Contributing Authors
Frances B. Duran
Kathy S. Hepburn
Roxane K. Kaufmann
Lan T. Le
Georgetown University
Mary Dallas Allen
University of Alaska Anchorage
Eileen M. Brennan
Portland State University
Beth L. Green
NPC Research
his synthesis has been developed
to describe early childhood
mental health consultation
(ECMHC) and the existing evidence
base for its effectiveness in fostering
healthy social and emotional
development in young children, birth
through age 6. It provides a description
of the emerging evidence base that
many of the beliefs and much of the
current body of knowledge about
consultation is grounded in literature
and the experiences of mental health
and early care and education (ECE)
providers, educators, and other experts
(i.e., practice-based evidence). Most
empirical research focuses on the
impact of consultation on child,
program, staff and, to a lesser extent,
family outcomes. Still, research efforts
are occurring and data to support
ECMHC as an effective model for
service delivery are accumulating.
Young children’s healthy social
and emotional development is critical
to school readiness and positive long-
term outcomes (National Research
Council & Institute of Medicine, 2000;
Raver & Knitzer, 2002; Thompson &
Raikes, 2007). Although most children
progress in their development without
any significant challenges, research on
the high rates of preschool expulsion
due to challenging behaviors (Gilliam,
2005) coupled with estimates
suggesting that one in 10 young
children exhibit problem behaviors
(Raver & Knitzer, 2002) underscores
that this is not the case for all children.
In fact, early childhood providers have
increasingly voiced concerns about
young children showing signs of
serious emotional distress and have
expressed the need for training and
Early Childhood Mental Health
Research Synthesis
The Center on the Social and Emotional
Foundations for Early Learning
Child Care
Office of
Head Start
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning Vanderbilt University
What Is Early Childhood Mental
Health Consultation?
Early childhood mental health
consultation builds upon the well-
established field of mental health
consultation, pioneered by Gerald
Caplan in the mid-sixties. In Caplan’s
seminal work (1964), he outlined an
approach that involves mental health
professionals working with human
services staff to enhance their
provision of mental health services to
clients. Similarly, in ECMHC, a
professional consultant with mental
health expertise “works collaboratively
with ECE staff, programs, and families
to improve their ability to prevent,
identify, treat, and reduce the impact of
mental health problems among
children from birth through age 6”
(Cohen & Kaufmann, 2000; revised
2005). Ultimately, early childhood
mental health consultation seeks to
achieve positive outcomes for infants
and young children in early childhood
settings by using an indirect approach
to fostering their social and emotional
Although the field has not reached
full consensus on the scope of early
childhood mental health consultation,
Cohen and Kaufmann (2000) identified
two sub-types of ECMHC that are
frequently cited: child- or family-
centered and programmatic
consultation. The former and more
traditional type of consultation aims to
address the needs of an individual child
who is exhibiting challenging
behaviors or whose social and
emotional well-being may be at risk
due to a family crisis (e.g., death in the
family, divorce). Typically, child- or
family-centered consultation is
provided to the child’s teacher(s) and
parents, and is focused on helping
these adults support children more
effectively. In contrast, programmatic
consultation takes a more systemic
approach, focusing on “improving the
overall quality of the program and/or
assisting the program to solve a
specific issue that affects more than
one child, staff member, and/or family”
(Cohen & Kaufmann, p. 8). This type
assistance around managing
challenging behaviors (Hemmeter,
Corso, & Cheatham, 2006; Knitzer,
One approach to addressing
challenging behaviors, as well as
promoting social and emotional health
and preventing the onset of behavioral
issues, is early childhood mental health
consultation. This approach is gaining
popularity among ECE programs (e.g.,
child care centers, Head Start and Early
Head Start programs, and family day
care homes), and preliminary research
findings are encouraging. In fact,
recent reviews of research indicate that
ECMHC yields positive social and
emotional outcomes for young children
in early childhood settings, including
reductions in preschool expulsions
(Perry, Brennan, Bradley, & Allen,
2006). In addition, research shows
positive outcomes among ECE staff
and programs receiving consultation
services, such as increased staff
confidence in dealing with young
children’s difficult behaviors and
overall improvements in ECE
classroom climates (Brennan, Bradley,
Allen, & Perry, in press).
Within the growing evidence base,
currently there are only two
randomized control studies guiding the
field. Thus, this synthesis will integrate
available research with the more
sizeable collection of knowledge from
literature and practice to explore
various aspects of this “emerging
practice” and address the following key
What is ECMHC?
What are the benefits of ECMHC?
What are the characteristics of
effective consultants and
consultation models?
What are the key challenges in
developing and implementing
Key Terms
Best practices: Guidelines or
practices driven by clinical wisdom or
other consensus approaches that do
not necessarily include systematic use
of available research evidence
(definition adapted from Resource
Guide for Promoting an Evidence-
Based Culture in Children’s Mental
Health, http://systemsofcare.samhsa.
Cultural competence: A set of
behaviors, attitudes, and policies
within a system, agency, or among
professionals that allows them to work
in cross-cultural situations (Cross,
Bazron, Dennis, & Isaacs, 1989).
Early childhood mental health:
The developing capacity of infants,
toddlers, and young children to
experience, manage, and express
emotion; form close, secure
relationships; and actively explore the
environment and learn. Essentially
synonymous with healthy social and
emotional development (adapted from
ging practices
: Innovations in
clinical or administrative practice that
address critical needs of a particular
program, population, or system, but
do not yet have scientific or broad
expert consensus support (Hyde, Falls,
Morris, & Schoenwald, 2001).
Evidence-based practices
Interventions for which there is
consistent scientific evidence showing
that they improve client outcomes
(Drake et al., 2001).
Practice-based evidence:
A range of
treatment services and supports that
are accessible and culturally
appropriate and known to be effective
by families, youth, and providers
(National Federation of Families for
Children’s Mental Health,
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning Vanderbilt University
of consultation is usually provided to
ECE program administrators and staff
and is intended to have a more
widespread impact. Still, it is important
to note that these distinctions are not
always clear-cut when put into
practice, as consultants may
intermingle various strategies to meet
identified needs.
Unlike traditional one-on-one
therapeutic mental health services,
ECMHC is primarily an indirect
approach. Early childhood mental
health consultants (MHCs) strive to
improve children’s social and
emotional well-being by building the
capacity of ECE staff, parents, and
other caregivers to promote healthy
child development and manage
challenging behaviors. Consultants
educate, train, and “coach” caregivers
so that they develop the skills and
confidence to effectively address
children’s social and emotional
needs—whether it be the needs of one
child or an entire classroom of
children. Although the consultant may
provide some direct services (e.g.,
observing children, conducting
individual assessments, modeling
effective practices), these activities are
ultimately designed to enhance
caregiver competence. In sum,
ECMHC is both a problem-solving and
capacity-building intervention.
Another hallmark of early
childhood mental health consultation is
the strong emphasis on collaboration.
ECMHC’s approach acknowledges that
in order to understand and address a
child’s challenging behavior, one must
look holistically at the environments in
which the child functions (e.g., home,
classroom, community settings). This
holistic or “ecological systems
perspective” (Brack, Jones, Smith,
White, & Brack, 1993) in ECMHC
necessitates that the consultant partners
with ECE staff and families to jointly
assess the challenge, determine
appropriate intervention, and
implement a coordinated plan of action
across all settings. These collaborative
relationships are essential to effective
consultation and have become a special
research interest in the field (Green,
activities will be determined, helping
to guide effective service delivery.
The Promotion–Prevention–
Intervention Continuum
Early childhood mental health
consultation recognizes that achieving
positive social and emotional outcomes
for young children requires a
comprehensive approach that spans a
continuum of mental health services
and supports—from promotion to
prevention to intervention (Perry,
Kaufmann, & Knitzer, 2007). Although
many consultants are initially engaged
to provide consultation focused on an
individual child needing intervention,
Everhart, Gordon, & Gettman, 2006;
Johnston & Brinamen, 2006).
Finally, ECMHC differs from
many other approaches or evidence-
based practices in that it is not
manualized (i.e., there is no curriculum
to follow). It is characterized by
adherence to a core set of principles
(e.g., relationship-based) as opposed to
delivery of specific activities in a
prescribed sequence. Accordingly,
ECMHC encourages customized
service delivery to meet the diverse
needs of various children, families, and
ECE programs. As the evidence base
for ECMHC grows, the core principles
of this approach will be further
solidified and the impact of various
Table 1. What Do Mental Health Consultants Do?
A few examples:
Promotion Activities (All Children )
Child- or Family-Centered Consultation
Provide families with information on children’s social and emotional development
Provide tips to families on how to create a home environment that supports healthy social
and emotional development
Programmatic Consultation
Assess strengths and challenges within the early childhood setting/environment
Support early childhood staff in creating a more prosocial learning environment
– Engage early childhood staff and programs in promoting and encouraging staff wellness
Prevention Activities (Children At Risk for Behavioral Problems)
Child- or Family-Centered Consultation
Conduct home visits with families and children with identified risks
Offer families training on effective strategies for addressing challenging behaviors
Design and help implement targeted supports to meet the needs of a child or children at
Model effective strategies and coach early childhood staff in using them to support a child
or children at risk
Programmatic Consultation
Offer ideas and resources for teaching young children social skills and appropriate behavior
Guide selection and use of social and emotional screening tools
Support early childhood staff with classroom management strategies
Intervention (Children Exhibiting Challenging Behavior)
Child- or Family-Centered Consultation
–Provide crisis intervention services for early childhood staff regarding a child’s behavior
Engage families and staff in developing individualized behavior support plans
–Link child/family to community mental health services and assist with care coordination
Programmatic Consultation
Train early childhood staff in creating and implementing individualized behavior support
–Help early childhood program foster relationships with community services and providers
Work with early childhood program to develop inclusive policies for working with children
with challenging behaviors
importance of building an effective
workforce that is well-trained on best
practices in children’s mental health.
The Pyramid model is designed to
help organize a variety of evidence-
based approaches and activities
focused on young children’s healthy
social and emotional development.
ECMHC is just one tool that might be
used to support teachers and other
caregivers to implement the practices
at each level of the Pyramid. .
To complement the Pyramid
model and support implementation of
activities at each level, CSEFEL has
developed accompanying training
materials and a number of practical
tools that can be used in the
implementation of the model (e.g.,
scripted stories to teach children about
expectations in various social
situations, “cue cards” to prompt
positive social skills). In addition,
researchers involved in the
development of the Pyramid model
have created a classroom assessment
tool (“Teaching Pyramid Observation
Tool,” or “TPOT”) to help programs
and practitioners evaluate how well
each Pyramid level is being addressed
(Hemmeter, Fox, & Snyder, 2008).
These resources have been well-
received by the early childhood
community, particularly ECE staff and
MHCs, who find them practical and
effective. Consultants report working
successfully with ECE staff to apply
CSEFEL techniques and activities in
their classrooms, and many
simultaneously they often intentionally
broaden their focus to include
promotion and prevention-level
activities as trust is established and
staff skills in managing challenging
behaviors improve.
For example, a consultant might
focus on mental health promotion by
conducting a workshop for parents on
the importance of parent-child
interactions and practical ways to
maximize the benefits of those
interactions. Similarly, to build
capacity around prevention of
behavioral problems, a consultant may
train ECE staff on teaching strategies
that enhance children’s emotional
literacy and their ability to express
feelings in appropriate ways. It is
important to note that promotion and
prevention activities do not replace
intervention activities; all three are
important elements within the
consultants’ array of services. Table 1
provides other examples of activities
MHCs might do along “the
The Pyramid Model: A
Companion to “The Continuum”
For consultants striving to implement
this comprehensive, three-pronged
approach, the Pyramid Model for
Promoting the Social Emotional
Competence of Infants and Young
Children developed by CSEFEL
(Center on the Social and Emotional
Foundations for Early Learning) and
the Technical Assistance Center on
Social Emotional Intervention
(TACSEI) provides a framework for
organizing activities along the mental
health continuum. The Pyramid
(below) emphasizes “nurturing and
responsive relationships” and “high-
quality, supportive environments” for
all children (promotion); “targeted
social emotional supports” for children
at risk for behavioral problems
(prevention); and “intensive
intervention” for children exhibiting
challenging behavior (intervention)
(Fox, Dunlap, Hemmeter, Joseph, &
Strain, 2003). In addition, the bottom
level of the Pyramid acknowledges the
consultants have become CSEFEL
trainers and/or used the TPOT to help
ECE programs improve quality
(Kaufmann & Horen, 2008).
Practical Resources for MHCs
The Center on the Social and
Emotional Foundations for Early
Learning (CSEFEL) has developed a
number of user-friendly resources to
help consultants and others promote
social and emotional competence in
infants and young children. The
resources are highlighted below. All
are available for free at
Training modules for infant/toddler,
preschool, and parent with
accompanying slides, handouts,
video clips, and facilitators guide.
Tools and resources that provide
“Practical Strategies” for teachers
and caregivers. These resources
include tools for working on
building relationships; a list of
recommended children’s books that
support social and emotional
development, and accompanying
activity ideas to bolster the themes
discussed in those books, teaching
social emotional skills; and tools for
developing behavior support plans,
including observation cards and
functional assessment interview
What Works Briefs that summarize
effective practices for supporting
children’s social-emotional
development and preventing
challenging behaviors. The Briefs
describe practical strategies, provide
references to more information
about the practice, and include a
one-page handout highlighting
major points. Based on the What
Works Briefs topics, short training
packages are available that include
PowerPoint slides with
accompanying note pages,
activities, and handouts, which
provide a trainer with the materials
needed to conduct a short staff
development program on a focused
A series of six modules to help
professionals working with parents
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning Vanderbilt University
theoretical frameworks, such as
attachment theory or child
development theory. An additional
strategy that has emerged is providing
ECMHC services in combination with
other services or with other early
childhood mental health curricula, such
as The Incredible Years (see or Second
Step (see Two
examples of this blended approach are
highlighted below.
Given the complementary nature
of therapeutic intervention and
consultation, some ECMHC programs,
including California’s Early Childhood
Mental Health program, offer direct
services (e.g., psychotherapy and
therapeutic play groups) when
consultation services alone are not
enough to address a child’s or family’s
identified needs. Direct therapeutic
intervention services are provided to
the child, family, or staff member by
the mental health professional to reach
specific treatment goals. It is not
unusual for mental health professionals
to serve in both roles—as a consultant
and as a therapist—particularly in
communities where there are few
individuals trained in early childhood
mental health. While both roles are
important, they are distinct. An MHC
provides consultation services, whereas
a therapist offers direct services or
therapeutic interventions. Currently,
there is a need for research that
formally evaluates the effect of adding
a direct service component to an
ECMHC model. Although the
evaluation of the Early Childhood
Mental Health program did identify
some promising outcomes, it did not
measure the specific impact of
therapeutic intervention (James
Bowman Associates & Kagan, 2003).
Another variation to enhance the
impact of ECMHC involves infusing
promote positive and effective
parenting behaviors that encourage
children’s social and emotional
development and address the
challenging behaviors and mental
health needs of children in child
care and Head Start programs.
Short one- to two-page decision-
making guideline documents to aid
programs in making decisions
about practical issues (e.g.,
selecting a social-emotional
curriculum, selecting screening and
assessment tools focused on social-
emotional competence).
State planning materials are
available from several states
working with CSEFEL to
implement the Pyramid model.
Additional resources can be found
on the website for the Technical
Assistance Center for Social
Emotional Intervention for Young
Children (www.challenging behavior.
org), including
A review of screening instruments
for social-emotional concerns.
Teaching Tools: A guide that helps
classroom teachers develop
practical interventions for
disruptive behavior, including
ready-made materials for use in the
A manual of guidance and
materials that can be used to
implement the individualized
positive behavior support process.
Webinars on topics relevant to
early childhood systems, policy,
and professional development.
Variations in ECMHC Models
As programs continue to explore the
potential of mental health consultation
to produce positive outcomes, varying
methods of implementing this
approach have surfaced. For example,
some programs provide ongoing, on-
site consultation, whereas others
provide intensive consultation for a
relatively brief time period, followed
by additional support as needed or
requested. Further, some programs
have grounded their models in certain
established evidence-based practices
into service delivery, such as curricula
that support early childhood mental
health. In two recent studies of
ECMHC (Raver, Jones, Li-Grining,
Metzger, Champion, & Sardin, 2008;
Williford & Shelton, 2008), researchers
examined the efficacy of integrating
ECMHC with the Incredible Years
Parent and Teacher Training Series, a
well-established, empirically supported
program designed to educate parents
and teachers on techniques to address
challenging behaviors and promote
social and emotional competence and
well-being (Webster-Stratton, 1999a,
1999b). Although both studies
evaluated the impact of the same
evidence-based practice on
consultation, each applied the
intervention in a slightly different
In the Chicago School Readiness
Program model that Raver et al. (2008)
evaluated, Incredible Years was adapted
to fit into five six-hour training sessions
delivered to teachers. This training was
complemented by mental health
consultation services one morning a
week, including three months of child-
centered consultation towards the end
of the study. Similarly, the North
Carolina model that Williford and
Shelton (2008) studied included one
group training session for teachers on a
modified version of the Incredible
Years, followed by individual
consultation sessions with teachers to
guide their learning and use of relevant
concepts and techniques in Webster-
Stratton’s program. In addition, North
Carolina offered a shortened (10-week)
parent training based on the Incredible
Years. Both research teams found
promising results from these integrated
approaches, including a better
emotional climate (i.e., more teacher
responsiveness and less harshness) in
intervention classrooms than in control
classrooms (Raver et al., 2008), and a
more positive impact on child behavior
(according to reports by teachers and
caregivers) in the intervention group
than in the comparison group (Williford
& Shelton, 2008).
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning Vanderbilt University
that involve greater numbers of
children. Several factors have
contributed to the focus on
intervention in ECMHC. First,
programs typically engage MHCs
because their most pressing need is for
help with a particular child or
children. Further, consultants often
have limited time to spend with early
childhood programs and providers,
due to large caseloads and/or lack of
program funds for consultation
services. Limited access to
consultation can greatly undermine the
ability to integrate promotion and
prevention activities into early
childhood settings—not only because
much of the consultant’s time is spent
“putting out fires,” but also because it
is hard for consultants to build the
trust and rapport necessary to shift
attention towards promotion and
prevention. In their study of Head
Start centers, Yoshikawa and Knitzer
(1997) learned that when a consultant
was only available on an “on-call”
basis, mental health promotion
activities were essentially ignored.
Funding also plays a role in
channeling services to children
exhibiting behavioral challenges.
Financing mechanisms are typically
designed to provide reimbursement for
direct services to individual children,
particularly those with a mental health
diagnosis. Children at risk for social
and emotional challenges are generally
excluded from funders’ eligibility
criteria (Johnson & Knitzer, 2005).
These funding constraints not only
undermine promotion and prevention
efforts, but ECMHC in general, given
its indirect, capacity-building design.
To broaden the impact of mental
health consultation, provisions need to
be made to widen access to mental
health consultation in home-based care
and education settings (i.e., licensed
family child care homes and
unlicensed family/friend/neighbor
arrangements), and to expand the
focus to include promotion and
prevention activities that benefit all
children as part of the array of
consultation services. Ideally, ECMHC
Who Receives ECMHC Services
and in What Settings?
Currently, most ECMHC services
are provided to children (birth through
age 6), staff, and families in center-
based care. Licensed family child care
homes and unlicensed child care
providers (e.g., family, friends, and
neighbors) are less likely to receive
consultation services, although some
consultation models, (such as Instituto
Familiar de la Raza’s Early
Intervention Program in San
Francisco; www
g) offer
services to licensed family child care
homes. Still, even in Early Head Start,
which serves a large number of infants
and toddlers through home visiting
(41%), the majority of services are
provided in a center-based
environment (51%; Hoffman & Ewen,
Primary consumers of early
childhood mental health consultation
services across the country are Early
Head Start and Head Start (E/HS)
programs, as their performance
standards require them to “secure the
services of mental health professionals
on a schedule of sufficient frequency
to enable the timely and effective
identification of and intervention in
family and staff concerns about a
child’s mental health” (Head Start
Performance Standards and Other
Regulations, 45 CFR Part 1304.24.2).
Outside of E/HS programs, there is
generally limited availability of
consultation. Although a few states
(including Maryland, Connecticut, and
Michigan) have statewide consultation
programs/initiatives, most states have
consultation programs that serve
limited geographic areas or service
populations, or have not yet
implemented consultation beyond
what is offered through E/HS
Regardless of whether
consultation is provided through E/HS
or another ECE setting, there has been
a tendency for consultants to focus on
intervention for children who exhibit
challenging behavior as opposed to
promotion and prevention activities
would be available to all early care and
education settings and subsidized or
reimbursable through a variety of
What Are the Benefits of
Studies on the impact of mental
health consultation in early childhood
settings are increasing in complexity,
and evidence of the effectiveness of
this approach is mounting (see below).
However, the field still lacks
randomized controlled trials that
provide rigorous evidence of the link
between the effects of consultation on
staff knowledge, attitudes, and
behavior, and better outcomes for
young children and their families.
In a clustered randomized control
study of Chicago School Readiness
Program classrooms, outside observers
found that teachers receiving ECMHC
had significant improvements in
teacher sensitivity and enhanced
classroom management skills,
compared with teachers in classrooms
without consultation (Raver et al.,
2008). Observers also found that the
classroom climates improved after
consultation, with more positive
interactions between teachers and
children and fewer negative exchanges,
in contrast to classrooms where no
consultation was present. Staff
members also rated themselves as
significantly more able to manage
children’s difficult behavior after
consultation in 9 of 11 studies
reviewed by Brennan et al. (in press;
see, for example, Alkon, Ramler, &
MacLennan, 2003; James Bowman
Associates & Kagan, 2003; Olmos &
Grimmer, 2004). Finally, teachers have
also generally reported lower levels of
job stress after they receive
consultation services (Green et al.,
2006; Langkamp, 2003; Olmos &
Grimmer, 2004).
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning Vanderbilt University
(Brennan, Bradley, Ama, & Cawood,
2003; Field & Mackrain, 2004).
Although several researchers tracked
parenting stress level over time, no
significant decreases in stress were
detected before and after consultation
(Lehman, Lambarth, Friesen, MacLeod,
& White, 2005; Williford & Shelton,
Who Are the Professionals
Providing ECMHC?
Mental health consultants have
diverse educational and training
backgrounds, and bring a wide range of
knowledge, skills, and experience to
their work. This is due, in part, to the
absence of a national licensing or
accreditation process that establishes
required competencies for those
providing ECMHC services. Consistent
with Head Start regulations, the
consultant pool is largely comprised of
mental health professionals licensed or
certified within their state to practice a
variety of human service disciplines,
including counseling, marriage and
family therapy, psychology, psychiatry,
and social work (Green, Everhart,
Gettman, Gordon, & Friesen, 2004). In
addition, some states employ early
childhood or special education
professionals with training, but not
licensure/certification, in early
childhood mental health. These
professionals provide similar services
with the exception of clinical mental
health interventions.
Educational attainment among
MHCs is mixed, indicative of varying
program-level competency requirements
and diversity in the type of mental
health services consultants provide. For
example, some programs may require
MHCs who provide screening,
assessment, or intervention services to
have at least a masters degree.
Consultants are also employed in a
number of differing ways: a national
survey of 69 Head Start programs found
that a relatively small proportion of
mental health consultants were
employed directly by the programs
(22%), while the majority were
employed outside of Head Start by a
Teachers in classrooms with ECMHC
services reported that children had
fewer problem behaviors after these
services were implemented (Bleecker
& Sherwood, 2004; Gilliam, 2007;
Perry, Dunne, McFadden, &
Campbell, 2008; Upshur, Wenz-Gross,
& Reed, 2008). Particularly, there is
evidence that externalizing
(aggressive, disruptive) behavior was
less frequent after consultation
(Gilliam, 2007; Raver et al., 2008;
Williford & Shelton, 2008). Children
with difficult internalizing (withdrawn,
disconnected) behavior showed
improvement in some studies
(Bleecker, Sherwood, & Chan-Sew,
2005; Raver et al., 2008), but not in
others (Duffy, 1986; Gilliam, 2007).
Positive social skill development also
accelerated for children with ECMHC
services in several studies (Bleecker &
Sherwood, 2003, 2004; Farmer-
Dougan, Viechtbauer, & French, 1999;
Upshur et al., 2008). Finally, there is
evidence that when mental health
consultation is available in early
childhood programs, the rate of
expulsion of children with difficult or
challenging behavior decreases
(Gilliam, 2005; Perry et al., 2008).
There are fewer studies that report
on the effects of ECMHC on families,
and the impact on family-level
outcomes is less clear. Most
evaluations of mental health
consultation do not report family data,
making the determination of family-
level effects problematic. However,
several researchers have found
evidence that staff and families
communicated more effectively after
consultation of longer duration (Alkon
et al., 2003; Pawl & Johnston, 1991;
Safford, Rogers, & Habashi, 2001),
and that parents interacted with their
children in a more positive and
effective way after services were
received (Langkamp, 2003; Pawl &
Johnston, 1991; Williford & Shelton,
2008). Additionally, there were reports
that consultation provided greater
family access to mental health services
non-profit agency (23%), by a
government agency (7%), by a school
or other agency (15%), or were in
private practice (33%; Green et al.,
What MHC Competencies Are
Most Important for Effective
Despite the variation in MHCs’
professional affiliations and level of
education, a set of core competencies
essential to the provision of effective
consultation is emerging from practice-
based knowledge. These skills and
attributes include the following:
Knowledge, skills, and experience in
early childhood mental health, child
development, and early childhood
Ability to build positive
relationships with staff and families
Knowledge of community services
and supports
• Cultural sensitivity
Effective mental health consultation
requires a unique set of knowledge and
skills. While expertise in early
childhood mental health is essential, it
must be coupled with an ability to work
successfully in early childhood settings
and within family and community
contexts. Based on feedback from a
roundtable of experts in early childhood
mental health (Cohen, E., & Kaufmann,
R. K. (2000)), the recommended
competencies for consultants include
the following:
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning Vanderbilt University
“The early childhood mental health
consultation workforce is in
transition from one of broad
diversity in terms of training,
experience, roles, responsibilities,
and work expectations to one that
has specific expertise in early
childhood mental health and the
specific skills required to take on
the role of consultant.
(Allen, Brennan, Green, Hepburn,
& Kaufmann, 2008, p.21)
considerations; and advocating for
policies, resources, program
evaluation, and other components that
support effective service delivery.
In addition, participants in a
qualitative study of Head Start MHCs
stated that consultants who work in
early childhood environments should
have experience in early childhood
education and an understanding of the
challenges of teaching young children
(Allen, 2008). In some instances,
MHCs may also need specialized
expertise in certain areas (e.g.,
maternal depression, post-traumatic
stress) to address the needs of a child
or family. When the consultant does
not have this expertise, it underscores
the need for knowledge of local
systems, providers, and resources and
the ability to facilitate these linkages.
Another essential skill for MHCs
is the ability to develop strong
relationships with ECE staff and
families. Positive relationships
between early childhood staff and
MHCs are an important predictor of
whether staff believe that consultation
improves child outcomes (Green et al.,
2006). Further, Green and colleagues
(2004) found that “[h]aving a mental
health consultant who is trusted, who
makes him/herself accessible to staff,
and who is perceived as being ‘part of
the team’ may be more important than
the actual number of hours a consultant
is available” (p. 58). With respect to
families, a strong relationship between
a MHC and a young child’s parents is
critical, because those caregivers act as
gatekeepers for the child’s access to
mental health services (Allen, 2008)
and are the primary source of ongoing
Knowledge of…
Normal growth and development of
young children, including
developmental milestones
Atypical behavior in infants,
toddlers, and preschoolers
Underlying concepts of social and
emotional development, such as
attachment, separation, and
relationship development
Best practices and various
intervention strategies
Early childhood, child care, family
support, and early intervention
Adult learning principles
As well as the following skills and
Ability to integrate mental health
activities and philosophies into
group settings
Child and classroom observation
and assessment
Ability to work with staff and
families and recognize their diverse
Communication facilitation
Sensitivity to community attitudes
and strengths
Cultural competence
(adapted from Cohen & Kaufmann, 2005)
The competencies outlined above
mirror many of those identified by
researchers in Colorado, who
developed a checklist of core
knowledge and competencies for
MHCs to guide workforce
development in their state (JFK
Partners, 2006). Informed by literature
review, expert opinion, and a survey of
Colorado professionals involved in
ECMHC, the checklist reflects the
importance of a strong background in
child development and early childhood
mental health, and the ability to
collaborate with ECE staff to foster
high-quality care and to build linkages
with child- and family-serving systems
and community-based organizations.
Colorado’s checklist also highlights
skills that support effective service
delivery, such as reflective practice;
developing strategies that integrate
health and mental health
support for social and emotional
development in the home.
Developing positive relationships
with early childhood staff requires
MHCs to avoid an expert stance, have
good listening skills, use a strengths-
based approach, and be a non-
judgmental, supportive team player
(Donahue, Falk & Provet, 2000;
Johnston & Brinamen, 2006).
Similarly, developing these
collaborative relationships with
families requires MHCs to have
opportunities to connect with families,
to maintain a family-centered
approach, and to be culturally sensitive
(Allen, 2008). Consultants can help to
facilitate these relationships by
routinely spending time in ECE
classrooms, particularly during events
when parents are present, for example,
drop-off and pickup times. This
regularly scheduled time also allows
consultants to observe staff, children,
parents, and overall environments, and
to model approaches for working with
children, thus helping staff to develop
these skills themselves. Further, it
underscores the role of the consultant
in preventing serious emotional and
behavioral issues, rather than being
called on only when problems have
already emerged.
Cultural and linguistic competence is a
vital skill for MHCs if they want to
build solid partnerships with staff and
families. An important step in
achieving cultural and linguistic
competence, which is a developmental
process that evolves over time, is an
awareness of one’s own culture and
how that impacts personal beliefs and
values (Cross et al., 1989; National
Center for Cultural Competence, n.d.).
According to Hepburn and Kaufmann
(2005), indicators that a consultant is
culturally and linguistically competent
include the following:
Demonstrated respect for diverse
Understanding of the variance
across cultures in mental health
practices and how clinical issues
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning Vanderbilt University
“[T]he effective consultant not only
has expertise in the particular
content area in which she offers
assistance, but also has the
interpersonal skills to motivate staff
to take action.
(Cohen & Kaufmann, 2005, p. 19)
What Preparation and Support
Do Mental Health Consultants
Although the number of mental
health consultation programs across the
country is growing, there is a scarcity
of research to guide the training and
ongoing support of consultants. Few
states or universities provide training or
coursework on early childhood mental
health, and even fewer offer instruction
on mental health consultation (Cohen
& Kaufmann, 2005). Michigan has
made strides in this area with its
Michigan Association of Infant Mental
Health (MI-IMH) endorsement, which
is designed to build workforce capacity
around early childhood mental health.
There are four professional levels of
attainment within the MI-IMH
endorsement, which looks at skills and
competencies for all professional
personnel working with infants and
young children, including early
childhood mental health consultants.
Each level has guidelines describing
areas of expertise, responsibilities, and
behaviors that demonstrate
competency, and requires the
preparation of a portfolio, references,
and evidence of having met the
competency-based requirements for
work experience and education. At this
time, a number of other states are
working to implement Michigan’s
model, including Arizona, New
Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas,
Minnesota, and Connecticut.
Training efforts focused
exclusively on building the capacity of
MHCs are happening sporadically
Provision of treatment and
information in the appropriate
language or literacy level (through
interpreters, as necessary and
Utilization of culturally appropriate
screening, assessment, and
intervention tools and service plans
Ability to distinguish between
resistance to change and a desire to
uphold culturally appropriate
According to findings from
Allen’s (2008) focus groups with
MHCs, cultural sensitivity is also
demonstrated through a non-
judgmental approach, a willingness to
learn, and a sense of curiosity that
allows an MHC to identify,
understand, and respect differences.
Focus group participants also asserted
that MHCs need to understand how
cultural and community contexts
influence stigma towards mental
illness and, in turn, affect a family’s
willingness to partner with the
In essence, to be effective, MHCs
need to develop a complex set of
competencies and have the ability to
draw on the skills and knowledge that
are most relevant at any given time to
the needs of children, staff, and
families in diverse programs and
communities. As summarized by the
team of researchers from Colorado,
“[t]he competencies define the range
of skills that a mental health
consultant needs while programs
dictate which of the skills will be most
important for a mental health
consultant working within their
setting” (JFK Partners, 2006).
across the United States. Many of these
efforts include standard training
protocols for consultants that build or
reinforce skills and provide
opportunities for practicing new skills.
Adding a practice component is
consistent with current research on
acquiring new skills (Fixen, Naoom,
Blasé, Friedman, & Wallace, 2005).
Johns (2003) describes the intensive
training provided by Daycare
Consultants at the University of
California, San Francisco, which offers
intensive training to all mental health
clinicians who desire to become
consultants, including experienced
clinicians. As Johnston and Brinamen
(2006) explain, “training in mental
health consultation is essential for both
veteran therapists and newcomers from
different disciplines…[because] new
application [of skills] requires new
knowledge” (p. 7). Daycare
Consultants’ training integrates mental
health principles and knowledge of
early childhood education and
development, and is comprised of four
key elements: 1) a didactic training
seminar; 2) a clinical conference; 3)
clinical supervision; and 4) direct
consultation experience (Johns, 2003;
Johnston and Brinamen, 2006).
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning Vanderbilt University
“A consultant’s advice, no matter
how intelligent and how ‘right, is
useless if it does not consider the
caregiver’s perspective and
understanding of the situation and,
ultimately, the caregiver’s willingness
to participate in particular changes.
(Johnston & Brinamen, 2006, p. 14)
Workforce Development/
Training Resource
Michigan Association for Infant
Mental Health, MI-AIMH
Endorsement (IMH-E)
Daycare Consultants Training
for Mental Health Consultants
The Early Childhood Mental
Health Project: Child Care
Center Consultation in Action,
Section VII: Training Mental
Health Consultants (Johns, B.,
2003) Available at
director or another senior staff member
from the ECE program(s) with whom
the MHC works. This level of support
is important since most consultants are
not formally employed by ECE
programs/providers, and supervisors
from the consultants’ hiring entity may
be detached from the environment in
which the consultant is working.
Regardless of whether the consultant
benefits from clinical supervision
and/or peer consultation, this additional
supervisory structure is important for
communication and integration of the
consultant into the early childhood
program. The supervisory relationship
should be clarified within any
contractual agreement between the
program and a consultant from an
outside organization or agency. For
those consultants who are employed
directly by the ECE program, the
supervisory relationship fits within the
organizational structure.
What Can ECE Programs and
Providers Do to Support
Effective Consultation?
Strong program leadership is
critical to forming a foundation for
effective mental health consultation
(Green et al., 2004). Early care and
education program directors and
administrators greatly influence
collaboration between staff,
consultants, and families through their
leadership style and their attitudes
toward consultation and early
childhood mental health. To facilitate
positive relationships, they can
Mental health consultants also
need adequate support and supervision
in order to be successful in their work.
This includes opportunities to share
lessons learned, express feelings and
frustrations, and discuss challenges
and appropriate next steps with those
who can relate to their experiences
and provide informed guidance. These
opportunities are particularly
important for MHCs because without
them, many consultants are isolated
from other early childhood mental
health providers due to the
independent and itinerant nature of
their work.
To address this need, many
consultants receive regular clinical
supervision from a senior clinician
who is associated with the
organization, agency, or entity where
the consultant is employed.
Consultation programs in some states
and communities, including Michigan,
Kentucky, San Francisco, and
Louisiana, employ the practice of
“reflective supervision,” in which an
experienced clinician supervises
MHCs—individually or in groups—
by providing support and knowledge
to guide decision making; offering
empathy to help supervisees explore
their own reactions to the work; and
helping supervisees manage the stress
and intensity of the work (Parlakian,
2002, p. 1).
An additional supportive strategy
that some states and communities are
using is providing a forum for
consultants to gather with their peers
to discuss issues, tackle problems,
share strategies, and celebrate
successes. In Sarasota, Florida,
consultants benefit from a hybrid
model that integrates reflective
supervision and peer consultation.
MHCs get together for monthly team
meetings and meet either weekly or
bi-weekly for individual supervision
depending on the intensity of services
the consultant provides (Wu, Driver,
Jaekel, & Skoklund, 2008).
Another level of support that
some consultants may have is
administrative supervision by the
demonstrate a commitment to ECMHC
by championing a shared vision for
promoting children’s mental health and
supporting positive social and
emotional development, and ensuring
that this vision permeates all aspects of
the program (what is sometimes called
a “mental health perspective”; Knitzer,
Early care and education program
directors and administrators also have a
strong impact through their oversight of
key administrative processes such as
the following:
Determining the consultant’s
organizational role (external
consultant or staff member?)
Specifying the consultant’s scope of
Recruiting and choosing which
consultant to hire
Negotiating the contractual
Facilitating the consultant’s entry
into the program
Evaluating the impact of
consultation and making
adjustments as needed
These decisions have significant
implications for the success of the
consultation. With respect to hiring,
Hepburn and Kaufmann (2005)
emphasize that it is critical to “match”
the program’s needs with a consultant’s
skills, and to find a consultant who
shares the program’s philosophy on
early childhood mental health.
Similarly, the roles and responsibilities
of the MHC should be shaped by this
intersection of program need and
consultant ability and evaluated at least
annually to ensure that services
provided continue to meet the
program’s needs.
Another important consideration in
defining the work scope and structuring
the consultant role is the extent to
which it provides a framework for
collaboration with staff and families.
Research suggests that consultants who
are integrated into program functioning,
whom program staff view as “part of
the team,” and who are accessible and
available to program staff and families
are more effective (Gilliam, 2005;
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning Vanderbilt University
“Supportive relationships between
staff members and leaders are the
foundation for nurturing
relationships between parents and
children. Strong supervisory
relationships provide the staff with a
model of, and experience with,
supportive, individualized
(Parlakian, 2002, p.1)
ECE providers (i.e., teachers,
assistant teachers) also play an
important role in maximizing the
effectiveness of consultation services.
Often, providers are the ones identifying
consultation needs, and ultimately, they
are the ones charged with implementing
the consultant’s classroom
recommendations. The extent to which
providers engage the consultant,
participate with the MHC and parents as
part of a team, and follow through with
consultant recommendations has clear
Green et al., 2006; Yoshikawa &
Knitzer, 1997). The way in which a
consultant’s role is structured can
greatly impact program integration
and, likewise, the quality of the
relationship between the consultant,
staff, and families. For example, will
the MHC be in classrooms on a
regular basis to provide ongoing
support to staff or only when there is a
problem? Furthermore, to elicit staff
trust, it is important to structure the
consultant role in a way that focuses
on supporting staff, not monitoring
them (Donahue et al., 2000).
Directors and administrators
should also consider highlighting the
value of consultation services by
encouraging staff to utilize the
consultant’s services and making sure
consultants have the opportunity early
in the school year to talk about their
role and how they can help support
both staff and parents. In fact, Allen’s
(2008) focus groups with MHCs
found that having a program director
take the time to introduce the
consultant to staff early on goes a long
way in building the foundation for
trusting relationships.
Providing these communication
opportunities at the onset of
consultation is particularly important
given that teachers are sometimes
reluctant to admit they are facing
challenges with certain children or
families, and therefore hesitate to
work with the consultant, as doing so
might imply that they have somehow
“failed” in their job. The program
director (as well as the consultant him-
or herself) plays an important role in
addressing these concerns and being
clear that working with the consultant
does not indicate a lack of teacher
skills. In fact, the director should
assure staff that the consultant is not
there to report on teacher performance,
but rather to provide support. Table 2
provides additional guidance on how
directors and administrators can lay
the groundwork for effective
consultation by fostering positive
implications for whether consultation
will succeed or not.
First and foremost, providers can
support effective consultation by
setting the tone for a good working
relationship with the consultant. This
includes reaching out to the consultant
for help and remaining open to his/her
ideas, while sharing their own thoughts
and perspectives. In addition, providers
can help facilitate the development of
positive relationships between the
consultant and parents so that the three
partners can work collaboratively to
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning Vanderbilt University
Hire or contract with an MHC who
has experience in early childhood and
ECMH, as well as in providing
consultation (not just direct therapy)
Provide the MHC with training about
your program
Be clear with staff about the role of
the MHC and when, how, and what
services will be provided
Put processes in place that protect
confidentiality, but do not hinder
information-sharing among a child’s
teacher and MHC, nor compromise
open communication with parents
Make sure all staff and parents have a
chance to meet the MHC early in the
school year
Allow staff to have direct access to
the MHC through email or phone
Have scheduled time for the MHC to
be in classrooms regularly
Have the MHC provide training in
mental health issues to staff and
Have the MHC attend ongoing
meetings to discuss specific children
and families with staff
Establish a long-term relationship
with a consultant (or consultants)
Assume the MHC knows what it
means to be a “consultant” rather than
a direct service provider
Assume that the MHC knows about
early childhood programs generally, or
your program in particular
Assume that staff will welcome the
MHC into their classroom
Establish a process for obtaining
parental permission that puts up
unnecessary obstacles for the MHC in
working with a child
Wait until issues arise before
introducing the MHC
Put up a lot of barriers that hinder staff
members’ ability to access the MHC
Only have MHCs visit classrooms
when there is a problem
Use the MHC just for one-on-one
Assume the problem is solved once a
referral to the MHC is made
Have a “rotating” consultant who
changes from year to year
Table 2. Do’s and Don’ts for Fostering Staff–Consultant–Family
(adapted from Green et al., 2004)
seminal questions:
What are the service boundaries of
When does a service shift from
being “consultation” to “therapy”?
What are the characteristics of
effective consultants?
What is the value-added of
reflective supervision?
What are the best service models?
What types of activities are most
important for the consultant to
What level of service intensity is
needed to effect change?
Which outcomes should be targeted
and how should these be
Is mental health consultation more
effective when used in conjunction
with an evidence-based practice
(e.g., MHC and The Incredible
Years or MHC and Second Steps)?
Given the variability in
consultation models, answering these
questions will be challenging and
require an incremental approach.
Additional challenges facing
evaluators are the lack of agreement
on which outcomes should be tracked,
which outcome measures should be
used, and the ethical issues associated
with establishing control groups in
early care and education settings
(Allen, 2008). Other methodological
considerations include how to design
research projects that focus on the
effects of consultation alone, as
opposed to the cumulative impact of a
number of program enhancements. In
a climate where service dollars are
limited, there are fewer dollars
available to support high-quality
evaluation studies. These issues must
be taken into consideration when
researchers and programs engage in
evaluation efforts.
To expand the evidence base for
ECMHC, high-quality process and
impact evaluations need to be funded
and implemented through partnerships
between researchers and program
managers. As states and communities
expand their capacity to provide
mental health services to young
improve behaviors at home and in the
classroom. Clearly, MHCs must do
their part if these provider overtures
are to lead to successful consultation.
As Allen’s (2008) qualitative research
suggests, providers are more likely to
engage parents in working with an
MHC if they themselves have had a
good experience with the consultant.
Another way providers can support
effective consultation is by trying to
implement the consultant’s
recommendations, seeking guidance
and support as necessary, and
providing feedback to the MHC so
that modifications can be made to the
recommended strategies as needed.
What Are Some of the
Challenges That Need to Be
As discussed earlier in this
synthesis, making ECMHC available
in all of the ECE settings that
need/want it is a fundamental
challenge. Relatively few early
childhood programs and providers
across the country benefit from
consultation, and those that do receive
services of varying type and intensity
from a diverse group of consultants.
Issues stifling widespread
implementation and presenting
obstacles the field must overcome
include limited rigorous research, lack
of sustainable funding, and insufficient
workforce capacity.
Although the evidence base for
the overall effectiveness of the
ECMHC approach is growing
(Brennan et al., in press; Perry et al.,
2006), there are still lingering
questions about which aspects of
consultation are causally related to
positive outcomes and, hence, most
important to retain across ECMHC
programs. This lack of clarity has led
to variability in program models
across the country and made it
challenging to expand the field and
establish ECMHC as an evidence-
based practice. Thus, more research is
needed to decisively respond to these
children and their families and the
field of ECMHC continues to grow,
the capacity of programs to evaluate
their service components and
outcomes should also be developed. To
this end, Hepburn et al. (2007)
developed an evaluation toolkit to help
stakeholders better address these gaps
in the evidence base.
While limited scientific evidence
of the effectiveness of ECMHC is one
barrier to obtaining steady funding in
many states and communities, there
are a variety of fiscal challenges that
keep ECMHC from going to scale.
Some of these funding issues are
common to expanding children’s
services in general: scarce public and
private resources, and a high demand
for these limited dollars. There are also
unique aspects of ECMHC that make
sustainable funding particularly
First, it is much more difficult to
obtain reimbursement for
“consultation”—particularly program-
focused consultation—than for direct
intervention with one child, given the
funding structures inherent in private
insurance and public programs like
Medicaid, the State Children’s Health
Insurance Program (SCHIP), and the
Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act (IDEA). Current reimbursement
systems are geared toward paying for a
single, face-to-face encounter with an
identified patient with a diagnosed
condition. Additionally, it is
challenging to secure funds for
promotion and prevention activities
because funders may only be willing
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning Vanderbilt University
Research & Evaluation
Early Childhood Mental Health
Consultation: An Evaluation Toolkit
(Hepburn, Kaufmann, Perry,
Allen, Brennan, & Green,
2007) Available at
In Vermont, services—including
ECMHC—provided through the
statewide Children’s UPstream Project
(CUPS) were funded equally through
federal grant dollars and Medicaid.
This funding mix was established by
project leaders to promote
sustainability after the grant period
ended. The grant monies stemmed
from the Comprehensive Community
Mental Health Services for Children
and their Families Program,
administered by the Children’s Mental
Health Services (CMHS) division of
the Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA). To generate the other half
of the funding, local agencies were
tasked with maximizing the use of
Medicaid funds and providing the
necessary Medicaid match money
through existing regional allocations
of State General Funds. Interagency
sharing of General Funds, coupled
with a state-level policy change that
authorized payment for services for
children birth to age 6 with the
diagnosis of a parent-child relationship
disorder (a “V” code in the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders [DSM]), made it possible
for the program to support and
gradually expand its array of mental
health services (Bean, Biss, &
Hepburn, 2007).
Clearly, ECMHC’s inherent array
of services and the mode of service
delivery present significant challenges
to those endeavoring to develop and/or
to cover expenses associated with
meeting the needs of children who
exhibit serious social and emotional
problems and/or have a mental health
diagnosis (Florida State University
Center for Prevention & Early
Intervention Policy, 2006).
Some consultation programs are
funded through private foundations,
universities, and/or
pilot/demonstration projects, while
others rely on public funding or some
combination of both. This blending or
braiding of funds is often critical
because, as Collins et al. (2003)
suggest, funds that are earmarked to
address social or emotional challenges
in young children are often tied to
individual children, whereas
“[f]lexible resources that can be used
to support child care–mental health
partnerships generally do not focus on
children’s social and emotional
development” (Collins, Mascia,
Kendall, Golden, Schock, & Parlakian,
2003, p.45).
Medicaid, particularly the Early
and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and
Treatment (EPSDT) program, is a
significant source of revenue for many
programs that receive ECMHC
services. Other sources of public
funding include the following:
Early Head Start/Head Start
Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA Part B,
Section 619, Part C)
Mental Health and Substance
Abuse Block Grants
Child Care and Development Fund
Child welfare funds, such as Title
IVE of the Social Security Act
Maternal and Child Health Block
Grant under Title V of the Social
Security Act
Temporary Assistance to Needy
Families (TANF)
Supplemental Security Income
(SSI, Title XVI of the Social
Security Act)
Cohen & Kaufmann, 2005; Collins et al., 2003)
sustain consultation programs. Yet,
there is practical and theoretical
guidance available. For example, in
addition to Vermont, several other
states have succeeded in applying state
funds toward early childhood mental
health consultation, including Maryland
(Early Childhood Mental Health
Project), Massachusetts (Together for
Kids), and Connecticut (Early
Childhood Consultation Partnership).
Further, in her chapter titled “Strategic
Financing of Early Childhood Mental
Health Services,” Perry (2007) outlines
a multiple-step process model (adapted
from Striffler, Perry, & Kates, 1997) for
braiding together federal, state, public,
and private funds to support early
childhood mental health services that
address the continuum of promotion,
prevention, and intervention.
Finally, workforce capacity is a
significant challenge facing the
ECMHC field. As Johnston and
Brinamen (2006) suggest, mental health
consultants need such a broad
knowledge base that no one could
possibly have all the relevant skills and
experience without targeted training
and preparation. Per previous
discussion, provision of quality mental
health consultation requires multiple
competencies, including a firm grasp of
best practices in mental health and
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning Vanderbilt University
Through the Early and Periodic
Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment
(EPSDT) program, states are required
to provide a comprehensive set of
benefits and services—including
mental health services—for children
enrolled in Medicaid. Given that an
estimated one in three children
under age 6 is eligible for Medicaid
(Health Resources and Services
Administration), EPSDT can be a
valuable funding source for child-
focused ECMHC.
Funding Resources
Funding Early Childhood Mental
Health Services and Supports
(Wishmann, Kates, &
Kaufmann, 2001)
Available at
Spending Smarter: A Funding
Guide for Policymakers and
Advocates to Promote Social and
Emotional Health and School
(Johnson & Knitzer, 2005)
Available at
Administration for Children and
Families. (2002). Head Start program
performance standards and other
regulations (45CFR, Part 1304.24).
Washington, DC: Author.
Alkon, A., Ramler, M., & MacLennan,
K. (2003). Evaluation of mental
health consultation in child care
centers. Early Childhood Education
Journal, 31(2), 91-99.
Allen, M. D. (2008). Attributes of
effective Head Start mental health
consultants: A mixed methods study.
(Doctoral dissertation, Portland State
University, 2008).
Allen, M. D., Brennan, E., Green, B.,
Hepburn, K., & Kaufmann, R.
(2008). Early childhood mental health
consultation: A developing
profession. Focal Point, 22(1), 21-24.
Bean, B. J., Biss, C. A., & Hepburn, K.
S. (2007). Vermont’s Children
UPstream Project: Statewide early
childhood mental health services and
supports. In D. Perry, R. Kaufmann,
& J. Knitzer (Eds.), Social &
emotional health in early childhood
(pp. 169-188). Baltimore, MD: Paul
H. Brookes.
Bleecker, T., & Sherwood, D. L. (2003).
A final report of the 2001-2002
evaluation of the high quality child
care mental health consultation
initiative. San Francisco: Department
of Public Health, Community Health
Bleecker, T., & Sherwood, D. L. (2004).
San Francisco high quality child care
mental health consultation initiative.
San Francisco: Department of Public
Health, Community Behavioral
Health Services.
Bleecker, T., Sherwood, D., & Chan-
Sew, S. L. (2005). San Francisco
high quality child care mental health
consultation initiative. San Francisco:
Department of Public Health,
Community Behavioral Health
Brack, G., Jones, E. S., Smith, R. M.,
White, J., & Brack, C. J. (1993). A
primer on consultation theory—
building a flexible worldview.
Journal of Counseling and
Development, 71(6), 619-628.
child development, as well as an
understanding of, and appreciation for,
early care and education settings. The
scarcity of mental health professionals
with the necessary attitudes, skills,
knowledge, and experience to meet
the needs of young children and their
families and to provide effective
consultation services is well-
documented (Green et al., 2006;
National Research Council & Institute
of Medicine, 2000; President’s New
Freedom Commission on Mental
Health, 2003).
Unfortunately, while cross-
disciplinary training is critical, it is not
widespread. In fact, Meyers (2007)
highlights that the training on early
childhood mental health alone is
inadequate, citing a lack of high-
quality training among mental health
professionals on the unique skills
required to serve young children with
social and emotional needs. She also
notes the absence of infant and early
childhood mental health pre-service
training in most graduate clinical
education programs. Cohen and
Kaufmann (2005) add that few higher
education programs provide courses
that teach students how to become
mental health consultants.
Although early childhood mental
health consultation programs have
grown in number over recent years,
this is still a relatively new approach
to providing mental health services to
young children. As such, the field is
continuing to build its evidence base
and learn about the most effective way
to structure ECMHC programs. While
current evaluation findings on the
efficacy of consultation are
encouraging, a concerted research
effort is needed to refine the approach,
build consensus in the field, and
firmly establish ECMHC as an
evidence-based practice.
Brennan, E. M., Bradley, J. R., Allen, M.
D., & Perry, D. F. (in press). The
evidence base for mental health
consultation in early childhood
settings: Research synthesis
addressing staff and program
outcomes. Early Education and
Brennan, E. M., Bradley, J. R., Ama, S.
M., & Cawood, N. (2003). Setting the
pace: Model inclusive childcare
centers serving families of children
with emotional or behavioral
challenges. Portland, OR: Portland
State University, Research and
Training Center on Family Support
and Children’s Mental Health.
Caplan, G. (1964). A method of mental
health consultation. In G. Caplan
(Ed.), Principles of preventive
psychiatry (pp. 232-265.) New York:
Basic Books.
Cohen, E., & Kaufmann, R. K. (2000).
Early childhood mental health
consultation. DHHS Pub. No.
CMHS-SVP0151. Rockville, MD:
Center for Mental Health Services,
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration.
Cohen, E., & Kaufmann, R. K. (2005,
Rev. Ed.). Early childhood mental
health consultation. DHHS Pub. No.
CMHS-SVP0151. Rockville, MD:
Center for Mental Health Services,
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration.
Collins, R., Mascia, J., Kendall, R.,
Golden, O., Shock, L., & Parlakian,
R. (2003). Promoting mental health
in child care settings: Caring for the
whole child. Zero to Three, 4, 39-45.
Cross, T., Bazron, B., Dennis, K., &
Isaacs, M. (1989). Towards a
culturally competent system of care:
A monograph on effective services for
minority children who are severely
emotionally disturbed: Volume I.
Washington, DC: Georgetown
University Child Development
Donohue, P., Falk, B., & Provet, A. G.
(2000). Mental health consultation in
early childhood programs. Baltimore,
MD: Paul H. Brookes.
Duffy, M. J. (1986). An experimental
study of the effects of a prescriptive
mental health consultation approach
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning Vanderbilt University
Haven, CT: Yale University Child
Study Center.
Green, B. L., Everhart, M. C., Gettman,
M., Gordon, L. & Friesen, B. (2004).
Head Start mental health services
survey. Retrieved May 4, 2007 from
the Research and Training Center on
Family Support and Children’s Mental
Health Web site:
Green, B. L., Everhart, M., Gordon, L., &
Gettman, M. G. (2006).
Characteristics of effective mental
health consultation in early childhood
settings: Multilevel analysis of a
national survey. Topics in Early
Childhood Special Education, 26,
Hemmeter, M. L., Corso, R., &
Cheatham, G. (2006, February). Issues
in addressing challenging behaviors
in young children: A national survey
of early childhood educators. Paper
presented at the Conference on
Research Innovations in Early
Intervention. San Diego, CA.
Hemmeter, M. L., Fox, L., & Snyder, P.
(2008). Teaching Pyramid
Observation Tool for Preschool
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Edition. Nashville: Vanderbilt
Hepburn, K. & Kaufmann, R. (2005). A
training guide for the early childhood
services community. DHHS Pub. No.
CMHS-SVP0152. Rockville, MD:
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Services Administration.
Hepburn, K., Kaufmann, R., Perry, D.,
Allen, M. D., Brennan, E., & Green,
B. (2007). Early childhood mental
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Farmer-Dougan, V., Viechtbauer, W., &
French, T. (1999). Peer-prompted
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