Index Page
Introducon - What is Running Start? 3
How Do I Get Started? 4
How Much Does It Cost? 5
Withdrawing From A Class 5
Spring Quarter Enrollment – Senior Year 5
Important Facts to Consider (FAQs) 6
SCHEDULE: High School vs. College 7
What Does It Mean To Be A Full Time Student? 8
May I Keep My Athlec Eligibility? 8
Recent Changes to the Running Start Program 9
Phone Numbers and On-Line Contacts 9
Course Equivalency Guides 10-12
Green River College
Highline College
Bellevue College
Introducon: What is Running Start?
Eligible high school juniors and seniors have the opportunity to enroll full me or part- me in
a community or technical college while earning both high school and college credit. High
school students are expected to do the same college-level work as their college classmates
and be graded by the same standards. The decision to parcipate in Running Start should be
made only aer careful consideraon of all the factors (pros/ cons, me management, trans-
portaon etc). This guide is intended to provide the necessary informaon to assist students
and parents as they make this important decision.
What Are the Requirements for Eligibility ?
1. The student must reside within the boundaries of the Kent School District.
2. The student must be in grade 11 or grade 12.
3. Some colleges may have addional requirements. Please check with the school you plan to
4. The student does not have a high school diploma.
5. The student must meet minimum prociency standards on the college placement tests in
English and/or mathemacs prior to college acceptance. See Step 2, next page.
6. The student is under the age of 21 prior to the beginning of the school year.
7. You must be willing to work hard and demonstrate a commitment to the program.
How Do I Get Started?
Step 1:
Aend a Running Start Informaon Session (typically in the spring) at the college you plan to
Step 2:
Apply for college admission
Step 3
Determine eligibility
Pass the placement test
Contact the college for tesng requirements and fees.
Step 3:
Make an appointment with your high school counselor prior to the end of the school year to
review test results and complete the Enrollment Vericaon Form (EVF). Graduaon require-
ments will also be reviewed at this me. Make sure that you bring your test results and your
completed release form (located in the middle of this guide). If you are home-schooled full-
me and plan to enroll in a Running Start Program, contact the Kent School District Oce @
Step 4:
Contact your college advising oce to begin the registraon process for fall classes (do this
before the end of the school year). Classes at the college ll up quickly, and if you wait too
long, you may not be able to parcipate in the Running Start Program. Each college may have
a dierent meline for this process. Make sure you are aware of your colleges calendar, me-
lines and academic fee schedule.
Step 5:
Complete a Running Start Orientaon at the college.
Step 6:
Register and Pay any fees.
Step 7:
Make an appointment with your high school counselor each quarter to complete a new EVF
before you are able to register for classes.
How Much Does It Cost?
You will be responsible for your own transportaon, books, supplies, lab fees and
other fees as directed by the community college. The Kent School District pays for
your tuion during fall, winter and spring quarters of your junior and senior year,
up to 15 credits per quarter.
Esmated/Average cost to you per quarter
Student Fees = $125.00
Books = $100.00 to $300.00
Lab Fees =$5.00 to $20.00
Total = $720.00 to $1335.00/year
Needing nancial assistance? Contact the Financial Aid oce at the college for fee
waiver and fee reducon.
What Happens If I Withdraw From a Running Start Class?
Withdrawing from a college class may have serious impact on a students high
school graduaon status and may be reected on both the students college and
high school transcript.
You must have your high school counselor sign your withdraw form from the college if you
plan to drop a college class.
You are expected to maintain full me enrollment status every quarter as long as you are
in the Running Start Program or unl you graduate.
Spring Quarter Enrollment - Senior Year
Running Start classes required for high school graduaon should be completed prior to the
spring quarter of the student's senior year if he/she wishes to walk in the high school gradua-
on ceremony. Do not plan on enrolling in any classes required for high school graduaon
during the spring quarter. The class may not be oered or it may be full. Being placed on a
wait list does not guarantee enrollment in that course.
Important Facts to Consider - F.A.Qs
The State of Washington covers the cost of tuion up to 15 college
credits per quarter.
All EVF (Enrollment Vericaon Forms) must be completed prior to the end of the school
year for fall registraon. You may not have the opportunity to register during the sum-
Students enrolled in part-me Running Start may nd it dicult to schedule classes both
at the high school and college.
If or when you have a conict in your schedule, your high school classes will be your
Students must meet all state assessments (ex. Smarter Balance).
College grades are calculated into your high school GPA. Note that the college grading
scale may be dierent from the KSD scale.
Grades at the community college stay on permanent college transcripts. Keep in mind it
may impact any plan to transfer to a four-year college.
College credits earned prior to high school graduaon may not transfer to private or out of
state colleges. It is your responsibility to verify if grades will or will not transfer.
Instrucon at the college level is provided at a faster pace with less faculty support.
Generally, there is signicantly more homework with less classroom me provided to
complete assignments.
Many college classes ll up quickly. Therefore, your class choices may be limited.
Running Start does not pay for high school compleon courses or college classes taken
during the summer.
All Running Start students are sll responsible for compleng the Culminang Project, and
all state tesng requirements in order to earn a diploma from the Kent School District.
Parents will not have access to college transcripts/and or records, grade reports and
aendance, unless your student signs a waiver with the college.
SCHEDULE: High School vs. College
Running Start is designed to be a full-year commitment.
The Kent School District runs on a semester system, while the community colleges run
on a quarter system.
It is dicult to transion from the high school program to the community college, or vice
versa during the winter or spring quarter year without losing credit or receiving failing
grades on your transcripts.
Noce that there are two high school semesters: semester one and semester two. There
are three college quarters: fall, winter and spring.
In addion, breaks (ex. spring) do not align between the high school and colleges.
The starng and ending of semesters (high school) and quarters (college) dates do not
coincide with each other, making it unrealisc to try to start/enroll in the Running Start
Program other than in the fall.
Altered high school bell schedule (early dismissal, assembly, tesng, etc.) can impact
college classes
High School Schedule
Start Date Start Date
Semester 1 Semester 2
College Schedule
Start Date Start Date Start Date
Fall Winter Spring
What Does It Mean To Be A Full Time Student?
The Washington State Legislature has limited the amount of combined credit Running Start
students can take between their high school and Running Start enrollment. Running Start
students exceeding the combined total will be responsible for tuion associated with any
credit above the allowable amount.
Running Start students will have to pay for any credit above 15 college credits. What this
means for you:
If you are enrolled full-me in Running Start, you can take a maximum of 15 college level
credits and not pay tuion (this assumes you are not exceeding the combined enrollment
limits described below).
For example, if you enroll in 17 credits, you will pay for the 16th and 17th credit of tuion
(which is charged at the rst credit of tuion rate).
Hours / Classes
in High School
Total FTE
Eligible for # of RS
Credits at College
.20 FTE
.33 FTE
.53 FTE
.87 FTE
1.0 FTE
1.0 FTE
.87 FTE
.67 FTE
.33 FTE
.20 FTE
May I Keep My Athlec Eligibility?
Running Start students must meet the same athlec eligibility standards that are required
of any student enrolled in the Kent School District.
Students must meet the Washington Interscholasc Acvies Associaon (WIAA) standard
in scheduled classes and comply with local school aendance eligibility policies required of
all other students.
The Running Start student must maintain passing grades in a minimum of four full- me
subjects or the equivalent college courses. The student shall maintain a 2.0 grade average
during the previous and current high school semester or college quarter.
Recent Changes to the Running Start Program
Washington State House Bill (SHB) 1758
Community or Technical College - Issuance of High School Diploma or Cercate
A community or technical college may issue a high school diploma
or cercate as provided under this secon.
(2) An individual enrolled through the opon established under RCW
28A.600.310 through 28A.600.400 who sasfactorily completes an associate degree,
including an associate of arts degree, associate of science degree, associate of technology
degree, or associate in applied science degree, shall be awarded a diploma from the college
upon wrien request from the student.
Students wishing to pursue the opon of obtaining their high school diploma through the col-
lege must meet with their counselor and complete the documents needed by the Kent School
Phone Numbers And On-line Contacts
Green River College
253-833-9111 (Ext. 2650)
Bellevue College
Highline College
253-878-3710 (Ext. 3353)
Renton Technical College
for the class of 2018 and Beyond
greenriver.edu/runningstart • (253) 833-9111 Ext. 2643
12401 SE 320th St., Auburn, WA 98092
High School Graduaon Requirement Green River College Equivalency
Language Arts/English
English &101 is required.
Senior English class from the following:
English &112, &113, &114, 115, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165,
168, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 190, &220, &226, &227, &228, &236, &237,
&244, &245, &246, 247, 248, 249, &254, &255, &256, 257
Math 106, &107, &141, &142, 147, &151, &152
Computer Science &131, 132, &141, 145 • Engineering 106, &204, &214,
Social Studies:
Washington State History
History &214
Required for students who have not met WA state req.
Social Studies: Contemporary World
Issues II
History 103, 230, 231 • Polical Science &101, &202, &203, 204
Geography 123, &200, 201, 205 • Economics 100, 101, &201, &202
Social Studies: U.S. History History 136 AND &137 *must take both courses
Social Studies: Civics Polical Science &202, 207, 209
Health Health Educaon 150
Physical Educaon P.E.101 and above
Anatomy-Physiology 100*, 102*, 103, 104 • Anthropology &205* Astronomy
&100*, &101 Biology &100, 103, 110, &160, &211, &212, &213,
&241, &242, &260 • Chemistry &121, &131, &140, &161, &162, &163, &261,
&262, &263 • Environmental Science 204 • Geology &101, 107, 200*, 206,
208 Oceanography &101 • Physics 107*, &110, &114, &115, &116, 154, 155,
156, &221, &222, &223
*Denotes courses that do not qualify as lab sciences.
Occupaonal Educaon
Any 100 and above level course taken from the following disciplines:
Automove Aviaon Business Administraon
Business Management Business Technologies and Administrave Careers
(BTAC) Carpentry Computer Reporng Computer Science
Computerized Machining & Manufacturing Criminal Jusce Design Draing
Tech Early Childhood Educaon Economics Educaon in Early Childhood
Educaon Engineering Industrial Educaon Informaon Tech Journalism
Natural Resources Welding
Arts Any 100 and above course in Art, Music, Drama Photography 101, 111
Common Course Numbers (CCN) are designated with the &” symbol.
5 college credits = 1 HS credit • 3 college credits = .6 HS credit
Minimum Green River College grade to earn credit for high school is 1.0.
College credits may not align with high school graduaon requirements and credits- please check with your high school
for the class of 2018 and Beyond
runningstart.highline.edu • (206) 592-3583
2400 South 240th St, Des Moines, WA 98198
Common Course Numbers (CCN) are designated with the &” symbol.
5 college credits = 1 HS credit • 3 college credits = .6 HS credit
Minimum Green River College grade to earn credit for high school is 1.0.
College credits may not align with high school graduaon requirements and credits- please check with your high school
High School Graduaon Requirement Highline College Equivalency
Language Arts/English
English &101 must be the rst English class.
Second English class from the following:
English 110, 200, 201, 203, 205**, 211, 234, &235
Literature Courses:
English: &111, &112, &113, 121, 122, 123, &220, &244, &245, &246, 247,
&254, 257
** Recommended for students doing Culminang Project.
Mathemacs 111 and above; Accounng: 121, 124, &201;
Business: 135, 210; Computer Science 143, 242, 151, 152
Social Studies:
Washington State History
History &214
Social Studies –World History/CWI I History &118
Social Studies –World History/CWI II
Diversity & Global Studies 110; Economics 110, &201, &202;
Geography 160, 200, 207; History &118, 160;
Polical Science &202, &203, &204
Social Studies—U.S. History History &146 AND &147 AND &148 *must take all three courses
Social Studies—Civics Polical Science 150, &101, &202
Astronomy: &100; Biology &100 and above; Chemistry &110 and above
(*except 139); Environmental Science &101; Geology 101 and above (*check
by course); Oceanography &101; Physics 101 and above (*except 139)
Occupaonal Educaon
Any 100 and above level course taken from the following disciplines:
3D Graphics and Animaon, Accounng, Administraon of Jusce/Criminal
Jusce, Business, Business Technology, Computer Info Systems, Computer
Science, Economics, Educaon, Engineering, Hospitality and Tourism Man-
agement, Human Services, Healthcare Professions, Interior Design, Journal-
ism 101 and above, Library and Info Services, Medical Assistant, Nursing, Par-
alegal, Personal Fitness Trainer, Respiratory Care
Arts Art or Music: Any 100 level and above
Health Physical Educaon: 100
Physical Educaon PE: 103 and above (except 160)
for the class of 2018 and Beyond
Bellevuecollege.edu/runningstart • (425) 564-2026
3000 Landerholm Circle SE, Bulding B Oce 233, Bellevue, WA 98007
High School Graduaon Requirement Bellevue College Equivalency
Language Arts/ English
English &101 must be the rst English class.
Second English class from the following:
English: &111, &112, &113, &114, 115, 131, 201**, 210, 215, 221, &224,
&235, &244, 263, 264, 265, 266, 271, 276
** The Research Paper. Recommended for students doing
Culminang Project.
Math: &107, 130, 138, &141, &142, &151, &152; Programming: 110, 111;
Business Administraon: 240; Accounng: 101, &201
Social Studies:
Washington State History
History: &214
Social Studies: World History/CWI I History: 103
Social Studies: Contemporary World
Issues II
Polical Science: &101, &202; Geography: 105;
Economics: 100, &201, &202
Social Studies: U. S. History History &146 AND &147 AND &148 *must take all three courses
Social Studies: Civics Polical Science: &202
Astronomy: &100; Biology: 108, 130, &160, &211, &241; Chemistry: 100,
&105, &121, &131, &261; Environmental Science: &100, 207, 250; Geology:
&101, &208; Oceanography: &101;
Physics: &100, 109, 114, 121
Occupaonal Educaon
Any 100 and above level course taken from the following disciplines:
Accounng, Administraon of Criminal Jusce, Animaon and Graphics,
Business Administraon, Business Intelligence, Business Technology
Systems, Communicaon Studies, Computer Science, Database Administra-
on, Developmental Educaon, Early Childhood Educaon, Economics, Edu-
caon, Home Economics, Informaon Technology, Interior Design, Interna-
onal Business Professions, Markeng Management, Medical Informacs,
Network Services & Compung Systems, Nursing, Engineering, Fire Sciences,
Gaming, General Business Management, Health Professions, Programming,
Recreaon Leadership, Technical Support, Video Producon,
Web Mulmedia
Arts Art, Music, or Drama: Any 100 and above
Health Health Educaon: 250
Physical Educaon
PE 103 and above
Dance 130 and above
Common Course Numbers (CCN) are designated with the &” symbol.
5 college credits = 1 HS credit • 3 college credits = .6 HS credit
Minimum Green River College grade to earn credit for high school is 1.0.
College credits may not align with high school graduaon requirements and credits- please check with your high school
Name of Student___________________________________
Student ID.___________
Home Phone Number_______________________________
Parent/Guardian Cell Number____________________
Student Email_____________________________________ Parent email___________________________________
I plan to register for Running Start in the fall of: 20____at_________________________Technical/Community College
I understand that Running Start is a “Full School Year Commitment” which will commence in the fall each year.
(Student/Parent initial each item)
Student Responsibilities
___ ___ I will maintain a full-time status for the entire school year. If I don’t, my graduation may be in jeopardy.
___ ___
To be eligible for a PE waiver, I will maintain full time student status. Full time Running Start students must
enroll in 15 college credits per quarter each quarter they are involved in Running Start. Part time Running
Start students (those who take classes at both KR and college) must maintain full time status according to
the equivalence table on the R.S. verification form. All PE waivers will be either approved or denied after a
review of the students’ transcript, ensuring full time status, during the spring quarter of the students’ senior
year of participation in Running Start. If a waiver is denied, the student will have the right to appeal the deci-
sion in writing to the principal.
___ ___ I will notify the high school counselor before I transfer or withdrawal from a course.
___ ___
I understand to earn a Kentridge diploma, I will:
Complete all components of the culminating project
Complete the courses and credits required by the winter quarter for graduation
Meet all state testing standards
___ ___ I will resolve high school/college schedule conflicts, understanding that high school courses are my priority.
___ ___
I have reliable transportation and I am able to pay for books, fees, transportation costs, and any other ex-
penses incurred at the community/technical college with the exception of the cost of tuition up to 15 credits
per quarter.
___ ___
I am responsible for obtaining information by reading the KR bulletin, checking my KR & college emails re-
garding dates, timelines, procedures, and orders, etc.. (i.e. culminating project, caps & gowns, announce-
ments, college applications).
___ ___
I have read the Kentridge Running Start Student/Parent Handbook at http://www.kent.k12.wa.us/Page/4581
Eligibility for commencement and/or a high school diploma may be jeopardized by not following through with commitments
agreed to with KRHS. Kentridge High School does not guarantee that credits earned through Running Start will be ac-
cepted by colleges or universities. It is the student’s responsibility to verify acceptability of credits. Grades earned through
Running Start are a permanent part of the student’s college transcript and are used in determining eligibility for admission to
other colleges.
I/we have read the information contained above completely and carefully, understand the opportunities and responsibili-
ties under these guidelines and wish to participate in the Running Start Program at the community/technical college lev-
el. I/we give permission to the high school counselor and community college representative to communicate regarding
my progress in the program.
_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
(Student Signature) (Date) (Parent Signature) (Date)