Fesq, 3/14/01 1 16.070
Indirect Addressing
3/14/01 Lecture #15 16.070
Direct Addressing: access memory location by using variable name
Indirect Addressing: access memory location by using a variable
whose contents contain address of desired location
Indirect Addressing allows functions to access and modify memory
locations outside of the function
Indirect Addressing provides a method for returning multiple values
from a function
Fesq, 3/14/01 2 16.070
Indirect Addressing Using Pointers
Variables possess three characteristics
! Variable name
! Value (contents)
! Memory Address - identifies unique storage location in memory
We have been accessing the contents by using the variable name
The contents can also be accessed by referencing the memory address
A Pointer Variable is a variable whose value is a memory address
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Declaring Pointer Variables in C
Pointer variables must be declared
In declaration statement, pointer variable name is preceded by
indirection operator
, symbol *
The type declaration must be the type of memory to which the pointer
is pointing
! If the pointer is to point to an integer, the pointer is declared as type int
! If the pointer is to point to a character, the pointer is declared as type char
! Etc.
double rate;
double *pointer_to_rate;
int torque_cmd;
int *ptr_torque_cmd;
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Assigning Values to Pointers
Once a pointer is declared, it needs to be assigned a value
Assign as its value the address of another variable using the address
operator &
Translate & as "address of"
int torque_cmd;
int *ptr_torque_cmd;
torque_cmd = 255;
ptr_torque_cmd = &torque_cmd;
The variable torque_cmd now contains the integer value 255, and
the variable ptr_torque_cmd now contains the memory address of
The operator * extracts the value from an address
torque_cmd is synonymous with *ptr_torque_cmd
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(in hex)
Graphic Representation of Pointers
Pointers are used to "point to" other memory locations
Ptr_torque_cmd contains address of torque_cmd variable; i.e.,
it "points to" torque_cmd
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What are the values of the following variables?
torque_cmd _________
ptr_torque_cmd _________
&torque_cmd _________
*ptr_torque_cmd _________
&ptr_torque_cmd _________
Remember: & means "the address of the variable"
Remember: * means "the value stored at the pointer address"
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More Examples
Evaluate the following code
int i;
int *iptr;
i = 4;
iptr = &i;
*iptr = *iptr + 1;
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Pointer Arithmetic - Addition
Pointers can be operated on with integer arithmetic
! For pointer addition, result is a new value of the pointer, which points to a
new address
ptr = ptr + n;
! Will point to the address of the memory location n after the original
! Physical memory address will depend on the type of variable the pointer is
associated with (C compiler knows this from the declaration)
! C will automatically scale the pointer by: n x (# of bytes per variable)
ptr = 1000
(1 byte)
(2 bytes)
(4 bytes)
(8 bytes)
ptr 1000 1000 1000 1000
ptr + 1 1001 1002 1004 1008
ptr + 12 100C 1018 1030 105F
! The arithmetic on the pointer does not change the value stored at either the
old or the new location (but does change value of pointer)
!Programmer must ensure pointer arithmetic is within a single data type
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(in hex)
Pointer Arithmetic - Subtraction
Pointers can be summed and differenced
! Result is an integer: distance = ptr2 - ptr1;
! To make sense, pointers must point to the
same type of object (char, int, etc.)
! Result is an integer value that represents
the number of objects between the two
! Example:
int grade1 = 79;
int grade2 = 95;
int distance = 0;
int *ptr_grade1 = &grade1;
int *ptr_grade2 = &grade2;
distance = ptr_grade2 - ptr_grade1;
Fesq, 3/14/01 10 16.070
Methods for Passing Parameters to Functions
Function parameters are used to pass data between functions
! Parameter passing by value
! Parameter passing by reference using pointers
Passing pointer parameters to a function will enable the function to modify
multiple variables, instead of returning just one variable
Passing pointer parameters can cause the contents of the referenced variable to be
Exchanging info to/from functions
Accessing Global Variables
Pass value
Pass pointer
Fesq, 3/14/01 11 16.070
Parameter Passing by Value
Values can be passed to a function using parameters (a.k.a. arguments)
In C, there can be any number of parameters associated with the call
! Listed as formal parameters in the definition of the called function
! Listed as actual parameters in the calling function
float average (int num1, int num2)
float answer;
answer = (num1 + num2) / 2;
return answer;
int main (void)
avg = average(grade1, grade2);
Contents of variables used as actual parameters are not changed
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Returning Multiple Values From Functions
Only one value can be returned from a function, using the return
What if the function needs to return multiple values?
! For example, write a function that accepts 3 numbers, and returns those
numbers sorted from highest to lowest.
! Passing by value does not provide this capability
Fesq, 3/14/01 13 16.070
Passing Parameters By Reference Using Pointers
Instead of passing a value to a function, you can pass a pointer, which
references the address of a variable
The following sample code swaps the values of two variables
void swap (int *num1_ptr, int *num2_ptr)
int temp;
temp = *num1_ptr; /* temporary storage */
*num1_ptr = *num2_ptr;
*num2_ptr = temp;
To call this function, pass pointers as arguments:
swap (ptr_grade1, ptr_grade2);
This code swaps the values of the variables that num1_ptr and
num2_ptr point to. The function has access to the actual variables
Note: Global information was altered without any explicit return
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Pointers and Arrays
Pointers provide a symbolic way to use addresses
Array name is synonymous with the address of first element of the
Suppose we declare an array
int axes[3];
Then axes contains the pointer to the first element of the array:
axes == &axes[0]
These both represent the memory address of first element of axes array
Array name is synonymous with the address of first element of the
To reference an element of an array, add to base address and
axes[i] == *(axes + i)
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Passing Arrays as Parameters
To pass an array to a function, pass by reference -- that is, pass the
memory address of the first element
Since the name of an array represents the address of the first element,
pass the array name to the function: axes == &(axes[0])
When passing an array to a function, you can either
! Pass address of array and number of elements, or
! Pass starting address of array, and ending address of array
Fesq, 3/14/01 16 16.070
Passing Arrays as Parameters - Example 1
Example of passing name of array and number of arguments
Calculate the sum of an array of integers
long sum (int input_array[], int n) /* pass array
and size of array*/
{ /*long sum (int input_array, int n)*/
int i;
long total = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < n, i++)
total = total + input_array[i];
return total;
answer = sum( axes, 3) /*specify address of array by
passing name*/
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Passing Arrays as Parameters - Example 2
Example of passing arrays by passing starting address of array, and
ending address of array
! Instead of using an index to indicate which element to access, function can
alter value of pointer, and point to each array element in turn
int sum_using_pointers (int *start, int *end)
/* pass pointers to start of array, and to end of array*/
int total = 0;
while (start <= end)
total = total + *start;
return total;
answer = sum_using_pointers(axes, axes+2) /*specify start
and stop address of array*/
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The following expressions are equivalent
sc_torque + 2 == &sc_torque[2] /* same address */
*(sc_torque + 2) == sc_torque[2] /* same value */
Indirection operator (*) has high precedence
*(sc_torque + 2) /* value of 3
elmt of sc_torque */
*sc_torque + 2 /* 2 added to value of 1
elmt */
Fesq, 3/14/01 19 16.070
Pointers - The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
Pointers can add efficiency to your code
Pointers, if not used very carefully, can get you into a lot of trouble
int i = 4;
int *iptr = &i;
iptr = iptr + 2;
*iptr = 0;
Don't be surprised to see Protection Faults!
Fesq, 3/14/01 20 16.070
Pointers are powerful. You are now armed and dangerous.
Pass by reference vs pass by value
PS 6 posted. Give yourself ample time to work.
Exam 1
! Point taken off for no "return" statement will be reviewed. Give exams to
! Proposal: Incentive formula for next exam:
For every point you do better on Exam 2 vs Exam 1, weight of Exam 1 will be
reduced by 0.25%:
(Exam 1 weight) = 15 - (Exam 2 - Exam 1) * 0.25
Reduced weight will be equally distributed on Exams 2 and 3