Saints John and Paul School
Established 1952
French, grades 5 to 8
Our students enjoy 44 minutes of French three times a week.
We use the Adosphère series, from Hachette publishing house, France.
Guiding questions
What are the skills I need in order to communicate in French ?
How do other cultures compare to the United States ?
How does the French langage compare to American English ?
How would my life be different if I grew up in a francophone (French-speaking) country ?
What does the study of an additional language teach me about myself ?
How does learning an additional language help me become a global citizen and enrich my
own life ?
Fifth grade Contents and standards
Skills and activities
1st quarter Adosphère 1/ Module 1
say hello, give and ask one's
count from 0 to 19
name the school supplies
Greetings and reviews.
Grammar : subject pronouns , verb s’appeler, verb être, indefinite articles
(un, une, des)
Vocabulary: numbers 0-19, school supplies
Phonetics: silent final consonants, liaisons
Conversation: greet someone, describe what is in the bag
280 Weaver Street ♦ Larchmont, New York 10538 ♦ 914-834-6332 ♦
Saints John and Paul School
Established 1952
Cutural comparison : formal vs. informal greetings
Interdisciplinarity: maths
Reading: Rita la couturière
2nd quarter
Adosphère 1/ Module 2
say what one likes/dislikes
ask questions
answer questions
name the days of the week
Grammar: verbs ending with -ER, definite articles (le, la, les), negation
Vocabulary: verbs of taste, leisure activities, days of the week
Phonetics: questions intonation
Conversation : questions with "est-ce que …?", questions with
"pourquoi…?", answers with "parce que …",
Culture: symbols of France
Interdisciplinarity: computer science
Reading : Le petit Nicolas
3rd quarter
Adosphère 1 / Module 3 (Lise
et Léa)
Ask and give one’s age
Describe people
Describe clothes
Talk about resemblances and
Grammar : feminine of the adjectives, verb "avoir", subject pronoun
« on », plural of the adjectives
Vocabulary : adjectives to describe people, colors
Phonetics : ɔ̃sound [ ]
Conversation : ask and give one's age (verb "avoir")
Culture : French artists Monet, Renoir, and Matisse
Interdisciplinarity : Painting and drawing
280 Weaver Street ♦ Larchmont, New York 10538 ♦ 914-834-6332 ♦
Saints John and Paul School
Established 1952
Project : endangered animals
4th quarter Adosphère 1 / Module 4
talk about sports
say why one practices a sport
ask questions
count until 69
Grammar : verb "faire", possessive adjectives
Vocabulary : sports, body parts, numbers 20-69
Phonetics : sounds [y] and [u]
Conversation : say that one practices a sport, say why one practices a sport,
ask and answer questions with "est-ce que … ?", and "qu'est-ce que … ?"
Culture : le Tour de France
Interdisciplinarity : physical education
Projects : my favorite sportsman or sportswoman
Sixth grade Content and standards Skills and activities
1st quarter Adosphère 1 / Module 5
say where one lives
ask and give directions to go
from A to B
talk about places in the city
say how one travels
Greetings and review
Grammar : at one's place (chez + emphatic pronoun), indefinite and
definite articles, prepositions of place + articles, ways to travel (à/ en +
mean of transport)
Vocabulary : places in the city
Phonetics : ɛ̃sounds [ã] and [ ]
Conversation : give directions, questions with "où" and "quand",
Culture : Paris by bike
280 Weaver Street ♦ Larchmont, New York 10538 ♦ 914-834-6332 ♦
Saints John and Paul School
Established 1952
Interdisciplinarity : civic education (in the street)
Reading : Harry Potter (simplified)
2nd quarter Adosphère 1 / Module 6
(Oscar) and beginning of
module 7 (Alice)
propose, accept or refuse an
ask and say what time it is
talk about one's routine
give instructions and advice
Grammar : verb "venir", reflexive verbs, imperative
Vocabulary : party, verbs for the daily routine, months of the year
Phonetics : ɛsounds [ ] and [œ]
Conversation : ask for, and say time, moments of the day, use of the
imperative to give advice
Culture : Celebrations in France
Interdisciplinarity : music
Reading : La légende du colibri
3rd quarter Adosphère 1 / End of module
7 (Alice), and module 8
give a call
talk about one’s family
talk about a country
talk about transport
make plans for vacations
Greetings and review
Grammar : verb « aller », prepositions before the names of countries,
islands and towns, propositions of places, futur tense with « aller »,
conditional of the verb "vouloir", questions with « quel(le)(s) »
Vocabulary : family, countries, islands, towns, adjectives to describe
places, vacation places, animals, words to describe animals' habits
Phonetics : sounds [b] and [v], sounds [s] and [z]
Conversation : call someone, Francophonie
Culture : famous pets
280 Weaver Street ♦ Larchmont, New York 10538 ♦ 914-834-6332 ♦
Saints John and Paul School
Established 1952
wish something
talk about animals
ask questions with « quel(le)
Interdisciplinarity : geography (France), biology
Project : French speaking countries
4th quarter Adosphère 2 / Module 1
talk about nationalities
describe one’s nature
talk about school life
ask questions
Grammar : verbs "prendre", "comprendre", and "apprendre"
Vocabulary : nationality adjectives, school subjects, school places, mind
Conversation : ask questions (review), use frequency adverbs
Culture : a school year in a French middle school
Interdisciplinarity : civic instruction (at school)
Project : my ideal school
7th grade Content standards
Skills and activities
1st quarter Adosphère 2 / Module 1
(Étienne), beginning of
module 2 (Manon)
talk about nationalities
describe one’s nature
talk about school life
Greetings and reviews
Grammar : verbs "prendre", "comprendre" and "apprendre"
Vocabulary : nationality adjectives, school subjects, school places, mind
Conversation : ask a question (review), use frequency adverbs
Culture : a school year in a French middle school
280 Weaver Street ♦ Larchmont, New York 10538 ♦ 914-834-6332 ♦
Saints John and Paul School
Established 1952
ask questions
Interdisciplinarity : civic instruction (at school)
Project : my ideal school
2nd quarter Adosphère 2 / End of module
2 (Manon), beginning of
module 3 (Antoine)
localize (space)
make a wish
visit one's house
describe one's room
count from 70 to 100
buy something
talk about allowance
talk about one’s hobbies
Grammar : prepositions of place, « c’est », and « il/elle est », verb
« vouloir », direct object and pronouns, demonstrative adjectives,
questions with « combien »
Vocabulary : house objects, rooms in the house, bedroom, allowance,
purchases, collections, numbers 70-105
Phonetics : sounds [f], [v], [b] and [p], ʃ ʒsounds [ ] and [ ]
Conversation : ask and answer yes/no questions, questions to ask when
you buy something, talk about one’s hobbies
Culture : poems, French castles and palaces, different kinds of stores in
Interdisciplinarity : literature, geography (European Union)
Reading : Un étrange voisin, Marée noire
3rd quarter Adosphère 2 / Module 4
talk about quantities
talk about food
make recommendations
Grammar : partitive articles, verb « devoir »
Vocabulary : food, and food stores, recipes, meals
Phonetics : sounds [k] and [g]
Conversation : talk about quantities, use quantity adverbs
Culture : what French people eat
280 Weaver Street ♦ Larchmont, New York 10538 ♦ 914-834-6332 ♦
Saints John and Paul School
Established 1952
write a shopping list
Interdisciplinarity : maths
Project : the class recipe book
4th quarter
Adosphère 2 / Module 5
count without limit
tell about something in the
localize (time)
Grammar : composed past with "avoir" and « être »
Vocabulary : TV jobs (masculine/feminine), big numbers
Phonetics : əsounds [e] and [ ]
Conversation : talk about past experiences, time words
Culture : French famous people, French TV channels
Interdisciplinarity : history
Project : my favorite caritative action
8th grade Content standards
Skills and activities
1st quarter
Adosphère 3 / Module 4 (Sois
branché(e)), and beginning of
module 5 (Fais ton cinéma)
describe objects
talk about quantities and
compare and contrast
give an opinion
Greetings and reviews
Grammar : relative pronouns ("qui" and "que"), comparative and
superlative, adverbes ending with -MENT
Vocabulary : quantities and proportions, past dates
Phonetics : homophones
Conversation : talk about functionalities, ask, give, and temperate an
Culture : inventions, famous scientists
280 Weaver Street ♦ Larchmont, New York 10538 ♦ 914-834-6332 ♦
Saints John and Paul School
Established 1952
talk about new techs
Reading : Cinq semaines en ballon (simplified)
2nd quarter Adosphère 3 / End of module
5 (Fais ton cinéma), and
beginning of module 6
(Croque la vie)
talk about one’s tastes in
talk about past events
understand exaggerations
talk about imaginary facts
talk about movies
talk about eating habits
write recipes
give instructions
talk about meals, ingredients,
« art de la table »
Grammar : pronouns « y »and « en », composed past vs. imperfect tense,
conditional mode, indefinite adjectives and pronouns, semi-auxiliary verbs
Vocabulary : movies, different kinds of movies, movie making, familiar
language, dishes
Phonetics : elision of « ne », pronunciation of the final « e »
Conversation : what one thought about a movie, exaggerate what one says,
use of adverbs to indicate the order, give orders and instructions
Culture : books that became movies, French cuisine, history of a few dishes
Reading : Le petit Prince (extracts)
Project : the class recipe book
3rd quarter Adosphère 3 / Module 7 (Mets
tes baskets)
talk about a
Grammar : hypothesis (1/2), pronoun « y » as an indirect object, place of
the superlative in the sentence
Vocabulary : sports, sport events, physical skills, specific words for sports
280 Weaver Street ♦ Larchmont, New York 10538 ♦ 914-834-6332 ♦
Saints John and Paul School
Established 1952
talk about a goal
make hypotheses
explain sport rules
talk about extraordinary feats
Phonetics : consonant groups at the beginning of the words
Conversation : talk about a goal, explain the rules of the games
Culture : street sports
Project : the most impressive sport feat according to me
4th quarter Adosphère 3 / Module 8
(Explore le monde)
talk about origins
talk about vacation and trips
talk about emotions and
feelings during a trip
Grammar : prepositions indicating the origins, hypothesis (2/2),
exclamative sentences
Vocabulary : prefixes and suffixes, familiar language
Phonetics : intonations
Conversation : highlight an opinion, talk about one’s emotions and feelings
Culture : famous explorers
Project : my dream destination
280 Weaver Street ♦ Larchmont, New York 10538 ♦ 914-834-6332 ♦