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TutorTube: Pointers in C++ Fall 2020
Hello and welcome to TutorTube, where The Learning Center’s Lead Tutors help
you understand challenging course concepts with easy to understand videos.
My name is Kalvin Garcia, Lead Tutor for Computer Science. In today’s video,
we will explore pointers.
Sometimes programs can get very large, especially when we declare a bunch
of variables in our functions, our structs, our classes. Pointers can help minimize
the memory being used by our programs, while also allowing for dynamic
allocation of memory.
Value Types and Addresses
In C and C++ variables come in a variety of value types. They all store a
particular data type: int stores integers, char stores characters, string stores
strings, etc.
That data is stored in a particular location in the memory. The location is marked
by an address, much like your family’s home has an address. Whenever the
variable is referenced by the program, the computer goes to that location in
memory to find our value.
We as programmers can also reference our variables. You may have heard
pass by reference. Just like our program gives the address to the computer to
find a value, we can ask the program for the addresses of our variables. This is
done with the & (ampersand) symbol: &var. This passes the address of the
variable, rather than the value of the variable.
For example, if we declared an int variable of the name number, we could
output the value: cout << number << endl. The console should then output the
value and a new line. If we were to instead output the reference of our variable,
by putting the & (ampersand) symbol before the name of our variable, cout <<
&number << endl, we would instead get the address of our variable.
Pointer Types and Addresses
A variable’s address is the location a variable’s value is stored. What does that
have to do with pointer? Well, a pointer is a variable, but addresses are the
values it holds. Wikipedia’s hyperlinks that lead to other wiki articles are pointers
to those articles. They use the address of the pages to point to their location.
A pointer is declared using the same data types as variables. To show the data
type is a pointer we add an * (asterisk) symbol: type* pointer_name or type
*pointer_name. A particular pointer type can only store address of the same
value type. This means, for example, int* can only store int addresses.
Let’s say we have an integer variable, number. We can declare an int pointer
called “ptr,” by putting an * (asterisk) before the name of our pointer. We can
then assign the reference to our integer variable to the pointer by using the &
(ampersand) symbol before out variable name: ptr = &number. If we output our
pointer (cout << ptr << endl), we will see the address to our variable, which we
can confirm by also outputting the reference to out variable (cout << &number
<< endl). What if we wanted to access the value inside the memory location?
We would then use the * (asterisk) symbol before our pointer’s name, cout <<
*ptr << endl. This would instead output the value inside of the address our pointer
Allocating Memory
Pointers don’t need to be assigned variable addresses. We can also allocate
the memory they use ourselves, as programmers. Our program allocates the
memory a pointer uses during run-time.
If we have an int pointer, ptr, we can allocate memory to the pointer using the
C++ operator new: ptr = new int. We can then assign value to the pointer by
dereferencing it using the * (asterisk). If we were to output the pointer, what
would be displayed? What if we output the dereferenced pointer?
Using the concept of dereferencing, we can perform arithmetic with our pointer.
In this case, we will add 10 to out pointer’s stored value. If we again output the
pointer, what will we see? What if we dereference it?
In both cases, we find that outputting the pointer displays an address. This
address remains the same even after performing arithmetic to our pointer’s
value, which does change.
What if we instead wanted to create an array? We would use the same new
operator, but instead add [] (square brackets): ptr = new int[SIZE]. Inside of the
brackets, we would need to declare the size of the array.
There are many ways to dereference array pointers. One method is using array
notation, which uses the [] (square brackets) to denote the index of the array
we are using: ptr[i]. This makes sense since we allocated an array of memory.
Another method is using the * (asterisk) as before and adding the index to the
initial address stored in our pointer: *(ptr + i). This is because the memory is
allocated in series.
Therefore, we can add to the address and find the next address of our array. To
show this is the case, we can output ptr + i and &ptr[i], side-by-side. We know
that referencing a variable gives its address, so the address &ptr[i] should match
ptr + i, which is our initial address plus the index.
Deallocating Memory
When we allocate the memory ourselves within our program, the compiler and
computer don’t know when to stop reserving the allocated memory slots, so we
must tell the computer. We do this by freeing the pointer within our program
whenever we are done using it.
In our previous example program, I did not use the C++ delete operator to free
our pointer, but it still compiled. Again, the compiler does not know when we are
allocating memory because it is done during run-time. It is good practice to
always free pointers to avoid memory leaks.
In C++, this is done using the delete, as in: delete ptr, for single variables, and
delete [] ptr, for array pointers.
Though we did not talk about C allocation methods, it is still important to note:
we cannot allocate pointers by combining C and C++ methods. That is, if we
allocate using new, we cannot use realloc() to resize the memory allocated. This
is also true for delete and free(). If a pointer was allocated using malloc(), we
cannot use delete. If a pointer was allocated using new, we cannot use free().
Remember, new goes with delete and malloc()/calloc() go with free().
Thank you for watching TutorTube! I hope you enjoyed this video. Please
subscribe to our channel for more exciting videos. Check out the links in the
description below for more information about The Learning Center and follow us
on social media. See you next time!
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
//Value Types and Addresses
//Decalre a variable
int number;
//Assign a value to the variable
number = 10;
//Output the variable
cout << number << endl;
//Output the reference
cout << &number << endl;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
//Pointer Types and Addresses
int number = 1;
//Declare a pointer
int *ptr;
//Assign the address to the pointer
ptr = &number;
//Output the pointer
cout << ptr << endl;
cout << &number << endl;
//Output the dereferenced pointer
cout << *ptr << endl;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define SIZE 3
int main() {
//Allocating Memory in C++
int* ptr;
//Use the new operator to allocate memory
ptr = new int;
//Assign a value to the pointer
*ptr = 10;
//Output the pointer
cout << ptr << endl;
//Output the dereferenced pointer
cout << *ptr << endl;
//Do arithmatic with the pointer
*ptr = *ptr + 10;
//Output the pointer
cout << ptr << endl;
//Output the dereferenced pointer
cout << *ptr << endl;
//delete the allocated memory
delete ptr;
//Use the new[] operator to allocate memory
ptr = new int[SIZE];
//Asign values to the pointer
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
ptr[i] = i;
//Output the pointer and dereferenced pointer
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
cout << *(ptr + i) << endl;
cout << ptr + i << endl;
cout << &ptr[i] << endl;
delete [] ptr;
return 0;