Page | 1 Factsheet: Bar Code Medication Administration
Last Revision: 04/01/2021
Factsheet: Bar Code Medication Administration
Measure Background
Medication errors often have tragic consequences for
patients. Many serious medication errors result in
preventable adverse drug events (ADEs), approximately
20% of which are life-threatening.
According to the
Institute of Medicine’s report, To Err is Human,
medication errors alone contribute to 7,000 deaths
Despite clinicians’ best efforts, over 40% of
serious and life-threatening ADEs are preventable.
Medication errors also result in tremendous financial
costs. ADEs add more than $7.5 billion per year
nationwide in hospital costs alone.
Furthermore, this
figure excludes other important costs of medication
errors, such as malpractice insurance premiums and
losses in worker productivity.
Errors resulting in preventable ADEs occur during the
stages of ordering, administration, transcription, and
dispensing. Over 30% of these errors are committed at
the point of administration.
What is Bar Code Medication
Bar code medication administration (BCMA) systems are
electronic scanning systems that intercept medication
errors at the point of administration. When
administering medications with BCMA, a nurse scans a
bar code on the patient’s wristband to confirm that the
patient is the right patient. The nurse then scans a bar
code on the medicine to verify that it is the right
medication at the right dose, given at the right time by
the right route. These are known as the “Five Rights of
Medication Administration.
BCMA is typically used in conjunction with electronic
medication administration record (eMAR) systems. An
eMAR serves as the communication interphase that
automatically documents the administration of
medication into certified Electronic Health Record (EHR)
technology. By linking BCMA with the eMAR,
information on medication administration is captured in
a much timelier manner than a manual documentation
process can accomplish.
BCMA systems also can be used for pharmacy stocking
and retrieval processes to help avoid medication
dispensing errors. BCMA implementation in the
pharmacy has been shown to significantly reduce
dispensing errors.
Leapfrog’s current focus is on BCMA
use at the bedside, with possible future expansion into
the pharmacy.
Effectiveness of BCMA in Reducing
BCMA implementation can be remarkably effective in
reducing medication administration errors. A study of
BCMA-eMAR implementation in an academic medical
center demonstrated a 41.1% relative reduction in
nontiming errors in medication administration, resulting
in a 50.8% relative reduction in potential ADEs due to
such errors.
BCMA implementation in the ED has also
shown a relative reduction of 80.7% in medication
administration errors.
BCMA has also demonstrated financial benefits. While
BCMA implementation costs approximately $2,000 per
harmful medication error averted, this is less expensive
than the estimated $3,100 -$7,400 cost of a harmful
The Leapfrog BCMA Standard
With the guidance of a national panel of experts in
BCMA use, The Leapfrog Group developed a standard
for hospital adoption of BCMA. Leapfrog’s standard
focuses on four components of BCMA implementation:
The extent of a hospital’s BCMA implementation
throughout the hospital with a focus on medical
and/or surgical units (adult and pediatric),
intensive care units (adult, pediatric, and
neonatal), and labor and delivery units.
A hospital’s compliance with both patient and
medication scans at the bedside prior to
administering medications.
The types of decision support that the hospital’s
BCMA system offers.
A hospital’s structures to monitor and reduce
Hospitals fully meeting the Leapfrog standard:
Have implemented BCMA systems in 100% of
their medical and/or surgical units (adult and
pediatric), intensive care units (adult, pediatric,
and neonatal), and labor and delivery units.
Page | 2 Factsheet: Bar Code Medication Administration
Last Revision: 04/01/2021
Factsheet: Bar Code Medication Administration
Have both patient and medication scans in 95% of
the bedside medication administrations in units
that have implemented BCMA
Have a BCMA system that includes all five
elements of decision support that have been
identified as best-practice by the Leapfrog BCMA
Expert Panel.
Have implemented at least six of the eight best-
practice processes and structures to prevent
Challenges to BCMA Implementation
While most hospitals reporting to the Leapfrog Hospital
Survey indicate that they have implemented BCMA
system in at least one inpatient unit, some hospitals
have not adopted BCMA or are not using it in all units.
What are the challenges?
BCMA adoption requires significant efforts to
redefine caregiver responsibilities and workflows,
which must all be communicated to staff through
trainings and demonstrations.
Cultural obstacles may inhibit BCMA
implementation. For example, some nurses resist
utilizing BCMA as it introduces additional steps
into their already-hectic care schedules.
The cost of implementing and operating BCMA is
one major hurdle for some hospitals. A study by
Sakowski and Ketchel estimated the cost of
implementing and operating BCMA including
electronic pharmacy management and drug
repackaging over five years to be $35,600 to
$54,600 per BCMA-enabled bed.
As such, a 100-
bed hospital can spend over $3 million in BCMA
implementation over the initial five years.
Why Purchasers Need to Get
Given these challenges, hospitals may need
encouragement from purchasers to maximize the
efficiency of their BCMA systems. While BCMA systems
may require significant investments, they help avoid
even more significant costs due to medication errors.
More importantly, BCMA systems can significantly
reduce the risk of adverse drug events that can cause
significant harm or even death to employees.
1. Bates DW, Teich JM, Lee J, et al. The impact of computerized
physician order entry on medication error prevention. J
Am Med Inform Assoc. 1999;6(4):313-321.
2. Bates DW, Leape LL, Cullen DJ,et al. Effect of computerized
physician order entry and a team intervention on
prevention of serious medication errors. JAMA.
3. Kohn LT, Corrigan JM, Donaldson MS. To err is human:
Building a safer health system. committee on health care
in america. institute of medicine. . 1999.
4. Bates DW, Cullen DJ, Laird N, et al. Incidence of adverse drug
events and potential adverse drug events: Implications
for prevention. JAMA. 1995;274(1):29-34.
5. Bates DW, Spell N, Cullen DJ, et al. The costs of adverse drug
events in hospitalized patients. JAMA. 1997;277(4):307-
6. Poon EG, Cina JL, Churchill W, et al. Medication dispensing
errors and potential adverse drug events before and
after implementing bar code technology in the
pharmacy. Ann Intern Med. 2006;145(6):426-434.
7. Poon EG, Keohane CA, Yoon CS, et al. Effect of bar-code
technology on the safety of medication administration. N
Engl J Med. 2010;362(18):1698-1707.
8. Bonkowski J, Carnes C, Melucci J, et al. Effect of barcode‐
assisted medication administration on emergency
department medication errors. Acad Emerg Med.
9. Sakowski JA, Ketchel A. The cost of implementing inpatient
bar code medication administration. Am J Manag Care.
10. Pedersen CA, Schneider PJ, Scheckelhoff DJ. ASHP national
survey of pharmacy practice in hospital settings:
Monitoring and patient education2012. Am J Health
Syst Pharm. 2013;70(9):787-803.
11. Gooder V. Nurses’ perceptions of a (BCMA) bar-coded
medication administration system: A case-control study.
Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI). 2011;15(2).
For a comprehensive list of references please review
the Bar Code Medication Administration Bibliography,
available here: