This paper is included in the Proceedings of the
31st USENIX Security Symposium.
August 1012, 2022 • Boston, MA, USA
Open access to the Proceedings of the
31st USENIX Security Symposium is
sponsored by USENIX.
Security and Privacy Perceptions of Third-Party
Application Access for Google Accounts
David G. Balash, Xiaoyuan Wu, and Miles Grant,
The George Washington University; Irwin Reyes, Two Six Technologies;
Adam J. Aviv, The George Washington University
Security and Privacy Perceptions of
Third-Party Application Access for Google Accounts
David G. Balash
The George Washington University
Xiaoyuan Wu
The George Washington University
Miles Grant
The George Washington University
Irwin Reyes
Two Six Technologies
Adam J. Aviv
The George Washington University
Online services like Google provide a variety of application
programming interfaces (APIs). These online APIs enable
authenticated third-party services and applications (apps) to
access a user’s account data for tasks such as single sign-on
(SSO), calendar integration, and sending email on behalf of
the user, among others. Despite their prevalence, API access
could pose significant privacy and security risks, where a third-
party could have unexpected privileges to a user’s account. To
gauge users’ perceptions and concerns regarding third-party
apps that integrate with online APIs, we performed a multi-
part online survey of Google users. First, we asked
n = 432
participants to recall if and when they allowed third-party
access to their Google account: 89% recalled using at least
one SSO and 52% remembered at least one third-party app.
In the second survey, we re-recruited
n = 214
to ask about specific apps and SSOs they’ve authorized on
their own Google accounts. We collected in-the-wild data
about users’ actual SSOs and authorized apps: 86% used
Google SSO on at least one service, and 67% had at least one
third-party app authorized. After examining their apps and
SSOs, participants expressed the most concern about access to
personal information like email addresses and other publicly
shared info. However, participants were less concerned with
broader—and perhaps more invasive—access to calendars,
emails, or cloud storage (as needed by third-party apps). This
discrepancy may be due in part to trust transference to apps
that integrate with Google, forming an implied partnership.
Our results suggest opportunities for design improvements to
the current third-party management tools offered by Google;
for example, tracking recent access, automatically revoking
access due to app disuse, and providing permission controls.
1 Introduction
The 2018 Cambridge Analytica scandal [
] prompted the
scrutiny of third-party apps that integrate with online applica-
tion programming interfaces (APIs). This came about when
an online personality quiz used the Facebook API to collect
detailed personal information from millions of unsuspecting
quiz-takers and their friends. In response, Facebook restricted
how third-parties can use its API [
]. However, Facebook is
not unique among online services that allow third-party apps
to leverage user account data via APIs.
Likewise, Google has APIs that allow third-party services
to use existing user account data. For example, Google’s
single sign-on (SSO) [
] lets users log onto participating
third-party services with their already-existing Google creden-
tials. Other major online services like Apple [
], Twitter [
and Facebook [
] offer similar SSO capabilities using their
The Google API also exposes functionality from various
Google products. For instance, APIs let authenticated third-
party apps to interact with Google Calendar entries or Gmail
correspondence on behalf of the user. This particular integra-
tion is what enables iOS’s built-in Calendar app to display
and edit a user’s Google Calendar events, among others.
Despite many benefits, granting programmatic access to
one’s online account can pose security and privacy risks, as
highlighted by Cambridge Analytica. In 2018, Google pro-
posed granular permissions for API authorizations to give
users more control and mitigate these risks [
]. As of
September 2021, however, this updated design does not ap-
pear to be widely adopted. Google API integrations in popular
services like Dropbox and Zoom still use all-or-nothing con-
sent flows, and a spot check of the most popular apps on
the Google Workspace Marketplace
shows those too lack
fine-grained permissions.
In this paper we explore how users consider security and
privacy in light of third-party API access to their Google ac-
counts given the disclosure and control mechanisms currently
available. First, we surveyed
n = 432
participants to recall
the last times they used Google SSO or authorized a third-
party app access to their Google account data. When recalling
these, we also asked participants what factors they considered
before granting access. Of the 432 participants, the vast ma-
jority (89%) recalled using SSO, but only half (52%) recalled
USENIX Association 31st USENIX Security Symposium 3397
granting the third-party access to their Google account.
We then invited
n = 214
participants from the first survey
to return for a follow-up survey. As part of this second survey,
participants installed a browser extension that parsed entries
in their Google account’s Apps with access to your account”
Based on this data, we asked participants about
specific apps they currently have installed on their Google
account. From the browser extension, we observed 1,010
third-party services that use Google SSO and 455 third-party
apps that integrate with APIs for various Google services. Of
the observed third-party apps, nearly half require two or more
permissions accessing the participants’ Google account. The
most common permission is modifying Google Play Game
activity (223 instances), followed by viewing primary Google
email address (189), and viewing personal info (177).
Participants were overall only Slightly concerned or Not
concerned about the access granted to third-party apps, but
showed the most concern about apps viewing personal info;
39% were Very concerned, Concerned, or Moderately con-
cerned. Interestingly, such information is perhaps less of a
privacy and security risk than third-party apps that can mod-
ify/view contacts, email, calendar events, or cloud storage.
The relative lack of concern with these permissions could be
attributed to a transference of trust to Google, as evidenced
by open-ended responses where participants indicated that
they believe Google is properly vetting these accesses.
We surveyed participants about the specific apps on their
accounts and asked if they wished to keep or remove account
access for those apps. A logistic regression revealed that par-
ticipants were
more likely to want to remove access for
an app when they wished to change which Google account
data the app can access. Additionally, they were
likely to keep access when the app was recently used, and
more likely to keep access when they viewed the app
as beneficial. However, 79% and 78% of participants indi-
cated that they currently Rarely or Never review their apps
and SSOs, respectively. After viewing their third-party ac-
cesses as part of our survey though, the vast majority (95%)
of participants indicated they would want reminders to review
those at least Once a year.
These findings suggest a significant opportunity to improve
how users interact with third parties with programmatic access
to their accounts by helping users to identify and remove less
frequently used apps/SSO in an automated way, or to simply
revoke access after a period of disuse. Similarly, Google
could require regular re-approval of access, perhaps yearly so
as not to be too disruptive. Additionally, many participants
articulated a desire for controls of the permissions for third-
party apps. This would allow users to better limit which
aspects of their Google account each app/SSO can access
with respect to the benefit being provided, rather than forcing
them to accept an all-or-nothing approach.
2 Background and Related Work
Russell, et al. [
] characterize online APIs as among: content-
focused APIs that provide data; feature APIs that integrate
existing software functionality from elsewhere; unofficial
APIs that (unintentionally) expose internal interfaces; and
analytic APIs that track user experiences. Here, we focus
on Google’s content-focused and feature APIs that enable
third-party developers to register apps with Google that can
perform operations on behalf of a user. Most services, in-
cluding Google’s, use the OAuth standard [
] to delegate and
manage these authorizations. OAuth has been the focus of
much security research [
], and in this paper we do
not investigate the security of OAuth directly but rather user
awareness and concerns for such delegations.
While we primarily focus on third-party apps, we also
consider SSO services as a form of third-party apps with
limited functionality. Bauer et al. [
] looked at willingness to
use the SSOs of Google, Facebook and other services, finding
that there were concerns with information sharing through
SSO, despite messaging. We find similar concerns in our
study. Ghasemisharif et al. [
] studied SSO with respect to
potential for account hijacking. The authors also measured
the prevalence of SSOs, finding that Facebook is the most
prevalent SSO service, followed by Twitter and Google. Hu
et al. [
] investigated SSOs in the context of online social
networks and how apps can complete an impersonation attack.
And Zhou et al. completed automated vulnerability testing
of SSO on the web [
]. Here we assume that the SSO is
properly implemented and instead focus on user perceptions
of sharing information with third-parties via SSO services.
Prior work on third-party apps have mostly focused on the
Facebook ecosystem. Felt et al. [
] examined 150 Facebook
platform apps in 2008, finding that 90% of the examined apps
have unnecessary access to private data. Huber et al. [
] de-
veloped a method to analyze privacy leaks in Facebook apps
at scale by leveraging client-side
to capture network
traffic. Google third-party apps do not necessarily operate
client-side. More recently, Farooqi et al. [
] used “honey-
token” email addresses (i. e., auto-generated accounts on an
email server that the researchers control) to detect Facebook
apps inappropriately collecting and using those addresses.
Such a method could also be used for Google third-party apps
but was not the primary focus of this research.
Our work is also related to prior research on permission
management for online APIs. Similar to Wang et al. [
who analyzed the permissions requested by Facebook API
apps at install time, we explore the permissions requested by
third-party apps that integrate with Google’s API. Prior work
explored a subset of these permissions on Google [
]. A lack
of centralization for third-party apps means there is far from
comprehensive coverage. Our work expands on this effort
with in-the-wild observations of apps authorized on actual
users’ Google accounts.
Permissions have been extensively studied in the context
3398 31st USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
of smartphone apps. Notably, Felt et al. [
] examined
Android apps and found that one-third are overprivileged, and
Wijesekera et al. [
] surveyed Android users’ perceptions of
app permissions, 80% of whom wished to deny at least one
permission. With the shift towards runtime, ask-on-first-use
permission requests [
], Wijesekera et al. in 2017 [
developed a classifier to predict user permission preferences
by taking into account the context of the permission request.
Likewise, Smullen, et al. in 2020 [
] built a classifier that
demonstrated users are sensitive to the purpose of particular
permissions requested by apps. Our results show that similar
contextualization has impact on users’ perceptions of per-
missions, and recommend moving towards auto-review and
auto-revocation models for third-party apps as a whole and
for individual permissions.
Finally, this research is also related to work on privacy and
transparency dashboards for online services. These have been
both extensively proposed and explored in the literature [
]. The Apps with access
to your account” page, to which we direct participants in the
survey, functions similarly to other transparency dashboards;
however, this dashboard offers less functionality than other
dashboards. We explore ways to improve management of
third-party apps through the web interface in Section 5.
3 Method
We begin by describing the two surveys. The first survey
asked participants to recall prior experiences with third-party
apps and SSOs. The second survey leveraged a custom
browser extension and asked participants to respond to the
specific SSOs and third-party apps currently authorized on
their Google account. In the remainder of this section, we
detail our study procedures, describe how we recruited partic-
ipants, discuss ethical considerations of our study, and outline
the limitations of our approach.
First Survey.
Below, the first survey is described. The full
survey can be found in subsection A.1.
1. Informed Consent: Participants consented to the study.
Google Account Use: Participants were asked if they have
a Gmail account (as surrogate for a Google account), if it
is their primary Google account with sole ownership, and
the age of the account. Questions: Q
Familiarity with “Sign in with Google”: Participants were
provided with contextual information from Google’s docu-
mentation [
] alongside a screenshot of a “Sign in with
Google” button (taken from Yelp) and asked about their
recent experiences using their Google account to sign into
a third-party app or service. Questions: Q
Familiarity with Third-Party App Account Access: Par-
ticipants were provided with contextual information from
Google’s documentation [
] alongside a screenshot of a
third-party app’s Google API authorization screen (taken
from a generic app). Next, participants were asked about
their recent experiences granting a third-party app access
to their Google account. Questions: Q
IUIPC-8: Participants answered the Internet users’ infor-
mation privacy concerns (IUIPC-8) questionnaire [
], to
gain insights into participants’ privacy concerns.
Demographics: Participants were asked to provide de-
mographic information, such as age, identified gender,
education, and technical background. Questions: D1D4.
Second Survey.
The second survey recruited from those
who completed the first survey. We used the following in-
clusion criteria to ensure participants have active Google
accounts with SSOs and/or third-party apps: (i) the partici-
pant has a Gmail account, (ii) the participant uses the Gmail
account as their primary Google account, (iii) the participant
has sole ownership of their Google account, (iv) the partici-
pant has used their Google account for more than one month,
(v) the participant correctly answered the attention checks.
Below, we describe each part of the second survey in detail,
and the full survey can be found in subsection A.2.
Informed Consent: Participants consented to the main
study, which included notice that they would be asked to
install a web browser extension that would access their
Google’s Apps with access to your account” page.
Extension Installation: Participants installed the browser
extension that locally parses third-party apps and SSOs
and displays specific apps to the participant as part of the
survey. The extension also recorded aggregate information
about the number of SSO and API authorizations and the
date of the oldest and newest authorization.
Explore Apps with Access to Your Account: We provided
participants with a brief descriptive introduction and then
directed them to explore their Google Apps with access
to your account” page for one minute. This interaction
was managed by the browser extension with an overlay
banner and restricted navigation away from the page.
Account Access Questions: Participants were asked what
they consider before allowing third parties access to their
Google account and services and how often that access is
reviewed. Questions: Q
Keep or Remove: Each participants was shown all their
Google account authorizations and if they wished to keep
or remove the authorization. Question: Q
App Permissions: Participants were asked about the per-
missions for their newest, oldest, and a random third-party
app to investigate potential impacts of installation time on
concern, benefit, and recall. Questions: Q
Reflections: Participants were asked to reflect on their
understanding of the Google Apps with access to your
account” page and if they would change their behavior as
a result of that interaction. Questions Q
15 Q
Feature Improvements: Participants provided suggestions
for improving Google’s Apps with access to your account”
page. Questions Q
USENIX Association 31st USENIX Security Symposium 3399
Table 1: Demographic and IUIPC data collected at the end
of the first survey.
First Second
Survey Survey
(n = 432) (n = 214)
n % n %
Woman 204 47 99 46
Man 216 50 107 50
Non-binary 11 3 7 3
No answer 1 0 1 1
18–24 132 31 66 31
25–34 157 36 80 37
35–44 75 17 32 15
45–54 44 10 20 9
55+ 23 6 15 7
No answer 1 0 1 1
Avg. SD Avg. SD
Control 5.9 1.0 5.8 1.0
Awareness 6.6 0.7 6.6 0.8
Collection 5.4 1.2 5.3 1.2
IUIPC Combined 5.8 0.8 5.8 0.8
Uninstall Extension: Upon completing the survey, partici-
pants were instructed to remove the browser extension.
Recruitment and Demographics.
We recruited
ipants via Prolific
for the first survey between March 31,
2021 and April 20, 2021. After applying our inclusion crite-
participants qualified for the second study, and
returned to complete the second survey. Participants received
$1.00 USD
$3.00 USD
for completing the first and sec-
ond survey, respectively, and it took, on average,
and 13 minutes to complete, respectively.
Thirty-one percent of first survey participants were between
years old,
36 %
were between
years old, and
33 %
years or older. The identified gender distribu-
tion for the first survey was
50 %
47 %
women, and
3 %
non-binary, self-described, or choose not disclose gender.
Thirty-one percent of second survey participants were be-
years old,
37 %
were between
years old,
31 %
years or older, and
1 %
chose not to disclose
their age. The identified gender distribution for the second
survey was
50 %
46 %
women, and
4 %
self-described, or choose not disclose gender. Participant
characteristics are presented in Table 1.
Analysis methods.
When performing quantitative analysis,
descriptive or statistical tests, the analysis is provided in con-
text. For qualitative responses, we use open coding to analyze
responses to open-text questions. First, a primary coder from
the research team crafted a codebook and identified descrip-
tive themes for each question. A secondary coder coded
20 %
sub-sample as a consistency check, providing feed-
back on the codebook and iterating with the primary coder
- Prolific participant recruitment service,
as of October 5, 2021.
until inter-coder agreement was reached (Cohen’s
κ > 0.7
mean = 0.81, sd = 0.05).
Ethical Considerations.
The study protocol was approved
by The George Washington University Institutional Review
Board (IRB) with approval number
, and through-
out the process we considered the sensitivity of participants’
Google app authorization data at every step. All aspects of
the survey requiring access to the actual Google Apps with
access to your account” page was administered locally on
the participant’s machine using the browser extension. All
participants were informed about the nature of the study prior
to participating and consented to participating in both surveys.
At no time did the extension or the researchers have access
the participants’ Google password or to any other Google
account data, and all collected data is associated with random
As an online survey, we are limited in that we
cannot probe deeply with follow-up questions to understand
the full range of responses. We attempt to compensate for
this limitation by performing thematic coding across many
responses to capture general opinions and feelings when in-
teracting with third-party apps and SSOs that have access to
their Google account.
Additionally, we are limited in our recruitment sample,
which is generally younger than the population as a whole.
Yet, we argue that despite this limitation, our results offer
insights into user awareness of third-party apps and SSO
access to their Google account, as well as other online services
with third-party APIs. We note that prior work by Redmiles,
et al. [
] suggests online studies about privacy and security
behavior can still approximate behaviors of populations.
Some results may be affected by social desirability bias,
where participants might indicate behavior that they believe
we (the researchers) expect them to embody. For example,
this may lead to participants over describing their awareness
or recall of granting access to third-party apps or SSOs, or
their intention to remove access. In these cases, one may view
these results as a potential upper bound on true behavior.
Finally, we acknowledge our study only considers Google,
even though many online services offer APIs. Still, we believe
our findings are broadly applicable because of the consistency
of the underlying mechanisms (i.e. OAuth scopes) and user
consent flows (i.e., users grant install-time permissions with
a dashboard for review) across many major providers.
4 Results
In this section we present the results of the two surveys. We
first describe the observed apps, SSOs, and their permissions
for participants completing the second survey. Next, we ex-
plore participants’ awareness and understanding of third-party
apps and their permissions. We then offer results on partic-
ipants’ motivations to install or not install a third-party app
and their intentions to change settings. Finally, we report
3400 31st USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
Do you recall ever granting a thrid−party app access to your
Google Account?
Do you recall ever using your Google Account to sign in to third−
party apps or services?
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
No Unsure Yes
Figure 1: Ninety percent of participants recall using their
Google Account to sign in (
) and over half recall granting
a third-party app access to their Google Account (Q
on participants’ reflections on their third-party apps and de-
sired features for improving transparency and control over
API access to their Google account.
4.1 Measurements
Third-party app and SSO findings.
In the first survey, 432
participants self reported if they recalled using Google’s SSO
) or granting third-party apps (
) access to their
Google account. We found that 89% (
n = 386
) of partici-
pants recalled using SSO to sign into a third-party service.
Furthermore, 52% (
n = 225
) recalled granting a third-party
app access to their Google accounts. See Figure 1.
Additionally, during the first survey, we asked participants
to recall the latest app or service they signed into using their
Google account (
), and classified their responses into
various categories based on the app or service. We searched
repositories of available third-party apps, e.g., Google Play
or Google Workspace Marketplace, to determine the proper
app category. The top categories include shopping (
n = 51
12%), social media (
n = 42
; 10%), gaming (
n = 38
; 9%),
food (n = 34; 8%) and entertainment (n = 28; 6%).
Among the 214 second survey participants, a majority
n = 184
; 86%) have at least one SSO linked to their Google
account and 67% (n = 143) have at least one third-party app
with Google account access. Via the custom browser exten-
sion installed by the participants, we observed a total of 1,010
unique SSOs and 455 unique third-party apps accessing par-
ticipants’ Google accounts. For those who have at least one
n = 184
), the average number of SSOs per participant
is 13 (median = 9.5; sd = 12). In comparison, those who have
at least one third-party app (
n = 143
) have an average number
of six third-party apps per participant (median = 3; sd = 6.7).
Third-party apps were authorized to access participants’
Google accounts for an average of 285 days (median = 142; sd
= 375). The maximum number of days authorized was 2,519
days and the minimum was one day. The highest number
of SSOs linked to a single participant’s Google account is
35 17 65
30 11 76
23 8 86
Keep App
Aware Perm.
Recall Auth.
28 7 108
35 12 96
18 9 116
Keep App
Aware Perm.
Recall Auth.
23 11 51
19 9 57
12 6 67
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Keep App
Aware Perm.
Recall Auth.
No Unsure Yes
Figure 2: Full results of questions (
), (
), and (
Most participants recall authorizing their apps and are aware
that their apps had permissions to access parts of their Google
account. Their newest app is the mostly likely to be removed.
65, and one participant had 49 third-party apps, the most
Associated account access permissions.
Among the 1,010
distinct SSOs, we recorded 114 unique associated permis-
sions. Moreover, we cataloged 144 unique permissions re-
quested across the 455 distinct third-party apps. The average
number of permissions per SSO was three (median = 2; sd =
1.5); per third-party app, the average number of permissions
was three (median = 2; sd = 2.2).
The third-party app with the greatest number of permis-
sions was Health Sync with 19 permissions. Health Sync was
followed by: autoCrat (14), FitToFit (14), DocuSign GSuite
Add-on (13), Zero - Simple Fasting Tracker (13), and Yahoo!
(12). Only a few ( 1%;
n = 12
) SSOs ask for a single permis-
sion, while 36% (
n = 166
) of third-party apps have only one
permission. Additionally, 78% (
n = 792
) of SSOs have two
or fewer permissions while 56% (
n = 255
) of third-party apps
have two or fewer permissions.
The most common observed permission was “Create, edit,
and delete your Google Play Games activity” (
n = 223
). This
was followed by: “See your primary Google Account email
address” (
n = 189
), “See your personal info, including any
personal info you’ve made publicly available” (
n = 177
“See, create, and delete its own configuration data in your
Google Drive” (
n = 71
), and Associate you with your per-
sonal info on Google” (n = 44).
4.2 Awareness and Understanding
Awareness of Third-party Apps and SSOs.
In the second
survey, we used the browser extension to show participants
their newest, oldest, and a random third-party app. For partic-
ipants with only two apps, we considered those apps as their
USENIX Association 31st USENIX Security Symposium 3401
oldest and newest. And for participants with only one app, we
considered it as their oldest. This results in imbalanced partic-
ipants with oldest apps
= 143
, newest apps
= 117
and random apps n
= 85.
Participants were first asked if they recalled authorizing
each app (
). Among participants with at least one app,
33 %
n = 47
) could not recall authorizing at least one of
them. The oldest installed app was recalled the most often
81 %
n = 116
), followed by the randomly selected app at
79 %
n = 67
), and finally the newest app at
74 %
n = 86
There were no significant differences between the apps shown
with respect to positive recall compared to negative or unsure
responses (
= 0.27, p = 0.87
). (See Figure 3 displays the
full details.)
When asked when they last used these apps (
); over half
n = 74
) of the participants reported using their oldest
app Today or In the previous week. Whereas 43% (
n = 50
report using their newest app, and only 34% (
n = 29
) report
using their random app, over that same time period. There
were no statistical differences (using a Kruskal-Wallace test
H = 2.15, p = 0.34
) between reported last use of apps when
comparing newest, oldest, and random apps.
Subsequently, we asked participants if prior to seeing the
details about their newest, oldest, and a randomly chosen app
in the survey, they were aware that the app had permissions to
access their Google account data (
). Forty-nine percent
n = 70
) of participants with third-party apps were not aware,
for at least one of those apps, that the app had permissions
to access parts of their Google account data. Participants
were more likely to be unaware of the Google account access
permissions of their newest app (35%;
n = 41
), followed by
their oldest app (33%;
n = 47
), and random app (33%;
n = 28
Again, though, there were no significant differences between
awareness of the apps (
= 0.032, p = 0.98
). Figure 2 shows
the full results of app recall and awareness.
In the first survey, when participants were asked if they
recalled using Google’s SSO (
), 10% (
n = 42
) responded
No or Unsure. Yet, 16 of the 19 (84%) of those same partici-
pants who completed the second survey actually did have a
SSO linked with their Google account. We also asked whether
they recalled granting a third party access to their Google ac-
count (
), and 47% (
n = 203
) answered No or Unsure.
However, 52 of 95 (55%) of those very same participants who
completed the second survey in fact had granted a third-party
app access to their account.
Benefits From and Concerns For Third-Party Apps.
ticipants selected on a 5-point Likert agreement scale to indi-
cate the benefits of their newest, oldest and randomly picked
apps (
). Eighty-two percent (
n = 117
) of participants
with apps Agree or Strongly agree that at least one of their
third-party apps is beneficial. The oldest app was reported as
the most beneficial with 59% (
n = 84
) who Agree or Strongly
agree, followed by 54% (
n = 63
) for the newest app, and 51%
25 25 23 21 21
When was the last time you recall using...
42 32 22 19 14 14
20 9 14 23 6 13
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Today Previous week Previous month
Previous year More than a year Unsure
Figure 3: Participants’ oldest app was also their most recently
used as over half report using their oldest app Today or In the
previous week (Q
n = 43
) for the random app. However, there were no signifi-
cant differences across responses based on a Kruskal-Wallace
test (H = 2.12, p = 0.34).
Additionally, participants were asked whether they were
concerned about their newest, oldest and random apps having
access to their Google accounts (
). Fifty percent (
n = 71
of participants with apps Agree or Strongly agree that they
were concerned with at least one of their third-party apps that
can access their Google account. Of the participants who
were concerned, 28% (
n = 24
) Agree or Strongly agree to
being concerned with their random app, 22% (
n = 26
) with
their newest, and 22% (
n = 32
) with their oldest. The full
results for app benefit and concern are shown in Figure 4,
and again, there were no statistically significant differences
(H = 1.58, p = 0.45).
Understanding App Access Permissions.
We asked partic-
ipants who have apps to rate their confidence in understanding
the permissions held by their third-party apps (
). Note
that each participant had their own set of apps and permis-
sions, so there is an imbalance in the number of participants
surveyed for a given permission. Thus, we present permission-
specific results as percentages, with full counts in the figures.
Thirty-one percent (
n = 45
) of participants had at least one
permission that they were Not confident that they understood.
For the six most prevalent permissions requested by apps
in our study, participants were Confident or Very confident
50 %
) in understanding each of them. Participants were
the most confident in understanding the permission “See your
primary Google Account email address, with
33 %
39 %
Very confident. This was also the most common
permission surveyed, with 223 occurrences in third-party
apps. Conversely, participants were least confident in their
understanding of the permission “See your personal info, in-
3402 31st USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
14 19 26 53 31
61 33 22 10
60 34 25 7
14 12 16 29 14
29 16 13 13
29 12 16 8
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree n...
Agree Strongly agree
Figure 4: Full results of question (
). Most participants
are not concerned about their third-party apps having access
to their Google account. Over half of participants do not want
to change the parts of their Google account that an app can
access. A majority of participants agree that app access to
their Google account is beneficial.
cluding any personal info you’ve made publicly available,
12 %
Not confident,
16 %
Slightly confident. There is
also evidence in the qualitative data where a participants note
that this permission is confusing because it does not suffi-
ciently detail what information is included in “personal info.
This was the second most common permission surveyed, with
186 occurrences in third-party apps. Results for the top six
most prevalent permissions can be found in Figure 5. Statis-
tical comparisons were not performed due to the imbalance
between groups for which permissions were surveyed.
Necessity of Access Permissions.
We asked participants to
report the necessity of each permission on a 5-point Likert
scale for their newest, oldest and randomly selected third party
app (
). Sixty-one percent (
n = 87
) of participants had at
least one permission that they reported was Not necessary.
Among the six most prevalent permissions, participants
found the permission “See your personal info, including any
personal info you’ve made publicly available” to be the most
unnecessary, with 30% who stated that it is Not necessary and
31% who said it is only Slightly necessary. This is followed
by the permission “See, edit, download, and permanently
delete your contacts” in which 26% said it was Not necessary
and 18% said it is only Slightly necessary. At least 50% of
participants found the remaining prevalent permissions either
Necessary or Very necessary. Participants rated functional
permissions, such as “Read, compose, send, and permanently
delete all your email from Gmail, to be more necessary for
the app to benefit them than data access permissions, like “See
your personal info, including any personal info you’ve made
publicly available. The top six most prevalent permission
23 29 41 52 41
How confident are you that you understand what
each permission allows the app to do?
7 6 13 19 21
6 4 14 18 19
6 4 8 21 18
Google Play
3 6 7 15 19
20 12 32 73 86
View Gmail
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Not confident Slightly confident Moderately conf...
Confident Very confident
Figure 5: Results for (
) for the top six most prevalent
permissions, of which “View Personal Info” was the least
understood and “View Gmail Address” was the most.
results for necessity can be found in Figure 6, and again, sta-
tistical comparisons were not performed due to the imbalance
between groups for which permissions were surveyed.
Concern for Access Permissions.
we asked the
level of concern participants have about third-party apps ac-
cessing their account through various permissions. Forty-six
percent (
n = 66
) of participants had at least one permission
that they were either Concerned or Very concerned about.
For ve of the six most prevalent permissions requested by
third-party apps observed in our study, over 70% of partic-
ipants answered Not concerned or only Slightly concerned
about apps on their account having these permissions. The
permission “See your personal info, including any personal
info you’ve made publicly available” had the highest concern,
with 16 % Concerned, 5 % Very concerned. (See Figure 7.)
Reasons for Concern.
Participants also provided free re-
sponses describing any concerns they have with a third-party
app, either the newest, oldest, or randomly chosen, having
these access permissions (
). Qualitative coding of the
responses revealed that some participants expressed concern
with the permissions held by their apps (newest,
n = 46
; old-
n = 90
; random,
n = 33
). The most common reasons
for concern were access to personal or sensitive information,
unnecessary access, ability to delete, and access to contacts
and email. For example, P53 shared, “I don’t want them hav-
ing access to my personal information” (newest; YouTube on
Xbox Live). Examples of concern regarding unnecessary ac-
USENIX Association 31st USENIX Security Symposium 3403
56 57 42 24 7
How necessary do you think each permission is for
the app to function in a way that benefits you?
16 11 11 9 14
13 11 5 18 10
Google Play
7 9 9 12 13
31 25 54 72 41
View Gmail
8 6 11 15 26
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Not necessary Slightly necessary Moderately nece...
Necessary Very necessary
Figure 6: Results for (
) for the top six most prevalent
permissions, of which “View Personal Info” was considered
the least necessary and “Modify Gmail” was the most.
count access include: “I’m a bit concerned about their access
to my Youtube Channel, since it seems a bit unnecessary and
excessive” (P170; newest; PlayStation Network) and “Not
sure why it needs Google Drive access, it shouldn’t be cre-
ating anything in there” (P93; random; Idle Island: Build
and Survive). Permissions that include the ability to delete
files was often concerning, for instance, “I don’t know if I
want them to be able to delete stuff from my Google Drive”
(P142; newest; CloudConvert). Access to email and contacts
were common concerns; for instance, P63 said, As with any
app that requires having access to send emails, I’m always
worried about something unauthorized being sent” (oldest;
Boomerang for Gmail). P61 (oldest; Quora) noted:
I didn’t know that they could see and download my con-
tacts. That is a bit concerning because I don’t know what
they do with that data.
Participants were also concerned when they could not recall
authorizing the access, e.g., “I don’t remember authorizing
this app to have access to my Google account” (P10, newest;
Email - Edison Mail). Additionally, when participants infre-
quently used an app but found out it still had access to their
account, e.g., “I don’t use it anymore and they still have ac-
cess to my photos” (P16; random; Chatbooks - Print Family
Photos) and “I don’t use the Google nest hub anymore, so
it shouldn’t have access to my full account” (P12; oldest;
Google Nest Hub). A number of participants complained that
they had deleted the app from their device but it still had ac-
cess to their accounts, as when P137 shared, “I have removed
9 29 35 65 48
How concerned are you about the app accessing
your account using these permissions?
3 6 8 19 25
3 5 9 18 31
2 6 4 10 35
Google Play
12 25 41 140
View Gmail
2 5 14 28
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Very concerned Concerned Moderately conc...
Slightly concerned Not concerned
Figure 7: Results for (
) for the top six most prevalent
permissions, of which “View Personal Info” was the most
concerning and “Modify Google Calendar” was the least.
the app from my phone and I don’t see why the app still has
to have these permissions” (newest; Adidas Training), and
P26 noted, “I was unaware these permissions were still on the
app as I’ve deleted the app” (newest; Linkt).
Many participants stated that they were unconcerned by the
app permissions (newest,
n = 62
; oldest,
n = 44
; random,
n =
). The most common reasons for the lack of concern was the
necessity of the permissions, and the limited access that the
permissions provided. For instance, P131 said “I don’t think
it has too many permissions and nothing seems unreasonable,
so I’m okay with this” (random; Lumin PDF), and P158
stated “It is a game and both of the permissions are valid”
(random; Starlost - Space Shooter). Some were unconcerned
because they trust the app, e.g., “I trust the service to keep
my information secure” (P148; newest; Amazing Marvin).
For others, the trust originates with the company who makes
the app, e.g., “I’ve never worried about Apple invading my
privacy” (P189; random; macOS).
4.3 Granting and Reviewing Account Access
Considerations When Granting App/SSO Access.
Google’s documentation [
] advises that users consider the
following five factors before granting a third-party access
to their Google account: (i) security, (ii) data use, (iii) data
deletion, (iv) policy changes, and (v) data visibility.
On a ve-point agreement Likert-scale, we asked the par-
ticipants with apps if they considered these factors before
granting a third-party app access to their Google account
3404 31st USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
6 37 53 65 23
30 44 69 36
19 29 81 52
16 23 91 51
14 16 108 45
Will Tell Change
Whether Delete
Who Sees Data
How Data Used
How Secure
6 10 23 60 47
34 35 49 19
30 32 55 23
15 23 65 36
13 18 73 38
12 15 82 36
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
What Access
Will Tell Change
Whether Delete
Who Sees Data
How Data Used
How Secure
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree n...
Agree Strongly agree
Figure 8: Full results of questions (
) and (
) in which
participants are asked what they consider before granting
Google account access to a third-party APP or SSO.
) and before using their Google account to sign into a
service via SSO (
); those results are presented in Figure 8.
The most considered factor for third-party apps was the
security of the app or website (security), in which
83 %
n =
) Agree or Strongly Agree. The next factor was how the
app or website will use your data (data use) where
78 %
n =
) Agree or Strongly Agree. This was followed by who else
can see your data on the app or website (data visibility), in
71 %
n = 101
) Agree or Strongly Agree. Next was
whether you can delete your data from the app or website
(data deletion), where
55 %
n = 78
) either Agree or Strongly
Agree. The least considered factor was whether the app or
website will tell you if something changes (policy changes),
where fewer than half (
n = 68
48 %
) Agree or Strongly Agree.
Among participants with SSOs (
n = 184
), the data shows
they considered similar factors as those for third-party app
account access. Again, the most considered factor was how
secure is the app or website (security), in which
83 %
n =
) Agree or Strongly Agree. The next most considered
factor was how the app or website will use your data (data
use) where
77 %
n = 142
) Agree or Strongly Agree. This was
followed by who else can see your data on the app or website
(data visibility), in which
72 %
n = 133
) Agree or Strongly
Agree. Next was whether you can delete your data from the
app or website (data deletion), where
57 %
n = 105
) either
Agree or Strongly Agree. The least considered factor was
whether the app or website will tell you if something changes
(policy changes), where fewer than half (
n = 88
48 %
) Agree
or Strongly Agree.
We used a Mann-Whitney U-test to compare each of the
considerations, comparing SSO to third-party access (see top
of Figure 8). We did not find any significant differences,
suggesting that participants view SSOs and third-party apps
accessing their Google accounts in similar ways when deter-
mining if they should grant that access. More detail on SSO
considerations is in the next section.
In open-response questions, we asked participants to pro-
vide more details on what they consider before granting
a third-party app access to their Google account or use
SSOs (
). Participants often (Q12,
n = 42
; Q13,
n = 43
) responded that they consider what permissions the
third-party would obtain, e.g., “What capabilities I was giving
the third-party” (P362). Security (Q12,
n = 33
; Q13,
n = 23
and privacy (Q12,
n = 22
; Q13,
n = 28
) were common con-
siderations. For instance P160 noted, “Whether it was secure
and could I trust it, and P283 added, “I’m always worried
about my privacy anytime a app [sic] asks me for that infor-
mation. Still, many participants (Q12,
n = 31
; Q13,
n = 10
had no considerations. For instance, P24 shared, “It was a
pop up so I didn’t consider it much at all.
One particularly interesting theme that emerged from open
coding was the transfer of trust from the Google brand name
to third-party apps and SSOs when participants considered
granting access (Q12,
n = 7
; Q13,
n = 4
). That is, participants
were more likely to trust a third-party service because it was
using Google, and they trusted Google, irrespective of the
nature of the third-party service. For example, P278 declared,
“That it was okay since Google was allowing it, and P297
added, “It must be okay since it partnered with Google. P117
provided another example:
I would consider nothing again, I probably put too much
trust in Google and it’s become a crutch at this point, I
would easily allow it to be used in 3rd party situations.
and P161:
Nothing! Like before, I generally trust anything that
leads to that Google SSO page.
When considering granting SSO access (
), many partic-
ipants (
n = 55
) considered ease of use and convenience before
signing in, and a common theme was the ease of reusing their
Google account login credentials versus creating a new ac-
count on a third-party app or website, e.g., “It is easier and
more convenient than making a brand new account to some
third party website” (P21). There were also many (
n = 42
who were unconcerned and had few considerations, such as
P99 who said,“I didn’t consider much, I use Google sign in
pretty regularly, and P117 who stated, “I didn’t consider
much, my Google account has always been good to me and
offered ease of use with many things.
Participants (
n = 27
) also shared concerns such as what
information would be accessible to the third-party app or ser-
vice; for instance, P90 responded, “If that service has access
to information associated with my Google Account, and P91
replied, “I considered what that app would have access to
if I signed in through there. Security (
n = 29
) and privacy
n = 13
) were common considerations. For example P80
USENIX Association 31st USENIX Security Symposium 3405
37 106 9 16 13
How often do you review what services you can sign into using
your Google account?
35 80 16 10
How often do you review what services have access to your Google
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Never Rarely Daily
Weekly Monthly Yearly
Figure 9: Over
75 %
of participants stated that they Never or
Rarely review what services they can sign into using (
) or
have access to their Google account (Q
shared, “I was worried about security of my Google Account,
and P271 added, “The private data that this application was
going to read, in other words, I worry about my privacy.
Some participants (
n = 12
) described a trade-off between
information sharing and convenience. For instance, P16
shared, “The effort of making a new account versus shar-
ing my google info. Trust of the website or service being
signed into is also a common theme (
n = 26
), e.g., “I consider
if the website is trustworthy and if I can trust signing in using
my Gmail account in their website” (P68).
Reasons For Authorizing Account Access.
We asked par-
ticipants what was the purpose of allowing third-party ac-
cess (
). The purpose for many (
n = 45
) participants was
the utility that the app provided, such as email and contact
management, file transfer, and synchronizing data between
devices. For instance, P37 explained, “I gave a ringtone app
access to my contacts and messages so that it can change the
notification/ringtone sounds” and P210 shared that the apps
purpose was Allowing me access to multiple e-mails from
the same app on my Windows computer. Another popular
n = 38
) purpose was calendar management, e.g., “Zoom, to
allow it to add meetings to my calendar” P25. Gaming was a
common (n = 38) purpose. For example, P355 responded:
I allowed access to my Google account for a lot of games,
because I can get achievements to be displayed on my
account with Google, and also it is usually an easy way
to recover or save data between devices.
Some participants (
n = 15
) just could not recall the purpose,
like P404 who shared, “I don’t really remember but I do
remember encountering this type of screen in the past.
User Review of Apps With Account Access.
We find that
participants rarely or never review the services they can sign
into using their Google account or the apps that have access
to their Google account. We asked participants how often
they review the services they can sign into using their Google
account (
). A majority (
n = 106
58 %
) Rarely review
their services,
20 %
n = 37
) Never review, and
16 %
n = 29
review them Monthly or Yearly. Among participants with
apps, we also asked how often they review the services that
have access to their Google account (
). Again, a majority
n = 80
56 %
) Rarely review their services,
24 %
n = 35
Never review, and
18 %
n = 26
) review them Monthly or
Yearly. Figure 9 shows the full results of these questions.
For each of their newest, oldest and random app, we also
asked participants if they would like to change which parts
of their Google account that the third-party app can access
52 %
n = 74
) of participants Agree or Strongly agree
they want to change which parts of their Google account are
accessible for at least one of their apps. The most agreement
for changing access was for the random app, in which 30%
indicated they Agree (15%;
n = 13
) or even Strongly agree
n = 13
). This was followed by the newest app, where
21% (
n = 25
) Agree and 9% (
n = 11
) Strongly agree. The
oldest app had the least agreement for a change in access with
only 15% (n = 22) Agree and 7% (n = 10) Strongly agree.
Keeping or Removing Apps.
For each of the specific apps
shown—newest, oldest, and randomly chosen—we asked
participant if they would like to keep or remove the app or are
unsure about what to do (
43 %
n = 62
) of participants
with third-party apps wanted to remove at least one of those
apps. Due to private data aggregation during the survey,
we only linked the keep/remove preferences for the newest,
oldest, and random app that were specifically reviewed by
the participants. For their newest app,
56 %
n = 65
) of the
participants said they want to keep it,
30 %
n = 35
) chose
to remove, and
15 %
n = 17
) answered unsure. Many more
participants (
76 %
n = 108
) responded to keep their oldest
app. While
20 %
n = 28
) wanted to remove, and
5 %
n =
) were unsure.
60 %
n = 51
) of participants wanted to
keep their randomly selected app, 27% (
n = 23
) answered to
remove, and 13% (n =
) were unsure. However, a Kruskal-
Wallace test found no significant differences between the three
apps shown (H = 0.49, p = 0.77). Full results in Figure 2.
We performed logistic regression to determine factors that
would lead a participant to remove a third-party app access
from their Google account (see Table 2). We controlled for
repeated measures by adding random intercepts to the model,
as each participant provided up to three apps they wished
to keep or remove. We found a significant correlation with
participants who want to change which parts of their Google
account the app can access (
β = 1.75, OR = 5.76, p = 0.001
where those participants were
more likely to want to
remove the app access. We found a significant correlation
with participants who have used the app within the last month
β = 1.76, OR = 0.17, p =< 0.001
), and those participants
3406 31st USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
Table 2: Binomial logistic model to describe which factors in-
fluenced the preference to remove an app (Remove responses
to question Q
5). The Aldrich-Nelson pseudo R
= 0.52.
Factor Est. OR Error Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 1.02 0.36 0.68 0.134
Participant’s newest app 0.22 1.24 0.53 0.687
Participant’s oldest app 0.07 0.93 0.56 0.904
Recall = Yes 0.92 2.50 0.68 0.179
Aware app permissions = Yes 1.15 0.32 0.61 0.058 .
Last use {day, week, month} 1.76 0.17 0.49 <0.001 ***
Access benef. {Agr., Str. Ag.} 1.80 0.17 0.55 0.001 **
Access conc. {Agr., Str. Ag.} 0.43 1.53 0.56 0.443
Access change {Agr., Str. Ag.} 1.75 5.76 0.54 0.001 **
# of permissions > median 0.05 1.05 0.44 0.909
Time since install < 3 months 0.84 2.32 0.54 0.123
Time since install > 2 years 0.26 1.30 0.66 0.689
Signif. codes: *** b= < 0.001; ** b= < 0.01; * b= < 0.05; · b= < 0.1
more likely to want to keep the app access. We
also found significant correlation with participants who found
the app beneficial (
β = 1.80, OR = 0.17, p = 0.001
), where
they too are
more likely to want to keep the app access.
These findings suggest the importance of app usage frequency
in account access authorization.
4.4 Reflection and Features
Understanding Account Linking and Access.
We directed
all participants in the second survey (
n = 214
) to explore
their Apps with access to your account” page. We then
asked whether the page helps them to better understand which
third-party apps and websites are linked to their Google ac-
count (Q
15); nearly all participants (n = 204; 95 %) agreed
that it help. And when asked if the page helps to better un-
derstand which parts of their Google account third-party apps
can access (
), again nearly all participants (
n = 198
93 %
) agreed. This suggests that the management page has
the potential for being an important tool.
Change Settings and Review Apps.
We asked participants
to indicate whether they intend to change any settings after
seeing their Apps with access to your account” page (
and roughly half (
n = 105
) affirmed that they would change
settings. Over
70 %
n = 152
) indicated they plan to review
third-party apps in six months (
). Refer to Figure 10 to
see the full results of these questions.
If a participant affirmed they would change a setting, we
asked them to tell us which settings they would change
). Many participants (
n = 76
) wanted to remove ac-
cess from one or more apps. They often (
n = 41
) mentioned
unused apps; for instance, P23 said:
I would definitely remove many of the apps that I do not
use anymore. They absolutely do not need to be linked
to my Google account anymore.
In six months do you see yourself reviewing third−party apps from
your "Apps with access to your account" page?
After completing this survey, do you see yourself changing any
settings on your "Apps with access to your account" page?
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
No Unsure Yes
Figure 10: Roughly
50 %
of participants stated that they
would change their settings after the survey (
), and a
majority would review third-party apps in six months (
Participants also wished to remove apps they no longer re-
called authorizing, e.g., “There are apps I do not use and do
not recall allowing access to my Google account” (P24).
Some participants (
n = 27
) wanted to change specific per-
missions access, something not allowable with the current
interface. The most common permissions mentioned included
contacts, account info, delete or modify files, and “unneces-
sary permissions. For example, P189 said, “I would remove
Dropbox’s access to my contacts, and P192 noted, “. . . and
maybe restrict Streak’s access to my Google Drive. Partici-
pants (
n = 8
) mentioned protecting their personal information
as a reason for the settings change, e.g., “I would limit the
amount of information different apps can view - especially
with my personal information” (P145).
If a participant affirmed they planned to review third-party
apps in six months, we asked them to tell us what they would
look for (
). Many participants (
n = 43
) would look for
apps that they no longer use, such as P137, who replied “I
would look for apps that I no longer use and if they still have
access to my account and to what parts of my account. Some
participants (
n = 22
) said they would look for new apps that
have access to their account, e.g., “If any new apps are listed
that I don’t remember approving” (P169). Others (
n = 22
wanted to review changes to the list of apps with access to
their Google account. For instance, P138 explained:
I would look for any unexpected or new third parties and
just make sure that all of them have very limited access to
my personal information. I’d maybe continue to review
this page over time to make sure nothing has changed.
Some wanted to review changes to the existing apps, like
P180 who shared, “Check to see if anything has changed like
they got more access without saying anything. Participants
n = 8
) also wanted to review how much access was allowed
USENIX Association 31st USENIX Security Symposium 3407
79 117
127 63
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Once every three years Once a year Once a month
Once a week Not at all
Figure 11: A majority of participants stated that they wanted
an email reminder to review their Apps with access to your
account” page Once a month (
) and to reapprove apps
Once a year (Q
to third-party apps. For example, P210 stated:
I would want to know exactly what those apps have ac-
cess to. Actually wish there was more information there.
Seems like it is a little generic.
New Features and Design Changes.
In an open-ended re-
sponse question, we asked what new features participants
would like to add to the Apps with access to your account”
page (
). Many participants (
n = 61
) wanted the page to
display more detailed information and for the account access
to be more transparent, e.g, An option to have even more
detail of what was exactly being accessed” (P68). A common
n = 19
) request was an app usage or data access log, like
when P17 replied:
I think it would be useful for them to show when I last
used an app and when the app last used my data, to see if
the app is using my data even when I have not used the
app in a while.
Another request (
n = 12
) was detailed permission explana-
tions, for instance when P174 demanded,
DETAILED information about what is available to third
party apps. Not just “access to your personal informa-
tion, but “access to: your full name, age, date of birth,
street address.
Permissions level control is also desired, e.g., “The ability
to remove certain accesses that I don’t think the app needs”
(P143), and some requested access timeouts, e.g., Auto re-
moval of apps after 3 months of no use” (P156).
We asked participants how often they would like to be
reminded if Google were to provide an email reminder to
review their Apps with access to your account” page (
Most participants (
n = 117
55 %
) responded Once a month,
another 37 % (n = 79) want a reminder Once a year.
10 48 42 79 34
6 17 93 96
I would want to designate specific data as private and
inaccessible to third−party apps.
I would want third−party apps to seek my approval each time
they access my Google account.
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree n...
Agree Strongly agree
Figure 12: Over half of participants Strongly Agree or Agree
they want third-party apps to seek approval each time they ac-
cess their Google account (
), and roughly
90 %
of partic-
ipants Strongly Agree or Agree they want to designate specific
data as private and inaccessible to third-party apps (
One participant managed to submit a non-response, and is
excluded from this data.
Reapproving Apps.
Additionally, we asked participants if
Google required them to reapprove the third-party apps with
access to their account, how often would they want to provide
reapproval (
). A majority of participants (
n = 127
59 %
want to reapprove apps Once a year, while
29 %
n = 63
) want
a reminder Once a month. Please see Figure 11 for the full
results of these questions.
When we asked participants if they would want third-party
apps to seek approval each time they access their Google
account (
) over half (
n = 113
53 %
) agreed they want
third-party apps to seek approval each time they access their
Google account, while
27 %
n = 58
) disagreed. We also
asked participants if they want to designate specific data (e.g.
certain emails, individual contacts, particular calendar events)
as private and inaccessible to third-party apps (
), and
most participants (
n = 189
89 %
) agreed, few (
n = 3
1 %
disagreed. Please refer to Figure 12 for the full results.
5 Discussion and Conclusion
In this section we offer conclusions and recommendations
for managing third-party apps and SSOs that access users’
Google accounts. We first discuss issues with handling dis-
used third-party access and the potential to have cascading
removal. Next, we focus on issues with transference of trust
from Google to third-party apps, and finally, we offer some
design improvement for Apps with access to your account”
based on our observations and qualitative feedback.
Handling Stale Account Access.
This research identifies
the need for limiting account access for unused, forgotten, or
3408 31st USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
removed third-party apps. Participants either had not recently
used or were unsure when they had last used one in five third-
party apps in our study. Additionally, most participants ( 80%)
rarely or never reviewed the third-party account access. At
the same time, nearly half of participants wanted to modify
access after the study and over 70% wanted to do so within
six-months. Most participants indicated they would remove
unused apps or apps they no longer recall authorizing, but
the current interface for reviewing third-party apps does not
provide a record of last use.
Participants also expressed strong support (95%) for email
reminders to review their third-party apps at least once a year.
Moreover, participants highly favored (91%) a requirement to
reapprove account access at least once a year. Google could
send email reminders to all users to review Apps with access
to your account” with additional details provided regarding
unused third-party apps. Review request could also be more
directed, perhaps asking users to review a single app at a time
so as not to overburden. Another possibility is to auto-expire
apps that have not been recently used or did not recently make
an API call. Facebook implemented a similar policy following
the Cambridge Analytica scandal [
], to expire app access
periodically and then require users to reauthorize.
Cascading Removal.
Participants were surprised to find
apps in their Apps with access to your account” page that
they believed were removed in other places. For example,
many smartphone applications leverage a Google Account
for functionality and authentication, and in these case, partici-
pants who removed that smartphone app believed they also
remove the third-party app access.
While expiring third-party apps, see above, would help
address this issue, cascading removal could provide addi-
tional support for users who attempt to manage access to their
Google account. A third-party app, or the user’s account, can
send a notification when a secondary application that lever-
ages the third-party app is removed from a user device, which
in turn allows the user to deactivate the third-party app access.
All Or Nothing Permissions.
Users must approve all per-
mission requests for third-party apps or none, and many of
permission requests may not be fully understandable, contex-
tualized, or presented at the time of the access request. After
granting access, the Apps with access to your account” offers
no permission-level control to limit account access; the only
option is to completely remove access.
Even without fine-grain controls, most participants in our
study find most permissions to be necessary for the functional-
ity of their apps; however, they consider some permissions un-
necessary and concerning, especially those that allow access
to view personal information that may include data beyond
just name and email address. Our qualitative data shows that
this practice is forcing users to consider a tradeoff between
their personal privacy and the benefits of third-party apps or
the convenience of SSOs.
Furthermore, when prompted to describe new features, par-
ticipants stated a desire for permission level controls, and
we recognize such a feature could have negative impacts on
the functionality of third-party apps. However, we recom-
mend that Google provide permissions level control for users’
personal data, for instance: “See your gender, “See your
age group, “View your street addresses, “See and download
your personal phone numbers, “See your personal info, and
Associate you with your personal info on Google, which
likely are not used for app functionality.
Trust Transference.
Google is a highly ranked and trusted
brand [
], so trust in Google transfers to Google products
and services, including third parties’ apps that access Google
accounts and services. We observed this in many open-ended
responses from participants that assumed (incorrectly) an
implied partnership between Google and third-party apps.
To Google’s credit, it attempts to mitigate this effect by
noting that users should “Make sure you trust [third-party app
name], on the access authorization prompt. However, this
does not appear to be a sufficient intervention, and more so, it
places a potential undue burden on users to be able to properly
differentiate. This further suggests that better messaging, in
the form of nudges or reminders to review third-party apps, or
other automated mechanisms should be put in place to assist
users to better manage apps and services that access their
Google account.
Improving App Transparency Tool.
We also note that
there are number of possible design improvements to the
existing Apps with access to your account” page based on
participant recommendations offered during the study and our
findings. Nearly 90% of participants suggested that Google
should provide users with the ability to designate specific ac-
count data as private and inaccessible to third-party apps. For
instance: certain emails, individual contacts, and particular
calendar events. Moreover, adding a recent activity log that
includes data access details would allow users to determine
the frequency with which they use a third-party app and to
determine if it is accessing data while appearing inactive.
Improvements to the permission descriptive text could also
include specific details about which parts of the users’ Google
account data are accessible. For example, instead of “See
your personal info, the personal info available to see should
be enumerated, e.g., full name, email address, age, street
address, and profile picture. Contextual information could
also be included, such as identifying the reasons a third-party
app is requesting a certain permission. For instance, “Zoom
has access to your Google calendar to schedule and modify
Zoom meeting times, instead of simply noting it has access
to the calendar.
USENIX Association 31st USENIX Security Symposium 3409
We thank Florian Farke for providing R script examples of
high quality figures and tables. We thank the research team
members of The George Washington University Usable Secu-
rity and Privacy Lab for their valuable feedback on the survey
questionnaires. We also thank Michael Lack and Dan Hallen-
beck of Two Six Technologies for their support and feedback
on the initial investigation into G Suite apps that prompted
this research.
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A Appendix
A.1 First Survey
Please read the following instructions carefully:
Take your time in reading and answering the questions.
Answer the questions as accurately as possible.
1 Do you have a Gmail (Google) account?
Yes No
Privacy Notice:
We do not transmit your email address to our server
as part of this study, and we will not be able to tie your email address
to any results or analysis. All uses of your email address are local to
your browser. The researchers will never see your email address. At
no time do the researchers have access to your Google account.
2 through Q
13 are shown if Q
1 is “Yes”]
Do you use {participant email address} as your primary Gmail
(Google) account?
No, I use a different Gmail (Google) as my primary account
3 Whose Gmail address is it?
It is my own account. I have sole ownership of this account.
It is an institutional account. A business, school, or organization
gave it to me.
It is my shared account. I share the account with someone else
(e.g., a partner or family member).
It is someone else’s account. Someone else has sole ownership of
this account.
How long have you had this Gmail address as your primary Gmail
(Google) account?
Less than 1 month
Less than or about 1 year
Less than or about 5 years
Less than or about 10 years
More than 10 years
5 What is the color of a red ball?
Red Round Blue Square
Use your Google Account to sign in to other apps or services
You can use your Google Account to sign in to third-party apps
and services.
You won’t have to remember individual usernames and pass-
words for each account.
Third-party apps and services are created by companies or de-
velopers that aren’t Google.
Do you recall ever using your Google Account to sign in to third-party
apps or services as described above?
Yes No Unsure
Thinking about the last time you used your Google Account to sign
into a third-party app or service, what app or service did you use your
Google Account to sign into? [Shown if
is “Yes”] (short answer)
Thinking about the last time you used your Google Account to sign into
a third-party app or service, what did you consider before signing in
using your Google Account? [Shown if
is “Yes”] (short answer)
If you were given the option to use your Google account to sign into a
third-party app or service, what would you consider before using this
feature? [Shown if Q
6 is “No” or “Unsure”] (short answer)
Manage third-party apps & services with access to your Google
Google lets you give third-party apps and services access to
different parts of your Google Account.
Third-party apps and services are created by companies or de-
velopers that aren’t Google.
For example, you may download an app that helps you schedule
workouts with friends. This app may request access to your
Google Calendar and Contacts to suggest times and friends for
you to meet up with.
Do you recall ever granting a third-party app access to your Google
Account as described above?
Yes No Unsure
Thinking about the last time you granted a third-party app access to
your Google Account, what was the purpose of allowing that access?
[Shown if Q
10 is “Yes”] (short answer)
Thinking about the last time you granted a third-party app access to
your Google Account, what did you consider before granting a third-
party app access to your Google account? [Shown if
is “Yes”]
(short answer)
If you were given the option to grant a third-party app access to your
Google Account, what would you consider before granting access?
[Shown if Q
10 is “No” or “Unsure”] (short answer)
14 through Q
23 are shown if Q
1 is “No”]
Use an existing online account to sign in to other apps or services
You can use your existing account on various online platforms
(e.g., Facebook, Google, Apple, etc.) to sign in to third-party
apps and services.
You won’t have to remember individual usernames and pass-
words for each account.
Third-party apps and services are created by companies or de-
velopers that aren’t part of those platforms.
Do you recall ever using an existing online account to sign in to a
third-party app or service as described above?
Yes No Unsure
Thinking about the last time you used an existing online account to
sign into a third-party app or service, what app or service did you sign
into? [Shown if Q
14 is “Yes”] (short answer)
Thinking about the last time you used an existing online account to
sign into a third-party app or service, what online account did you use?
[Shown if Q
14 is “Yes”] (short answer)
Thinking about the last time you used an existing online account to
sign into a third-party app or service, what did you consider before
signing in using that existing online account? [Shown if
is “Yes”]
(short answer)
If you were given the option to use an existing online account to sign
into a third-party app or service, what online account would you use?
[Shown if Q
14 is “No” or “Unsure”] (short answer)
If you were given the option to use an existing online account to sign
into a third-party app or service, what would you consider before using
this feature? [Shown if Q
14 is “No” or “Unsure”] (short answer)
Manage third-party apps & services with access to your online
Online platforms let you give third-party apps and services
access to different parts of your accounts on those platforms.
Third-party apps and services are created by companies or de-
velopers that aren’t part of those platforms.
For example, you may download an app that helps you schedule
workouts with friends. This app may request access to your
online calendar (e.g., Google Calendar, Apple iCloud Calendar,
Microsoft Outlook, etc.) and contact list to suggest times and
friends for you to meet up with.
3412 31st USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
Do you recall ever granting a third-party app access to one of your
online accounts as described above?
Yes No Unsure
Thinking about the last time you granted a third-party app access to
one of your online accounts, what was the purpose of allowing that
access? [Shown if Q
20 is “Yes”] (short answer)
Thinking about the last time you granted a third-party app access to
one of your online accounts, what did you consider before granting a
third-party app access to one of your online accounts? [Shown if
is “Yes”] (short answer)
If you were given the option to grant a third-party app access to one of
your online accounts, what would you consider before granting access?
[Shown if Q
20 is “No” or “Unsure”] (short answer)
These questions were followed by the 8 IUIPC items as described by
Malhotra et al. [25] and Gr [19].
D1 What is your gender?
Prefer not to disclose
Prefer to self-describe
D2 What is your age?
18 24
25 34
35 44
45 54
55 64
65 or older
Prefer not to
D3 What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?
No schooling completed
Some high school
High school
Some college credit, no degree
Trade, technical, or vocational training
Associate degree
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree
Professional degree
Doctorate degree
Prefer not to disclose
Which of the following best describes your educational background or
job field?
I have an education in, or work in, the field of computer science,
computer engineering or IT.
I do not have an education in, nor do I work in, the field of computer
science, computer engineering or IT.
Prefer not to disclose
A.2 Second Survey
About Account Linking
Users of online services can often link their accounts to products made
by other companies, which can operate on behalf of the user’s account.
For example, a user can link their Spotify account (i.e., a music stream-
ing service) to their Amazon Alexa (i.e., a voice-controlled smart
speaker) in order to play their favorite music.
Your Gmail account, as a Google account, can also be linked in this
way. In the following questions, we ask about how your Google
account can similarly be linked to other (non-Google) services. Later
we will use a web browser extension to do further analysis of how you
may (or may not) link your Google account.
Explore Apps With Access To Your Account
In the next part of the study, we will ask you to explore Google’s Apps
with access to your account” page for your Google account.
You will have an opportunity to interact with your Google’s Apps
with access to your account” page for
one minute
and will then be
returned to the survey.
We have
disabled clicking
for various links and buttons on the
Google’s Apps with access to your account”page to help you focus
better on the access that third party applications have to your Google
Participants explored their Apps with access to your account page.
Use your Google Account to sign in to other apps or services
You can use your Google Account to sign in to third-party apps and
services. You won’t have to remember individual usernames and
passwords for each account.
Third-party apps and services are created by companies or developers
that aren’t Google.
Participants view a list of SSOs authorized to their Google account.
You have [n] third-party apps and services that you can
sign into using
your Google account
. Before using my Google account to sign into a
website or third-party app, I consider:
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree secure the app or website is. the app or website will use your data.
...whether you can delete your data from the app or website.
...whether the app or website will tell you if something changes.
...who else can see your data on the app or website.
How often do you review what services you can sign into using your
Google account?
Manage third-party apps & services with access to your Google
Google lets you give third-party apps and services access to
different parts of your Google Account.
Third-party apps and services are created by companies or de-
velopers that aren’t Google.
For example, you may download an app that helps you schedule
workouts with friends. This app may request access to your
Google Calendar and Contacts to suggest times and friends for
you to meet up with.
Participants view third-party apps with access to their Google account.
You have [n] third-party apps and services that
have access to your
Google account data
. Before granting a website or third-party app
access to my Google account, I consider:
Strongly disagree | Disagree | Neither agree nor disagree | Agree | Strongly agree secure the app or website is. the app or website will use your data.
...whether you can delete your data from the app or website.
...whether the app or website will tell you if something changes.
...who else can see your data on the app or website.
...what parts of your account the app or website can access.
How often do you review what services have access to your Google
The following apps are authorized to access various parts of
your Google account. Which of these apps would you prefer to
keep on your account? Which would you prefer to remove?
Keep Remove Unsure
[App 1]
[App 2]
[App n]
USENIX Association 31st USENIX Security Symposium 3413
6 Which of these is a sport?
Hamburger Basketball Bathroom Skyscraper
are asked repeatedly for the newest app,
oldest app, and a random app.]
Participants view a selected app from their third-party apps.
7 Do you recall authorizing [App name]?
Yes No Unsure
8 When was the last time you recall using [App name]?
In the previous week
In the previous month
In the previous year
More than a year ago
Prior to seeing the details about [App name], were you aware this app
had permission to access parts of your Google account data?
Yes No Unsure
Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following:
Strongly disagree | Disagree | Neither agree nor disagree | Agree | Strongly agree
It’s beneficial to me for [App name] to
have access to my Google account.
I’m concerned with [App name] having
access to my Google account.
I want to change which parts of my Google account
that [App name] can access.
[App name] holds the following permissions to access parts of your
Google account. How **confident** are you that you understand what
each permission allows the app to do?
Not confident | Slightly confident | Moderately confident | Confident | Very confident
[App Permission 1]
[App Permission 2]
[App Permission n]
[App name] holds the following permissions to access parts of your
Google account. How **necessary** do you think each permission is
for the app to function in a way that benefits you?
Not necessary | Slightly necessary | Moderately necessary | Necessary | Very necessary
[App Permission 1]
[App Permission 2]
[App Permission n]
[App name] holds the following permissions to access parts of your
Google account. How **concerned** are you about the app accessing
your account using these permissions?
Not concerned | Slightly concerned | Moderately concerned | Concerned | Very concerned
[App Permission 1]
[App Permission 2]
[App Permission n]
Please describe any concerns you have about [App name] holding
these permissions. (short answer)
Manage third-party apps & services with access to your Google
By now, you have seen information about apps and websites
drawn from the Apps with access to your account” page on
your Google account (similar to the example below).
You can refer to that page when answering the following ques-
Third-party apps with account access
You gave these sites and apps access to some of your Google
Account data, including info that may be sensitive.
Remove access for those you no longer trust or use.
Signing in with Google
You use your Google Account to sign in to these sites and apps.
They can view your name, email address, and profile picture.
The Apps with access to your account” page helps me to better un-
derstand which third-party apps and websites are linked to my Google
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
The Apps with access to your account” page helps me to better
understand what parts of my Google account third-party apps can
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
After completing this survey, do you see yourself changing any set-
tings on your Apps with access to your account” page?
Yes No Unsure
In six months do you see yourself reviewing third-party apps from
your Apps with access to your account” page?
Yes No Unsure
You have indicated that you would change settings on your Apps with
access to your account” page. Please describe which settings would
you change. [Shown if Q
17 is “Yes”] (short answer)
What would you look for when you review the Apps with access to
your account” page in six months? [Shown if
is “Yes”] (short
What new features (if any) would you like to add to the Apps with
access to your account” page? (short answer)
Suppose Google sent an email reminder to review your Apps with ac-
cess to your account” page. How often would you like to be reminded?
Once a week
Once a month
Once a year
Once every three years
I do not want to be reminded
Suppose Google required you to reapprove the third-party apps on
your Google account. How often would you like to reapprove apps?
Once a week
Once a month
Once a year
Once every three years
I do not want to reapprove apps
24 Which of these is cold?
Fire Summer Lava Ice cream
Rather than approve all permissions when installing third-party apps, I
would want third-party apps to seek my approval each time they access
my Google account.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
I would want to designate specific data (eg. certain emails, individual
contacts, particular calendar events) as private and inaccessible to
third-party apps.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
3414 31st USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association