The Senior Year . . .
. . . and Next Steps
Class of 2025
Enrollment – 145
Jill Blount A-G
Chrissie Moon H-O
Renee Brown P-Z
We are here to guide you through the process!
Class of 2024
Kentucky (2 and 4 year) 60%
Out of State (2 and 4 year) 30%
4 Year Public College, in-state 47%
Christian College (non-Catholic) 18%
2 Year College 3%
Military 2%
GAP or Work 2%
Trade/Vocational/Apprenticeship 6%
It’s always good to look back and see what the previous class choose to
Last year’s graduating class had 176 students.
University of Kentucky - 47
University of Louisville - 23
Asbury University - 10
Western Kentucky University - 9
Grand Canyon University, CO - 6
University of Alabama - 4
Bellarmine University - 4
Centre College - 4
Eastern Kentucky University - 4
University of Cincinnati, OH - 3
Jefferson Community & Technical College - 3
Auburn University - 2
Hanover College - 2
Liberty University, VA - 2
Lipscomb University, TN - 2
Olney Central College, IL - 2
The Pennsylvania State University, PA - 2
Samford University, AL - 2
University of Tampa - 2
Bryan College, TN
Cedarville University, OH
Chowan University, GA
University of Cincinnati, OH
College of Wooster, OH
University of Connecticut, CT
DePauw University, IN
East Carolina University, NC
Florida Gulf Coast University, FL
Indiana University, IN
Indiana Wesleyan University, IN
Johnson University, TN
Midway University
University of Mississippi, MS
Additional Colleges for 2024
University of Missouri, MO
Northern Kentucky University
Purdue University, IN
Rhodes College, TN
Spalding University
St. Louis University, MO
Taylor University, IN
University of Tennessee-Knoxville, TN
Transylvania University
Volunteer State Community
College, TN
US Military Academy West Point, NY
US Naval Academy, MD
Young Harris College, GA
#1 Prayer, Patience &
Your student’s love and obedience to God is more
important than upon
which campus he/she is
located on or which job he/she takes
Communicate with your student and let him/her
know what you can afford before he/she gets
his/her heart set on a particular school or
Also discuss distance—being a long way from
home can be harder on your student and you (the
parents) than you think it will
#2 Getting Organized
Senior Class meetings with Counselors begin in
September; presentation during Bible class
Individual student meetings with Counselors in
September and October
Review graduation requirements
Individual future plans
Parents may join in via in-person or Phone
Use email account with appropriate address
Use “Road to Your Future”
Road to Your Future
Use Legal Name
Registration for ACT and SAT, applications for
colleges and jobs, enlistment, etc.
It’s how everything is linked together.
as it appears on the Social Security Card
Individual Meetings
A-G: Mrs. Blount
H-O: Mrs. Moon
P-Z: Mrs. Brown
Students should NOT sign up during a core
class period (English, Math, Science, etc.)
Remind them to make a reminder by putting
the date/period on a calendar or planner/phone
Go to
Click on “English Station”
Hover over “High School”
Menu will appear
Scroll down and click on
“High School Counselors”
Click on logo
Transcript Request (after August 1)
Counselor Recommendation Letter
Teacher Recommendation Letter
Search for Schools
Search for Scholarships
Look at interest inventories completed
previous years
Identifies values, interests, and skills
Career possibilities
To Access Interest Inventories and Other
Assessments, go to “About Me”
“Do What You Are”*
“MI Advantage”
“Learning Styles Inventory”
“Strengths Explorer”*
“Career Interest Profiler”*
“Career Cluster Finder”*
*These assessments were introduced in sophomore and freshman
classes. If your student has not done them, they may still be completed.
#3 Admissions Tests
Register for ACT at and for SAT
Take at least one of the tests TWICE; Colleges
sometimes combine sub scores for admission
but not usually for scholarships
57% of students raise their score, 21% have no
change, 22% of scores go down
Check to see if the writing portion is required
Raising Scores
Know admissions and scholarship requirements
(they are not always the same)
Register for a Prep Class. See list on our website
or in the “Road to Your Future”
Provide scores to high school office
Benchmark sub-scores (50% - B, 75% - C)
English – 18
Math – 22
Reading – 21
Science - 24
Method Test Prep/Methodize
Two full practice ACT tests, vocabulary,
webinars, quizzes and resources to help students
Parents can monitor progress and should have
access to the resources and webinars
Webinars cover a wide array of topics including
“What will help best prepare your students for
the ACT”
Located under “Quick Links” on Chromebook
Standardized Testing
August 24, October 5, November 2, & December 7
July 13, September 14, October 26, & December 14
Students need to register themselves!
Request ALL test scores be sent to CAL and the colleges
Test Optional
Due to COVID-19, most schools were test optional,
but others are returning to the requirement for the
class of 2025 creating a range of test policies
Test scores still often required for scholarships
#4 Visiting Colleges
August 31-September 3 or October 5-13
Make appointments with schools as well as
departments within the college; seniors
receive 2 days for visits but must provide
documentation from college(s) to be excused
A “good fit” is important
The Student should ask the questions! Use
suggestions in the “Road to Your Future.”
Register for in person tours through the college website
#5 Applying for Admission
Online applications are on college websites
All colleges require a transcript and school
sent from the high school
the application
CAL Profile will be updated and included
Each state and/or college has its own
requirements for admission.
Types of Applications
Simplest applications require a transcript with
ACT/SAT scores and a school profile
More complex applications may have multiple
forms and require recommendations—check to
ensure that you have included all components
Seniors must request a transcript from his/her
counselor through Naviance
Types of Applications
Individual College Applications--apply directly
to college
Shared Application for a System of
Colleges--apply directly to college
May require extra component (ie. audition)
The Common Application
The Universal Application
The Coalition for Access, Affordability, and
Success Application
Common Application Schools
Miami of Ohio
Univ. of Cincinnati
Univ. of Kentucky
Washington Univ.
Examples of colleges in which CAL students have applied using the CA
Recommendations and
More is not better--Colleges only want the
number of recommendations for which it
has asked
Be courteous and ask the recommender at
two weeks
before the due date
Counselors require parent and student
questionnaires to be completed before
writing recommendations
Talk with your counselor BEFORE asking a teacher
All students must have their
questionnaires (and their
parents) must be
before letters
of recommendation can
be written.
Forms are
found by clicking on
the “documents
library” link on the
Naviance Student
home page.
Completing Applications
Some applications require essays and/or resumes
A teacher should edit your essay.
Some schools will want to do an interview...don’t
panic, we have our own interview Prep Coach!
We will complete the application by adding the
transcript, profile, evaluation and
Counselors will document the date transcript and
other forms sent in Naviance
What do colleges look for in an
Academic Rigor (Including quality of senior year)
Cumulative GPA (Grades in all courses/levels)
ACT and SAT Test Scores
Recommendations (Teacher and Counselor)
Community service, work and extracurricular activities,
internships, summer enrichment and outreach programs
Leadership, Special Talents, Honors, Awards, Special Skills
Essay and/or Writing Samples
Interviews (if required)
When is it best
to start applying?
Mid-September through December
Send at least one application by Christmas
Keep good records!
#6 Deadlines
These dates are EXAMPLES...make sure you check!
School Application Deadline Early Action Scholarship
Asbury University Rolling February 1
Bellarmine University Rolling November 1 December 1
Cedarville University Rolling April 15
Centre College January 15 December 1 January 15
Georgetown College Rolling February 1
Miami University (OH) February 1 December 1 With Application
Murray State University Rolling January 15
Northern Kentucky University Rolling October 15 January 15
Samford University (AL) December 15 December 15
Taylor University April 1 November 1 December 1
Transylvania University February 1 December 1 December 1
Union University (TN) Rolling December 1 December 1
University of Kentucky February 15 December 1
University of Louisville February 15 January 15
Early Decision
Early decision involves a BINDING DECISION to enroll
of accepted – you will have to attend that school
regardless of other offers and without knowing any
financial aid package that may or may not be offered.
Students may only apply to one school through Early
Decision, and if accepted, must withdraw applications
to all other schools.
Early Decision offers a slight advantage of acceptance –
colleges usually accept a higher percentage of
applicants than those that apply for regular decision.
Early Decision is a good option for admissible students
LOW FINANCIAL NEED who have a clear first
choice school – all others should be very CAUTIOUS!!!
Early Action
Entails no commitment to enroll and therefore
offers little advantage for admission.
Early Action students, however, are often first in
line for merit scholarships and housing.
Competition in Early Action pools at highly
selective schools is generally tougher than in
the regular decision pool.
Some Early Action colleges now ask that
students apply early only to their institution,
however, you may still apply regular decision to
any other institution
Rolling Admissions
Colleges that use rolling admissions accept students who meet
their entry requirements as they receive applications.
These colleges usually accept students from September until July.
Students receive a notice of acceptance anywhere from 2-3 weeks
after they submit their application and all supporting documents.
As the college fills up its slots for the freshman class, it can
become more selective in who is accepted.
Rolling Admissions colleges may award some of their available
financial aid at the same time they are admitting students – so the
amount of available financial aid may dwindle at the end of the
admissions process.
Know Your
What should you do if you
get a email from the
college saying they have
not yet received your
Don’t panic! Wait a few days to call or email the
college to see if they have received it.
Great reason not to wait until the deadline...
Early is good!
#7 Financing College
SCHOLARSHIPS–From two sources:
Colleges - 90%
Independent - 10% (i.e. Community
Foundation of Louisville, Rotary Club, Papa
John’s, KY Farm Bureau, etc.)
Talk to the Financial Aid office at the College
Search online,
Check daily announcements
Apps “Scholly”
Going Merry - one application for many
Use the
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
) form to apply for financial aid for college;
can complete the form July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025.
KEES Scholarship
Earn scholarship money towards in-state college
tuition each year of high school
High School office must have your SSN to register
The unweighted GPA is submitted
(A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0)
Make sure the High School office has your
student’s highest ACT score–
it makes a difference!
KEES -- Kentucky Educational Excellence
KY Work Ready Scholarship
Earn up to 60 hours of college credit for FREE
Can earn certifications in as little a 4 months
Must complete the FAFSA to be eligible
Vocational and Technical
Referred to as a vocational school, technical
school, or vocational college
Post-secondary institution designed to teach
technical skills for a specific occupation
Can be public or private, but many are
for-profit businesses
Upon completion of the program, students
receive a diploma or trade certificate
Some programs provide an associate degree
(degree received from a two-year college)
Vocational and Technical
To Apply:
ACT or SAT scores (may or may not be
Possible admissions test
Letter(s) of recommendation
Other requirements as per program (i.e.
driver’s license for CDL)
Apprenticeship is a system for training a new
generation of practitioners of a trade or
profession with on-the-job training and often
some accompanying study.
Apprenticeships can also enable practitioners to
gain a license to practice in a regulated
occupation (ie. electrician, plumber)
The U.S. military has six branches of service:
Air Force
Marine Corps
Coast Guard
Space Force
The requirements to join are similar for all six. The main
differences are in age limits, test scores, and fitness levels.
Each may have additional requirements.
Service Academies-- fully-funded tuition (includes
books, board and medical and dental care)
Admissions criteria include:
High school academic performance
Standardized test scores (SAT or ACT)
Athletics and extracurricular activities
Leadership experience and community
Congressional letter of recommendation (not
required by the Coast Guard Academy)
GAP Year
“A semester or year of experiential learning, typically
taken after high school and prior to career or
post-secondary education, in order to deepen one’s
practical, professional, and personal awareness.”
Common Reasons for taking a GAP year:
Desire to know more about self
Called to serve in a special area (i.e. missions)
A gap year is a time to explore the world around and within you -- a time to
get fired up about what’s really important to you.
GAP Year
Intentional gap years benefit students in some
profound ways:
Providing clarity and purpose , the student
will have a better grasp on what they want to
Increasing earnings and business potential
with a global background that is tested in the
professional world;
Improving academic outcomes such as GPA,
time-to-graduation, and leadership.
# 8 Communication
When contacting the college, your student
needs to be the one to email or call.
Email is the
way to communicate with
counselors and teachers at CAL.
Check daily announcements regarding
scholarships and other opportunities
#9 Service Hours
Need 60 hours to graduate
2 types of hours
CHURCH – Serving the Christian community
COMMUNITY – Serving the non-Christian
Leading a small group in the
Mission Trip to Nicaragua CAL sports camp (assuming
non-Christian community
Helping with CAL events Yard cleanup for neighbor Vacation Bible School
Helping with church events Volunteering at a museum
Service Hours
At least ½ of the hours must be community hours
Church hours NOT required
Must have all hours by the end of February in order to
participate in the March senior lunch
IF you were not at CAL all 4 years, your
required hours may be less
Hours to meet requirement are served
during time at CAL
Don’t stop at 60 hours!
# 10 College Athletics
College Athletics
Register with respective athletic associations:
NCAA Clearinghouse online at
Make sure your coach knows you would like to
play in college.
Make sure to tell your counselor. You must meet
NCAA requirements for high school credits;
requirements are not negotiable.
Let Student Lead the Way
Your student should be the one to register for
Your student needs to be the one to fill out the
application (parents can write the checks!
Your student needs to fill out service hour forms
and keep up with hours remaining to serve
Your student must be the one to communicate
with the colleges
Scholarships? Work together!
Our Mission
The mission of Christian Academy School
System is to
develop students with a heart
for God who grow as Jesus did in wisdom,
stature, and in favor with God and men.
Luke 2:52
education with a Higher purpose