Predicting Elite NBA Lineups Using Individual Player Order Statistics
Susan E. Martonosi
, Martin Gonzalez
, Nicolas Oshiro
1: Harvey Mudd College
2: University of San Francisco
NBA team managers and owners try to acquire high-performing players. An important consideration
in these decisions is how well the new players will perform in combination with their teammates. Our objective is to
identify elite five-person lineups, which we define as those having a positive plus-minus per minute (PMM). Using
individual player order statistics, our model can identify an elite lineup even if the five players in the lineup have
never played together, which can inform player acquisition decisions, salary negotiations, and real-time coaching
decisions. We combine seven classification tools into a unanimous consent classifier (all-or-nothing classifier, or ANC)
in which a lineup is predicted to be elite only if all seven classifiers predict it to be elite. In this way, we achieve high
positive predictive value (i.e., precision), the likelihood that a lineup classified as elite will indeed have a positive
PMM. We train and test the model on individual player and lineup data from the 2017-18 season and use the model
to predict the performance of lineups drawn from all 30 NBA teams’ 2018-19 regular season rosters. Although the
ANC is conservative and misses some high-performing lineups, it achieves high precision and recommends positionally
balanced lineups. Keywords: Basketball; point differential; lineups; classification.
1 Introduction
The strategy of professional basketball continues to evolve, leading NBA team managers and coaches to continuously
seek new players who have the relevant skills to win the annual championship. While individual player performance is a
significant contributor towards team success, we are interested in the overarching factors contributing to high-performing
teams and the collection of players that comprise them. This leads us to develop a model to predict high-performing
five-person lineups, including those which have never played together before, using individual player order statistics.
This model can help general managers considering trades and free agents evaluate how potential incoming players
might perform in combination with existing team members. Coaches can also use this model as an in-game aid to see
which player sitting on the bench may have a positive impact as a substitute.
Much of the work in the literature focuses on methods for predicting the outcomes of basketball games, tournaments,
or seasons.
Ozmen quantifies the incremental change in win probability per unit change in several game statistics [
Loeffelholz et al. use neural networks to predict the outcomes of NBA games more successfully than expert prediction
]. Lin uses historical team data with real-time updating during a game to predict the game’s outcome [
]. Shen et
al. and Hua present methods for predicting the results of the NCAA “March Madness” collegiate tournament [
as do several articles in a 2015 special issue of this journal [
]. Gumm et al. and Zimmerman et al. use machine
learning approaches on historical data to predict outcomes of NCAA and NBA playoffs [
]. Vaz de Melo et al.
forecast NBA outcomes using network analysis [
], while Cheng et al. use the maximum entropy principle to predict
the outcome of NBA playoffs [
]. Ruiz and Cruz present a model to predict the win probability of teams participating
in the NCAA March Madness Tournament by combining a Poisson factorization method with a model borrowed from
soccer which quantifies a team’s attack and defense coefficients [27].
A body of work examines the role of individual players in determining team success. Several papers use centrality
metrics and other methods from the field of complex social networks to identify prominent players and evaluate team
performance [
]. Deshpande and Jensen quantify an individual player’s contribution to their team’s overall
win probability [
]. However, it has also been suggested that an individual’s contribution towards a team’s success, as
measured by real Plus-Minus, cannot be disentangled from the influence of other players [
]. While statistics such
as Box Plus Minus (BPM) attempt to measure an individual player’s contributions to the team relative to that of their
teammates, BPM does not give an indication of how a five-player lineup will perform together.
Our paper builds upon work that examines the effectiveness of ve-person lineups in the NBA. For instance,
Maymin et al. calculate the synergies of each NBA team by comparing their 5-player lineups’ effectiveness to the
“sum-of-the-parts” [
]. Robertson uses a graphical model to capture the series of events that occur during a possession
and estimate the probabilities of game-play events given the players on the floor [
]. Kalman and Bosch redefine
traditional basketball positions using model-based clustering and identify how interactions between these new positions
arXiv:2303.04963v1 [stat.AP] 9 Mar 2023
result in lineups with the highest net-rating [
]. Pelechrinis presents LinNet, which exploits the dynamics of a directed
network that captures the performance of lineups against a specific opponent lineup [
]. In addition, Sisneros and Van
Moer use point differential (plus-minus) to measure the contribution of individual players towards a team’s success,
and predicts the winning percentage of a given team [
]. Oh et al. simulate game play using a probabilistic network
model; however, a limitation of their work is the inability to predict the performance of a lineup using players from
outside the team [22].
Our work contributes towards this general discussion by developing a model that can predict the performance of
unseen lineups, as measured by the predicted sign of their point differential per minute. While most of the work we
have encountered focuses on guiding coaching decisions for in-game substitutions, our work goes beyond and can be
used as a tool for free agency decisions, trade negotiations, and calling up players from the NBA G league.
Our model identifies lineups with a high probability of contributing a positive point differential, also known as
plus-minus, per minute (PMM). A positive PMM indicates that the lineup generally contributes positively to the team’s
relative score, whereas a negative PMM indicates that the lineup generally detracts from the team’s relative score. Our
objective is to predict elite lineups, which we define to be those having a high likelihood of contributing a positive
PMM. We combine seven classification tools into a unanimous consent classifier, which we call the all-or-nothing
classifier (ANC). The ANC predicts a lineup to be elite only if all seven subclassifiers predict it to be elite. In this way,
we achieve high precision, the likelihood that a lineup classified as elite will indeed have a high PMM. Each tool takes
as input the individual player order statistics for the five players on a proposed lineup, capturing the lineup’s offensive
and defensive capabilities, and classifies the lineup as either elite or not. The subclassifiers used are a decision tree,
random forest, boosting, a support vector machine, k-nearest neighbors, logistic regression, and linear discriminant
We train and test the model on individual player data from the 2017-18 NBA regular season purchased from and supplemented with hustle stats from Hustle stats are included since they quantify a
player’s defensive contribution to the lineup. To train the models, we use a random sample of 712 lineups with at least
25 minutes of playing time. We then test the model on a random sample of 176 lineups having at least 25 minutes of
playing time. We achieve a precision of 86.7% on the testing set, indicating that lineups classified as elite using the
ANC are highly likely to contribute a positive PMM to the team. We then train the model on the full 2017-18 NBA
regular season data and use the trained model to predict elite lineups for all 30 NBA teams during the 2018-19 regular
season. We find that the classifier achieves a high precision of 76.9% (compared to 62.1% prevalence of elite lineups),
even when used to make predictions from one season to the next.
This paper will be structured as follows. In Section 2, we provide an overview of the methodology used in our
classification framework. Section 3 describes the datasets we use to train and test our model and outlines the steps taken
to clean and merge the data. Section 4 presents results of applying our model to a test data set as well as to making
predictions for the 2018-19 regular season, and we compare our predictions against actual season outcomes. We present
suggestions for future work and our conclusions in Section 5.
2 Methodology
In this section, we describe the classification problem our method solves, the all-or-nothing classifier (ANC) we develop
to solve it, and the method of cross-validation we use to tune hyperparameters to achieve a reliably high positive
predictive value, or precision.
2.1 Classifying the Plus-Minus Per Minute of an Unseen Lineup
The performance of a five-person lineup is often summarized in their plus-minus per minute (PMM) metric. This
measures the cumulative point differential (points earned minus points scored by the opponent) accrued by the lineup
each time they appear together on the court, divided by their total playing time together as a lineup. Lineups with
positive PMM contribute to the team’s net score per unit time, while lineups with negative PMM give up more points
than they earn per unit time. Existing methods for predicting the performance of unseen lineups, such as the adjusted
plus-minus, attempt to account for a player’s individual contribution to the score after controlling for the other players
Table 1: Example individual player statistics for Lineup 1 [1].
Jaylen Kyrie Marcus Terry Jayson
Player Brown Irving Morris Rozier Tatum
Field Goals per Minute 0.17 0.28 0.18 0.15 0.16
Defensive Blocks per Minute 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02
Table 2: Example individual player statistics for Lineup 2 [2].
James Chris Eric Nene Clint
Player Harden Paul Gordon Hilario Capela
Field Goals per Minute 0.26 0.20 0.19 0.18 0.22
Defensive Blocks per Minute 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.07
on the court [
]. However, these methods are based solely on fitting the observed plus-minus to indicators of who is or
is not on the court; they do not incorporate other statistics about individual player performance.
The method we pursue is to predict an unseen lineup’s PMM using individual player statistics. For a useful primer
on basketball statistics, see Kubatko et al. [
]. Let
be the set of all ve-person lineups, and let
be the set of
players. For each lineup
l L
, let
p(l) P
be the set of five players included in lineup
. For each player
p P
, . . . , s
be the collection of statistics observed on a per-minute basis, e.g., field goals per minute played, or
defensive rebounds per minute. We thus wish to predict the plus-minus per minute of lineup
, denoted
P MM(l)
as a
function of the values of s
, . . . , s
for each player p p(l):
P MM(l) = f (s
|p p(l), i 1, . . . , n).
Earlier work demonstrates the challenge of predicting
P MM(l)
directly [
]. Thus, in this work we focus on
predicting the sign of P MM(l), classifying a lineup l as elite if P M M (l) > 0.
We make the assumption that the connection between PMM and player statistics is distributional. For each
lineup and each statistic, we sort the values of the statistic from smallest to largest for the five players on that lineup.
We then use these order statistics as predictors in the model. This is effectively predicting
sign(P MM)
using the
, 40
, 60
, 80
, and
quantiles of the distributions of each statistic for the five players on the lineup. For
instance, one player might contribute highly to field goal percentage, while another player is contributing highly to
blocks, and all of these factors contribute to the overall PMM experienced by the lineup.
As a small example, consider the two player statistics of field goals per minute (FGM) and defensive blocks per
minute (DBM) in the context of Lineup 1 (Jaylen Brown, Kyrie Irving, Marcus Morris, Terry Rozier, Jayson Tatum of
the Boston Celtics) and Lineup 2 (James Harden, Chris Paul, Eric Gordon, Nene Hilario, Clint Capela of the Houston
Rockets), during the 2017-18 regular season. We list each player’s values for the two statistics in Tables 1 and 2 [
For each lineup, we sort the five values of FGM from smallest to largest and the five values of DBM from smallest
to largest to obtain the ten predictors
. . .
. . .
, where the
represents the
smallest value of the five players (known as the
order statistic). For the two lineups
given, this results in the two rows of the data set shown in Table 3. Thus, our set of predictors is the order statistics
of the five players on the lineup, for each player performance statistic collected. By using the order statistics for both
offensive and defensive metrics, we can capture the overall playing profile of the lineup.
2.2 Choice of Classifier
In order for our classifier to be an effective decision support tool for personnel decisions, we want to be confident that
lineups flagged as
by our classifier will indeed perform well. Most classification frameworks strive to maximize
the overall accuracy of the classifier, which is the probability that the classification given by the model matches the true
class of the datum. However, in the case of identifying elite basketball lineups, we are more interested in achieving
a high positive predictive value, or precision. This is the conditional probability that a lineup is actually elite (has a
positive PMM) given that the classifier predicts it to be elite.
Table 3: Example player order statistics for the two lineups given in Tables 1 and 2. These order statistics serve as ten predictors in the classification
Lineup F GM
1 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.28 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02
2 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.22 0.26 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.07
Figure 1: The decision process used by the all-or-nothing classifier to categorize lineups.
To enhance the precision of the classifier, we combine seven commonly used classifiers (which we will refer to as
subclassifiers) into an all-or-nothing classifier (ANC), in which a lineup is classified as
if and only if all seven
subclassifiers predict it to be so. Consensus classifiers have successfully been used in other applications, including
computational biology [
]. The seven subclassifiers are a decision tree, a random forest, boosting, a support vector
-nearest neighbors, logistic regression, and linear discriminant analysis. Each of these algorithms casts a
vote on the classification of a given lineup based on its individual player order statistics. A schematic of the ANC is
shown in Figure 1.
2.3 Parameter Tuning
Each of these subclassification methods has a set of parameters governing the algorithm. Rather than tuning each
subclassifier individually, we tune the parameters as an ensemble to achieve a reliably high precision of the overall
ANC classifier. We use
-fold cross validation on a training set of lineups. (The data are described in greater detail in
Section 3.) The parameters associated with each subclassifier and with the overall ANC classifier are described briefly
here. Then we provide pseudocode outlining the ensemble tuning procedure.
2.3.1 Decision Tree Parameters
A decision tree iteratively determines threshold values of the predictor variables along which to split the classification
of a lineup as
or not. Common practice is to build a full tree and then prune it according to a cost-complexity
tradeoff. The cost-complexity parameter
in R’s
package for building and pruning decision trees represents
the percentage reduction in inter-branch variability required to justify each subsequent split. We use
cp = 1
to build
the initial complete tree, and then tune the value of
used to prune the tree. Additionally, we use the
argument to weight the observations by the total number of minutes played by each lineup so that lineups having low
total playing time have less influence on the fitting of the tree. To prioritize achieving a high positive predictive value,
we tune the false positive element of the
matrix option in
to more heavily penalize misclassifying a
elite lineup as elite. All other parameters are assigned the default value given in the rpart function of R.
2.3.2 Random Forest Parameters
In a random forest classifier, many decision trees are built on bootstrapped samples of the training data, and the subset of
predictors considered in each splitting decision is randomly selected from the full set of predictors. The classifications
yielded by each tree are used as votes in the forest classification of an individual observation. The parameter that
governs this voting in a binary classifier is the cutoff vector
(c, 1 c)
. If we observe a fraction
of trees classifying a
lineup as
and a fraction
1 p
of trees classifying the lineup as
not elite
, the forest classification would be
the category achieving the maximum of
(p/c, (1 p)/(1 c))
. In other words,
represents the proportion of trees
yielding an
classification at which the forest classifier would be ambivalent between the two groups. Because
we seek to maximize the precision of the ANC, we tune our random forest using values of
c 0.5
. We also tune the
governing the number of trees in the forest. All other parameters are assigned the default value
given in the
function in R’s
package, including the parameter
, governing
the number of predictors included in each subset, whose default value is the square root of the number of predictors.
2.3.3 Boosting Parameters
The boosting algorithm iteratively builds a classification tree such that subsequent splits are themselves determined by
decision trees fit to the residuals (misclassifications) from earlier splits. The three parameters tuned in our classifier are
the number of trees to build (referred to as
in R’s
function of the
package), the depth
of each tree (
) and the cost complexity value (
) used to prune each tree. Additionally, we weight the
observations by the total number of minutes played by each lineup to de-emphasize lineups with low playing times. All
other parameters are assigned the default value given in the boosting function of the adabag package.
2.3.4 Support Vector Machine Parameters
Our support vector machine (SVM) subclassifier uses a radial basis kernel and tunes two parameters,
represents the penalty associated with misclassification, and
controls the rate of decay of influence an
individual support vector has on the classification of points a given distance away. Smaller
reduces the rate of
decay, indicating that the support vector can influence the classification of points farther away; larger
has the
opposite effect. Other tunable parameters are set to the default used in the svm function of R’s e1071 package.
2.3.5 K-Nearest Neighbors Parameters
-nearest neighbors subclassifier labels a lineup according to the most common label of its
closest lineups in the
predictor space. Thus, we tune the value of k, using the knn function of package class.
2.3.6 Logistic Regression Parameters
Logistic regression predicts the log odds,
, of a lineup being elite as a linear function of the predictors. We fit
the model using the function
in the R package,
. Then the classification of the lineup is determined by
calculating the estimated probability of elite classification,
(1 + e
and deeming a lineup
if the estimated
probability of being elite exceeds a stated threshold. A natural default threshold is
; however, given our interest
in maximizing precision, we tune the threshold for values greater than or equal to
, essentially requiring stronger
evidence before classifying a lineup as
. The parameter
refers to one minus the desired
probability threshold.
2.3.7 Linear Discriminant Analysis Parameters
Linear discriminant analysis, as implemented in the
function in the
package of R, does not rely on tuning
parameters. However, it does permit us to weight the observations by the total number of minutes played by each lineup.
2.3.8 ANC Parameters
The tunable parameter for the overall ANC classifier is the number of subclassifiers identifying a lineup as
required for the ANC to classify the lineup as
. We refer to this as
. While we hypothesize that we
will get the highest precision by requiring all seven classifiers to agree (as the name “all-or-nothing classifier” suggests),
we verify this assumption by tuning the number of votes required before a lineup is classified as elite.
2.3.9 Ensemble Tuning Procedure
Rather than tune each subclassifier individually, we wish to select the best combination of parameters across all
subclassifiers that yields a reliably high precision of the ANC in
-fold cross validation. We perform grid search
over the combination of parameters for all seven subclassifiers and the
parameter. For each parameter
combination, we compute the ANC classification on each fold and calculate the precision achieved on that fold. We
then average the precision over the folds for each parameter combination. This gives us a good metric for the expected
precision of the ANC for each combination of tuning parameters. However, in addition to maximizing average precision,
we also seek a classifier that performs robustly. That is, of those parameter combinations achieving a relatively high
precision, we will favor those for which the standard deviation of precision across the
folds is low (i.e., it is a robust
classifier), and for which the precision on any one fold is not too low (i.e., it is a reliable classifier). We can then examine
these metrics across all combinations of parameters and select parameter values that yield a sufficiently high average
precision along with a high minimum precision and a low standard deviation. The pseudocode for this procedure is
outlined in Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1 Pseudocode for parameter tuning in the ANC.
Split the data into training and testing sets
Split the training set into 10 folds for cross-validation
for each fold k do
Standardize the fold-training data by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation of each numerical
value over the
k 1
folds. Scale and shift the left-out fold by the fold-training data’s means and standard deviations
to prevent data leakage.
for each subclassifier s do
for each combination c of tuning parameters do
Fit a model to the 9 folds not in k.
Predict the classes of the observations in the k
Store these predictions as preds[k,s,c].
end for
end for
for each combination c of tuning parameters, including numVotes do
Count the number of subclassifiers s, for which preds[k,s,c] is elite.
The ANC classification for the observations in the
fold is
if this number is at least as large as
numVotes, and not elite otherwise.
Compute the confusion matrix comparing the ANC classification to the known classification for the observations
on the k
fold, and store precision[k,c].
end for
end for
for each combination c of tuning parameters, including numVotes do
Calculate the average, minimum and standard deviation of precision over the 10 folds.
end for
Choose the combination of parameters that achieves a reliably high precision (high average value, high minimum
value, low standard deviation).
Because we tune all possible combinations of parameters for the seven classifiers and the ANC simultaneously, the
search space grows exponentially with the number of distinct values tested for each parameter. Thus, we use a coarse
Table 4: Parameter values used in grid search.
Subclassifier Parameter Values Tested
Decision Tree cp (cost complexity) (-1, 0.01, 0.05)
1 refers to full tree
loss (misclassification penalty) (1, 1.5, 2)
Random Forest c (cutoff) (0.5, 0.7)
ntree (number of trees) (100,500)
Boosting mfinal (number of trees) (100,500)
maxdepth (depth of each tree) (1, 2, 3)
cp (cost complexity) (0.01, 0.05)
Support Vector Machine cost (misclassification penalty) (0.1, 1, 10)
gamma (influence decay) (0.01, 0.1, 1)
K-Nearest Neighbors k (number of neighbors) (3, 5,7)
Logistic Regression thresh (1-probability threshold) (0.05, 0.25, 0.5)
All-or-Nothing Classifier (ANC) numVotes (agreement required) (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
grid, selecting a few distinct values for each parameter, with values informed by preliminary testing not reported here.
The specific values tested are given in Table 4.
With the model framework in place, we now describe our data.
3 Data and Implementation
The novelty of this work lies in predicting lineup performance using the sorted individual statistics of the players
comprising the lineup. To do this requires merging data from two sources, cleaning the data to ensure lineups and
players are matched correctly, filtering the data based on minutes played to reduce noise, and splitting the data into
training and testing sets. This process is described here.
3.1 Data Sources
We wish to make predictions and compare those predictions to actual outcomes for the 2018-19 regular NBA season,
the most recent season unaffected by the Covid-19 pandemic. We train and test our model using player and lineup
statistics from the 2017-18 NBA regular season, using data from several sources. We purchased play-by-play data
from that contains, for every play in each game of the season, the ten people on the court, which play
occurred, and the clock time. From this source, we are able to recreate per minute point differentials (PMM) for each
lineup. While we could also use this play-by-play data to compute individual player statistics, we instead obtained
player box and hustle statistics directly from for simplicity and accuracy.
The 28 individual player statistics used to form our 140 order statistic predictors are listed in Appendix A. We focus
on statistics that offer direct measurements of play rather than statistics such as the Box Plus-Minus (BPM) which itself
is an aggregation of many statistics and is therefore less interpretable.
3.2 Data Cleaning and Filtering
Because we are merging data from two sources, and, we must first clean both data sets
to impose consistent player naming, for instance in the use of punctuation, nicknames or suffixes. Then we match
individual player statistics to lineups, sorting each statistic from smallest to largest among the players in the lineup; this
creates our vectors of order statistics which we use as predictors.
After matching players and lineups, any players appearing in only one of the two data sets (and the lineups in which
they appear) should be discarded. There was only one such player who is discarded in this way: Ty Lawson, who has
playoff statistics appearing in the data but no regular season information in the stints data.
Therefore, lineups including Lawson are not used for training or testing.
Next, we filter out individual players (and the lineups to which they belong) having fewer than 50 minutes of playing
time during the season. This is to ensure that the individual player statistics, when adjusted per minute, are estimated
with low variance. Of the 540 players represented in the raw data, 483 meet this playing time threshold. Likewise, we
filter out lineups, comprised of these 483 players, having fewer than 25 minutes of playing time together. Of the over
14,000 distinct NBA lineups appearing in the 2017-18 season in which each player had at least 50 minutes of playing
time, 888 have at least 25 minutes of lineup playing time. It is worth noting that some previous work recommends
requiring a higher playing time threshold for lineups to improve model accuracy. However, doing so would dramatically
reduce our dataset. For example, requiring 50 minutes of lineup playing time would yield only 374 lineups on which to
train and test. Given the large number of order statistics used as predictors, doing so runs the risk of overfitting the
model. Instead, to mitigate the influence of lineups with shorter playing time, we use lineup playing time as a weight in
the regression tree, linear discriminant analysis, and boosting classifiers.
3.3 Data Splitting
From these 888 lineups, we use an 80%-20% split to create a training set of 712 lineups and a testing set of 176
lineups. In both sets, a lineup is given the label
if its PMM is strictly positive; otherwise it is labeled as
. Our training set includes 375 lineups labeled as
and 337 lineups labeled as
not elite
; our testing
set includes 95 lineups labeled as elite and 81 labeled as not elite.
4 Results
We now describe the results of tuning the ANC parameters and applying the trained ANC to the test data. Once satisfied
with the predictive power of our trained ANC, we interpret the tuned subclassifiers to understand which predictor
variables appear most important in predicting lineup quality. We then use the ANC to make predictions about lineup
combinations for the 2018-19 NBA team rosters.
4.1 Parameter Tuning Results
Common practice in parameter tuning is to choose the combination of parameters that achieves the best metric when
averaged over the ten cross-validation folds. In our case, that would be the parameter combination that achieves
maximum average precision. However, in our initial analysis of the parameter tuning results, we found that the
combination of parameters for which the average precision is highest often has high variability in precision across the
ten folds. This implies a classifier that occasionally and unpredictably will perform poorly on certain data sets. Figure
2(a) shows for each parameter combination used in our tuning process the average precision achieved over ten folds
against the worst-case (minimum) precision over ten folds. We exclude the results from parameter combinations in
which the precision was calculated as
in at least one fold. Upon further investigation, these combinations arise
exclusively when
numVotes = 7
and the logistic regression parameter
thresh = 0.05
. In such cases, the ANC
is so conservative that some folds have zero lineups classified as
, yielding the value
when computing
precision. Moreover, those lineups attaining a numerical value for precision have such a small number of lineups
classified as
that the standard deviation in precision is quite high. We prefer a parameter combination that
achieves a satisfyingly high average precision and a high worst-case precision over the ten folds. Specifically, we
choose a parameter combination that lies on the efficient frontier of average precision and worst-case precision, shown
in red in Figure 2(a). Additionally, although we are more interested in precision than overall accuracy, Figure 2(b) plots
the average precision against the average accuracy attained over ten folds in all parameter combinations, along with the
efficient frontier (in red) of average precision and average accuracy.
The blue point in Figure 2(a) corresponds to parameter combinations achieving an average precision of 79.8% and
a worst-case precision of 50%. Figure 2(b) shows this point in blue on the plot of average precision versus average
accuracy; we see that these parameter combinations also lie on the efficient frontier of precision and accuracy, attaining
an average accuracy of 53.2%. We choose the optimized parameter combination to train the final model from among
Figure 2: Results of the parameter tuning. For each combination of parameters, we plot (a) the average precision
achieved by the ANC over ten folds versus the minimum precision of that classifier on the ten folds; and (b) average
precision versus average accuracy. In both plots, the efficient frontier is shown in red, and the combination of minimum
and average precision achieved by our optimized parameter combination is plotted as the blue diamond.
this set, as given in Table 5. The values of
(decision tree),
(decision tree),
(random forest),
(random forest),
(logistic regression), and
(ANC) are uniquely determined. However, the
parameter tuning was not sensitive to the values of
(SVM), or
(SVM). For these parameters, we select the values yielding the second best outcome in the efficient
frontier shown in Figure 2, corresponding to an average precision of 77.0%, a minimum precision of 66.7%, and an
average accuracy of 59.3%.
We note that the performance of the classifier appears most sensitive to the number of votes required by the
seven subclassifiers for a lineup to be predicted as
. Average precision begins to drop off considerably when
requiring fewer than six out of the seven subclassifiers to agree, and seven is preferable to six. Additionally, the ANC’s
performance appears sensitive to the choice of the cost complexity parameter for the decision tree, the probability
threshold for logistic regression, and the cutoff parameter for the random forest. The precision of the ANC appears
robust to the choice of the remaining parameters.
4.2 Testing Results
We fit our ANC to the full, standardized, training set. We shift and scale the testing data using the training data’s
means and standard deviations to avoid data leakage, and we apply our trained ANC to the testing data. The testing
data contains 176 lineups, of which 95 lineups are labeled as
. The confusion matrix is given in Table 6. Of
15 lineups predicted to be
, 13 of these have a true label of
, indicating a strictly positive PMM. This
corresponds to a precision of 86.7%. The model has an overall accuracy of 52.3%, which is tolerated because our focus
is on predicting elite lineups.
Additionally, we can compare the known PMM for lineups predicted to be
against those that are not. Figure
3 provides comparative boxplots for the average point differential per minute of lineups predicted (or not) to be
The mean PMM of predicted
lineups is
, which is statistically higher than the mean PMM of predicted
not elite
lineups of
p = 0.00013
). Thus, while the ANC does not predict PMM directly, it does a good
Table 5: Tuned parameter values used in final ANC.
Subclassifier Parameter Chosen Value
Decision Tree cp (cost complexity) 0.05
loss (misclassification penalty) 1
Random Forest c (cutoff) 0.7
ntree (number of trees) 500
Boosting mfinal (number of trees) 500
maxdepth (depth of each tree) 3
cp (cost complexity) 0.01
Support Vector Machine cost (misclassification penalty) 1
gamma (influence decay) 1
K-Nearest Neighbors k (number of neighbors) 7
Logistic Regression thresh (1probability threshold) 0.25
All-or-Nothing Classifier (ANC) numVotes (agreement required) 7
Table 6: Confusion matrix for the tuned ANC applied to the test data set. Of the 15 lineups predicted to be
, 13
have a true label of elite, corresponding to a precision of 86.7%.
Predicted Class
Elite Not Elite
Elite 13 82
Not Elite 2 79
job partitioning the teams into an
group predicted to have a positive PMM and a
not elite
group predicted
to have a negative PMM. It is worth noting that there is overlap in the distributions, and the ANC misses some very
good lineups (e.g., Toronto Raptors’ Delon Wright, DeMar DeRozan, Fred Van Vleet, Jakob Poeltl, and Pascal Siakam,
which had 40.0 minutes of playing time and a PMM of 1.00.). Nonetheless, the distribution of PMM of
is generally higher than the distribution of PMM of
not elite
lineups, and the two lineups having negative PMM
that were misclassifed by the ANC to be
have only moderately negative PMMs. This points to the ANC having
good judgment about elite lineups.
One might also wonder whether the complete set of five-player order statistics is required by the ANC to achieve
high precision. Analysis of a simpler model, using only the first order statistics (i.e., the minimum of each individual
player statistic on the lineup), is presented in Appendix B. The simpler model achieves a testing precision of only 75%
compared to the ANC’s testing precision of 86.7%.
4.3 Interpretation of the Subclassifiers
After training the ANC using the optimized parameter values given in Table 5, we now try to interpret the classifications
given by each subclassifier to understand which variables are most important in determining lineup performance. The
-nearest neighbor and support vector machine are not particularly interpretable, so we focus primarily on the other five
By far, the most consistently important predictor of elite classification over the five interpretable subclassifiers is the
smallest plus-minus per minute of the five players on the lineup, PMM
. This is not surprising because if the lineup’s
worst plus-minus is high, then all five players’ plus-minuses must be high, indicating a high level of play across any
lineups in which the players took part.
In the decision tree, PMM
is the only branch of the tree that remains after pruning. Elite classification requires
standardized PMM
> 0.32.
Table 7 gives the estimated coefficients of the 24 standardized predictors identified by backwards stepwise logistic
regression. The three most important predictors in the model, both in terms of coefficient magnitude and statistical
significance, are PMM
, the lowest plus-minus per minute among the five players, FG3A
, the highest rate of 3-point
Figure 3: Boxplots of lineup point differential per minute (PMM) by ANC-predicted label.
Table 7: Estimated coefficients of logistic regression model. Significance codes: ***:0.001, **:0.01, *:0.05, .:0.1
Predictor Estimate p-value
(Intercept) 0.12970 0.08068 .
0.17638 0.08454 .
-0.16022 0.10885
0.43471 0.04551 *
-0.60677 0.00666 **
0.22172 0.01398 *
-0.24260 0.01370 *
0.21057 0.02255 *
0.19298 0.02183 *
-0.22849 0.03709 *
0.27984 0.02016 *
0.20627 0.04374 *
0.17627 0.03486 *
-0.15526 0.06852 .
0.13514 0.10880
0.20912 0.01139 *
-0.19257 0.01774 *
0.85462 ¡ 2e-16 ***
-0.19241 0.04944 *
0.19000 0.04680 *
0.20103 0.03562 *
-0.17644 0.06542 .
0.30631 0.00984 **
0.23956 0.01057 *
-0.26324 0.02719 *
field goals attempted per minute among the five players, and SCREENASSISTS
, the median rate per minute of
screens that led to baskets. Additionally, we notice that a variety of offensive and defensive statistics, including hustle
statistics, are selected by the model to predict lineup performance.
For the cases of linear discriminant analysis, boosting, and random forests, predictor importance can be assessed
graphically, as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4(a) shows the coefficient of each standardized predictor in the linear
discriminant analysis (LDA) model, plotted against quantiles of the normal distribution. The predictors in red have
coefficients that are particularly large in magnitude, indicating their influence in classifying teams as
. In addition to PMM
, statistics related to contested shots carry large importance in the LDA model. Figure
4(b) shows predictor importance for boosting, measured as reduction in the Gini impurity index, plotted against
quantiles of the normal distribution. Points in red have very large importance, and correspond to the predictors PMM
(second-lowest free throw percentage) and FG3PCT
(median 3-point field goal percentage). Figure 4(c)
shows predictor importance for the random forest subclassifier, measured as reduction in the Gini impurity index, plotted
against quantiles of the normal distribution. Predictors with especially high importance are all five players’ plus-minuses
and the second smallest 3-point field goal percentage (FG3PCT
). We conclude that PMM
is consistently the most
important predictor of lineup performance, followed to a lesser extent by three-point field goal percentages and other
4.4 Predictions for the 2018-19 Season
Having a classifier that attains a high precision in identifying lineups with positive PMM on the 2017-18 season data,
we now use the ANC to identify promising lineups for the thirty teams participating in the 2018-19 NBA regular season.
We refit the ANC using the combined training and testing data, standardized, from 2017-18. We shift and scale the
Figure 4: Predictor importance for (a) linear discriminant analysis, (b) boosting, and (c) random forest subclassifiers.
Predictors listed in red are influential in that subclassifier’s determination of elite lineups.
2018-19 regular season data using the means and standard deviations from 2017-18 to avoid data leakage and we use
the fitted ANC to predict 2018-19 lineup performance. We can then compare our predictions against actual performance
during this season.
The 2018-19 regular season data is gathered as follows. For a given team roster, we generate all possible five-player
lineup combinations and their individual player order statistics for the metrics used in the ANC (listed in Appendix A).
We exclude any lineups wherein any of the players had less than 50 minutes of playing time in the 2017-18 regular
season. Of the 530 players listed on 2018-19 regular season rosters of the thirty NBA teams, 392 of these had sufficient
playing time during the 2017-18 regular season and are included in the analysis. We can then predict which of these
possible lineups will have a positive PMM. This part of the process is interesting for two reasons. First, for rebuilding
teams, such as the 2018-19 Los Angeles Lakers, we can predict which combinations of newly traded and existing
players are likely to play well together. Second, we can compare the relative strength of NBA teams by measuring the
depths of their benches in terms of number of elite lineups.
Table 8 gives the number of predicted
lineups for each team having more than zero elite predictions. The
six teams having the largest number of predicted
lineups are the Golden State Warriors, the Houston Rockets,
the Indiana Pacers, the Boston Celtics, the Utah Jazz, and the Charlotte Hornets. The remaining teams each have
four or fewer predicted
lineups, and fourteen out of the thirty teams have zero predicted
lineups. By
prioritizing precision, the ANC is a conservative predictor of elite lineups.
4.4.1 Comparing 2018-19 Lineup Predictions To Realized Performance
We now compare the predictions made by the ANC to actual performance of lineups used during the 2018-19 regular
We begin by examining the confusion matrix. For any given roster, the vast majority of lineups (predicted to be
or not) may never be used, and the lineups used in the 2018-19 regular season occasionally involve players who
did not have enough 2017-18 playing time to be included in ANC predictions. Thus, to construct the confusion matrix,
we restrict our focus to those lineups appearing in the 2018-19 regular season data that were predicted by the ANC. On
the left of Table 9, we have the confusion matrix calculated on all 2018-19 regular season lineups for which an ANC
prediction was obtained; on the right of Table 9, we have the confusion matrix calculated on only those 2018-19 regular
season lineups having at least 25 minutes of playing time for which an ANC prediction was obtained. The purpose of
this restriction is to focus on lineups for which PMM is well-estimated. In the unrestricted case, we see that 67.4%
of those lineups predicted to be
by the ANC experienced a positive PMM during the 2018-19 regular season,
Table 8: Number of ANC-predicted
lineups for the 2018-19 NBA regular season for the 16 teams having
nonzero elite predictions.
Team Number of Predicted Elite Lineups
Golden State Warriors 127
Houston Rockets 62
Indiana Pacers 30
Boston Celtics 25
Utah Jazz 18
Charlotte Hornets 14
Oklahoma City Thunder 4
Denver Nuggets 4
Portland Trail Blazers 3
New Orleans Pelicans 3
Minnesota Timberwolves 3
San Antonio Spurs 2
Miami Heat 2
Washington Wizards 1
Toronto Raptors 1
Philadelphia 76ers 1
Table 9: Confusion matrix for the tuned ANC applied to the 2018-19 regular season data. The unrestricted case on the
left includes all 2018-19 regular season lineups having ANC predictions. Of the 46 lineups predicted to be
, 31
have a true label of
, corresponding to a precision of 67.4%. The restricted case on the right includes only those
ANC-predicted lineups having at least 25 minutes of playing time during the 2018-19 regular season. Of the 26 lineups
predicted to be elite, 20 have a true label of elite, corresponding to a precision of 76.9%.
Unrestricted Restricted
Predicted Class Predicted Class
Elite Not Elite Elite Not Elite
Elite 31 397 Elite 20 201
Not Elite 15 294 Not Elite 6 129
compared to a 58.1% overall prevalence of elite lineups. When we restrict our focus to those lineups having at least 25
minutes of playing time, the precision increases to 76.9% compared to a prevalence of 62.1%. We conclude that using
2017-18 individual player order statistics in the ANC to predict 2018-19 lineup performance yields high-precision, if
somewhat conservative, predictions of lineups achieving positive PMM.
The 26 lineups predicted to be elite by the ANC in the restricted case are listed in Tables 10 (positive 2018-19
PMM) and 11 (non-positive 2018-19 PMM), along with their 2018-19 lineup playing time. Of the 20 lineups that the
ANC predicted to be elite and ultimately were elite in 2018-19, further investigation reveals that six of these involved
players that were newly acquired between the 2017-18 and 2018-19 seasons, as noted in the final column Table 10.
We can also compare the realized 2018-19 lineup PMM between lineups predicted to be
by the ANC to
those predicted to be
not elite
. Figure 5 gives boxplots of observed PMM during the 2018-19 regular season of
lineups for which an ANC prediction was given. Figure 5(a) shows this in the unrestricted case, while Figure 5(b)
restricts to lineups that had at least 25 minutes of playing time in the 2018-19 regular season. In both cases, we see
that the PMMs of lineups predicted by the ANC to be
exhibit lower variance than those predicted to be
. Moreover, when we restrict consideration to those lineups having at least 25 minutes of playing time, for which
the PMM is more precisely estimated, we see that the distribution of PMM for those predicted to be
lies nearly
entirely in the positive range. A one-sided test of the means reveals that the mean PMM for those lineups predicted to
be elite is likely higher than the mean PMM for those lineups predicted to be not elite (p = 0.090).
Next we explore the relationship between ANC predictions and overall team bench strength and performance.
Table 10: 2018-19 lineups predicted to be elite by the ANC classifier that had positive PMM (restricted to those lineups
having at least 25 minutes of playing time, as in Table 9.) Also noted are those lineups involving newly acquired players
that had not played for the team during the 2017-18 season.
Team Lineup
PMM Note
Boston Celtics
A. Horford, K. Irving, M. Smart, J.
Brown, J. Tatum
56 0.3
Charlotte Hornets
M. Williams, N. Batum, K. Walker, J.
Lamb, C. Zeller
593 0.16
M. Williams, N. Batum, K. Walker, J.
Lamb, W. Hernangomez
34 0.03
Willy Hernangomez played for the NY Knicks
in 2017-18.
Golden State War-
K. Durant, S. Curry, K. Thompson, D.
Green, K. Looney
313 0.39
K. Durant, S. Curry, D. Cousins, K.
Thompson, D. Green
268 0.29
DeMarcus Cousins played for the New Orleans
Pelicans in 2017-18.
A. Iguodala, K. Durant, S. Curry, K.
Thompson, D. Green
178 0.69
A. Iguodala, K. Durant, S. Curry, K.
Thompson, K. Looney
141 0.17
A. Iguodala, K. Durant, S. Curry, K.
Thompson, J. Bell
36 0.73
A. Iguodala, S. Curry, D. Cousins, K.
Thompson, D. Green
29 0.77
DeMarcus Cousins played for the New Orleans
Pelicans in 2017-18.
A. Iguodala, K. Durant, S. Curry, D.
Green, K. Looney
25 0.8
Houston Rockets
C. Paul, P. Tucker, E. Gordon, J.
Harden, C. Capela
420 0.15
C. Paul, P. Tucker, J. Harden, A. Rivers,
C. Capela
30 0.07
Austin Rivers played for the LA Clippers in
Indianapolis Pac-
T. Young, D. Collison, B. Bogdanovic,
V. Oladipo, M. Turner
555 0.1
T. Young, D. Collison, B. Bogdanovic,
V. Oladipo, D. Sabonis
133 0.13
T. Young, C. Joseph, B. Bogdanovic, V.
Oladipo, M. Turner
29 0.03
D. Collison, B. Bogdanovic, V. Oladipo,
M. Turner, D. Sabonis
26 0.39
Minnesota Tim-
T. Gibson, R. Covington, A. Wiggins,
T. Jones, K. Towns
77 0.32
Robert Covington played for the Philadelphia
76ers in 2017-18.
Oklahoma City
R. Westbrook, P. George, S. Adams, A.
Abrines, J. Grant
88 0.21
Utah Jazz
D. Favors, R. Gobert, J. Ingles, R.
O’Neale, D. Mitchell
107 0.18
K. Korver, T. Sefolosha, R. Rubio, R.
Gobert, D. Mitchell
26 0.7
Kyle Korver played for the Cleveland Cavaliers
in 2017-18.
Table 11: 2018-19 lineups predicted to be elite by the ANC classifier that had non-positive PMM (restricted to those
lineups having at least 25 minutes of playing time, as in Table 9.) Also noted are those lineups involving newly acquired
players that had not played for the team during the 2017-18 season.
Team Lineup
PMM Note
Boston Celtics
A. Horford, K. Irving, A. Baynes, J.
Brown, J. Tatum
25 0
Golden State War-
K. Durant, S. Curry, J. Jerebko, K.
Thompson, D. Green
45 -0.22
Jonas Jerebko played for the Utah Jazz in 2017-
K. Durant, S. Curry, K. Thompson, D.
Green, J. Bell
26 -0.38
Houston Rockets
G. Green, P. Tucker, E. Gordon, J.
Harden, C. Capela
66 -0.32
C. Anthony, C. Paul, P. Tucker, E. Gor-
don, C. Capela
45 -0.11
Carmelo Anthony played for the Oklahoma
City Thunder in 2017-18.
T. Young, T. Evans, D. Collison, B.
Bogdanovic, D. Sabonis
28 -0.43
Tyreke Evans played for the Memphis Griz-
zlies in 2017-18.
Figure 5: Boxplots of 2018-19 lineup point differential per minute (PMM) by ANC-predicted label. (a) Unrestricted
case. (b) 2018-19 lineups are restricted to those having at least 25 minutes of playing time.
Figure 6: Number of lineups on each team achieving a positive PMM during the 2018-19 regular season versus the
number of lineups predicted by the ANC to be
on each team. (a) Unrestricted case. (b) 2018-19 lineups are
restricted to those having at least 25 minutes of playing time.
Figure 6 plots, for each of the thirty NBA teams, the number of lineups used in the 2018-19 regular season that had
a positive PMM versus the number of lineups the ANC predicted would be
for that team. Figure 6(a) does
this for the unrestricted case, while Figure 6(b) restricts the counts on the
-axis to those lineups having at least 25
minutes of playing time in 2018-19. We first note that of the six teams predicted to have a relatively large number
lineups (GSW, HOU, IND, BOS, UTA, and CHA), Boston and the Golden State Warriors, and to a lesser
extent, Houston, also have a relatively large number of lineups achieving positive PMM during the 2018-19 season in
the unrestricted case. When we restrict our focus to those lineups having at least 25 minutes of playing time, for which
the PMM is more precisely estimated, we see in Figure 6(b) that Boston, and to a lesser extent Indiana and Golden
State, have a robust bench of elite lineups.
It is worth noting that the ANC misses some teams that ended up having many lineups with positive PMMs. For
example, in Figure 6(a) we see that none of the Milwaukee Bucks’ lineups were predicted to be
by the ANC,
and yet 47 of its lineups achieved positive PMM, 19 of which experienced at least 25 minutes of playing time; this
performance is on par with that of GSW. For the case of Milwaukee, 2018-19 turned out to be an unprecedented season
with the hiring of Head Coach Mike Budenholzer. The team achieved its best regular season record in several decades,
and the best regular season record in the NBA overall, won the Central Division and reached the Eastern Conference
Finals [
]. At the end of that season, Coach Budenholzer was selected to coach the East team in the 2019 NBA All-Star
Game, was named NBA Coach of the Year, and was awarded by his peers the National Basketball Association’s Coach
of the Year Award [
]. We speculate that while the ANC does a good job capturing general lineup ability, it is unable
to account for changes to coaching staff and style.
Likewise, Figure 6(b) shows that the team having the highest number of lineups with positive PMM when restricted
for 25 minutes playing time during 2018-19 is the Los Angeles Clippers, for which the ANC also predicts zero
lineups. In this case, 59 of the 66 lineups used by the team during the 2018-19 season involved players lacking sufficient
individual playing time in 2017-18 to be considered by the ANC. Restricting consideration to the 36 lineups that had at
least 25 minutes of lineup playing time in 2018-19, 34 involved players with insufficient individual playing time in
2017-18 to be included in ANC predictions. Teams with a large number of rookie players, players who moved up from
Figure 7: Distribution of number of distinct positions exhibited on actual lineups, versus lineups predicted to be
or not elite by the ANC.
the G league, and players lacking playing time in the previous season will not obtain many predictions from the ANC.
4.4.2 Other aspects of ANC performance
We now discuss how ANC performance relates to player position and team pace.
Balance of Positions.
The ANC considers only player order statistics in its predictions of lineup performance and
ignores other player information such as position. A natural question, then, is whether the lineups predicted to be
by the ANC exhibit a balance of positions. Using player position information [
], we define the positions to
be Center, Power Forward, Point Guard (either a dedicated point guard or a point guard / shooting guard combination
player), Shooting Guard (either a dedicated shooting guard, point guard / shooting guard combination player, or small
forward / shooting guard combination player), and Small Forward (either a dedicated small forward, or a small forward
/ shooting guard combination player). We tally the number of distinct positions reflected in a given lineup. Those
lineups having more distinct positions are more balanced than those having fewer distinct positions. Figure 7 compares
the distribution of distinct positions between actual lineups, and those predicted elite or not elite by the ANC.
We see that ANC-predicted-
lineups have more lineups exhibiting four or five distinct positions than those
predicted to be
not elite
. Lineups that saw actual playtime in 2018-19 were slightly more balanced overall than
those predicted
by the ANC, but even 13.4% of actual lineups used three or fewer distinct positions, among
which many had positive PMM. This is indicative of a general trend in the NBA to move away from rigid positional
play [19]. We conclude that the ANC-predicted-elite lineups exhibit sufficient positional balance.
Additionally, the order statistics used by the ANC capture sufficient information about positional roles such that
the ANC is unlikely to recommend a lineup of five players of the same position. To demonstrate this, we generated
fictitious rosters of 2018-19 players all holding the same position; we limited the analysis to pure positions, omitting
hybrid positions such as point guard / shooting guard combination. As a proxy for player quality, we focused on players
having at least 2100 minutes of playing time during the 2017-18 season (this corresponds roughly to the top quartile of
playing time for each position). For each position, we sampled 200 lineups uniformly at random from the possible
5-player lineups and used the ANC to predict whether or not that lineup would have a positive PMM. As summarized in
Table 12, there was not a single lineup predicted to be
in this manner. Thus, the order statistics used by the
Table 12: ANC predictions on lineups comprised of a single position for 2018-19 players having at least 2100 minutes
of 2017-18 playing time.
Position Players Lineups Sampled Predicted elite
Shooting Guard 22 200 0
Power Forward 14 200 0
Center 11 200 0
Point Guard 15 200 0
Small Forward 19 200 0
Figure 8: Number of lineups on each team predicted by the ANC to be elite versus team pace.
ANC appear to be capturing the contributions of different positions on the court.
Team Pace.
The ANC relies on per-minute player statistics rather than per-possession statistics. Because teams are
known to vary in their pace, a natural question is whether the ANC predicts more
lineups for fast-paced teams
than slow-paced teams. Figure 8 shows the number of
-predicted lineups for each team versus the team’s pace,
as reported by [
]. We observe no trend between pace and the propensity of the ANC to label lineups as
. We leave for future work the incorporation of team pace into the ANC when predicting the performance of
lineups having combinations of players from different teams.
4.4.3 Case Study of Golden State Warriors and Los Angeles Lakers
To shed more light on the ANC predictions for the 2018-19 regular season, we use as a case study the Golden State
Warriors (NBA champions in the two preceding years), and the Los Angeles Lakers, whose acquisition of LeBron James
during the 2018 off-season led many to hope at the time that this once powerful team would be staging a come-back.
The predictions from our ANC model are summarized in Table 13. The Los Angeles Lakers had fifteen players
on their roster during this season with sufficient 2017-18 individual playing time to be included in ANC predictions,
yielding 3003 possible five-person lineups. Of these, not a single lineup is predicted to be
. The Golden State
Warriors also had fifteen players with sufficient 2017-18 individual playing time on their roster in 2018-19, yielding
3003 possible five-person lineups. In contrast to the Lakers, 127 of these lineups are predicted to be elite.
To understand why the Lakers have no lineups predicted to be
, we examine the individual player PMM for
both the Lakers and Warriors rosters in Table 14 from the 2017-18 season that was used to train the model. We see that
Table 13: Sample
lineups predicted by the ANC for the 2018-19 rosters of the Los Angeles Lakers and the
Golden State Warriors.
Number of Pos-
sible Lineups
Number of Pre-
dicted Elite Line-
Sample Elite Lineups
Los Angeles Lakers 3003 0
Golden State Warriors 3003 127
D. Cousins, S. Curry, K. Durant, D. Green, A.
S. Curry, K. Durant, J. Jerebko, K. Looney, K.
K. Durant, D. Green, A. Iguodala, K. Looney, K.
S. Curry, J. Bell, K. Durant, K. Looney, K. Thomp-
D. Cousins, A. Iguodala, K. Looney, S. Liv-
ingston, K. Thompson
the Lakers had several players on the roster with negative PMM. Given the importance assigned by the subclassifiers to
, this sheds some insight into why the Lakers are not predicted by the ANC to have any
lineup. The
lack of predicted elite lineups is also consistent with the team’s ultimately poor performance during that season.
Entering the 2018-19 season as two-time defending champions, the Golden State Warriors, unsurprisingly, have a
large proportion of total lineup combinations classified as
. A sample of the 127 predicted
lineups is given in Table 13; it illustrates a range of lineups that the coaching staff could rely upon to optimize the use of
its players whenever the “Hamptons Five” (Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson, Andre Iguodala, Kevin Durant, Draymond
Green) were not all on the court. Additionally, the sheer number of
lineups Golden State offers is an indicator
of the depth of the team and is consistent with its record at the time.
We now compare the predictions of the ANC based on 2017-18 performance to realized performance during the
2018-19 regular season, for the Los Angeles Lakers and the Golden State Warriors.
Table 15 gives, for the Lakers and Warriors respectively, the confusion matrix showing numbers of lineups predicted
not elite
versus their true performance (positive PMM versus nonpositive PMM), for those lineups that
had at least 25 minutes of playing time during the 2018-19 regular season [
]. We see that of the nine GSW lineups
predicted to be
by the ANC based on 2017-18 data, seven of these ultimately had a positive PMM in 2018-19,
corresponding to a precision of 77.8%. (The precision cannot be calculated for the Lakers lineups because no lineups
were predicted to be elite by the ANC.)
Table 14: Individual player plus-minus per minute (PMM) during the 2017-18 regular season for members of the Los
Angeles Lakers and Golden State Warriors 2018-19 rosters. Excluded from the table are LAL players Isaac Bonga,
Jemerrio Jones, Scott Machado, Sviatoslav Mykhailiuk, Moritz Wagner, and Johnathan Williams, and GSW players
Jacob Evans and Marcus Derrickson, who did not have enough data from the 2017-18 NBA regular season; and LAL
player Ivica Zubac, who was traded mid-season to the Los Angeles Clippers and is listed by on that team’s
Los Angeles Lakers Golden State Warriors
Player Individual PMM Player Individual PMM
Lonzo Ball -0.01 Jordan Bell 0.20
Michael Beasley -0.08 Andrew Bogut -0.13
Reggie Bullock 0.01 Quinn Cook -0.05
Kentavious Caldwell Pope -0.02 Demarcus Cousins 0.05
Alex Caruso -0.01 Stephen Curry 0.30
Tyson Chandler -0.21 Kevin Durant 0.15
Josh Hart -0.05 Draymond Green 0.14
Andre Ingram 0.31 Andre Iguodala 0.17
Brandon Ingram -0.06 Jonas Jerebko 0.05
Lebron James 0.03 Damian Jones 0.00
Kyle Kuzma -0.05 Damion Lee -0.06
Mike Muscala -0.07 Shaun Livingston 0.10
JaVale McGee 0.06 Kevon Looney 0.13
Rajon Rondo 0.01 Alfonzo McKinnie -0.22
Lance Stephenson -0.06 Klay Thompson 0.16
Table 15: Confusion matrices for Los Angeles Lakers and Golden State Warriors, respectively, ANC predictions based
on 2017-18 data compared to 2018-19 actuals, for lineups that had at least 25 minutes of playing time during the
2018-19 regular season and whose players had at least 50 minutes of playing time during the 2017-18 regular season.
Los Angeles Lakers Golden State Warriors
Predicted Class Predicted Class
Elite Not Elite Elite Not Elite
Elite 0 12
Elite 7 12
Not Elite 0 9 Not Elite 2 4
Tables 19 and 20 in Appendix C give realized PMM for all five-person lineups for the Lakers and Warriors,
respectively, that had at least 25 minutes of playing time during the 2018-19 regular season, along with the ANC
’ denotes lineups for which no ANC prediction is given. We confirm that while the ANC consistently
predicts low-PMM lineups as
not elite
, it is a conservative classifier, occasionally missing lineups that actualized
high PMMs the following season. For example, the highest performing lineup of the two teams, GSW’s McKinnie,
Green, Looney, Livingston and Curry, is predicted by the ANC to be
not elite
. This
not elite
prediction could
be due to Alfonzo McKinnie’s negative individual PMM in 2017-18, and the relatively high actual PMM could be due
to imprecision caused by this lineup having only 28 minutes of playing time during the 2018-19 season.
5 Conclusion
We have developed an all-or-nothing classifier that predicts, based on individual player order statistics, the performance
of a five-person basketball lineup. By tuning the classifier to achieve high precision, the lineups predicted
the ANC achieve a higher average plus-minus per minute of playing time than teams predicted to be
not elite
both in same-season predictions on the withheld testing data set and in next-season predictions. We also showed that
teams having a large number of predicted-
lineups tend to have a large number of lineups that achieve high
PMM, demonstrating that the ANC can be an indicator of bench depth. By incorporating both offensive and defensive
individual player order statistics, the ANC captures positional play and recommends lineups that are consistent in
positional balance with those used in actual play.
While the lineups classified as
by the ANC do have a statistically higher PMM than lineups classified as
not elite
, the ANC occasionally misses very high-performing lineups. One possibility for future work is to tune
the PMM threshold at which a lineup is labeled as
. Our current threshold is zero, but we might be interested in
identifying and characterizing lineups whose PMM is some amount higher than that; the classifier might work better
identifying more extreme cases. Additionally, evidence suggests the ANC loses its predictive power for teams that
undergo changes to coaching staff and style and for teams having a large number of novice players. Future work could
examine whether past-year data from other leagues (e.g. the G league or NCAA) can be used to make predictions those
players without sufficient NBA history.
Nonetheless, because the ANC prioritizes precision, lineups predicted by the ANC to be
often actualize
positive PMM. We conclude that this classifier can be included among decision-support tools to inform player
acquisitions and substitutions.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant
No. DMS-1757952. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those
of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The authors would also like
to acknowledge financial support from Harvey Mudd College. The authors thank Isys Johnson, Lucius Bynum, and
Robert Gonzalez for their contributions to earlier phases of this work and to the code base, portions of which were
adapted and used in this paper. Lastly, the authors thank the anonymous reviewers and editors whose feedback greatly
improved the analysis.
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A Individual Player Statistics Used as Predictors in ANC
Table 16: Individual player statistics used as predictors in ANC.
FGM Field goals made per minute
FGA Field goals attempted per minute
FGPCT Field goal percentage
FG3M Three-point field goals made per minute
FG3A Three-point field goals attempted per minute
FG3PCT Three-point field goals percentage
FTM Free throws made per minute
FTA Free throws attempted per minute
FTPCT Free throw percentage
OREB Offensive rebounds per minute
DREB Defensive rebounds per minute
AST Assists per minute
TOV Turnovers per minute
STL Steals per minute
BLK Blocks per minute
BLKA Blocks attempted per minute
PF Personal fouls per minute
PTS Points earned per minute
PFD Personal fouls drawn per minute
PMM Plus-Minus per minute
CONTESTEDSHOTS Shots contested per minute
CONTESTEDSHOTS2PT Two-point shots contested per minute
CONTESTEDSHOTS3PT Three-point shots contested per minute
CHARGESDRAWN Charges Drawn per minute
DEFLECTIONS Passes deflected per minute
LOOSEBALLSRECOVERED Loose balls recovered per minute
SCREENASSISTS Screens that led to baskets per minute
BOXOUTS Box outs per minute
Table 17: Tuned parameter values used in simple model based on first order statistics.
Subclassifier Parameter Chosen Value
Decision Tree cp (cost complexity) -1
loss (misclassification penalty) 1
Random Forest c (cutoff) 0.7
ntree (number of trees) 100
Boosting mfinal (number of trees) 500
maxdepth (depth of each tree) 3
cp (cost complexity) 0.01
Support Vector Machine cost (misclassification penalty) 0.1
gamma (influence decay) 0.01
K-Nearest Neighbors k (number of neighbors) 5
Logistic Regression thresh (1probability threshold) 0.25
All-or-Nothing Classifier (ANC) numVotes (agreement required) 7
Table 18: Confusion matrix for the simple model based on first order statistics applied to the test data set. Of the 12
lineups predicted to be elite, nine have a true label of elite, corresponding to a precision of 75.0%.
Predicted Class
Elite Not Elite
Elite 9 86
Not Elite 3 78
B Comparison of ANC to Simpler Model
One might also wonder whether the complete set of five-player order statistics is required by the ANC to achieve high
precision. In this section, we analyze a simpler model that uses only the first order statistics (i.e., the lineup’s minimum)
of each individual player metric used by the ANC.
We tune the simple model parameters as in Section 4.1, using ten-fold cross-validation. The parameter combination
that lies on the efficient frontier of average precision and worst-case precision over the folds on the training data is
given in Table 17. This combination achieved an average precision of 86.5%, minimum precision of 57.1% and average
accuracy of 51.8% on the training data. When the performance was insensitive to a parameter value, the value was
chosen to match that used in the ANC.
Having tuned the parameters, we fit the first order statistic model to the full, standardized, training set, as described
earlier, and apply the trained model to the testing data. The confusion matrix is given in Table 18.
Of twelve lineups predicted to be
, nine of these have a true label of
, indicating a strictly positive
PMM. The simpler model achieves a testing precision of only 75% compared to the ANC’s testing precision of 86.7%.
C Actual Lineup Performance for LAL and GSW Case Study
Table 19: Actual lineup performance compared to ANC predictions for the Los Angeles Lakers during the 2018-19
season, for all lineups having at least 25 minutes of playing time.
’ denotes lineups for which no ANC prediction is
Los Angeles Lakers
ANC Prediction
R. Rondo, K. Caldwell-Pope, B. Ingram, I. Zubac
, J. Hart 25 0.68
L. James, B. Ingram, I. Zubac, L. Ball, K. Kuzma 55 0.36
T. Chandler, L. James, K. Caldwell-Pope, L. Ball, K. Kuzma 39 0.36 Not Elite
L. James, J. McGee, L. Ball, K. Kuzma, J. Hart 133 0.31 Not Elite
L. James, R. Rondo, J. McGee, K. Caldwell-Pope, K. Kuzma 47 0.23 Not Elite
T. Chandler, L. Stephenson, K. Caldwell-Pope, B. Ingram, J. Hart 37 0.21 Not Elite
T. Chandler, B. Ingram, L. Ball, K. Kuzma, J. Hart 36 0.14 Not Elite
T. Chandler, L. James, B. Ingram, L. Ball, K. Kuzma 61 0.13 Not Elite
L. James, R. Rondo, J. McGee, K. Caldwell-Pope, B. Ingram 31 0.13 Not Elite
B. Ingram, I. Zubac, L. Ball, K. Kuzma, J. Hart 39 0.13
L. James, J. McGee, K. Caldwell-Pope, L. Ball, K. Kuzma 34 0.12 Not Elite
L. James, J. McGee, R. Bullock, B. Ingram, K. Kuzma 73 0.11 Not Elite
T. Chandler, K. Caldwell-Pope, B. Ingram, K. Kuzma, J. Hart 31 0.10 Not Elite
T. Chandler, K. Caldwell-Pope, B. Ingram, L. Ball, K. Kuzma 45 0.04 Not Elite
T. Chandler, L. James, L. Ball, K. Kuzma, J. Hart 66 0.02 Not Elite
L. James, R. Rondo, J. McGee, B. Ingram, K. Kuzma 43 0.00 Not Elite
L. James, J. McGee, B. Ingram, L. Ball, K. Kuzma 234 0.00 Not Elite
L. James, R. Rondo, R. Bullock, B. Ingram, K. Kuzma 62 -0.05 Not Elite
J. McGee, K. Caldwell-Pope, M. Muscala, A. Caruso, J. Jones
31 -0.06
L. James, K. Caldwell-Pope, L. Ball, K. Kuzma, J. Hart 25 -0.16 Not Elite
L. James, R. Rondo, J. McGee, R. Bullock, K. Kuzma 62 -0.21 Not Elite
R. Rondo, K. Caldwell-Pope, B. Ingram, I. Zubac, K. Kuzma 29 -0.24
L. James, L. Stephenson, L. Ball, K. Kuzma, J. Hart 31 -0.25 Not Elite
R. Rondo, M. Beasley, K. Caldwell-Pope, B. Ingram, I. Zubac 25 -0.28
J. McGee, K. Caldwell-Pope, B. Ingram, L. Ball, J. Hart 25 -0.32 Not Elite
L. James, R. Rondo, B. Ingram, I. Zubac, K. Kuzma 33 -0.43 Not Elite
J. McGee, B. Ingram, L. Ball, K. Kuzma, J. Hart 83 -0.47 Not Elite
R. Rondo, J. McGee, K. Caldwell-Pope, A. Caruso, M. Wagner
27 -1.31
Ivica Zubac was traded to the Los Angeles Clippers and was not included in ANC predictions for the Lakers.
Jemerrio Jones did not have data from the 2017-18 NBA regular season.
Moritz Wagner did not have data from the 2017-18 NBA regular season.
Jacob Evans did not have data from the 2017-18 NBA regular season.
Table 20: Actual lineup performance compared to ANC predictions for the Golden State Warriors during the 2018-19
season, for all lineups having at least 25 minutes of playing time.‘
’ denotes lineups for which no ANC prediction is
Golden State Warriors
ANC Prediction
A. McKinnie, D. Green, K. Looney, S. Livingston, S. Curry, 28 1.01 Not Elite
A. Iguodala, D. Green, K. Durant, K. Looney, S. Curry 25 0.80 Elite
A. Iguodala, D. Cousins, D. Green, K. Thompson, S. Curry 29 0.77 Elite
A. Iguodala, J. Bell, K. Durant, K. Thompson, S. Curry 36 0.73 Elite
A. Iguodala, D. Green, K. Durant, K. Thompson, S. Curry 178 0.69 Elite
A. Iguodala, K. Durant, K. Looney, K. Thompson, Q. Cook 35 0.63 Not Elite
A. McKinnie, J. Jerebko, K. Durant, K. Looney, S. Curry 26 0.61 Not Elite
D. Green, K. Durant, K. Looney, K. Thompson, S. Curry 313 0.39 Elite
D. Cousins, D. Green, K. Durant, K. Thompson, S. Curry 268 0.29 Elite
A. Bogut, D. Green, K. Durant, K. Thompson, S. Curry 83 0.27 Not Elite
A. Iguodala, D. Cousins, D. Green, K. Thompson, S. Livingston 67 0.24 Not Elite
D. Jones, J. Jerebko, K. Durant, K. Thompson, Q. Cook 29 0.20 Not Elite
A. McKinnie, A. Iguodala, K. Durant, K. Looney, S. Curry 48 0.19 Not Elite
A. Iguodala, K. Durant, K. Looney, K. Thompson, S. Curry 141 0.17 Elite
A. Iguodala, J. Jerebko, K. Durant, K. Looney, K. Thompson 47 0.13 Not Elite
A. McKinnie, A. Iguodala, J. Jerebko, K. Looney, S. Curry 27 0.11 Not Elite
D. Jones, D. Green, K. Durant, K. Thompson, S. Curry 142 0.11 Not Elite
A. Iguodala, D. Green, J. Jerebko, S. Livingston, S. Curry 54 0.07 Not Elite
A. Iguodala, D. Cousins, K. Thompson, Q. Cook, S. Livingston 39 0.05 Not Elite
A. Iguodala, D. Green, J. Jerebko, K. Thompson, S. Livingston 26 0.00 Not Elite
D. Lee, J. Jerebko, K. Looney, K. Thompson, S. Livingston 30 0.00 Not Elite
D. Green, J. Jerebko, K. Durant, K. Thompson, S. Curry 45 -0.22 Elite
A. Iguodala, D. Jones, K. Durant, K. Thompson, Q. Cook 77 -0.33 Not Elite
D. Green, J. Bell, K. Durant, K. Thompson, S. Curry 26 -0.38 Elite
A. McKinnie, D. Cousins, D. Green, K. Durant, S. Curry 32 -0.56 Not Elite
A. McKinnie, J. Evans
, J. Jerebko, J. Bell, Q. Cook 37 -0.57