Copyright © 2011 Susan J. Pardee
All rights reserved.
This book is dedicated to my husband Craig. Who supports
me in all I do and who is with me all the way. Love you.
How to do Pageantry for Free Workbook
How to do Pageantry for Free Workbook
Definition Pageantry: spectacular display or ceremony. So
you want to be in pageants or you have been doing pageants
for years and it has cost you or your family lots of money and
you are now tapped out. Or the economy is bad and things
cost more and you just do not have enough disposable
income anymore but you still want to do pageants. This
workbook is a tool you can use to help you find the funds
you need to continue to do pageantry but not cause a divorce
or lose your home which if you believe it or not it has
happened. In the following pages my goal is to give you the
tools you need to get the money you need to do pageantry.
Whether it is for our pageant Royal Galaxy Pageants or
another one, this workbook will set you on a track to being
successful in raising the money you need to do pageantry.
There will be info at the end of the book if you would like to
work with me individually as a consultant if you need a more
hands on approach
To be successful in raising money for pageants, the first
thing you have to do is look at yourself. There are some
questions you need to answer which I left some space for
you to fill out at the end of the chapter.
In order for people to give you money they have to trust
and believe in you. They have to think that you are worth
investing their hard earned money in and they have to believe
that if they give you this money you will try your best to be
successful at the pageant you are trying to get into. You have
to have a winner image. What I mean by that you have to
already believe you have won the crown and that the only
thing between you and the crown is the money needed for
the pageant. You will need to look the part of a beauty
queen and act the part. So there are some things you will
need to do for people to believe you are serious about this
pageant and that you are going to succeed. Look at yourself
in the mirror? Is your hair combed? Do you have makeup
on? How are you dressed? What about your Facebook
page? How does that look? What about your language? Is
every other word that comes out of your mouth a foul word?
What about your friends? Are they are you always in trouble
at school? And speaking of school, How about your grades?
Ouch you say. But if you want someone to give you money
How to do Pageantry for Free Workbook
you need to critique yourself. Below are some questions that
I want you to honestly fill out. We must examine and admit
a problem before we can fix it.
What do I look like?_______________________________
What does my Facebook, MySpace (Public image) look like?
Who are my friends? Helpful or not?
How do I speak in public, at school?
How to do Pageantry for Free Workbook
How are my grades?
The hardest thing a person can do is examine who they are,
but believe me if you do this vital step you are well on your
way to being successful not only in fundraising but in life.
Remember you are applying for the job of being a queen for
someone. Representing their system and you can either help
or hinder them. By doing this step you can be well assured
that you have cleaned your house and nothing can come back
to hurt you in the future and people will be willing to support
Many times this is one of the biggest stumbling blocks to
people who are looking to raise funds for pageantry. They
do not know where to find a sponsor or even how to
approach them. The first thing we need to do is to define
just who a sponsor is. You have probably watched one of
the larger Miss pageants on television and during the pageant
they have commercials. Or you have heard a host say we
would like to thank our sponsors and they give a list of
names. These individuals or corporations have given money
or gifts to the contestants in order to be associated with this
pageant. They have also paid for commercial time at usually
a large cost just to run their commercial during this pageant.
Why would a person or corporation do this? Doesn’t it cost
them a lot of money? Yes it does cost them a lot of money
but let’s look at it on the other side. I remember watching a
big Miss pageant on TV and they had a shoe company as
their sponsor. All of the contestants were wearing their
shoes. The very next day on my Facebook page many of the
girls were talking about those shoes and going to that store to
buy them. The company probably made a lot more on the
sales of their shoes by being associated with the Miss pageant
then they spent on the gifts and the commercial so it was a
good deal for them and it was a good deal for the Miss
pageant because they got free gifts for their contestants and
they got paid money for someone to run a commercial on
How to do Pageantry for Free Workbook
their show. It is what is called a win-win situation when both
parties benefit.
That is how you must approach sponsors as well. You
have to answer what they get out of giving you money. How
do they win? There are several things you can do to help
them win by giving you money. Here are a few.
You can do some publicity for them for free.
You can be a hostess at one of their promotional
You can allow them to use your picture in print
You could do a commercial for them
You can also put their business on your promotional
You can put their business on your program book
page at the pageant if allowed.
You can mention them at your promotional events
You can mention them at your charitable events
Be creative you can always find a way to get them their
monies worth and more. Just talk to them and find out what
they need. Also make sure you do your homework on their
company. Google them at least and ask people you know
How to do Pageantry for Free Workbook
about their company. That will be useful when you meet
with them which we will touch on later.
List some creative ways you can give back to a sponsor:
This chapter is a key in finding sponsors. Every marketing
class you will ever take tells you to list who you know in level
of hierarchy from closest to only who you know in passing.
It is way easier to get money from people you know and who
know you rather than from total strangers. You might say
but I have asked them and they don’t want to give me any
more money. I say this time will be different. You will be
organized and you will have something to show for their
donation. Just like we talked about a win-win situation for
business you need to create a win-win for your relatives and
friends. Let’s say your grandmother gives you $150 towards
your pageant expenses. What is something you could do for
her as a thank you? Maybe all she may want is for you to
spend some extra time with her in your busy life. Maybe play
cards with her or go to the park with her or to her church
ladies function. Let her know how much you appreciate her
helping you. Never take for granted anyone who helps you
along your journey even if they do not appreciate you in the
end. This part of the workbook means you will need to put
in some time. If you are a minor add in your parent’s friends
and acquaintances as well. This will be a good starting point.
Another big selling tip is always ask for referrals. Say you get
someone to sponsor you always ask them to refer you to
someone else who could also support you and create a win-
How to do Pageantry for Free Workbook
win situation for them as well. Most business people know
other business people and their name can get you in the
door. Now it is time for you to work.
List your closest family and friends with phone numbers,
mailing addresses and emails
How to do Pageantry for Free Workbook
If you have more continue on another paper. Don’t leave
anyone out even if they told you no in the past.
How to do Pageantry for Free Workbook
Next list people you do business with: Grocery stores,
jewelers, dry cleaners, funeral home, churches, newspapers,
car dealers, car repair shops, bus stations, taxi companies,
florist, toy store, boutiques, etc. You got the idea now get to
How to do Pageantry for Free Workbook
Now you have your list of names now what? Now you go
out and get the money. You need to contact the people on
your list and set up a time to meet with them to ask for the
support. Okay don’t panic it is not that scary if you are
prepared. In the last chapter I give you sample forms that
you can use to do just this. The best way is to start with the
first list family and friends you will practice on them and
approach them the same way you will if you meet with the
owner of the local Toyota dealership. Let’s use grandma
again. You call up grandma and you say Grandma I have
something exciting going on in my life and I want to come
over and talk to you about it. She will ask what it is. Tell her
you will come by on day and time and talk to her.
Now you will need to take your promotional materials with
you. Your resume and your listing of what you need for the
pageant. We will discuss these materials in the following
chapters. The day arrives to go meet with grandma. You put
on a nice dress. You do your hair and makeup and you carry
your materials in a briefcase. You are going to talk business
so you need to look like it. Remember this is practice with
someone you know and love who will allow you grace when
you stumble over your words. As you do your presentations
take mental notes. What did I do well? What can I improve
on? What did grandma respond to? What didn’t she? When
How to do Pageantry for Free Workbook
you get home make sure to write the notes down on how
things went. The important thing here is practice in a safe
environment before you go to the large companies.
How did I do?____________________________________
How did they respond to my
Were they interested in what I was
How to do Pageantry for Free Workbook
Did they like my materials?__________________________
Use this feedback to adjust your presentation. If you need
more help there is more info at the end of the workbook for
consulting services.
When you meet with possible sponsors it is always best to
have something to hand them. DO NOT give it to them at
the beginning but at the end. If you hand them your
information they will read it instead of listening to you. But
if you reference the material during your presentation and
then hand it to them at the end of presentation right before
you leave. Below are the promotional materials you should
have with a brief description of each.
Resume: This should be an actual resume of your
schooling, work experience, achievements and three
Flyer: This should be a color flyer on the pageant you
are entering. Your director should have some
promotional material she could share with you.
Business card: This should be your business card, it
should have your full name, address, cell phone and
email address. Minor may want to put parent’s number
and email address as well.
How to do Pageantry for Free Workbook
Listing of needed items for pageant: This should be a list
with cost of what you need money for the pageant, i.e.
entry fee, program book, gown, swimwear, plane ticket,
hotel etc. This allows the sponsor to pick what they
sponsor or pay part of it.
Referral form: Leave this with person ask them to refer
some other people who you can talk to and let them
know you will stop back by tomorrow and pick it up
from the front desk.
A good way to get to know people who can help you on
your journey to the crown is through public speaking and
networking. As a contestant in a pageant many times a
platform is necessary part of the pageant requirement. Once
you pick a platform you can speak about it at different
events. There are many ways to do this and it is too much to
cover in this workbook. Feel free to contact me for
consulting on this matter. Networking is another area you
can come in contact with people who can help you.
Depending on your age you can join different groups that
interest you. For women you could join a businesswomen’s
group, a parent’s group and other groups of interest. For
teens you can join groups at school or do internships at
community charities. There is a lot that can be done to get
you out in the community where you can meet people who
would love to help you succeed.
What type of platform interests you?
How to do Pageantry for Free Workbook
What organizations deal with this subject?
What groups could you join to increase your networking?
This workbook is to be a guide to help you along the way of
winning your crown. The only obstacle is the money. This
workbook should have given you the tools to get started in
your quest. If you need further help I am available for
consulting and guidance to help you as you seek to raise the
funds for your pageant. For consulting services please go to under the workbook tab and
sign up for consulting.
Introductory letter/email
Dear (Potential Sponsor Name):
I am writing you today to introduce myself to you. I am
current contestant in the Royal Galaxy Pageant scheduled for
(date and location). I would love to meet with you for just a
few minutes of your time to discuss how I can help promote
your business. I will give your office a call tomorrow to
schedule a convenient time for both of us. I thank you for
your time in advance and I look forward to meeting you.
Your name
Contestant in the Miss (State) Royal Galaxy Pageant
(your number)
(your email)
How to do Pageantry for Free Workbook
Needed Items List
To participate in the Royal Galaxy Pageant, there are items
needed for me to represent our community and you and as a
sponsor you can help to make that happen. Below is a list of
items and cost that I need. You can choose any of the items
available or just make a monetary contribution. Based on
your donation I will in turn do the following: List as a
sponsor on my state program book page, put you as my
sponsor in my promotional materials, do promotional
appearances for your business, do a volunteer internship for
your business. As you can see you will get more than your
investment creating a win-win situation for us both.
Entry Fee: (put in amount)
Program Book Page
Competition swimwear
Competition evening gown
Opening number outfit
Travel expenses
Hotel costs
Photographer costs
Total needed $
Thank you very much for your consideration.
How to do Pageantry for Free Workbook
Follow Up letter/email
Dear (Sponsor)
Thank you very much for your time. I am excited about your
willingness to partner with me as I journey to the State
Competition. Your donation is very much appreciated. I
will stop by (date and time) to pick up the donation and
schedule a time for (what you agreed to do for them).
Thank you again for your time,
Your name
How to do Pageantry for Free Workbook
Referral Form
Thank you for your time today. Please take a moment to let
me know some other people who also could help me in my
journey. Your name carries weight with them and will help
me to meet with them. Thank you.
Name Phone number Email
How to do Pageantry for Free Workbook
Susan J. Pardee is the owner of the Royal Galaxy Pageants
System. She has over 15 years of experience in fund raising
and marketing. She holds a Master’s of Business
Administration. Susan’s goal is to help women in pageantry
so that their experience is an enjoyable one not another
burden in their life. Susan is married to Craig and has 3
children and 4 grand-children. It is her mission to see others