Last Name _____________________ Last Name _____________________ ID # ___________
1. INTRODUCTION: Please tell me about yourself. List 3-5 adjectives that you or others
use to describe you.
What do you hope to accomplish in life and why?
2. ACADEMICS: What types of courses interest you and why?
What are your proudest academic accomplishments and why?
Do you feel your GPA and/or test scores reflect your true academic ability?
3. PERSONAL: In what areas have you grown or matured since freshman year?
How do you express your creativity? (Academically, artistically, athletically,
interpersonally, musically, etc.)
Are there any difficult challenges, disabilities, special circumstances, or struggles that
you would like to mention?
4. ACTIVITIES: What activity or work experience has been the most meaningful to you
and why?
Give an example(s) of how you have demonstrated leadership skills.
List your high school activities and the years of participation. You may also add
comments regarding leadership roles, committees, special responsibilities, etc.
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List activities outside of high school and the years of participation. You may also add
comments regarding leadership roles, committees, special responsibilities, etc.
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List your community service/volunteer activities during your high school years and
years of participation.
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List part-time jobs and dates of participation.
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5. Please include any other comments about yourself that you think would be helpful for
me to know.
Please complete a resume and turn it in at the beginning of your senior year.