AP World History
Sample Student Responses
and Scoring Commentary
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Long Essay Question 3
R Scoring Guideline
R Student Samples
R Scoring Commentary
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Question 3Long Essay Question
In the period 14501750, oceanic voyages resulted in the Columbian Exchange, which transformed the
Eastern and Western Hemispheres.
Develop an argument that evaluates how the Columbian Exchange affected peoples in the Americas in this
time period.”
Maximum Possible Points: 6
A: Thesis/Claim
Responds to the prompt
with a historically defensible
thesis/claim that establishes a line of
reasoning (1 point)
To earn this point the thesis must make a
claim that responds to the prompt, rather
than merely restating or rephrasing the
prompt. The thesis must consist of one or
more sentences located in one place,
either in the introduction or the
The thesis statement must make a historically defensible
claim about how the Columbian Exchange affected
peoples in the Americas in the period 14501750, with
some indication of the reasoning for making that claim.
The thesis is not required to encompass the entire period, but
it must identify a relevant development or developments in
the period.
Note: The phrase “peoples in the Americas” may mean
Native American/Amerindian peoples OR Africans or
Europeans living in the Americas during the time period.
“The Columbian Exchange had a profound impact on
the Americas most notably by diversifying American
populations through migrations of Europeans and
enslaved Africans, but also by introducing new crops
and domesticated animals.” (Responds to the prompt
with an evaluative claim that establishes a line of
“The Columbian Exchange had a negative effect on
peoples in the Americas in the period 14501750
because many of them died from European diseases.
(Responds to the prompt with a minimally acceptable
claim that establishes a line of reasoning)
B: Contextualization
Contextualization: Describes a broader
historical context relevant to the
prompt. (1 point)
To earn this point the response must
relate the topic of the prompt to broader
historical events, developments, or
processes that occur before, during, or
continue after the time frame of the
question. This point is not awarded for
merely a phrase or a reference.
To earn this point the essay must accurately describe a
context relevant to the effects of the Columbian Exchange
on the peoples in Americas in the period 14501750.
“It is generally believed that the Americas were first
settled by people from Siberia, who then remained
isolated from the rest of the world for thousands of
years.” (Relates broader events and developments to the
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Question 3Long Essay Question (continued)
C: Evidence (02)
Evidence: Provides specific examples
of evidence relevant to the topic of the
prompt (1 point)
Supports an Argument: Supports an
argument in response to the prompt
using specific and relevant examples of
evidence (2 points)
To earn the first point the response must identify at least
two specific historical examples relevant to the impact of
the Columbian Exchange on peoples in the Americas in
the period 1450–1750.
Note: General assertions containing no specific information
beyond what is provided in the introductory statement should
not be credited as “specific historical examples.”
Example (acceptable):
Europeans’ attempts to reach Asia by sailing west
resulted in Europeans’ encountering the Americas.”
(Counts toward earning the point because there is a
specific historical example relevant to the prompt)
Example (unacceptable):
The Columbian Exchange was a direct outcome of the
European oceanic voyages.
(Does not count toward
earning the point because there is no specific information
beyond what is provided in the introductory statement)
To earn the second point the response must use at least
two specific historical examples to support an argument in
response to the prompt.
If a response has a multipart argument (e.g., the Columbian
Exchange had a detrimental impact on Native Americans but
a beneficial impact on Europeans settling in the Americas),
then the response can earn the second point by using only
one specific historical example for each part of the multipart
argument (but the total number of examples used must still
be at least two).
Evidence used to support an argument might include:
The introduction of Eastern Hemisphere diseases such
as measles and smallpox leading to sharp declines in
Amerindian populations soon after the arrival of the
The transfer of horses and cattle allowing Europeans
to make a living in the grasslands of North and South
America thereby driving out Native peoples living in
these areas.
The adoption of American crops (such as corn and
potatoes) and Amerindian agricultural techniques
(such as the milpa or altitude-dependent agriculture in
the Andes) allowed both European immigrants and
enslaved African populations in the Americas to grow.
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Question 3Long Essay Question (continued)
D: Analysis and Reasoning (02)
Historical Reasoning:
Uses historical
reasoning (e.g., comparison, causation,
continuity and change over time) to
frame or structure an argument that
addresses the prompt (1 point)
To earn the first point the response must
demonstrate the use of historical
reasoning to frame or structure an
argument about how the Columbian
Exchange affected peoples in the
Americas in the period 1450
Complexity: Demonstrates a complex
understanding of the historical
development that is the focus of the
prompt, using evidence to corroborate,
qualify, or modify an argument that
addresses the prompt (2 points)
To earn the second point the response
must demonstrate a complex
understanding of how the Columbian
Exchange affected peoples in the
Americas in the period 1450
This understanding must be part of the
argument, not merely a phrase or
Essays must use historical reasoning to explain how the
Columbian Exchange affected peoples in the Americas in
the period 14501750.
Examples of using historical reasoning might include:
Explaining how historical isolation led to peoples in
the Western and Western hemispheres developing a
different set of agricultural crops and practices, as well
as different technologies and biological/immunological
Explaining how the population transfers following the
European exploration and settlement of the Americas
led to the technological, agricultural, and biological
transfers of the Columbian Exchange
Explaining the differential impacts of the processes of
the Columbian Exchange on Amerindian, European-
American, and African-American populations in the
Demonstrating complex understanding might include:
Explaining the nuance of an issue by analyzing
multiple factors or by considering diverse or
alternative perspectives or evidence, such as
constructing an argument that complex processes
such as the Columbian exchange could have different,
sometimes disparate, effects on peoples in the
Americas (for example, the demographic catastrophe
in the aftermath of the initial contact versus the longer-
term increased economic activity because of plantation
Qualifying or modifying the main argument of the
essay to demonstrate awareness of historical
complexity, such as constructing an argument that
explains how the processes of the Columbian
Exchange had both intended and unintended effects
(for example, the deliberate introduction of Afro-
Eurasian crops and domesticated animals versus the
unintended transfer of pathogens, disease vectors, and
invasive species)
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Question 3Long Essay Question (continued)
Explaining relevant and insightful connections across
time and space, such as explaining how some of the
effects of the Columbian Exchange (the demographic
effects from the transfer of pathogens) happened
relatively quickly, while other effects (the demographic
and ecological effects from the adoption of new crops)
happened over many decades or centuries, or
explaining significant regional variations in the effect
of the Columbian exchange on peoples in the
Americas, such as the near complete population
collapse of Amerindian populations in the Caribbean
versus the more limited impact in the major population
centers in Mesoamerica and the Andes
If response is completely blank, enter - - for all four score categories: A, B, C, and D.
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Question 3Long Essay Question (continued)
Scoring Notes
Introductory notes:
Except where otherwise noted, each point of these rubrics is earned independently; for example, a
student could earn a point for evidence without earning a point for thesis/claim.
Accuracy: The components of these rubrics require that students demonstrate historically defensible
content knowledge. Given the timed nature of the exam, essays may contain errors that do not detract
from their overall quality, as long as the historical content used to advance the argument is accurate.
Clarity: Exam essays should be considered first drafts and thus may contain grammatical errors.
Those errors will not be counted against a student unless they obscure the successful demonstration of
the content knowledge, skills, and practices described below.
Note: Student samples are quoted verbatim and may contain grammatical errors.
A. Thesis/Claim (01 point)
Responses earn 1 point by responding to the prompt with a historically defensible thesis that establishes a line
of reasoning about the topic. To earn this point the thesis must make a claim that responds to the prompt
rather than simply restating or rephrasing the prompt. The thesis must suggest at least one main line of
argument development or establish the analytic categories of the argument.
The thesis must consist of one or more sentences located in one place, either in the introduction or the
The thesis must take a position on how the Columbian Exchange affected peoples in the Americas in the
period 14501750.
The thesis is not required to encompass the entire period, but it must identify a relevant development or
developments in the period.
Note: the phrase “peoples in the Americas” may mean Native American/Amerindian peoples OR Africans or
Europeans living in the Americas during the time period.
Examples of acceptable theses (hypothetical):
“The Columbian Exchange had a profound impact on the Americas most notably by diversifying
American populations through migrations of Europeans and enslaved Africans, but also by introducing
new crops and domesticated animals.” (Responds to the prompt with an evaluative claim that establishes
a line of reasoning)
“The Columbian Exchange had a negative effect on peoples in the Americas in the period 14501750
because many of them died from European diseases.(Responds to the prompt with a minimally
acceptable claim that establishes a line of reasoning)
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Question 3Long Essay Question (continued)
Examples of unacceptable theses (hypothetical):
The Columbian Exchange transformed the lives of peoples living in the Americas in the period
14501750.(Offers a historically defensible claim, but includes no additional information beyond what is
provided in the introductory statement and no indication of a line of reasoning)
“The Columbian Exchange affected the Americas by wiping out the Indians and giving Europeans an
empty continent in which to settle.” (Not a historically defensible claim)
“A strong desire to spread Christianity led Europeans to launch their transoceanic voyages in the
1400s.” (Does not respond directly to the prompt because there is no clear link to the Columbian Exchange)
B. Contextualization (01 point)
Responses earn 1 point by describing a broader historical context relevant to the prompt. To earn this point the
response must relate the topic of the prompt to broader historical events, developments, or processes that
occurred before, during, or continued after the time frame 1450–1750. This point is not awarded for merely a
phrase or a reference.
To earn this point the essay must accurately describe a context relevant to the effects of the Columbian
Exchange on the peoples in Americas in the period 14501750.
Example of acceptable contextualization (hypothetical):
“It is generally believed that the Americas were first settled by people from Siberia, who then remained
isolated from the rest of the world for thousands of years.” (Relates broader events and developments to
the topic)
Examples of unacceptable contextualization (hypothetical):
Smallpox, influenza, and plague were ‘Old Worlddiseases.” (Potentially relevant, but is merely a
reference and does not meet the requirement of “describe”)
The Inca in South America, and the Aztecs in Mesoamerica had built the two largest Native American
empires by 1450.” (Potentially relevant, but has no clear link to the Columbian Exchange)
C. Evidence (02 points)
Responses earn 1 point by providing at least two specific examples of evidence relevant to the topic of the
prompt. Responses can earn this point without earning the point for a thesis statement. To earn this point the
response must identify specific historical examples of evidence relevant to the topic of the effects of the
Columbian Exchange on the peoples in Americas in the period 14501750. These examples of evidence must
be different from the information used to earn the point for contextualization.
Typically, statements credited as contextualization will be more general statements that place an argument or
a significant portion of it in a broader context. Statements credited as evidence will typically be more specific
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Question 3Long Essay Question (continued)
General assertions containing no specific information beyond what is provided in the introductory statement
should not be credited as “specific historical examples.”
Example of a statement that counts toward earning 1 point for evidence (hypothetical):
“Europeans’ attempts to reach Asia by sailing west resulted in Europeans’ encountering the
Americas.” (Counts toward earning the point because there is a specific historical example relevant to the
Example of a statement that does not count toward earning 1 point for evidence (hypothetical):
“The Columbian Exchange was a direct outcome of the European oceanic voyages. (Does not count
toward earning the point because there is no specific information beyond what is provided in the
introductory statement)
Supports an Argument
Responses earn 2 points if they support an argument in response to the prompt using specific and relevant
examples of evidence. To earn the second point the response must use specific historical evidence to support
an argument regarding how the Columbian Exchange affected peoples in the Americas in the period
Example of successfully supporting an argument with evidence:
Within a few years of their arrival in Mexico and Peru, Spanish priests and conquistadors began to
notice that large numbers of Indians were dying of infectious disease. Illustrated Aztec and Inca
chronicles from the first years after the conquest also show many people sick or dying from smallpox.
There were also outbreaks of measles and typhoid. Native Americans died from these diseases in
disproportionately high numbers, which resulted in a dramatic decline in their populations across the
Americas.” (Uses multiple, specific pieces of evidence in accurate support of an argument that addresses
the prompt)
D. Analysis and Reasoning (02 points)
Historical Reasoning
Responses earn 1 point by using a historical reasoning skill to frame or structure an argument about the effects
of the Columbian Exchange on the peoples in Americas in the period 14501750. To earn this point the
response must demonstrate the use of historical reasoning to frame or structure an argument, although the
reasoning might be uneven, imbalanced, or inconsistent.
Examples of using historical reasoning might include:
Explaining how historical isolation led to peoples in the Eastern and Western hemispheres developing
a different set of agricultural crops and practices, as well as different technologies and
biological/immunological characteristics
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Question 3Long Essay Question (continued)
Explaining how the population transfers following the European exploration and settlement of the
Americas led to the technological, agricultural, and biological transfers of the Columbian Exchange
Explaining the differential impacts of the processes of the Columbian Exchange on Amerindian,
European-American, and African American populations in the Americas
Responses earn 2 points by demonstrating a complex understanding of the ways in which the Columbian
Exchange affected peoples in the Americas in the period 14501750 by using evidence to corroborate, qualify,
or modify an argument that addresses the question.
Demonstrating complex understanding might include:
Explaining the nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple factors or by considering diverse or alternative
perspectives or evidence, such as constructing an argument that complex processes such as the
Columbian exchange could have different, sometimes disparate, effects on peoples in the Americas.
(For example, the demographic catastrophe in the aftermath of the initial contact versus the longer-
term increased economic activity because of plantation agriculture)
Qualifying or modifying the main argument of the essay to demonstrate awareness of historical
complexity, such as constructing an argument that explains how the processes of the Columbian
Exchange had both intended and unintended effects. (For example, the deliberate introduction of Afro-
Eurasian crops and domesticated animals versus the unintended transfer of pathogens, disease
vectors, and invasive species)
Explaining relevant and insightful connections across time and space, such as explaining how some of
the effects of the Columbian Exchange (the demographic effects from the transfer of pathogens)
happened relatively quickly, while other effects (the demographic and ecological effects from the
adoption of new crops) happened over many decades or centuries. Or explaining significant regional
variations in the effect of the Columbian exchange on peoples in the Americas, such as the near
complete population collapse of Amerindian populations in the Caribbean versus the more limited
impact in the major population centers in Mesoamerica and the Andes.
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Question 3 Long Essay Question
This question allowed students to demonstrate their knowledge of the effects of the Columbian Exchange on
peoples in the Americas in the period 14501750. The question primarily addressed Key Concept 4.1. of the AP
World History Curriculum Framework, with some crossover possible (but not required) into Key Concepts 4.2
and 4.3. The main key understanding tested by the question concerned the various impacts of the global
interconnectedness that followed the European exploration, conquest, and settlement of the Americas. The
question primarily targeted the historical reasoning skills of Causation and Contextualization and the disciplinary
practice of Argument Development, although responses that demonstrated historical understanding by deploying
the reasoning skills of Comparison and Continuity and Change Over Time were also credited. The phrase
“peoples in the Americas” in the question prompt was interpreted to mean Native American peoples or European
settlers or African slaves (or any combination of those groups), and the question did not specify any particular
category of effects (e.g., demographic, cultural, etc.). Therefore, the question presented students with a very
broad spectrum of opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge of any of the effects of the Columbian Exchange
on the Western Hemisphere.
Sample: 3A
Score: 6
The response earned 1 point for the thesis/claim because the statement “The Columbian Exchange led to new
social hierarchies as races began to mix and the spread of disease and religious practices to the native
population” is both historically defensible and establishes a line of reasoning related to the prompt.
The response earned 1 point for contextualization. Contextualization occurs throughout the first paragraph,
where the response describes how disruptions in trade in the Mediterranean and high taxes levied by the
Venetians on trade to India and China compelled European explorers to “find a new way to China,” which in turn
helped to create the Columbian Exchange from 1450 to 1750.
The response earned 2 points for using evidence because the argument that racial intermarriage “created new
social hierarchies” is supported by multiple pieces of evidence (Creoles, mestizos, mulattoes, and Peninsulares.)
Evidence (smallpox, influenza, horses) is also used to demonstrate how diseases “killed much of the native
population, eventually resulting in a lack of labor.”
The response earned 1 point for using historical reasoning, which can be found in the second and third
paragraphs. The discussion on the effort to end the “cruel Encomienda system” and the discussion of those
people who were at the “bottom” of a “new social hierarchy” demonstrates the use of historical reasoning
(causation) to frame an argument.
The response earned 1 point for demonstrating a complex understanding because the essay’s three body
paragraphs build up to a multifaceted argument about the effects of the Columbian Exchange. Complexity of
argument and depth of historical knowledge and applicability are evident in the abundant corroborating evidence
and explanation.
Thesis: 1
Contextualization: 1
Evidence: 2
Analysis and Reasoning: 2
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Question 3 Long Essay Question (continued)
Sample: 3B
Score: 3
The response earned 1 point for the thesis/claim because it makes the following claims: “In the Americas during
the period 14501750 [the Columbian Exchange] greatly affected the social structure of the area. New forms of
political rankings were added. New forms of coerced labor were added and new ideas were formed by the
people.These statements adequately provide a defensible claim regarding the societal and political structures in
the Americas.
The response did not earn a point for using contextualization because the argument that Enlightenment ideals
“encouraged the Haitian revolts against Spaniards at the sugar cane farms” is historically inaccurate (France, not
Spain). A point could have been earned if the response had discussed how Enlightenment ideals spread from
Europe and influenced Haiti’s revolt against France.
The response earned 2 points for using evidence because the response includes multiple examples (mulattoes,
Creoles, mestizos, slave trade from Africa, slaves, and Christianity) to support arguments regarding “new social
rankings” in the Americas, new forms of coerced labor,” and the introduction of new ideas to the Americas.
Support for the argument is evident throughout each of the three paragraphs.
The response did not earn the point for using historical reasoning because no attempt is made.
The response did not earn the point for demonstrating a complex understanding because no attempt is made to
construct historical complexity.
Thesis: 1
Contextualization: 0
Evidence: 2
Analysis and Reasoning: 0
Sample: 3C
Score: 1
The response did not earn the point for the thesis/claim because the statement, “Even though the Columbian
Exchange brought some negative effects to the Americas, the Americas were greatly influenced by these
changes,” does not provide a specific reason as to how the Americas were impacted negatively. To earn this
point, the response needed to include a specific example or examples of how people of the Americas were
negatively affected by the Columbian Exchange in the period 14501750.
The response did not earn the point for contextualization because the statement that the Columbian Exchange
brought “pizza which comes from Italy but has been modified through the years in the Americas” does not
explain how people were impacted by such an occurrence and refers to a time period that is not adjacent to the
period 14501750.
The response earned 1 point for using evidence because there are numerous examples of evidence (spices, rum,
slaves, corn, cocoa, squash, European culture) related to the impact of the Columbian Exchange on the peoples of
the Americas. Though the essay contains multiple examples of evidence, the response does not use these pieces
of evidence to support an argument in response to the prompt.
The response did not earn the point for using historical reasoning because no attempt is made to construct
historical reasoning.
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Question 3 Long Essay Question (continued)
The response did not earn the point for demonstrating a complex understanding because no attempt is made to
construct historical complexity.
Thesis: 0
Contextualization: 0
Evidence: 1
Analysis and Reasoning: 0