy. We highlight them here.
Reviews. We face two signicant challenges with the review dataset.
First, we need a method to dierentiate fake reviews from genuine
ones [
] and prevent the impact of review mills [
]. This issue is
challenging to address as there are no accurate verication meth-
ods other than Google’s proprietary machine learning techniques,
while other tools like Fakespot [
] are limited to Amazon, Walmart,
and eBay reviews. Second, the reviews are spread over a period of
10 years, which introduces concerns that may no longer be rele-
vant. Also, the uneven and sporadic distribution of reviews across
dierent periods makes it hard to track shifts in topics over time.
To address this, we conduct a measurement study to determine
if the concerns identied are still relevant and have a noticeable
impact. Also, by considering only critical reviews, we ensure that
short reviews (less than 5 words), that do not mention any aspect of
the extensions and simply are used to increase overall star ratings,
are ltered out. For more details on the temporal shift of critical
sentiments, refer to Appendix A.
Breakages. Measuring website breakages deterministically is a
hard problem. They depend on several factors operating in tandem,
and isolating them is dicult. While Niseno et al. [
] oers a
foundational taxonomy of breakages, there remains a gap in map-
ping them to their respective causes. Existing GitHub issue reports
of website breakages are dicult to rely upon as popular sites are
dynamic and get patched quickly. Our work tries to address a few
of these challenges by building a taxonomy of types of breakages
around privacy-preserving extensions and testing a few of them like
detection and unresponsiveness which can be measured determin-
istically. Due to the dynamic nature of the websites, the breakages
are hard to measure as they get patched quickly and might not
appear reliably across dierent testing environments. Our future
work focuses on detecting visible and non-visible breakages on
websites using AI-assisted crawling and manual analysis.
Fingerprint. Fingerprinting of users in the presence of extensions
is a complex topic. Although the change in the user ngerprint due
to a single attribute is often studied, analyzing the eect on the
entire ngerprinting landscape of a user is tough since it depends
on multiple factors like the strength of the adversary, the inter-
dependence of dierent attributes, etc. EFF’s tool [
] considers
dierent attributes but does not incorporate their interdependence.
Future work should aim at studying the collective impact of each
web attribute on the user’s entire web footprint.
Benchmarking framework. Each user concern in our analysis
is distinct and has the potential to be studied as an independent
research topic. The benchmarking process does not have a stan-
dardized set of measurement methods for every concern. This is
evident in our work where the depth of evaluation for each user
concern varies. For example, we conduct a detailed evaluation of
the ‘performance’ user concern due to the precise mention of var-
ious performance-related issues in user reviews. Conversely, the
‘break’ concern is evaluated supercially due to the vagueness of
user reviews and the complexity of evaluation methodologies.
Our study emphasizes the importance of a detailed assessment of
user concerns to enhance the ecacy of privacy-preserving browser
extensions. We identify 14 key metrics that impact user experience
with these extensions. Our extensive literature review reveals that
10 of these metrics lack proper measurement methods or could ben-
et from enhanced measurement techniques. We’ve developed new
methods and improved existing ones to evaluate the performance of
extensions across these 10 metrics. Our ndings are summarized in
Table 4, where we distinguish between ideal and subpar extensions
for each metric. Additionally, we point out intricate aspects of ex-
tension benchmarking, such as website breakages, that need further
exploration. This research lays the groundwork for future studies
in enhancing ad-blocking and privacy protection extensions.
The centralized code repository for our project can be found
. This repository includes the code for the measurements. We
also release the ne-tuned BERT model
We thank Mitchell Zhou for his assistance in manually annotating
critical reviews. We would also like to thank Ben Stock and other
anonymous reviewers for their feedback and insight.
From User Insights to Actionable Metrics: A User-Focused Evaluation of Privacy-Preserving Browser Extensions ASIA CCS ’24, July 1–5, 2024, Singapore, Singapore
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Figure 5 illustrates the changes in the criticality score over time,
with the number of critical reviews plotted on the secondary verti-
cal axis. The sentiment analysis, covering 60-day intervals, shows
no distinct trends or patterns. Due to the low number of reviews
for other extensions, we limited our analysis to just ve extensions.
However, longer-term observations reveal some patterns. For in-
stance, Ghostery experienced a notable decline in sentiment from
2016 to 2020, coinciding with allegations of user data misuse. Addi-
tionally, ABP saw a surge in critical reviews in 2012, which aligns
with the introduction of the Acceptable Ads feature. These broader
trends highlight the importance of long-term user feedback anal-
ysis. While immediate feedback post-update is crucial, observing
Figure 5: Sentiment Vs Time plots for ve extensions over 60-
day rolling average. There seem to be a few noticeable trends
but not a concrete pattern. For example, there seems to be a
general decline in the sentiment for Ghostery from 2016 to
2020 and a steep rise in critical reviews for ABP around 2012.
larger sentiment trends over time can shed light on the long-term
eects of various decisions.
Variability in the criticality score around updates can indicate
potential issues with new releases. Crowdsourcing has proven ef-
fective, especially in testing lterlists, yet the challenge remains
in collecting enough feedback to evaluate each update accurately.
To improve this, extensions should provide users with eective
reporting tools.
Manifest V3 governs Chrome plugin and extension API rules. New
extensions must adhere to MV3 while existing ones can still use
MV2, but Chrome ceased accepting new MV2 extensions in June
2022. According to Chrome, the motivation behind introducing MV3
was to improve extension performance and enhance user privacy.
We nd that most extensions do not have an overall adverse impact
on performance. They do not signicantly aect Load times and
Data usage, and nearly all of them improve CPU performance. While
numerous extensions exhibit subpar RAM usage when compared
to the control case, it remains uncertain whether they fare better
under MV3 standards.
Figure 6 shows the performance metrics for each extension, along
with their corresponding tail values. We plotted the dierence be-
tween each metric value in the extension and the control case over
the inner page testing pool. Each subplot includes a median value
From User Insights to Actionable Metrics: A User-Focused Evaluation of Privacy-Preserving Browser Extensions ASIA CCS ’24, July 1–5, 2024, Singapore, Singapore
CPU Usage (avg)
(in percentage)
Data usage
(in MB)
(in MB)
−47.1 0.0 63.2
−27.85 0.00 23.58 −1607 0 1060
x̃ < -2.5M
-2.5M ≤ x̃ < -1.5M
-1.5M ≤ x̃ < -0.5M
-0.5M ≤ x̃ < 0.5M
0.5M ≤ x̃ < 1.5M
1.5M ≤ x̃ < 2.5M
x̃ ≥ 2.5M
Figure 6: Dierent performance metrics CPU usage, Data
usage, and RAM usage against each extension. The reported
values are dierences between the value recorded with the
extension and the control case over the inner page testing
pool. The doed line represents the median of the data.
line, which is highlighted based on the condition determined by
the Median Absolute Deviation (M). MAD is a robust measure of
variability for a univariate sample of quantitative data. Subplots
displayed in blue indicate negative median values, indicating im-
proved performance compared to the control case. Red subplots
represent positive median values, indicating a decline in perfor-
mance compared to the control case. We studied websites belonging
to which categories are densely present at the tail ends. We refer to
website categories [
] provided by the Interactive Advertising Bu-
reau (IAB). We nd that the website categories signicantly dier
for dierent metrics. For example, websites belonging to the Ref-
erence Materials category show high improvement in CPU usage
in the presence of ad-blocking extensions. Similarly, Business and
Industrial category websites show maximum improvement in load
time. This shows us that dierent sets of websites react dierently
to various extensions based on the nature of the content they host.
A further detailed analysis has been left for future work.
The privacy and usability topic framework can be found in Table
5. This framework serves as the foundation for user concerns and
measurement methodologies mentioned in this paper. To enhance
understanding, four additional columns have been included. The
"#Reviews" column indicates the number of reviews falling under
each broad category, while also reecting the dataset size used
for unsupervised LDA analysis. In the bracket, we represent the
proportion of reviews within the respective general category out of
the total number of critical reviews. The "Description" column pro-
vides a high-level denition for each broad category. Lastly, the last
two columns, labeled "Non-Critical Review" and "Critical Review,"
present examples of respective categories of reviews, thus also high-
lighting the distinction between negative and critical reviews as
per our proposed denition.
ASIA CCS ’24, July 1–5, 2024, Singapore, Singapore Roongta et al.
Table 5: Privacy and Usability Topic Framework with supporting columns. #Reviews shows the number of reviews containing
any one of the Related Keywords (the percentage of total critical reviews is represented in the bracket). Non-Critical and
Critical Reviews columns reect upon our denition of what type of reviews we consider as Non-Critical and Critical. The
percentages represent the proportion of reviews within the respective general category out of the total number of critical
Broad Cate-
Related Key-
Description Non-Critical Review Critical Review
block, prevent, pro-
tect, secure, detect,
This category covers re-
views that talk about
blocking and detecting
ads/malware, prevent-
ing websites from get-
ting rendered, etc.
it blocked the ads well
been using abp for a
while, but seems to be
blocking less ads over
popup, pop-up,
malvertising, cdn,
content delivery,
spyware, adware,
malware, paid, tabs,
notication, annoy
This category specif-
ically covers popups,
spywares, CDNs and
other web objects that
annoy people
this app is strong. i Love
the interface. specially
for using Block All Pop-
ups Button easily
Great idea, until ABP
started throwing its
own popups on my
screen to ask me how
it’s going like a needy
toddler. Just working
against the problem.
break, broke, ren-
dering, error, bug,
stop, access, reload,
load, unusable,
crash, mess, cannot
open, hang, fail,
corrupt, x
This category covers
site breakages, crashes,
hangs, errors, etc.
Haven’t had any ads
bug and irritate me
since installing this ex-
tension, Great service
Breaks a popular video
website. 2/5. Do not rec-
3rd, third, party,
tracking, icons,
JavaScript, private,
redirect, vpn
This category involves
JavaScript and 3rd party
tracking users and steal-
ing private information
Just found this ex-
tension, no more
probs against inline
JavaScript ads.
It also blocks a variety
of non-advertising re-
lated JavaScript, leading
to rendering issues on
multiple websites.
manual, o, fea-
tures, turn o,
disable, click
This category focuses
on settings that users
have to set manually, of-
ten causing them addi-
tional discomfort
This is honestly the best
adblocker iv used. al-
lows you to manually
block ads that weren’t
automatically blocked.
Adblock still showing
facebook’s ads (even
after adding the lter
remove, lter, list,
whitelist, blocklist,
blacklist, maintain
This category covers l-
terlists that most exten-
sions use to block ads,
popups, etc.
Filters are powerful
tools. If it blocks stu
on a website where you
don’t want it to block
anything, you can just
whitelist the site.
Blocks legit sites all the
time. Mostly with Pe-
ter Lowe’s crazy list. Ad-
block and Adblock plus
don’t have this issue.
default, cong, con-
guration, sync
This category involves
default and other con-
gurations that are set
for extension’s standard
Works ne, should have
option for Windows
Phone by default.
Great app, but it
lacks default blocking
options. There are
services I want to block
everywhere and there
are services I don’t
want to block at all (e.g.
From User Insights to Actionable Metrics: A User-Focused Evaluation of Privacy-Preserving Browser Extensions ASIA CCS ’24, July 1–5, 2024, Singapore, Singapore
Broad Cate-
Related Key-
Description Non-Critical Review Critical Review
privacy, policy, con-
sent, information,
install, false, secu-
rity, anonymity,
This category focuses
on privacy policies of
the extensions and any
policy violations identi-
ed by users
I treasure my privacy
on the internet and I
have the right to pri-
vacy, and AdGuard def-
initely allows my pri-
vacy to be top priority.
works great normally,
but for some reason
chrome just. disables it
without my consent?
ive had to uninstall and
reinstall multiple times
because of this
version, corrupt,
browser, compat-
ible, extension,
chrome, refox,
This category covers
compatibility issues
around dierent
browsers, user-agents,
Works great! Allows
me to use Microsoft
Outlook Web Access
(via Exchange 2010)
in Ubuntu Linux with
Chrome browser.
Very limited on options
of browsers and devices.
Go with something else
unless they update the
list. Only one avor of
Android, etc.
permission, data,
encrypt, history,
memory, storage,
leak, sell, prefetch
This category deals
with the handling of
data and permissions
Works well, I like how
it learns which track-
ers are bad or good and
adjusts accordingly to
keep your browser and
personal data safe!
It whitelists every sin-
gle ad company tracker.
You have to manually
set everything which
means those crappy ad
companies already got
some of your data.
ecient, inecient,
fast, light, slow,
heavy, speed, mem-
ory, cpu, long, lag,
delay, cost, ram
This category high-
lights performance
gains and losses post
extension installation
Best adblocker with less
ram and cpu usage
It blocks the google
cloud console and some-
times makes other web-
sites slow.