230 CHRYSLER CENTER, 2121 BONISTEEL BLVD., ANN ARBOR, MI 48109-2092 | EAC.ADVISING@UMICH.EDU | 734-647-7106 | FAX 734-647-7149
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for U-M CSSA
Summer 2019
1. What’s going to happen at orientation?
International students will have a thorough introduction to the University of Michigan (U-M)
community. The Office of New Student Programs oversees all orientation sessions. The first
part of this orientation session will be spent on Central Campus and includes information that
all U-M students need to know. This will also include meetings with the International Center
and SEVIS compliance requirements. Later in the week, you will come to North Campus to meet
with College of Engineering (CoE) advisors. Here you will learn more about CoE resources and
opportunities for engagement. You will meet individually with your academic advisor to plan
your first term of courses. Your advisor will answer any other questions you might have.
2. When do we register for courses?
First-year engineering students will register on August 28. Transfer students will register for
courses later that week. The dates and times will be set by the Office of New Student Programs
in July. Transfer students will receive updated information by email before August.
3. Is it possible to select courses offered by another school or college, for example, Ross?
Yes, CoE students may take classes offered by other schools and colleges at Michigan, as long as
they have the appropriate preparation or prerequisites. Some colleges like the School of Music,
Theatre, and the Arts (SMTD) offer classes intended for non-majors. In general, most
schools/colleges give their own students priority and often reserve seats for them. Most
courses taken outside the College of Engineering will satisfy Intellectual Breadth or General
Elective requirements.
4. What kind of electives are required for CoE degrees?
There are two categories of electives required for every engineering degree. 1) Intellectual
Breadth: These are usually Humanities, Social Science, or other Liberal Arts Courses from LSA.
Students are required to have 16 credits of Intellectual Breadth, including: a) 3 credits of
Humanities, taken on a college campus (not credit from AP, IB, or a placement exam); b) 3
credits of HU/SS/LAC taken at the 300-level or higher. Students also have the option of applying
up to 4 credits of Professional and Creative Development Courses (PCDC), which are approved
courses from colleges such as Ross, Stamps School of Art and Design, School of Music, Theater
and Dance, and Ford School of Public Policy. Check the College Bulletin for more details. NOTE:
Five Engineering majors (ChemE, Civil, Env, MSE, and ME) require an economics/finance course
as part of Intellectual Breadth. 2) General Electives: The number of General Elective credits
required will vary from major to major. Check the department Sample Schedules for details.
Any course not already required for your degree is eligible to be a General Elective. The only
exceptions are 100-level ROTC courses.
230 CHRYSLER CENTER, 2121 BONISTEEL BLVD., ANN ARBOR, MI 48109-2092 | EAC.ADVISING@UMICH.EDU | 734-647-7106 | FAX 734-647-7149
5. Are there any research opportunities for international students?
Yes, international students may become involved in research. The process is the same for both
international and domestic students. Students may approach specific professors or go through
a program like the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) to find a research
project. Depending on the research project, students may be paid for their work or they may
earn academic credit.
6. How many credits can transfer students transfer in? What do I do if I have questions about
my transfer credit?
There is no limit to the number of credits that CoE students can transfer in. However, all CoE
students must earn a minimum of 50 credits on the U-M Ann Arbor campus and complete a
minimum of 30 credits of advanced technical courses (300-level or higher). Although all of your
credits may be eligible for transfer, they may not all fulfill a degree requirement. For example,
some students transfer in more electives than are required for their CoE degree. Questions
regarding transfer credit can be directed to the CoE Credit Evaluators: [email protected].
Questions about how your transfer credits are fulfilling specific degree requirements should be
directed to your department advisor.
7. When do I declare my engineering major?
All first-year students enter the College of Engineering undeclared. Most students will be
eligible to declare starting in their second term and are required to declare by the end of their
third term. To be eligible to declare, students must:
1) Have completed at least one full term of courses on the U-M Ann Arbor campus.
2) Have an overall U-M GPA of 2.0 or better in courses taken at the U-M Ann Arbor campus
and be in good standing.
3) Have completed or earned credit by exam or transfer for one or more courses in each of
these categories:
Calculus (e.g. Math 115, 116, 156)
Calculus-based physics lectures (e.g. Physics 140, 160) or chemistry lectures (e.g.
Chemistry 130)
Required engineering courses (Engr 100, 101, 151)
NOTE: A student must have a grade of C or better in every math course, science lecture and
engineering course taken at U-M Ann Arbor to declare, unless waived by the Departmental
Program Advisor. For repeated courses, the most recent grade counts. Students are advised to
review these requirements with advisors in the departments they are considering for their
Transfer students are admitted directly to their chosen department and are, therefore,
declared when they enter the College.
230 CHRYSLER CENTER, 2121 BONISTEEL BLVD., ANN ARBOR, MI 48109-2092 | EAC.ADVISING@UMICH.EDU | 734-647-7106 | FAX 734-647-7149
8. Can I change my major?
Yes, CoE students can change their major. You must meet the eligibility requirements above in
order to declare a new major. Students are advised to begin this process as soon as possible
and meet with the advisor in the department they want to declare.
9. Does the College of Engineering accept AP, IB, A-Level, or transfer credit?
Yes, CoE accepts all eligible credit earned by approved exams and from accredited
colleges/universities. Please see the Office of Undergraduate Admissions website for more
details on exam credit and visit the College’s Transfer Credit website for more details on
transfer credit. NOTE: Students with A-Level math credit will meet with a math advisor during
orientation to determine the most appropriate math course for their first term.
10. Can I earn credit from the foreign language placement exam?
If you studied a language in high school that is not your native language, you are encouraged to
take the foreign language placement exam offered by LSA. CoE students are eligible to earn up
to 8 credits from the foreign language placement exam. Eligibility for credit will be verified
using high school transcripts. Please see the College Bulletin for more details.