Capstone Final Report: Your Name
Title: be descriptive
Name: Your Name
Mentor: Who mentored this project
A brief summary of your project. Include concise statements on project background, specific aims,
methodology, results, and broader impacts. One paragraph.
Background and Rationale
Describe the background details relevant to your project. This could include a description of the anatomy
involved and / or a comparison of the methodology currently used to examine the anatomy in question.
Figures are encouraged. Make certain to link the background to the anatomical or biological question that
you are trying answer and explain the rationale behind your question(s): i.e. why is the question worth
exploring? Include citations as appropriate when discussing the work of others. Two or more paragraphs.
Specific Aims
Outline the overall aim(s) of the project. Your specific aims should be designed to answer the rationale of
your project. Two to three sentences.
Aim 1
State and describe in more detail the first aim. One paragraph.
Aim 2
State and describe in more detail the second aim. One paragraph.
Each aim can be broken down to include sub-aims.
Project Approach
Describe the methodology that you employed to answer your specific aims or produce your project
deliverable. If your project includes an analysis, be sure to describe this as well. Figures and/or tables are
encouraged. Include citations as appropriate when discussing the work of others. Two or more
Describe the results of your project (your answer to the specific aims) or the deliverable that you created
for your project. Figures (including screen captures) and tables will be useful in demonstrating what you
accomplished. Include a web link if your project has an online component. You may use an appendix for
supplementary information. One or more paragraphs
Broader Impacts & Future Directions
Describe the overall scientific/academic value and significance of your project. How does your work
contribute to the field of anatomical sciences, and imaging and modeling if applicable? Discuss possible
Capstone Proposal: Your Name
future directions building on your work. What would be the next step to further the work? What new
questions arise from your project? Include citations as appropriate when discussing the work of others.
Two paragraphs.
Personal Reflection
Provide a brief reflection on your personal experience with the capstone project. Examples of what may
be addressed include: how this project contributes to your goals and aspirations, what you learned beyond
the original project objective, strengths and weaknesses of your work, what you would have done
differently knowing what you know now, the most valuable thing about the capstone project experience,
what you learned about yourself from this experience. Do not include any personal narrative outside of
this paragraph. One paragraph.
References Cited
Use the Anatomical Sciences Education format:
We have provided a copy of this information in the document entitled “Citations Reference Page.
Style is equally as important as content. It is critical to write clearly and concisely and pay close attention
to grammar and spelling. Avoid colloquialisms and slang. Avoid careless mistakes. The report should be
well-written and proofread carefully. Poorly written reports will be returned for revision.
Several websites offer useful tips on grammar. For example, the Grammar girl blog:
The report should be written in a serious and matter-of-fact tone, such as you can find in a peer-reviewed
journal. Refrain from stating personal opinions or any personal narrative outside of the reflection
statement. Please refer to The Science of Scientific Writing article we have provide for your reference.
The final report should be formatted as follows:
Typed, single-spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides.
Maximum of 8-10 pages
11 or 12 point font
Arial, Helvetica, or Times font.
A paragraph length should be less than one-half page.
All figures and tables should include a title and caption.