ED 326 488
Munn, Pamela; Dreyer, Eric
Using Questionnaires in Small-Scale Research. A
Teachers' Guide.
Scottish Council for Research in Education.
Scottish Council for Research in Education, 15 St.
John Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8JR, Scotland, United
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Action Research; Data Collection; Elementary
Secondary Education; *Evaluation Methods; Foreign,
Countries; Higher Education; *Questionnaires;
*Researchers; *Research Methodology; *Teacher
This guide provides practical advice, based on
research expertise, for teachers looking for reliable research
results without waste of time or effort. The six sections of the
guide present and discuss the decisions and actions that_have_to be
taken to get good results: (1) the pros and cons of collqcting
information by questionnaire; (2) sampling; (3) drafting 4-rm
questions and producing the design and layout; (4) piloting and
administering the qlestionnaire; (51 analysing data; and (6)
interpreting, presenting, and using the results. (JD)
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SCRE Publication 104
Practitioner MipiPaper 6
First published 1990
Series editors: Sally Brown
Rosemary Wake
SCRE is grateful to the General Teaching Council for Scotland -for
financial assistance in the preparation of this booklet.
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ISBN 0 947833 30 7
Copyright © 1990 The Scottish Council for Research in Education.
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,PREFACE: David 1 M Sutherland, Registrar of the
General Teaching Council for Scotland
Advantages of using a questionnaire
EffHent use of time
The possibility of a high return rate
Standardised questions
Limitations in using a questionnaire
Description rather than explanition
Lack of preparation
The representative sample: a misleading notion
Random sampling: avoiding bias
What size of sample?
The sampling unit
Stratified samples
Drafting the questions
Guidelines for drafting questions
Types of question
Question order
-Routes thmugh questions
Overall design and layout
David I M Sutherland
Registrar, General Teaching Council for Scotland
The rubric on its coat of arms 'Research in the Service of
Education' emphasises the Council's principal task. The words
underline SCRE's commitment to promoting research which will
result in more efficient and effective teaching and learning. The
Council and its staff strive constantly to put this into effect by
engaging in high-quality and relevant research activity
disseminating findings appropriately and in a credible way
heightening the educational community's awareness of the
role and value of research
assisting field professionals to conduct small-scale studies.
Helping teachers to plan and execute small-scale research
projects may appear to be a relatively insignificant part of SCRE's
work; the truth is, however, that this forms an important strand in
the Council's long-term strategy. Such collaboration constitutes a
good example of professional partnership in action as well as
providing an effective means of demonstrating to the teaching
profession just what research can and cannot achieve. Working
with teachers in this way illustrates not only SCRE's commitment
to making research serve education but also its readiness to give
advice and support to fellow professionals on an individual basis.
SCRE has a proper concern to encourage teachers to reflect upon
their practice in a critical and systematic manner.
SCRE acknowledges the existence of a need for research advice
in the teaching community and has sought to improve its response
to that need through a series of guides within its Practitioner
MiniPapers. This book, the second in the series, provides practical,
sensible advice based on research expertise for teachers who wish
to secure reliable results without wasting time and effort. It will be
a handy guide for teachers engaged not only in research projects
but also in other evaluative and invctigative work.
The overarching function of the General Teaching Council is to
protect and, where possible, to enhance professional standards in
Scotland. With this in mind it would seem entirely appropriate that
the GTC should support the production of a series of booklets
aimed at
encouraging the reflective
practitioner. The GTC
congratulates SCRE on this
initiative and is pleased to be
associated with the Practitioner MiniPaper series.
. . .
What are the research questions to be answered?
See Chapter 1. A fuller discussion of research questions, what
they are and where they come from is contained in So You Want
To Do Research! (Ian Lewis and Pamela Munn). Full details on
page 66.
Why use a questionnaire?
The advantages and disadvantages are summarised at the end of
Chapter 1.
What claims do you want to make as a consequence of your
research? Are you interested only in your own school? Do you want
to claim that your results are typical of, for example, first year pupils
in general?
Sampling is discussed in Chapter 2. In small-scale research the
whole population can often be included for example, the staff of
the school, all first year pupils you teach. The things to bear in
mind about sampling are summarised at the end of Chcipter 2.
How to translate research questions into questionnaire questions.
Will the questions make sense to respondents?
Examples and advice on design and lay-out are in Chapter 3. The
importance of piloting is stressed in Chapter 4.
How to analyse answers
A step-by-step guide is in Chapter 5. There is also an example of
an easy-to-use statistical test. Ignore the statistics if your sample
is less than 30.
And now what? How to present and use your results
What is the point of your findings? How can you, present them
in an interesting way? Chapter 6 gives examples of reporting and
stresses the difference between description and interpretation.
Questionnaires are a popular way of gathering information. It is
to understand why. In large
scale surveys,
are by far the cheapest way of gathering
information from hundreds or thousands of people. Responses can
be quantified using various sophisticated statistical techniques and
the results presented with all the confidence number crunching
brings. Is there scope for using a questionnaire in small scale
research where information may be needed from, for example, the
staff of a secondary school or from pinils in particular year
groups? The answer is yes, provided you are clear about:
what it is you want to find out (more difficult than it sounds)
what kind of information the questionnaire will provide.
Before discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using a
questionnaire in teacher-research, let us be clear about what we
mean by questionnaires. While some questionnaires are used in
interviews, we are concentrating on, documents
containing a number of questions which respondents have to
complete b.., themselves. They may have to tick boxes, write in
opinions or put things in order of importance. The important point
is that the researcher is not lisually present when the questionnaire
is being filled in. We focus on this kind of questionnaire because
this is the kind which teachers are most likely to use. It is unlikely
that teachers will have the time or opportunity to conduct face-to-
face interviews using a questionnaire. If you are using face-to-face
interviews most of this book is still relevant but there is no advice
about the process of interviewing. Body language, the place where
the interview takes place and the way in which the interview is
begun are important influences on the kinds of answers given.
Using questionnaires in small scale research
Adelman's book,
Uttering Muttering
(1981) gives useftil advice on
this. We concentrate on questionnaires which pupils,-teachers or
parents are going to complete without a researcher present. An
example of this kind of thing is t:ie evaluation sheet you are asked
to fill in at the end of a package holiday.
Advantages of using a questionnaire
What does using a questionnaire Offer those interested in
researching some aspect of their own practice or school policy?
There are four main advantages for the teacher-researcher. These
an efficient use of time
anonymity (for the respondent)
the possibility of a high return rate
standardised questions.
Let us look at each in more detail.
Efficient use of time
The overriding concern in devising research questions and deciding
what is Tog important is that the research should be feasible. It
is better always to go for the small-scale project which can be
completed than an over-ambitious design which falls because of
pressure of work. Questionnaires can save time in a number_of
You can draft the questionnaire in your own home.
The questionnaire can be completed by your respondents in
their own time. Unlike interviews with members of staff, you
do not need to match your free periods with those of
You can collect information from quite a large number of
people in one fell swoop. For example, you might be able to
arrange that all
first year pupils in a secondary school
completed a questionnaire in a form period or some other
convenient time.
If your questionnaire consists largely of closed questions (see
Chapter 3) analysis of responses can be straightforward.
common mistake in interviewing is under-estimating
amount of time needed to analyse views.
1 0
Why use a questionnaire?
In using a questionnaire most time is spent:
designing the-questions, making sure the wording is clear
thinking through the categories of response to each question
piloting (see Chapter 4).
Administration and analysis are less time consuming when these
have been done thoroughly.
One of the strengths of teachers researching their own practice or
school policy is that they already know a good deal about the
school, the subject department, the staff, and the pupils. These are
areas which an outside researcher needs to spend time becoming
familiar with. Such familiarity on the part of the teacher-researcher
can be a drawback, however. It may mean, for example, that things
are taken for granted that ought to be held in question. There are
various ways of trying to get critical distance on an issue, including
discussion with a sympathetic outsider, and using existing research
reports. A potential difficulty for a teacher-researcher is that of
collecting information from people who know you. It may be that
people are less likely to be frank if you are interviewing them, than
if they are able to provide information anonymously. You can
argue this both ways, of course. It may be that people are more
willing to come clean, if they know and trust you. Much depends
on what it is you are trying to find out and the power relationship
between you as the researcher and the respondents. Two fictitious
examples make the point:
An assistant headteacher in a secondary school wants to find
out whether pupils transferring from primary to secondary,
are anxious about the transfer and, if so, what their anxieties
are. Are pupils more likely to tell him about this face-to-face
or by writin g. about transfer anonymously?
A headteacher wants to evaluate her management style. She
wants to collect information on various aspccts of her style
from all staff. Is she more likely to get frank responses if they
are anonymous?
If anonymity is important to you as the researcher, you need to
think about ways of helping respondents remain anonymous. In a
small group of staff or pupils, handwriting is an easy guide, to
identity. You might want, therefore,
in your instructions to
respondents, to suggest that they print answers if they wish;
Using questionnaires in small scale research
alternatively you could rely on closed questions so that ticking
boxes was all respondents needed to do. Whatever you decide, the
important point to remember is that questionnaires provide the
possibility for anonymity that few other research techniques offer.
The possibility ,of a high return rate
Traditionally, one of the disadvantages of postal questionnaires is
that return rates are low. This is often because researchers are
remote from their respondents and may be asking about issues of
little or no relevance to them. This is unlikely to be so for ,the
teacher-researcher. In most cases you will be collecting information
from people in your own school, where there are opportunities to
remind respondents to complete the questionnaire. If you are
collecting information from staff or pupils in schools other than
your own, then you can plan to maximise the return rate when
making decisions about how to administer the questionnaire (see
Chapter 4). Ways of maximising return rates range from getting the
school to set aside a specific time for the completion of the
questionnaire to
number of
prizes to
questionnaires with a lucky number.
Standardised questions
In a questionnaire, all respondents are presented with the same
questions. There is no interviewer coming between the respondent
and the question and so there is no scope for negotiating or
clarifying the meaning of the question. This is why so much care
is needed in drafting questions and why piloting is essential.
Chapter 3 contains some examples of badly worded qut..tions. The
advantage of the standardised question is that you are strictly
controlling the stimulus presented to all respondents. Of course you
cannot control the way in which respondents interpret the
questions. However, you do know that all respondents have been
presented with the same questions in the same order. This is a claim
that usually cannot be made for interviewing techniques.
/ F4
Limitations in using a questionnaire
have stressed the advantages of time, anonymity, good
response raes and standardised questions in using a questionnaire
in small-scale research. With all these advantages, you might well
ask "Why use any other technique?" Like
questionnaires have their limitations. There are no right or wrong
Why use a questionnaire?
techniques; merely techniques that are better or Worse given the job
to be done. It is important that anyone using a research method is
aware of its weaknesses as well as its strengthsthis leads to better
understanding of the nature, of the,information c:ollected.
For us, there are three main limitations in using a questionnaire
and these need to be borne in mind-when deciding to use one:
the information collected tends to describe rather than evlain
why things are the way they arc.
the isriormation can be superficial.
the time neeaed to draft and pilot the questionnaire is often
underestimated and so the usefulness of the questionnaire is
-educed if preparation has bcn inadequate.
Description rather than explanalion
Questionnaires can provide us with good descriptive information.
Let us take an example of a teacher, or a group of teachers,.
interested in finding out about whether pupils transferring from
primary to secondary are anxious about
the transfer. k
questionnaire could help discover:
how nutny pupils entering first year secondary feel anxious
about the transfer from primary
what kinds of anxieties they have.
This could be done by asking straightforward questions and
asking pupils to :ick boxes.
Do you feel worried about coming to secondary? Yes
I (Please tick cox) No
re you worried about any of these? (Please tick the worries you have)-1
Finding your way round school
Doing new subjects
The work being too hard
These are closed questions, where the respondent is forced into
answeriug your formulation of the question. It is this approach
which makes analysing the answers reasonably straightforward.
You can count the numbers of pupils saying yes or no and the
numbers ticking the various kinds of worries you surgest. Suppose,
Using questionnaires in small scale research
however, that you do not want to suggest particular worries to
pupils believing that this might be putting ideas into their heads.
Then, you could ask an open questior, such as
What worries you about coming to secondary scho' 1?
Here you let the pupils write in their own concerns. The
disadvantage of this is that you might have 200 replies to analyse
and sort into categories, thereby robbing you of the time
advantages mentioned earlier. The pros and cons of different kinds
of questions ale discussed further in Chapter 3. For the moment we
are pursuing the idea that questionnaires are good at providing
descriptive information and not so goou at providing explanations.
Suppose, now, that you are interested in why pupils have the
worries that they tell you about. Clearly you might want to know
this to see if there is anything to be done to alleviate them. There
are two ways in which a questionnaire might be framed to get at
Asking why: You could simply ask pupils to P.,.!.1 you why they are
worried. The disadvantage here is that pupils Nould probably give
you brief answers which taised me._ e questions in your own mind,
for example, "the teacher told us the work would be hard", or
"my brother said you got your head stuck down the lavatory".
Such replies are going some way towards suggesting how you might
alleviate anxiety but you would need to know more before taking
action. You do" know whether the teacher referred to is primary
or secondary, tvr example. You don't know anything about the
context in which the remark was made (it could have been made to
motivate, inspire or to bring a disruptive class under control and
so on). As we shall see below, questionnaire data can be superficial
whereas information collected from fairly open interviewing is
often described as `rich'. The point we are making here is simply
that using a questionnaire to discover why things are the way they
are has limitations. If you ask open `why' questions you are faced
a good deal of time to be spent analysing answers
explanations which are often superficial.
Why use-a questionnaire?
Testing a hypothesis:
There is another:and nMre timegfickent..wilY
in Which!questiOnnaires .can.,bexisOz,to giveexplanatins This js-
where ycn have a hipothesisiabontsometliniandayouyAhlotAt
it. SOPpose yOui-'itypothesisis ihat 4iffeiences,1MuMa)2_yeaf,
in attainment in French gan be expliined.iniermilgthe*60,
pupil, exposure to a *Ocular syllabUsi the amtofthüe.
deyoted to French in class, and
raw questionnaire to nuke sure that all these factors Were-coYered.
it would include questions such as:
Are you a boy
Fn French do you use
Tour de France
rHow many periods of French per week do you have?
Lmore thaq 7
rHow iong is a period in your school?
30 minutes
35 minutes
40 minutes
45 minutes
Fs your hair
T -
: '*4+1. 1
8 Using questionnaires in small scale ream*
Let us, for the moment, pass over the difficulties in drafting
qtzestions (see Chapter 3). The example illustrates how a hypothesis
about the factors affecting attainment in French can be tested using
a questionnaire. You would match whatever measure of attaimnent
you were using for each pupil against the information provided on
the factors you think affect attainment.
Hypotheses about things usually come from reading, thinking,
experience and intuition. If you are an experienced teacher, you
will certainly have a whole range of hypotheses about various
aspects of school life including why some pupils attain higher
scores than others, which teaching methods are better than others
in a given set of circumstances, and why some policies are
successful and others not. If you wart to test a hypothesis using a
questionnaire, you have to formulate your hypothesis in such a way
that it is falsifiable. So if your hypothesis was that red haired boys
do best at French, your sample would have to include boys who did
not have red hair, as well as girls.
In summary, a questionnaire can provide you with:
descriptive information
explanations associated
with testing
of an
In using a questionnaire, you need to be clear in your own mind
about its purpose. Is it to provide you with descriptive information
about a problem? For example, how many pupils are worried about
coming to secondary school? Is it to test a hypothesis? Pupils
coming from a particular primary school have particular kinds of
worries and these are due to particular factors? The purpose of the
questionnaire has implications for the sample you use and we
discuss this in Chapter 2. It
is sometimes feasible to use one
questionnaire for both purposes. You will need help and advice if
this is the case.
Another limitation of sdf-completion questionnaires is that they
can provide you with superficial information. As mentioned
earlier, there is no interviewer to interpret or explain the meaning
of questions. There is, likewise, no interviewer to probe or explore
answers. As a researcher, all you have to go on in interpreting your
data are ticks in bon, or brief written responses. This is fine if you
are clear that this is the kind of information you need but it can be
disappointing if you were hoping for something more. An example
Why use a questionnaire?
from a reant study using questionnaires illustrates this point. the
rcsearch was surveying the extent to which adults participated in
education and training and the factors affecting their participation.
It was therefore interested in descriptive information, ie the extent
of participation. It was also interested in exploring hypotheses
about factors affecting participation such as previous school
experience and attainment, how useful adults saw education
'qualifications as being in the job mgrket, and knowledge of
available opportunities.
The survey provided good descriptive information about the extent
of participation. We were able to describe numbers participating in
terms of their age, sex, social class, and work status. This kind of
information had not previously been available and so was quite useful.
However, the research was of more limited value in exploring hypo-
theses about participation and non-participation. We were able to
suggest some factors encouraging participation but had less to say
about non-participation. The main reason given for nca-participation
was lack of interest. This piece of information is important up to a
point but it does not tell us why people are not interested and is
therefore of limited value to those wanting to encourage greater
participation. This is a good example of a case where other research
techniques are needed to follow up findings revealed by a question-
naire. In th:s instance, in-depth interviews with non-participants were
undertaken. These interviews provided a much fuller picture of non-
participants than would have been possible using a questionnaire. The
trade-off was depth instead of breadtn. Many fewer people could be
interviewed face-to-face than surveyed by questionnaire.
Lack of preparation
Drafting and piloting a questionnaire always takes longer than you
expect. Someone designing a questionnaire for the first time usually
thinks it needs only an hour or so spent jotting down a few
questions and that's that. As we will see from Chapters 3 and 4,
time spent in careful drafting and piloting pays dividends. A well
designed questionnaire yields unambipaus information and a
good response rate. Sloppy drafting means that questions are
ambiguous, categories are imprecise and you risk alienating your
respondents. A realistic amount of time for preparing and piloting
a questionnaire needs to be set asidewe would suggest at least one
week, probably two, (full time equivalent) needs to be devoted to
drafting, piloting and re-drafting.
Using questionnaires in small scale research
We end this chapter with a summary of the advantages and
disadvantages of using a questionnaire.
Advantages and Disadvantages
of Using a Questionnaire
Efficient use of time in reaching large numbers and in
analysing responses if closed questions are used.
time needs to be set aside for thinking
about the purpose of the questionnaire,
drafting questions, piloting.
Standardised questions mean that there is no interviewer
interpreting/distorting meaning.
But, care needed to make questions clear.
Even if they are clear, responses can be
Good at producing straightforward descriptive information.
But, more difficult to get at explanations.
Potential for anonymity.
Potential for high return rate.
We hope this chapter has alerted you to some of the advantages and
pitfalls of using a questionnaire as a teacher-researcher. Every
research technique has pros and cons and there is no simple answer
to the question "Which technique should I use?". The important
thing is to weigh up the advantages of a particular method in
relation to the research questions you want to ask and the claims
about your findings you want to make. If your research question
is about the views of pupils about some particular issue, such as
"How do pupils view the wearing of school uniform?" and you
want to claim that your findings are generalisable to all pupils in
the secondary school, then this almost certainly suggests a
questionnaire. lf, in contrast, you wanted to understand why a
particular teaching approach was being used with infants, you
would use interviews and observation. As mentioned earlier,
questionnaires can be used along with other ways of collecting
information about an issue. In Chapter 3 we discuss this in more
detail. First, Chapter 2 addresses sampling.
We are all familiar with polls conducted near election time which
try to predict voting patterns from information gathered from a
sample of one or two thousand voters across the country. These
numbers are large compared with surveys that teachers are likely to
carry out but cover only a tiny proportion of voters: less than one
in ten thousand. The validity of the polls depends mainly on two
things: do people's stated intentions truly reflect what they do when
the time comes; and does the selected sample properly reflect the
general population of voters? Obviously the method of sampling is
The 'representative' sample: a misleading notion
Common sense would suggest that if you want any sample to be
representative, you should structure it carefully. You should have
about equal numbers of men and women, and the right proportion
of people of different ages, income groups, ethnic origins, religious
beliefs atid so on. Such a sample would be a deliberately
microcosm of the
voting population:
a truly
`representative' sample. Of course, you would not try to represent
people of different heights or eye colours, however, since that does
not seem connected with their voting intentions. But if you are
concerned with factors affecting voting, then should you not build
in proper representation of other factors: people in areas of hill'
ot low unemployment, where a factory or hospital has just openei
or closed, where there is a local `green' issue, and so on?
Clearly the pursuit of `representativeness' is getting out of hand! In
the attempt to find out about people's voting intentions, we are
building in more and more of our own preconceived notions about
the factors that influence them. If we knew all that, we would
hardly need to do the reptarch. And by creating a sz:nple
Using questionnaires in small scale research
incorporating so many assumptions, we are in danger of producing
results that 'prove' our own expectations.
The idea of constructing a representative sample is appealing but
misleading. Instead, effort should go into defining clearly the
group or groups of people that the research is interested in, after
which a purely random sample can be taken from each group. To
establish local headteachers' views on school boards would involve
listing all headteachers in the area, and selecting a predetermined
number at random. To test au hypothesis that guidance teachers'
views on discipline are different from other teachers' needs two
samples, one chosen at random from all guidance teachers, one
from all teachers in other posts.
Random sampling: avoiding bias
The word 'random' upsets people. It suggests a haphazard process.
Surely we should not select by chance alone? Yet that is exactly
what we should do. If you think of the process as 'unbiased
sampling', that may help. You are making sure that you do not bias
the sampling in any way by imposing on it your own notions about
the very things you are trying to find out. By choosing the sample
at random, your aim is that all the natural variations within the
chosen population will tend to even out, so that the sample does
reflect the population from which it came. For that to happen you
need fairly large numbers. Of which, more later.
The process of random sampling is entirely rigourous. First, you
must define as clearly as possible the population you are interested
in. Here are some examples of clearly defined populations:
Headteachers, including acting headteachers, of primary
schools in Tayside Region.
People registered with the General Teaching Council but who
have not been employed as teachers in Scotland in the last two
Gifted/talented first year pupils in School X, as identified by
the AH2/AH3 test.
Notice that these are operational definitions: they describe how the
members of the population can be identified. Anyone should be
able to apply yout rules and agree with you about who is eligible
for inclusion.
You then acquire or create a list of all the members of the
population. Then you prepare a set
of random numbers
corresponding to the size of sample you want, and select
individuals from the list accordingly. You can select random
numbers from commercially produced tables or generate them
using a microcomputer.
Random sampling is based on two principles:
each member of the population must have an equal chance of
being selected.
the chances of one being selected must be quite independent
of any other.
These are deceptively simple. You need to be careful and apply
them thoroughly. If you do, you can resolve any confusion you
may have. Suppose that you have decided to send a questionnaire
to parents. You discover that there are several families with more
than one child in the school. Does that mean that their
should appear more thau once on your list, so that they might get
several questionnaires? Also there are a good many single parent
families. Is it right that they only have one 'vote' whereas other
families have two? Or should you just send one questionnaire to
each household irrespective of the numbers of parents and
To answer these points you need to go back to your research
questions: why have you selected this population? Then you apply
the rules about random sampling.
For instance, your research may be about the general role of the
school in the community, or more especially about the accessibility
of its buildings, swimming pools and so on to parents. In that
you are interested in the parents mainly as members of the public
who happen to have a child in the school. You would assemble
list in which each father, mother or single parent
appears only
once. The questionnaire would go to each person selected, as an
individual. While many households may get no questionnaire,
some may receive two, one to the father, and one to the mother.
That does not matter: the fact that one parent is selected
must not
prevent the other from having the same chance of being chosen.
On the other hand, you might be seeking parents' views
on the
school's careers guidance programme. You may be interested in
comparing the views of parents of boys with those of girls,
or those
with children intending to leave school at 16 with those whose
children are staying on. In this case, you are interested in these
people as parents of particular children, and so you could make
of pupils,
select from it
at random, and send one
Using questionnaires in small scale research
questionnaire to each set of parents. You may
dhcl that both Sandy
Thomson and Sarah Thomson have been picked. In that case you
should send one questionnaire for each, naming the child, because
the Thomsons might have a different view about the advice given
to each child.
In random sampling, each member of the sample is picked from
the whole population, not just from those left after previous
selections. It is possible that the same individual may be picked
twice. In such a case you would not send two questionnaires, but
you would include the data for that individual twice. This may
seem strange, since many individuals are not included at all, but it
is consistent with the statistical laws that decide how well a random
sample represents the population. As you can see, the rules about
sampling, though essentially simple, require to be followed exactly.
WI What size of sample?
We said previously that in choosing the sample randomly your aim
is that all the natural variations within the chosen population will
tend to even out. For that to happen you need fairly large numbers
in the sample. The more varied .your population, the larger the
number needed if you are to be confident about extrapolating from
the sample to the population. Thus, if academic experience and
ability are important factors in your study, then pupils taking
Higher French in a particular school are likely to be more
homogeneous than the schools' inta
of first year pupils, and you
could be content with a smaller sample in the forter case.
Perhaps surprisingly, there are no firm rules abbut sample size.
Most authors suggest 30 as the minimnm, one reason being that
with numbers below 30 the statistica,
formulae may have to be
adapted slightly.
However, with small numbers you would
probably not use a structured questionnaire, and, even if you did,
you would not rely on statistics to strengthen, your conclusions,
perhaps using some interviews to check your interpretation of your
So, we are not suggesting that you should become embroiled with
is helpful if you have some feeling for what the
numbers involved imply about the degree of confidence with which
you can report results: in other words a grasp of what the statistical
procedures make more precise and quantitative when you use them.
Any randem sample will be an approximate representation of the
population, and if you repeated the process your next sample
would be a slightly different approximation. Once you have chosen
your sample, and gathered and analysed the information, you can
speak with one hundred per cent certainty about the views and
circumstances of the sample members. However, there will be a
degree of uncertainty about how far this applies to your population
as a whole. Statistical methods can be used to estimate the margin
'Of error. Often researchers aim at '95% confidence': that is, there
is only a 1-in-20 chance of the result lying outside the range they
The margin of uncertainty depends entirely on the size of the
sample, and not, as you might think, on whether the sample is a
large proportion of the population. Thus, if 42% of people polled
say they will vote Conservative, then our '95elo confidence' limits
are as follows:
Sample size
VS% confidence' range
100 + / 10.03/4
+ / 6.09/s
+ /
+ / 1.49/o
This means that if you have a sample of 100, the 42 who said they
would vote Conservative has an estimated error of plus or minus
10%. The number voting could be 32 or 52. The chances of results
lying outside the range 32-52 are 1-in-20. The table shows that the
sample size needs to be increased quite substantially, to 1000, to
reduce the margin of error significantly. A poll of 1000 would be
able to claim that the range of those intending to vote Conservative
lay between 39 and 45 and that there was a 1-in-20 chance of the
range lying outside these figures.
Obviously the larger the sample the better. But, as you can see,
to increase the degree of certainty two-fold, you would need to
increase the sample four-fold. In practice, the size of your sample
will be determined largely by the amount cf data you can cope
with, and so we do not suggest seeking certainty by multiplying the
work beyond reasonable limits. Rather, you should simply be
aware of your sample's limitations and cautious in the claims you
make about generalising to the whole population.
There is one exception to this general rule. If the numbers
involved allow you to cover the whole of your target population
rather than just a sample, then it is always worthwhile to do so. For
example, if you have a school staff of 63, any sample worth having
is going to be a majority of the teachers. Yet you will still not be
Using questionnaires in small scale research
able to report with 100% certainty, because you have only a sample
of the 63. In that case, you should grit your teeth and include
The sampling unit
In the example used earlier in this chapter, the decision about how
to sample depended on identifying the population precisely, and
also the sampling unit: was it the parent as a member of the public
or was it the parent as the parent of a particular child? This led
back to the research questions.
Notice that the sampling unit is not necessarily the same as the
individual to whom the questionnaire will be sent. In some cases,
the sampling unit may be a group of people, such as a class, a
department, or the whole staff of a school. It depends on what you
are interested in. If you were interested in the influence of school
policy on the popularity of courses, then the sampling unit would
be the school.
If you were interested
in the influence of
departmental organisation on courses, then the sampling unit
would be the department. Similarly, if you thought that pupils'
opinions about the 'relevance' of a subject will depend on the
teacher they have got, then your unit would be the teacher or
teaching group. After selecting a sample of classes, you should
question all the pupils in these classes. In that way you will have
certainty about what each class thinks, and the differences between
classes in your sample will approximate to the variation amongst
classes generally.
If your sampling unit is, say, the school, then to have a decent
nnmber in the sample, ie a decent number of schools, may imply
taking in huge numbers of teachers, pupils or parents. One way
round this is
to take a sample-within-a-sample ('two-stage
sampling'). You take a sample of schools, and then a sample of,
say, the teachers in each school. This would leave you with a degree
of uncertainty at each of the two sampling levels: these teachers are
not entirely typical of that school, and these schools are not typical
of all schools. Another way is to keep to a relatively small number
of schools and regard each as a separate case-study, making no
claim that these represent schools in general. In this situation, you
might use the questionnaire only to identify some features of the
schools, which you could follow up in other ways designed to
reflect the individual character of each school. This leads us into
Sampling 17
consideration of case-studies, which is outside the scope of this
Stratified samples
Sometimes you may believe you have a good reason to subdivide
the sampling process. For example, you may feel sure that if you
sample primary teachers' views about national testing, you will get
different reactions from headteachers and from 'classroom'
teachers. If you simply sample teachers at random, you will find
few hcadteachers in your sample, not enough to be confident that
any differences in the viw are significant.
In that case, you can 'stratify' the sample. From say 200 schools
you might sample 40 heads (out of 200) and 40 'classroom' teachers
(out of perhaps 2000). You can then speak, with equal confidence,
about the views of each group in turn, and draw the contrast
between them. This will work very well so long as the 'theory'
behind your sampling is correct (that views on educational policy
vary with people's position in the hierarchy) so that there are clew-
differences between the groups. If you find that there are not any
systematic differences, you can still say something about the views
of teachers in general but with less confidence than if you had taken
one bigger random sample across the board.
The decision to stratify takes you one step back towards the
notion of creating a 'representative' sample and it runs the same
risk. You may choose schools, and deliberately include schools of
different sizes, or with different catchment areas, or in different
Regions. But why? Do you have a specific 'theory' or research
question about the effects of size, background, or Regional policy?
Or is
it just a vague sense that these things might make a
differtace? If it is the latter, choose at random. You may then find
out that these factors are unimportant and you will not have
distorted your sample in finding that out. Occasionally, there may
be a compelling reason to select your subjects on a 'representative'
basis rather than at random: for example, to ensure that small but
influential groups are included. In such a case you may have to
resort to a more elaborate process of stratification, identifying
various groups and taking several members at random from each.
You can report
what each group thinks,
though without confidence
based on large numbers. You cannot, however, combine the groups
again, because the combined groups are not then a random sample
Using questionnaires in small scale tritearch
of any particular population. Any attempt to,generalise is at your
own tisk.
This chaPter sets,out seyeral rulesabout saMp*:
Derme your population clearly, sothMaflyoflejould j
exaci!Y who belongi within It and
If possible, inchide the whdle or yoir Op,
surveY,, so that you, can speak witly'ArtaIn-
If not, sample at random. This allows you to report with'
measurable degree of uncertainty.
The bigger-your sample, the greater the certaiiityi
certainty May not increase in proportIon -to, the
Sometimes it is permissible to depart from random sampling
but you need to be clear about your reasons for doing-io::
A questionnaire should be:
attractive to look at
easy to understand
reasonably quick to complete.
These features encourage respondents to complete it and so provide
you with the information you need. As we will see in Chapter 5,
a low response rate makes it difficult to interpret the information
you have got. This chapter concentrates on two main areas of
designing questionnaires: drafting questions and overall design and
Drafting the questions
Drafting questions is an enjoyable, interesting and frustrating
process. One of the many advantago in doing research in a small
group is that colleagues are readily available to argue about the
merits of the wording of questions.
How many questions? Before getting down to drafting individual
questions you need to decide on how many questions you need to
ask. Needing to ask is different from wanting to ask. You need to
be ruthless in shredding questions that are interesting but not vital
to your research. Starting with an upper limit of say 15-20
questions erlourages you to think hard about which questions are
really esseniial. Your overall research questions will help you to
decide which questions must be included in your questionnaire.
Guidelines for drafting questions
Language level:Questions have to be phrased in a way that matches
the vocabulary of your respondents. An inappropriate question for
12 year olds would be, "What are the distinctive features of
secondary schools as compared with primary schools?" Much
20 Using questionnaires in small scale research
better to ask, "How is secondary school different from primary?"
You need to be careful, however, not to patronise your resPoNenti
by using language which is too simple. Getting iheIanaaf,",
right is difficult and there is no substitute for discnisic
colleagues about this and piloting is essential. A questionnirvlör
pupils should be piloted with pupils.
Questions should be clear and unambiguous. Mold double
negatives and long-winded questions. Do not ask,
I( :,at4
unusual for you to dO school work during the holidays?" Maih
better to ask, "Do you usually do school work dUringAthe
holidays?" Do not ask double barrelled quesCons such as, "Do
you like swimming and football?" You won't know whether a
response refers to either or both.
Categories of response should be clear too. It is important that
the difference among categories is obvious to the respondent. Each
category should be complete in itself as in "Yes", "No" where
respondents are being asked to say whether or not the; nave done
something. For example:
IHave you ever taught in a primary school?
Clai:fying categories becomes more difficult once you go beyond
Yes/No responses. Think about the research questions to help
identify categories and be sure categories will make sense to the
respondents. Suppose you are interested in finding out how micro-
computers are used in classrooms and want to suggest ways to
respondents. You need to include most of the ways (to save time
when analysing write-in answers) and to describe these ways in
terms that respondents understand. For teachers you might ask
Do you use the micro-computer to teach any of the following?
Please tick all relevant boxes.
word processing
use of data bases
numerkal calculations
problem solving
Please write in
Getting the questions right
In this example, the hope is that the most usual ways of using
micro-computers have been covered. A mportant, however, is the
language used to describe categories. If 4problem-solving'is seen as
similar to 'use of data bases' you have no way of knowing whether
respondents are ticking both these boxes or are counting problem
solving using data bases as 'problem solving' or 'data bases'. This
would obviously cast doubt on the validity of the analysis of
responses. What you need to do is to pilot the questionnaire with
a small numt,er of teachers who use micro-computers and discuss
their interpretation of categories with them (see Chapter 4). If
pupils are going to be answering the questions, use terms with
which they are familiar to describe the categories.
Opinion questions: Be clear about the factual basis behind
opinions. For instance, asking colleagues about the strengths and
weaknesses of the government's proposals for in-service education
assumes some knowledge of these proposals. A finding that 90%
of staff approve of the proposals is pretty weak without evidence
of staff's understanding of the proposals. Be clear too about
whether when you collect opinion is important. If you want to
explore the usual picture, don't collect information in unusual
circumstances. For example, you wouldn't collect opinion on the
government's economic policy immediately after a budget. You
would collect it when nothing out of the ordinary was happening
in the economy. If it is immediate reaction to the budget which is
of interest, collect information as near the budget as possible.
Opinion questions are difficult because there are usually many
aspects to an opinion. As Eng about the raising ot the school
leaving age, for example, a respondent may be in favour, except for
certain kinds of pupils, or be in favour, but object to an increased
workload for the teaching staff, and so on. Be aware that
respondem can conjure up an opinion about something they have
never thour4.1t about before or care about. If asked "How should
primary-secondary liaison be improved?" it would take a forceful
teacher to reply, "I don't know and I don't give a damn!". There
are no easy solutions. Be careful about wording and be aware of
the limitations of answers.
Factual information questions: Are you confident that respondents
have easy
access to the factu«I information required? If
respondents have to go to a lot of time and effort to collect
22 Using questionnaires in small scale research
information there are two likely effects:
the response rate will be low: people are not prepared to go
to extra effort unless the whole exercise is well set up and
there is support for the rerearch.
respondents will guess or estimate and so cast doubt on the
reliability of the information provided.
The following examples would require time and effort of
number of punishment exercises given over 6 months
numbers of parents seen by guidance staff
numbers of parents attending parents' evenings.
These are perfectly legitimate areas of enquiry but information not
readily available to the respondent's hand is a great disincentive.
Finally, asking people to remember something that took place in
the distant past, is chancy as memory is fallible and selective. We
wouldn't use a questionnaire to ask about events more than asear
or so in the past for adults, far less for children.
Are you confident that respondents will be willin5 to provide
factual information?
The advantages of anonymity
mentioned in Chapter I but even with this guarantee, respondents
may be reluctant to give information. This is especially the case
with personal information such as marital status, age, length of
time in employment, future career plans. Ask yourself whether
information about the personal circumstances of your respondent,
adult or child, is essential. In most cases of small-scale teacher
research it isn't.
Leading questions:
These should be avoided. A leading question is
one which points the respondent to a certain answer such as
"Natiottal testing is a complete waste of time, isn't it?" Similarly,
you need to think carefully about giving examples as these can lead
an unsure respondent"Do you use any new teaching methods,
such as resource-based learning or simulations, in your class-
room?" It is better to list all the methods you are interested in and
get respondents to tick boxes, or use no examples at all.
In summary, the main things to take into account before beginning
to draft questions are:
3 0
Getting the questions right
language level
need for Clear questions and categories
.knoWledge base of opinions
ease of respondent's accesslo factual inforraation
need for information about personal characteristics
avoidance of leading questions.
Types of question
Questions can be framed in a variety Of mays.
open question
does not suggest categories of response, leaving
respondents free to answer in a way that seems most appropriate
to them. Example:
What did you like best about the course?
Please write in
closed question ;:uggests
categories of response:
rWhat did you like best about the course?
Tick one box only
teaching methods
meeting others
in similar situations
(Please spectfy)
Even in a closed question, it is useful to include the catch all
category 'other' so that idiosyncratic views get an airingbut this
is not the equivalent of an open question. There should be few
responses in the 'other' box if you have done your homework and
piloted categories.
Using questionnaires in small scale research
Ranked responses
are another possibility:
did you like best about the tonne?
Put I against the thing you liked best; 2 against the next best and so on,to
5 against the thing you liked least.
teach:ng methods
meeting others
Chapter 5 shows that these responses are difficult to analyse.
Scaled Tespqnses
are the most obvious way of collecting opinions:.
How would you rate this course?
Please tick one box only.
Good ri Average ri Poor
Very poorn
You can use a variety of ways of scaling. The way used above is
to take the idea of 'goodness' and provide intervals of goodness
from excellent to very poor. Another approach is to present a
statement and ask whether respondents agree with it.
are badly paid
Tick the appropriate box
don't know
strongly disagree
Using scaled responses enables you to count how many people
express certain views. You can then make a straightforward
analysis which reveals how many people think a course is excellent
or how many people strongly agree that teachers are badly paid. In
using a scaled response in this way, you are not claiming anything
about the intervals between the categories. You are not saying, for
example, that the interval between 'good' and 'average' is the
as the one between 'average' and 'poor'. Considerations such as
Getting the questions right
these are necessary in attitude measurement. This is quite a
different business (see Moser and Ka Iton for an explanation).
Question order
It is generally accepted that in deciding which order to ask
begin with open questions (if you present closed questions
first, respondents are in the framework you have set by the
time they reach open questions and so the questions arc not
really open)
begin with questions which are straightforward and easy to
questions about personal circumstances are better placed
towards the end. By then you have engaged the respondent's
attention and she/he may be more likely to complete the
questions. You risk antagonising the respondent by plunging
straight into sensitive and personal questions
there is merit in ending with an open question as a sweeper.
"Is there anything else about primary-secondary transfer you
would like to say?". This can encourage respondents to give
you a new angle on the topic. (However, it means that you
will need to spend time analysing answers if a lot of
respondents take advantage of the opportunity.)
Routes through questions
Sometimes you may want to route people who answer in a certain
way, away from dome questions and towards jthers. The first point
about this is that instructions must be clear. (Once again this
emphasises the importance of piloting.) Our preferred form of
instructions is to direct people alongside the box they have ticked.
Overall, did you enjoy the course?
Go to question 2
Go to question 9
The second point is that routing can become very complicated and
it is easy to make mistakes. It is therefore better to try and avoid
26 Using questionnaires in small scale research
more than one route. The more you have the greater the chance of
errors. Keeping track of routes can be slonebY diagrams; -
diagrams are for your oval use sO that you tr.41- 4seek
instructions to respondents. An example oU a simple diagrOyiS
given below. ffere you need instructions at Questions 2, 6 and 11.
Route A
Q2 Yes, enjoyed course
Route II
Q2 No, didn't enjoy course?
Q3 Which aspects enjoyed? Q9 Why?
Q4 Any room for improvement? Q1U What could be done to improve course?
QS Would recommend course to colleagues?
Q11 Nothing
Q6 Yes No
Q7 Why? QS Why not?
QI2 End of questionnaire
QI I Something
Q13 Why would this improve matters?
Check that you do not exclude respondents from answering
questions you intended them to answer by your routing procedures.
Overall design and layout
Modern word-Processing packages make it
relatively straight-
forward to produce an attractive design. And remember to include
the most simple things. Important points to include regardless of
how the questionnaire is produced are:
the title of the questionnaire
the name and address of the person to whom it should be
the date by which it should be returned.
All this information is worth putting on the front sheet even if you
intend to give out the questionnaires yourself let us say, to a class
you teach. Things can get lost; someone may unexpectedly help you
in administering the questionnaire; you may want to use a slightly
revised version on a later occasion and so you need a reference
3 4
Getting the questions right
date. Other straightforward design points are:
leave a reasonable amount of space between the questions
(questions cramped together look unattractive)
leave a column on the right hand side for coding replies.
The page of your questionnaire should look something like this:
Ql. Which primary school did you attend?
Please write in here
Were you worried about coming to secondary
Please tick box
Office use
It is also helpful to divide up your questions into sections with their
own headings. This helps the look of the questionnaire and can
encourage the respondent to see the overall logic of the design. An
example dealing with primary-secondary liaison directed at staff
could be:
Section I
Your Involvement in Primary-Secondary Liaison
Section 2
Strengths and Weaknesses of Current Arrangements
Section 3
Future Developments.
This brjef .mample also makes four other points. The first is that
your instructions to respondents should be brief and clear. Tell
them exactly but politely what it is you want them to do. Secondly,
if the instructions can be in a diffeient type face from the
this can help the look of the questionnaire and
makes instructions
stand out. Thirdly,
is usual to give
some brief instructions at titc start of the questionnaire, rather in
the way that candidates are given instructions in examinations.
An example of the instructions given in a recent questionnaire
Using questionnaires in small scale research
Please ignore the numbers in brackets throughout this
questionnaire. They are there for administreve purposes
When going through the questionnaire, please put a tick in the
box corresponding to your answer, like this
Don't know
Sometimes you are asked to write the answer in the space
Fourthly, you may want to write a brief covering letter. If you are
giving out the questionnaire yourself to a group of pupils, you need
to rehearse how you will introduce it. Whether you use a letter or
a verbal introduction the following should be borne in mind:
a short explanation about the
purpose of the questionnaire is
say briefly why it is
important that people fill in the
be frank about this.
If questionnaires are numbered, explain
their presence.
For example:
I am doing some research on pupils coming from primary to
secondary school. I am very interested in what pupils think about
transfer. If we are going to make things better for next year it is
important to find out what you think. Please fill in this question-
naire. You do not need to put your name on it and no-one will
see what you have written except me. Thank you for your help.
Getting the questions right 29
Clearly you would pitch the language at a level appropriate to Your
sample. It is also important to let parents know you are involving
pupils in research. A letter asking them to let you know if they do
not want their child to take part is courteous and can avoid
This chapter has concerned various aspects of designing a
questionnaire. We have discussed:
things to bear in mind when drafting questions:
knowledge base of
ease of access to factual
language level
avoiding leading questions whether personal details
are vital
asking one question only
at a time
types of questions
ranked responses
scaled responses
question order
question routes
overall design and layout, stressing the need for an attractive,
clutter-free design.
Much of the work of drafting questionnaires is trial and error.
Working through a couple of drafts with a colleague or two can be
very helpful. What is essential is to pilot the questionnaire before
using it for real. Do not waste all the time and effort that has gone
into constructing the questionnaire by skimping on piloting. We
cannot stress too strongly how essential piloting is. Chapter 4
discusses how to pilot efficiently.
Once you have agonised over the construction of the questionnaire,
writing, shredding and re-writing the questions, you will probably
be convinced that it is as near perfect as possible and will be eager
to use it. But there is one further step: piloting. If you omit this
stage you may find much of your effort wasted.
Books about research use the term piloting to refer to two rather
different processes. Small-scale piloting refers to a relatively
informal exercise of trying out the questionnaire to see how it
works and to get the 'bugs' out of the questions. This should
always be done, whether or not large-scale piloting is to follow.
Large-scale piloting refers to a complete 'dry run' on quite a large
scale including a detailed analysis of the responses. This is
important in certain circumstances, for example in a large-scale
survey which aims at subtle statistical comparisons across a number
of years or between various groups and sub-groups; in a PhD study
in which one must demonstrate methodological rigour; or if the
questionnaire is intended to become a standard one used by other
researchers. In such cases, the aim is to simulate the real thing as
closely as possible, using a similar population, sampling in the same
way (though with smaller numbers) and setting up the same
conditions for administration and responding. It is not uncommon
to run the pilot one year and the study proper exactly a year later.
If you feel that such large-scale piloting is appropriate to your
work, then standard texts such as Moser and Ka Iton (see page 66)
contain a wealth of detailed advice.
However, this guide is aimed at research of a more modest kind.
It is intended for tea_hers who are researching aspects of their own
practices and circumb;..nces, seeking the views of immediate
colleagues, parents or pupils. They are looking for a reliable and
fairly rouust picture on which they can base decisions and make
changes over a fairly short time-scale. The questionnaire, once
Using the questionnaire
designed, is not intended as a hi-tech instrument to be added to
other researchers' armoury. At most it might prove useful to a
colleague in another school or Region.
There are good reasons why piloting is important. By the time you
and your colleagues have lived with the questionnaire for some
weeks you have come to know exactly what you mean by every
question. It is very difficult for someone so closely involved to
imagine how respondents might interpret it differently, when they
encounter it for the first time. It is only when the returns come in
that you may realise that some respondents have misunderstood
what was meant. Once the questionnaire has been sent out it is out
of your control, and little can be done to put things right unless by
dropping some questions from the analysis. Having to drop some
respondents altogether, risks distorting the sample.
So, small-scale piloting is essential. It involves getting a few
individuals to work through the questionnaire in your presence and
then talk it over with you. This has several purposes. First, you
want to find out roughly how long the questionnaire takes to
answer and if there are any features of it that are likely to put
people off and so reduce the likely response rate. Second, you want
to 'de-bug' the questions. Is the wording clear, using terms familiar
and unambiguous? Further, do people see the questions as
important and interpret them as you expect? Finally, is it easy for
them to express their answers to their satisfaction, and for you to
interpret them correctly?
Picking your pilots
In choosing people for the piloting the
aim is to get the
of useful feedback as readily as possible. Choose individuals who
are likely to be sympathetic to your work but willing to give
forthright comments and sharp criticism: you want to test your
questions out as thoroughly as possible before you risk sending
them out to respondents. Avoid anyone who was involved in
preparing the questionnaire or who has any 'inside knowledge' of
it. Also avoid anyone to whom it will be sent in the study itself.
Ideally, you want people who are members of your target
population but not of your sample. When that is not possible,
choose others who are broadly similar and have access to the same
Using questionnaircs in small scale research
kind of information and experiences that you are interested infor
example if yoL are going to survey all the staff in your own school,
you could pilot with teachers from a neighbouring school.
Working it through
In piloting, it is best to work with people individually, making vire
there is plenty of time for the exercise. Ask them to work through
the questionnaire while you watch to see how they go about it.
Encourage them to mention any points at which they hive
difficulty but do not offer help. Time them, and ask for their
general impressions when they have finished. Then go through each
question in turn, checking what they thought it meant and what
they meant by their response. If they had any problems, discuss
how the questions might be improved, making notes on the spot.
Piloting with colleagues is probably easier to arrange than with
pupils or parents. Nevertheless
is important to pilot your
questionnaire with people similar to those who are going to be
completing it. Sometimes colleagues in other schools can help with
access to pupils, and friends and neighbours are often suitable
'parent' pilots.
How much piloting?
How many people should you involve in the piloting? The general
idea is to keep on until you think you have learned all that You can,
or need, to know. You will probably give the questionnaire in its
original version to two or three people. If they have all picked up
much the same points, you may re-draft it to take account of these.
If each comments on different things you should try it with one or
two more until you feel you have exhausted the full range of likely
After re-drafting, you should pilot again with fresh people. This
time you should find that few points arise, and can give the
questionnaire its final polishing before using it. If there are still
significant comments, you may need to reconsider your overall
approach to the questionnaire, or indeed whether the topic lends
itself to a questionnaire rather than an interview which might
accommodate different points of view more easily.
The process of re-drafting after piloting deals with points similar
to those discussed in Chapter 2, mostly by adjustments to the
wording to remove ambiguous and misleading phrases. You may
have found that people have different terms for the same thing (one
1.4 0
Using the questionnaire
school's Board of Studies is another's Management Team) and you
may decide to use both terms throughout. Sometimes the same
term suggests different
things (by a
'progressive' primary
currie:Aum, are we implying `child-centredness' or tontinuity'?)
and you may want to add an explanatory phrase when thc word is
first used. Many misunderstandings can be pre-empted by a brief
explanation at the start of the questionnaire.
Administering the questionnaire effectively
In thinking about administration of your questionnaire you should
remember your reasons for choosing to collect information in this
way, and the advantages and disadvantages of questionnaires
discussed in Chapter I.
In a questiot
aire survey, the aim is to get standardised
inforination by
tering everyone the same stimulus: the same
questions presented in ate same way, so that any variety in the
answers is a true reflection of variety of views and circumstances
among the respondents. Sometimes you can ensure this by
distributing the questionnaire personally to classes or to teachers at
a formal gathering such as an in-service course.
You also"want to get the best possible response rate. It helps if
respondents zee some advantage to themselves in completing the
questionnaire, for example if it serves as something they would
have to do anyway, such as a school self-evaluation exercise, or as
a stimulus before a school-based in-service discussion. (Of course
their responses in such cases may be coloured by their attitudes to
school self-evaluation or school-based in-service.) In one project,
surveying pupils, the researchers entered the numbers on returned
questionnaires in a prize draw and the winner got a book token.
This proved an effecti,
.vay of maximising the return rate.
If you cannot dist
. Jute the questionnaire in person, then do
what you can to control the way in which the exercise is presented
to respondents and thz circumstances in which they complete it.
For example, if colleagues offer to help distribute a questionnaire
to pupils, they will ffed guidance on how to present it. Even if the
questionnaire itself makes a good appeal for co-operation the
spoken presentation and the attitude of the presenter can have a
marked effect on how questionnaires are completed. Similarly, it
may be very economical to arrange to distribute the questionnaire
through a Region's `wallet' scheme or by sending one package to
34 Using questionnaires in small scale research
the headteacher containing questionnaires for each member of staff
and a single large envelope for the returns. However; you may not
want to give the impression that you are working for the employers,
or to appear to rely too much on the headteacher'S discretion!
Regardless of how you get them there, questionnaires should-
always reach respondents in a sealed envelope preferably addressed
to them by name, and containing an envelope in which they can seal
their reply. Indeed, unless cost is an overwhelming consideration,
it is worth spending money to save your own valuable time and
ensure a good return rate. People are more likely to returnla
questionnaire, and promptly, if it comes to them on good quality
stationery and carries a first class stamp on their reply envelope.
With every questionnaire there should be an accompanying letter
of not more than one page, covering a number of points such as
the following:
Who are you and what are you interested in?
1 am a principal teacher of guidance dealing with third and fourth
year pupils and I am interested in patterns of school non-
attendance including truancy that appear to be condoned by
Why have you contacted this person and what do you want them
to do?
1 am writing to you as someone involved in the 5-14 development
project at local level, to ask if you would complete the enclosed
questionnaire and return it in the envelope provided, by 10 March.
Why are you doing this research and for whom?
This is a personal piece of research and is not carried out as part
of any course that I am teing or 9n behalf of any official body.
(So should you have written it on school notepaper?)
A guarantee of confidentiality and a promise of feedback.
Your reply will be read only by myst(f and mewed in confidence
in any reporting of the work. I shall send you $, pief summary of
my research once it is completed (probably by September) and
hope that you will find it helpful in your work.
The tone throughout should be friendly but businesslike. If the
questionnaire is going to people's homes it is a good idea to mail
it on Thursday so that they get it in time for the weekend, if to their
Using the questionnaire
school or business address, post at the start a ate working week
to arrive during the. week. Set a clear deadline so that they have
about ten days to reply.
Chapter 2 stresses the importance of getting a high rate of,return
frtm your original sample. That is much preferable to choosing
a too-
large sample in the expectation of low returns, and you should ceitain-
ly not start adding in extra people afterwards to bring up the numbers.
Allow at leairanother week before taking any follow-up action.
A follow-up letter should be neither whinging nor threatening:
As part of a research study I am doing on the problems of latch-
key children, 1 sent you a questionnaire on 15 February. So far I
have not received a reply and so I am sending you another
in case the fwst has gone astray. I shall be very gratgful for your
reply as I am keen to ensure that my survey is complete before
beginning my analysis of the information. tf there is any
why you feel you cannot complete the questionnaire could
plea ,-. sign and return it anyway? If you wish to discuss it I
be contacted at
. . .
Further postal follow-up is subject to the law of diminishing returns
and if you are c-ncerned to get complete covenue a telephone call
may be more helpful. There could be interesting reasons why some
people have chosen not to reply, and it may be helpful to find out
something about these, so that you can gauge whether the
you have received are typical of the population, and whether your
'silent minority' is a significant group whose views should be sought
in some other way.
Much of this chapter has been a warning against short cuts and
false economies. In particular it has stressed:
the importance of small-scale piloting, using people who will
be sympathetic but critical
the need to re-draft questions
nobody gets it absoltrely
right first time
the need to think about how the questionnaire will be
administered, bearing in mind that you want standardised
responses, that is you want to do what you can to standardise
the conditions in which the respondent will read gnd reply to
your questions.
Chapter 5 discusses ways of analysing the information
you have
This series of research guides keeps coming back to the notion thai
the decisions to be made at various stages during a piece of research
are all inter-connected. They stem largely from the initial selection
of research questions to be investigated. In the present case, these
questions will have influenced your decision to use a questionnaire
in the first place and the style and content of the items that you
have put into it.
You may be mainly interested in straightforward description of
how things are. (How many primary classrooms have their own
micro computers? How many pupils think that their science
worksheets are easy or difficult to follow?) Here your main aim is
to create a summary of the-general picture. On the other hand y6u
may want to test some hypothesis: for example, that the effect of
having adult learners in the class will be viewed quite differently by
the teacher, by the pupils, and by the adult learners themselves. In
that case your analysis will focus on the contrasts between the
groups and show whether there is a real difference between them.
These different purposes will shape your approach to your data,
and so you should have developed some idea of how you are going
to process the results long before you find yourself sitting in front
of (let's hope!) a large pile of compkted questionnaires.
There are three main stages in analysing questionnaires. rie first
is data preparation. You do not want to be continually leafing
through piles of responses as you try to make sense of what you
have found and so you need to put the data int.:t form that is tasy
to work with. Usually this means a grid in which the replies from
each respondent oaupy a separate I-orizontal row. The second
stage is the data description, in which you work from your grid,
counting the responses in the different categories, calculating
proportions and possibly applying snme statistical tests. The third
stage is interpretation of the results. In Chapter 6 we describe this
as answering the `So what?' question. Once you have counted up
Analysing the results
responses, what dO'The numbers mean? What is their importance?
This chapter concentrates on all these stages.
Data preparation
'time spent on careful data preparation
Is time well spent. It
reduces the risk of errors and increases your confidence in the
overall analysis if you know you have an accurate and systematic
description of the data. The overall aim in data preparfttion is to
make the mass of information you have in
your questionnaires
more manageable. You want to translate tin 'raw' data onto a
grida few sheets of squared paperso that
you can see what
people's answers are to particular questions without leafing
through a huge pile of questionnaire3. There
are two main stages
in data preparation: preparing the grid and coding the questions.
We deal with each in turn.
Preparing the grid
A grid- will look something like this
Respondent 1
Respondent 2
6 7
8 9 10
The horizontal numbered lines are columns for recording
to your questions. As we shall see, you can have one column
or as
many columns as you need to record the answers to a particular
question. We saw in Chapter 3 that it is usual to allocate numbers
to particular questions when designing the questionnaire. Each
horizontal line will represent the answers of one respondent
to your
questions. If we had a simple code, B= boy and G =girl, Y
= yes
and N = no the grid would look as follows:
38 Using questionnaires in small scale research
The answers
of all
5 6
9 10
The answers of one respondent
You can see at a glance that the grid tells you about the responses
of 3 boys and 2 girls (column 1). Column 2 tells you that for the
question allocated this column, there were 4 yeses and 1 no. This
question might have been `Do you walk to school?' By adding up
each column you get the numbers saying yes and no to each
Use large sheets of feint-ruled squared paper that
accommodates your writing if you are using letter codes. Tips:
use pencil (so you can easily delete mistakes)
leave blank rows (horizontal blank) between every
respondents to make it easier to read
leave blank columns (vertical blank) between groups of
questions, to make it easier to read
if you know you are going to compare groups, boys and girls
for example, enter the data in these groups. In the example
above the boys are entered and then the girls.
Preparing a grid is easy and straightforward. Before you can begin
filling it in, you need to code the data. The amount of time and
effort required is dependent on whether you are coding closed or
open questions.
Coding the data: closed questions
Closed questions are the easiest and quickest to code. The
categories of response are pre-set and all that is needed is to give
4 6
Analysing the results
each category a letter or numbii. (If you intend using a computer
4 A
now is the time to check whether the software vscs nunibcfS" or
letters.) Whether you choose numbers or letters as codes, you
should be aiminrat the siMplest and.rnosdire.scbernepos1bI.
As illustrated in the section on prepating a grid,iayes4no response,
could be coded naturally as Y or,Isi; boytgirtbecOrnes--13 orA;:lf
people have to choose one of 5 response categories, youxsynt4codc
each category 1 to 5 or A to E.'EVen where morticompWorMs-
of closed question are usedk the same principle of siM
applies. If people are offered five response categories and
tick as many as they wish then this can be ,coded as five separate
yes/no items using a column for each. For example, asking the
you use the micro-computer to teach any of the
Office use
P/ease tkk all relevant boxes
Word processing
Use of data bases
Numerical calculations
Problem solving
IOther: Please write in
The 'office use only' section is a reminder of the column number
for each category. So the grid for five teacher responses might look
like this:
Use of
data bases
33 34
40 Using questionnaires in-small scale research
Here column 30= word processing; 31= use of data bases sind
on. You record whether people use the.*cro!ciimpiiiers for;
purpose specified by inserting Y for yes-and 14,k for, no.,yossr:gri,
shows. that 4 out of-5 teachers use thc micro-computerfotl*
processing; 5 out of 5 use it to denionstrate the use,of-tlatk
2 out of $ use it for numerical calculations; Zoo. ofsuse Ittolitack
problem solving; and 1 uses it for one,otber-purpOte.
Similarly, if people were asked to rair
in order o
importance or preference, then you would record five numbers,
ranks given to the factors in the /order in which they are listed in
the questionnaire. To take the example from Chapter 3:
What did you like best about the course?
Put I against the thing you likedl
best; 2 against the next best and so on until S is against the thing you liked
Fqr office
teaching methods
meeting others
35 36 37
38 39
2 5
2 4 3 1 5
2 4 5
2 1 3 4 5
5 2
Analysing the results
Here, the grid tells you that the first respondent rank4 teaching
methods first; content third; meeting others fourth; certification
second; and hospitality fifth. Looking at column 35, you can see
that 3 of your 5 respondents ranked teaching methods first and that
the remaining 2 ranked them second, and so on for each column.
Some closed questions have an open category. In the question
about micracompoters there was a category
Other: Please write in.
Here the general approach Nould be to inspect the first batch of
returned questionnaire, lt the responses to these categories and
allocate codes to the various answers. In the micro-computers
example people might write in 'team work' which you could code
as 1 or 'desk top publishing' which you could code as 2you need
make a
judgement about how many categories under 'other' yOu
are going to have. In making a judgement, you need to remind
yourself about the research questions and how you intend to
use the
information. If it is important to record all uses of the micro-
computer and the frequency of mention of all uses, then a code is
needed for each category mentioned under 'other'. If your interest
is primarily in the categories you have specified, only one
or two
codes are needed, or perhaps no code beyond 'other'.
Coding the data: open questions
Since closed questions are so much easier to handle, why
use open
ones? The main reason is that you may want the respondents to
select what they want to tell you without much prompting. You
then need a framework to organise a fairly miscellaneous set of
answers. There are two main approaches: you can create a
framework in advance, or you can derive it from the data.
Whichever approach you adopt, the end result is the
same as for
closed questionstransferring numbers of letters on to a grid.
Pre-set categories:
You can develop a set of categories from
relevant books and articles or from your own 'theory' about the
kinds of answers you can expect. The approach has
the framework can be closely linked to your research
you can get others to comment on whether it is clear and
logical without their having to read the questionnaires
it is not restricted to what people tell you but can include
categories that they ignore.
4 9
Using questionnaires in small scale research
For ekample, in one study teachers were asked about the benefits
of resource-based learning and their answers were classified
according to four main possibilities derived from the literature. The
categories were:
allows pupils to control their own learning.
BIt helps teachers cope with mixed-ability classes.
CIt improves performance on traditional (cognitive)
DIt leads to new kinds of learning (skills or processes).
The great majority of responses fell into Category B; surprisingly
litOe was said about C.
Categc ries derived from the data:
Alternath ely, you can take a
batch of responses, preferably including some of the longest ones.
Summarise each into a few simple statements: you may want to
write each statement on c. separate card. Then try to group similar
statements together, decide what they have in common, and so
define the categories into which you think the answers naturally
fall. This too has advantages:
you have not imposed your own interests on the data
you can get someone else to sort the statements to check that
your framework is sensible
you can aim to include everything that is in the responses.
For example, English teachers were asked about the aims of
teaching this subject in early secondary. The responses fell into five
AEncouraging self expression
BTransmitting basic skills
CAppreciation of literature
DInterest and enjoyment
EConsolidation of primary work.
Teachers often gave more than one answer, usually in different
categories, and often expressed as a balance between contrasting
aims. By having a separate column for each category, this would
be taken into account in describing the data.
Completing the analysis
Once your categories are fixed, you can create a coding scheme and
apply it, transferring the results to the grid. You should check the
Analysing the results
reliability of your -coding by having someone else co& a sample
according to your instructions. Coding open questions is more time
consuming than coding closed questions because you need to spend
time developing the coding system and checking its reliability.
Dealing with problem responses:
Most people will answer all the
questions in the way that you requested. However, some may miss
out a question or even a whole page, others may score out questions
or otherwise indicate that they don't know or are unwilling to
answer. When coding, it is as well to record something in these
cases, so that every square in your grid will be filled. You may want
to distinguish between a missing answer (perhaps coding this M)
and a refusal or don't know (code as R or D). The reason for doing
this is that at a later stage you will be calculating the proportions
of responses in various categories, and the number of missing items
will reduce the total that you use in your calculations. However,
you may not want to treat refusals to answer or don't knows as
'missing' in the same way.
Other people will ignore your instructions and may perhaps
choose several options instead of only one as you intended, or rank
only some of the options offered rather than all of them. You can
decide whether to omit these as 'missing data' or make the best
interpretation that you can, keeping a note of your decisions to
ensure consistency.
It will be seen that what we are suggesting as a coding process
is one cf transcription rather than interpretation. The details of the
response are all retained more or less intact so that you don't have
to go back to the original questionnaire forms. The whole process
is quite straightforward. You are recording information but not
evaluating it. You are doing no more than making the information
more manageable. It doesn't matter if one question occupies five
columns and another question only one.
Should you use a computer?
If you are thinking of using a computer package to process your
results there are some points that you should check at this stage.
Some programs may treat data differently when it
is coded as
letters and when it
is coded as numbers. Various packages have
different rules about making allowances for missing data. In
general we do not advise you to enter the coded data on to a
computer. Unless you have a high level of keyboard skill or access
Using questionnaires in small scale research
to a data processing technician the typing in of the information will
be slow and a single wrong entry may lead the computer to produce
an absurd result or none at all. Moser and Ka Iton, in one of the
standard reference books on survey work, suggest that for 100 to
200 cases there is little advantage in machine -processing, and a
great temptation to generate tables for no good reason!
_Our experience is that most teachers who are involved in
questionnaire studies can get everything that they need from their
data uslig nothing more than pencil and paper and a simple
calculator. Inspecting the data on a grid, though it may seem
tedious, is probably quicker than trying to put it through a
computer, especially if you have to learn to use the statistics
package from scratch. Looking at the data on the grid can help you
to become familiar with it and alerts you to patterns in a way which
pressing a button never does. Besides, the number-crunching
programs used in large surveys are mostly irrelevant to the kinds of
data dealt with in smaller scale studies and the simple statistical
tests that do apply are best used selectively, on the results of the
pencil and paper processing.
Describing the data
Data preparation is tedious but it requires only care and no special
technical skills. The same applies to describing the &tit. Mostly, it
is a matter of counting the number of times each code appears on
a column and checking that all the respondents are accounted for.
Sometimes you may want to scan two columns simultaneously to
look for particular combinations of responses, and this is whet a
good layout will pay offsee 'Preparing the Grid'.
Interpreting the data
It is at the next stage, of interpreting your column totals, that you
need to be disciplined, and be careful to avoid over-interpretation.
Here are some suggestions that may help:
Do not read anything into the data that is not literally there.
When in doubt look at the question you actually asked.
Don't infer anything about the motives of respondents for
giving a particular answer.
Analysing the results
Don't treat people's opinions about something as if they were
attributes of the thing itself. (If people prefer raspberry
yoghurt to plain, that tells you something about the people
not the yoghurt. Next week the people may have changed
their minds even though the yoghurt is no different.)
Remember that you are not involved in measuring anything,
merely counting the number of responses in
How do these suggestions apply to different types of questions?
Questions offering two or more options
a straightforward two-option (yes/no) or multiple-option
question you can look at the totals for each option, and perhaps
calculate the proportions or percentages choosing each. Remember
that these are proportions of those who answered that question.
For example, in one study 356 pupils returned the questionnaire
about their course but only 319 answered a question about course
content. 128 said they found it 'very easy'. That is 4010 (128/319);
not 36Wo (128/356). Here, the proportion who did not:answer the
question is rather high. It is always possible that those who avoid
answering are different from those who do answer.
..,, in this case,
they tend to be pupils who find the course difficult, it could make
a big difference to the overall pattern. It is worthwhile looking at
the answers these 'missing' pupils made to other questions (about
whether they enjoyed the course or thought they would do well in
the subject) to see if there is any sign that they are different from
the rest. You can then suggest something about a possible under-
estimate of pupils finding the course difficult.
If your interest is in general description, then giving proportions
is probably enough. However, you may want to test a prediction
or explore a pattern ti.iat you have found. For example, you may
hypothesise that teachers' satisfaction with various aspects of
promotion procedures will be closely linked to their own level
within the promoted hierarchy. In that case, you may calculate the
proportions expressing satisfaction separately for promoted and
unpromoted staff. Similarly, you may have asked teachers their
views on the introduction of Standard Grade: do they accept
various aims and recommendations? How much INSET have they
had and did they find it helpful? Here you may have a general
research question in mind:
Using questionnaires in small scale research
Is Standard Grade
effective in Communiciting the
Standard Grade philosophy?
and so you might decide to turn that into a specific question about
your data:
Do teachers who express satisfaction about the aims. of
Standard Grade also express satisfaction about Standard
Grade INSET?
To check this, you would count combinations of responses to
questions about aims and to questions about
putting them
in four categories:
APeople who accept the aims and find
BPeople who accept the aims but find
INSET unhelpful.
CPeople who rej,-...3 the aims but find
DPeople who reject the aims and find
If the numbers in Categories A and D are large compared with ihose
in B and C, then there is probably a connection between
acceptance of Standard Grade aims. But what is that connection?
Which comes firstacceptance of the aims, or enjoyment of the
INSET? Maybe
creates enthusiasm for Standard Grade; or
maybe only enthusiasts apriy. for INSET
courses, or are alrowed to
go on them. (Or maybe we ire just dealing with happy souls who
tend to enjoy most things about their work!) The geural point is
that you cannot tell whether there is a cause-and-effect rslationship,
or in which direction it works. All you can say, is that people who
state or choose X tend also to state or choose Y. Be careful about
this in wording your conclusions: 'Teachers who approve of
Standard Grade aims are more likely to find Standard Grade
useful' implies more than the data justifies.
Questions allowing several choices: Let's look at a different type of
question in which people are allowed to choose as many options as
they want.
Do you use the micro-computer to teach any of the
Please tick all relevant boxes
Word processing
Use of data bases
Numerical calculations
Problem solving
Other: Please write in
5 (4
Office use-1
Analysing the &Jilts
Here you will be able to report the proportion of teachers using
machines for each purpose. But what if some teachers have ticked
only one purpose and others have ticked several? Is this 'fair'?
Some people have had two or three votes: aren't dtey- over?
represented in the results? Again, let's look at the question, and the
reason for asking it. You are only aiming at an indication of how
widespread each use is: how-many people ever use their machines
in this way. You are not trying to measure this usage, nor to
conduct a popularity poll. In such cases, you would have had to ask
the ',aestion differently, such as Tor what purpose is the micro-
computer most useful?'
Questions using a 'scale':
Another type of question makes use of a
five-point 'scale'.
rWhat did you like best about the course? Put 1 against the thing you
best; 2 against the next best and so on until .5 is against the thing you liked
teaching methods
meeting oth.-s
For office
Once again ;, au can report the number, proportion or percentage
of peop!e choosing each category. But could you do more? Coulo
you say that tbe average rating (say, for the content of an INSET
course) was 2.3! Or, could you total up an individual's overall
core across all the aspects of the coursc?
Neither of these is legitimate. Both procedures depend on
assuming that you are working on an evenly-spaced scale so that
'very poor' is twice as bad as 'poor' and cancels out two 'goods'
or one 'excellent', and that in turn suggests that you are measuring
something about the course. You are not: you are only counting the
number of people who expressed a particular view. And if you start
totting up total scores, you are also implying that each aspect is
equally important. You have no reason to suppose that the people
you have asked think this is so. If you want to know their overall
view of the course, why not just ask that as a separate item?
Using cuestionnaires in small scale research
Questions involvin7 ranking:
A similar type of question is one
which asks peoplt to rank items in order of importance or
preference. This ft,
ttiern to cascriminate in a way which they
may not do nonnt;41:. This may La useful in
exploring choices and
decisions they ir,igh, mike- raZher than opinions or
degrees of
satisfaction (for exar:ple, to ask pupils to rank their subjects from
strongest to weattz:'.. gives you different information from
them how they are getting on in each subject on a five-point
Once again, there is a temptation to do too much with the data.
You can as usual state how many, or what proportion
respondents rank an item in first, second or third place but to
calculate 'average ranks' for each item implies thrt these ranks
form an evenly-spaced scale, and there are no grounds for this,
since even the discrimination involved in ranking is artificial. One
tactic that may be useful is to combine rank categories: if we had
different items, we might collapse ranks 1, 2 and 3 into 'high';
4, 5 and 6 into 'middle' and 7, 8 and 9 into 'low'. We can also
cross-reference items: do people who make the same first choice
also agree on their second choice?
So far, we have been concentrating on countinft up tilt: responses
to open or closed questions on the basis of a coding system.
have stressed that this coding system should be simple. We
have discussed some of the pitfalls of reading too much into the
data, pointing out
th,t limited
information to be derived from rank-
order type questions. Suppose however,
that you want to
compare responses in two columns, or that you want to
whether the numbers answering yes or no to a
question are significant. Are there techniques you can use easily?
We now briefly turn
the often vexed question of the use of
Do you need statistics?
Over the years we have worked with a large number of teachers
who are doing research either for a degree or simply to follow on
some professional interest. One of their main worries
is whether
they will have to learn
The answer is that it depends. There are many types of research
which do not necd statistics, and, especially if you are working on
Analysing the results
a small scale, statistics may be irrelevant. If you are using a
questionnaire to collect information from a sizeable number of
respondents: (say, several classes of 30, a secondary staff of 60,
the 90 primary headteachers in a Region), statistical tests can be
useful. The other point that makes questionnaires suitable for
slatistical treatment is that they yield standardised information.
Everyone responds to the same questions, so that any variation
:ies only in the responses. Interview data may not meet this
One reason that people lack confidence about statistics is that it
is a branch of mathematics. A lot of books seem tu parade this fact,
filling their pages with symbols and derivations of formulae. Yet
what matters
is not whether you know how to calculate a
correlation or standard deviation but whether you know why you
might want to do so, and in what circumstances it would be
legitimate. A second point is the general suspicion that statistics are
a way of manipulating and distorting evidence: 'You can prove
anything with statistics'. Surely, our results should 'speak for
themselves'? The point is that they don't: people have to interpret
the results, and statistics provide a way of disciplining that
interpretation. You may be looking for a connection or a difference
between two sets of responses. You need to convince yourself that
you are not exaggerating the importance of a trivial effect just
because you wanted to find it. Statistics allows you to do this, and
to convince others, especially if they understand some statistics
t hemselves.
If you think you might want to use statistics it is important to
build in that possibility from the start, especially by choosing
sample by random selection (see Chapter 2).
What kind of statistics?
We have pointed out more than once that
the kinds of
questionnaires we have been describing are not measuring anything
against a scale but simply counting the people who give a particular
response. This means that averages, standard deviations and
correlation coefficients don't apply. Non-parametric tests can
however be used. We shall introduce the commonest of these very
briefly, by a single practical example.
The chi-squared test:
You are interested in pupils' anxieties about
transfer to secondary school and have given a questionnaire to
Using questionnaires in small sole resea
pupils who will be entering your school next term. You have several
questions in mind:
how widespread is anxiety?
what are pupils anxious about?
are boys or girls more likely to be anxious?
are they likely to be anxious about different things?
does it vary across the different associated primaries?
Here are some results:
Boys (Total) %
(Total) ili
Primary A
6 (26)
23 4
(21) 19
Primary B
Primary C
Primary D
Primary E
Primaiy F
63 11
The table suggests that girls are more likely to be anxious than
boys: 46 out of 73 against 44 out of 81. But is this significant? Have
you shown that gender and anxiety are related?
You can test this by creating a contingency table and performing
a chi-squared test. What this test does is to start by supposing that
there is no difference between boys and girls as far
as 'transfer
anxiety' is concerned. In that case, how many anxious and
anxious pupils would be of each gender? From the table, there
90 anxious pupils out of 154, that is, 58.4%. If that applied equally
to boys and girls, you would expect 58.4% of 81 boys to express
anxiety (47.3) and 58.4% of 73 girls (42.7). But what you observe
in practice is not what you expect:
What you observed
What you expected
Not Anxious
Not Anxious
Analysing the results
Sr), there is a small difference between what you find and what
would expect if 'transfer anxiety' were equally distribute4:,The key
to chi-squared testing is this comparison of observed anct,eXpected
numbers. The test calculates the differences and applies Procedures
that allow for the size of the sample. We will illustrate this' Wing
the figures above and, for cOmparison, a set with the stine
proportions but i sample ten times larger:
What year observed
Whet yoe expected
Not Anxious
Not Anxious
460 270
Step I. The first step is to calculate the differences between
observed and expected numbers for each item in the table. This is
usually expressed by the formula (0
E). For our anxious boys, it
is 44.0 47.3, or
3.3. Overall, we get:
'Our' results
'Teo three results
Not Anxious
Not Anxious
,- 3.3
33 -33
You will notice that in each table the numbers are all the
same, but
half are plus and half minus. This makes
sense: if there are fewer
anxious boys than we expected,
are bound to
correspondingly more non-anxious boys. (This means that
as soon
as we calculate any one difference we could fill in the rest of that
table: in statistical terms we have 'one degree of freedom'.)
Step 2. You calculate the square of each number: this gives
(0E)1. This is a common device in statistics for getting rid of
negative signs so that numbers can then be added together without
cancelling out. Here it also exaggerates the 'sample size' effect: the
figures in the 'ten times' table are now 100 times
'Our' results
'Teo does' results
Not Anxious
Not Anxious
Step 3. Divide each number by the expected figure for that item.
This gives you (0 E)/E. For
our anxious boys we have
10.89 + 47.3, or 0.230; for the larger sample
we have 1089+ 473, or
5 9
Using questionnaires in small scale research
2.30. This removes the exaggeration of the 'sample size' effect. It
gives us four different numbers in each table: thus our anxious boys
score 0.230, while the not-anxious girls score 0.359. Thisreflects
the fact that the difference for the boys was 3.3 out of 47.3 (about
7.1o) while for the girls it was 3.3 out of only 30.3 (nearly 11%), and
so, in proportion, it is more significant. Overall we have:
'Our' resales
'Tem does' results
Not Anxious Anxious
Nct Anxious
Boys 0.230 0.322
0.359 2.54
Step 4. Add together the four numbers in the table:
'Our' results:
0.230+ 0.322 + 0.254 +0.359
'Ten times' results: 2.30+3.22 + 2.54 + 3.59
Step 5. Look up the result in a table showing the distribution of
X' values. Such tables can be found in most statistics text books.
They usually list 'degrees of freedom' (4J) in one direction, running
from 1 to 30; and 'probability' (P), in the other, running from 0.90
down to 0.01 or less. We have one degree of freedom and opposite
that you will find that our value of 1.165 lies between P =0.30 and
P = 0.10.
What does this mean? It means that there is a difference but you
cannot be sure that it represents a difference between boys and girls
generally, rather than just the particular boys and girls that you
happen to be dealing with on this occasion. There is a possibility
(of between 30% and 10%) that the difference is just a one-off
By comparison, the 'ten times' result of 11.65 would correspond
to a probability of below 0.001, that is the odds against getting the
result by chance are less than 1 in 1000. This reinforces the point
made in Chapter 2 that the degree of certainty you can attach to
any results depends statistically mainly on the numbers in your
sample. With small numbers, a large difference may not reach
statistical significance and you should consider other ways If
convincing people that it is 'real'. With large numbers, even a sm; II
difference may be statistically significant, but you should consider
whether it is of any educational importance.
You could apply a similar test to pupils from different associated
primaries. Again, you would start by supposing that the proportion
Analysing the results
of 'anxious' pupils is the same (58.4%) for all associated: for A it
is 58.4% of 47 (27.5) and so on. What you predict is not what you
c D E
27.5 21.0
13.4 8.2
8.2 11.7
22.0 13.0
Here the differences are much larger in proportion to the numters
you are dealing with. Chi-squared calculates out at 56.6. The larger
table has more degrees of freedom, which can be calculated for any
table by the formula:
(Number of rows
1) x (Number of columns
In the present case we have two rows (anxious and non-anxious)
and six columns (schools A to F) and so we have five degrees of
freedom: (2
1)x (6
1). You can see how the formula comes
about: in this case if you fill in five of the columns in one of the
rows, you can then work out all the other figures, since you know
s the totals for each row and column.
When we look up the Chi-squared values opposite five degrees
of freedom, we find that the possibility of this being a chance event
is quite negligible: less than 1 in 100,000,000,000
. . .
This chapter has described the main stages in analysing data. There
are four simple and straightforward steps you can
. :ke to make
your description of the data thorough and systematic. These are:
prepare a grid
design a simple coding system
check the validity and reliability of your coding system for
open questions by asking a friend to code a sample of the data
know in advance how you are going to code missing data.
Code 'don't know' and 'no data' differently.
Once all your data is entered on the grid, it is a simple matter to
count up the different kinds of answers to your original questions
on the questionnaire. At this stage of description remember:
do not read anything into the data that is not there
calculate responses in terms of numbers who answered the
question not in terms of the total sample
"ft -7__W-V--4,,,I.F.7.74V-17,,k4I-771%%1W9F
Oing 9810.0-00.014P1,91
YOU. ate O4:4 MCOSUdni anYthinir
. - ., -
.. .,., . -, A,
deviation', STC.110 110110Prifte
--; '"-,
a ktithsticaktest such at c -square caktellyow
Going beyond description, to begin interpreting the
want to,compare groUps or answers_ to -ttiOrt,
do not confuse opinion's with an atikiblitco
001111,041*Olspintiy Oghigt
6-e_iirciired for a'hypothesis to be disProved.
thiik about the implications of yOur data. AnsWer-,th4b-
w4itr- clue09n.
We consider interpreting the data in MOM detail In: .t,e
chapter. It also concerns ways of presenting-the
You are now at the happy stage of having constructed your
questionnaire, piloted it, used it, and have analysed the responses.
Where do you go from here? The answer to this deceptively simple
question depends on the context in which you are working. You
need to decide:
what the important results are
who is to be told about the results
how to present the results
the changes (if any) suggested by the results.
This chapter deals with each of these matters in turn. It does not
present a guaranteed recipe for research to influence policy and
practice. If only life were that simple! Rather it identifies matters
to be considered for your research to have most impact.
Deciding what is important
As we saw in Chapter 5, there are two key stages in analysing dala.
The rust involves describing the data. Heie, you collect together
the information you have gathered about, for example, 'pupils'
anxieties about transferring from primary to secondary school.
You could describe *be data in terms of:
total number of pupils expressing anxiety
numbers of pupils expressing anxiety per associated primary
kinds of anxieties experienced by pupils
numbers of boys and girls expressing anxiety.
These are examples of some of the ways in which you might
organise your data, imposing an order on the information.
6 3
Using questionnaires in small scale research
The second stage is interpreting the data. This means drawing
out the important points from the description. It can bchelpful to
think of this stage as answering the question "So what?" once you
have organised the data. Suppose the data reveal that 98% of
pupils transferring to secondary expressed anxiety of one kind or
another. So what? One interpretation could be that the primary-
secondary liaison policy needed re-thinking, assuming,, of -course,
that its intention was to minimise anxiety. Again, if your data
revealed that most pupils were particularly anxious about finding
their way around the school, the answer to the "So what?"
question might be ways of alleviating thissuch as better
signposting, having older pupils around as guides, being forgiving
of new pupils arriving late for lessons and so on. Note in this
example that the "So what?" has two elements to it:
(1) the school should do something
(2) what it is that ought to be done.
Number 1
is directly connected to the data. Number 2 is your
notion of what could be done. It
is important to keep this
distinction clear when you are presenting your results. You need to
be clear about what is firmly rooted in your data and what are your
ideas and suzgestions, stimulated by the data but not tested by
collecting evidence. In other words, in the above example, you had
not asked pupiis whether they would find better signposting
There is no magic formula for interpreting the data. Discussion
with colleagues helps develop ideas and it can be useful, if painful,
to discuss your interpretation with sceptical and ethical colleagues.
Sometimes an
your own
thoughts. The important point to stress is that interpretation is
based on evidence, systematically collected and analysed. It is not
the same as intuition or hunch.
Once you are clear in your own mind what you want to say, you
need then to decide who is to be told. In practice, of course, these
two things are closely interconnected. If you have been researching
primary-secondary transfer, you know you will be reporting back
something to the primaries and something to the secondary. If your
interpretation of your findings suggests that changes need to be
made then the question of the audience for your findings is
So what? Interpreting, prcenting and using the results
Attention is more likely to be paid to your findings if you have
done the groundwork in advance. Better always to talk through the
possibilities of an investigation and where you hope it will lead,
before you start. One of the many advantages of team research is
that findings are more likely to be taken seriously simply because
a group of teachers has been sufficiently concerned about a
problem to research it. Beyond this, it is important to get the
support of the key people likely to be affected by your research
before you start. An example brings this home. Suppose you are
researching primary-secondary liaison procedures and have not
discussed this with the key staff involved. You breeze into the
staffroom announcing that you have evidence that liaison is u
complete shambles.
this does is put people's backs up,
encourages them to adopt a defensive attitude and be highly
resistant to changing primary-secondary liaison procedures no
matter how competent and convincing your research. The ideal
situation would be one where the key staff involved recognised that
there was a problem with primary-secondary liaison procedures,
worked out as a group the key aspecis to be investigated (the
research questions), were involved i1i wnstructing or commenting
on the questionnaire and so were pre-disposed to think about and
act on the findings.
It is essential that the purposes of the research are discussed with
the key people likely to be affected by it before the research begins.
You need the support of interested parties if the research is to have
any impact. Clearly people directly affected by the research and the
people who are likely to influence changes are key audiences.
You also need to think through whether there is anything
sensitive or embarrassing in your findings and, if so, what the
implications are for publicising them. Suppose, for example, that
pupils from one primary school express markedly more anxieties
about transfer than pupils from all other primaries put together.
Who needs to know this? Do all the associated primaries need to
know, for example? The answer to this depends on a whole range
of factors, such as the relationships amongst primary headteachers,
the kinds of anxieties expressed, the kinds of developments in
policy that are suggested, the role of the primary adviser. All we
are stressing here is that you consider carefully who the audience
for your findings needs to be as well as the findings themselves.
Using questionnaires in small scale research
Presenting the Results
It is a truism that more time and effort is spent on thinking through
and doing the research than in planning its dissemination; yet
communicating the results of research is as important as the
research itself. In presenting results you are trying to do two
different things:
open your findings to scrutiny and so to validation
persuade people to a certain point of view.
You need to be clear in your own mind about:
the points you want to get across to a particular audience
remembering that you may want to get across different points
to different audiences
the evidence which lead you to identify the points, thereby
letting the audience judge the validity of these points.
The following questions are offered for you to consider when
you come to present your findings. There are no right answers.
Which forms of presentation are you going to usewritten
report, oral presentation, discussion group?
If you are presenting findings orally, how long do you need?
rebrief-15-20 minutes will endear you to your audience and
there are limits to the number of points an audience can take
in. Wha! is it that you really want them to remember?
In an oral presentation or a discussion group would it be
helpful to let
the audience have some written back-up
material? A copy of key points is useful for keeping you and
the audience on track.
When is the best time to present findings? Don't feel you have
to rush into print or talk to the staff or pupils as soon as the
work is finished. Timing may be important. When is the
audience likely to be most receptive? Avoid last thing on a
Friday, ends of term and exceptionally busy times of year. It
can also be helpful to put your report on ice for a little time.
This hdps to give you critical distance on what you've
What kind of information are you going to pass back to those
who took the time and trouble to complete the questionnaire?
So what? Interpreting, presenting and using the results
Tables, bar charts and pie charts
It is likely that you will want to present your findings Usinksome
or all of these. The first thing to remember is that a certiiappioimt
of selectivity is inevitekle. It would be unwise ;03 overwlielm.your
audience with all the information you, lhave collected.4se
stressed above, you need to tkink hard, and argue through, Wkat
the important information is ind why it is important. The second
point to remember is that you want to enlighten your audience, pot
mystify than. ".
With tables it is helpful in most circumstances to round figures
to the nearest whole number, particularly if there is a long list.
Compare these two examples:
Table IA: Percentage of pupils expressing anxiety about
coming to secondary school by primary school
G, Is
Primary A
Primary G
Primary C
88.88 100.00
Primary D 100.00
Primary E 84.61 100.00
Primary F
62.50 91.66
Table 113: Percentage of pupils expressing anxiety about
coming to secondary school (to nearest whole number)
Primary A
23 19
Primary B
Primary C
Primary D
Primary E
Primary F
63 92
Table lB is easier to read. By presenting figures to nearest whole
numbers you are also deciding that percentage points are not
important for your interpretation of the results and so are not
important for the reader as validation. You should also consider
whether you should use numbers or percentages. Percentaaes are
misleading if you are dealing with small numbers. In Table lB
6 7
Using questionnaires in small scale research
above 100% of girls from Primary E were anxious about coming
to secondary. Table 2 shows that
this meant 1 girl was
Table 2: Numbers of pupils expressing anxiety about
coming to secondary school
Boys (Total) % Girls (Total)
Primary A
6 (26) 23 4
Primary B
(21) 48
7 (15)
Primary C
8 (9) 89
(14) 100
Primary D 4 (4) 100 9 (10) 90
Primary E
85 I (1) 100
Primary F 5 (8) 63
(12) 92
Totals 44 (81)
Table 2, however, looks messy and the information it contains
cuuld 1.7e conveyed more effectively. How you do this depends 'on
your research questions. For example, if the main purpose of the
research is to find out how many pupils transferring from primary
are anxious, you simply say that 90 out of 154 express some kind
of anxiety. In our view it is easier and simpler to stick to numbers
rather than use percentages in these circumstances, particularly if
you want to indicate the numbers of boys and girls expressing
anxiety. As soon as you get numbers below 100 it is safer not to use
If you want to do more than this raid convey the proportions of
pupils coming from the 6 primary scholls expressing anxiety, then
a bar graph or pie chart can convey this quite effectively. You do
pot get the precise percentages in these forms but you do get an
overall impression of proportion. Table 3 shows more precisely the
pupils anxious and not anxious by each primary. In school A, 10
pupils are anxious and 36 are not anxious.
Suppose however, that your rescarch question concerns gender
differences among pupils expressing anxiety and that you want to
look at this in terms of primary school attended. Table 4 would do
the trick. For example, of the ten anxious pupils school A sends to
secondary, six are boys and four are girls. Table 4 conveys
at a glance that school C sends over 20 anxious pupils to
It also seems to have the largest number of girls
So what? Interpreting, presenting and using the results
expressing anxiety. What it hides is the proportion of children from
school C who come to secondary who are anxious and the
proportion uf the pupils from school C that make up the
secondary's total first year intake. In fact school C sends 23 pupils
tu the secondary, about 150io of the total intake. So, in presenting
your information about gender differences and primaries, it would
be wise to begin with basic information about the proportions of
the total first year intake coming from each primary as in Table 3
Table 3: Anxiety about transfer to secondary (I)
CI Pupil Warw.:tut
Pupas amous
and then move on to Table 4. Everything hinge; on what the focus
of your research is. Before leaving this topic it
is worthwhile
emphasising that different mcssages are conveyed by the way you
present data and that It is best to avoid percentages when dealing
Table 4: Anxiety about transfer to secondary (2)
Grls anxious
CI Boys anxious
Using questionnaires in small scale research
with small numbers. Let us emphasise tIr point by comparing
Tables 4 and 5.
Table 4: Anxiety about transfer to secondary (2)
Oa maim
O Boys anxious
Table 5: Anxiety about transfer to secondary (3)
8 c
P rintery
Tables 4 and 5 present exactly the same data. Table 4 presents the
data in terms of numbers but hides the proportion of pupils sent
to the secondary by each primary school. However it suggests that
schools C, B and F all send more than 15 anxious pupils to the
secondary. It
identifies school C as a priority for further
Table 5
presents the
percentages. In our view the information in Table 5 is less useful
precisely because it hides the numbers involved and does not target
So what? Interpreting, presenting and using the results
schools for further investigation. Schools C, D, E and F all look
worrying but school B might escape notice even though it sent more
anxious pupils to the secondary than schools D, E and F.
So far we have concentrated on presenting information about the
numbers of pupils expressing anxiety. Let us now consider how to
present information about the kinds of anxieties expressed by
pupils. You could do this using a table.
Table 6: Kinds of anxiety
Kinds of anxiety
Number of pupils
Work will be hard
Big school
New teachers
(No worries
perfectly acceptable. Consider the same information
presented as a pie chart.
Table 7: Pupils expressing anxieties
Work will be hard
O Big school
a New teachers
El No anxiety
Do you agree it conveys the information more effectively than the
table? It is always worth considering a pie chart when you are
dealing with a fixed amount-100%and want to show how this
100% is divided up. It is useful if you are dealing with a small
number of divisions, 3 or 4. Once you get much above tLis, the
chart can become cluttered and difficult to interpret. All these bar
Using questionnaires in small scale research
charts and pie charts have been produced using easily available
software. If you are producing only one or two charts it is easy
enough to do them by hand.
Ej Changes
We have been concentrating so
far on ways of presenting
information for validation, in other words saying to your audience,
"Here is
the evidence which has led me to the following
conclusions". It may be that your conclusions will suggest the need
for some kind of change or development of school policy and
If there are changes or developments suggested by your results it
is important to be clear about those which are in the school's power
to do something about and those which lie outwith the school's
To continue
with the
example, there may be things that only the primary schools can do
and things that only the secondary school can no. Hundreds of
books have been written about how change occurs in schools. Miat
we do want here is to stress three common sense points about
People generally need an incentive to change. If the school
policy has been such and such for years, or something has
always been done in a certain way, why should people change
their routine practice? What is in it for them? In advocating
a change, therefore, you need to be clear how this change will
make life better or easier.
People feel threatened by change. If you have to do
something differently or do something that you've never done
before it can expose you tt
railure. Nobody enjoys failing.
You only have to think abuut programming your video-
recorder to identify with the humiliation of failure. Asking
someone to try a new teaching method or to set up new
administrative systems or to introduce new courses all carry
risks of failing.
Change is difficult to bring about. Ask yourself seriously,
"Does my evidence suggest that change is needed? Does it
indicate what kind of change would be beneficial?"
Remember the old American folk saying, "If it ain't broke,
don't fix it."
Not all research suggests changes are needed. If you are using a
So what? Interpreting, presenting and usi
the results
questionnaire to evaluate a course, for example, it may well be that
your respondents are well satisfied with the content,and teaching
approach. It is important to remember that research can -provide
re-enforcement of a well-designed
and- -thouglitful'
programme or policy. It should not always be associated with
Finally .
. .
Beware of being convinced that you have the truth. All research is
fallible and at best you have a glimpse of the way things are. Most
research leaves you feeling that you need to know more and can
raise new areas that need investigation. We do not say this to put
you off the whole business of doing research. Oa the contrary, we
hope that research will be an enjoyable, interesting and stimulating
activity that will whet your appetite for more. Its ultimate
justification i. that it lends to school improvement and professional
development. Research carried out by teachers, by choice, towards
these ends will not provide straightforward answers about, school
improvement. It can help you to understand why things are the way
they are and make you better informed about th implications of
taking one course of action rather than another. The knowledge
revealed by your research is inevitably incomplete but it can and
does lead to improving the quality of education.
There are many excellent texts on research
methods for those
interested in pursu:ig their interest in questionnaires.
We will limit
ourselves to a few as starting points.
A good, standard and comprehensive text
tells you all you
need to know about questionnaires is:
KALTON, G. (1979)
Survey Methods of
Social Investigation.
Aldershot: Gower.
A readable chapter on survey design is
contained in:
MANION, L. (1980)
Research Methods in
London: Croom Helm.
Both these books provide good lists of further
reading on specific
aspects of surveys such as sampling arid
statistical analysis.
A useful set of statistical tables can be
found in:
YATES, F. (1957 5th edition)
Tables for Biological Agricultural and Medical
Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd.
A general book on teachers doing research
WALKER, R. (1985)
Doing Research: a handbook for teachers.
questionnaires and include some practical examples.
A guide on how to formulate research questhns
is the first booklet
of this series:
LEWIS, I. and MUNN, P. (1987) So
You Want To Do Research!
A guide for teachers on how to formulate
research questions.
Edinburgh: Scottish Council for Research in
A helpful book on face-to-face interviews is:
ADELMAN, C. (ed) (1981)
Uttering Muttering.
London: Grant
CR E Prof fitioner Papas
have a practical slant
They prbent ieseareh findings
and issues ilearly
and suu int tly to help tethhers
and other s take
ai(ount of edivational
iesearill II imp, oving
edu,ation. The set leS inf ludes reports,
tollettions round a theme, ievieles of
ieseardi and
guides to doing small-siale
investigative studies.
Using Questionnaires in
Snudl-Scale Research, the second
of SCRE's teacheriresearcher
guides, provides practical
and sensible advice, based on
research expertise, for
teachers looking for reliable
results without waste of
hme or effort. The reader is
guided through the
decisions and actions which
have to be taken to get
good results:
the pros and cons of
collecting information by
drafting, piloting and administering
analysing data
interpreting and presenting
Anyone engaged in evaluative
and investigative work
will find this an invaluable
and practical handbook.
The authors, Pamela Munn,
Senior Research Officer,
The Scottish Council for
Research in Education and Eric
Dreyer, Senior Lecturer in
Education, Stirling University,
br,th have considerable experience
in working with
teachers who are undertaking
their own research projects
as well as being
experienced professional