The Canadian Cardiovascular Society’s
About this Pocket Guide
This pocket guide is a quick-reference tool that features diagnostic and management recommendations based on the CCS
Atrial Fibrillation (AF) Guidelines (2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018).
These recommendations are intended to provide a reasonable and practical approach to the care for primary care physicians,
specialists, nurses and allied health professionals. Recommendations are subject to change as scientic knowledge and
technology advance and practice patterns evolve, and are not intended to be a substitute for clinical judgment. Adherence
to these recommendations will not necessarily produce successful outcomes in every case.
Recommendations were developed according to GRADE standards with the strength of recommendations now
classied as “Strong” or “Weak” (previously “Strong” or “Conditional”).
For the complete CCS Guidelines on AF, an updated summary of all standing CCS AF recommendations from 2010 to the
present 2018 Focused Update; or for additional resources, please visit
Jason G. Andrade, Laurent Macle, and Atul Verma.
CCS Atrial Fibrillation Guideline Panel Members
Primary Panel: Clare Atzema, Alan Bell, John Cairns, Stuart Connolly, Jafna Cox, Paul Dorian, David Gladstone,
Jeff S. Healey, Kori Leblanc, M. Sean McMurtry, L. Brent Mitchell, Girish M. Nair, Stanley Nattel, Ratika Parkash,
Louise Pilote, Jean-Francois Sarrazin, Mike Sharma, Allan Skanes, Mario Talajic, Teresa Tsang, Subodh Verma,
D. George Wyse.
Secondary Panel: David Bewick, Vidal Essebag, Peter Guerra, Milan Gupta, Brett Heilbron, Paul Khairy, Bob Kiaii,
George Klein, Simon Kouz, Daniel Ngui, Pierre Page, Calum Redpath, Jan Surkes, and Richard Whitlock.
Table of Contents
Etiology and Clinical Investigation ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Integrated Approach to Risk Management ......................................................................................................................... 4
Rate and Rhythm Management .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Rate and Rhythm Management of AF in the Acute Care Setting ................................................................................ 12
“Pill-In-The-Pocket” Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy ....................................................................................................... 13
Catheter Ablation of AF and Atrial Flutter ................................................................................................................... 14
Prevention of Stroke .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
“CCS Algorithm” (CHADS-65)...................................................................................................................................... 15
Dosage of OACs Based on Renal Function ................................................................................................................ 17
Reversal Agents for NOACs ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Special Considerations ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Anticoagulation in the Context of AF and CAD ........................................................................................................... 19
Anticoagulation in the Context of Cardioversion ......................................................................................................... 25
Investigation and Management of Subclinical AF ....................................................................................................... 29
Etiology and Clinical Investigation
Baseline Evaluation for All Patients
Establish pattern (new onset, paroxysmal, persistent or permanent)
Establish severity (including impact on quality of life)
Identify etiology
Identify reversible causes (hyperthyroidism, ventricular pacing,
supraventricular tachycardia, exercise, etc)
Identify risk factors whose treatment could reduce recurrent AF
or improve overall prognosis (i.e. hypertension, sleep apnea, left
ventricular dysfunction, etc)
Take social history to identify potential triggers (i.e. alcohol, intensive
aerobic training, etc)
Elicit family history to identify potentially heritable causes of AF
(particularly lone AF)
Determine thromboembolic risk
Determine bleeding risk to guide appropriate antiplatelet or
antithrombotic therapy
Review prior pharmacological therapy for AF, both for efcacy and
adverse effects
Measure blood pressure and heart rate
Determine patient height and weight
Comprehensive precordial cardiac examination and assessment
of jugular venous pressure, carotid and peripheral pulses to detect
evidence of structural heart disease
Document presence of AF
Assess for structural heart disease (myocardial infarction, ventricular
hypertrophy atrial enlargement, congenital heart disease) or electrical
heart disease (ventricular pre-excitation, Brugada syndrome)
Identify risk factors for complications of therapy for AF (conduction
disturbance, sinus node dysfunction or abnormal repolarization)
Document baseline PR, QT or QRS intervals
Document ventricular size, wall thickness and function
Evaluate left atrial size (if possible, left atrial volume)
Exclude significant valvular or congenital heart disease (particularly
atrial septal defects)
Estimate ventricular filling pressures and pulmonary arterial
Complete blood count
Coagulation profile
Renal function
Thyroid and liver function
Fasting lipid profile
Fasting glucose
Additional Investigations for Selected Patients
Etiology and Clinical Investigation
Investigation Potential Role
Chest radiography
Exclude concomitant lung disease, heart failure
Baseline in patients receiving amiodarone
Ambulatory electrocardiography
(Holter, event, or loop monitor)
Document AF, exclude alternative diagnosis (atrial tachycardia, atrial utter, AVNRT/AVRT, venticular
tachycardia), establish symptom-rhythm correlation, assess venticular rate control
Treadmill exercise test
Investigation of patients with symptoms of coronary artery disease, assessment of ventricular rate
Transesophageal echocardiography
Rule out left atrial appendage thrombus, facilitate cardioversion in patients not receiving oral
anticoagulation, more precise characterization of structural heart disease (mitral valve disease, atrial
septal defect, cor triatriatum, etc.)
Electrophysiology study
Patients with documented regular supraventricular tachycardia (i.e. atrial tachycardia, AVNRT/AVRT,
atrial utter) that is amenable to catheter ablation
Serum calcium and magnesium
In cases of suspected deciency (i.e. diuretic use, gastrointestinal losses) which could inuence therapy
(i.e. sotalol)
Sleep study (overnight oximetry
or polysomnography)
In patients with symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea or in select patients with advanced symptomatic
heart failure
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring In cases of borderline hypertension
Genetic testing
In rare cases of apparent familial AF (particularly with onset at a young age) with additionnal features of
conduction disease, Brugada syndrome or cardiomyopathy
Etiology and Clinical Investigation
Established Patterns and Severity of Atrial Fibrillation
Patterns of Atrial Fibrillation SAF Score*
SAF Score Impact on QOL**
Class 0 Asymptomatic
1 Minimal effect on QOL
2 Minor effect on QOL
3 Moderate effect on QOL
4 Severe effect on QOL
* Dorian P, Cvitkovic SS, Kerr CR; et al. Can J Cardiol. 2006; 22(5):383-386 ** QOL = Quality of life
7 days
Decision to forego
attempts at sinus
rhythm restoration
AF episode
duration < 7 days
Risk Markers and Co-morbid Conditions Associated with AF
Conventional Risk Factors Emerging Risk Factors Potential Risk Factors
Advancing age
Male Sex
HF with reduced ejection fraction
Valvular heart disease
Thyroid disease
Obstructive sleep apnea
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Excessive alcohol intake
Increased pulse pressure
HF with preserved ejection fraction
Congenital heart disease
Subclinical hyperthyroidism
Coronary artery disease
Morphometric (increased height,
increased birth weight)
Excessive endurance exercise
Familial / Genetic factors
Tobacco Use
(left atrial dilation, LV hypertrophy)
Pericardial fat
Subclinical atherosclerosis
Electrocardiographic (atrial conduction
delay, PR interval prolongation)
Chronic kidney disease
Approach to Risk Management
We suggest that, in addition to implementing appropriate rate or rhythm control measures, an approach targeting modiable risk markers
and conditions associated with AF should be applied to prevent recurrence of the arrhythmia and/or decrease its symptom burden (Weak
Recommendation, Low-Quality Evidence).
Values and preferences: The aggressive treatment of obesity and cardiometabolic risk markers/conditions (including hypertension, heart
failure, diabetes, sleep apnea) has been shown to reduce AF burden and improve quality of life. This recommendation places a high value on the
recognized association between these potential risk markers and conditions that are known to aggravate AF, and the possibility that treatment
of these conditions might result in improvement of patient symptoms through reduction of AF burden and/or regression of the substrate that
causes AF.
We recommend systematic and strict guideline-adherent management of traditional modiable cardiovascular risk factors and/or conditions
associated with AF, to reduce cardiovascular events (e.g. stroke, MI, etc.) (Strong Recommendation, High-Quality Evidence).
Approach to Risk Management
Modiable Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Management of modiable risk factors to reduce cardiovascular events
Management of modiable risk factors to reduce AF burden
Values and preferences: This recommendation places a high value on a systematic approach to providing guideline-directed therapy for any
cardiovascular risk factors and/or conditions associated with AF.
Practical tip: The detection and optimal management of risk factors and concomitant disorders together with appropriate rate/rhythm control
and stroke prevention may contribute to a reduction in cardiovascular-related emergency department visits and hospitalizations. Addressing
such risk factors might be most comprehensively and efciently accomplished through a specialized clinic or other multidisciplinary management
approach, and through a standardized, systematic protocol-based approach.
Overview of AF Management
Assessment of
Thromboembolic Risk
AF Detected
Management of
Detection and
Treatment of
Precipitating Causes
Major Goals of AF/AFL Arrhythmia Management
• Identify and treat underlying structural heart disease and other predisposing conditions
• Relieve symptoms
• Improve functional capacity/quality of life
• Reduce morbidity/mortality associated with AF/AFL
P Prevent tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy
P Reduce/prevent emergency room visits or hospitalizations secondary to AF/AFL
• Prevent stroke or systemic thromboembolism
Rate and Rhythm Management
Algorithm for Rate vs Rhythm Control for Patients with Symptomatic AF
Paroxysmal AF
Calcium channel blocker
Low AF burden
Pill in pocket
High AF burden
Catheter ablation
Observe. If AF recurs, determine if symptomatic
Consider cardioversion
improve but
AF recurs
improve, and patient
maintains sinus
don’t change in
sinus rhythm and
AF recurs
Special circumstances to consider
early rhythm control:
Highly symptomatic
Multiple recurrences
Extreme QOL impairment
Arrhythmia induced cardiomyopathy
Rate and Rhythm Management
Overview of Rate Management
Rate and Rhythm Management
± Digoxin
Combination Rx
Combination Rx
Heart Failure
No Heart Failure
or CAD
Drugs are listed in alphabetical order
* Beta-Blockers preferred in CAD
∆ Non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (diltiazem, verapamil)
≠ Digoxin can be considered for rate control in patients who are sedentary
Rate Control Drug Choices
We suggest that digoxin can be considered as a therapeutic option to achieve rate-control in patients with AF and symptoms caused
by rapid ventricular rates whose response to beta-blockers and/or calcium channel blockers is inadequate, or in whom such rate-
controlling drugs are contraindicated or not tolerated (Conditional Recommendation, Moderate-Quality Evidence).
Managing Rate Control – Recommended Drugs
Drug Dose Potential side-effects
Atenolol 50 – 150 mg p.o. daily Bradycardia, hypotension, fatigue, depression, bronchospasm
Bisoprolol 2.5 – 10 mg p.o. daily As per atenolol
Metoprolol 25 – 200 mg p.o. bid As per atenolol
Nadolol 20 – 160 mg p.o. daily - bid As per atenolol
Propranolol 80 – 240 mg p.o. bid - tid As per atenolol
Calcium Channel Blockers
Drug Dose Potential side-effects
240 – 480 mg/day p.o. divided tid - qid (short acting)
120 – 320 mg p.o. daily (long acting)
Bradycardia, hypotension, constipation
180 – 360 mg/day p.o. divided tid - qid (short acting)
120 – 320 mg p.o. daily (long acting)
Bradycardia, hypotension, ankle swelling
Drug Dose Potential side-effects
Digoxin 0.0625 mg – 0.25 mg p.o. daily Bradycardia, nausea, vomiting, visual disturbance
Rate and Rhythm Management
Overview of Rhythm Management
Catheter ablation
Drugs are listed in alphabetical order
+ Dronedarone should be used with caution in combination with digoxin
‡ Class I agents should be AVOIDED in CAD and should be COMBINED with
AV-nodal blocking agents
# Sotalol should be used with caution in those at risk for torsades de pointes VT
(e.g. female sex, age < 65 yr, taking diuretics)
* Sotalol should be used with caution with EF 35-40% and those at risk for
torsades de pointes VT (e.g. female sex, age < 65 yr, taking diuretics)
Rhythm Control Choices
No History of CHF
Normal Systolic Function
Rhythm Control Choices
History of CHF or
Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction
EF > 35% EF < 35%
Rate and Rhythm Management
Managing Rhythm Control – Recommended Drugs
Drug/Dose Efcacy Toxicity Comments
50 – 150 mg
30 – 50%
Ventricular tachycardia
Rapid ventricular response to AF or
atrial utter (1:1 conduction)
Contraindicated in patients with CAD or LV dysfunction
Should be combined with an AV nodal blocking agent
150 – 300 mg
30 – 50%
Ventricular tachycardia
Rapid ventricular response to AF
or atrial utter (1:1 conduction)
Abnormal taste
Contraindicated in patients with CAD or LV dysfunction
Should be combined with an AV nodal blocking agent
100 – 200 mg
OD (after 10g
60 – 70%
Photosensitivity, Bradycardia,
GI upset, Thyroid dysfunction,
Hepatic toxicity, Neuropathy,
Tremor, Pulmonary toxicity,
Torsades de pointes (rare)
Low risk of proarrhythmia
Limited by systemic side effets
Most side effects are dose & duration related
400 mg BID
GI upset
Hepatic toxicity
Should not be used for rate control or for rhythm control in patients with a
history of CHF or LVEF < 40%
Should be used with caution when added to digoxin
Liver enzyme monitoring required
Limited experience outside clinical trials
80 – 160 mg BID
30 – 50%
Torsades de pointes
Beta-Blocker side effects
Should be avoided in patients at high risk of torsades de pointes VT –
especially women > 65 years taking diuretics or those with renal insufciency
QT interval should be monitored 1 week after starting
Use cautionly when LVEF < 40%
Rate and Rhythm Management
Rate and Rhythm Management of AF in the Acute Care Setting
Recommended IV Drugs for Rate Control
Drug Dose Risks
Metoprolol 2.5-5 mg IV bolus over 2 min; up to 3 doses Hypotension, bradycardia
Diltiazem* 0.25 mg/kg IV over 2 min; repeat at 0.35 mg/kg IV after 15 min. Hypotension, bradycardia
Verapamil* 0.075-0.15 mg/kg over 2 min. Hypotension, bradycardia, bronchospasm
Digoxin 0.25 mg IV each 2 h; up to 1.5 mg Bradycardia, Digitalis toxicity
Recommended Drugs for Cardioversion
Medication Dose Time to Conversion Risks
Class Ia
15-18 mg/kg IV over
30-60 minutes
~60 minutes
Hypotension, Bradycardia
Ventricular proarrhythmia
Class Ic
300 mg po (> 70 kg)
200 mg po (≤ 70 kg)
600 mg po (> 70 kg)
450 mg po (≤ 70 kg)
2-6 hours
Bradycardia and conversion pauses
1:1 conduction of atrial utter*
Class III
1 mg IV over 10 min
May repeat x 1
30-60 minutes
QT prolongation, Torsades de pointes**
150 mg IV bolus then
60 mg/h x 6 hours then
30 mg/h x 18 hours
8-12 hours
Bradycardia, Atrioventricular block
Torsades de pointes
3 mg/kg IV over 10 minutes, followed by
2 mg/kg IV if no conversion
12-30 minutes
Hypotension, Bradycardia
Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia***
*Class Ic drugs (ecainide and propafenone) should be used in combination with AV nodal blocking agents (beta-blockers or calcium channel inhibitors). Class IC agents should be avoided in patients with ischemic heart
disease or signicant structural heart disease
**Consider pre-treating with 1-4 g of IV MgSO4. Ibutilide should be avoided in patients with hypokalemia, baseline QT prolongation, or signicant structural heart disease
***Vernakalant should be avoided in patients with hypotension, recent ACS, or signicant structural heart disease
* Calcium-channel blockers should not be used in patients with heart failure or left ventricular dysfunction
Rate and Rhythm Management
“Pill-In-The-Pocket” Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy
AAD, antiarrhythmic drug; AF, atrial brillation; AV, atrioventricular; BP, blood pressure; ECG, electrocardiogram; ED, emergency department; PIP, “pill-in-the-pocket”.
Rate and Rhythm Management
Appropriate candidates for PIP
1) patients with symptomatic AF
2) sustained AF episodes (e.g. ≥ 2 hours)
3) AF episodes that occur less frequently than monthly
4) absence of severe or disabling symptoms during an AF episode
(e.g. fainting, severe chest pain, or breathlessness)
ability to comply with instructions, and proper medication use
Determinants of initial treatment failure
1) AF persistence > 6 hours after PIP-AAD administration or electrical
cardioversion required for termination
2) Adverse events including symptomatic hypotension (systolic BP 90
mmHg), symptomatic conversion pauses (> 5 seconds), symptomatic
bradycardia after sinus rhythm restoration, pro-arrhythmia (conversion to
atrial utter/tachycardia, or episodes of ventricular tachycardia), severe
symptoms (dyspnea, presyncope, syncope), or a > 50% increase in QRS
interval duration from baseline.
Instructions for subsequent out-of-hospital use
1) Patients should take the AV nodal agent 30 minutes after the perceived arrhythmia
onset, followed by the Class Ic AAD 30 minutes following the AV nodal agent.
2) Following AAD administration patients should rest in a supine or seated
position for the next 4 hours, or until the episode resolves.
Patients should present to the emergency department in the event that:
a) the AF episode did not terminate within 6-8 hours
b) they felt unwell after taking the medication at home (e.g. a subjective worsening
of the arrhythmia following AAD ingestion, or if they developed new or severe
symptoms such as dyspnea, presyncope, or syncope)
c) more than one episode occurred in a 24-hour period (patients should not take a
second PIP-AAD dose within 24 hours)
d) if the AF episode was associated with severe symptoms at baseline (e.g.
signicant dyspnea, chest pain, pre-syncope, or symptoms of stroke), even in
the absence of PIP-AAD use.
PIP administration
Immediate release oral AV nodal blocker (one of diltiazem 60 mg, verapamil
80 mg, or metoprolol tartrate 25 mg) 30 minutes prior to the administration of
a class Ic AAD (300 mg of ecainide or 600 mg of propafenone if ≥ 70 kg; 200
mg of ecainide or 450 mg of propafenone if < 70 kg)
Initial ED monitoring
Telemetry for at least 6 hours
Blood pressure monitoring every 30 minutes
12-lead ECG monitoring every 2 hours
Contraindication to PIP
1) signicant structural heart disease (e.g. left ventricular systolic dysfunction
[LVEF < 50%], active ischemic heart disease, severe left ventricular hypertrophy)
abnormal conduction parameters at baseline (e.g. QRS duration > 120 msec, PR
interval > 200 msec; or evidence of pre-excitation)
3) clinical or electrocardiographic evidence of sinus node dysfunction/bradycardia or
advanced AV block
4) hypotension (systolic BP < 100mmHg)
5) prior intolerance to any of the PIP-AAD medications
Catheter Ablation
Catheter Ablation
Risk/Benet Ratio* for Ablation in Patients with Symptomatic AF
Persistent Paroxysmal
1st line -- -- +
Failed 1st drug -- + + +
Failed 2nd drug + + + + + +
Failed multiple drugs + + + + + + + +
We recommend catheter ablation of AF in patients who remain symptomatic following an adequate trial of antiarrhythmic drug therapy and in
whom a rhythm control strategy remains desired (Strong Recommendation, Moderate-Quality Evidence).
We recommend curative catheter ablation for symptomatic patients with typical atrial utter as rst line therapy or as a reasonable alternative
to pharmacologic rhythm or rate control therapy (Strong Recommendation, Moderate-Quality Evidence).
We suggest catheter ablation to maintain sinus rhythm as rst-line therapy for relief of symptoms in highly selected patients with symptomatic,
paroxysmal atrial brillation (Conditional Recommendation, Moderate-Quality Evidence).
• We suggest that catheter ablation may be performed using uninterrupted therapeutic oral anticoagulation with either a NOAC or adjusted-dose
warfarin (Weak Recommendation, Moderate-Quality Evidence).
* irrespective of the presence or absence of HF or ventricular dysfunction
+ indicates balance of benet to risk in favour of catheter ablation
¶ ongoing symptomatic AF ≥ 1 year
Prevention of Stroke in AF and Atrial Flutter
Prevention of Stroke
No Antithrombotic
A NOAC is preferred over warfarin for non-valvular AF
Therapeutic options include single antiplatelet therapy
(ASA 81-100 mg daily) alone; or in combination with
either a second antiplatelet agent (e.g. clopidogrel 75
mg daily or ticagrelor 60 mg bid), or an antithrombotic
agent (rivaroxaban 2.5 mg bid).
The “CCS Algorithm” (CHADS-65)
for OAC Therapy in AF
Age > 65 years
Coronary artery disease or
Peripheral arterial disease
Prior Stroke or
TIA or
Hypertension or
Heart failure or
Diabetes Mellitus
risk factors)
We recommend that when OAC-therapy is indicated for patients with non-valvular AF, most patients should receive dabigatran, rivaroxaban,
apixaban or edoxaban in preference to warfarin (Strong Recommendation, High-Quality Evidence).
Values and preferences: This recommendation places a relatively high value on the greater ease of use of the NOACs in comparison to
warfarin, and the results of large RCTs showing that the NOACs are either non-inferior or superior to warfarin in stroke prevention; the drugs
have no more major bleeding or less bleeding vs warfarin and especially less intracranial hemorrhage. The recommendation places less value
on the shorter clinical experience, lack of a specic antidote, and lack of a simple test for intensity of anticoagulant effect with the NOACs.
The preference for one of the NOACs over warfarin is less marked among patients already receiving warfarin with stable therapeutic INRs, no
bleeding complications, and who are not requesting a change in OAC therapy.
For patients with non-valvular AF/AFL aged < 65 years with no CHADS
risk factors, we suggest no antithrombotic therapy for stroke
prevention (Weak Recommendation, Moderate-Quality Evidence), with management of their coronary or arterial vascular disease as directed
by the 2018 CCS/CAIC Focused Update of the Guidelines for the Use of Antiplatelet Therapy.
Practical tip: For patients with non-valvular AF/AFL aged < 65 years with no CHADS
risk factors, the risk of stroke associated with AF is
not sufciently elevated to justify OAC therapy. For this group treatment should be directed at the underlying coronary/peripheral arterial
disease as outlined in the 2018 CCS/CAIC Focused Update of the Guidelines for the Use of Antiplatelet Therapy. Therapeutic options include
ASA 81-100 mg daily alone; or ASA in combination with either clopidogrel 75 mg daily, ticagrelor 60 mg BID, or rivaroxaban 2.5 mg BID.
Prevention of Stroke in AF and Atrial Flutter
No OAC therapy for patients < 65 years with no CHADS
risk factors and antiplatelet therapy for those patients with coronary or
arterial vascular disease
Most patients should receive NOAC
Prevention of Stroke
Dosage of Oral Anticoagulants Based on Renal Function
CrCl Warfarin Dabigatran Rivaroxaban Apixaban Edoxaban
CrCl >50 mL/min
Dose adjusted for
INR 2.0-3.0
150 mg bid* 20 mg daily 5 mg bid 60 mg daily∞
CrCl 30-49 mL/min
Dose adjusted for
INR 2.0-3.0
Consider 110 mg bid in
preference to 150 bid
15 mg daily
5 mg bid
(Consider 2.5 mg bid)
30 mg daily
CrCl 15-29 mL/min No RCT Data ** No RCT Data
No RCT Data
Very limited
RCT Data
No RCT Data
CrCl < 15 mL/min
(or on dialysis)
No RCT Data
No RCT Data
No RCT Data
No RCT Data
No RCT Data
bid, twice daily; INR, international normalized ratio; RCT, randomized clinical trial.
* Consider Dabigatran 110 mg po bid if age >75 years
† Consider Apixaban 2.5 mg po bid if 2 of the 3 following criteria are present: 1) age >80 years, 2) body weight <60 kg, or 3) serum creatinine >133 цmol/L
∞ Consider Edoxaban 30mg daily if weight ≤60 kg or concomitant potent P-Gp inhibitor therapy
** Dose adjusted warfarin has been used, but data regarding safety and efcacy is conicting
‡ Dose adjusted warfarin has been used, but data regarding safety and efcacy is conicting and may lean towards causing harm.
§ The ARISTOTLE trial did include patients with a CrCl as low as 25 mL/min, but this was a very small number of patients (1.5% of patients in the trial).
¶ No published randomised studies support a dose for this level of renal function; product monographs suggest the drug is contraindicated for this level of renal function.
Prevention of Stroke
We recommend administering idarucizumab for emergency reversal of dabigatran’s anticoagulant effect in patients with uncontrollable
or potentially life-threatening bleeding and/or in patients who require urgent surgery for which normal hemostasis is necessary (Strong
Recommendation, Moderate-Quality Evidence).
Values and preferences:
This recommendation places relatively greater value on the ability of idarucizimab to reverse coagulation parameters
indicative of dabigatran’s effect, its potential to decrease bleeding-related outcomes and risks of urgent surgery, and its safety and tolerability
prole, and less value on the absence of a control group in the REVERSE-AD trial and on the cost of the drug.
Reversal Agents for NOACs - Recommendation
Idarucizimab for emergency reversal of dabigatran’s anticoagulant effect
Practical tips:
In acute, life-threatening bleeding situations in which standard resuscitation (such as local measures, transfusion, etc) is anticipated to be
insufcient (eg, intracranial hemorrhage), or in situations in which standard resuscitation has not stabilized the patient, idarucizumab 5g IV should
be administered as soon as possible. Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and thrombin time (TT) may be used to qualitatively identify
the presence of active dabigatran at baseline in a patient, although they are less sensitive than dilute thrombin time (DTT) and ecarin clotting time
(ECT; 92% of patients in the REVERSE-AD trial had an elevated DTT or ECT,whereas only 74% had an elevated aPTT). However, obtaining these
measures should not delay the administration of idarucizumab. In many instances of life-threatening bleeding, clinicians have to make a treatment
decision on the basis of a history of dabigatran use rather than laboratory evidence. Renal function and timing of the last dose of dabigatran
provide key information regarding the likely extent of remaining dabigatran effect.
“Urgent” surgery as dened in the REVERSE-AD trial is surgery that cannot be delayed beyond 8 hours (amended from 4 hours in the initial
version of the protocol). The timing of surgery should be based on the clinical indication and stability of the patient. In instances where delayed
surgery is appropriate, clinicians may obtain coagulation parameters (e.g.TT or aPTT) to identify patients who would be unlikely to benet
from idarucizumab.
Reversing dabigatran therapy exposes patients to the thrombotic risk of their underlying disease. Oral anticoagulation should be reintroduced
as soon as medically appropriate.
Prevention of Stroke
Antithrombotic Therapy in Patients with AF and CAD or Vascular Disease
Anticoagulation in the Context
of AF and CAD
AF Patients with Coronary or Peripheral Arterial Disease and an
Indication for OAC (Age 65 or CHADS
1. A PCI is considered high-risk based on clinical and angiographic features such as: diabetes mellitus, current smoker, chronic renal dysfunction (eGFR < 60 mL/min), prior ACS, prior stent thrombosis, multi-vessel disease, multiple
stents implanted, complex bifurcation lesion, total stent length > 60 mm, chronic total occlusion intervention, or bioabsorbable vascular scaffold (BVS) implantation.
2. Regimens evaluated in this context include: warfarin daily, rivaroxaban 15 mg PO daily (10 mg in patients with CrCl 30-50 mL/min), dabigatran 110 mg or 150 mg PO BID. A NOAC is preferred over warfarin, however if warfarin
is to be used the lower end of the recommended INR target range is preferred. All patients should receive a loading dose of ASA 160 mg at the time of PCI (if previously ASA naïve).
3. Regimens evaluated in this context include: warfarin daily, or rivaroxaban 2.5 mg PO BID. A NOAC is preferred over warfarin, however if warfarin is to be used the recommended INR target is 2.0-2.5. All patients should receive
a loading dose of ASA 160 mg at the time of PCI (if previously ASA naïve). Thereafter, ASA may be discontinued as early as the day following PCI or it can be continued longer term (e.g. 1 to 6 months after PCI). The timing of
when to discontinue ASA will depend on the individual patient’s ischemic and bleeding risk.
4. The dose of OAC beyond year after PCI should be the standard stroke prevention dose. Single antiplatelet therapy with ASA or clopidogrel may be added to OAC if high-risk clinical or angiographic features of ischemic events
and low risk of bleeding.
Elective PCI without
High Risk features
for thrombotic CV events
Dual Therapy
+ Clopidogrel)
1 to 12 months post BMS
3 to 12 months post DES
Dual Therapy
(OAC + Clopidogrel)
up to 12 months post ACS
Triple Therapy
+ ASA + Clopidogrel)
Duration: 1 day to 6 months
Dual Therapy
+ Clopidogrel)
up to 12 months post stent
ACS with PCI or Elective PCI
with High Risk Features for
thrombotic CV events
ACS without PCI
When OAC is indicated in the presence of coronary or arterial vascular disease, we suggest a NOAC in preference to warfarin (Weak
Recommendation, Moderate-Quality Evidence).
Values and preferences:
The suggestion for use of a NOAC rather than warfarin places relatively greater weight on the ease of use of NOACs
versus warfarin, as well as the data from RCTs of NOACs versus warfarin for NVAF (e.g. equal or greater reduction of stroke, equal or greater
reduction in all-cause mortality, equal or less major bleeding, less intracranial bleeding and no net increase in CAD outcomes).
We recommend that patients who have concomitant AF and coronary/arterial vascular disease (peripheral vascular disease or aortic plaque),
receive an antithrombotic therapy regimen that is based on a balanced assessment of their risk of AF-related stroke, ischemic coronary event,
and clinically relevant bleeding associated with the use of antithrombotic agents (Strong Recommendation, High-Quality Evidence).
Practical tip: For patients requiring combinations of antiplatelet and OAC agents for concomitant AF and coronary/arterial vascular disease, we
suggest that measures be employed to reduce the risk of bleeding, including: careful consideration of modiable bleeding risk factors with vigorous
efforts to mitigate them; consideration of proton pump inhibitor use; avoidance of prasugrel and ticagrelor in conjunction with OACs; the use of warfarin
in the lower target INR (e.g. 2.0-2.5); consideration of the lower effective doses of NOACs in selected patients (See Figure on page 19); specic
measures during coronary invasive procedures (radial access, small-diameter sheaths, early sheath removal from femoral site, and minimized use of
acute procedural anti-thrombotic therapies); delaying non-urgent procedures until dual pathway therapy is no longer required; use of walking aids for
those with gait or balance disorders; avoidance of NSAIDs or other drugs that may increase bleeding risk; and, strict blood pressure control.
Anticoagulation in the Context of AF and CAD
Antithrombotic therapy based on a balanced assessment of a patient’s risk of stroke
Most patients with an indication for OAC in the presence of CAD should receive a NOAC
Anticoagulation in the Context
of AF and CAD
Risk Factors Associated with an Increased Risk of Bleeding and Ischemic Coronary Outcomes
• Patient Factors
Age (> 65 years)
• Low body weight (< 60 kg)
• Hypertension
• History of bleeding (esp. within 1y)
• Prior stroke or intracranial bleed
• Combined OAC and antiplatelet use
• Concomitant NSAID or prednisone use
• Excess alcohol consumption
Abnormal liver function
• CKD (eGFR < 60 mL/min)
Anemia (hemoglobin <110 g/L)
• Labile INR (TTR <60%)
• Patient Factors
• Diabetes mellitus treated with OHG or insulin
• Current smoker
• CKD (eGFR < 60 mL/min)
Prior ACS
• Prior stent thrombosis
• Clinical Presentation
• Angiographic factors
• Multi-vessel disease
• Multiple (≥ 3) stents implanted
• Stenting of a bifurcation lesion
• Total stent length > 60 mm
• Left main or proximal LAD stenting
• Chronic occlusion intervention
• Bioabsorbable vascular scaffold
Anticoagulation in the Context
of AF and CAD
Factors that Increase
Risk of Ischemic
Coronary Events
Factors that Increase
Risk of Bleeding
ACS, acute coronary syndrome; CKD, chronic kidney disease; eGFR, estimated glomerular ltration
rate; INR, international normalized ratio; LAD, left anterior descending artery; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-
inammatory drug; NSTEMI, noneST-elevation myocardial infarction; OHG, oral hypoglycemic agents;
STEMI, ST-elevation myocardial infarction; TTR, Time in Therapeutic Range; UA, unstable angina.
For patients with AF aged ≥ 65 years or with a CHADS
score ≥ 1 and coronary or arterial vascular disease (peripheral vascular disease or
aortic plaque), we recommend long-term therapy with OAC alone (Strong Recommendation, High-Quality Evidence).
Practical tips:
For patients with high-risk clinical or angiographic features for ischemic coronary outcomes who are at low risk of bleeding, some clinicians prefer
a combination of an OAC and single antiplatelet therapy (either aspirin or clopidogrel) in preference to OAC therapy alone.
• Stable coronary artery disease is dened by the absence of acute coronary syndrome for the preceding 12 months.
Values and preferences:
For patients with AF and stable coronary or arterial vascular disease, the CCS AF Guidelines Committee believe that
routine use of combination therapy (an OAC with a single antiplatelet agent) was not justied because of the increased risk of bleeding without
a signicant reduction in ischemic coronary and cerebrovascular thrombotic events.
AF Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease or Vascular Disease
Stable vascular disease and AF in patients at high risk of stroke/systemic thromboembolism
Anticoagulation in the Context
of AF and CAD
For patients with AF aged ≥ 65 years or with a CHADS
score ≥ 1, we recommend an initial regimen of triple antithrombotic therapy (ASA 81
mg daily plus clopidogrel 75 mg/d plus OAC) up to 6 months following PCI (Strong Recommendation, Moderate-Quality Evidence). After ASA
discontinuation, which may occur as early as the day after PCI, we suggest that dual pathway therapy (OAC plus clopidogrel 75 mg/d) be
continued for up to 12 months after PCI (Weak Recommendation, Moderate-Quality Evidence).
Practical tips:
For some patients < 65 years of age with
= 1 at the lower end of the stroke risk spectrum (e.g. isolated hypertension), some clinicians
prefer dual antiplatelet therapy (e.g. aspirin and ticagrelor or prasugrel) in preference to triple therapy (OAC plus dual antiplatelet).
A PCI is considered high-risk for ischemic coronary outcomes based on the clinical presentation (e.g. ACS), patient characteristics (co-morbid
diabetes mellitus treated with oral hypoglycemics or insulin, chronic kidney disease [eGFR < 60 mL/min], current tobacco use, prior ACS, or prior
stent thrombosis), as well as PCI-related factors (multivessel PCI, multiple [≥ 3] stents implanted, total stent length > 60 mm, complex bifurcation
lesion, chronic total occlusion intervention, and stent type [e.g. bioabsorbable vascular scaffold]).
All patients should receive ASA 81 mg (or a minimum of 160 mg if ASA-naïve) on the day of the PCI procedure. ASA may be continued as part
of triple antithrombotic therapy for up to 6 months for patients with a high risk of thrombotic coronary events and low risk of bleeding. ASA can be
discontinued as early as the day after PCI for patients with a low risk of thrombotic coronary events and a high risk of bleeding. For patients at
intermediate risk of thrombotic coronary events and intermediate risk of bleeding, ASA can be continued as part of triple antithrombotic therapy
for 1-3 months.
For patients with AF aged ≥ 65 years or with a CHADS
score ≥ 1, we suggest dual pathway therapy (OAC plus clopidogrel 75 mg/d) for at
least 1 month after BMS implantation and at least 3 months after DES implantation (Weak Recommendation, Moderate-Quality Evidence).
AF Patients Undergoing PCI
AF patients at higher risk of stroke undergoing PCI without high-risk features
AF patients at higher risk of stroke undergoing PCI for ACS or elective PCI with high-risk features
Anticoagulation in the Context
of AF and CAD
For patients with AF aged ≥ 65 years or with a CHADS
score ≥ 1, we suggest that dual pathway therapy (OAC plus clopidogrel 75 mg/d, rather
than prasugrel or ticagrelor) be given without concomitant ASA for 12 months after ACS (Weak Recommendation, Low-Quality Evidence).
Values and preferences: For patients with AF and type I MI who do not undergo revascularisation, the CCS AF Guidelines Committee places
relatively greater emphasis on the reduction in ischemic coronary and cerebrovascular thrombotic events, rather than the increase in bleeding
observed with combination therapy. When combination therapy is used the preference for clopidogrel rather than ASA is based on the ndings
from the CAPRIE study, where clopidogrel was shown to be superior to ASA (0.5% absolute reduction in composite of vascular death, MI, or
ischemic stroke; P = 0.043), as well as the substantial efcacy and safety data for combination therapy utilizing clopidogrel and OAC (clopidogrel
used in 88% of patients in RE-DUAL PCI and 95% in PIONEER AF-PCI).
AF Patients with Medically Managed Type I Myocardial Infarction
AF patients at higher risk of stroke in association with medically managed type I myocardial infarction
Anticoagulation in the Context
of AF and CAD
Anticoagulation in the Context of Cardioversion
1. Valvular AF (any duration), or
2. NVAF Duration <12 hours and recent stroke/TIA, or
3. NVA
F Duration 12-48 hours and CHADS
≥2, or
4. NVAF Duration >48 hours
1. Hemodynamically unstable acute AF
, or
2. NVAF Duration <12 hours and no recent stroke/TIA, or
3. NVAF Duration 12-48 hours and CHADS
Therapeutic OAC for ≥3 weeks before cardioversion
Hemodynamically unstable acute AF is dened as AF causing hypotension, cardiac ischemia, or pulmonary edema
Alternate: TEE to exclude LA thrombus
Initiate OAC as soon as possible
(preferably prior to cardioversion)
We recommend that in addition to appropriate rate-control, most hemodynamically stable patients with AF or AFL for whom elective
electrical or pharmacological cardioversion is planned should receive therapeutic anticoagulation for 3 weeks before cardioversion (Strong
Recommendation, Moderate-Quality Evidence).
We suggest that, as an alternative to at least 3 weeks of therapeutic anticoagulation prior to cardioversion, transesophageal echocardiography
(TEE) may be employed to exclude cardiac thrombus (Weak Recommendation, Moderate-Quality Evidence).
We suggest that pharmacological or electrical cardioversion of symptomatic AF or AFL without at least 3 weeks of prior therapeutic
anticoagulation be reserved for patients with the following characteristics (Weak Recommendation, Low-Quality Evidence):
i) patients with non-valvular AF who present with a clear AF onset within 12 hours in the absence of recent stroke or TIA (within 6 months);
ii) patients with non-valvular AF and a CHADS
score < 2 who present after 12 hours but within 48 hours of AF onset.
Practical tip: Non-valvular AF is dened as AF in the absence of mechanical heart valves, rheumatic mitral stenosis, or moderate to severe
nonrheumatic mitral stenosis.
Values and preferences:
This recommendation places a high value on the symptomatic improvement with immediate cardioversion as well
as the reduced risk of peri-cardioversion stroke conferred by a transesophageal echocardiogram demonstrating an absence of intracardiac
thrombus. Lower value is placed on the small risks associated with the TEE.
Anticoagulation in the Context of Cardioversion
Anticoagulation for at least 3 weeks before elective cardioversion
The use of transesophageal echocardiography as an alternative to anticoagulation prior to cardioversion
Circumstances where cardioversion may be performed without a preceding period of anticoagulation
We recommend that immediate electrical cardioversion be considered for patients whose recent-onset AF/AFL is the direct cause of instability
with hypotension, acute coronary syndrome, or pulmonary edema (Strong Recommendation, Low-Quality Evidence).
When a decision has been reached that a patient will be undergoing unplanned cardioversion of AF/AFL, we suggest that therapeutic
anticoagulation therapy be initiated immediately (preferably before cardioversion) with either a NOAC, or with heparin followed by adjusted-
dose warfarin (Weak recommendation, Low-Quality Evidence).
Values and preferences: This recommendation places a high value on immediately addressing instability by attempting cardioversion,
and a lower value on reducing the risk of cardioversion-associated stroke with a period of anticoagulation before cardioversion. Therapeutic
anticoagulation therapy should be initiated as soon as possible.
Anticoagulation in the Context of Cardioversion
Immediate electrical cardioversion for patients who are hemodynamically unstable
Immediate initiation of anticoagulation prior to unplanned cardioversion
We suggest that, in the absence of a strong contraindication, all patients undergoing cardioversion of AF/AFL receive at least 4 weeks
of therapeutic anticoagulation (adjusted-dose warfarin or a NOAC) after cardioversion (Weak Recommendation, Low-Quality Evidence).
Thereafter, we recommend that the need for ongoing antithrombotic therapy should be based upon the risk of stroke as determined by the
CCS Algorithm (CHADS-65) (Strong Recommendation, Moderate-Quality Evidence).
Values and preferences: This approach places relatively greater emphasis on the benets of stroke prevention in comparison to the risks
of bleeding with a short course of anticoagulation therapy. Although it may be possible to parse these risks either on the basis of patient
characteristics or the duration of acute AF/AFL, the CCS AF Guidelines Committee at this point has chosen to simplify by recommending
anticoagulation for 1 month after cardioversion for all such patients in the absence of a strong contraindication.
Practical tip:
When oral anticoagulation is to be used for only a short period (< 2 months) current evidence does not substantiate either an efcacy
or safety advantage for use of a NOAC over adjusted-dose warfarin. Nevertheless, the convenience of use of a NOAC over adjusted-dose warfarin
in the pericardioversion period is substantial and the onset of therapeutic anticoagulation is nearly immediate with a NOAC whereas it is delayed in
the case of adjusted-dose warfarin. Accordingly, it is reasonable to use NOAC therapy in the pericardioversion period.
Anticoagulation in the Context of Cardioversion
Anticoagulation for at least 4 weeks post cardioversion
We suggest that it is reasonable to prescribe OAC therapy for patients who are aged 65 or older, or with a CHADS
score of ≥ 1 (CHADS-65)
who have episodes of subclinical AF lasting > 24 continuous hours in duration. Additionally, high-risk patients (such as those with a recent
embolic stroke of unknown source) with shorter-lasting episodes might also be considered for OAC therapy (Weak Recommendation, Low-
Quality Evidence).
Investigation and Management of Subclinical AF
Subclinical AF
OAC therapy for highly selected patients with subclinical AF
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Pocket Guide Print / Version Number: AF-2019-01-P1
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by Bayer and the Bristol-Myers Squibb and Pfizer alliance.