Lending Conditions and Loan Default:
What Can We Learn From UK Buy-to-Let Loans?
Robert Kelly and Conor O’Toole
Lending Conditions and Loan Default: What Can We Learn
From UK Buy-to-Let Loans?
Robert Kelly
and Conor O’Toole
Monetary Policy Division, Central Bank of Ireland
Financial Stability Division, Central Bank of Ireland
June 2016
This research considers one approach as to how originating lending conditions on debt-
service ratios and loan-to-value ratios affect future default risk in the “Buy-to-Let” mar-
ket. Using a sample of mortgage loans for the UK, we estimate a “double trigger” default
model, with originating equity and affordability terms. We find default increasing with
originating loan-to-value (OLTV) and falling in original rent coverage (ORC). A non-linear
cubic spline model is used to identify threshold effects in the relationship between OLTV,
ORC and default, with loans of OLTV greater than 75 and ORC below 1.5 showing a large
increase in default risk. These results provide empirical evidence for the non-linear nature
of default in these origination terms and provides useful insights into for understanding
OLTV and ORC limits in a macro prudential context. In addition, we investigate how
multiple loan portfolios interact with these thresholds. While there is no impact on the
main findings of 75 and 1.5, there is strong evidence to support tighter restrictions on
loans for second and subsequent properties.
Keywords: Macroprudential, Credit Risk, Mortgages, UK.
JEL Classification: E32, E51, F30, G21, G28
E-mail: robert.kelly@centralbank.ie; conor.oto[email protected]. We thank seminar participants at the
Central Bank of Ireland internal seminar series for helpful comments and suggestions. Particular thanks go to
Mark Cassidy, Gabriel Fagan, Niamh Hallisey, Gerard O’Reilly and Maria Woods. The views presented in this
paper are those of the authors alone and do not represent the official views of the Central Bank of Ireland or
the European System of Central Banks. Any remaining errors are our own.
Non Technical Summary
With an aim towards boosting systemic resilience in the financial system, there has been a recent
refocusing of financial regulation towards the use of macroprudential instruments. Regulators globally
are engaged in a process of introducing, and designing, measures to limit aggregate risk through a
toolbox of macroprudential regulations.
While there are a range of instruments available to policymakers such as capital buffers and risk
weight management, one area of considerable focus has been the introduction of limits on mortgage
lending such as loan-to-value and loan-to-income ratios. This is mainly in response to the elevated
level of mortgage delinquency in many economies following the crisis, the link between the mortgage
market and the wider financial turmoil and the evidence linking looser mortgage credit conditions
through credit growth to increases in house prices.
In order to set the parameters of macroprudential policy appropriately, information is needed on
the role of originating lending conditions in determining subsequent loan default. In this paper, we
draw on a unique loan-level dataset for the UK which contains the loans of Irish bank’s subsidiaries
in that jurisdiction. This is one of the few loan-level datasets available for the UK which spans the
period pre and post the financial crisis and also contains information on current and origination income
and loan-to-values. Our estimation strategy uses a standard mortgage default model augmented to
explore non-linearities in the relationship between original rent coverage (ORC: our proxy for the
debt-service-ratio) and original loan-to-values (OLTV) using non-linear cubic splines.
We find default is increasing with LTV at origination and falling in original rent coverage. We also
find threshold effects suggesting there are indeed non-linearities in the relationship between originated
OLTV, ORC and subsequent default. We also extend our empirical framework to control for portfolio
values of OLTV and ORC for borrowers with multiple loans outstanding and find default rates double
in the case of multi-loan properties, with significantly greater sensitivity to OLTV and ORC increases.
1 Introduction
With an aim towards boosting systemic resilience in the financial system, there has been a recent
refocusing of financial regulation towards the use of macroprudential instruments. Regulators globally
are engaged in a process of introducing, and designing, measures to limit aggregate risk through a
toolbox of macroprudential regulations (Kashyap et al., 2011; IMF, 2013; Claessens and Kodres, 2014;
Claessens, 2014).
While there are a range of instruments available to policymakers such as capital buffers and risk
weight management, one area of considerable focus has been the introduction of limits on mortgage
lending such as loan-to-value and loan-to-income ratios. This is mainly in response to the elevated
level of mortgage delinquency in many economies following the crisis (Gerardi et al., 2008; Elul et
al., 2010; Jiang et al., 2014; Lydon and McCarthy, 2013; Kelly and OMalley, 2016), the link between
the mortgage market and the wider financial turmoil (Brunnermeier, 2009; Duca et al., 2010) and the
evidence linking looser mortgage credit conditions through credit growth to increases in house prices
(Gerlach and Peng, 2005; Duca et al., 2011). While there has been a large number of papers considering
the efficacy of such measures, there has been less work undertaken on the specific calibration of the
level of LTI and LTV limits and less still on the important investment mortgage asset class. One
possible method to inform such measures is to focus on how macroprudential limits on debt-service-
ratios and loan-to-value ratios could be set to limit default in residential investment (“Buy-to-Let”
(BTL)) mortgages. We use a unique loan-level administration dataset for the UK which contains the
loans of Irish banks’ subsidiaries in that market. The dataset links originating mortgage credit terms
to the current loan performance and spans the period pre and post the financial crisis.
Using these data, our contribution to the literature is threefold. First, our empirical strategy
specifies a “double trigger” model which links mortgage default to originating values of loan-to-value
and rent coverage (our proxy for the debt-service-ratio
) controlling for a range of other loan and
borrower characteristics. The focus on originating conditions allows us to test how limits on these
variables could impact default. Second, we allowing a non-linear relationship between originating LTV
(OLTV) and originating rent coverage (ORC) and default to test whether there are particular turning
points which could provide useful information on understanding the relationship between originating
values of OLTV and ORC and future default. These turning points indicate where increases in risk
occur and could be informative to regulators as one input into the design phase of policy caps. Thirdly,
we investigate whether there are differences in the default rates between borrowers who have one loan
and borrowers who have a portfolio of loans across multiple properties. We then extend our empirical
Rent coverage is the proportion of the monthly installment covered by the current rent. Rental pricing
is captured at the property level in the dataset and is updated using local area rental yields driving from the
younger loans in the dataset. For further information, see Section 2.1.
framework to control for portfolio values of loan-to-value and rent coverage for borrowers with multiple
loan relationships.
Banks cannot control ex-post how borrowers are hit by equity or affordability shocks. They can
simply be regulated to manage loan conditions ex-ante with the expectation that this provides adequate
buffers. Therefore, following Kelly et al. (2015), default is modeled as a function of OLTV and ORC
and not the more common current equity and income shock approach, although results are tested for
robustness to current characteristics. Our research is novel in that no existing studies have evaluated a
“double trigger” default model of residential investment mortgages with a view to exploring the possible
parameterisation of originating macroprudential regulations for both single and portfolio investors.
Our research is linked to three main literatures. First, our work is related to the emerging research
on the effectiveness and calibration of macroprudential regulation in housing markets.
A majority
of these studies use aggregate data to assess the interaction between these measures and house-prices
through the credit-growth channel (Arregui et al., 2013; Nabar and Ahuja, 2011; Gerlach and Peng,
2005; Vandenbussche et al., 2015; Wong et al., 2014) and find such limits are effective in managing
credit growth with less certainty on the link to house prices.
Closer to our research are the studies in this field using micro data. Claessens et al. (2013) use bank
balance sheet data across 48 countries and find that limits on debt-to-income and loan-to-value ratios
are effective in reducing leverage, asset and noncore to core liabilities of banks during boom times.
Igan and Kang (2011) use survey data for Korea and find that loan-to-value and debt-to-income limits
are associated with a decline in house price appreciation and transaction activity. Fuster and Zafar
(2014) evaluate borrower willingness to pay based on different loan-to-value ratios.
However, none of this research focuses on the potential impact of macroprudential instruments on
default or informing the levels of caps should be specified to best achieve acceptable bank and borrower
resilience. In fact, Jacome and Mitra (2015) note that to date the setting of cap levels has been done
on a completely arbitrary and ad-hoc basis. One study which does address this concern is Kelly et
al. (2015) who estimate whether there is justification from a default perspective to provide first time
homebuyers with differential regulatory treatment. However, they do not consider the calibration of
investment mortgages which is the focus of our research. Additionally, our paper is also linked to
the studies which assess the efficacy of other macroprudential measures such as capital requirements
(Gauthier et al., 2012; Aiyar et al., 2014) or measures to manage liquidity shocks (Valderrama, 2015).
As a second major contribution, our work provides a bridge between the general research on
modelling default in investment mortgages (Grovenstein et al., 2005; Archer et al., 2002; Goldberg and
Capone, 2002) and the broader macroprudential stress testing literature (Acharya et al., 2014; Borio et
Further detailed summaries of the literature on macroprudential policy can be found in Galati and Moessner
(2013) or Galati and Moessner (2014).
al., 2014; Gaffney et al., 2014) of which modelling mortgage default is an important aspect of assessing
bank resilience to shocks (Buncic and Meleck, 2013). Regarding the traditional literature on commercial
or investment mortgage default, theoretical models suggest a “double trigger” consideration of negative
equity and income shocks which drive default (Goldberg and Capone, 2002). In these models, investors
exercise the default option when they experience a) an equity shock which reduces the value of the
asset to lower than the loan size or b) an income shock whereby the rental earnings do not cover
interest payments. Empirically, these channels are tested by linking current loan-to-value ratios and
debt-service ratios to default. However, while there are numerous studies that test these channels as
noted above, we can find no existing research which links such investment mortgage default models to
macroprudential policy measures. Given the high level of delinquency in this loan class in many crisis
economies, it is important that macroprudential authorities appropriately assess and set the measures
in this market to manage systemic risks. It may even be more important to manage credit conditions
in this market as investors are potentially more sensitive to equity triggers of default (exercising the
option) due to not having home ownership links to the underlying property.
Our research is the first
study to address this gap in the literature.
Third, our research is linked to the broader literature on modelling default and arrears in the UK
mortgage market. There are relatively few studies in this space due to a lack of adequate micro data.
One obvious exception is McCann (2014) who uses panel data on UK mortgages to estimate default
transitions. This research finds important roles for housing equity, unemployment and interest rates in
determining loan defaults and loan cures. Our research differs from this study by both incorporating
a borrower-specific income channel and focusing on an originating macroprudential specification.
A number of findings emerge. As expected, we find a positive and significant impact of OLTV on
default and a negative and signficant effect of ORC, controlling for a range of other loan and borrower
characteristics. To provide some insight into the magnitude of the effects, a one standard deviation
increase in OLTV would increase the default rate by 28 per cent while a one standard deviation decrease
in ORC would increase default rates by 23 per cent.
To help provide useful information for understanding the link between originating credit conditions
and future loan performance, we test whether the effect of OLTV and ORC is non-linear and whether
there exist turning points in these relationships that could inform the selection of cap levels i.e. does
the default risk spike at particular values of OLTV or ORC and could these be used to influence
policy measures? Using a non-linear cubic spline approach, we find that for OLTV values below 75 per
There are a number of examples of regulatory authorities imposing specific macroprudential limits on
investment loans. Ireland introduced an LTV limit of 70 per cent on buy-to-let mortgages. Different LTV
limits for non-owner occupiers have been used in Hong Kong, Israel, Malaysia, New Zealand, and Singapore,
with limits ranging from 70 per cent (New Zealand) to 20 per cent (for non-individuals in Singapore with one
or more outstanding loans). For more details please see Jacome and Mitra (2015).
cent, there is no considerable difference in default rates. However, above 75 per cent, there is a steep
increase in the predicted default rates. Regarding the effects of ORC, default risk falls with higher
values but begins to taper out after approximately 1.5 (widening error bands after this level). These
results provide empirical evidence for the non-linear nature of default in these origination terms and
provides guidance for the setting of OLTV and ORC limits in a macro prudential context.
As the above assessment was estimated at the loan-level, it did not take into account any con-
siderations relating to whether investors have portfolios of loans across multiple properties. Having
multiple loans may provide differential risk to borrowers with single investment mortgages. To assess
this issue, we investigate whether there are differences in the default rates between borrowers who have
one loan relative to those who have a portfolio of loans and extend our empirical framework to control
for portfolio values of OLTV and ORC for borrowers with multiple loan relationships. In general, the
default profiles across OLTV and ORC distributions are broadly similar to the loan level estimates
above, with sharp increases in default risk for OLTV above 75 per cent and ORC below 1.2. However,
the spline of multi-loan borrowers is a statistically significant level-shift higher than those for single-
loan borrowers from approximately 60 OLTV to close to 95 OLTV and between ORC values of 0.3 and
1.2. These results suggest there are potential gains in terms of default mitigation, by designing rules
which bind at more stringent OLTV and ORC levels on second and subsequent investment mortgages.
In addition, this will also act to lean against the amplifying effect of the credit cycle by restricting
the extent to which housing equity gains can be used as further collateral. Counter-cyclical aspects of
macroprudential policies are important to ensure financial cycles are not reinforced.
From a macroprudential policy setting perspective, a number of implications arise from our re-
search. Using this methodology, we have been able to identify turning points in the relationship between
OLTV, ORC and default which could be one useful input when regulators are considering potential
cap parameterisation. This assumes the policymakers’ objective function is purely building balance
sheet resilience without consideration to wider economic developments. As our model is reduced form,
it cannot provide an assessment of the feedback loops between capping credit conditions and the real
economy that can be assessed in a structural or dynamic stochastic general equilibrium setting. In this
respect, our methodology could be seen as one part of the toolkit for parameterising macroprudential
limits in investment mortgages and used in conjuction with DSGE or other macroeconomic approaches
(Buncic and Meleck, 2013; Clancy and Merola, 2014). Nonetheless, our non-linear default model with
loan conditions included at origination can provide insight for policymakers attempting to manage
future default risk through macroprudential limits.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents the data, empirical model and
summary statistics. Section 3 outlines the main empirical findings and Section 4 concludes.
2 Data and Empirical Model
2.1 Data
This research uses loan-level data from the UK subsidiaries of Irish headquartered banks: Allied Irish
Banks (AIB, including EBS Building Society), Bank of Ireland (BoI), and Permanent TSB (PTSB).
These data were collected by the Central Bank of Ireland as part of the Financial Measures Programme
(FMP) which assessed the capitalisation and liquidity requirements of the Irish banks as part of the
IMF-EC-ECB official financing support. The Irish sample of these data has been used extensively in
research on the performance and credit market functionality in Ireland (Kelly and OMalley, 2016; Kelly
et al., 2015; Lydon and McCarthy, 2013). It was also used to assess the recapitalisation requirements
of the banking sector following the recent Irish financial crisis. Additional information on this dataset
is presented in Kennedy and McIndoe Calder (2011). While these data are some of the only loan-level
information available for the UK, it is instructive to assess their potential representativeness to the
wider UK market. McCann (2014) notes Irish-headquartered banks represent approximately 2 per
cent of the total UK mortgage market.
These loan-level data (LLD) contain a range of information fields that are filled by the borrower at
mortgage application stage and subsequently used by the bank as part of the credit assessment. This
includes the following items valued at origination: drawn balance, initial installment, borrower income,
the valuation of the underlying collateral, the mortgage term, interest rate type and payment type
(e.g. amortising or interest-only). For BTL mortgages, information is also available on the original
rent, some borrower-specific information such as borrower age and further data on the dwelling the
loan is used to acquire (the postcode and region of location and whether the property is an apartment
or house). There is also information on a range of current loan information which is reported by the
financial institution including: the current non-performing status of each loan, the current loan-to-
value, current installment, and the current interest rate type and level.
In our analysis, we take a cross-section of loans that were held on the banks’ books in December
2014. Given the variables above, our sample contains a mix of characteristics that are measured either
at the time of loan origination or as of December 2014. Given the focus of our research, the sample
is limited to only mortgage for residential investment purposes or “Buy-To-Let” loans. In total the
sample contains 106,775 observations. The sample includes loans that were originated between the
years 1987 and 2014 so we observe loans allocated across the credit boom and financial crisis period.
A listing of the variable definitions is presented in table 1. To measure loan performance, we use a
binary indicator of default as defined by standard Basel II definitions (> 90 days in arrears). Interest
rate type controls are either fixed or adjustable rate (variable and tracker loans) while payment status
Table 1: Main Variable Definitions
Variable Description
Dependent Variable
Default Status > 90 days in arrears
Borrower Controls, X
Borrower Age Borrower age at origination (in months)
Region Groups (London, East Midlands etc.)
Loan Controls, Z
Bank Dummies for each banking group
Loan Age Number of months since loan origination.
Term Loan term at origination (in months)
Interest Rate Type Interest rate type at origination. i.e. Fixed, Variable
Payment Type Dummy for interest only
DBO Log drawn balance at origination
Macro Prudential
OLTV Loan to value at origination.
ORC Rental value to installment at origination
Additional Controls, C
ADBO Total Drawn Balance of Equity Release
Property Type Indicator for Apartment
is a binary indicator for whether or not the loan is amortising or interest only. Drawn loan balance at
origination is measured in natural logs.
To provide insight into the calibration of macroprudential measures in the mortgage market, we
require information on variables that are commonly subjected to such limits. In the case of BTL
mortgages, two commonly used limits are on the loan-to-value ratio and the rent coverage ratio which
imposes minimum downpayment or affordability conditions on borrowers.
From the perspective of a
macroprudential supervisor, limits on these credit conditions are set at loan origination with a view to
providing default buffers in future. The standard literature on investment mortgage default suggests
a role for both loan-to-value and income (rental) channels in driving future delinquency. In our data,
we focus on both originating loan-to-value (OLTV) and originating rent-coverage (ORC) (rent as a
fraction of the loan installment both at loan origination)
as defined in table 1 and discuss how they
affect future mortgage default.
Summary statistics for the main variables are included in table 2. The average default rate across
the sample is 2 per cent of loans. For comparison, the average default rate in our data is higher than
that reported in the mortgage backed pools of UK BTL loans (Moodys, 2015). Our sample therefore
has somewhat poorer loans than those allocated by other institutions in the UK. However, from a
research perspective, our sample is still one of the largest loan-level datasets available for the UK
The Bank of England Financial Policy Committee notes the use of interest coverage ratios as the standard
debt-to-income measure for buy-to-let loans. See http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/financialstability/
With this definition, a value of 1 indicates that the rent exactly covered the required loan installment
and, given the high delinquencies, these loans are potentially important to analyse in the context of
potential financial stability risks and the appropriateness of macroprudential oversight.
Table 2: Loan Level Summary Statistics
Mean St. Dev
Default(%) 2.35 15.18
DBO (pounds) 114,707.20 73,606.93
Loan Term (months) 253.85 58.54
Loan Age 91.49 23.48
Fixed(%) 2.48 NA
Variable(%) 97.52 NA
Pay Type, IO(%) 87.61 32.95
Borrower Age (years) 43.86 9.78
Origin Rental Yield (%) 5.61 5.45
OLTV (%) 72.87 13.30
ODSR 1.19 0.43
East Midlands(%) 0.01 NA
East Anglia(%) 6.91 NA
London(%) 9.52 NA
North East(%) 17.39 NA
North West(%) 3.96 NA
Scotland(%) 14.15 NA
South East(%) 3.58 NA
South west(%) 14.41 NA
Wales(%) 9.93 NA
West Midlands(%) 5.06 NA
York-Humber(%) 6.80 NA
Observations 106,326
The average drawn loan size in our data was 114,539 with a standard deviation of 73,620. The
average term length at origination was circa 254 months (just over 21 years). The majority of origi-
nating mortgage interest rates were adjustable (ARMs), nearly 98 per cent
with the remainder fixed
rate (FRM). Over 87 per cent of the mortgages were interest only, non-amortising loans. In terms of
the regional breakdown of lending, the highest lending shares were 17 per cent of loans to the North
East, 14 per cent for the South West and Scotland and just under 10 per cent for Wales and London.
The average rental yield in the data is approximately 6 per cent
For the macroprudential variables, the average OLTV for loans in the dataset was 73 per cent i.e.
borrowers posted a 27 per cent deposit. However, there is considerable variation across the distribution
of loan-to-value ratios as presented in figure 6. While a considerable clustering of the distribution is
evident between 75 and 90, there is a large portion of loans that were allocated at above 100 per cent
LTV. Average rent coverage ratio (ORC) was 1.2, i.e. rent was approximately 20 per cent greater than
loan installment at origination. However, there is considerable variation in ORCs as noted in figure
This includes both variable rates as well as tracker mortgages which vary with a fixed spread over a
reference rate.
Yield is defined as originating rent divided by collateral valuation.
Figure 1: Default, OLTV and ORC of UK BTL Loans by Origination Year
1.A: Default Rate 1.B: OLTV and ORC
6. Many loans were allocated with a rent coverage lower than 1 (rent does not cover the installment
fully). The distribution of this variable also has a long right tail with some loans granted with very
high rent coverage ratios.
Our dataset contains loans originated across the credit boom and financial crisis period up to
December 2014. It is instructive to consider whether we observe varying credit conditions and loan
allocation terms over this period and whether, for the period in which credit conditions were looser,
do these loans have a worse delinquency performance. Figure 1.A presents the average default rate as
well as median OLTV and ORC by the year of loan origination. The default rate is highest for loans
originated in the pre financial crisis period (2006-2007). There is a steady increase in the default rate
on loans allocated between 2001 and 2008 with a fall off more recently. Figure 1.B presents the median
values of OLTV (left side) and ORC (right side) for loans allocated over the period 1999 to 2014.
There was a steady increase in the median OLTV over the period 2002 to 2008 as well as a loosening
of median rent coverage. Directly preceeding the crisis period (2006/2007), over 50 per cent of loans
were allocated on properties whose rent did not cover the monthly installment. These findings are in
line with research documenting the general loosening of credit conditions which predated the global
financial crisis (Duca et al., 2010, 2011). More recently, as credit conditions have tightened, OLTVs
have fallen while ORCs have increased as banks now apply more prudent assessment criteria. While
we formally provide an econometric strategy in the next section to explore these linkages, this would
suggest a potential role for macroprudential limits on credit conditions during the boom period which
may have provided additional loan default buffers.
2.2 Empirical Model and Identification Strategy
The aim of this research is to test the relationship between originating credit limits on OLTV, ORC
and loan default with an aim to inform the calibration of macroprudential policy. Their exists a
large literature which tests the determinants of default in relation to the standard “double trigger”
hypothesis of equity and affordability concerns. This literature posits that, for investors, as the loan
moves into negative equity or as cash flows become insufficient to service loan terms, the propensity
to default increases (Grovenstein et al., 2005; Archer et al., 2002; Goldberg and Capone, 2002). In an
empirical model, this would suggest a positive (negative) relationship between contemporaneous LTV
(RC) and default.
However, using this approach is insufficient for our purposes. Macroprudential supervisors set
regulatory limits at origination. They do not have control over ex-post house price or affordability
shocks that may compromise the borrowers ability or desire to repay. They must therefore calibrate
the limits on LTV or RC at origination to provide sufficient buffers against such shocks. This leads to
the challenge of what specific level to set for the measures.
To address these issues, our identification strategy is as follows. First, we propose a cross-sectional
default model which links current loan performance to OLTV and ORC, the factors regulators might
want to limit. Second, we test whether the relationship between OLTV (ORC) and default is non-
linear and whether there exist turning points in these relationships which might suggest values or
ranges for calibration of the macroprudential policy. A visual of the average default rate at different
values of the distribution of OLTV and ORC (figure 3) would suggest their are some non-linearities
in the relationship. In particular, there is a significant increase in the default risk for OLTV ratios
above 75 and a leveling in the default lowering for ORC above 1.4. Finally, we undertake robustness
checks to test whether our findings on the originating terms hold controlling for current house price
and affordability shocks. By including originating characteristics, we rule out any potential reverse
causality between these terms and default.
2.2.1 Baseline Model
Our empirical approach uses a standard model of default which is common in the existing literature
(Jiang et al., 2013, 2014; Haughwout et al., 2008). Let the realisation of the latent propensity to default
for residential investment loans be characterised as:
1 NP
0 NP
< 0.
where NP
represents the censored underlying latent variable and N P
the observed indicator for
Figure 2: Default Rate by OLTV, ORC Cuts
default. Our baseline model uses a cross sectional logistic specification and estimates the probability
that a BTL mortgage defaults as a function of the macroprudential controls at origination, borrower
characteristics, loan characteristics and dwelling controls as indicated in table 1:
P r(NP
= 1) = F (OLT V
, X
, Z
, C
) (1)
where OLT V
is the originating loan-to-value ratio and ORC
is the originating rent coverage. Our
a-priori expectations for the signs on these variables are:
H1: β
> 0
H2: β
< 0
H1 states that default is increasing in originating loan-to-value ratios while H2 states that default
is decreasing in originating rent coverage. Regarding other controls, X
contains a vector of borrower-
specific or dwelling controls including borrower age and a full set of regional dummies in all regressions.
is a vector of loan terms at origination including the log of drawn balance, loan vintage, term length,
binary indicators for interest rate type, interest only payment and bank of origination.
The vector C contains other controls that may affect the performance of the original BTL loan.
We include additional debt that may have been taken out on the property since the first loan. In
many cases, these equity releases may be used to invest in additional properties or used as household
consumption financing. The additional leverage potentially provides more limited capacity of borrowers
to manage shocks and is therefore expected to positively affect default. We also include a binary
indicator for apartment property type. If apartments experience different house price shocks than
other dwellings, the default rate may be higher for these properties.
2.2.2 Calibration Using a Non-Linear Approach
As noted above, to inform the specific calibration of macroprudential limits, we wish to test for
threshold effects of the impact of different LTV and RC levels at origination on default risk. One
methodology might be to split the distributions of OLTV and RS into groups of categories and test
whether the slope is constant across a variable. For example, we could group OLTV into arbitrary
buckets [0-5,5-10 etc.] and include these into the regression framework. However, this assumes that
the effect within each group is constant and that jumps in the relationship happen at the boundaries
of the bands.
An alternative approach is to use a spline function which addresses these issues by fitting a piecewise
regression which takes a functional form between points, known as knots, of the continuous variable.
Following a number of applications in the medical literature (Desquilbet and Mariotti (2010), Marrie
et al. (2009)), we allow for non-linear relationship between the knots using a restricted cubic spline
(RCS). When using a RCS, one obtains a continuous smooth function that is linear before the first
knot, a piecewise cubic polynomial between adjacent knots, and linear again after the last knot. In
general, the logit RCS model, with restricted spline function f (S), with k knots is given by:
P r(NP
= 1) = F (OLT V
, X
, Z
, C
, f(S))
with f (S) = β
+ β
+ β
+ ... + β
where X
and C
are defined as in Equation 1. S is the variable upon which the spline function is
estimated, in our case OLTV and ORC. We locate knots at the 5, 27.5, 50, 72.5 and 95 percentiles of
the distributions of OLTV and ORC. This is in line with previous research (Kelly et al., 2015; Harrell,
3 Empirical Results
3.1 Baseline Results
The results of our baseline logit specifications are presented in table 3. Marginal effects are presented
with standard errors robust to heteroskedasticity. Column 1 presents the basic specification without
controls for OLTV and ORC. Columns (2) and (3) introduce these variables in a stepwise fashion while
column (4) includes the full specification.
The main variables of interest are OLTV and ORC. In Column (2), OLTV is introduced with the
baseline control variables. The marginal effect is positive and significant as expected. In column (3),
ORC is included and the effect is negative and significant also as expected. Column (4) introduces
both factors simultaneously and the findings hold: default is increasing with LTV at origination and
falling in original rent coverage. To get a sense of the magnitude of the effects, a one standard deviation
increase in OLTV would increase the default rate by 28 per cent while a one standard deviation decrease
in rent coverage would increase default rates by 23 per cent.
Regarding the control variables, we find a positive and significant effect of the original drawn
balance on default: a one per cent increase in drawn balance increases the default probability by
0.009. The sign on this variable is as expected and indicates that, controlling for other factors, larger
loans are more risky. The marginal effect of additional drawn balance is also positive and significant
indicating that additional loans on the same collateral as the original facility heighten the default risk.
The magnitude of the effect is slightly smaller than that for drawn balance but indicates that a 1 per
cent increase in the log of additional balance increases the default risk by 0.002. To recall the average
default in the sample is only 2 per cent so these effects are economically meaning full.
Loan age or vintage controls for the number of months since origination of the loan. This captures
the timing of origination and has a statistically significant and negative effect on default in the full
We find loan terms have a negative effect on the probability of default controlling for
other factors. If terms are increased, ceteris paribus, this should reduce the installment and improve
affordability. We find no statistical difference in default risk between loans on fixed interest rates or
variable rates. Borrowers who have interest only contracts at origination are more likely to default.
Default is also decreasing in borrower age and is higher for apartments than other dwelling types.
While the baseline findings point to positive (negative) effects for OLTV (ORC), we are interested to
test whether there are thresholds in these relationships which may provide insight for policy calibration.
To do this, we use the model given by column (4) but allow both OLTV and ORC to enter with a
cubic spline. We then estimate the predicted probabilities of default from the model for values of
OLTV and ORC holding all other variables at their mean values. The results are presented in figure
3. For OLTV, it appears that for values below 75, there is no considerable difference in default rates.
However, from 75 OLTV onwards, there is a very steep increase in the predicted default rates. This
suggests if supervisors are focused on building resilience against future default then calibrating the
OLTV limit to circa 75 will protect against the steep rise in default risk that is associated with greater
levels of OLTV.
This is based on the sample mean default rate of 0.02, the marginal effect estimate for OLTV (ORC) of
0.0005 (-0.0128) and a standard deviation of 13.29 (0.426).
As a robustness check we also run the model with origin year fixed effects replacing loan age and the results
are unchanged.
Table 3: Marginal Effects of Logit Model
Baseline LTV DSR Full
ln(Loan Balance) 0.0129
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
ln(Additonal Balance) 0.0019
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Loan Age 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
IntType, Variable 0.0005 0.0012 0.0016 0.0024
(0.004) (0.004) (0.004) (0.004)
Loan Term 0.0000
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Pay Type, IO 0.0161
(0.002) (0.002) (0.003) (0.003)
Borrower Age 0.0002
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
PropType, Apt 0.0093
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
Region Controls
East Anglia 0.0050
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
London 0.0100
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
North East 0.0239
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
North West 0.0015 0.0033 0.0013 0.0030
(0.003) (0.003) (0.003) (0.003)
Scotland 0.0036
0.0010 0.0040
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
South East 0.0074
(0.003) (0.003) (0.003) (0.003)
South west 0.0210
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
Wales 0.0147
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
West Midlands 0.0040 0.0052
0.0044 0.0056
(0.003) (0.003) (0.003) (0.003)
York-Humber 0.0084
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
Macro Prudential
OLTV 0.0006
(0.000) (0.000)
ORC 0.0163
(0.002) (0.002)
Standard errors in parentheses
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01,
p < 0.001
Figure 3: RSC Fit of Mortgage Default
3.A: OLTV 3.B: ORC
Similarly, the predicted probabilities of default are much higher for lower levels of ORC. The effects
appear to taper out after approximately 1.5 ORC with widening error bands after this level. This result
suggests that if policymakers set the limit of original rent to 1.5 times the original installment amount,
this will provide buffers to mitigate future default risk.
To summarise, our approach has demonstrated that there do appear to be turning points in the
relationship between default and originating levels of both OLTV and ORC. If minimising default risk
is the objective function of macroprudential supervisors, tailoring the measures to take into account
these non-linearities may be appropriate.
3.2 Difference by Multi-Loan Grouping
Section 3.1 provides an assessment of the relationship between default, OLTV and OLTI on an in-
dividual loan-by-loan basis. That may be an appropriate strategy when the borrower is likely to be
limited to a single dwelling purchase and any equity releases are controlled for (as we have done above).
However, with BTL investments, it is highly likely that many borrowers build up an investment port-
folio and have multiple loans across multiple properties. If this is the case, it may have implications
for macroprudential policy if the default risk on the multi-loan borrowers is different. Furthermore,
the relationship between OLTV, ORC, and default may depend on the borrowers’ multiple loans or
portfolio in particular where built up housing equity from the portfolio is used to access new credit.
In our data, we are able to ascertain whether individual borrowers have more than one property as
well as numerous loans on those collaterals with the same institution.
We can therefore test whether
One limitation of our LLD is that we do not have a full borrower view of lending. Instead, we can only
evaluate the extent to which an investor has loans outstanding with the same institution. If it is expected that
borrowers are drawing down loans from multiple institutions then our research is not able to capture this.
there is a difference in default risk for the group of borrowers with multiple loans. If this is the case,
then further consideration must be given to addressing how our calibration assessment is refined to
account for this heterogeneity in risk.
In table 4, we re-run the baseline model at the loan level as per column (4) of table 3 but now
include a dummy indicator that takes the value of one for borrowers with more than one loan in the
data (Multi-Loan). For brevity we only display the marginal effect on the OLTV, ORC and Multi-Loan.
The coefficient on this variable is statistically significant and positive: borrowers with multi-loans have
a higher default risk than those with a single loan. The magnitude of the effect indicates that such
loans have a 1.13 per cent higher probability of default. With a sample mean default rate of 2.2 per
cent, the default rate for multi-loan borrowers is nearly 50 per cent higher than single-loan borrowers
controlling for other factors that affect loan risk at origination.
To explore whether the relationship between OLTV, ORC and default is also different for this
group, we interact Multi-Loan with OLTV and ORC. The estimates are presented in column (2) of
table 4. The own effects of OLTV and ORC remain significant and carry the expected signs. However,
the interaction of Multi-Loan with both OLTV and ORC suggest that the impact of these variables is
greater for these borrowers: the effect of a one per cent increase in OLTV (ORC) on default is 0.0003
(-0.007) for single-loan borrowers and 0.001 (-0.0273) for multi-loan borrowers.
Table 4: Marginal Effects of Logit Model w/Multi-Loan
Dummy Interaction
ORC 0.0131
OLTV 0.0005
Multi-Loan 0.0112
ORC (Single-Loan) 0.0069
ORC (Multi-Loan) 0.0249
OLTV (Single-Loan) 0.0003
OLTV (Multi-Loan) 0.0009
Standard errors in parentheses
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01,
p < 0.001
3.3 Towards a Borrower Level Macroprudential Policy
Section 3.2 shows a significant difference in the risk profile of investors with multi-property portfolios
and as such modeling default risk at the loan level is flawed given correlation in default risk between
Figure 4: No of Properties for Multi Property Borrowers
loans connected to the same borrower. Therefore, it makes sense that macroprudential policy in
residential investment is implemented at the borrower level. To address these considerations, we shift
from a loan level to a borrower view. The dataset is constructed at the origination of the most recent
loan drawdown with a portfolio view of LTV and RC considered. In the case of single loan borrowers,
there will be no change from earlier description but in the case of multi-loan borrowers, OLTV will be
calculated as the sum of all balance outstanding plus the new balance drawn over the total value of all
collateral at the origination of the most recent property purchase. Similarly, ORC will be calculated
as total rent over installments of all loans at the origination of the most recent property purchase.
This allows us to capture the cross subsidisation of house equity and rent growth used by borrowers
to increase their property portfolio. This is of particular importance in a macroprudential context as
this housing investment is driven by, and further contributes to, house price bubbles.
Table 5 presents summary statistics for key loan and borrower characteristics from the dataset
depending on whether or not the borrower has multiple properties. The difference between the mean
values for each group is also presented with tests of statistical significance. Consistent with Table 4, the
default rate for multi-loan borrowers is more than twice that of single. While individual loan sizes are
not significantly different between the groups, as expected, porfolio value and gross income (includes
rent) are both significantly larger. In terms of the main macroprudential lending instruments, while
there is a statistical difference between the groups for both, portfolio OLTV is less than 3 percentage
larger and portfolio ORC is 4 per cent smaller for single loan borrowers.
Table 6 replicates at the borrower level the logit specification presented in table 3. Marginal
effects are presented with standard errors robust to heteroskedasticity. Column 1 presents the basic
Table 5: Borrower Level Summary Statistics by Number of Loans
Single Loan Multi Loan Diff % Diff
(SL) (ML) from ML
Default (%) 1.5 3.1 1.6 51.6
Loan Size (£) 115,740 116,919 1,179 1.0
Portfolio Purchase Value (£) 155,049 405,886 250,836 61.8
Portfolio Current Value (£)
181,390 444,012 262,622 59.1
Borrower Characteristics
Gross Income (£) 67,122 96,564 29,442 30.8
Age (yrs) 43 45 2 4.44
Loan Characteristics
Term (months) 255 248 -7 2.8
Vintage (months) 92 88 -4 4.5
Rate Type, IO (%) 84.3 92.9 8.6 9.3
London (%) 9.7 8.5 1.2 14.1
Portfolio OLTV (%) 76.8 79.69 2.92 3.7
Portfolio Originating Rent (£) 8,844 23,241 14,397 61.9
Portfolio ORC (%)
1.14 1.19 0.05 4.2
Notes: Significant difference is based on t-tests on the equality of means.
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01,
p < 0.001
Current valuation as of December 2013.
Originating rent cover defined as the % of installment covered by rent.
specification without controls for OLTV and ORC. Columns (2) and (3) introduce these variables in
a stepwise fashion while column (4) includes the full specification. The findings hold with default is
increasing with LTV at origination and falling in original rent coverage.
If macroprudential policy was to reflect the higher default risk for multiple property loan portfolios
and a greater sensitivity to ORC and OLTV through lending limits, additional analysis on the interac-
tion and threshold effects between portfolio size and the main policy tools is required. We undertake
the following: (i) estimate a borrower-level model which explores non-linearities between default and
OLTV/ORC and (ii) test how the single and multiple property portfolios differs across originating
ORC and OLTV levels.
We address these questions by re-estimating the logit model at the borrower level including the
non-linear splines and the interactions of the spline variables with the flag for borrowers with multiple
loans. All other controls and variables are included as in table 6. Figure 5 presents the predicted
probabilities of default across the values of OLTV and ORC for both single-loan borrowers (red) and
multiple-loan borrowers (blue). Standard error bands at the 5 per cent level are also presented.
In relation to OLTV, there is no statistically significant difference in the default rates for the two
groups up to OLTV of approximately 60 per cent as the error bands cross. However, from 60 to
approximately 95 LTV, multi-loan borrowers have a statistically significant higher default rate than
single-loan borrowers. The slope of both splines begin to increase between 75 to 80 OLTV indicating
considerably heightened risk of default for loans with LTVs above this point.
Table 6: Marginal Effects of Logit Model
Baseline OLTV ORC Full
Ln(Loan Balance) 0.0115
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
Ln(Additonal Balance) 0.0016
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Loan Age 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
IntType, Variable 0.0061 0.0043 0.0017 0.0040
(0.003) (0.003) (0.004) (0.005)
Loan Term 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Pay Type, IO 0.0104
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
Multi-Loan 0.0106
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
Borrower Age 0.0002
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
PropType, Apt 0.0057
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
Region Controls
East Anglia 0.0038 0.0041 0.0034 0.0040
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.003)
London 0.0103
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
North East 0.0162
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
North West 0.0004 0.0014 0.0001 0.0005
(0.003) (0.003) (0.003) (0.003)
Scotland 0.0025 0.0008 0.0028 0.0017
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
South East 0.0041 0.0052 0.0034 0.0017
(0.003) (0.003) (0.003) (0.003)
South west 0.0179
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
Wales 0.0116
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
West Midlands 0.0031 0.0038 0.0036 0.0044
(0.003) (0.003) (0.003) (0.003)
York-Humber 0.0036 0.0053
0.0037 0.0048
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
Macro Prudential
OLTV 0.0004
(0.000) (0.000)
ORC 0.0117
(0.002) (0.002)
Standard errors in parentheses
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01,
p < 0.001
Figure 5: Differential in Default Rates by OLTV and ORC for Single and MultiLoan Borrowers
As the spline of multi-loan borrowers is a level-shift higher, it is potentially the case that these
borrowers should be subject to tighter LTV caps on all loans after the first so as to bring the risk back
towards that of single-loan borrowers. Our results would suggest that LTV caps could be calibrated
between 75 to 80 per cent for the borrowers first investment mortgage but that the LTV on the portfolio
for any subsequent loan should be tighter to build more resilience for portfolio borrowers.
For ORC, the findings are somewhat similar. For low levels of ORC, the default risk of multi-
loan borrowers is considerably higher than that of single-loan borrowers. The difference becomes
statistically insignificant between the two groups at between 1.15 and 1.20 ORC. Overall, the default
risk falls with ORC for both groups until it flattens out at approximately 1.5. The results suggest that
a calibration for single-loan borrowers of approximately 1.5 ORC and a tightening on further loans
added to the portfolio would be appropriate to build in buffers for borrowers to withstand shocks.
3.4 Robustness Checks: The Case of Current Shocks and Other Borrower
To test the robustness of our findings, we undertake a range of additional checks. First, we control for
the current house price of the collateral and the current rent coverage ratio. The main literature on
commercial mortgage default highlights that it is current equity or current rent coverage that matter
for default (Grovenstein et al., 2005; Archer et al., 2002; Goldberg and Capone, 2002). That is, when
borrowers are hit with shocks to the asset value (house price falls) or shocks to the cash flows (declines
in the rent), they may exercise the underlying option to default. This is particularly the case if the loan
enters negative equity or if the rent no longer covers the monthly installment. As our model is based
on determining default using originating values of LTV and RC, it does not capture these dynamics.
It is important that we undertake a robustness check to test that our findings are not altered by these
omitted factors.
Second, we control for the borrowers non-rental income. In many cases, BTL investors may not
be professionals but are borrowers who purchase a single investment property for example as part of
a pension plan or for a single investment. If fact, our data suggest that many BTL borrowers have
single loans. In these cases, the household may see the BTL income as part of the normal household
income flow and intertwine the BTL returns with other borrower income. If BTL rent receives a shock,
the borrower may choose to substitute other income to avoid a default on the BTL payments. This is
more likely to be the case if the BTL rent only accounts for a small share of total gross income thus
the shock would be more manageable.
To control for both of these influences, we employ a number of tests. First, to capture the current
position of equity and affordability, we calculate the change in house prices and rent between origination
and December 2014 (the date of our data drop from the institutions). Using data on the current
installment of the loan, we then include the updated RC and the change in house prices in the full
The results are presented in table 7. Column (1) presents the main model again while column
(2) includes the current values for house prices as well as the current RC ratio. The current RC ratio
is negative and significant as expected: higher rent coverage currently lowers the default probability.
We do not find an effect of the change in house prices. However, this may not be surprising as
many borrowers in our data experienced increases in house prices during the period and are unlikely
to exercise the option to default in these circumstances. It is more likely that borrowers who are
experiencing negative equity or facing house price falls will default. To assess whether borrowers who
experienced such declines have a higher default rate, we replace the change in house price variable with
a dummy which takes the value of one if the borrower had a price decline. The results are presented
in column (3). The variable is positive and statistically significant indicating that suffering a property
price fall increases the default rate by 0.0004, a 2 per cent increase given the sample average default
rate of 0.02. Importantly for our assessment of the origination conditions, both OLTV and ORC are
still statistically significant and signed as expected. Similarly, the predicted probabilities of default
are much higher for lower levels of ORC.
Our final robustness check is to control for other borrower income, we include the share of rental
income in total borrower income to capture the degree to which there is available financial capacity
to manage falls in rent or periods of vacancy through the use of other financial resources. It must
be noted that in our data we do not observe the other borrower income after origination so the ratio
We do not include the current LTV ratio given the endogeneity between current LTV and default. Please
see Kelly and McCann (forthcoming) for details.
uses origination values of both series. The results are presented in column (4). While the variable is
insignificant in the specification, our main findings on OLTV and ORC remain. Column (5) includes
all robustness checks simultaneously. More broadly, our findings appear to be robust to the inclusion
of these additional variables. The fitted splines also maintain their original shape. This suggests that
our calibration of macroprudential policies using originating values of LTV and RC are appropriate
and informative for supervisors in their attempt to build resilience from the borrower and the bank
Table 7: Robustness Checks: Marginal Effects of Logit Model
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Full Current House Other All
Model Price Fall Income
Multi Prop 0.0078
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.002) (0.002)
OLTV 0.0003
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
ORC 0.0139
(0.003) (0.002) (0.003) (0.003) (0.003)
Current RC 0.0036
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
HP 0.0000
HP Fall 0.0004
(0.000) (0.000)
Rent/Income 0.0023 0.0020
(0.009) (0.009)
Standard errors in parentheses
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01,
p < 0.001
4 Conclusions and Policy Implications
In this paper, we present a default model aimed at understanding the link between originating lending
conditions on debt-service-ratios and loan-to-value ratios and subsequent loan performance for residen-
tial investment (BTL) mortgages. We use a unique loan-level dataset for the UK which contains the
loans of Irish bank’s subsidiaries in that jurisdiction. This is one of the only loan-level datasets avail-
able for the UK which spans the period pre and post the financial crisis. We provide two contributions
which can be a useful input into regulatory policy formation.
First, our empirical strategy specifies a “double trigger” model which links mortgage default to
originating values of loan-to-value and rent coverage (our proxy for the debt-service-ratio) controlling
for a range of other loan and borrower characteristics. We find default is increasing with LTV at
origination and falling in original rent coverage. To compare the magnitude of the effects, a one
standard deviation increase in OLTV would increase the default rate by 28 per cent while a one
standard deviation decrease in ORC would increase default rates by 23 per cent.
To examine potential threshold effects, we test how default changes across the OLTV and ORC
distributions by estimating the relationship between these variables and delinquency using a non-linear
cubic spline. For OLTV, it appears that for values below 75, there is no considerable variation in the
level of default. However, from 75 OLTV onwards, there is a very steep increase in the predicted
default rates. Regarding the originating affordability channel, the effects appear to taper out after
approximately 1.5 ORC with widening error bars after this level. These results provide empirical
evidence for the non-linear nature of default in these origination terms and may be a useful input for
the setting of OLTV and ORC limits in a macro prudential context.
Second, we investigate whether there are differences in the default rates between borrowers who
have one loan relative to those who have a portfolio of loans. We extend our empirical framework
to control for portfolio values of OLTV and ORC for borrowers with multiple loans outstanding. We
find default rates double in the case of multi-loan properties, with significantly greater sensitivity to
OLTV and ORC increases. We investigate how multiple property portfolio interacts with the threshold
finding and while there is no impact on the main findings of 75 and 1.5, there is strong evidence to
support tighter restrictions on second and subsequent properties.
A number of policy implications arise from our research. The impact of 2008-2009 financial crisis on
mortgage delinquency rates resulted in the development of revised accounting standards (International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 9) for loan provisioning and a series of stress tests with a strong
focus on collateral valuation through an Asset Quality Review Process. The main aim of both is
ensuring a banking system adequate to absorb potential losses. These measures focus on the current
LTV ratios, as these form the major component of the loss given a default.
However, a broader suite of macroprudential measures on limiting LTV and affordability at the loan
origination phase have been proposed since the onset of the crisis and introduced in many countries.
This is unsurprising given the rise in mortgage defaults, the link between the mortgage market and
the wider financial turmoil and the link between credit conditions and housing asset inflation.
Macroprudential policies implemented at loan origination, such as restrictions on high LTV and
affordability ratios, can provide buffers against adverse shocks. Lower originating LTV ratios will
provide greater resilience to house price falls while lowering originating ORC levels will provide a
buffer against affordability shocks. Investment mortgages play a vital part of a functioning housing
market through the financing of the provision of additional units for the rental sector. However, is
important to ensure that lending for housing investment is undertaken in a manner that does not
compromise financial stability. Our findings may provide useful insights for policymakers attempting
to parameterise lending limits on investment mortgages.
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5 Appendix
Figure 6: Distribution of OLTV and ODSR