CoMplete Controls
There are three controller configurations available in Medal of Honor Airborne
. The configuration
below is the default.
To view the other two configurations, or to change your controller scheme to that configuration,
select OPTIONS in the Main menu, then select CONTROLS.
setting Up tHe gaMe
Step into the boots of Boyd Travers, Private First Class of the “All-American” 82
Division, and revolutionize the way the war is fought. From a rocky beginning in Sicily to war-
winning triumphs in the heart of Germany, fight the epic WWII battles that turned America’s first
paratroopers into combat legends. Begin each mission from the air and behind enemy lines,
then jump immediately into the action. On the ground, tackle objectives in any order across an
expansive, free-roaming environment, using a wide variety of upgradeable weapons to your
strategic advantage.
Adjust screen, audio, and controller options from the Options menu.
To adjust options, select OPTIONS in the Main menu. Select GAMEPLAY to invert the Y axis,
adjust aim sensitivity, or enable or disable vibration, subtitles, and the compass. Select
CONTROLS to choose one of three controller configurations. Select AUDIO/VIDEO to change the
volume of the music and sound effects, test 5.1 surround sound speaker placement, or adjust
screen brightness. Select SPRINT EFFECTS from within the Gameplay menu to toggle motion
blur and speed effects associated with sprinting (turning off Sprint Effects can reduce motion
sickness in some players).
To adjust options during gameplay, press
> to access the Pause menu, then select OPTIONS.
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WARNING Before playing this game, read the Xbox 360 Instruction
Manual and any peripheral manuals for important safety and health information.
Keep all manuals for future reference. For replacement manuals, see or call Xbox Customer Support.
Important Health Warning About Playing Video Games
Photosensitive Seizures
A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to
certain visual images, including ashing lights or patterns that may appear in
video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have
an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures”
while watching video games.
These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness,
altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs,
disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also
cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling
down or striking nearby objects.
Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these
symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above
symptoms—children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience
these seizures. The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by
taking the following precautions: Sit farther from the screen; use a smaller screen;
play in a well-lit room; and do not play when you are drowsy or fatigued.
If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a
doctor before playing.
Cycle grenade
Cycle weapon
Flare chute
Toggle stance
Aim Mode/Iron Sights
Alt fire
(available on
upgraded weapons)
Zoom in/out Look/Aim
Pause game
Xbox Guide
Access Scorecard (Online)
gaMe sCreen
gaMe sCreen
Your mission is successful when you complete all the primary objectives. There are several ways to
go about completing objectives and the order in which you decide to tackle them is entirely up to you.
To view your objectives, press
> to access the Pause menu.
Your compass indicates the location of allies and enemies as well as your objectives.
Objectives appear as stars on the compass, or if they’re far away, a yellow triangle on the edge
of the compass (indicating which direction you should travel to find the objective). Stars that
are semi-transparent and have an arrow above or below them are objectives that are above or
below your current location.
Friendly units appear as green dots on the compass. Enemies appear as red crosses.
You have four beads of health (as displayed in the bottom left corner of the screen). As you take
damage, a red damage indicator flashes on the screen, letting you know that you’ve been hit
and from what direction, and the health in one of your beads is depleted. If you remove yourself
from the line of fire and rest, partial beads regenerate over time. If you have lost an entire bead of
health, the only way to replenish it is to find a Medkit.
Running into a fire fight or dashing out of the line of fire are important lessons of the battle-hardened.
To sprint, press
j while moving L.
To sprint while crouching, press
X to go into a crouch, then press and hold j while moving L
to sprint. (
note: When you release j, you automatically return to the crouched position.)
Sprinting at an enemy, then performing a melee attack (press
h) at just the right moment
delivers some extra punch—literally.
note: You cannot shoot while sprinting—you must slow down first to be able to take proper aim.
playing tHe gaMe
From the coasts of Sicily to deep in the heart of Nazi Germany, jump behind enemy lines and lead
the charge to victory for the Allies of the European Theater of World War II.
To begin a new Medal of Honor Airborne campaign, select CAMPAIGN in the Main menu, select
NEW, then choose your difficulty level (CASUAL, NORMAL, or EXPERT).
note: Before you begin the first mission you’ll need to complete a jump training exercise to
prove that your paratrooper skills are air-worthy.
Weapon loadoUt
The weapons a soldier carries are critical to his survival and success on the battlefield. At the
Weapon Loadout screen, inspect your options for rifles, auto-rifles, submachine guns, shotguns,
and sidearms. As you scroll through each weapon, a box on the bottom right provides statistics on
its accuracy, reload time, clip size, and other important information.
Select your primary and secondary weapon and sidearm. When you are finished, select
ACCEPT LOADOUT to continue.
If you earn a commendation badge for exceptional marksmanship with a particular weapon, it
appears in the Weapons Loadout screen.
note: Weapons become unlocked during the course of the game, so your weapon options
grow as you succeed in your missions.
tHe first step is everytHing
From the air, assess your landing options. Where you land is up to you—and can sometimes spell
the difference between success and disaster.
in tHe air
To steer yourself in the air, move L. To flare your chute, press A.
Green signal smoke indicates a safe landing area.
If you perform a melee attack (press
h) while in your chute at the moment of impact you
have the chance of dispatching an enemy with a swift kick.
There are three types of landings.
Flared If you’ve flared your chute (press
A) within a safe distance from the
ground, you achieve a flared landing.
Botched If you fail to flare your chute in time, your landing is botched and you fall
to the ground. With this style of landing, it takes a long time before you
are ready to fight, so be careful!
Greased If you can approach the drop zone at a shallow angle, you hit the ground
running in a greased landing.
tip: Landing on rooftops can be an ideal starting position. With this landing, you can begin
fighting almost immediately.
skill drops
Each mission has five key landing locations, called skill drops. Some skill drop locations are
obvious, while others you’ll need to discover on your own. The number of skill drops you complete
for each mission is recorded in your stats.
Stance Indicator
Current weapon
Ammo (current
Damage indicator
Using Cover to yoUr
Every soldier knows that staying out of the line of fire is the best way to stay alive. To do this, use
objects around you as cover.
To crouch behind cover, press
X. Move L to creep around in any direction while in the
crouched position.
When you are crouched, enable your scope or gun sight (pull
w) and move L to peek above
or below cover or around corners.
To enable your scope or gun sight and attack effectively from cover, pull ].
When in ironsights, moving
L enables you to peek safely around and over cover. Move L to
peek, then return to center to snap back into cover
To duck, move
When crouched, move
L7 to peek above cover.
To walk in ironsights, press
j. This is very useful in order to get precise alignment with
trUe trigger
True Trigger allows you to control your shot with more accuracy than ever when you are sniping.
To use True Trigger, pull and hold
w. This enters a scope view when using a sniper rifle.
To use the True Trigger meter, slowly pull and hold
x. A meter appears on the left side of the
screen. When the bulls-eye on the meter reaches the center and turns red, you have the most
optimal control over your shot.
grenade Cooking
The grenade is a powerful, deadly, and necessary part of a soldier’s arsenal, however knowing
when and how to use it requires some skill.
With grenades selected as your weapon, pull and hold x. Once x is depressed, the grenade
starts to cook and you can hear its countdown ticking. To throw, release
How hard you pulled and held x determines the distance of your throw. A light pull results in
you merely tossing the grenade. A strong pull results in a long-distance throw.
Timing your throw is crucial: since your enemies are smart enough to abandon post if they see
a live grenade or an air burst, there is considerable tactical advantage to lobbing it when it’s
likely to detonate on contact. Just don’t hold on too long; you don’t want to get yourself caught
in the blast!
Upgr ades
Just as soldiers used their ingenuity to modify their weapons on the battlefield, you have the
opportunity to upgrade your weapon as you progress through the game. These upgrades can give
you the edge you need in the heat of battle. You earn upgrades by performing extraordinary feats
of valor and marksmanship (such as melee kills, headshots, dispatching three enemies at a time,
and dispatching five enemies at a time).
When you earn an upgrade, it is automatically applied to your weapon and added to your
Weapons Loadout.
Upgrades are permanent. Even if you drop a weapon you have upgraded in a mission, the next
one you pick up of the same type automatically has the upgrades you already earned.
While your weapon is being upgraded you are invulnerable to attack and have unlimited ammo.
Your heroism and valor on the battlefield are justly rewarded. To view the medals you’ve earned,
Soldier’s Medal Awarded for exceptional meritorious service in a position of great
responsibility. To earn this medal, you must equip and use all weapons
in the campaign.
Legion of Merit Awarded to Army personnel for exceptional meritorious conduct in the
performance of outstanding service. To earn this medal, complete one
mission in the game without dying.
Bronze Star Awarded to Army personnel who demonstrated heroic or meritorious
service in connection with military operations. To earn this medal, earn a
five star rating in all missions on the Casual difficulty setting.
Silver Star Awarded to all Army personnel for gallantry in action while serving in
any capacity. To earn this medal, earn a four star rating in all missions
on the Normal difficulty setting.
Distinguished Service Awarded to all Army personnel for acts of heroism that do not warrant
Cross the Medal of Honor. To earn this medal, earn a three star rating in all
missions on the Expert difficulty setting.
You Played the Game. Now Play the Music.
ea soUndtr aCks and
ringtones available at
operation HUsky
Your first mission with the 82
Airborne is to drop into the Sicilian village of Adanti and sabotage
four Italian anti-aircraft guns. After that, you’ll rendezvous with a group of paratroopers at the edge
of the village with the ultimate goal of leading a massive counteroffensive against the entrenched
Axis forces.
operation avalanCHe
The 82
Airborne has now been called in to jump onto Italy’s mainland—along the Amalfi coast—to
assist the US Fifth Army in putting down a desperate enemy counterattack. You’ll land in the vicinity
of the ancient Greek ruins at Paestum with orders to disrupt enemy supply lines and communication.
Once you’ve completed your mission, you may need to assist Allied forces in the vicinity.
operation neptUne
Your D-Day mission is one of the most crucial … and dangerous. Your orders are to drop behind
enemy lines and clear the way for the men on Utah beach. But before you can do that, you must
take out the enemy’s eyes and ears—namely, a radar antenna and a lookout tower. Also, keep
your wits about you, as Allied intelligence has issued warnings about a particularly lethal enemy
weapon in the vicinity: the Panzer tank.
operation Market garden
The plan is simple, but by no means easy. The British XXX Corps—a miles-long collection of tanks,
trucks, and supplies—will move from Eindhoven in the south, through Nijmegen, and finally to
Arnhem, which will get the Allies into Germany for the first time in the war. Your mission is to drop
into Nijmegen and secure that town, opening up the road (nicknamed “Hell’s Highway”) for the Allies.
operation varsity
What is being coordinated is nothing short of the largest single-day airborne operation in history.
The goal: drop troops straight into the heart of Germany. You’ll land in the Ruhr district with the
task of dismantling the already-hobbled German war machine. Destroy a munitions factory, lay
waste to a semi-operational tank factory, and should any unexpected visitors arrive while you’re
completing your mission, you know what to do.
der flaktUrM
Like a concrete behemoth, Der Flakturm (the flak tower) stands as the last remaining enemy
defense, with massive artillery and a dozen AA guns to defend it from allied attack. Your plane
was one of the one of the few to sneak into its airspace. Your mission is to cripple the flak tower’s
defenses, then sabotage the inner workings of the structure and rig it for explosives.
saving and loading
Your game is automatically saved from the last checkpoint.
To manually save your game, press
> to access the Pause menu, pull w to open the Save &
Load screen, then select SAVE LAST CHECKPOINT. Your game is saved from the last checkpoint.
To load a game, select CAMPAIGN from the Main menu, then select Continue. To load a game
during gameplay, press
> to access the Pause menu, pull w to open the Save & Load
screen, then select LOAD LAST CHECKPOINT.
XboX live
Play anyone and everyone, anytime, anywhere on Xbox LIVE. Build your profile (your gamer card).
Chat with your friends. Download content at Xbox LIVE Marketplace. Send and receive voice and
video messages. Get connected and join the revolution.
Before you can use Xbox LIVE, connect your Xbox 360
console to a high-speed Internet
connection and sign up to become an Xbox LIVE member. For more information about connecting,
and to determine whether Xbox LIVE is available in your region, go to
faMily settings
These easy and flexible tools enable parents and caregivers to decide which games young game
players can access based on the content rating. For more information, go to
playing online
At the Online Main menu, select the game type you prefer.
MatCH types
Quick Match (Ranked You are matched with the first available game, regardless of
or Unranked) preferences.
Custom Match (Ranked Specify your preferred map, game type, and other options and the
or Unranked) game automatically finds a suitable game for you. If no match is found
meeting all your criteria, you are placed in a game that is closest to your
Create Match (Unranked) Customize your map, time limit, friendly fire, game type, and upgrade
options, then wait for opponents to join.
MUltiplayer Modes
Team Deathmatch Choose your team—Allied or Axis—then enter the firefight. The team
with the highest score at the end of the time limit is the winner.
Team Deathmatch The team you select determines where you begin on the map. If you
Airborne select ALLIES, you start the game from the airdrop. If you select AXIS,
you begin on the ground. The team with the highest score at the end of
the time limit is the winner.
Objective Airborne Choose your team, then fight to capture and hold three flags on the
map. The team to capture all three flags is the winner.
online sCoreboard
When you have completed an online game, a Scoreboard appears displaying the statistics of the
game you just finished.
Rank Your overall rank in this match, by score.
Score Your score for this match.
Team Points Team points are earned each time you assist a teammate on a kill or
work with a teammate to control a two-person flag (when applicable).
You lose two team points for every suicide. You lose four team points for
killing a teammate. Note: It is possible to have a negative Team Points
Enemy Kills The number of enemies you killed in the match.
Deaths The number of times you were killed in the match.
Objective Points The number of times you captured or neutralized a flag, including two-
person flags (when applicable).
Hints and tips
For more advanced training, view the training movies found in the Extras menu.
Automatic rifles are more accurate in short bursts.
Each player can carry two weapons plus a sidearm, so pick up weapons dropped by fallen
allies or enemies. You never know when you might need the extra fire power.
Use the Alt Fire button to equip and use certain upgrades. Press it again to remove the upgrade.
Danger can come from anywhere, including raining down from the sky. Don’t forget to look up!
aboUt tHe Congressional
Medal of Honor soCiety
In 1946, the Congressional Medal of Honor Society (CMOHS) was formed to uphold the qualities
of the Medal of Honor and to provide assistance to indigent recipients. Whether they became
millionaires or laborers in peacetime, the CMOHS seeks to promote a brotherhood between
recipients, for there are no “winners” of the Medal of Honor and no victories on the battlefield
without brothers to protect. In so protecting, a number of recipients have given the ultimate gift
to their brothers and their country. In their memory and those who have subsequently passed
on, the CMOHS retains the record of their valiant actions. For living recipients, the CMOHS seeks
to promote full and vibrant lives in peace for these living symbols of what it means to be an
American. In times of duress, Americans need to look no further than the Congressional Medal
of Honor Society for the values of valor, respect and honor across the spectrum of American
backgrounds—the values that make this country great.
Electronic Arts
is privileged to participate in the Society’s continuing education and awareness
efforts on behalf of the Congressional Medal of Honor and its recipients. You can learn more about
the Society and the recipients at the Society website:
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© 2007 Electronic Arts Inc. EA, the EA logo, and Medal of Honor Airborne are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S.
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Match Score
Team Points
Enemy Killls
Objective Points