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This form is for parents to ll out.
Complete this form to help your student’s counselor write a leer of recommendaon on their behalf.
Keep in mind, the more specic the details you can give, the more personal and eecve your child’s
recommendaon will be. Anecdotes are very helpful.
Student’s full name:
Name of person(s) compleng this form:
Relaon to student:
Your email address:
List three adjecves you would use to describe your student.
Brag Sheet:
Parent Quesonnaire for
Counselor Leer of Recommendaon
Brag sheets are a way for you to help your counselor and teachers write leers of
recommendaon. These forms give them more insight into who you are outside of
school and your interests. Fill out these forms, and share them with your counselor
and teachers when you ask them for a leer of recommendaon!
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What makes your student unique?
Consider sharing a characterisc or accomplishment that we might not know about or won’t see on their
academic or acvity record.
List some acvies your student enjoys.
How do you view your student’s academic progress up to this point?
What do you believe to be your student’s strengths (academic and personal)?
What do you believe to be your student’s weaknesses (academic and personal)?
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How does your student react to setbacks?
Can you provide an example of a me your student overcame an obstacle or adversity and demonstrated
strength, courage, or resiliency?
List any events or experiences you feel have signicantly inuenced your student.
List any special circumstances that may aect where your student may apply/aend
Addional informaon.
Use this space to share any addional informaon about your student, including specic examples or stories
that highlight your student’s character. What hopes do you have for your student’s college experience?
Thank you for taking the me to share this important informaon about your
* Thank you to the members of Common App’s Outreach Advisory Commiee and counselors around the world for contribung to this resource.