Protect Yourself From H5N1 When Working With Farm Animals
H5N1 is a bird u virus that could make you sick. Wear recommended personal protective equipment (PPE) when working
directly or closely with sick or dead animals, animal feces, litter, raw milk, and other materials that might have the virus.
May 2024
Wash hands with soap and water, then put
on PPE in this order:
1. Fluid-resistant coveralls
2. Waterproof apron, if needed for job task
3. NIOSH Approved® Respirator (e.g., N95®
ltering facepiece respirator or
elastomeric half mask respirator)
4. Properly-tted unvented or indirectly
vented safety goggles or face shield
5. Head cover or hair cover
6. Gloves
7. Boots
Scan to learn how to put
on and take o a respirator
Scan to nd more PPE and
worker safety information
While wearing PPE
Use separate designated clean areas, one for putting
on PPE and one for taking o PPE.
Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose after
touching any contaminated material.
Do not eat, drink, smoke, vape, chew gum, dip
tobacco, or use the bathroom.
Follow these steps to safely remove PPE
1. Remove the apron, if worn
2. Clean and disinfect your boots
3. Remove your boots
4. Remove coveralls
5. Remove gloves
6. Wash your hands with soap and water or, if soap
and water are not available, use an alcohol-based
hand rub
7. Remove head cover or hair cover
8. Remove goggles or faceshield and then remove
9. Wash your hands again with soap and water or, if
soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-
based hand rub
After removing PPE
Shower at the end of the work shift.
Leave all contaminated clothing and equipment at work.
Watch for symptoms of illness while you are working with
potentially sick animals or materials. Continue watching for
symptoms for 10 days after nishing working. If you get sick,
tell your supervisor and talk with a doctor.
Reusable and disposable PPE
While removing PPE, dispose of all disposable PPE
appropriately and set aside reusable PPE
Clean and disinfect reusable PPE after every use