Berseem Clover
Trifolium alexandrinum L.
Plant Symbol = TRAL6
Common Names: berseem clover, Egyptian clover
General: Berseem clover is in the plant family Fabaceae (Legume
Family). It is an introduced cool-season annual legume that originated
from the eastern Mediterranean region. Berseem clover grows upright to
a height of 18 to 31 inches, with hollow stems. Leaves are trifoliate with
oblong, non-hairy leaflets typically in groups of three. Root system is
fibrous and typically reach a depth of 4 to 6 inches. Flowers are round
and white to yellowish-white in color. Blooms in late spring to early
summer, and generally flowers later than crimson clover (Trifolium
incarnatum L.). Flowers are primarily self-pollinated; however, cross
pollination is needed for good seed production (McGregor, 1976; Dixit et al., 1989). Seed is oblong rounded in shape;
roughly 5/64” in length and goldish yellow in color.
Distribution: Berseem clover is grown as a winter annual in the Southeast with a northern boundary of Kentucky and
western boundary of east Texas, and along the West Coast where rainfall limits its range in the coastal region. It is also
grown as a summer annual in the Northeast from the Atlantic shore to eastern Montana, with a southern boundary of the Ohio
river. It provides good spring forage for livestock in the drier regions of the U.S. when grown under irrigation.
For current distribution in the USA, please consult the Plant Profile page for this species on the PLANTS Web site.
Berseem clover grows best on fertile soil, medium to heavy textured soils of mildly acidic to neutral soil pH. It tolerates poor
drainage and brief periods of waterlogging (Clark et al., 2007; Hackney et al., 2007); however, in comparison to crimson
clover, berseem performed better under wet soil conditions, as observed in 2020, at the USDA-NRCS Booneville, Arkansas
Plant Materials Center (ARPMC). Berseem clover does not perform as well as other crops under dry conditions, requiring a
minimum average annual rainfall of 21 to 29 inches; performs best with adequate moisture, especially during establishment
(Clark et al., 2007). Berseem clover has moderate tolerance of salinity soils. Cold tolerance is slight to moderate with older
cultivars rarely surviving temperatures below 25°F (McGregor, 1976; Clark et al., 2007). However, new cultivars have
improved cold tolerance with survivability at temperatures near 5°F (Mushrush, 2018). ‘Big Bee’ and ‘Frosty’ survived
winter temperatures of -11°F with snow cover, and 10°F without snow cover in February 2021 at the ARPMC. There was no
visual winter damage observed on the plants the following spring. ‘Balady’ exhibited moderate visible winter damage.
Berseem clover is recommended for plant hardness zone 6b; (Clark et al., 2007; Anderson, 2016). Berseem clover does not
tolerate shade (Ehret et al., 2015).
Cover Crop: Berseem clover establishes quickly to protect the soil against erosion and suppress weeds. Fibrous roots aids in
retrieving and retaining nutrients within the soil profile. Performance is remarkably better than other clover species in wet,
poorly drained winter soils. When used in crop rotation, soil health benefits can be observed in the principle crop
(Ghaffarzadeh, 1997).
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Plant Guide
Figure 1. Berseem clover in early bloom
Green Manure: Berseem clover is an outstanding nitrogen source, producing around 100 to 200 pounds of nitrogen/acre
under vigorous conditions with biomass as high as 6,550 lb/acre (Clark et al., 2007; Mushrush, 2018). These attributes make
berseem clover a good choice for building organic matter in the soil and reducing nitrogen fertilizer needs for the subsequent
cash crop (Ghaffarzadeh, 1997).
Forage/Hay: Berseem clover is non-bloating and highly palatable to livestock. Forage quality is high with 18 to 28 percent
crude protein, making forage quality similar to alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) (Braunwart et al., 2001; Clark et al., 2007;
Hackney et al., 2007). Foliage quality generally declines as plants reach maturity with plant resources going to flowering and
seed production (Clark et al., 2007; Hackney et al., 2007); hay should be cut before the onset of flowering. Under optimal
conditions, yields of 8 tons/acre/year is achievable (Clark et al., 2007). Early establishment increases the opportunity for
multiple cuttings and increased grazing opportunity during the growing season. Cultivar selection is important because some
have high growing points that can be easily damaged by close grazing or hay harvest (Hackney et al., 2007). For grazing and
hay production, select cultivars with a low growing point such as ‘Big Bee’, ‘Frosty’ or ‘Multcut’ (Clark et al., 2007;
Hackney et al., 2007)
Wildlife Food Plot: Plant as a polyculture or monoculture; berseem clover is a very attractive food source for wildlife,
especially deer and rabbits (Basinger, 2018).
Pollinator: Berseem clover is highly attractive to bees, which collect both nectar and pollen from the flowers. Honeybees are
the primary pollinators of berseem clover (Narayanan et al. 1961; McGregor, 1976).
Threatened or Endangered: None
Wetland Indicator: None
Weedy or Invasive: This plant may become weedy or invasive in some regions or habitats and may displace desirable
vegetation if not properly managed. Please consult with your local NRCS Field Office, Cooperative Extension Service
office, state natural resource, or state agriculture department regarding its status and use.
Please consult the PLANTS Web site ( and your state’s Department of Natural Resources for this
plant’s current status (e.g., threatened or endangered species, state noxious status, and wetland indicator values).
Planting Guidelines
Plant berseem clover in fall or spring depending on region adaptability. In the northern region of the US, seed berseem clover
in the spring to avoid winterkill. A clean, firm, and weed free seedbed, with adequate soil moisture, is essential to achieve a
good stand. Broadcast seed at 15 to 25 lb/acre and or drill at 8 to 14 lb/acre (Clark et al., 2007; Basinger, 2018) to a depth of
¼ inch (Hackney et al., 2007). If seed are broadcast planted, cultipacking or a light drag is needed to cover seed and to ensure
good seed-to-soil contact. Higher seed rates create thicker stands and better weed control but may require additional tillage or
chemical application to terminate the plant. A thinner stand may be more desirable for forage. Inoculate the seed with
Rhizobium trifolii (Kishinevsky et al., 1992). There are approximately 200,000 seed/lb (Oushy, 2008).
Berseem clover does best in fields with full sun and moderate to heavy soil texture. As with many legumes, applying N
fertilizer restricts nitrogen fixation (Havlin et al., 2005). Apply other nutrients based on soil test recommendations. In sandy
or low CCE soils, boron application may be needed for best performance (Clark et al., 2007). Berseem clover tolerates a wide
range of soil pH from 4.9-7.8 but does best at soil pH of 6.5 to 7.5 (Oushy, 2008; Evers, 2011). Berseem clover can be
managed as a winterkill cover crop in northern regions or terminated mechanically or chemically in the southern U.S.
Termination hastens the delivery of nutrients into the soil (Clark et al., 2007) and gives more time to establish a cash crop.
Berseem clover may be difficult to terminate without chemicals. Tillage alone may not completely terminate the crop (Clark
et al., 2007). Berseem clover has been observed to regrow after being cut to 2.5 inches in full maturity at heights of 10 to 20
inches in field plots at the ARPMC.
Avoid direct seeding into a field with recently incorporated berseem clover, the volatile emissions from residues, will inhibit
germination and subsequent seedling growth and development. This is also true in crimson clover and hairy vetch (Vicia
villosa Roth.) (Bradow et al., 1990). Give green residue time to breakdown before seeding crops. This may take two to four
weeks depending on environmental and soil condition.
Pests and Potential Problems
Berseem clover is affected by many of the pest problems as other clover species. Some common fungal diseases in berseem
are stem rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum), root rot (Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium moniliforme, and Sclerotinia bataticola),
damping off (Pythium spinosum), and clover scorch (Kabatiella caulivora) (Singh et al., 2020). Possible insect pests include
aphids, mites, grubs, and Lygus bugs (Clark et al., 2007; Oushy, 2008). Berseem clover may also be affected by root
nematodes depending on cultivar resistance (Singh et al., 2020). Berseem Mosaic is a seed transmitted virus that affects
berseem clover with cultivar selection being the primary means of control (Singh et al., 2020). Plant damage can occur with
high population of rabbits and deer (Clark et al., 2007; Basinger, 2018).
Environmental Concerns
Berseem may be spread by seed and may be considered weedy in some locations. However, there is no confirmation that
berseem clover causes environmental concerns.
Control berseem clover by combining integrated management methods of mechanical, cultural and chemical. Reseeding is
usually not an issue (Kichler, 2019). Please contact your local agricultural extension specialist or county weed specialist to
learn what works best in your area and how to use it safely. Always read the label and safety instructions for each control
method. Trade names and control measures appear in this document only to provide specific information. USDA NRCS does
not guarantee or warranty the products and control methods named, and other products may be equally effective.
Seeds and Plant Production
Refer to planting guidelines and management for appropriate seeding rates, dates, and planting methods. Berseem is a
primarily self-pollinated; however, for best seed production, cross pollination is required (Dixit et al., 1989). Time harvest
when most of the seed heads are brown or black. Harvest seed by direct combining or cut/windrow/combine separately. Use
chemical desiccation, especially if field is weedy, otherwise chemical desiccate may not be needed (Taylor et al., 1996). Use
an air-screen cleaner to remove chaff and unfilled seed. Berseem produces up to 1,000 pounds of seed/acre under optimal
conditions (Hackney et al., 2007; Clark, 2007; Oushy, 2008; Evers, 2011).
Cultivars, Improved, and Selected Materials (and area of origin)
Select cultivars based on the local climate, resistance to local pests, and intended use. Consult with your local land grant
university, local extension or local USDA NRCS office for recommendations on adapted cultivars for use in your area.
Common cultivars grown in the USA includes: Balady: high growing aggressive foliage producer; Big Bee: moderate
tolerance of clover scorch, superior foliage quality, rapid fall growth, and winter hardiness; Carmel: vigorous growth for
multiple hay cuttings; Frosty: best winter hardiness, rapid growth, and superior foliage quality; Joe Burton: resistant to virus;
Memphis: tolerance of clover scorch; Multcut: heavy forage producer.
Literature Cited
Anderson, B. 2016. Boost Grazing with Berseem Clover: New annual legume shows promise for pasture and hay production.
Angus Journal: June 2016 issue. 50-52.
Basinger, B. 2018. Frosty Berseem Clover for Deer. National Deer Association. <
Bradow,J.M. and J.C.William Jr. 1990.Volatile seed germination inhibitors from plant residues. Journal of Chemical
Ecology. Vol 16; No3: 645-666.
Braumwart, K., D. Putnam, and G. Fohner. 2001. Alternative Annual Forages – Now and in the Future. University of
California, Davis. Davis, California. <
Clark, A. 2007. Managing cover crops profitably, 3
ed. Handbook Series Book 9. Sustainable Agriculture Research &
Education (SARE) program. Beltsville, Maryland. <
Dixit, O., U. Singh, and J. Gupta. 1989. Significance of Pollination in Seed Setting Efficiency of Berseem (Trifolium
alexandrinum L.). Agronomy & Crop Science 162, 93-96 (1989)
Ehret, M., R. Graß, and M. Wachendorf. 2015. The effect of shade and shade material on white clover/perennial ryegrass
mixtures for temperate agroforestry systems. Agroforestry Systems. 89(3)
Evers, G. 2011. Descriptive Information on Cool‐Season Forage Legumes. Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Center.
Overton, Texas. <>
Ghaffarzadeh, M., 1997. Small grains: economic and biological benefits of intercropping berseem clover with oat in corn-
soybean-oat rotations. J.Prod. Agric., 10 (2): 314-319
Hackney, B., B. Dear, and G. Crocker. 2007. Berseem Clover. NSW Department of Primary Industries. New South Wales,
Havlin, J., J. Beaton, S. Tisdale, and W. Nelson. 2005. Soil fertility and fertilizers: An introduction to nutrient management.
Chapter 4 Nitrogen. Pearson: Prentice Hill. New Jersery, Upper Saddle River.
Kichler, J. 2019. Which annual clover do I plant? University of Georgia Extension.
Kishinevsky, B., Y. Leshem, Y. Friedman and G. Krivatz. 1992. Yield and nitrogen fixation of berseem clover as a potential
winter forage crop under semiarid conditions, Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation, 6:4, 261-270
McGregor, S. 1976. Insect Pollination of Cultivated Crop Plants. Chapter 3: Clover and Some Relatives. USDA ARS.
Mushrush, L. 2018. Putting cold-tolerant berseem clover to the test. Progressive Forage
Narayanan, E. S., P. L. Sharma, and K. G. Phadke. 1961. Studies on Requirements of Various Crops for Insect Pollination –
Insect Pollinators of Berseem - Egyptian Clover (Trifolium alexandrinum) with Particular Reference to Honey Bees
and their Role in Seded Setting. Indian Bee Jour. 23(4/6): 23-30.
Oushy, H. 2008. Fact Sheet: Egyptian Clover. USAID, Afghanistan Water, Agriculture and Technology Transfer Program,
Sexton, P., R. Bafus, and M. Bohle. 1999. Evaluation of Berseem Clover as an Annual Forage in Central Oregon. Oregon
State University. Corvallis, Oregon.
Singh, R., A. Singh, M Singh, and R. Singh. 2020. Diseases in berseem and its management: A review. Journal of
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2020; 9(3): 2054-2057
Taylor, N., D. TeKrony, and J. Henning. 1996. Producing red clover seed in Kentucky. University of Kentucky Cooperative
Extension Service. Factsheet AGR-2. <>
Pettit, A. and S Haller. 2021. Plant Guide for Berseem Clover (Trifolium alexandrinum). USDA-Natural Resources
Conservation Service, Booneville Plant Material Center. Booneville, Arkansas 72927.
Published Mo/Year
JLD: 9/21
For more information about this and other plants, please contact your local NRCS field office or Conservation District at and visit the PLANTS Web site at or the Plant Materials Program web site:
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