Shreechakradhar U Mungal et al. New hypothesis for skeletal muscle contraction
National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy & Pharmacology | 2015 | Vol 5 | Issue 1 | 72 75
National Journal of Physiology,
Pharmacy & Pharmacology
DOI: 10.5455/njppp.2015.5.090820141
Shreechakradhar U Mungal
, Sushil P Dube
, Anandkumar
, Uddhav Mane
, Anil K Bondade
Department of Physiology, Dr. Shankarrao Chavan Government Medical
College, Nanded, Maharashtra, India
Department of Anatomy, Dr. Shankarrao Chavan Government Medical
College, Nanded, Maharashtra, India
Department of Physiology, Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education
and Research, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Shreechakradhar U Mungal
Key Words
Sliding Filament Theory; Muscle
Contraction; Actin; Myosin; Z Disc
Background: Current understanding of skeletal muscle contraction is based on the sliding filament theory proposed
independently by A.F. Huxley and H.E. Huxley (1954). The sliding filament theory very well explained shortening of skeletal
muscle during contraction with reference to a single sarcomere with movement of Z discs toward center of that particular
sarcomere. However, when we consider shortening of multiple sarcomeres in a myofibril arranged in series, the sliding
filament theory fails to justify the movement of Z discs as each Z disc is being pulled in opposite direction by myosin heads
of adjacent sarcomeres.
Aims & Objectives: To find out alternate possible mechanism of Z disc movement on either side of A band if movement
toward center by both sides is not possible.
Materials and Methods: We have prepared a simulating model of sliding filament theory and observed mechanism of
contraction on it.
Results: The sliding filament theory fails to explain the movement of Z discs when all sarcomeres in a myofibril are
contracting simultaneously. Therefore, we proposed a new hypothesis that Z discs and actin filaments in the half part of
each sarcomere, which is toward origin end of muscle fiber, are not pulled toward center of myosin filament instead
myosin filament slide toward origin end, and in the other half of each sarcomere (which is toward insertion end) actin
filaments slide over myosin filament toward origin end of the muscle.
Conclusion: This study adds a new insight into the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction and needs further
confirmation on electron microscopic studies.
Current understanding about skeletal muscle
contraction is based on the sliding filament theory
proposed independently by A.F. Huxley and R.
and H.E. Huxley and J. Hanson
1954. Since then many scientists are working on
unresolved aspects of this theory.
In 1973, Sir
Andrew Huxley, himself addressed some unexplained
issues of this theory.
The sliding filament theory was
based on the observation that there are two separate
sets of filament actin and myosin located differently
with myosin filaments in A band, and on electron
microscopy there are two interdigitating sets of
filament and length of A band does not change during
According to the sliding filament theory, during
contraction the sets of thin filaments in each half of
sarcomere are drawn toward the center of A band and
subjected to sliding forces oriented in opposite
The sliding filament theory very well
explained the shortening of skeletal muscle during
contraction with reference to a single sarcomere with
movement of Z discs toward center of that particular
sarcomere. However, when we consider shortening of
multiple sarcomeres in a myofibril arranged in series,
sliding filament theory fails to justify the movement of
Z discs as each Z disc is being pulled in opposite
direction by myosin heads of adjacent sarcomeres.
Thus, this study was undertaken to see whether
movement of Z discs on either side of A band toward
center of sarcomere is possible during contraction or
any new insight can be proposed in the sliding
filament theory.
Shreechakradhar U Mungal et al. New hypothesis for skeletal muscle contraction
National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy & Pharmacology | 2015 | Vol 5 | Issue 1 | 72 75
The aim of this study is to review and analyze sliding
filament theory in context of the movement of Z discs
on either sides of A band during contraction of all
sarcomeres in single muscle fiber.
Objectives: (1) To see whether movement of Z discs
on either side of A band toward the center of a
sarcomere is possible when contraction is occurring in
two adjacent sarcomeres simultaneously. (2) To find
out another possible mechanism of movement of Z
discs on either side of A band if movement toward
center by both sides is not possible.
This study was carried out at Department of
Physiology, Dr. Shankarrao Chavan Government
Medical College, Nanded, Maharashtra, India. To
review and analyze the sliding filament theory, we
have prepared a simulating model, which is explained
with the help of figures in the later sections.
In this model, we have prepared three consecutive
sarcomeres arranged in series to show movement of Z
discs during contraction in all sarcomeres
simultaneously. In our model, actin filaments can be
manually slided over myosin filaments as is given in
the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction and
Z disc also move along with movement of actin
Initially, we have slided actin filaments on either side
of A band in a single sarcomere toward its center. Then
we have tried to slide actin filaments of two adjacent
sarcomeres toward centers of respective sarcomeres
as described in the sliding filament theory.
In the above-mentioned simulating model, when we
slided actin filaments present on both sides of a
myosin filament toward center of A band in a single
sarcomere as it occurs during contraction, two Z discs
on either side of A band moved toward center of the
sarcomere, as shown in Figure 1.
But when we tried to slide actin filaments in two
adjacent sarcomeres toward centers of respective
sarcomeres as it is described in the sliding filament
theory, the Z disc that was common to both
sarcomeres was not able to move toward the center of
either sarcomere (Figure 2).
Figure 1: Positions of Z discs in a single sarcomere before and
after contraction
Figure 2: No movement of Z disc when actin filaments of
adjacent sarcomeres were tried to slide toward the centers of
respective sarcomeres
Figure 3: A sportsperson pulling single bar downward but
instead his body going upward
Shreechakradhar U Mungal et al. New hypothesis for skeletal muscle contraction
National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy & Pharmacology | 2015 | Vol 5 | Issue 1 | 72 75
Figure 4: Movement of Z discs according to the alternative
When we slided actin filaments present on both sides
of a myosin filament toward the center of A band in a
single sarcomere as it occurs during contraction, two
Z discs on either side of A band moved toward the
center of the sarcomere. This observation was
completely in accordance with the sliding filament
theory of muscle contraction under consideration.
But when we tried sliding actin filaments in two
adjacent sarcomeres as if contraction is occurring in
both the sarcomeres simultaneously, the Z disc that
was common to both the sarcomeres was unable to
move toward the center of either sarcomere, resulting
in no change in length of sarcomeres. This finding was
not in accordance with the sliding filament theory of
muscle contraction. Considering that the Z disc
common to adjacent sarcomeres under contraction
was not moving toward the center of either
sarcomere, we found the following reasons: (1) Each Z
disc is attached to actin filaments on both sides. (2)
During contraction, actin filaments on either side of Z
disc will move toward the center of the sarcomere in
which they are present. (3) Eventually both sets of
actin filaments on either side of Z disc will try to pull
the disc in opposite direction. (4) It is analogous to tug
of war having same power on both sides. (5) It is not
mentioned anywhere that actin filaments in different
sarcomeres are having different strength. (6) As the Z
disc is being pulled in two opposite directions by actin
filaments of either sides, it will not move.
Therefore, we tried to find out another possible
mechanism in context of the sliding filament theory of
muscle contraction. We proposed a new theory that Z
discs and actin filaments in the half part of each
sarcomere, which is toward origin end of muscle fiber,
are not pulled toward the center of myosin filament
because if they are pulled, the ultimate pull will be
applied on the origin end of the muscle that is not
movable. Instead myosin filament slide toward origin
end. In the other half of each sarcomere (which is
toward insertion end), actin filaments slide over
myosin filament toward origin end of the muscle. This
assumption can be supported by Figure 4.2 of Best &
Taylor’s Physiological Basis of Clinical Practice, 13th
edition. This study adds a new insight into the sliding
filament theory of muscle contraction and needs
further confirmation on electron microscopic studies.
To support the above hypothesis, we can consider
analogy of a sportsperson doing pull-ups on a single
bar, as shown in Figure 3. Here single bar is analogous
to the first Z disc toward origin end that is not
movable, and hands of the sportsperson are analogous
to myosin heads. The rest of the body of the
sportsperson is analogous to the body of myosin
filament. When myosin heads try to pull actin
filaments, which are attached to the first Z disc of
origin end side, power generated by myosin heads
may be insufficient to pull that Z disc along with actin
filaments. Thus, myosin filaments move toward origin
end instead of actin filaments along with Z disc moving
toward insertion end, this is analogous to body of
sportsperson going upward when he tries to pull the
single bar downward, as shown in Figure 3. When we
consider simultaneous contraction in all sarcomeres,
all myosin filaments move toward the origin end, and
all the Z discs of insertion end side move toward the
center of myosin filaments, which are toward origin
end side. Ultimately, Z discs on both sides of A band
seem to be moved toward the center of A band but
actually myosin filament slide toward origin end, and
in the other half of each sarcomere (which is toward
insertion end) actin filaments slide over myosin
filament toward origin end of the muscle. This is
shown in Figure 4.
The sliding filament theory of skeletal muscle
contraction can explain the shortening of a single
sarcomere, but when we consider multiple
sarcomeres in a myofibril arranged in series, it fails to
justify the movement of Z discs as each Z disc is being
pulled in the opposite direction by myosin heads of
adjacent sarcomeres. Therefore, we proposed a new
theory that Z discs and actin filaments in the half part
of each sarcomere, which is toward origin end of
muscle fiber, are not pulled toward the center of
myosin filament, instead myosin filament slide toward
origin end. And in the other half of each sarcomere
(which is toward insertion end), actin filaments slide
Shreechakradhar U Mungal et al. New hypothesis for skeletal muscle contraction
National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy & Pharmacology | 2015 | Vol 5 | Issue 1 | 72 75
over myosin filament toward origin end of the muscle.
This study adds a new insight into the sliding filament
theory of muscle contraction and needs further
confirmation on the electron microscopic studies.
We acknowledge the kind and constant support
provided by Dean of our Institute Dr. D. G. Mhaisekar
for this research work. We also thank our mentors Dr.
N. D. Somwanshi, Dr. Dipak Joshi, Dr. K. S. Ghorpade,
Dr. Sudha Karadkhedkar, and Dr. M. B. Kulkarni for
their guidance during the study.
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Cite this article as: Mungal SU, Dube SP, Dhole A, Mane U,
Bondade AK. New hypothesis for mechanism of sliding filament
theory of skeletal muscle contraction. Natl J Physiol Pharm
Pharmacol 2015;5:72-75.
Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of interest: None declared