Pinkerton Counselor BRAG sheet
Request for Counselor Letter of Recommendation
Date given to counselor __________ *Please give counselor BRAG sheet 30 days prior to Application Deadline*
I request that my counselor ________________________, write a letter of recommendation for the
purpose of applying to colleges and universities.
Student Name Printed: _______________________ Student Signature:__________________________
College’s REQUIRING Counselor Letter of Recommendation:
_________________________________ Application Deadline:_____________
_________________________________ Application Deadline:_____________
_________________________________ Application Deadline:_____________
_________________________________ Application Deadline:_____________
_________________________________ Application Deadline:_____________
_________________________________ Application Deadline:_____________
Proposed College Major: _____________________________________
Academic Honors: List any special honors, awards, or recognitions that you have earned in high school.
Please do not abbreviate.
Clubs, activities, community, and family involvement. Do not abbreviate.
Please write short
response to leadership involvement or activities you have had an active role in.
Description of participation. Position/Honors
Employment: Please list any job that you have held while in high school to include summer employment.
Place of
Dates of
Short Answers:
1. List three words that best describe you? Give examples when you have shown these qualities.
2. What are your college/career goals?
3. Briefly list your hobbies and Interest?
4. Is there anything that you believe sets you apart from other students applying to college?
5. Is there anything you want your counselor to highlight in your letter?