LUCON: Data Flow Control for Message-Based
IoT Systems
Julian Schütte, Gerd Stefan Brost
Fraunhofer AISEC, Germany
Abstract—Today’s emerging Industrial Internet of Things
(IIoT) scenarios are characterized by the exchange of data be-
tween services across enterprises. Traditional access and usage
control mechanisms are only able to determine if data may
be used by a subject, but lack an understanding of how it may
be used. The ability to control the way how data is processed
is however crucial for enterprises to guarantee (and provide
evidence of) compliant processing of critical data, as well as for
users who need to control if their private data may be analyzed
or linked with additional information a major concern
in IoT applications processing personal information. In this
paper, we introduce LUCON, a data-centric security policy
framework for distributed systems that considers data flows
by controlling how messages may be routed across services
and how they are combined and processed. LUCON policies
prevent information leaks, bind data usage to obligations, and
enforce data flows across services. Policy enforcement is based
on a dynamic taint analysis at runtime and an upfront static
verification of message routes against policies. We discuss the
semantics of these two complementing enforcement models
and illustrate how LUCON policies are compiled from a
simple policy language into a first-order logic representation.
We demonstrate the practical application of LUCON in a real-
world IoT middleware and discuss its integration into Apache
Camel. Finally, we evaluate the runtime impact of LUCON
and discuss performance and scalability aspects.
While IoT systems in general create undeniable benefits
in areas like health care, home automation, manufacturing,
logistics, and mobility, it is also obvious that existing threats
to the integrity of business processes and the privacy of
users intensify with an increasing degree of distribution,
amount of endpoints and trust domains. A paramount chal-
lenge for data owners is to control the way how their data
is processed and combined with data from other sources,
and how it is published to untrusted third parties.
Today, Industrial IoT systems are characterized by data
flowing from sensors to services and applications and
possibly back to actuating devices. These data flows span
several physical platforms, including resource-constrained
sensors, mobile devices, and cloud backends. In contrast
to traditional enterprise systems, modern distributed IoT
systems typically span several ”trust domains”, i.e. within
a single application, data is processed by services under
different authoritative controls.
In addition, privacy and security are interleaved since
sensor data may contain personal data of employees (e.g.,
a machine operator) or private users (e.g., the owner of a
home automation solution).
Traditional access control cannot cope with this chal-
lenge it merely aims at controlling actions of subjects
to resources (e.g., a ”read” request from a user to a file).
In that sense, traditional access control is resource-centric
and unaware of the actual processing of data, as access
to resources is only controlled at a specific point in time
without further control on how it is used. Further, typical
access control languages like XACML provide means to
describe resources, but do not allow to write rules referring
to classes of data that provided by these resources. It is
impossible to state that only certain information may be
retrieved from an endpoint, while some other information
must not be published by the same endpoint.
An extension of access control is usage control which
has been introduced in the early 2000s [16] and has been
subject to intensive research in the following decade [10],
[12], [13]. Usage control extends access control by the
dimension of time and is able to continuously monitor and
control the usage of resources such as files or services by
subjects. However, it is mostly still resource-centric as it
only decides access requests to resources in the course of
time, but does not control how sensitive information is
processed and combined. ABAC languages like XACML
3.0 are moving in that direction by supporting the notion
of obligations which must be fulfilled by the subject. The
outcome of an obligation does however not influence the
policy decision anymore and is out of the semantics of
In modern data-centric systems, the concept of resource-
centric protection does not apply anymore. As a con-
sequence, traditional usage control models fall short of
enforcing requirements of data owners. With a growing
number of data sources in the form of sensors from
different owners and cloud-based data analytics services,
the challenge is not anymore to control the usage of a
single resource, but to express constraints on how data
objects (messages) may be processed . Figure 1 illustrates
a typical scenario: sensors in a production facility measure
parameters of the production process like flow rate and
temperature of various liquids. These measurements are
essential for controlling the production process, but they
are also interesting for analytics applications from third
parties. Knowing these measurements helps manufacturers
arXiv:1805.05887v1 [cs.CR] 14 May 2018
Production Site
Data Flow Control
Sensor Manufacturer
Controlled data sharing
Figure 1. Data flow control for predictive maintenance
developing ”predictive maintenance services” such as the
detection of sensor drifts or an approaching end of life of
their hardware.. However, up to date, these scenarios are
hardly possible due to the sensitive nature of raw sensor
data, from which trade secrets like recipes, production
processes and capacities can immediately be derived.
So, controlling access to resources (in this case, sensors)
or their data is not sufficient. Rather, it is necessary to
control the flow of data, i.e. the way how it is combined,
processed and shared with different endpoints. In the ex-
ample from Figure 1, it must be guaranteed that sensor
manufacturers only get data from specific sensors. This data
must pre-processed in a way that allows them to run their
analytics, but not to reverse-engineer the production process
or any other (including privacy related) data.
In this paper we introduce LUCON, a policy framework
for data flow control (DFC) in distributed systems, which
provides a runtime monitor for dynamic enforcement of
DFC policies and an upfront static verification of message
routes against policies. As discussed in [25], we model
all data exchanges as message flows. Data flow policies
are based on a formal system model and an operational
semantics of the enforcement in message routes, which pre-
configure possible data flows. After introducing the formal
foundation of LUCON we show how it is implemented
in a real-world messaging system and supports both static
and dynamic enforcement. The benefit of an upfront static
enforcement is that users can analyze potential, possibly
counter-intuitive violations of their policy, while in a dy-
namic enforcement only concrete violations of policies will
be prevented. In our policy framework, the result of a policy
enforcement is either a simple cancellation of a message
flow or the execution of an obligation, i.e. an action which
must be taken by the enforcement component to fulfill the
policy. By means of a prototype implementation of the
LUCON framework and its integration into the Apache
Camel messaging router, we show that the performance of
LUCON is suited for large-scale productive applications.
Usage control has been subject to extensive research
for quite a while [24]. While several models have been
proposed, the most prominent one is U CON
, origi-
nally introduced by Park and Sandhu [16]. It comprises
Authorizations (A), oBligations (B), and Conditions (C),
referring to attributes of subjects and resources. Attributes
are mutable (e.g., they can change over time) and the conti-
nuity of access decisions is formalized. In this way, UCON
A, B and C can be defined to be evaluated before (pre)
or during usage (on). The model has undergone different
extensions in the course of time. As an example, [12]
incorporated post-obligations. U CON
does not dictate
how to design a specific architecture and mechanisms for
usage control, but stays abstract in that manner. Other
approaches focus on specific languages rather than abstract
models, such as the Obligation Specification Language
(OSL) [10].
Much has been done in the area of formalization of
usage control policies and the formal analysis of their
properties. In [27], a formalization of UCON
Lamport’s Temporal Logic of Actions (TLA) is given, in
[2], [1] Basin et al. give an approach on analyzing usage
control policies formalized in first-order temporal logic
(MFOTL). In [22], a Linear Time Logic (LTL) dialect
is used for the sake of analyzing policies, and in [8] an
analysis of dynamically changing usage control policies
is described, based on Action Computation Tree Logic
(ACTL). Our work is based on this research, but the
approach is more specific and focuses on the application
of usage control to data processing only.
The concept of enforcing data flow control in decen-
tralized systems has already been introduced by Myers
et al. [14]. Their understanding of controlling information
flows refers to preserving secrecy and integrity proper-
ties of classified documents an approach that pursues
the enforcement of traditional information classification
systems such as the Bell LaPadula model (no read up,
no write down) for secrecy and the Biba model [4] (no
read down, no write up) for integrity. Myers proposes
a label-based approach to mark data sets and to prevent
information leakage by annotating existing programming
languages. We generalize this concept by concentrating
on information flow between components (services), that
have no built in mechanisms for supporting external labels.
The enforcement of usage control policies is a central
challenge, as it requires system-specific implementations
and trust relationships related components. Trustworthy
system architectures for usage control enforcement have
been proposed in [28], which allow usage control policies
at the level of system calls, given that the trustworthiness of
the enforcement point can be attested using hardware-based
mechanisms. Our approach does not focus at usage control
enforcement on remote platforms, but rather on a specific
enforcement mechanism for data processing. Nevertheless,
it could be combined with techniques from [21] or [28] in
case the enforcement would have to take place on remote
Closer related to our work is [9], which introduces the idea
of using data flow tracing at the level of system calls in
order to enforce usage control policies. The authors show
that based on an underlying data flow model, more realistic
and expressive policy rules can be written, referring to
states of a data flow system, rather than specific sequences
of events. In [20], this approach is extended by tracing
messages in the X11 environment, specifically copy & paste
actions on sensitive data which is either blocked or replaced
by meaningless data in case a policy is violated. Similar
to [9], [22], we understand usage control as enforcing
conditions in data flows.
Fine granular data flow tracking for databases has been
done by applying taint tracking in [6] for specific applica-
tions. A similar approach was followed by [5], providing
an API that allows to introduce taint tracking for legacy
web applications without major code changes. This is also
based on taint tracking at database level and uses hooks
that are placed in legacy code to enable security policy
Pasquier et al. proposed CamFlow [18], an end-to-end
information flow control enforcement system for cloud
systems based on the implementation of Linux Security
Modules as enforcement points. Thus, CamFlow is tightly
integrated into the operating system via a custom Linux
Security Module and considers information flows between
processes in an OS. This work has been continued in [17]
with a focus on DETA (Declassify, Endorse, Transform,
Authorize) policies. Apart from the fact that CamFlow is
an operating-system-level mechanism while our approach
mainly addresses message buses in a distributed system,
CamFlow proposes fixed security rules for secrecy and
integrity, following traditional information classification
concepts. Our system, in contrast, proposes a more generic
labeling mechanism that allows to create any information
class, track its usage in the system and write policies on
how to handle read and write accesses to it.
LUCON is a policy framework to enforce secure data
flows in message-based systems typically in IoT archi-
tectures. Its design goals are a reasonable low runtime
overhead, a formal semantics and support of authors in
writing flawless policies for existing message routes. It is
comprised of the following components:
the definition of a policy language, its implementation
in Eclipse XText, and its compilation into a first-order
logic representation
a runtime evaluation of policies based on the first-order
logic representation of policies, following a message
tainting approach with a formal execution semantics
of policy-controlled message routes
a static model checking of message routes against poli-
cies in the first-order logic representation, including
a compilation of Apache Camel message routes into
Prolog programs
A. Policy language
The motivation for a policy language is to separate
the specification of security requirements on data flows
from the actual messaging system. Existing DFC systems
like [18], [15], [19] enforce predefined flows between
security classes. However, in practice users have diverse
and application-specific requirements which cannot be hard
coded into a generic distributed middleware. Early re-
search on information flow control has proposed various
information classification models such as Chinese Wall,
Biba or Bell LaPadula, where each serves one specific
requirement (such as either integrity or secrecy for lattice-
based information classifications), but they are not neces-
sarily compatible with one another. Thus, instead of hard
coding valid flows into the system, we rather aim for
a simple domain specific language (DSL) to allow the
user to define custom policies. The DSL compiles into a
logic representation in Prolog a programming language
based on Horn clauses which is a decidable subset of first-
order logic. The benefit of that is that compiled policies
have a formal foundation and can be used to model-check
requirements against message routes, but at the same time
can be efficiently evaluated at runtime so that performance
impact on a productive system remains low.
B. Runtime enforcement
Runtime enforcement implements a dynamic taint-style
analysis and thus leans towards the permissive end of
possible data flow enforcement strategies, as we will discuss
in section V. The aim of LUCON is to prevent messages
from violating the policy, but not to prevent any information
leaks over side channels. Some data flow systems proposed
in the past [23] apply a stricter strategy and block even
information leaks over side-channels, for example in cases
in which the attacker can learn private information by
observing the control flow or exceptional terminations of
a message route. However, these approaches assume that
the attacker knows the exact control flow specification (i.e.,
the message routes), which is not the case in our model.
Second, implicit information leaks are not intuitive for the
user and sudden cancellation of a route at runtime may
not be expected behavior. In our taint-style approach we
mark messages with an initial set of labels as soon as they
are created. Labels are transported along with messages
and possibly altered when the message is processed by a
service. The mechanism for the modification of message
labels is called the taint propagation logic and determines
how the security and privacy properties of a message
change as it is processed and merged by services. In our
approach, the definition of the taint propagation logic is part
of the policy. This allows our runtime monitor to query the
compiled policy for the changes which should be made to
message labels, as well as for the actual data flow policy.
C. Static model-checking
Runtime enforcement is tuned to be fast and will pre-
vent messages from leaking information by blocking or
modifying them just before the data leak would occur.
For users, it is however important to analyze if and un-
der which circumstances their message system would run
into potential data leaks so they can verify that message
routes will not be unexpectedly terminated by the policy
framework. Further, LUCON will provide evidence that
message routes fulfill the security requirements, which is
important information for audit and compliance purposes.
This is achieved by translating message routes into a first-
order logic representation, analog to the representation of
compiled policies. The logic model allows to verify route
definitions against policies so that users can check upfront
whether routes are applicable at all under a certain policy,
whether only specific executions paths may violate the
policy, or whether a route is fully compliant with a policy.
In case of potential policy violations, LUCON will generate
an example of a message flow violating the policy.
We first set the common ground for the abstract type
of system that is addressed by our policy framework. In
practice, LUCON runs in any message-based IoT system,
but for the remainder of this paper we establish an under-
standing of the terms and concepts that are relevant in those
The system is based on services which communicate
via messages. A service accepts a set of input messages,
operates on their content and emits a set of output messages.
Each service is under control of a trust domain and as
messages are sent from one service to another, they may
cross domain boundaries. The ability of a user to define
and apply policies is limited to their own trust domain, i.e.
policies of a user can only control messages within their
domain. With respect to enforcement of policies, however,
it is still possible that a user retrieves an assertion of a
successful enforcement from a remote domain either
by establishing trust at a technical level (e.g., by remote
attestation) or by retrieving evidence of the enforcement
(e.g. by observing expected side-effects).
Both, We denote these sets of predicates as message
labels L and service properties P, respectively.
a) Message Labels: Message labels L classify a mes-
sage in terms of its data source or secrecy level and may
be partially ordered. For instance, a message m can be
labeled as L
= {classification(top_secret)}
(1-ary predicate) or L
= {personal_data} (0-ary
predicate). The specific predicates are not determined by
the model but rather by its instantiation in a specific
b) Service Properties: Service properties P are
used to describe services. For example, a service which
stores data in a database can be assigned the pred-
icates P = {persist} (0-ary predicate) or P =
{persist(jdbc://localhost/...)} (1-ary predicate).
c) Message Routes: The interaction between services
is defined as an Enterprise Integration Pattern (EIP) [11]
in form of a message route. We consider a route as a
Outbound Queue
Figure 2. A message route over several services
non-while-looping program, i.e. a sequence of numbered
statements which either call external services, assign values
to variables, or control execution of the next statement.
Note that excluding while loops from our route definition
is a limitation compared to the expressiveness of real-world
turing-complete message routers like Apache Camel or
Spring Integrations, which do in fact allow the construction
of while loops in EIPs like Dynamic Router
. The reason
we chose to exclude while-loops is that it turns the static
route verification into a decidable problem, while in prac-
tice while-loops are rarely used in EIPs and e.g. discour-
aged by Apache Camel
. Routes support variables in two
scopes: global and message-scoped. Global variables are
available across all executions of a route, while message-
scoped variables get appended to the message object and
are transported along with it. Branching statements refer
to conditions over variables and fork the control flow into
several branches, just like conditions in a program.
Accordingly, the set of supported statements
comprises variable assignments (set-
-prop), control
flow modification (choice), message manipulation
(split,aggregate,bean), and service invocation
(from, to). The simplified grammar is given in the
following listing and Figure 2 depicts an example route.
stmt := assign-msg | assign-env | from
| to | choice | split | aggregate
assign-msg := set-msg-prop var := expr
assign-env := set-env-prop var := expr
from := from(service)
to := to(service)
choice := when expr then goto v
otherwise goto v
split := split expr
aggregate := aggregate expr
expr := n-ary Prolog predicate
v := Statement number
service := Service name
To model execution of a route, we further introduce some
execution contexts which represent the current state of the
execution: Σ maps statement numbers to statements. µ
holds the message-scoped variables and maps each variable
of a message m to its value. A global map assigns
global variable names to their values. Further, a program
counter pc holds the number of the currently executed
Table I
τ Maps a message to its taint state, e.g. τ[m 1] 1 = τ [m]
Σ Maps a statement number to a statement
Maps variables of message m to their value
Maps global variable names to their current value
pc Number of the currently executed statement
ι Number of the next statement
statement and an instruction pointer ι the number of the
next statement.
Table I summarizes these execution contexts.
d) Trust Domains: Services and routes reside in trust
domains. A trust domain is controlled by a single authority
that can create and update route definitions and it is as-
sumed that services within a trust domain behave correctly
in terms of propagating message labels. It is important to
note that we assume that route definitions are not known
outside of the trust domain. If this assumption would not
hold, information from messages may leak if an attacker
is able to observe the control flow, i.e. the execution of a
LUCON takes a hybrid approach on information flow
control by combining a dynamic and a static component:
The dynamic policy enforcement is tuned for efficiency and
to limit delays by policy evaluations at runtime. It is based
on a taint-style analysis that prevents explicit information
leaks under the assumption that implicit leaks (for exam-
ple by control flow observation or untrusted misbehaving
services) do not occur. A static, upfront model-checking
verifies message routes against policies and informs the
user about potential policy violations. Here, runtime per-
formance does not play a role, but rather completeness
of the verification and the generation of understandable
counterexamples so as to either guarantee that message
routes are free of policy violations (e.g., for audit purposes)
or to support policy authors in fixing potential flaws.
A. Static vs. Dynamic Data Flow Control
Data flow research dates back to the seventies when
Denning [7] proposed a lattice-based organization of secu-
rity classifications to mathematically formulate constraints
on information flows a formal foundation for the Bell-
LaPadula secrecy [3] and Biba [4] integrity models. Since
then, various data flow control systems have been proposed,
either relying on static checking of system configurations
against information flow rules, or on dynamic enforcement
of data flow constraints at runtime [19], [18], [15], [26].
These systems typically enforce secrecy by preventing
information leaks over explicit flows and partly over im-
plicit flows. Explicit flows refer to leakage of information
directly into publicly readable sinks, whereas implicit leaks
refer to side-channel leaks via control flow or termination.
Sabelfeld et al. show in [23] that dynamic enforcement
and the classic Denning-style static flow control can only
achieve termination-insensitive non-interference, i.e. they
can prevent information leaks via observation of the control
flow by an attacker, but not via observation of route
termination. Taint analysis, as we adopt for our dynamic
runtime enforcement, provides even weaker guarantees as
it allows control-flow leaks in some cases. To illustrate this,
let us consider the following route, which we denote as a
simple program, for the sake of readability.
1 tainted := ...; // Taint label set
2 public := 1;
3 tmp := 0;
4 if tainted then
5 tmp := 1;
6 if tmp != 1 then
7 public := 0
In this example, sensitive information is written into a
variable tainted, which will consequently be marked
with a taint label (line 1). As the value of tainted
is never assigned to any other variable, the taint flag is
not propagated. Variable public is written into a public
data sink and thus leaks its content. As can be seen from
the example, the value of variable public is equal to
tainted in all possible execution paths, although it is
never explicitly assigned. Consequently the route leaks
tainted information to a public data sink and a classic taint
analysis is not able to detect this leak.
A Denning-style type system would behave differently
and manage a stack of global security contexts. In line
4, when a ”secure” condition is evaluated, a new secure
item would be added to the stack. When execution enters
line 5, the system would notice that a non-secure variable
is written within a secure context and would terminate
execution immediately, thereby preventing the information
leak. Denning-style type systems are thus more strict and
prevent information leaks even under the assumption that
the attacker know the control flow specification (the mes-
sage route) and is able to observe control flow at runtime.
However, in the type of distributed system we address,
Denning-style flow control is less appropriate, as it intro-
duces a variety of practical issues: first, the assumptions
are overly strict. Attackers might be able to observe parts
of the control flow, e.g. by hosting a service which is used
by a message route, but they do not know the control flow
specification (the message routes) nor can they learn it by
globally observing the control flows of domain. Second,
in real-life message routes, all operations would have to be
considered as write operations, as they are typically realized
by some implementation which is not further known to
the data flow control engine. If all operations are writes,
however, a single access to a non-tainted variable will lead
to termination of the route. This is unexpected for the user,
at best, and will render the system dysfunctional.
As a consequence, LUCON adopts a dynamic taint
approach which is efficient at runtime and prevents explicit
leaks of information, i.e. it prevents routes from process-
ing data in an undesired way, assuming that an attacker
cannot retrieve the route specification and globally observe
the control flow. Complementary to runtime enforcement,
LUCON provides an upfront static model checking to
verify message routes against policies. In the approach we
describe herein, the model checking follows the same taint-
style semantics as the dynamic enforcement, but in general
the models do not have to be equal. For instance, it would
be possible to statically verify routes in a stricter control-
flow- and termination-sensitive model to identify even
theoretical information leaks, while still running dynamic
enforcement in the more realistic and relaxed taint-style
B. Dynamic Taint-Style Enforcement
The basic idea of the taint-style dynamic flow enforce-
ment is to assign a set of taint labels to messages when they
enter the system and to modify the taint labels as messages
are processed by services. Whenever a message is about to
be sent to an external service, the policy is consulted to
check whether a respectively marked message may enter
this specific service.
Different from other information and data flow control
systems, LUCON does not dictate a set or lattice of
taint labels, but rather allows to assign any set of labels
to messages. Taint labels are represented as first-order
logic predicates and any rule over these predicates can
be declared to construct lattices, hierarchies or any other
inference of labels. Assignment of labels to messages is
controlled by the taint propagation logic, which is part of
the policy. In fact, every service description in the policy
may include two label transformation functions L
(·) and
(·) that determine which labels will be removed and
added to a message, respectively. To denote the semantics
of a route with taint tracking enabled, we introduce an
additional context τ that maps variables to the set of taint
labels assigned to them. That is, τ
denotes the taint states
of global variables and τ
denotes the taint labels assigned
to a message m. Individual variables of a message cannot
be tainted, rather the whole message will be marked.
The operational semantics of a taint-controlled route
execution is given in the appendix in Figure 7. Inference
rules are written as
hCurrent statei, Stmt hN ext statei
where Current state and Next state are written as tuples
hτ, Σ, µ
, , pc, ιi and denote the system state before
and after execution of the statement stmt, respectively.
Computation denotes the actual computation on the sys-
tem state which is applied by executing Stmt. The notation
of computations makes use of expressions in the form
, ` e v, which means that an expression e evaluates
to value v in the context denoted by messages properties
and system variables .
Statements refer to operations of typical enterprise in-
tegration patterns (EIP), as used by Apache Camel
. The
formal semantics covers far from all Camel EIPs but is
focused on the statements relevant for information flows.
The FROM statement reads data from a service endpoint
and TO and BEAN forward it to an external service or an
internal processing bean, respectively (a component that
may modify the message). CHOICE denotes a branch in
the control flow and is similar to an if-then-else-statement
in a normal program. With SPLIT, a message can be split
by an expression into multiple messages which are pro-
cessed in parallel and can be joined again by AGGREGATE.
message-scoped and global-scoped variables to the value
of a given expression. Variables are only visible within
the message routing engine and not delivered to actual
services, therefore they do not affect the taint state of a
message. Rather, the only statements affecting the taint state
τ are FROM, TO, BEAN, SPLIT, and AGGREGATE. When a
message is created by FROM, it is assigned the taint labels
determined by the taint policy L
. When that message is
forwarded to any other service, the taint labels according to
are removed and the ones determined by L
are added.
When a message is split, all resulting messages have the
same taint labels as the original one and when messages
are merged, the resulting message is tainted with the union
of all individual taint labels.
C. Static Model-Checking of Data Flows
Dynamic taint tracking at runtime is sound under the
assumption that the attacker does not know the message
route definition, i.e. the control flow, but it is not complete,
in the sense that it will only detect actual data leaks as they
occur and not guarantee that a message route is free of data
leaks in general. However, as it is important for users to
know if a route may be interrupted by a policy, we use
static model-checking to verify routes against policies.
For this purpose, we compile routes into Prolog, i.e. the
same logic representation as policies. In Prolog, a route
is represented as a directed acyclic graph, where each
node represents one statement and edges refer to transitions
between statements. Predicate stmt defines a statement
and succ(A,B) defines B as a successor of A. This way
the example route from Figure 2 can be written as the
following (simplified) Prolog program:
1 stmt(sensor).
2 stmt(split).
3 stmt(log).
4 stmt(merge).
5 stmt(aggr).
6 stmt(mqueue).
7 succ(sensor,split).
8 succ(split,log).
9 succ(split,merge).
10 succ(merge,aggr).
11 succ(log,aggr).
12 succ(aggr,mqueue).
Policies are likewise compiled into Prolog and determine
valid and invalid flows in terms of allowed and forbidden la-
bels entering services. Message routes can then be checked
against policies by respectively exploring all paths in the
Figure 3. Message m with taint labels L
sent along services with properties P
Message m
= {raw, temperature}
Policy = {publish ¬raw}
Service A
= {raw, temperature}
P = {persist(hdfs2://...)}
Service B
(Merges Data)
= {raw}
= {merge(10)}
= {temperature, merge(10)}
P =
Service C
= {temperature, merge(10)}
P = {publish(http://...)}
m’ m’
graph which violate the policy. Each solution to the query
is one counterexample of a possible data flow in a message
route which does not comply with the policy. Listing 1
shows the output displayed when a route violates a data
flow policy.
Listing 1. Proof of a message route violating a policy
1 Route Sensor_Messaging is invalid because
2 service Outbound_Queue may receive label(s) [raw].
3 This is forbidden by rule dontPublishRaw
5 Example flows violating policy follow:
6 |-- sensor creates message labeled [raw]
7 |-- split receives message labeled [raw]
8 |-- log receives message labeled [raw]
9 |-- aggr receives message labeled [raw]
10 |-- mqueue receives message labeled [raw]
11 |-- fail
So far, we described how LUCON controls data flows
in terms of abstract models, which provide the formal
foundation of our policies. To be of any practical use, the
framework must allow to write policies in a language that is
easy to understand and supports the user in writing correct
The LUCON policy language is a domain specific lan-
guage (DSL) which serves two purposes: first, it comprises
the actual data flow control rules, determining valid and
invalid data flows and possibly binding them to obligations.
Second, it defines labels and describes services in terms of
properties, capabilities and their taint propagation logic L
and L
We define a grammar for the LUCON DSL in Eclipse
XText. XText is a language creation framework that auto-
matically creates lexer and parser from a context-free LL(*)
grammar, along with IDE editors with syntax highlighting,
auto-completion, and error checking.
The following is a simplified version of the LUCON DSL
grammar. It defines the main concepts service and rule,
which represent the service-specific taint propagation and
the actual data flow rules. The effect of a rule is represented
by a decision that determines whether a message may be
Figure 4. LUCON DSL rule in Eclipse IDE
passed on or must be dropped. Optionally, a decision can
be bound to an obligation. Obligations are actions which
must be executed successfully before the actual decision
is enforced. If the execution of an obligation fails or the
respective obligation is not supported by the system, the
alternative decision stated by otherwise is taken.
policy := rule | service
service := service {
id atom
endpoint url
(properties term+)?
(capabilities term+)? }
rule := flow_rule {
when s receives atom
decide decision }
term := Prolog term
atom := Prolog atom
url := Endpoint URL of a service
decision := effect (obligation)
effect := allow | drop | error
obligation := require term (otherwise term)?
s := Reference to a service
Figure 4 shows a policy from the example scenario in
section I. It includes an inline definition of the services
it refers to in this example simply all services with an
http(s) endpoint. The message label raw is stated as an
atom (i.e., a 0-ary predicate) and marks raw sensor data. If
that label has not been removed along the message route
by some service that merges or blinds raw data records,
the rule is triggered and will drop the message before it
enters the respective endpoint. Before, the event will be
logged, whereas log refers to a Java function which can be
called from within the policy decision point and message
refers to a predefined variable holding the content of the
message. In case the execution of the obligation fails, the
rule’s effect is error which exceptionally terminates the
message route.
LUCON policies are compiled into Prolog programs
using the Xtend code generation framework, so that users
only deal with the high level DSL, while the enforcement
engine operates on the formal representation in Prolog. The
representation of a policy in a logic model further allows
reasoning over the policy itself to detect conflicting or
incomplete rules and provides the basis for the aforemen-
tioned static model checking of message routes against data
flow policies. Listing 2 shows the Prolog representation of
the rule from Figure 4.
Listing 2. Prolog representation of a rule
1 regex(A,B,C) :- class("j.u.r.Pattern")
2 <- matches(A,B) returns C.
3 rule(dontPublishRaw).
4 has_target(dontPublishRaw, service15058189).
5 service(service15058189).
6 has_endpoint(service15058189,"http[s]?://.+").
7 receives_label(dontPublishRaw,raw).
8 has_decision(dontPublishRaw, dec).
9 has_effect(dec, drop).
10 has_obligation(dec,
11 log("Preventing data leak. ", message)).
We implemented and evaluated a prototype of the LU-
CON policy framework to assess its application under real-
world conditions.
A. Implementation
As a platform for our implementation we chose the
Trusted IoT Connector platform
– an open source platform
based on the Karaf OSGi framework
that uses the Apache
Camel message routing and mediation engine to forward
messages between sensors and ”applications” in form of
Linux containers. While the Trusted Connector has been
chosen for its security features, our implementation does
not depend on it but would also be compatible with any
other message router like Apache NiFi or Spring Integra-
tions and other edge platforms like Eclipse Kura
Apache Camel is a rule-based engine to route messages
in the form of so-called Exchange objects according to
Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP). Due to its support for
more than 240 protocol adapters, including HTTP, OPC-
UA, MQTT, it is well-suited for IoT scenarios where data
from different sources must be unified. We hook into the
Camel engine by implementing an interceptor component
that is called between each step in a message route and may
drop, forward or alter any Exchange object. The interceptor
acts as the Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) and interacts
with the other components of the LUCON framework
which have been implemented as OSGi services. If the
message is allowed to pass, the PEP simply puts it back
into the processing engine. If the decision is to drop the
message, the interceptor removes it from the message route
and in case of an error, it exceptionally terminates the route,
allowing a graceful exception handling. Any obligation that
is possibly bound to the policy decision refers to OSGi
services that the PEP will invoke. As OSGi services are
dynamic and can spawn and terminate at any time, the set
of supported obligations may vary at runtime and policy
authors must consider that the execution of obligations may
fail by stating an alternative effect in the otherwise
The Policy Decision Point (PDP) includes a tuProlog
engine to load policies as Prolog theories and run queries
against them. tuProlog is a Java-native lightweight Prolog
implementation that has been chosen because of its small
footprint of only 294 KB and especially because of its
ability to map Prolog predicates to Java functions. An
example of such mappings is shown in line 1 of Listing
2 where a Prolog predicate regex is defined by a call to
the respective Java regex function to support querying for
regular expressions, e.g. over service endpoint URLs.
In total, the size of the LUCON policy engine amounts
to a 3.1 MB OSGi bundle that is loaded into the Karaf
platform, automatically detects all Camel instances and
hooks its interceptor into their message routes. The policy
parser and code generator is not part of that engine in order
to keep its footprint low. This means, policy authors will
write policies in LUCON DSL in a separate IDE and load
the compiled policies into the engine. The LUCON IDE has
been implemented as an Eclipse ”product” i.e. a standalone
version of the Eclipse IDE that includes the code generator
and various assistants for authoring the policy.
B. Data Flow Awareness of Services
The most prevalent question for the integration of a pol-
icy framework is to which extend the existing IoT system
must be aware of the framework and actively support it.
LUCON requires only a single integration point, which is
a hook into the message routing engine realized as a
Camel interceptor in our prototype. In addition LUCON
does not require services that are able to handle message
labels. We distinguish services by three classes of message
handling capabilities: agnostic, preserving, and active.
a) Agnostic Services: Agnostic services are unaware
of any data flow control mechanism. That is, when mes-
sages are sent into an agnostic service, all message labels
will be lost and the data flow tracing will break. Most
existing services will fall into this category.
Agnostic services are supported by LUCON’s capability
to state transformation functions as part of the policy. As
long as transformation functions are specified for a service,
both runtime enforcement and static validation of routes
will work as described above.
b) Preserving: Even if they are not aware of any data
flow control mechanism, some services are able to preserve
labels attached to messages. That is, when data is sent
into the service and retrieved at a later time, previously
attached labels will still be intact and data flow tracing is
not interrupted. As example for such services are databases
or file systems which persist message labels along with data
As long as preserving services do not perform any operation
that would change labels, no transformation function needs
to be stated in the policy. Data flow tracing will not break at
runtime and labels will be transported across service calls.
Also static route validation will work, as the service does
not affect labels and thus remains irrelevant with respect to
path explorations in the message route graph.
c) Data Flow Aware Services: Data flow aware ser-
vices are able to actively modify message labels. While
today, the vast majority of services is not data flow aware,
an example of such services has been proposed in [25].
These services can modify message labels in a more
complex way than could be expressed by transformation
functions in the policy. The service in [25] for instance,
modifies message labels according to an internal ”taint
logic” that cannot be written as a transformation function.
As a consequence, static route validation with data flow
aware services is only possible if the service’s labeling
semantics is available in the same logic representation as
the policy.
In general, data flow awareness of services directly
relates to the trust in that service. A non-aware service
does not require a high level of trust, since it would not
be able to alter labels in a malicious way. Data flow aware
services, on the contrary, are able to modify labels and
could interfere with data flow that way. Consequently, data-
flow aware services require additional mechanisms for trust
establishment, such as a remote attestation or certification.
C. Performance Evaluation
The most critical metric for a policy engine is the time
needed to evaluate a policy decision request. As each step
in a message route requires a policy decision, the engine
must not introduce unacceptable delays and must scale with
an increasing number of services and rules. We evaluated
how the runtime of the policy decision point for evaluating
a decision request scales with the number of policies and
services. While we consider a few dozens of rules to be a
realistic size in most applications, we chose a test range of
1-5,000 rules and services. All rules were set up to match
all services so that every decision request would require
an evaluation of every single rule, which is the worst case.
The tests were run against our prototype implementation
which uses the Java-based tuProlog engine and does not
include any runtime optimizations. As Figure 5 shows, the
time for evaluating the decision requests scales linearly with
Figure 5. Policy decision time, scaling with rules (blue) and labels (red)
the number of rules within the analyzed range. For typical
policy sizes of a few hundred rules, the evaluation takes
approx. 12-15 ms. For a policy of 1,000 rules, it is still
clearly below 50 ms and then increases linearly up to 150-
200 ms for 5,000 rules. The red line in Figure 5 shows
how runtime scales with an increasing number of message
labels and a constant number of 50 rules. As can be seen,
the decision time only depends on the number of rules, but
does not increase with more labels.
The second metric of our performance evaluation is
memory consumption. Here, we are especially interested
if the framework is suited to run on typical IoT gate-
way devices or if the Prolog-based implementation it too
memory-intensive for such applications. Figure 6 shows
the memory consumption of the LUCON engine during a
policy decision. Again, the blue line illustrates how memory
consumption scales with an increasing number of rules and
the red line indicates behavior with an increasing number
of labels.
As expected, memory consumption scales linearly with
the number of rules and constant with the number of labels,
just as computation time does. The absolute numbers show
that evaluating a policy of 50 rules requires less than 100
KB, while very large policies with thousands of rules may
occupy several hundreds of megabyte of heap.
In this paper we introduced LUCON, a policy framework
for controlling data flows in distributed message-based
systems. LUCON extends the concept of usage control
by the notion of data flows. In contrast to traditional
information flow control frameworks which enforce a single
security model or information classification scheme, our
approach labels messages and monitors their usage in a
taint analysis style, addressing an attacker model in which
information leaks via side channels such as observation
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
Number of labels (red) / applicable rules (blue)
Memory consumption (MB)
Figure 6. Memory for evaluating a policy decision. 1-5,00 rules/ser-
of the control flow are negligible. An automated formal
verification of LUCON policies against message routes
informs users upfront about possible policy violations and
thus supports policy authors in writing correct rules. Proofs
created by the formal verification support system audits, as
they assert that message routes will not violate security and
privacy requirements.
Our prototype shows that the approach of compiling
policies and message routes into the same logic represen-
tation is both suitable for runtime enforcement and static
verification, without the need to convert back and forth be-
tween different representations and possible semantic gaps.
A major question was if the performance of a Prolog-based
evaluation engine can keep up with the demands of real-
life systems with considerable high message throughput.
Although performance impact of our prototype is notable,
the measured delays in the range of 12-15 ms per policy
decision are still in the range of typical network latency
and suggest that with appropriate optimizations, the policy
framework will easily be able to handle real world use
This work as been funded by the Federal Ministry for
Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) in the project CAR-
BITS (01MD16004B).
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Figure 7. Operational semantics of dynamically taint-controlled message routes
, · ` get_from(url) µ
[m L
(url)] ι
= Σ[pc + 1]
hτ, Σ, ·, , pc, ιi, from(url) hτ
, Σ, µ
, , pc+1, ι
, µ
` get_from(url) µ
[m τ [m] \ L
(url) L
(url)] ι
= Σ[pc + 1]
hτ, Σ, µ
, , pc, ιi, to(url) hτ
, Σ, µ
, , pc+1, ι
, µ
` e 1 , µ
` e
= Σ[v
hτ, Σ, µ
, , pc, ιi, when e then goto e
otherwise goto e
hτ, Σ, µ
, , v
, ι
, µ
` e 0 , µ
` e
= Σ[v
hτ, Σ, µ
, , pc, ιi, when e then goto e
otherwise goto e
hτ, Σ, µ
, , v
, ι
, µ
` e m
, ..., m
= τ
[i] = τ[m] ι
= Σ[pc + 1]
hτ, Σ, µ
, , pc, ιi, split e hτ
, Σ, µ
, , pc + 1, ι
, ` e m τ
[m] =
τ[i] ι
= Σ[pc + 1]
hτ, Σ,
, , pc, ιi, aggregate e hτ
, Σ, µ
, , pc + 1, ι
, µ
, ` e v µ
[k v] ι
= Σ[pc + 1]
hτ, Σ,
, , pc, ιi, set-msg -prop(k, e) hτ, Σ, µ
, , pc + 1, ι
, µ
, ` e v
[k v] ι
= Σ[pc + 1]
hτ, Σ,
, , pc, ιi, set-env -prop(k, e) hτ, Σ, µ
, pc + 1, ι
, µ
` bean(b) µ
[m τ [m] \ L
(b) L
(b)] ι
= Σ[pc + 1]
hτ, Σ, µ
, , pc, ιi, bean(b) hτ
, Σ, µ
, , pc+1, ι