800 Lincoln Way I Ames, Iowa 50010
515-239-1101 I www.iowadot.gov
Moped Operators Manual
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................1
2. Mopeds and Iowa law ...............................................................................2
3. Responsibility ...............................................................................................4
4. Check it before you wreck it ....................................................................6
5. Controls ........................................................................................................10
6. Master the skills .........................................................................................12
7. Trac signs and signals ...........................................................................15
8. Distance detection .................................................................................. 24
9. Visibility ....................................................................................................... 26
10. Hazards ...................................................................................................... 27
11. Impaired driving ..................................................................................... 29
12. Enjoy the ride .......................................................................................... 30
Glossary of terms ...........................................................................................31
Final exam ....................................................................................................... 32
Driver’s license content ............................................................................... 36
Congratulations! on embarking upon the wonderful world of two-wheeled transportation, which
includes mopeds. You are going to have a marvelous time.
You also have some new responsibilities, which are introduced in the following pages. However, this booklet
provides only basic information, as there are a variety of makes and models of mopeds. Refer to your moped
owners manual for information about specic features and controls.
Mopeds have increased in popularity in recent years. Along with this increase comes the need to emphasize
Your safety while operating a moped depends on mastering not only the skill of riding, but also the realities of
mixing with the trac around you.
The time you spend understanding this information may be the most valuable investment you make toward
your safety and enjoyment while operating your moped.
The information contained in this publication is oered to benet those with an interest in mopeds and
moped riding. In addition, the Iowa Department of Transportation provided materials and supplemental
materials from publications, interviews and observations of individuals and organizations familiar with the use
of mopeds and training methods. Because there are many dierences in product design; riding styles; and fed-
eral, state and local laws, there may be organizations and individuals who hold diering opinions. Consult your
local Iowa DOTs driver’s license issuance site sta for clarication of elements that you do not understand.
Although the Iowa DOT will continue to research and update the materials oered in this course, it cannot
guarantee the safety of the operation, maintenance and street use of your moped.
It is reccommened you take a moped safety course before operating your moped. If you are at least
14-years-old, but under age 16, a moped safety course is required by law. (See page 2 for licensing
requirements.) The following contains a list of Iowa community colleges that oer moped safety courses.
Iowa community colleges licensed to provide moped
safety courses
College name City Telephone number
Northeast Iowa Community College Peosta 563-556-5110 ext. 372
Northwest Iowa Community College Sheldon 800-352-4907
Iowa Central Community College Fort Dodge 515-574-1967
Eastern Iowa Community College Davenport 563- 441-4100
Kirkwood Community College Cedar Rapids 319 -398-7130
Des Moines Area Community College Ankeny 515-964- 6676
Western Iowa Tech Community College Sioux City 712-274-8733 ext. 1821
Southeastern Community College Burlington 319-208-5384
Iowa Lakes Community College Estherville 800-252-5664
Hawkeye Community College Waterloo 319-296-2320
North Iowa Area Community College Garner 515-923-2252
Southwestern Community College Creston 515-782-1424
Iowa Western Community College Council Blus 712-325-3415
Iowa Valley Community College Marshalltown 641-752-4645
The most current and
comprehensive list of
moped safety courses is
available at http://www.
Moped safety course topics include the following.
Introduction to mopeds
Risk awareness
Risk acceptance
Risk management
Crash factors
Operator’s gear
Preride inspection
Routine maintenance
Getting on/o the moped
Engine starting and stopping procedure
Moped operation
Moped operation on the streets
Collision avoidance skills
Alcohol use
Successfully completing a moped course is not a guarantee that you will
be safe on the road. Only you can determine your level of safety through
the choices you make as an operator. This course provides opportunities
to acquire the basic knowledge for developing good operating habits.
If you are 16 years old or older and have never had
an Iowa driver’s license, you must pass the vision and
knowledge test. If you are under 18 years old, you will
also need to present a parental consent form, along
with proof of age and identity.
2c: Registration and insurance
Any motor vehicle registered in Iowa must have a
manufacturers certication stating the vehicle meets
federal motor vehicle safety standards. Without a
manufacturers certication label, vehicles cannot be
titled or registered. You will be required to register
your moped with your county treasurers oce and
display your license plate on the rear of your moped.
Anyone operating a motor vehicle registered in Iowa
must carry proof of insurance with them at all times,
including moped operators. Failure to do so could
result in nes and possible impoundment of your
With some insurance companies, the better your driv-
ing record, the less your insurance will cost. You may
even qualify for a discount on your rate just by taking
this course. Be sure to ask your insurance carrier.
July 2007
GVWR 271 KG (598 LB)
GAWR FRONT 110 KG (243 LB) WITH M 120/70R18 TIRE, 18XMT3.00 RIM. AT 250 KPA (36 PSI) COLD
GAWR REAR 161 KG (355 LB) WITH M160/60R17 TIRE, 17XMT4.00 RIM. AT 250 KP A (36 PSI) COLD
Sample of a Moped Manufacturer’s Label
2a: Moped characteristics
In Iowa, a “motorized bicycle” or moped is
dened as a motor vehicle:
Having a saddle or seat for the use of a single
operator (no passengers).
Designed to travel on not more than three
wheels in contact with the ground.
Incapable of operating at a speed in excess of
39 mph on level ground unassisted by human
Able to travel at a speed of at least 20 mph while
driving up a 3 percent incline.
If a motor vehicle is unable to meet all of the above
characteristics, it may not be licensed as a moped.
2b: Licensing requirements
Moped license – Restriction 5
If you are 18 years old or older and have never had a
drivers license, you will need to pass the vision screen-
ing and knowledge test. You may also have to take a
skills test to show you can properly operate a moped.
Additional licensing is not required if you possess a
valid driver’s li cense.
To get a moped license you must be at least 14 years
old, pass the vision screening and knowledge test,
and present a parental consent form, along with proof
of age and identity. Visit https://iowadot.gov/mvd/
realid/success.aspx to build a personal checklist of
the documents you will need to satisfy Iowas identi-
cation requirements. If you are under 16 years old, you
must pass an approved moped education course to
get a moped license.
2d: Laws specic to mopeds
In addition to following all basic
trac rules and regulations, moped
operators are responsible for know-
ing and abiding by the following
laws specic to mopeds.
Mopeds are designed to carry
one person; passengers are not
A moped must be equipped with
a day-glow orange safety ag that
extends no less than 5 feet above
the ground and is attached to
the rear of the moped. The safety
ag must be triangular in shape
with a surface area no less than 30
square inches.
Mopeds should not be operated
side by side in the same lane of
Mopeds must not be operated between lanes of travel, or adjacent
lines or rows of vehicles.
All mopeds must have a lighted headlight at all times when being
operated on a public street or roadway.
5 feet from ground
Moped operators must not carry a package, bundle or other
article that prevents the operator from keeping both hands on the
Be sure to securely strap down and center any cargo you carry on your
moped. Avoid obstructing the view of any lights or signals. Keep the
cargo and straps away from hot or moving parts. Remember, heavier
cargo will aect how your moped operates and you will need to com-
pensate for the additional weight.
The Iowa Drivers Manual
should be used to study for
the operators exam and is avail-
able at all driver license issu-
ance sites or can be accessed
online at: www.iowadot.gov/
3b: Risk acceptance
Some people are willing to take more risks than
others. If you choose to operate a moped, you must
recognize and accept the additional risks. Once you
become aware of the risks associated with moped
riding and accept them, it is time to learn how to
manage those risks. Following the risk management
techniques taught in this course allows moped opera-
tors to learn how to lessen the chances of a crash
and how to limit, whenever possible, the severity of
crashes that do occur.
3c: Risk management
What is your denition of a good moped operator”?
First and foremost, a good moped operator must
demonstrate awareness of the risks and a desire to
reduce them. This person should also possess supe-
rior operating skills, know and obey the laws, use
safety gear while riding, put visibility techniques into
practice, and watch what is happening around them.
A good moped operator must think safety and ride
according to his or her own skill level, road conditions
and vehicle capabilities.
A simple and helpful strategy is the SEE principle:
Search, Evaluate, Execute. To SEE is to search for
factors that might lead to trouble, evaluate how the
factors might interact to create risk, and execute an
action to maintain safety. (SEE will be covered later in
this guide.)
3d: Crash factors
Crashes do not just happen. They are the result of a
chain of events and circumstances caused by either
the operator, moped, other trac, road conditions, or
environment. It is helpful to understand why moped
crashes occur. Individual factors can include speed-
ing, inattention, distraction, drinking and/or careless-
ness. However, studies indicate that most crashes are
caused by multiple factors.
3a: Risk awareness
Operating any motor vehicle on Iowas streets and
roadways is a big responsibility and accompanies
a certain amount of risk. This is especially true for
moped operators. Certain characteristics of mopeds
present unique safety concerns for their operators.
One of the biggest challenges facing moped opera-
tors is stability. Unlike cars and trucks, mopeds oper-
ate on two wheels and weigh less, making them more
susceptible to riding conditions, such as wind or wet
pavement. It is important for moped riders to remain
constantly aware of their balance and the conditions
around them.
Physical vulnerability is another concern for moped
operators. Mopeds provide very little protection for
their operators. Wearing proper protective gear is the
best way to ensure your safety if a crash should occur.
The nal thing to keep in mind while operating your
moped is visibility. Mopeds are much smaller and
can be more dicult for other road users to see. It is
imperative that moped operators keep this in mind
and use good lane positioning to increase visibility to
other vehicle operators.
When considering the risks of operating your moped,
it is important for each individual to consider his or
her riding experience and level of skill. Do not put
yourself in situations that exceed your experience and
comfort level.
Operating a moped is a big responsibility; one that
is not to be entered into lightly. The decisions you
make while operating your moped will aect the rest
of your life and the lives of others. It is important to
remember that not all risks are due to the moped
operator’s own behavior – defensive driving skills
and driver courtesies are very important to the safe
and enjoyable use of your moped. Safety in trac is a
responsibility shared by all road users.
Review questions
1. Who is responsible for safety?
2. List three characteristics that dene a moped.
3. Describe a crash discussed by your group (or any crash that you are
aware of) and briey describe the circumstances. What preventive
measures could have been taken?
4. What is the minimum age for being licensed to drive a moped?
5. What paper must you carry with you when you ride?
6. What is one dierence between mopeds and cars?
7. What must happen before risks can be managed?
8. What are three characteristics that might dene a good moped
9. What strategy will be helpful for the moped operator to search for
factors that may lead to trouble?
10. Crashes are caused by what?
Check it before you wreck it. There are three things
you need to check every time before operating your
1. Yourself.
2. Your moped.
3. Your gear.
4a: Check yourself
It is clear what it means to check your moped and
your gear, but you may be wondering about checking
yourself. Checking yourself means evaluating your
physical health, state of mind and any other factors
that could interfere with safely operating your mo-
ped. Did you get enough sleep? Are you taking any
medications that aect your mental state? Common,
over-the-counter and prescription medications can
make you too drowsy to safely operate your moped.
Consult the label of any medication you are taking
before operating your moped.
How is your emotional state? Feelings such as anger,
worry, distraction, depression, anxiety, fatigue and
stress distract your focus from where it needs to be –
on safety.
4b: Check your moped
Get to know your moped. It is very dierent from a
car. Preride inspections help ensure that your moped
is ready to go, providing condence that the vehicle
will operate and respond properly. Get to know your
moped owner’s manual as well – not all mopeds are
alike. The owner’s manual will provide specics you
will nd helpful in understanding and maintaining
the make and model you have chosen. Each time you
ride, it is important to do a basic equipment inspec-
tion. Use the T-CLOCS acronym to help you remem-
ber what to check.
Tires and wheels
Lights and electronics
Oil and other uids
Stand (side or center)
T – Tires and wheels
Starting with the tires and wheels, check air pressure,
tire tread, cracks or dents in the wheel, loose spokes,
wheel bearings and brakes.
C – Controls
Next, check the controls. Check all levers for smooth
operation and proper function. Inspect visible cables
and hoses for obvious damage and secure connec-
tions. Conrm that the throttle is working properly.
L – Lights and electronics
When inspecting the lights, ensure that the headlight,
low and high beam, works properly. Also test the
brake lights, turn signals and taillights. Make sure the
gauges and indicator lights are working, including
the horn.
O – Oil and other uids
Check engine oil and fuel.
T-CLOCS Inspection
T Tires and wheels
Air pressure
• Tread
Cracks, dents, loose spokes
• Bearings
• Brakes
C – Controls
• Levers
• Switches
• Cables
• Hoses
• Throttle
L – Lights and electronics
Working condition
O – Oil and other uids
• Levels
• Leaks
C – Chassis
• Suspension
Drive components (chain, belt or drive shaft)
Cracks, dents, loose spokes
• Bearings
• Brakes
S – Stand (side or center)
© Checklist courtesy of MSF, all rights reserved
C – Chassis
On the chassis, check the front and rear suspension by gently rocking
the moped back and forth. Check the drive component of your moped,
which could be a chain, belt or drive shaft.
S – Stand
Finally, do not forget the stand. Your moped may be equipped with a
side or center stand. When you take the moped o its stand, be prepared
to control the moped’s balance. Make sure the stand is completely up
before you ride away and completely down before you dismount.
Routine maintenance
Mopeds require maintenance beyond the basics listed above. Your mo-
ped owner’s manual is the best source for information about inspection
and maintenance details. Routine maintenance can make your machine
safer and less expensive to operate. Maintenance helps avoid break-
downs and costly repairs. In addition, keeping your moped clean increas-
es visibility and prevents dirt from covering or hiding a serious problem.
However, always carry a tool kit with you for those occasional bolts or
screws that might come loose while you are on a ride.
4c: Check your gear
The nal thing you need to check before operating your moped is your
gear. On a moped, the only thing separating you from the pavement is
what you wear, your personal protective gear. It provides safety, comfort
and protection in the event of a crash.
Every rider should wear the following when riding a moped.
Over-the-ankle footwear
Long pants
A jacket or long-sleeve shirt
Full-ngered gloves
Protective eyewear
A helmet that meets U.S. Department of Transportation
There are several dierent styles of helmets to choose from. A full-
coverage helmet will provide the most protection, while a three-quarter
helmet leaves your face, teeth and chin exposed. When buying a helmet,
make sure it ts properly. It is easy to determine a proper t. The helmet
should t snug without feeling uncomfortable, and you should not be
able to roll the helmet o your head once the chinstrap is fastened.
Always fasten the chinstrap. If the helmet is not secure, it will not oer
protection when it counts.
To identify a quality helmet, look for a DOT sticker to make certain the
helmet meets DOT safety standards.
There are four basic components of a DOT-approved
1. Outer shell
2. Impact-absorbing liner
3. Comfort padding
4. Retention system
The outer shell is often made of berglass or molded
plastic. It is designed to keep sharp or hard objects
from penetrating the head. The outer shell becomes
damaged once impacted. The damage can be invis-
ible to the human eye, so if the helmet falls or takes
an impact, it should be replaced.
The liner is usually made of impact-absorbing poly-
styrene. This layer cushions and absorbs the shock.
The outer shell and liner work together to oer
protection. The more impact energy that is deected
or absorbed, the less there is to reach the head and
The comfort pad is the soft foam and cloth layer next
to the head.
The retention strap, or chinstrap, is very important. It
keeps the helmet on your head if a crash should oc-
cur. If your helmet is not secure, it may fall o.
Head injuries account for a signicant number of seri-
ous injuries and fatalities. Wearing a helmet is of the
utmost importance.
Protective eyewear
If your helmet is not equipped with a face shield, you
will want to wear some type of protective eyewear.
Riding goggles, worn outside your helmet, work
great, or you can invest in protec-
tive eyewear designed to look
just like stylish sunglasses.
Ordinary glasses or sunglasses
are no match for the elements you will encounter:
wind, rain and big, fat juicy bugs. If an object hits your
eye, it could cause permanent damage. Remember,
tinted shields or lenses are for daytime use only.
Gloves designed for moped riders
can protect you from a number of
hazards. They oer protection from
wind, rain, heat, cold and objects
kicked up by other vehicles on the
roadway. They will also give you a
better hold on your handgrips.
Jacket/Long-sleeve shirt
Jackets designed specically for riding are made from
durable material; such as leather or denim. Leather
oers you the most protection when it comes to abra-
sion. Garments designed to t while sitting are cut
longer in the sleeves and will help keep the wind out.
Remember, even in warm
temperatures, constant ex-
posure to wind may cause
hypothermia. Hypother-
mia is a subnormal body
temperature and can cause
loss of concentration and
slowed reaction.
When choosing a jacket
or any riding gear, select bright colors and garments
with retroreective material to become more con-
spicuous to other road users. If riding gear is too
expensive, apply retroreective tape to your clothing
or wear a strong yellow-green vest, like those worn by
road workers.
Pants protect or minimize abrasion in a crash. Riding
pants, as shown, work best. At minimum, wear pants
made from denim or other thick materials. Avoid
wearing wide-ared pants that
can ap in the wind and possibly
become entangled in your mopeds
moving parts.
Rugged over-the-ankle footwear is recommended. A leather boot can
provide you with a good grip on the roadway and protect you from hot
parts if you crash with your moped.
Rain suits
Anyone who rides a moped
will likely get caught in the
rain at one time or another.
You will be much more com-
fortable if you are dry. One-
and two-piece style rain suits
are available. Rain suits made specically for
motorcycle/moped riding are the most appropri-
ate. Wind can tear or shred ordinary rain suits. If
possible, choose a bright color, such as orange or
yellow, so surrounding trac will have an easier
time seeing you.
2. What are the three things you should check every time before
operating your moped?
3. What are the four basic components of a DOT-approved helmet?
Why is wearing a helmet so important?
4. List the essential riding gear for operating a moped.
5. Explain what the acronym T-CLOCS stands for.
Review questions
1. Is the moped operator on the left or right following proper safety
guidelines? Use the notes margin to write down the dierences
between the two operators. Be prepared to discuss your observa-
tions with the class.
Part of being a good moped operator is understand-
ing the dierent controls your moped is equipped
with and how those controls function and interact to
give you a smooth ride. Like any other motor vehicle,
your moped has controls for steering, accelerating
and stopping.
5a: Primary controls
In addition to the handgrips, mopeds are equipped
with three other primary controls, which are listed
Rear brake
Front brake
All of the primary controls are located on the moped’s
The throttle, usually found on the right handgrip,
twists toward the rider to supply power and away
from the rider to slow down or stop. A centrifugal
clutch supplies the moped with power, causing a
delayed reaction to acceleration. In simple terms, the
engine RPM needs to increase to a required minimum
level before the clutch will engage and moped move
The braking system on a moped is similar to that of a
bicycle. The rear brake is located on the left handgrip,
and front brake is located on the right handgrip. The
front brake supplies the majority of the moped’s stop-
ping power. However, both brakes should be used
every time to stop the moped. Using both brakes is
called maximum braking action and is a good skill
to practice.
5b: Other controls
The following is a sample diagram showing moped
parts. Remember, this is only a sample. Each moped
is unique and the location of parts varies from one
moped to another. Consult your moped owners
manual to obtain accurate information that is specic
to your moped.
1. Taillight/Brake light 11. Rear asher light
2. Muer 12. Rear wheel
3. Seat 13. Rear brake lever
4. Center stand 14. Left handlebar switch
5. Main switch 15. Speedometer
6. Headlight 16. Fuel gauge
7. Front wheel 17. Right handlebar switch
8. Front fender 18. Front brake lever
9. Front asher light 19. Throttle grip
10. Kick starter
On most mopeds, the ignition switch or button is located near the
primary controls on the handgrips. Customarily, the ignition switch has
three settings: on or run, o and lock.
The gauges are located on the dash of your moped. The speedometer
displays the speed your moped is traveling, and the odometer records
the total distance the moped has traveled. Your moped may also be
equipped with a trip odometer, which can be reset and used to deter-
mine gas mileage. The fuel gauge displays the amount of fuel. Never let
your moped get too low on fuel. It could cause damage to your moped’s
Your moped’s indicator lights, also located on the dash, alert the driver
to various operating conditions, such as low oil pressure, or turn signal
Turn signals are usually found on the left handgrip and should be oper-
ated with your left thumb. Always signal your intentions and remember
to cancel your signal once the maneuver is completed.
Customarily, the headlight switch is also found on the left handgrip
above the turn signals high beam for night or low visibility riding; low
beam for daytime riding.
The horn is also located on the left handgrip and should be operated
with your left thumb.
Electric start
The moped’s electric start button is located on the right handgrip. It is
operated with the right thumb.
The moped’s stand may be located at the side or center of the moped
and is used to support the moped when it is parked.
Take the time to become familiar with your moped. Your safety depends
on your ability to operate your controls without taking your eyes o the
Review questions
1. Name the primary controls on a moped.
2. What should you refer to if you have questions about your moped?
Becoming a good moped rider involves more than
knowing the controls and functions of your moped. It
is a great start, but you must also have the skill it takes
to perform those functions precisely and automati-
cally. The only way to master the basic skills of moped
riding is through practice.
You should practice basic skills in a safe environment
where there is little or no trac. Remember, motor
skills are best gained through practice and experi-
ence. Think about the rst time you learned to ride
a bicycle. In the beginning you had to concentrate
on balance, steering and pedaling all at once. After
enough practice, you could perform all those tasks in
perfect harmony without thinking about the indi-
vidual components. The same is true for learning to
ride a moped, only if you make a mistake or choose to
ignore the fundamentals, the consequences could be
much more severe than a scrapped knee.
When you begin to ride your moped, you will need to
remember the following motor skill principles.
Motor skills are best acquired through practice
and experience – not forced.
Too much verbal information hinders learning.
Beginning riders should focus on technique
before speed.
Get the big picture before ne-tuning the details.
6a: Posture
Sit so you can use your arms to steer the moped.
You should sit far enough forward so your arms are
slightly bent. Hold the handgrips rmly and keep your
feet rmly positioned on the footrests or oorboard
to maintain balance and have good control of your
moped. Keep your head and eyes up, and look where
you want your moped to go.
6b: Mounting
To get on your moped, squeeze the front brake that
is on the right handgrip. While applying the brake,
swing your right leg over the rear of your moped or
through the center of the moped frame. Once seated,
check all the levers and throttle to ensure they are
working and properly adjusted for you.
6c: Starting the moped
Before starting your moped, turn the ignition switch
or button to the “on” or “run” position to start the
engine. Squeeze the rear brake as you press the start
Mopeds are equipped with a centrifugal clutch. If you
increase the engine speed, power will be supplied to
the rear wheel causing your moped to begin to move.
This is called “blipping” the throttle. Blipping the
throttle is unsafe and damages your moped.
6d: Accelerating
As your moped riding skills develop, your acceleration
skills should also improve. Twisting the throttle gently
will provide smooth acceleration and make your ride
much more enjoyable. It is important to develop a
smooth throttle because you will need that skill for
making smooth turns.
6e: Turning
Unless you plan to ride in a straight line forever, turn-
ing is a skill every moped rider must master. The four
steps to executing a proper turn are:
First, slow to an appropriate speed before the
Second, look where you want your moped to
go. This will allow you to have a smooth con-
trolled path through the turn.
Next, press forward on the handgrip in the
direction you want your moped to go and
lean your body slightly into the turn. This is a
technique called counter-steering. Press
left, lean left, go left. Press right, lean right, go
Finally, roll on the throttle through the turn.
This will help to stabilize your moped. The key
to accomplishing the roll through the turn is to
have your speed adjusted before you encounter
the turn.
6f: Curves
Another must for any moped rider to learn is how to
negotiate curves safely. Curves can be great fun on a
moped, but pose a serious safety issue if executed
incorrectly. The majority of single-vehicle crashes for two- or three-
wheeled vehicles occur on curves. Use the slow, look, press and roll
technique to make turns.
6g: Maximum braking
Maximum braking is used to stop quickly in an emergency and is one
of the most important skills a moped rider can master. Always use both
brakes to put your moped to the point of an impending skid, but without
Practice maximum braking so the skill is there when you need it.
You may be faced with the need to brake while negotiating a curve.
Because some of the traction is lost in a curve, if possible, straighten the
moped and then stop in a straight line.
6h: Skidding
If your front wheel locks, release the front brake immediately and re-
apply. If you accidentally lock the rear brake on good traction, keep it
locked and steer straight ahead until you have stopped completely.
6i: Swerving
Sometimes swerving is the best way to avoid a hazard. Swerving consists
of two counter steers, one to avoid the hazard and the other to return
to the original path. When swerving, keep your body upright. Never use
swerving and braking together. If necessary to swerve and brake, com-
plete one maneuver before attempting the other.
6j: Changing lanes and passing
Changing lanes on a moped is really no dierent from changing lanes
while operating any type of vehicle on the roadway. Check your mirrors,
glance over your left shoulder to cover your blind spot, and signal before
moving into the opposite lane. You may need to accelerate, but should
not exceed the speed limit. Passing is very similar to changing lanes. For
both maneuvers, make sure you have enough time and space to change
lanes or pass safely.
Rear brake onlyRear brake only
Front brake onlyFront brake only
Both brakesBoth brakes
6k: Group riding
If you ride with others, do it in a way that promotes
safety. Small groups are easier for other trac to get
around. Never operate directly alongside another
rider. There is no place to go to avoid something on
the road. A staggered formation maintains an ad-
equate space cushion. Single le formation would be
used when riding through curves, turning or exiting a
6l: Stopping
For a smooth stop, roll o of the throttle as you
squeeze both brakes. Using both brakes for “normal”
stops will enable you to develop the proper habit or
skill of using both brakes if you need to stop quickly.
Remember to apply maximum braking for every stop.
6m: Parking
Park your moped so you can easily get out when you
are ready to ride again. Parking is simple unless you
are on an unfavorable terrain, such as loose gravel
or soft dirt. Place a side stand puck or crushed soda
can under your stand to stabilize your moped when
6n: Dismounting
Dismounting is very similar to mounting. Squeeze the
rear brake lever and swing your right leg over the rear
of your moped or through the center of the moped
frame. Using your engine cuto to shut down your
moped is a good habit to practice. Remember to turn
the ignition switch to o.
Review questions
1. What is the four-step process for turning your
2. Explain the counter-steering technique.
3. Why is it important to have good posture when
riding your moped?
4. True or false. If you lock your rear wheel, you
should keep it locked?
5. What three things should you do before
changing lanes or passing a vehicle?
6. Why is it unsafe to ride side by side on your
There are trac rules that govern where, when and how fast you can
drive. These rules help to keep trac moving safely. Rules of the road
include trac controls, lane controls, right-of-way laws and parking rules.
Trac signs indicate trac laws, hazards, where you are, how to get where
you are going, and where services are located. The shape and color of
these signs give clues to the type of information they provide.
Trac controls include trac signals, trac signs and pavement mark-
ings. Trac control can also be provided by law enforcement, highway
personnel or school crossing guards. You must obey directions from these
7a: Trac signs
Standard colors
Stop, yield or do what is shown on the sign.
Direction. These signs tell where a place is located, or dis-
tance from where you are.
Services for travelers. These signs direct you to places such
as rest areas, tourist sites, hospitals, hotels, gas sta tions, eat-
ing places, camp grounds or picnic areas.
General warning.
Fluorescent yellow-green
Pedestrian, bicycle and school warning signs. This color is
much easier to see in low light and foggy/rainy weather.
These signs tell you about regulations, en forceable laws and
Road work and maintenance warnings. Be sure to watch for
workers on the road.
Recreation and cultural points of interest. These signs point
out historical sites, parks or recreational areas.
Standard Shapes
Octagon - stop
Come to a full stop at an intersection controlled by this sign. Stop at the marked stop
line or before entering the crosswalk or before your vehicle enters the intersection. Let
other vehi cles or pedes trians pass if they are in your path.
Equilateral triangle
Yield the right of way. Slow down and let vehi cles crossing your path go by. If necessary,
stop before going ahead. If pedestri ans are in or about to enter the crosswalk, stop until
they have crossed the roadway, then proceed.
This sign will be on the left-hand side of the road or high way. It warns you of a no
pass ing zone.
Warning. These signs alert you to special road hazards. Words or pictures on the sign
will show you why you need to slow down or use extra cau tion.
Regulatory or guide. Vertical signs indicate what you should or should not do. Horizon-
tal signs give directions or information about services drivers may want.
School crossing. Signs mark school areas and school crossings. The color of this sign
may also be yellow.
Railroad crossing signs are placed at each crossing. A number sign under the crossbucks
shows how many sets of train tracks you must cross.
Railroad crossing ahead. These signs give you early warning of railroad crossings.
7b: Warning signs
These signs are yellow with black lettering or symbols and most are
diamond-shaped. These signs warn you to slow down and be prepared
to stop if necessary; a special situation or hazard is ahead. Some common
warning signs are shown below.
There is another road ahead which crosses the road
you are on. Watch carefully for cross trac in your
Signal ahead
These signs are used on roads with higher speeds. Be
ready for an intersection and a stop light.
Merging trac
If you are on the main road and see this sign, be pre-
pared for other cars and trucks merging into your lane
Two-way trac
Keep to the right because you are leaving a one-way
road and entering a two-way road.
Divided highway begins
You are getting close to the place where two-way
trac will be divided by a center strip.
Divided highway ends
Two-way trac will no longer be divided by a center
strip. Watch out for oncoming vehicles.
Merge left
Two lanes of trac will soon be-
come one lane of trac. Right lane
trac must yield when merging.
Gradual right curve
Road ahead curves gradually to
the right. Be prepared for the
change in direction.
Farm machinery
Farm equipment may be crossing
the road. Be ready to slow down for
slow moving equipment.
Slippery when wet
Road ahead becomes slippery in
wet weather. Slow down under
these conditions.
Pedestrian crossing
Watch out for people who might
walk or run in front of you.
Chevron sign
Used in addition to the curve
signs when there is a need to
draw added attention to a change
in the road’s direction.
Deer crossing
There may be deer attempting to
cross the roadway in the area. Slow
down and watch carefully.
Ramp speed
The recommended speed on an
exit ramp.
The sign is a warning to all
vehicles that the road ahead goes
down a hill. You should check your
brakes before going down the hill.
Advance school crossing
You are nearing a school area with
a crossing. Watch for children and
the marked school crossing. The
color of this sign may be yellow.
T-intersection ahead
The road you are on does not go
straight ahead. Prepare to turn right
or left.
School crossing
Watch out children. Reduce
speed. Obey crossing guard
signals. Look out for children play-
ing. The color of this sign may also
be yellow.
Horse-drawn vehicle
Be alert for slow-moving horse-
drawn vehicles on the roadway.
Reduce your speed and pass slowly.
School bus stop ahead
Watch for children. Be prepared
to stop. You are nearing an area
where a stopped school bus will
pick up or discharge passengers.
7c: Regulation signs
These signs give you information about rules for trac direction, lane
use, turning, speed, parking and other special situations.
Some regulation signs have a red circle with a red slash over a symbol.
These indicate you cannot do something; for example, no left turn, no
right turn or no U-turn.
Speed limit signs
These signs indicate the maximum or minimum safe speed that is al-
lowed. The maximum limits are for ideal conditions and you must reduce
your speed when conditions require it, such as when the roadway is
slippery (during rain) or it is dicult to see clearly down the road (during
fog). Some high-speed roads have minimum speed limits. If your moped
cannot maintain the minimum posted speed, you cannot operate your
vehicle on that road. Mopeds may not operate on the intersate.
Lane control signs
These signs mark where you can go and where you can turn, and often
use an arrow symbol. The signs are along the road or hanging over the
road. Sometimes arrows may be painted on the road.
Passing signs
These signs mark where it may be safe to pass another vehicle and where you can-
not. Passing areas are based on how far you can see ahead. They consider unseen
hazards, such as intersections, driveways and other places a vehicle may enter the
roadway. The signs indicate where you may pass, the beginning and ending of a
passing zone, or where you may not pass. Where passing is allowed, you may do so
only if it is safe.
Stop sign
A stop sign is red, with white letters, and has eight sides. It means you must come
to a full stop. You must wait until crossing vehi cles and pedestrians have cleared.
You must stop at the stop line if one is present. If necessary, you may then pull
forward to the stop sign or the edge of the inter sec tion and then proceed when it
is safe to do so.
Yield sign
A yield sign is shaped like a downward point ing trian gle. It is red and white with
red letters. It means you must slow down and yield the right of way to tra c in the
intersec tion you are crossing or road way you are entering.
Keep right
The road ahead is divided. Stay on the right side of the island or barrier.
Wrong way
You made a wrong turn and have entered a lane of oncoming trac. Get out at the
safest and quickest place possible.
One way
Trac moves only in the direction of the arrow.
Do not enter sign
A square sign with a white horizontal line inside a red circle means you cannot en-
ter. You will see this sign at roadway openings you are not to enter and when trac
is one way against you. You will see them at exit ramps, in crossovers on divided
roadways and at numerous loca tions on one-way roads.
7d: Slow-moving vehicle sign
A reective orange triangle on the rear of a vehi cle
means it is traveling 35 mph or less. You may see this
sign on road work equip ment, farm vehi cles, horse-
drawn wag ons or car riages. It appears as a solid or-
ange triangle by day and hollow red triangle at night.
7e: Guide signs
These signs are square or rectangu-
lar shaped, and are green or brown
with white lettering. They show
directions and distance to various
locations or areas, such as cities,
air ports or state lines; or to special
areas, such as national parks, histori-
cal areas or museums.
7f: Service signs
These signs are square or rectangular shaped, and
are blue with white let ters or symbols. They show
the location of various services, such as rest areas,
gas stations, campgrounds or hospitals.
7g: Route signs
The shape of route signs indicate the type of road way, such as interstate,
U.S. highway, state or county. When plan ning a trip, use a highway map
to determine your route. During the trip, follow the route signs. This will
help you stay on your route.
Left-Turn Signal Head
The left-turn signal head has four
1) Steady red arrow
Drivers turning left must stop
and wait.
2) Steady yellow arrow
The left-turn signal is about
to turn red. Do not enter the
intersection if you can stop
safely. Complete your left turn
if you are already within the
3) Flashing yellow arrow
Yield to oncoming trac and pedestrians; then
turn left proceeding with caution. Oncoming traf-
c has a green light.
4) Steady green arrow
Drivers can proceed with the left turn. Oncoming
trac must stop. Do not go straight.
7i: Railroad crossings
Motorists must use extra caution at railroad
crossings. Trains cannot stop quickly.
Never try to beat a train across the tracks. Even if
it is a tie, you will be the loser.
It is not wise to shift gears when crossing railroad
tracks; you might stall.
Never stop your vehicle on the railroad tracks.
Advance warning signs and pavement markings
indicate railroad tracks cross the road ahead. Be
prepared to stop before you get to the tracks if a train
is approach ing the crossing. Pave ment markings are
a large “X” with the letters “RR” on the road. These
marks are not used at all cross ings.
7h: Trac signals
Come to a complete stop at the
stop line or before entering the
intersec tion.
Do not enter the intersec tion if
you can stop safely. If you cannot
stop safely, proceed through the
inter section with caution. A yel-
low light warns pedes trians there
is not enough time to cross the
street. Any one crossing the street
on a yellow light shall yield the
right of way to all vehi cles.
Go, but only when the intersection is clear. You
must yield to vehicles and pedestri ans in the intersec-
tion. When the light changes, trac may be caught in
the intersec tion. You must give them the right of way
while they clear the intersec tion.
Yellow arrow
Do not enter the intersection if you can stop safely. If
you cannot stop safely, proceed only in the direc-
tion of the arrow.
Green arrow
Drive only in the direction of the arrow. Yield the right
of way to other vehicles and pedestri ans already in
the intersec tion.
Flashing red
Treat it the same as a stop sign.
Flashing yellow
Proceed with caution. Yield to vehicles
and pedestrians, and proceed when it
is safe.
Railroad/highway/side road intersection
Crossbuck signs
These signs have been put at many public railroad cross-
ings. This sign means look both ways, listen for and yield to
trains. A number sign under the crossbuck indicates there
is more than one set of tracks following the sign.
Flashing light signals
These signals may be used with crossbucks. Stop when the
lights are ashing. Do not cross until you can do it safely. If
there is more than one track, be careful to watch for trains
from either the same or opposite direc tion.
Gates are used with ashing lights at some crossings. Stop
when the lights start to ash before the gate
goes down. Remain stopped until the gates
go up and the lights stop ashing. Never drive around the
gates. It is dangerous and against the law. Railroad gates
and warning lights are to alert you that a train is in the
area. You may collide with a train if you go onto the tracks.
It is against the law to pass any vehicle within 100 feet of a
railroad crossing.
Required stops
All school buses, vehicles
carrying passengers for hire
and vehicles required to be placarded for hazardous materi-
als must stop within 15 to 50 feet of railroad tracks before
crossing. If a law enforcement ocer or highway trac signal
directs highway trac to proceed, you do not have to stop. You also do
not have to stop if the crossing is marked with an “EXEMPT” sign.
Review questions
1. What other trac controls must you obey besides trac signals,
trac signs and pavement markings?
2. What are the standard colors for trac signs?
3. Where should you stop at a stop sign?
4. How can you tell how many sets of train tracks you will be
5. How can you tell a warning sign from other posted signs?
6. What does a ashing red light mean?
7. What does a ashing yellow light mean?
Gates with ashing lights
Now that you have the basics, it is time to discuss
more advanced techniques you can use to stay safe.
8a: Distance detection
If you are riding a moped, more than likely you will
be riding with other trac. That is where distance
detection comes in. Distance detection is the science
of putting time and space between you and potential
hazards. A cushion of space is created.
There are three distance detection zones you should
remain aware of while operating your moped:
1. A two-second following distance.
2. A four-second immediate path.
3. A 12-second anticipated path.
Two-second following distance
Regardless of what speed you are traveling, you
always need a minimum of two seconds between you
and the vehicle in front of you. Calculate your two-
second following distance by nding a xed object
ahead of you, like a mailbox. Begin counting when
the vehicle in front of you passes that object, one-
Mississippi, two-Mississippi ... stop counting when
you pass the same object. Two seconds is the mini-
mum following distance for ideal weather and road
Allowing more space increases the time you have to
react and execute the appropriate maneuver.
Four-second immediate path
A four-second immediate path means you should be
ready to stop for anything four seconds ahead of you.
12-second anticipated path
Your 12-second anticipated path is the distance you
need to scan ahead for potential hazards. It may seem
like a long time, but it will give you the time and space
you need to react.
8b: SEE: Search, evaluate and execute
Once you have developed your distance detection
skills, the next step to becoming a safe moped opera-
tor is practicing the mental strategy, SEE.
Use your distance detection to aggressively search
the roadway. Check areas to the side and rear. Use
your mirror frequently and do a head check for those
areas that are in your blind spot.
Evaluate what you see. Assess the situation and pre-
dict potential hazards. It is important to use good risk
management skills so you can gure out what time
and space you will require to maintain your safety
Finally, execute the appropriate response. Execution
is the action you will take to avoid a potentially dan-
gerous situation. Execution usually involves adjusting
your speed or changing your lane position. Whatever
you do, be sure to communicate your intentions.
Negotiating a curve is a great opportunity to search,
evaluate and execute. Search the roadway. Scan the
road surface, shoulder area and anticipated path of
Evaluate possible hazards. Consider the angle of the curve and what
could lie ahead of it.
Execute. The rider reacts by using the slow, look, press and roll tech-
nique that was discussed earlier. Lane position is also adjusted. The
outside/inside/outside path of travel technique helps the operator see
farthest around the corner and decreases the severity of the curves
SEE is a constant process when riding a moped. However, as you con-
tinue to practice searching, evaluating and executing it will become
Visibility is the number one issue facing moped operators. Because
mopeds are so much smaller, they are dicult to spot in trac and their
speed is hard for other motorists to judge. The key to being seen is riding
smart. In addition to wearing brightly colored clothing, moped opera-
tors use lane positioning, braking, signaling, headlights and their horn to
make themselves visible to other road users.
Review questions
1. What is meant by cushion of space?
2. What are the three distance detection zones that riders should
remain aware of at all times? Explain each of them.
3. Explain how to calculate a two-second distance detection zone.
4. How should you search?
5. What are the three steps taken when executing your decision?
6. To safely maneuver a curve, what should be considered?
9a: Lane positioning
Lane positioning is one
of the most important
things you can do to
be seen and extremely
important when ap-
proaching or entering
an intersection. Your
position on the road-
way is important to
your safety. Within the
trac lane, stay where
SEEN. A well thought-
out lane choice can
increase your margin of
safety and provide the
maximum cushion of
space between you and the other trac. Never hide
among other vehicles.
Ride so other motorists with a limited view of the
road can see you. Stay out of peoples blind spots. The
no-zone is a term associated with semitrailer, truck
trac. Stay out of their no-zone area. If you cannot
see their mirrors, they can not see you either. Lane
position should be adjusted constantly to adapt to
changes in trac.
9b: Braking
Being seen in trac also means alerting other road
users to your intentions, especially when slowing
or stopping. Rolling back the throttle may slow you,
but using your brakes shows the vehicle behind you
that you are slowing down. When slowing or coming
to a stop, check your mirrors to be sure the driver or
rider following you is paying attention. Flashing your
brakes when coming to a stop may also be helpful in
alerting other motorists.
9c: Signaling
Turn signals draw attention to you and communicate
your intentions to other road users. Just remember to
cancel them after the maneuver is completed.
9d: Headlight use
In addition to turn signals and brake lights, moped
operators use their headlight to increase their vis-
ibility among trac. Riding with your headlight on,
even during the day, greatly increases visibility and is
required by Iowa law. Your horn can also be used to
draw attention to your presence. However, do not rely
on it. It is not very loud and can be easily drowned out
by loud radios and other distractions.
9e: Night riding
Riding at night is a skill that should be reserved for ex-
perienced moped riders. Only after you feel extreme-
ly comfortable with the basics should you test your
skills by riding at night. It is wise to lower your speed
at night. Visibility is decreased and going slower will
give you more time and space to react to unexpected
situations. Wearing bright colors and reective gear
will greatly increase your visibility.
One of the most important things to remember when
riding at night is not to over drive your headlight. In
other words, your total stopping distance should not
exceed the length of your light beam.
Review questions
1. True or false. Proper lane positioning relies on
the rider’s ability to remain in one constant
position. Why or why not?
2. What is the no-zone?
3. What is the best way for moped operators to
communicate their intentions to surrounding
road users?
4. What is over-driving your headlight?
Hazards for moped operators are everywhere. Factors such as wind, rain,
oil, potholes, debris, metal, and painted surfaces like railroad tracks and
crosswalks can mean serious trouble for moped operators.
10a: Wind
Because your moped is lighter and more responsive, strong winds pose a
serious safety concern. Lean into the wind to increase stability. Be aware
that if you pass by trees or a building and the wind is cut o, your moped
could go into the other lane. Keep your moped on the side of the lane
the wind is coming from just in case a big blast moves you across the
lane. If you are having diculty controlling your moped, please pull over.
Wait for the wind to die down or call for a ride.
10b: Wet surfaces
Wind is not the only element that poses a threat to moped riders. There
is also rain. The most dangerous time to ride your moped is right after it
begins to rain. Oil residue on the roadway mixes with water and rises to
the road’s surface, making riding conditions extremely slippery and caus-
ing vehicles to hydroplane. Visit a friend or grab a soda while you wait
for the oil to wash away. When you get back on the road, slow down to
allow yourself more time and space to react to hazards. It is more dicult
to see and to be seen in the rain, and your moped will take longer to stop
on wet surfaces.
10c: Slippery surfaces
To pass safely over slippery surfaces, remember to SEE – search, evaluate
and execute. Search your 12-second anticipated path for slippery road
surfaces. Assess the situation to determine your response and execute
your maneuver. Always brake before you reach the slippery surface. Brak-
ing on a slippery surface is likely to cause a crash. Coast over the slippery
surface in a straight line, keeping your body upright and wheels straight.
10d: Crossing hazards safely
Avoid hazards whenever possible. However, many times potholes,
bumps and road debris are unavoidable. Slow down as much as you
can and approach the object at a 90-degree angle, if possible. Slightly
rise o the seat and shift your weight to the rear, keeping your knees
bent. Speed up slightly as you connect with the object, then release the
throttle and coast over it. Sit back down and continue your journey.
10e: Animals
Hazards for moped riders come in many dierent
shapes and forms. Some even have four legs. Animals
on the road pose problems for all vehicles, but are
especially dangerous for moped operators. To safely
avoid a dog in your path of travel, slow down until
you are close to it, then honk your horn and acceler-
ate past. Remember to always watch for deer crossing
the roadway, especially during late fall when deer are
on the move in search of food and a mate. If you see
one deer, chances are more are soon to follow.
10f: Crossing railroad tracks
Railroad crossings require extra caution. Trains can-
not stop quickly and create an optical illusion, which
makes a train appear farther away than it actually is.
Never try to beat a train across the tracks. Never stop
your moped on the railroad tracks. Obey all signs
and signals posted on or near railroad tracks. It is also
important to remember that rail grade crossings can
be very slippery. Remember to use the SEE principle
discussed earlier in this unit.
10g: Hand-held phone use
It is highly dangerous to divide your attention from
the task of driving by using hand-held phones, text
messaging devices and electronic entertainment
It is unlawful for any driver in Iowa to read, write or
send a text message while driving. Before using a
hand-held electronic communication device to write,
send or read a text message, the vehicle must be
brought to a complete stop o the traveled portion
of the roadway. Exceptions to reading a text message
are limited to:
A member of a public safety agency performing
ocial duties.
A health care professional in the course of an
emergency situation.
A person receiving safety-related information,
including emergency, trac or weather alerts.
It is unlawful for persons under the age of 18 operat-
ing a motor vehicle with a minor restricted license, in-
struction permit, intermediate license or minor school
license to use an electronic communication
device (including hand-held phones) or an electronic
entertainment device unless the vehicle is at a com-
plete stop o the traveled portion of the roadway.
Expect the unexpected when riding a moped. Haz-
ards are everywhere and can have serious conse-
quences if not dealt with properly. Use the skills you
have learned in this course to minimize the risk of the
hazards you may encounter.
Review questions
1. If you are traveling north and the wind is
blowing from the east, what side of the lane
should you be traveling on?
2. When is it most dangerous during a rain? Why?
3. Explain how to safely pass over a slippery
4. When should you be most alert for deer
crossing the roadway?
5. Why is it dangerous to use your mobile phone
while operating your moped?
Operating your moped under the inuence of alcohol, drugs or other
narcotics is strictly prohibited and doing so will cost you your driving
privileges, thousands of dollars in nes, and high insurance rates; or
possibly your life or that of others.
Riding a moped takes skill and a high degree of mental alertness. Drugs
and alcohol impair your perception, reexes and willingness to cooper-
ate with other road users.
Iowa has an Implied Consent law, which means a law enforcement
ocer can ask you to submit to a breath, urine or blood test to deter-
mine your blood alcohol concentration or “BAC.” The current BAC level is
0.08 for anyone age 21 or older. If you are 21 or older and plan to drink,
keep in mind that it takes a long time for the eects of alcohol to be
cleared from your body – roughly one hour for each bottle of beer, glass
of wine or shot of liquor. If you are under 21 years old, Iowa has a zero
tolerance policy, meaning any trace of alcohol will result in nes, the loss
of your drivers license and other negative consequences.
If you know someone is about to drive impaired, take the keys and help
your friend nd a safe ride home. Groups are often most eective at dis-
suading someone from driving impaired.
Many of you would never make the decision to drink or use drugs. How-
ever, it is important to understand when you become a licensed driver,
no matter what type of vehicle, the decisions you make every second,
no matter how big or small, will aect the rest of your life and the lives of
Review questions
1. Name some of the consequences of operating your moped while
under the inuence of drugs or alcohol.
2. What are three mental or physical states that are aected by
alcohol use?
3. What does the Iowa Implied Consent law mean?
4. True or false. When attempting to stop someone from driving
impaired you should approach them by yourself and privately
address the issue.
5. How long does it take for the aects of alcohol to be cleared from
the body?
6. What blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is allowed by law for
anyone under the age of 21?
Riding a moped is a constant learning experience. Be a life-long learner; wear proper protective gear and
ride within your personal limits.
It only takes one mistake or lapse in judgement to aect the rest of your life. Operating a motor vehicle is a
serious responsibility and should be treated as such.
Be smart, and use what you have learned in this manual to stay safe. Just do not forget to enjoy the ride.
Alcohol – a depressant drug consumed as a beverage
Attitude – a feeling or emotion regarding a fact
BAC (blood alcohol concentration) – percentage by volume of alcohol in the bloodstream
Centrifugal – the force that tends to impel a thing or parts of a thing outward from a center of rotation
Conspicuous – easily seen by others; highly visible
Counter-steer – a momentary steering deection away from the intended direction of travel accomplished
by pressing on the handgrip in the direction of the turn; used to produce a lean in the desired direction (press
right, lean right, go right; press left, lean left, go left)
Crash – to fall, land or hit with destructive force; an unexpected and undesirable event
Distance detection zones – basis of a strategy to use the eyes and mind to reduce/manage risk: two-second
following distance; four-second immediate path; 12-second anticipated path
DOT – Department of Transportation – federal law requires that all helmets sold in the United States meet U.S.
DOT performance standards; check the label on the helmet before you buy
Head check – before committing to any action when driving you have to move your head to check that the
way is clear
Hydroplaning – loss of traction caused by a build-up of water, oil and dirt under the tires, especially when rain
rst begins to fall
Hypothermia – subnormal body temperature due to the cooling eects of cold and wind on exposed skin
Legal limit – blood alcohol content (BAC) level designated by a state as the level at which a person is legally
No-zone – the area around a truck or other vehicle that cannot be seen in the vehicle’s mirror
Peripheral vision – area to the sides of your line of sight that can be seen while looking straight ahead
Retroreective – ability of a surface to reect light; a term for clothing and signs referred to in the manual
Responsible – able to answer for one’s conduct and obligation
SEE – an acronym for a dynamic strategy for seeing and being seen: Search, Evaluate, Execute
Space cushion – a margin of safety created by adding space between your vehicle and the one ahead or to
the sides
Tailgating – following at a distance of less than two seconds
T–CLOCS – an acronym for the moped preride inspection checklist: tires and wheels; controls; lights and
electronics; oil and other uids; chassis; stand (side or center)
Visibility – ability to see and/or be seen
Please circle the correct answer.
1. T-CLOCS is a way to remember:
a) The three lead times.
b) Preride inspection.
c) Start-up procedure.
2. The greatest chance for conict with other trac is:
a) At intersections.
b) Passing another vehicle.
c) Leaving your driveway.
3. A rain-slick surface:
a) Allows for better traction.
b) More fun than a dry surface.
c) Is most slippery during the rst 1/2 hour of rain because of road residue.
4. Carrying a passenger:
a) Aects moped handling.
b) Can make your moped more stable.
c) Is against the law.
5. The best way to achieve maximum braking is to:
a) Apply both brakes without locking either wheel.
b) Use only the front brake because that supplies the most stopping power.
c) Lock the rear wheel and apply some front brake.
6. What type of injury is most commonly associated with fatalites in a crash?
a) Leg
b) Head
c) Arm
7. SEE stands for:
a) Search, Estimate, Escape.
b) See , Evaluate, Escape.
c) Search, Evaluate, Execute.
Final score __________
8. What ocial sticker is found on an approved helmet?
a) DOT
b) MOP
c) BRC
9. Hypothermia occurs when:
a) You do not wear protective gear.
b) Body temperature is below normal.
c) Winds reach 25 mph.
10. The minimum recommended following distance is:
a) Four seconds.
b) 12 seconds.
c) Two seconds.
11. If a dog runs toward you while riding, you should:
a) Honk your horn.
b) Kick at the dog.
c) Stop suddenly.
12. What is the no-zone?
a) Somewhere you cannot ride your moped.
b) A large truck’s blind spot.
c) The middle of a lane.
13. If someone has three alcoholic drinks, approximately how long will it take to leave the body?
a) Two hours
b) Six hours
c) Three hours
14. A full-coverage helmet is preferred over other styles because:
a) Provides more protection.
b) You can see better.
c) You are more visible in trac.
15. Most crashes are caused by:
a) The other driver.
b) Riding at night.
c) Multiple factors.
16. You must carry this with you when you ride your moped:
a) Proof of insurance.
b) Proof of completion of this course.
c) A passenger.
17. You should wear high-visibility clothing:
a) Only at night.
b) So you can be seen by other drivers more easily.
c) Because it makes you look cool.
18. Good riding posture includes:
a) Arms and elbows are straight.
b) Wrist is in the up position.
c) Head and eyes are up.
19. A ashing red light is the same as:
a) A yield sign.
b) A do not enter sign.
c) A stop sign.
20. At a railroad crossing you should:
a) Check for approaching trains.
b) Continue because the lights are not ashing.
c) Stop everytime.
21. When you know someone has been drinking:
a) Approach him/her in a group, take the keys and nd him/her a safe way home.
b) Argue with them.
c) Make them stay over night.
22. Hydroplaning occurs when:
a) You follow another vehicle too closely.
b) Water washes o the pavement.
c) Water builds up under the tires.
23. Swerving consists of:
a) Two consecutive turns.
b) Braking to miss a hazard.
c) Two slow turns.
24. When changing lanes on a moped:
a) There is no need to do a head check.
b) Check your mirrors, glance over your shoulder to check your blindspot and signal your intentions.
c) Signals are not required if no one is there.
7. Motorized bicycle.
a. The department may issue a driver’s license valid only for operation of a motorized bicycle to a person fourteen
years of age or older who has passed a vision test or who les a vision report as provided in section 321.186A
which shows that the applicant’s visual acuity level meets or exceeds those required by the department and
who passes a written examination on the rules of the road. A person under the age of sixteen applying for a
drivers license valid only for operation of a motorized bicycle shall also be required to successfully complete a
motorized bicycle education course approved and established by the department or successfully complete an
approved motorized bicycle education course at a private or commercial driver education school licensed by
the department. A public school district shall charge a student a fee which shall not exceed the actual cost of
instruction. A drivers license valid only for operation of a motorized bicycle entitles the licensee to operate a
motorized bicycle upon the highway while having the license in the licensees immediate possession. The license
is valid for a period not to exceed two years from the licensees birthday anniversary in the year of issuance, subject
to termination or cancellation as provided in this section.
b. A drivers license valid only for operation of a motorized bicycle shall be canceled upon a conviction for a moving
trac violation and reapplication may be made thirty days after the date of cancellation. The cancellation of the
license upon conviction for a moving trac violation shall not result in requiring the applicant to maintain proof
of nancial responsibility under section 321A.17, unless the conviction would otherwise result in a suspension
or revocation of a person’s drivers license.
c. As used in this section, “moving trac violation does not include a parking violation as dened in section
321.210 or a violation of a section of the Code or municipal ordinance pertaining to standards to be maintained
for motor vehicle equipment except sections 321.430 and 321.431, or except a municipal ordinance pertaining
to motor vehicle brake requirements as applicable to motorized bicycles.
d. The holder of any class of driver’s license may operate a motorized bicycle.
e. A person who violates this subsection commits a simple misdemeanor.
IAC 7/2/08 Transportation[761] Ch 636, p.1
761—636.1(321) Information and location. Applications, forms and information regarding this
chapter are available by mail from the Oce of Driver Services, Iowa Department of Transportation,
P.O. Box 9204, Des Moines, Iowa 50306-9204; in person at 6310 SE Convenience Blvd., Ankeny,
Iowa; by telephone at 515-237-3153; or by facsimile at 515-237-3071.
761—636.2(321) Denitions.
Approved course” means the motorized bicycle rider education course approved by the department.
“Sponsor” means an entity that delivers the approved course.
761—636.3 Reserved.
761—636.4(321) Agencies or institutions. Any school district, area education agency, merged area
school, other agency or individual planning to oer a motorized bicycle rider education course must
receive course approval from the department prior to the beginning of the rst class that is oered
and annually thereafter. The agency or institution or individual shall complete a form provided by the
department to apply for course approval. Course approval will be issued for a calendar year or remainder
of a calendar year. The approval expires on December 31 and must be renewed annually.
761—636.5(321) Private or commercial sponsors. The department licenses private and commercial
sponsors oering motorized bicycle rider education.
636.5(1) Instructor and course approval. The department must approve the sponsor’s course and
instructors prior to the beginning of the rst class that is oered and annually thereafter.
636.5(2) Application and fees. Application for authorization or renewal shall be made to the
department on forms provided by the department. The fee for an authorization or a renewal is $25 for a
private or a commercial sponsor. The fee must be paid by cash, money order or check. A money order
or check must be for the exact amount and should be made payable to the Treasurer, State of Iowa, or
the Department of Transportation.
636.5(3) Issuance and renewal. Authorization to oer motorized bicycle rider education shall be
issued for a calendar year or remainder of a calendar year. The authorization expires on December 31
and must be renewed annually.
636.5(4) Cancellation. The authorization to teach motorized bicycle rider education shall be
canceled if the course or instructors are no longer approved.
761—636.6 Reserved.
761—636.7(321) Course requirements.
636.7(1) Classroom instruction. An approved course shall consist of a minimum of six clock hours
of classroom instruction which includes the instructional components contained in subrule 636.7(3).
636.7(2) Driving instruction. Motorized bicycle rider driving experiences in addition to classroom
instruction are permissible, but not required.
636.7(3) Course content. The following instructional components shall be incorporated in every
motorized bicycle rider education course.
a. Operator and motorized bicycle preparation.
(1) Knowledge of Iowa driving laws.
(2) Knowledge of vehicle registration requirements.
(3) Vehicle inspection.
(4) Protective clothing and devices.
(5) Risk assessment.
(6) Route selection.
b. Basic control skills.
(1) Starting procedures.
(2) Speed control.
(3) Turning.
(4) Stopping.
c. Safe driving practices.
(1) Use of lights and warning devices.
(2) Signaling.
(3) Maintaining directional control.
(4) Perception skills and observation.
(5) Use of mirrors.
(6) Recognition of hazards.
(7) Speed control.
(8) Lane positioning.
(9) Concerns and conicts regarding intersections.
(10) Following distances.
(11) Lateral separation.
d. Complex situations.
(1) Limited visibility.
(2) Adverse weather.
(3) Critical situations.
(4) Malfunctions.
e. Motorized bicycle care.
(1) Inspection.
(2) Maintenance.
761—636.8(321) Teacher qualications. A teacher of an approved motorized bicycle rider education
course shall possess a valid license allowing unaccompanied driving other than a temporary restricted
license and shall be able to operate a motorized bicycle. A teacher must also have a clear driving record
for the previous two years. A clear driving record means the teacher has:
636.8(1) Not been identied as a candidate for drivers license suspension under the habitual violator
provisions of rule 761—615.13(321) or the serious violation provisions of rule 761—615.17(321).
636.8(2) No drivers license suspensions, revocations, denials, cancellations, disqualications or
636.8(3) Not committed an oense that would result in driver’s license suspension, revocation,
denial, cancellation, disqualication or bar.
636.8(4) No record of an accident for which the individual was convicted of a moving trac
761—636.9(321) Evaluation. Each student shall be evaluated to determine successful completion of the
These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code section 321.189.
[Filed 3/10/04, Notice 2/4/04—published 3/31/04, eective 5/5/04]
[Filed 12/12/07, Notice 11/7/07—published 1/2/08, eective 2/6/08]
MM193 03/25/2022
Iowa Department of Transportation
800 Lincoln Way
Ames, Iowa 50010
Federal and state laws prohibit employment and/or public accommodation discrimination on the
basis of age, color, creed, disability, gender identity, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex,
sexual orientation or veterans status. If you believe you have been discriminated against, please
contact the Iowa Civil Rights Commission at 800-457-4416 or Iowa Department of Transporta-
tions armative action ocer. If you need accommodations because of a disability to access
the Iowa Department of Transportations services, contact the agency’s armative action ocer
at 800-262-0003.
Know when to stop or pass a school bus?
Traveling on a
two- or three-lane road
Traveling on a road with two
or more lanes in each direction
For more
about school
bus safety,
including penalties for
violation, visit:
Not knowing could cost you your drivers
license and a whole lot more.
Three-lane highway
Four-lane highway with center turn lane
Two-lane highway with center turn lane
Two-lane highway
Four-lane highway
Three-lane highway
Four-lane highway with center turn lane
Two-lane highway with center turn lane
Two-lane highway
Four-lane highway
Do more online and skip a trip.
Many of the services you receive at drivers license
issuance sites are now available to you online, anytime.
Specialty and personalized plates.
Check availability of a personalized number/
letter combination and order your plates.
Online renewal
Renew your drivers license or ID online.
Electronic renewal notication
Sign up to receive an email reminder when
its time to renew your drivers license/ID.
To access online services,
visit www.iowadot.gov.
Mailing address change
Review or change your mailing address
on le with the Iowa DOT.
Driving record
Obtain a free, noncertied copy or
purchase a certied copy of your
driving record.