Jesse Tree
ideas to use with children, young people and families
From The Go Team
The Jesse Tree
This resource is designed to help children, young people and families to prepare for Christmas and the
celebraon of Jesusbirth. It traces Jesusfamily tree from creaon through to the visit of the wise men,
in the tradion of the Jesse Tree, retelling many of the Bible stories that led up to Jesusbirth. The symbol
of the Jesse Tree comes from Isaiah 11: There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a
branch shall grow out of his roots.
To make a Jesse Tree, use a small arcial tree, a shapely tree branch in a pot, or you may choose to hang
the symbols from a string or nsel, like bunng.
Each day during Advent, read together the Bible passage, the devoonal thought, and the prayer for the
day. Also, cut out the symbol at the boom of the page, which represents the person or event for that
day, and place it on the tree. On Christmas Day, place the symbol for Jesus on the top of the tree.
To make the experience meaningful for children, involve them as much as possible. Young children, as
well as older children, will enjoy cung out the symbols and placing them on the tree. This acvity may
take place either before or aer the devoonal reading whatever works best for you. Young children
might understand them beer if they are completed aer the explanaons given in the readings. Children
can nd the daily readings for themselves.
You can share your Jesse Tree story with us on social media, tagging @GoTeamAdvisers @BathWells on
Twier and/or Instagram.
You will need:
A Bible
Yarn to hang the symbols or tape to sck them to the tree
This version of the Jesse Tree is based on hps://ons
and was adapted by Cheryl Govier and Tony Cook.
The symbols were illustrated by Jon Birch hp://www.birchmul
Overview of the Jesse Tree
Bible story Bible reference Symbol
1 Dec The Jesse Tree Isaiah 11: 1-2 Tree stump, with a single branch
2 Dec
Creaon Genesis 1: 26-31 The Earth
3 Dec
Adam and Eve (The Fall) Genesis 3: 1-19 Tree with fruit / an apple
4 Dec
Noah Genesis 6: 11-22, 9: 8-13 Rainbow
5 Dec Abraham and Sarah
Genesis 12:1-7 & Hebrews
6 Dec
Isaac Genesis 22:1-14 Ram
7 Dec
Jacob Genesis 28:10-22 Ladder
8 Dec
Joseph Genesis 37: 1-36 Mul-coloured coat
9 Dec
Moses Exodus 20: 1-17 Ten Commandments
10 Dec
Ruth Ruth 1: 1-22, 2: 1-3 Sheaf of corn
11 Dec
Samuel 1 Samuel 16: 1-13 Horn of Oil
12 Dec
David 2 Samuel 5: 1-5 Crown
13 Dec
Elijah 1 Kings 18: 17-24; 36-39 Bonre
14 Dec
Nehemiah Nehemiah 4: 15-23 Trowel and Spear
15 Dec
Daniel Daniel 6: 10-23 Lion
16 Dec
Isaiah Isaiah 9: 2-7 Hammer and Sword
17 Dec
Zechariah and Elizabeth Luke 1: 5-25 Praying hands
18 Dec
John the Bapst Mahew 3: 1-11 Shell
19 Dec
Mary Luke 1: 26-38 White lily
20 Dec
Joseph of Nazareth Mahew 1: 18-25 Tools
21 Dec
Angel Luke 2: 9-14 Angel
22 Dec
Shepherds Luke 2: 8-12, 2: 15-19 Shepherds sta & sandals
23 Dec
Bethlehem Luke 2: 1-5 Star of Bethlehem
24 Dec
The Manger Luke 2: 4-7 Manger
25 Dec
Jesus Christ John 1: 1-18 The Chi Rho
1 December
The Jesse Tree
Read: Isaiah 11: 1-2
Think: God has a plan for everyone. Long before Jesus was born lived a man named Jesse. Jesse had
seven sons; the youngest was named David. When David grew up, he became a great king of Israel. God
had a plan for Jesse and for his son David, even before they were born.
Jesus was also part of Jesse and David's family tree, born many, many years aer David. People waited a
long me for the birth of the saviour, Jesus. The season of Advent is a season of waing for us, too. We
wait for Christmas, the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
It is hard to be paent, especially when we are waing for something wonderful like Christmas! But it is
important to learn to be paent, and to trust that God has a plan for us, too.
Discuss: Why is waing so hard?
Pray: Dear God, we thank you that you have a plan for each of us. Help us to be paent as we wait for
Jesusbirthday. Amen.
Do: Cut out the symbol of the tree stump with the single branch and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
2 December
Read: Genesis 1:26-31
Think: The Bible tells us that God made the world and everything in it: the air and the water, the plants
and the sh, the animals and the people. When God nished creang the world, it was Good. When
God rst created people, they too were Good. They did not sin or do anything to make God unhappy.
Even though there is now sin and sadness in the world, God sll cares for us. We have been given a
beauful world in which to live, and God has asked us to take care of it. We can care for the world by
showing kindness to all living things.
The world is God's gi to us. God wants us to enjoy this gi, but God also wants us to treat it with care.
Discuss: What are some ways that we can take good care of plants, animals, birds, rivers, people, and
everything else in the world that God made?
Pray: Thank you, Creator God, for making our wonderful world. Amen
Do: Cut out the symbol of Creaon and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
3 December
Adam and Eve
Read: Genesis 3:1-19
Think: Yesterday we read about the Good world that God created, including people who were Good.
Today we read in the Bible about Adam and Eve, and how they disobeyed God. God had given them
everything, and only asked that they did not eat the fruit of one special tree. But Eve and Adam did eat
the fruit. The fruit made them understand certain things and eang it brought sin into the world.
God sll loved Adam and Eve, but he had to punish them for disobeying him. God sent them out of the
beauful garden, and they had to work for their food. God also made a promise to Adam and Eve: that
God would always love them.
Discuss: What things might we do, that could make God unhappy?
Pray: Mighty God, keep us from doing things that make you unhappy. Amen
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Apple and Serpent and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
4 December
Read: Genesis 6:11-22; 9:8-13
Think: When people sin, or do wrong things, God is sad. There came a me when there was so much
sin in the world that God had to nd a way to remove sin from the world. So he asked Noah to build the
ark and to save his own family, as well as the animals, because Noah and his family remembered God.
Then God sent rain and the world ooded, and God destroyed all the people and animals that were not
on the ark.
When the ood was over and Noah and his family were safely on dry ground, God made a covenant, or
a promise, with Noah. God promised not to send another ood that would destroy the world. As a sign
of this promise, God put a rainbow in the sky. Even in a sinful world, God sll loves us and keeps his
Discuss: Have you ever seen a rainbow, if so, what were some of the colours?
Pray: Thank you, Almighty God, for keeping your promises to us. Amen
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Ark and Rainbow and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
5 December
Abraham and Sarah
Read: Genesis 12: 1-7 and Hebrews 11:8
Think: Somemes God asks us to do things that are hard to do. God asks us to be good when it would
be so much easier, and somemes more fun, to be naughty. God asks us to go to places and do things
we'd rather not do.
God asked Abram to take a long trip, and to leave behind the place that Abram called home. But in
return, God made promises to Abram. God promised that Abram would be blessed by God. Abram sll
had problems and struggles, especially when he forgot to listen to God's direcons, but God kept all of
the promises made to Abram. Most importantly, God was Abram's friend forever.
Discuss: What are some of the ways we can listen to God?
Pray: Holy God, help us to obey you and do the things that you want us to do. Amen
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Tent and Camel and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
6 December
Read: Genesis 22:1-14
Think: Abraham and Sarah wanted a baby more than anything but they were very old. But then God
gave Sarah a son, and she named him Isaac.
Isaac was a special boy, and his father, Abraham, loved him very much. But Abraham loved God even
more than he loved Isaac. One day God asked Abraham to take Isaac on a journey. Abraham obeyed.
God also asked Abraham to kill Isaac as a sacrice, as a way of showing how much Abraham loved God.
Abraham was sad, but he knew that he had to obey God. He trusted that even though he was being
asked to do something terrible, God would make everything right. As he was geng ready to sacrice
Isaac, God sent an angel to stop Abraham and save Isaac's life. Then Abraham sacriced a ram as a way
of honouring God, and to thank him for saving Isaac's life.
Discuss: When did you feel protected by God?
Pray: Protect us, dear God, when we have to do things that make us sad. Amen
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Ram and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
7 December
Read: Genesis 28: 10-22
Think: Jacob had not always been a good person. He had done some unkind things, but instead of
saying he was sorry, Jacob ran away. He lived away from his family for many years, but now it was me
to meet with his brother. He had to face up to the things he had done wrong many years before.
When Jacob ran away from his family, he may have thought that he was running away from God, too.
The night before he was going to see his brother, God spoke to Jacob in a dream. God reminded Jacob
of the promises God had made to Jacob's father and grandfather, and that those promises were meant
for Jacob, too.
Discuss: Jacob thought that he had run away from God, but God was always with him. How do we
know that God is always with us?
Pray: Loving God, remind us each day that you are with us. Amen
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Ladder and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
8 December
Read: Genesis 37: 1- 36
Think: Joseph was the favourite son of Jacob. Jacob gave him a coat of many colours that made
Josephs eleven brothers jealous. This coat and Josephs dreams made his brothers angry towards him,
so they decided to get rid of Joseph by throwing him into a pit. Joseph might have been annoying but he
didnt deserve to be thrown into a pit or sold into slavery. His brothers let their jealousy get the beer
of them. Even Reuben, who didnt want to kill Joseph, wasnt brave enough to stand up and defend him
right there and then. Reuben decided he would go back to the pit later to rescue Joseph, but by then it
was too late. Joseph had already been taken as a slave.
The good thing is that Jesus knows all about being at the boom of a dark pit when you dont deserve it.
He knows about being betrayed by the people closest to him. But he sll loves people like Josephs
brothers. He sll loves people like us who make mistakes and do things we shouldnt. He forgives us and
welcomes us back.
Discuss: Have you ever felt jealous like Josephs brothers, how did you act?
Pray: God, show your love to people who feel all alone. Amen
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Coat of Many Colours and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
9 December
Read: Exodus 20: 1-17
Think: Aer Joseph died, the people of Israel became slaves in Egypt. God called Moses to lead his
people out of Egypt and slavery back to the Promised Land. God wants us to treat others the way that
we want to be treated. To help us to understand how to care for each other, many years ago, God gave
Moses the ten best rules for living. These rules are called the Ten Commandments, and they are sll
good rules for us today. Not everybody likes to follow the rules. They think rules stop them from having
fun. But God gave us the rules as a way of helping us to live together happily. God will always be there
to help us to do the right thing.
Discuss: What are some good rules that help people to live together and be happy?
Pray: Helpful God, thank you for giving us these ten special rules to guide us. Amen
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Ten Commandments and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
10 December
Read: Ruth 1: 1-22, 2: 1-3
Think: Ruth and Naomi had lost all the people they loved. Naomi's two sons--one of them was Ruth's
husband--had died, and Naomi's husband had died too. Naomi had been living in Ruth's country, far
from her family, and so Naomi decided to return to Bethlehem. Ruth could have stayed in her own
country with her own family, but she chose to go to Bethlehem with Naomi.
Naomi was so sad that she thought that God had forgoen her. In the days of the Bible, most women
couldn't get jobs, so women would go to the elds and take the grain that the farmers le behind. Ruth
went to the eld to gather grain, and there she met Boaz, a relave of Naomi's, who took care of them.
She knew that God had not forgoen them, even when she had been sad. Ruth and Boaz later married
and they became parents to Obed, who was the father of Jesse and the grandfather of David. David was
an ancestor of Jesus.
Discuss: What can make us feel sad? What can make us feel happy again?
Pray: Holy God, thank you for being with us always. Amen.
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Sheaf of Grain and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
11 December
Read: 1 Samuel: 16: 1-13
Think: God has a plan for you. Even when we are young, God sees into our hearts and knows what kind
of people we are and what kind of people we will be.
Most of the grown-ups who saw David thought he was just a child who looked aer the sheep, but
while David was sll very young. God chose him to be a king. God's servant Samuel poured oil on David's
head and anointed him as the future king of Israel.
God has a plan for each of us. Not many of us will be rulers, but each of us can serve God in important
ways. It's important to listen for God's call and to nd ways to please God in our lives.
Discuss: How can you please and recognise God in your life?
Pray: Father God, help us to make choices that please you. Amen.
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Horn of Oil and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
12 December
Read: 2 Samuel 5:1-5
Think: Kings sit on thrones. They wear fancy clothes and talk to important people. They make big
decisions that aect the whole country.
Shepherds stand or sit on the ground. They wear clothes that can get dirty, and they mostly talk to
sheep. They make decisions to keep their ock alive and healthy.
David was a shepherd, and then God chose him to be a king. Shepherds make the best kind of king. They
are humble and care more about people than about power. David wasnt perfect, but he had the spirit
of a shepherd even when he was king. Just like a shepherd cares for sheep and keeps them safe from
harm, he cared for the people of Israel and protected them.
Later, when the people of Israel looked for the Messiah, someone to save them, they looked for another
king like David. Instead God sent Jesus Christ, who came from Davids family line, the Jesse tree. Jesus is
greater than any earthly king. He is the Saviour of the whole world.
Discuss: Would you rather be a king or a shepherd?
Pray: Good Shepherd, help us to care for people like you do. Amen
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Crown and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
13 December
Read: 1 Kings 18: 17-24; 36-39
Think: The people of Israel had forgoen to worship God. Instead, they were worshiping a false god
named Baal. God sent his prophet Elijah to remind the people about the true God. But the people didn't
want to listen to Elijah. So Elijah oered to show the people God's power. He prepared a sacrice, and
the prophets of Baal prepared a sacrice. The prophets of Baal prayed that their god would send re to
burn the sacrice, but of course the false god did nothing. But when Elijah prayed, God sent re.
The Israelites had forgoen God, unl God showed them a miracle. God sll does miracles today, but
we need to remember God even if we don't see miracles. Our God is a great God; we need to praise
God at all mes
Discuss: What does it mean to praise God?
Pray: We praise you God, for all that you have done for us. Amen.
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Burning Altar and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
14 December
Read: Nehemiah 4: 15-23
Think: Gods people of Israel were being held like prisoners in a place called Babylon, they missed their
homeland and longed to return to it. Eventually God freed his people and they returned to Jerusalem.
Nehemiah helped the people of Israel to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem that had been destroyed. It
seemed like an impossible task and there was a lot of opposion to the walls being rebuilt. Nehemiah
suggested they worked holding their weapons in one hand in order to defend themselves. God was with
them as he had promised, the walls were rebuilt and the people of Israel lived in their homeland again.
Discuss: Have you ever done something that you thought was too hard, but with some help you
managed to do it?
Pray: Lord God, we thank you for the people you send to help us. Amen.
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Trowel and Spear and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
15 December
Read: Daniel 6: 10-23
Think: God wants to be the most important thing in our lives: more important than our family, more
important than our things, more important than even our own lives. Daniel understood that; he
worshiped God even though he knew it may cost him everything, even his own life.
It was against the law for Daniel to worship God, but Daniel knew that God is the only true God, and he
did not stop worshiping Him. Daniel was punished for breaking the law, and he was put in a pit with
lions. But God protected Daniel from becoming the lionsdinner. People learned of Gods power
through Daniel, and many others worshiped God because Daniel had trusted and honoured God.
Discuss: Who or what do you love more than anything else?
Pray: Loving God, it is not always easy to love you more than anything else. Help us to trust and love
you each day. Amen.
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Lion and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
16 December
Read: Isaiah 9:2-7
Think: Many, many years before Jesus was born, people called prophets brought God's message to the
people of Israel. The prophets reminded the people of what God wanted them to do. God wanted them
to be good and kind to others. The prophets told the people to worship only the one true God. Isaiah
was one of the greatest prophets who lived about 700 years before Jesus was born. His prophecies
brought hope to the people of Israel because he told people about Gods plan to save their naon. He
said that people would one day make blades for their ploughs out of their swords, for there would be
Isaiah also foretold the birth of a child who would be called Immanuel. Immanuel means God with us.
That child was Jesus Christ, whose birthday we are preparing to celebrate at Christmas
Discuss: Does God have a plan for our lives?
Pray: Thank you God, that Jesus oers everyone hope. Amen.
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Hammer and Sword and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
17 December
Zechariah and Elizabeth
Read: Luke 1:5-25
Think: It can somemes feel like our prayers are not being answered, but God promises to hear our
prayers. An answer to prayer might be yes, no, or later. This is how it must have felt for Zechariah and
Elizabeth but they honoured God, and God loved them, but despite their prayers, they sll did not have
a child. One day while Zechariah was working in the temple, an angel brought him a message from God,
saying that he and Elizabeth were going to have a very special son and his name was going to be John.
Zechariah wasn't sure he believed the angel, and so God took away Zechariah's voice as a sign of God's
power. Imagine if you had seen an angel who had told you wonderful, happy news, and you weren't
able to tell anyone what had happened! Zechariah was sad to have lost his voice, but he was happy to
know that he would have a son chosen by God to do important work.
Discuss: Think of a prayer that you feel has been answered. Also think of a prayer that feels like it
hasnt been answered yet.
Pray: Almighty God, thank you for hearing all our prayers. Amen.
Do: Cut out the symbol of Praying Hands and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
18 December
John the Bapst
Read: Mahew 3: 1-11
Think: Elizabeth and Zechariah's son grew up to be John the Bapst. He was Jesus' cousin. God chose
John to prepare the way for Jesus.
John wanted people to know that Jesus is the Son of God, the saviour that God had promised the
people so many years ago. He wanted them to be ready to believe in Jesus. John wanted the people to
remember God, and he bapsed them in the river if they promised to try not to do wrong things
anymore and say sorry to God. The bapsm reminded them that God forgave them for their sins.
John did not look like other people, and some people probably thought he was a lile strange. But many
other people listened to John, and they were ready to believe in Jesus.
Discuss: Is there anything you need to say sorry for today?
Pray: Holy God, we are sorry when we do things that are wrong. Make our hearts ready for Jesus.
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Shell and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
19 December
Read: Luke 1:26-38
Think: God had a special job for someone. God was looking for an earthly home for baby Jesus. Jesus
was going to need a mother who loved and trusted God. He would need a mother who was smart and
strong and loving. God chose Mary to be Jesus' mother.
God sent an angel to talk to Mary. Mary wasn't sure that she could be a good mother to Jesus, but the
angel reminded Mary that God would be with her. Mary knew that being a mother would be a dicult
and important job, but she knew that God would guide her. She also knew that she loved God and
wanted to do whatever she could to serve him. Mary said yes with a joyful heart.
Discuss: Talk about a me when you had to trust God or someone else.
Pray: Thank you, God, that nothing is impossible with you. Amen.
Do: Cut out the symbol of the white Lily and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
20 December
Joseph of Nazareth
Read: Mahew 1:18-25
Think: Yesterday we talked about Jesus' mother, Mary. Jesus also had an earthly father named Joseph,
who was a carpenter.
God sent an angel to talk to Joseph in a dream. The angel explained that God had chosen Mary, and that
Mary's baby would be very special. When Joseph woke up, he knew that he and Mary were a part of
God's plan. Joseph knew that he would be a good father to Jesus.
Discuss: God used an angel to speak to Joseph. How might God speak to us?
Pray: God, help us to hear your voice. Amen.
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Carpenters Tools and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
21 December
Read: Luke 2: 9-14
Think: Angels are menoned lots of mes in the Bible, they are oen used as messengers of God to
bring good news. It was an angel who appeared to Mary, Joseph and Zechariah bringing good news. It
was also a lot of angels that appeared to the shepherds telling them good news. The angels played a
signicant role in the Christmas story, bringing good news about the birth of Jesus.
At Christmas you can be like one of Gods angels.You can watch over someone and you can share the
good news that Jesus Christ is born.
Discuss: Have you ever heard such good news, that you had to tell other people?
Pray: Lord, help us to be like your angels telling the good news about the birth of Jesus. Amen.
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Angel and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
22 December
Read: Luke 2: 8-12, 2: 15-19
Think: Most of us have never seen a shepherd, apart from on the TV. However, the Bible is full of
stories about shepherds. It was to shepherds watching their ocks on a hillside near Bethlehem that the
angel appeared and announced the birth of Jesus. They went and found Jesus just as they were told.
Later, Jesus spoke lots about shepherds and sheep, he even told a story about a lost sheep. Jesus also
called himself the Good Shepherd, who was ready to die for his sheep.
Discuss: Have you ever been in the middle of something, when you had to stop because something or
someone more important needed your me?
Pray: Dear God, help us to be more like the shepherds, ready to stop what we are doing to meet with
Jesus. Amen.
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Shepherds Sta and Sandals and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
23 December
Read: Luke 2: 1-5
Think: God oen does things that surprise us. God chose the small town of Bethlehem for the
birthplace of Jesus. In Bible mes, most rulers in important families were born in bigger cies, but Jesus
was born into an ordinary family in a small village.
God chose Bethlehem many years before Jesus was born. The prophet Micah wrote that Bethlehem
would be the place where the Saviour would be born. But even so, the town of Bethlehem wasn't ready
for the birth of Jesus.
The day when we celebrate Jesus' birth will soon be here. We need to make our hearts ready.
Discuss: How are you geng ready for Christmas and the birth of Jesus?
Pray: Eternal God, help us to be ready for Jesus, as we prepare for Christmas. Amen.
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Star of Bethlehem and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
24 December is Christmas Eve
The Manger
Read: Luke 2: 4-7
Think: Is there any story more beauful than the Christmas story? In that manger lay the Christ Child
that had been talked about by the prophets. Jesus was from the root of Jesse, yet the greatest sign of
Gods great love for his people. Jesus was the Messiah, the Chosen One and the new King. But he wasnt
born like a king, he was born in a place where animals were kept, because there was no room. He was
laid on a bed of straw in an animals feeding box.
Discuss: Instead of discussing anything today. Take me to look at the words of this familiar Christmas
carol, but with some slightly adapted wording:
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
The baby king Jesus laid down his sweet head.
The stars he created looked down where he lay,
The maker of all things asleep on the hay.
Pray: Dear Jesus, Thank you for being born on the rst Christmas. Amen
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Manger and hang it on the Jesse Tree.
25 December is Christmas Day
Jesus Christ
Reading: John 1:1-18
Think: Today is Christmas Day when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who was born into the
family tree of Jesse. He was a descendant of David, the child of Mary but the Son of God. Two Greek
leers, chi and rho form a symbol for Jesus Christ. They remind us that it was not just an ordinary baby
who was born in that stable years ago in Bethlehem. That child was Gods Son. God became a human
being, just like us. Let us worship him and keep him forever in our hearts.
Discuss: Today is the birthday of Jesus, what do you think he would most like as a gi from you?
Pray: Lord God, thank you for sending the Promised One, Jesus, to be our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
Do: Cut out the symbol of the Chi Rho and hang it on the top of the Jesse Tree.
The Go Team
Tony Cook
Go Team Adviser
Bath Archdeaconry
T: 07922 576757
E: to[email protected]
Cheryl Govier
Go Team Adviser
Wells Archdeaconry
T: 07848 028620
Andy Leve
Go Team Adviser
Taunton Archdeaconry
T: 07922 576756
E: andy.leve
@bathandwells diocesebathwells
@GoTeamAdvisers goteamadvisers