915 Main Street, Suite 108
Evansville, IN 47708
Inside this issue:
EBA News
CLE Offerings
4 & 5
Bar Updates
We Are The EBA
Enhance. Cultivate. Promote.
October 2020
The Monthly Newsletter of the Evansville Bar Association
Recently, a very good friend of mine sent me a video entitled,
“Don’t be a Lawyer.” Google it. It’s a hilarious video of a
pretend lawyer attempting to persuade a newly-declared
pre-law major not to be a lawyer through a 1990’s-style hip-
hop song. The video cracked me up. My lawyer friends and I
shared it and joked that we should show it to all of our interns
before they take the bar exam. As I watched it for the 67th
time, however, I became a little sad because I realized some of the lines of the
song resonated a little too well for me.
I remember just a few short years ago declaring that I loved my job. I told my
friends and relatives that I couldn’t imagine doing anything else for a living. Over
the past few months, though, I have found myself wondering what it would be
like to be a mail carrier...getting the chance to walk around in the sun all day
instead of being cooped up in an office...having people happy to see me
instead of answering the phone for angry clients and opposing to
sit on my couch at night without responding to emails and stressing about a brief
deadline. It seems that this less than ecstatic attitude about the legal profession
is most prevalent in us middle-aged attorneys (and I hate admitting that I’m now
middle-aged) because, at this stage, the newness and excitement of being an
attorney has worn off, and retirement seems oh so far away.
Maybe it’s just me, but I also think the quarantine has affected my attitude.
There we were chugging right along at the speed of light when, bam, the world
stopped. For months, we were able to work from home, take daily walks with our
families, actually eat dinner at a table, and occasionally have movie night. Our
clients were, for the most part, understanding and patient, and our deadlines
were tolled. Now, as the world edges its way back to normalcy, our old routines
are kicking back in, and things are speeding back up again. I don’t like it, but
I’m not sure I can stop it.
So, I’m now taking the time to remember why I became a lawyer and to
remember how much I once enjoyed this profession. I encourage you to do the
same, and I encourage you to engage in activities that bring back that joy. If
you became a lawyer to help people, accept a pro bono case from VLP or sign
up for a “talk to a lawyer session. If you became a lawyer because it is a noble
profession and you wanted to make a difference, reread “ To Kill a Mockingbird.”
If you love the thrill of the courtroom, rewatch “A Few Good Men” or even “My
Cousin Vinny.” If you miss the camaraderie offered by our jobs, attend an EBA
Section meeting—even if it’s by Zoom. And if all else fails, invite your lawyer
friends to have a socially-distanced drink to complain about your job.
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VLP News
By: Judge Smith and Senior Judge Corcoran
As we continue to work together as a bench and bar to address the challenges presented by the current
pandemic, please accept our thanks for all of the additional steps you have taken to make access to justice a reality.
Dozens of EBA Members have stepped forward to staff our VLP/EBA help desk at Small Claims Court and assist at
our weekly legal clinics in the Law Library, all while still taking cases and participating in Talk to a Lawyer. Thank
And speaking of Talk to a Lawyer, beginning next month we will begin sign-ups for our hotline and clinical
programs for 2021. You will find a sign-up sheet with your Summation in November, December, and January and
that same form will be attached to the next several monthsVLP case lists. Demand for these services is especially
high now because of the pandemic and we expect the first few months of 2021 to maintain at that level or higher as
eviction prevention protections finally end. Our regular volunteers will need some additional company – both
paralegals and attorneys – so please consider how you can help as we navigate our way to better days.
On July 13, the EBA Board announced their goal to increase awareness and
education on racial equality, equity and justice. Since then, the Diversity and Inclusion
and Access to Justice committees have worked on a variety of initiatives with that
goal in focus. I am pleased to announce a new educational initiative to provide an
opportunity to increase your awareness on these topics. Beginning on October 6,
2020, and for next five weeks, the EBA will email you a link in the afternoon on
Tuesdays to an article, podcast or video on the topic of equality, equity and justice.
Race issues are not easy topics to discuss. Despite a national, even global, effort to raise awareness of racial
inequities, societies remain troubled to find a solution. Many have asked, “What can I do, what should I do?” The
answer, at least the first step, is rather simple: Learn. Governor Holcomb recently said, “We now stand at an inflection
point, and we have an opportunity to acknowledge those past wrongs, learn from our history and admit where
we’ve come up short of our ideals. It falls upon us – all of us no matter how difficult the issue, how far away it may
seem, or easy to ignore.
The links emailed to you will take little time out of your day, typically less than twenty minutes. I invite you all to
challenge yourselves, your friends and colleagues to pledge some brief moments to read and listen to learn. A
survey will be sent afterwards on this educational initiative. Please join me in this learning effort, and let’s continue to
show that our local bar is among the best as we endeavor for a better tomorrow.
Raymond P. Dudlo, Chair
Diversity & Inclusion Committee
Memorial Service
A memorial service for
Magistrate Michael Cox
will be held
Wednesday, November 11 at Noon
at the Old CourthouseShepard Courtroom
The service will be streamed into the Ballroom where additional seating will be available.
Face masks are required.
Page 3
s mentioned last
month, the Foundation
was able to award around
$27,000 in grants this year.
Normally we have the
opportunity to announce and present these
grants at the Foundation’s Grant Awards
Presentation during the September EBA
Members Lunch. While we could not meet
in person this year, that did not take away
from the hard work and dedication of the
Foundation board or members of the EBA
who have diligently supported the
Foundation and its mission. Nor did our
circumstances take away from recognizing
the great work of our grant recipients.
This year, we had a total of 12 grant
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwestern
Boys and Girls Club of Evansville, Inc.
EBA Access to Justice Trivia Night
EBA Diversity Committee
Evansville African American Museum
Legal Aid Society of Evansville, IN
Purdue Extension
William H. Miller Law Library
Volunteer Lawyer Program
YMCA of Southwest Indiana
Youth Resources Teen Court
Please remember to register for the EBA
Virtual Trivia Night if you have not already
done so. Also, please consider donating to
the Foundation to ensure 2021 is an even
better year.
To donate to the Foundation, go to or click
DONATE below.
Daniel Robinson, Jr.,
Thank you to the John L. Sanders Memorial Evansville
Bar Foundation for your generous grant to the William H.
Miller Law Library, making it possible for the people in this
community to have access to the pro se navigation clinic
which meets on the second and fourth Thursday of the
month in the law library. This support, in conjunction with
the work of the Volunteer Lawyer Program of Southwestern
Indiana, makes it possible for self-represented litigants
involved in any civil matter to seek guidance on how to
successfully navigate the court system, obtain the
appropriate pro se pleadings, access self-help materials
located in the library, and take advantage of online legal
resource materials. Many thanks again for your ongoing
As always, I welcome your questions, comments, and
suggestions. Please feel free to call me, Kathleen Weston,
at (812) 435-5175 or send me an email
@ 5:15pm
@ 5:45pm
Teams of 8
Oct 15
Page 4
You can find an up-to-date listing of CLE on the EBA website at
Registrations received two hours or less prior to start of course will be charged an additional $5;
Printed materials provided by request for $5/credit hour up to $25.
Thursday, December 10
EBA Office or Video Conference*
Member $120
Non-member $200
To register call (812) 463-3201, email Ashley at
[email protected] or go to
*Limited seating at EBA office; Please indicate at time of registration.
6.5 General/1.5 EthicsIndiana and Kentucky
Thursday, October 22
Registration 8:00am
EBA Office or Video Conference*
Commercial Section Member $165
In-House Section Member $165
Member $195
Non-member $325
To register call (812)463-3201, email Ashley at
[email protected]g or go to
*Limited seating at EBA office; Please indicate at time of registration.
Family Law Section Member $150
EBA Member $180
Non-member $300
To register call (812)463-3201, email Ashley at or go to
*Limited seating at EBA office; Please indicate at time of registration.
6 CLE/1 Ethics/1 CME
with the
4 CLE/1 Ethics
Page 5
You can find an up-to-date listing of CLE on the EBA website at
Registrations received two hours or less prior to start of course will be charged an additional $5;
Printed materials provided by request for $5/credit hour up to $25.
31st Annual EBA
Estate & Business Planning Institute
Guest speaker: Dr. Roberta Flowers, Stetson University College of Law
Keynote: Christopher R. Hoyt, University of Missouri (Kansas City) School of Law
6 General / 6 ethics
7 General
Friday, November 6, 2020
This event will be held virtually!
8:00amWebcast opens to attendees
8:25amWelcome and Introductions
Pricing Information
EBA Member $200
Non-member $300
Flashdrive $10
Book $25
Electronic No Charge
Continuing Education Credit:
IN and KY Attorneys:
6 CLE/1 Ethics
Indiana CPAs:
7.20 (50 minute credit hours)
Indiana Insurance Professionals:
6 CLE (including 1 Ethics)
Accepted by the CFP Board for
6 hours CE credit
You can find an up-to-date listing of CLE on the EBA website at
Registrations received two hours or less prior to start of course will be charged an additional $5;
Printed materials provided by request for $5/credit hour up to $25.
A special thanks to our sponsors
To register call (812) 463-3201, go to or
email Ashely at
Page 6
Bar Updates:
Welcome new attorney members Annie Hills, William Moore,
Jordan Saner and Kendall Ziliak. Also, welcome law student
member Jozie Barton. Please make the following additions and
changes to your contacts:
Annie Hills
Old National Bank
One Main Street
Evansville, Indiana 47708
(812) 461-5580
Susan Dayton Vollmer
Bosse Title Company
501 Main Street, Suite 101
Evansville, Indiana 47708
(812) 421-4000
This Mediator is…
…a travelin’ man.
and CIVIL MEDIATOR and will mediate at
his place or yours.
Bringing more than 40 years legal
experience to the table.
Steve Bohleber, Attorney & Mediator
123 NW 4
Street, Suite 503
Evansville, IN 47708
(812) 423-4535 or
Cases accepted in all Southwestern Indiana Counties.
Congratulations to all EBA members who have been
recognized in the 2021 Edition of The Best Lawyers in
Jeffrey Ahlers, Steve Barber, Ted Barron, Charlie
Berger, Kent A. “KAB” Brasseale, II, John Broadhead,
Maria Bulkley, Michele Bryant, Charles Compton,
Allison Comstock, Randall K. Craig, Jamie Dameron,
Lauren Dimmitt, Larry Downs, Monica Edwards, Terry
Farmer, Marc Fine, Shannon Frank, Jake Fulcher, Jon
Goldman, Jeff Helfrich, John Henderson, Jim Johnson,
Timothy Klingler, Kelly Lonnberg, Andy Ozete, Monte
Porter, Ross Rudolph, Mark Samila, G. Michael
Schopmeyer, Laura Scott, John Thomason, Brian
Williams, Chris Wischer, and Ted Ziemer V.
Jozie Barton
IU Mauer School of Law
After four decades as the managing
attorney in the Evansville office of Indiana
Legal Services, EBA member Steve Culley
has recently moved to Senior Attorney status
with the organization. He will continue to
work at ILS representing clients throughout
our region facing challenges because of
poverty. Steve has served low-income
Hoosiers through ILS since 1974 and has helped make
access to justice a reality for thousands of litigants lacking
the resources to pay for legal help.
EBA member Amanda Hall was recently
named the new managing attorney of the
Evansville office following Steve’s tenure.
Amanda is a tireless advocate for the
disadvantaged and created one of the first
medical/legal partnership programs in the
state when she joined ILS. Congratulations
and best wishes to both as they begin new
roles with Indiana Legal Services.
Kendall Ziliak
Barber & Bauer
124 SE First Street, Suite 101
Evansville, Indiana 47708
(812) 425-9211
Jordan Saner
Stoll Keenon Ogden
One Main Street, Suite 201
Evansville, Indiana 47708
(812) 425-1591
Ryan Reed was sworn-in as Magistrate of Vanderburgh
Circuit Court on Monday, September 28. Congratulations,
Magistrate Reed.
Pictured above with Magistrate Reed are his mother,
Carolyn, wife, Jillian and father, William.
William Moore
3133 Graceland Court
Newburgh, Indiana 47630
(812) 618-6757
For more information, go to; click MEMBERS tab.
Page 7
Jordan Saner, Stoll Keenon Ogden
Passed Indiana Bar August 2020; General litigation
Why did you become an attorney? I wanted to be able to problem solve on others’ behalf, resulting in a
positive impact on their daily lives.
What are your hobbies? Hobbies include exercising, reading, and watching sports.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Failure can only occur once: when you quit trying.
How would your friends describe you? My friends would describe me as an individual of few words with a
dry sense of humor, and incredibly loyal.
What always makes you laugh? Videos of people slipping on ice.
Tell me a bit about your immediate family. My immediate family is very close. I have a brother and sister, both married, one
living in Illinois (brother) and one living just south of Santa Claus (sister). Both of my parents are still living near Springfield, Illinois,
which is where I am originally from.
How many pairs for shoes do you own? I own 4 pairs of dress shoes and three pairs of tennis shoes.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Fettucine alfredo!
What is one thing you will never do again? Rappelling. I do not like heights, and this was a big mistake in the first place.
If you could share a meal with four individuals, living or dead, who would they be? Nikola Tesla, Michael Jordan, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, and Mahatma Ghandi.
What is something on your bucket list you’ve completed? What do you still want to do? Something off my bucket list that I
have completed is standing at the top of Pike’s Peak. Something I still want to do is visit Yellowstone National Park.
Christine Pham, Associate - Stoll Keenon Ogden
2 years in practice; business and commercial litigation, municipalities
Why did you become an attorney? Legally Blonde was my original inspiration, but as cliché as it sounds, I
always knew I wanted to help people. I developed an interest in business law and development in
college and am passionate about immigration matters.
What are three (3) fun or interesting facts about you that people may not know? 1. Competitive figure
skater for over 10 years. 2. I am fluent in Vietnamese. 3. I love watching/going to sporting events (IU, Cubs,
Blackhawks, Lakers, Colts, F1).
What was your first job? My first job was at Swonder Ice Arena, where I was a figure skating coach.
Tell me a bit about your immediate family. My parents were Vietnamese refugees who immigrated to the U.S. toward the end
of the Vietnam War. I have a younger brother and we were both born in Fountain Valley, California. Both of my parents are
now retired after decades of being small business owners. My brother is a Marine veteran (oorah).
How many pairs of shoes do you own? My fiancé would say “too many,” but somewhere in the 70s.
What is one thing you will never do again? Go to law school.
When you’re not working, what are you most likely going to be doing? As of recently, probably wedding planning.
If you could share a meal with four individuals, living or dead, who would they be? Beyoncé, Oprah, Chrissy Teigen, J.K. Rowling
If you could brush up on a skill or work on a new one, what would it be? I studied Spanish for several years in high school and
would love to be fluent in conversational Spanish someday.
What is something on your bucket list you’ve completed? What do you still want to do? Went scuba diving with whale sharks in
Thailand. Would love to sky-dive some day!
If you could not work for 1 year, what would you do? Travel the world. Specifically, to Tokyo, South Africa, India, Indonesia,
Hawaii to dive with humpbacks, and Australia to dive the Great Barrier Reef.
Ryan Reed, Magistrate - Vanderburgh Circuit Court
7 years in practice; prior to Circuit Court, criminal, real estate, family law and juvenile law
Why did you become an attorney? I was originally interested in sports/marketing law or working for the
NCAA, but as I began to practice, I really enjoyed practicing more traditional law.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Argue your case from the other side, against your
position, as you prepare for a trial/hearing. It will allow yourself to see potential weaknesses and strengths of
your own case/position.
What always makes you laugh? My wife would say that the thing that makes me laugh the most is myself.
She may be on to something, I do spend a lot of time laughing at myself
Tell me a bit about your immediate family. My parents live in Fishers, IN and I have a younger brother that lives in Chicago, IL.
My brother and I were both born in Chico, CA, where we lived until 2000. My father is an educator, currently working for
Purdue. My mother is a minister, currently working as regional minister for the Indiana First Christian Church Disciples of Christ.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? La Campirana tacos. It is the perfect meal for
breakfast, lunch or dinner!
What’s your favorite item in your office and why? Coffee maker, hands down.
If you could share a meal with four individuals, living or dead, who would they be? George W. Bush, Derek Jeter, Jackie
Robinson and Lou Gehrig.
If you could not work for 1 year, what would you do? If I could not work for one year (and have unlimited resources), I would
travel with the New York Yankees and Denver Broncos to watch every one of their games that year.
Page 8
10/01 Talk to a Lawyer4:30-6:00pm, EBA Office
10/06 EBA Family Law Section MeetingNoon, EBA Office or Video Conference*
10/07 EBA Diversity & Inclusion Committee MeetingNoon, EBA Office or Video Conference*
10/08 Evansville Bar Association Board of Directors MeetingLunch @ 11:45am, meeting @ Noon, EBA Office
or Video Conference
10/09 EBA Video ReplaysEBA OfficeLIMITED SEATING!
9:00amE-Reading and Writing in the Digital Age (1 CLE) - REGISTER
10:30amAn Optimist, A Pessimist and The Experts: Options and Opportunities for Solo/Small Firms
During COVID-19 (1 CLE) - REGISTER
NoonSay Goodbye to Administrative Rule 9 and...Hello ACR! The new Indiana Rules on Access to
Court Records (1 CLE) - REGISTER
10/13 Trivia Night Team Captain Meeting 4:00pm, Video Conference*
10/15 Evansville Bar Foundation Board of Directors MeetingNoon, Video Conference
Trivia NightVIRTUAL EVENT! Portal opens at 5:15pm with Trivia beginning at 5:45pmREGISTER YOUR TEAM
10/20 Talk to a Lawyer11:30am-1:00pm, EBA Office
10/21 CLESigned and Sealed: Indiana ExpungementsThe Law, The Process, The Forms (3 CLE/1 Ethics) - 1:00pm-
4:30pm, EBA Office or Video Conference**REGISTER
10/22 CLEWhen Worlds Collide: Hot Topics for the Firm and In-House Lawyer, Alike (6.5 CLE/1.5 Ethics) - 8:25am-
4:00pm, EBA Office or Video Conference**REGISTER
10/28 EBA CLE Committee MeetingNoon, EBA Office or Video Conference*
10/30 CLEFamily Law 2020: A Contested Divorce A to Z (6 CLE/1 Ethics/1 CME) - 8:00am-3:30pm, EBA Office or
Video Conference**REGISTER
* Log in information is sent in the calendar invite for each meeting. If you would like to participate, contact Julie Moore Holtz at
** Seating is limited at the EBA office; To join the course via video conference, please specify at the time of registration; Log in information and
course materials will be emailed to you.
31st Annual Estate & Business Planning InstituteFriday, November 68:30am, LIVE WebcastREGISTER
Caroling at The CourthouseFriday, December 43:30pm
Bench & Bar ConferenceThursday, December 104 CLE/1 Ethics8:00am, VIRTUAL EVENT
EBA Replay: Anatomy of a Jury Trial (7 General CLE)Thursday, December 178:30am, EBA OfficeREGISTER
Procrastinators’ Delight: All Ethics, All Day! (6 Ethics CLE) - Tuesday, December 29 beginning at 8:30amREGISTER for
one or for all SIX ethics hours!
Procrastinators’ Delight: The Last Stand (7 General CLE) - Wednesday, December 30 beginning at 8:30amREGISTER
for one or for all SEVEN hours!
Regional Mock Trial CompetitionEvansvilleSaturday, February 13, 2021
Do you have an idea for a
CLE course? Is there a topic
you would like to learn about
and/or speak about?
If so, contact Julie Moore Holtz at
the EBA Office at (812) 463-3201
There are 20 courses to choose from including
general and ethics courses. Member $55/hour;
Non-member $75/hour.
Go to the EBA website at
and click the CLE button!