Caerphilly County Borough Renewable Energy
Baseline Assessment
2015 Update
Executive Summary
The ‘One Wales’ document set out Welsh Assembly Government’s commitment to tackling climate
change. This included achieving annual carbon reduction-equivalent emissions reductions of 3% per
year by 2011.
Since the formation of a new Government, the ‘One Wales’ agreement is no longer effective.
However, its objectives with regard to renewable energy are enshrined in particular areas of national
planning policy that continue to be in force. For instance, Edition 7 of Planning Policy Wales stated
that “Local planning authorities should plan positively for all forms of renewable and low energy
development using up to date and appropriate evidence”, and that they “should guide appropriate
renewable and low carbon energy development by undertaking an assessment of the potential of all
renewable energy resources and renewable and low carbon energy opportunities within their area”.
Acknowledging this, a Renewable Energy Baseline Assessment (REBA) was undertaken in 2011 to
assess the potential of various categories of renewable energy development within Caerphilly County
Borough. However, the Council is currently reviewing its Local Development Plan and it is therefore
considered necessary to update the REBA as part of the review process.
This piece of work will be useful in terms of providing the foundation of a robust evidence base that
can be utilised as part of the review of the Plan and will also help to inform the work of the Council in
terms of promoting sustainable development more generally.
Renewable electricity potential
This study has identified a total renewable electricity generation potential in Caerphilly County
Borough of 340,228 MWh/yr, equivalent to 47% of the projected electricity consumption of the
authority area in 2020 of 630,400 MWh/yr. The largest potential resource is Solar energy, however
Wind Energy is also playing an important role.
Renewable heat potential
The total potential for renewable heat is calculated to be around 75,800 MWth/y (for CHP) up to
115,460 MWh/yr (for heat only generation). These potential heat generations equates to 5.4% - 8.2%,
(depending on the heat generation method used) of the projected heat demand for the authority area
in 2020. The largest potential heat generation resource is energy from waste, followed by energy
crops and wood fuel.
We identify the following as potential opportunities within Caerphilly:
Wind energy, however cumulative visual impact is likely to limit the exploitation of this
resource. Detailed feasibility work of specific sites would be required to confirm the viability of
specific sites.
Solar PV, both building integrated and ground based. Further survey work would be required
to identify viable projects as well a landscape sensitivity and capacity study. Again, the
cumulative impact is likely to limit the exploration of this resource.
There are potential opportunities for heat networks in the Maesycwmmer, Nelson and
Caerphilly. These should be reviewed to identify potential amenable anchor loads prior to
committing to further technical and economic viability analysis.
The Welsh Government, through its Climate Change Strategy, has resolved that all sectors of the
community will play the fullest possible part in meeting statutory targets on greenhouse gas emission
Climate change and energy security are key priorities of both the UK and Welsh Governments. The
use of fossil fuels is seen as a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, a major cause of
global climate change and moving towards a low carbon energy based economy to tackle the causes
of climate change and improve energy security are a Government priority. The generation and use of
renewable and low carbon energy sources has a key role to play in this and the UK Government is
committed to meeting the EU target of 15 percent of energy from renewable sources by 2020. The
Climate Change Act 2008 introduces a legally binding target of at least a 34 percent cut in
greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, and at least an 80 percent cut by 2050, against a 1990 baseline.
In terms of the planning system, Welsh Government policy exists within both the most recent edition
of Planning Policy Wales (PPW 7
Edition) and Technical Advice Note (TAN) 8 on Renewable
PPW states that local planning authorities should “plan positively for all forms of renewable and low
energy development using up to date and appropriate evidence”, and that they “should guide
appropriate renewable and low carbon energy development by undertaking an assessment of the
potential of all renewable energy resources and renewable and low carbon energy opportunities
within their area”. Similarly, TAN 8 requires local planning authorities to “consider the specific
requirements of individual renewable energy technologies…which are likely to come forward during
the plan period”.
To this end, Caerphilly County Borough Council which undertook a Renewable Energy Baseline
Assessment (REBA) in 2011, was carried out in accordance with the Welsh Government guidance
document: “Planning for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy – A Toolkit for Planners”. The first part
of that document sets out the policy context behind this work in a comprehensive fashion; therefore
there is no need to repeat it here. There is now a need to update this baseline assessment.
Scope of the Renewable Energy Assessment: 2015 Update
The Council is now looking to carry out a replacement to the Local Development Plan (LDP). As part
of this review, there is a need to update this report. Once complete, this document will build upon the
evidence base for renewable energy in the county borough.
The LDP was adopted by the Council in November 2010. At this time, the LDP contained no specific
policies in relation to sustainable forms of energy, although those policies within the Plan that set out
locational constraints on development play a role in determining the permissibility of proposals for
development of this nature. Since Adoption, a number of renewable energy schemes have been
implemented across the County Borough.
This report is not intended for use as a development control tool, with regard to the
determination of individual planning applications. Its application is strategic, rather than
locally specific.
It is also considered that the findings of this assessment will be useful in the following ways:
Helping the Council to take action on a corporate level to help achieve a low carbon economy;
Providing a catalyst for action at a community level and communicating the need for an increased
uptake in renewable energy.
Structure of the Renewable Energy Assessment
The assessment was undertaken in accordance with the procedures set out in the updated Welsh
Government practice guidance document: “Planning for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy – A
Toolkit for Planners, September 2015”
The Toolkit is divided into a number of project sheets, each of which seeks to assess the potential for
a specific source of renewable or low carbon energy. In order to ascertain which project sheets to
complete, the Toolkit categorises them by policy options and evidence base options. The policy
options identified within the Toolkit are as follows:
P1. Develop area-wide renewable energy targets and monitor progress;
P2. Inform site allocations for new development;
P3. Identify suitable areas for stand-alone renewable energy developments;
P4. Identify opportunities and requirements for renewable or low carbon energy generation
linked to strategic new build development sites;
P5. Develop policy mechanisms to support District Heating Networks (DHNs) for strategic
P6. Identify further actions for local authority, public sector and wider stakeholders.
The evidence base options are:
E1. Area-wide renewable energy assessment;
E2. Building integrated renewables uptake assessment;
E3. Heat opportunities mapping;
E4. Detailed viability appraisal for strategic sites.
As stated above, the primary rationale for undertaking this REBA is twofold:
To provide a robust evidence base for first revision of the LDP; and
To aid the Council corporately in terms of developing its community leadership role with regard
to renewable and low carbon energy initiatives.
This approach allies itself to policy options P1-P4 of the Toolkit. Therefore, the REBA is required to
undertake those project sheets that, together, form the basis for these broad areas. These project
sheets are:
Energy baseline/future target guidelines
Existing and proposed low and zero carbon energy technologies
Wind energy resource
Biomass Energy Resource
Energy from waste
Anaerobic digestion
Hydropower energy resource
Heat opportunities mapping*
Building integrated renewables (BIR)*
Calculating Annual Energy Output using Capacity Factors
Solar PV Farms
* Sheet G (Heat opportunities mapping) and sheet H (Building integrated Renewables) were not included in
the initial 2011 study, as they were not required for the purposes of the Adopted LDP as housing sites had
already been indeifitied prior to the publication of the toolkit.
Sheet K (Solar PV Farms) is a new project sheet included in the September 2015 Update, and was not
included in the initial study.
Policy context
This section summaries the current policy context for renewable energy, low carbon technologies and
new developments across the UK and in Wales.
Renewable Energy Directive: The UK has signed up to the Directive, agreeing to legally binding
targets of 15% of energy from renewable sources by 2020.
Modelling undertaken on behalf of the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) suggests
that by 2020, this could mean:
More than 30% of our electricity generated from renewable energy sources
12% of our heat generated from renewable energy sources
10% of transport energy from renewable energy sources
The UK Renewable Energy Strategy (RES) (2009) sets out how the UK will increase the use of
renewable electricity, heat and transport to meet this target and address the urgent challenges of
climate change and national security of energy supply.
Energy Wales: A Low Carbon Transition (2012) sets out how the Welsh Government will ‘create a
sustainable, low carbon economy for Wales’, working in partnership with private, public and social
sectors to secure investment in infrastructure and simplifying the regulatory framework.
Climate Change Strategy for Wales (2010) Wales has set a target to reduce its emissions of
greenhouses gases by 3% per year from 2011 from areas of devolved competence. The strategy sets
out in more detail the actions the Welsh Government are proposing to deliver their climate change
objectives. Progress is reported annually with the latest version, at the time of writing, being
December 2014.
Building Regulations and Nearly Zero Energy: Future changes to the Wales Building Regulations
Part L are expected to bring in even more challenging dwelling (CO2) emissions rate targets for
residential development and for commercial development. The EU Energy Performance in Buildings
Directive Recast (2012) requires that all new buildings are ‘Nearly Zero Energy’ by 2018 for public
buildings and 2020 for all buildings. For large sites, DH from a low carbon source is likely to be one of
the most cost-effective ways of achieving this. There will be a review of Part L in 2016 in Wales.
Feed in Tariffs (FITs). The 2008 Energy Act contains powers for the introduction of FITs in Great
Britain to incentivise renewable electricity installations up to a maximum capacity, at the time of
writing, of 5 MW. The introduction of FITs in 2010 has significantly increased revenue for small-scale
generators of renewable electricity, such as PV systems and small wind turbines.
Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). The Energy Act 2008 also enabled the setting up of a RHI, which
provides financial assistance to generators of renewable heat and to some producers of renewable
heat, such as producers of biomethane. RHI was introduced in 2011. The incentive payments are
funded by a levy on suppliers of fossil fuels for heat. RHI covers a wide range of technologies
including biomass, solar hot water, air and ground source heat pumps, biomass CHP, biogas
produced from anaerobic digestion and injection of biomethane into the gas grid.
The introduction of the RHI has made generation of renewable heat more financially viable than it was
The Renewables Obligation (RO). The RO is the main current financial support scheme for
renewable electricity in the UK, and is administered by Ofgem. It obliges electricity suppliers in the UK
to source a proportion of their electricity from renewable supplies. They demonstrate this has been
achieved by showing they have the required quantity of Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs),
which renewable electricity generators are awarded for their output.
If suppliers fail to meet their target, they have to pay a fine and also the value of the fine “pot” is, on
an annual basis, split among those suppliers who do meet their targets. This creates a market for the
ROCs and means that generators of renewable electricity can sell the ROCs that they receive for
significantly more than they receive for their electricity output. The intention is that RO will continue to
incentivise electricity generation from larger scale renewable energy installations, whilst the FIT will
be aimed at smaller generators. The scheme will close in 2016, to be replaced with feed-in tariffs with
Contracts for Difference (CfD).
Contract for Difference (CfD). CfDs provide long-term price stabilization to low carbon plant,
allowing investment to come forward at a lower cost of capital and therefore at a lower cost to
consumers. CfDs require generators to sell energy into the market as usual but, to reduce exposure
to fluctuating electricity prices and provide a variable top-up from the market price to a pre-agreed
‘strike price’. At times when the market price exceeds the strike price, the generator is required to pay
pack the difference, thus protecting consumers from over-payment.
The CfD for renewable energy is a key mechanism of Electricity Market Reform, the delivery body of
which is the National Grid who is responsible for publishing guidelines and running the CfD allocation
process. A CfD is a private law contract between a low carbon electricity generator and the Low
Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC), a government owned company. A generator party to a CfD is
paid the difference between the ‘strike price’ – a price for electricity reflecting the cost of investing in a
particular low carbon technology – and the ‘reference price’ – a measure of the average market price
for electricity in the GB market. The first CfD Allocation Round was undertaken in 2014 with first
results, including applicants, technologies, capacities, clearing price and delivery year, published in
February 2015. The first CfDs were signed in March 2015.
The Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS).
The Low Carbon Buildings Programme is
open to all products and installer companies registered on the Microgeneration Certification Scheme.
The Microgeneration Certification Scheme is an independent scheme that certifies microgeneration
products and installers in accordance with consistent standards. It is designed to evaluate
microgeneration products and installers against robust criteria providing greater protection for
Wales policy context for planning and renewable energy.
The planning system’s role in shaping places with lower carbon emissions and resilience to climate
change is set out in PPW. Since the previous REBA study, a number of amendments have been
made by Welsh Government to Renewable Energy through changing legislations. These are
summarised below.
1. In July 2014, the Welsh Government made changes to Part L of the Building Regulations which
set the requirements to reduce CO2 emissions for new homes by 8% and non-domestic
buildings by 20% in the aggregate across the building stock (against 2010 standards).
2. To coincide with this, Welsh Government withdrew the national planning policy requirement for
sustainable building standards (TAN22) and amended TAN12: Design to include elements of
the removed guidance. In particular, information on the energy hierarchy; allowable solutions;
and sustainable buildings policies on strategic sites in LDPs (including retention of the
expectation for local planning authorities to assess opportunities for strategic sites to require
higher sustainable building standards).
3. In September 2009 changes were made to ‘permitted development’ rights to make provision for
the installation of certain types of micro-generation by householders without the need for
planning permission, namely solar photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal panels, ground and
water source heat pumps and flues for biomass heating. These rights were extended in 201213
to include air source heat pumps and stand-alone wind turbines (including anemometry masts
for testing wind speeds). Permitted Development rights were also extended to non-domestic
premises (including non-domestic buildings; agricultural and/or forestry land) in 2012 including
solar panels, stand-alone solar panel arrays, ground and water source heat pumps and flues
forming part of either a biomass heating system or a CHP system.
Project Sheet I – Energy Baseline/Future Target Guidelines
The first step in assessing renewable energy potential is to establish the baseline in terms of energy
consumption, and to what extent this will change over time having regard for future demand.
The following table
shows energy consumption in 2008 and projected energy consumption in 2020
for the UK as a whole:
2008 2020
All Energy
Energy (MWh)
All Energy
Energy (MWh)
Predicted all
energy % change
387,000,000 22,000,000 386,000,000 117,000,000 - 0.3 %
Heat 711,000,000 7,000,000 599,000,000 72,000,000 -15.8 %
Transport 598,000,000 9,000,000 605,000,000 49,000,000 + 1.2 %
Total final energy
1,695,000,000 39,000,000 1,590,000,000 239,000,000 -6.2 %
Table 1: 2008 energy consumption and projected 2020 consumption
This indicates that future total final energy consumption will decrease by 2020, with renewable energy
accounting for a much greater proportion.
Table 2 provides energy consumption data
(in MWh) at the UK, Wales and Caerphilly levels, using
categories employed by the UK Government’s Renewable Energy Strategy (RES) from 2008. It was
included in the first Renewable Energy Baseline Assessment in 2011 but since the assessment was
published the data has been updated by DECC. The following table includes the updated data. The
table also includes figures for 2012 for comparison purposes.
RES Sector
UK Wales Caerphilly
2008 2012 2008 2012 2008 2012
Electricity 304,625,000 290,863,900 16,267,200 15,284,900 664,000 647,200
Heat 831,615,800 724,798,500 59,898,200 50,750,400 2,040,700 1,724,300
Transport 480 436 800 436,112,100 23,889,100 21,457,900 946,700 853,400
Total 1,616,678,000 1,451,775,000 100,054,500 87,493,200 3,651,400 3,224,900
Table 2: Energy consumption for UK, Wales and Caerphilly 2008 and 2012
This indicates that overall energy consumption in Caerphilly has decreased between 2008 and 2012
by 2.6%.
As part of the first Renewable Energy Baseline Assessment in 2011, it was assumed that the
projected level of consumption by 2020 would follow the same trends as table 1. Using the updated
2008 data in table 2, table 3 provides this information with figures expressed in MWh.
RES Sector
UK Wales Caerphilly
2020 2020 2020
Electricity 303,711,125 16,218,398 662,008
Heat 700,220,503.6 50,434,284 1,718,269
Transport 486,202,041.6 24,175,769 958,060
Total 1,516,443,964 93,851,121 3,425,013
Table 3: Projected 2020 energy consumption using predicted percentage change
Taken from ‘Planning for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy – A Toolkit for Planners, July 2010’
Data source: www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/total-final-energy-consumption-at-regional-and-local-authority-level-2005-to-
If we compare 2012 data in table 2 with that in table 3 it shows that in 2012 we have already reduced
our electricity consumption to well below the calculated 2020 projection. The heat consumption target
is also within reach. Consequently, the following table shows projected energy consumption for 2020
using the reduction percentage between 2008 and 2012 data for Caerphilly.
RES Sector
2008 2012 2020
Electricity 664,000 647,200 630,400
Heat 2,040,700 1,724,300 1,407,900
Transport 946,700 853,400 760,100
Table 4: Projected 2020 energy consumption for Caerphilly using 2008-2012 change
It should be noted that the categories used in this project sheet, and the data within it, has been
collated by the UK Government’s Department for Energy and Climate Change. As is shown, transport
is included as a separate category from electricity and heat, and has to be included here in order not
to provide an inaccurate or misleading baseline figure. However, the remaining project sheets do not
concern themselves with any potential sources of renewable energy that could feasibly linked to
transportation, and that this area would need to be the subject of a different study.
Explanation of Energy Terms
In this report, power is expressed in terms of megawatts (MW), which is equal to one million watts.
This is a measure of the electricity or heat output being generated or used at any given moment in
time. The maximum output of an installation when it is running at full power, such as a wind farm for
instance, is referred to as its installed capacity.
In terms of units used, it can be important to distinguish between the type of output being produced.
This is because some renewable energy fuels (e.g. biomass) can be used to produce either heat only
or electricity and heat simultaneously when used in a combined heat and power (CHP) facility.
Therefore, the suffix “e” is added (as in MWe) to denote electricity output, and “t” (for “thermal”) to
denote heat output.
Energy, as opposed to power, is the product of power and time. Megawatt hours (MWh) have been
used in this report as an expression of energy. For example, if a 2MW wind turbine operated at full
power for one day, it would generate 48 MWh (2 x 24).
Project Sheet J – Calculating Annual Energy Output using Capacity
The results of the area wide resource assessments, for different technologies, will give an indication
of the potential installed capacity (in terms of MW of power output) that can be supported by the
available resource. However, the UK renewable energy target for 2020 is expressed in terms of a %
of energy demand. Therefore, in order to be compatible with this target, as well as knowing the
potential installed renewable energy capacity in an area, we also need to be able to estimate how
much energy this capacity could generate.
A simple and well established way of doing this is to use capacity factors (these are also sometimes
referred to as load factors). These factors, which vary by technology, are a measure of how much
energy a generating station will typically produce in a year for any given installed capacity. This
reflects the fact that the installed capacity is a measure of the maximum amount of power that a
generating station can produce at any given moment. However, for reasons to do with either fuel
availability (which, in the case of renewable energy, includes natural energy flows such as the wind,
sun and water, as well as solid fuels such as biomass), the need for maintenance downtime, or, for
heat generating plant, a lack of heat demand at certain times of day or year, the capacity factor is
always less than 1.
Since the 2011 Renewable Energy Baseline Assessment, the capacity factor figures have been
updated, however this is not represented in the Updated toolkit for Planning Officers. The new figures
have been sourced from the ‘Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics 2014’, by Department of
Energy & Climate Change (see table 4). For any particular technology, the capacity factor (CF) is
defined as follows:
typical annual energy output / annual energy output if plant generated at full capacity for the entire
Therefore, for any given generating station, its annual energy output can be calculated by multiplying
its installed capacity by its capacity factor and the number of hours in a year. For example, a biomass
power station with an installed capacity of 5MWe, and a CF of 0.655, the annual energy output would
5 x 0.655 x 365 x 24 = 28,689 MWhe
Those forms of renewable electricity generation that rely on intermittent natural flows of energy (such
as wind, photovoltaics and hydropower) inevitably have lower capacity factors than those that are
fuelled by biomass (or waste), in its various forms, as the biomass can be stored to ensure a
continuity of supply. A summary of different capacity factors for different technologies is given:
Technology Capacity factor Comments and source
Onshore Wind 0.289 DUKES 2014, figure for 2013
Biomass (animal) 0.649 DUKES 2014, figure for 2013
Biomass (plant) 0.655 DUKES 2014, figure for 2013
Anaerobic Digestion 0.602 DUKES 2014, figure for 2013
Hydropower (small scale) 0.351 DUKES 2014, figure for 2013
Energy from Waste 0.423 DUKES 2014, figure for 2013
Landfill gas 0.568 DUKES 2014, figure for 2013
Sewage gas 0.432 DUKES 2014, figure for 2013
BIR electricity 0.1 Average for PV and micro & small wind
Digest of UK energy statistics, 2014, table 6.5
Planning for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy – A Toolkit for Planners, 2010, table 53
Solar Farm 0.1 Regen SW
Table 5: Renewable electricity generation capacity factors
Comments and source
Heat from CHP (from biomass or energy
from waste, or from large scale heat only
biomass or energy from waste)
This allows for the fact that not all of the
waste heat can be usefully used 100% of
the time
BIR heat (solar water heating, heat pumps,
biomass boilers)
This is an average across a range of
technologies, covering heat pumps, wood
chip and pellet boilers and solar water
Table 6: Renewable heat generation capacity factors
Planning for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy – A Toolkit for Planners, 2010, table 54
Project Sheet A – Existing and Proposed Low and Zero Carbon Energy
To demonstrate the progress being made within the county borough and to establish a baseline of
installed capacity that will inform future potential and target setting, the capacity of low and zero
carbon (LZC) technologies already installed in the county borough has been established. Where LZC
energy technologies already exist, the installed capacities (measured in MW) were recorded and
incorporated as a contribution to overall final targets.
This assessment of existing capacity covers electricity and heat generation, and large scale as well as
‘building integrated renewables’ (BIR) generation. For larger schemes, it also includes those that
have received planning consent, but are not yet built.
Renewable electricity capacity
Larger scale renewable electricity capacity
Using the Renewable Energy Planning Database
table 7 below provides information from DECC on
renewable energy projects in Caerphilly County Borough that are either ‘operational, ‘under
construction’ or ‘awaiting construction’ As this database only includes details of schemes that require
planning permission, it does not include a lot of microgeneration, and it is only accurate up to the last
date of the last survey. It may also not pick up smaller generating projects. For this reason, the
existing capacity has been cross checked by referring to the Ofgem renewable and CHP register and
with formation is further evidenced with the list of planning applications in Appendix 1. This provides a
list of accredited generating stations that are, or are soon to be, operational, and eligible for
Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs).
Site Name Technology
Status Source
Trehir Generation Project Landfill Gas 1.3 Awaiting Construction DECC
Trecatti Landfill Gas 7.0 Operational DECC
Cwmcaesingrug Farm Solar Photovoltaic 10.0 Awaiting Construction DECC
Penrhiwarwydd Farm Solar Photovoltaic 8.5 Awaiting Construction DECC
Hendai Farm Solar Photovoltaic 13.4 Operational DECC
Oakdale Business Park Wind Onshore 4.0 Operational DECC
Nant Gwyddon Stream Micro Hydro 0.005 Awaiting Construction CCBC
Pen-y-fan Farm Wind Onshore 0.5 Operational CCBC
Gelli-wen Farm Wind Onshore 0.5 Awaiting Construction CCBC
Bryn Ysgawen Farm Wind Onshore 0.5 Operational CCBC
Bedlwyn Farm Wind Onshore 0.5 Awaiting Construction CCBC
Total 46.205
Table 7: Existing renewable electricity capacity schemes confirmed on 09/04/15
Existing smaller scale and microgeneration capacity (electricity)
The Council, in partnership with United Welsh Housing Association, installed solar photovoltaic
systems in the following schools in the Heads of the Valleys area:
February 2015 www.gov.uk/government/collections/renewable-energy-planning-data
Markham Primary School
Bryn Awel Primary School
Pontlottyn Primary School
White Rose Primary School
Fochriw Primary School
Ysgol Bro Sannon
Heolddu Comprehensive School
Rhymney Comprehensive School
Lewis School
Park Primary School
St Gwladys Bargoed School
Gilfach Fargoed Primary School
YG Gilfach Fargoed
Deri Primary School
Phillipstown Primary School
Aberbargoed Primary School
Schools technology type Schools total installed capacity
Solar photovoltaic
0.05787 MWe
Table 8: Installed capacity of solar photovoltaic panels through UWHA (CCBC SD Team
Caerphilly County Borough Council also installed solar photovoltaic systems in Greenhill
Primary School, Ysgol Ifor Bach, Rhymney Comprehensive School, St James ICC, Trinity
Fields School, Rhiw Syr Dafydd Primary School, and Cwm Ifor Primary School. All of these
receive the feed-in tariff payments and therefore their installed capacities have been
included in the feed-in tariff table below.
Feed in Tariff Scheme
The government introduced the Feed in Tariff scheme (FiTs) on 1st April 2010 in order to
promote the uptake of a range of small-scale renewable and low-carbon electricity
generation technologies across Great Britain. It covers the following five technologies:
1. Solar Photovoltaics up to 5MW
2. Wind up to 5MW
3. Hydro up to 5MW
4. Anaerobic Digestion up to 5MW
5. Micro CHP plants up to 2kW
The larger installations (greater than 50kW) and all hydro and anaerobic digestion
installations must apply for accreditation via Ofgem’s ROOFiT process. Smaller installations
(including all Micro CHP) must apply for accreditation via the Microgeneration Certification
Scheme (MCS). Both of these accreditation routes will result in the installation being
registered on Ofgem’s Central FiTs Register (CFR).
The following table shows a cumulative total for all installations confirmed on the Central
Feed in Tariff Register (CFR) for the county borough from 1
April 2010 to 31
March 2015.
Table 9: Cumulative total of installations confirmed on CFR up to 31/03/2015
Information in purple indicates a Building Integrated Renewable (BIR)
Information in purple indicates a Building Integrated Renewable (BIR)
Microgeneration electricity schemes (MWe)
Technology Domestic Non-Domestic Total
5.382 0.369 5.751
0.018 1.000 1.018
0.008 0 0.008
Anaerobic Digestion
0 0.499 0.499
5.607 1.878 7.485
Other installations
If generators of renewable energy technologies are not claiming payments for the amount of
energy generated their information will not be available from data sources such as the CFR.
In order to obtain information on these schemes, we have contacted Welsh Government and
the CCBC’s Energy, Water & Conservation Officer. Table 10 contains the information we
have received to date (21/04/2015) for electricity generating installations.
Name of scheme Technology Domestic
Solar PV 0.039 WG
Onshore wind 0.007 WG
Onshore wind 0.012 WG
Onshore wind 0.012 WG
Greenhill Primary School Onshore wind 0.006 WG
TOTAL 0.024 0.052
Table 10: Cumulative total of confirmed installations not claiming payments
Renewable heat capacity
Renewable Heat Premium Payment
The Renewable Heat Premium Payment scheme (RHPP) was first launched in July 2011. It
was a government grant schemes designed to encourage homeowners to switch to
renewable heat technologies. The scheme ran until the end of March 2014 before the launch
of the domestic RHI.
Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) Scheme
This is a Government scheme designed to provide financial support to encourage switching
from using fossil fuel for heating to renewables. The Government introduced the RHI in two
phases. In 2012 phase one was launched to support the non-domestic sector and in April
2014 the domestic RHI was launched.
Broadly speaking, the scheme provides a subsidy per kWhth of eligible renewable heat
generated from accredited installations and a subsidy payable to producers of biomethane
for injection. For installations up to and including 45kWth, both installers and equipment
need to be certified under the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) or equivalent
standard, helping to ensure quality assurance and consumer protection.
Table 11 shows a cumulative total for all installations through the RHPP and RHI since they
came into being.
Renewable Heat Incentive Schemes
Scheme Installed capacity (MWt)
RHPP (Heat pump and biomass) 0.3
Domestic RHI (up to 07/06/15) 0.0118
Non-domestic RHI (up to 25/05/15) 1.391
TOTAL 1.7028
Table 11: Cumulative total of installations confirmed
Other installations
If generators of renewable energy technologies are not claiming payments for the amount of
energy generated their information will not be available from data sources such as the CFR.
Information in purple indicates a Building Integrated Renewable (BIR)
Information in purple indicates a Building Integrated Renewable (BIR)
In order to obtain information on these schemes, we have contacted Welsh Government and
the CCBC’s Energy, Water & Conservation Officer. Table 12 contains the information we
have received to date (21/04/2015) for heat generating installations.
Other Renewable heat installations from WG and CCBC (MWt)
Name of scheme Technology Domestic Non-Domestic Source
Solar thermal 0.00371 LCBP
Biomass 0.005 LCBP
Biomass 0.022 LCBP
Solar thermal 0.0102 LCBP
GSHP 0.0158 LCBP
GSHP 0.008 WG
Arbed Solar Installations Solar thermal 0.008 WG
Caerphilly Properties (308) Solar thermal 0.008 WG
Y Llaethdy (13 properties) ASHP 0.510972 WG
ASHP 0.014 WG
Ty Penallta GSHP 0.016 WG
Pontllanfraith Comprehensive Biomass 0.7 WG
Ysgol Ifor Bach Biomass 0.1 WG
Ysbyty Ystrad Fawr Biomass 1 WG
ASHP 0.02 WG
Bargoed CAB office ASHP 0.022 CCBC
Caerphilly Leisure Centre ASHP 0.027 CCBC
Cwmcarn Scenic Drive ASHP 0.085 CCBC
Declaire House ASHP 0.042 CCBC
Hanger 81 ASHP 0.090 CCBC
Islwyn Indoor Bowls ASHP 0.096 CCBC
Newbridge Comprehensive ASHP 0.019 CCBC
Newbridge Leisure Centre ASHP 0.088 CCBC
Parc Cwm Darren ASHP 0.023 CCBC
Penmaen Street Lighting ASHP 0.026 CCBC
Pontygwindy House ASHP 0.058 CCBC
Risca Leisure Centre ASHP 0.050 CCBC
St Cenydd Leisure Centre ASHP 0.019 CCBC
Tir Y Berth Depot B3 ASHP 0.010 CCBC
Tir Y Berth Depot B4 ASHP 0.015 CCBC
Tir Y Berth Depot B5 ASHP 0.010 CCBC
Tredomen House ASHP 0.059 CCBC
Ty Dyffryn House ASHP 0.147 CCBC
Winding House ASHP 0.085 CCBC
0.605682 2.821
Table 12: Cumulative total of installations confirmed up to 21/04/2015
Information in purple indicates a Building Integrated Renewable (BIR)
Project Sheet B – Wind Energy Resource
The purpose of this project sheet is to identify the total area of land that is potentially suitable
for wind development. This figure can then be converted to arrive at a potential installed
capacity and energy output.
For this assessment, as proposed in the ‘Planning for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy –
A Toolkit for Planners, 2015’, we have used a wind turbine of:
Rated output: 2MW
Hub height: 80m
Rotor diameter: 80m
Height to blade tip at highest point (“tip height”): 120m
Potentially one parcel of land has been indicated as having potential for wind development.
However, this conclusion has been reached on the basis that none of these sites are subject
to any of the constraints looked at in terms of this exercise, which are set out below. It does
not imply that a proposal for such development on any of these sites is in conformity with
local or national planning policy, and further detailed studies are required in order to
establish this.
Step 1
The first step in this process was to map all those factors that might be considered a
constraint to the operational viability of wind development within the county borough. These
were considered to be the following:
Those areas where average annual wind speed (AAWS) is less than 6.0 m/s at 45m above
ground level (agl);
Environmental and heritage constraints (SACs, SSSIs, LNRs, Forestry Commission
woodlands, SAMs, Historic Parks and Landscapes and Conservation Areas);
Buffer zones around the principal and secondary transport networks and around inland
A 500m buffer zone around each settlement boundary (taken to represent existing dwellings)
and within 500m of the county borough boundary, to take account of properties in adjacent
local authority areas;
The Cardiff Control Area (controlled airspace) and those areas determined by the National
Air Traffic Service (NATS) as being affected by air traffic control.
Step 2
The next step was to prioritise the remaining (unconstrained) area. The Toolkit suggests
using six categories, as follows:
Priority 1 – High AAWS, low NATS disruption;
Priority 2 – Moderate AAWS, low NATS disruption;
Priority 3 – High AAWS, moderate NATS disruption;
Priority 4 – Moderate AAWS, moderate NATS disruption;
Priority 5 – High AAWS, high NATS disruption;
Priority 6 – Moderate AAWS, high NATS disruption.
However, the NATS data used did not appear to differentiate between high, medium and low
levels of disruption – it merely formed a GIS layer that indicated some sort of constraint in
this regard. Therefore, only two priority categories were used, ‘Priority 1’ being areas of high
AAWS (greater than 6.5 m/s at 45m agl) and ‘Priority 2’ being areas of medium AAWS
(between 6.0 and 6.5 m/s at 45m agl). The data is as follows:
Wind Resource Priority
Unconstrained Area
Capacity (MW)
Potential Energy
Generated (MWh)
Priority 1 2.42 24.20 61,265.69
Priority 2 1.08 10.80 27,341.71
Table 13: Potential energy generated in priority 1 and 2 areas
Step 3
The final step involved taking account of cumulative visual and landscape impacts and
merging the remaining unconstrained land to form clusters, each of which could potentially
accommodate a wind farm. This included the following steps, undertaken sequentially:
Amalgamating all unconstrained wind resource parcels in both priority areas that are within
four times the rotor diameter (320m) of each other to form potential wind farm clusters;
Discounting any remaining clusters that lie within 7km of the largest cluster, and repeating
this process with the next largest, and so on.
The toolkit also suggests discounting any clusters that lie within 7km of an existing or
consented wind turbine development (including such developments that lie across the
county borough boundary). However, when a 7km buffer was added to the relevant data
layer (showing existing and consented micro, small, medium, large and very large scale wind
development), it showed no suitable land within the county borough boundary.
If only large and very large existing and consented wind developments were used, one
cluster would remain in the north of the county borough. This would result in the following
potential capacity:
Potential wind farm Area (km
) Potential capacity (MW)
1 1.03 10.3
Table 14: Potential wind capacity
Annual Energy Output
To calculate the annual energy output (MWh) for electricity, the following formula can be
Installed capacity x capacity factor x 8760
8760 is the number of hours in a (non-leap) year. The capacity factor is defined as typical
annual energy output divided by annual energy output if a plant generated at full capacity for
the entire year.
Therefore, the annual energy output is 10.3 x 0.289 x 8760 = 26,075.89 MWhe.
Comparison with Renewable Energy Baseline Assessment 2011
In the 2011 Renewable Energy Baseline Assessment, three parcels of land were identified
as having potential for wind development. This information is set out in the table below.
Potential Wind Farm Area (sq km) Potential Capacity (MW)
Potential Energy Generated
1 0.35 3.5 8,278
2 0.16 1.6 3,784
3 0.13 1.3 3,075
Total 0.64 6.4 15,137
Table 15: 2011 REBA wind results
The methodology used to calculate this output has been reviewed and updated as part of
this 2015 Renewable Energy Baseline Assessment. In view of this, the annual energy output
for electricity generated from potential wind energy resource has been recalculated using an
amended buffer to give a figure of 26,075.89 MWhe.
This indicates that there is a 72% increase from the level in 2011 in the amount of electrical
energy that can potentially be generated from wind energy resource. There appears to be
greater potential for wind turbine development throughout the county borough than originally
thought i.e. larger land areas as well as more suitable locations.
Project Sheet C – Wood Fuel and Energy Crops Resource for Heat
and Power Generation
In order for the Council to fully establish its renewable energy potential, it is necessary to
assess the potential biomass resource within the county borough. For the purpose of this
assessment we have evaluated the potential available resource in Caerphilly County
Borough for harvesting wood fuel from sustainable forestry and woodland management and
the growing of “woody” energy crops.
Where areas of land have been indicated as having potential for the growing of energy
crops, further detailed studies are required prior to action as this assessment is purely
indicative. Furthermore, market demand is likely to play a key role in what, and how much is
Even where there is local demand for a biomass supply, constraints not considered within
this REBA could include the proximity of plant/technology and practical access to sites
required for preparation and delivery of fuel (note that this list is not exhaustive).
In terms of plant / technology, landowner willingness, political will, the time to complete
planning procedures and an economic distance to the nearest appropriate electricity grid
connection will all be key considerations but are not included within this assessment.
Biomass energy generation (whether generating heat, power or both), by nature, is most
usually situated a small distance away from residential development (though close enough
to supply heat), where there is room for the development including fuel storage and access
for large delivery vehicles.
Unlike wind farms, biomass can be utilised for the generation of both electricity and heat.
The use of energy crops, forestry residues and recycled wood waste for energy generation
can have a number of advantages:
Providing opportunities for agricultural diversification;
Encouraging increased management of woodland;
Protecting and enhancing biodiversity;
Removing biodegradable elements from the waste stream;
savings if replanting occurs & long distance transportation is avoided.
There is no consideration of the utilisation of straw as an energy source as Wales is a net
Wood fuel and energy crop resource is calculated using agricultural land quality (for growing
energy crops) and forestry plantation land areas (for wood fuel). More specifically, this
concerns the resource that is available from the management of existing woodland, by the
extraction of “thinnings” and the residues produced from the extraction of timber trees, the
so-called “lop and top” (i.e. tips and branches).
Potential Available Biomass Resource
Outputs Energy Crops Woodland Total
Available Area (Ha) 11,052.42 5,500.54 16,552.96
Percentage of area that can be used 10% n/a -
Useable area (Ha) 1,105.24 5,500.54 6,605.78
Yield (oven dried tonnes (ODT) per Ha) 12 0.6 -
Yield (ODT) 13,262.90 3,300.32 16,563.22
Required ODT per MWe 6,000 n/a -
Potential installed capacity (MWe)
2.21 n/a 2.21
Heat from CHP
Required ODT per 1MWt 3,000 n/a -
Potential installed capacity (MWt) 4.42 n/a 4.42
Heat from boilers
Required ODT per MWt n/a 660 -
Potential installed capacity (MWt) from boilers n/a 5.00 5.00
Table 16: Results of 2015 REBA potential available biomass resource in CCB
Annual Energy Output
The annual energy output for electricity, using the same formula as for other energy
categories, is 2.21 x 0.655 x 8760 = 12,680.54 MWhe.
The same formula can be used to calculate the MWh for heat, using the MWt in the above
table (although the capacity factor may differ, in some instances).
The annual output for CHP is 4.42 x 0.5 x 8760 = 19,359.6 MWht, for heat only it is 5.00 x
0.5 x 8760 = 21,900 MWht.
Comparison with Renewable Energy Baseline Assessment 2011
2011 2014/15 2011
2014/15 2011 2014/15
Energy Crops
Woodland Total
Available Area (Ha) 2,480 11,052.42 4,470 5,500.54 6,950 16,552.96
% of area that can be used 10% 10% n/a n/a - -
Useable area (Ha) 248 1,105.24 4,470 5,500.54 4,718 6,605.78
Yield (ODT per Ha) 12 12 0.6 0.6 - -
Yield (ODT) 2,976 13,262.90 2,682 3,300.32 5,658 16,563.22
Required ODT per MWe 6,000 6,000 n/a n/a - -
Potential installed capacity
0.496 2.21 n/a n/a 0.496 2.21
Heat from CHP
Required ODT per 1MWt 3,000 3,000 n/a n/a - -
Potential installed capacity
0.99 4.42 n/a n/a 0.99 4.42
Heat only option
Required ODT per MWt n/a n/a 660 660 - -
Potential installed capacity
(MWt) from boilers
n/a n/a 4.06 5.00 4.06 5.00
Table 17: Comparison of 2011 and 2015 biomass resource in CCB
Annual Energy Output
2011 3,910 MWhe and 4,336 MWht (CHP) or 17,783 MWht (heat only)
2015 12,680.54 MWhe and 19,359.6 MWht (CHP) or 21,900 MWth (heat only)
This indicates an increase in the capacity to grow energy crops within the county borough. It
also indicates that there is an increased availability of wood fuel as a renewable energy
resource. The increase in resource from 2011 to 2015 can be attributed to a better
understanding of the data and GIS systems.
There is a continuing need to protect and enhance the existing woodland within the county
borough as urban areas gradually begin to expand outwards into the countryside. In view of
this and the above, wood fuel would be the more viable resource of the two when it comes to
energy generation.
Project Sheet D – Energy from Waste
Caerphilly County Borough Council is part of the ‘Prosiect Gwyrdd’ partnership, which
includes Cardiff Council, Monmouthshire County Council, Newport City Council, and Vale of
Glamorgan Council.
The aim of Prosiect Gwyrdd is to look for the best environmental, cost-effective and practical
solution for waste, once any opportunities for recycling and composting have been
maximised. As part of this process, the five partner authorities are committed to the Welsh
Government’s National Waste Strategy “Towards Zero Waste”. This establishes a
requirement for at least 70% of all main waste streams to be recycled by 2025. Landfilling of
all wastes will be phased out as far as possible by this time.
Other targets for consideration include a maximum level of 30% energy being created from
waste by 2024/25; a maximum of 150 kilograms (kg) of residual household waste collected
per person per annum by 2025; and that Wales should achieve zero waste by 2050.
However, household waste is only part of the waste that is produced within the county
borough. Less is known about the plans of commercial waste operators (as this remit is
outside of Prosiect Gwyrdd) to treat commercial and industrial waste streams. Organisations
involved in such activity should be fully engaged to ensure that opportunities to utilise energy
are not lost.
Further guidance should be sought from the Welsh Government in relation to whether
energy from waste (EfW) from some or all EfW technologies is, or will be, considered to be
‘renewable’ energy and, where it is confirmed to be ‘renewable’, for what proportion of the
residual waste stream (the proportion usually refers to the proportion of residual waste
deemed to be the biodegradable (BD) element).
The energy from waste potential is calculated using data on municipal, commercial and
industrial waste arisings. Data used in these calculations has been collected from the
Council’s Public Services department and Natural Resource Wales. Growth projections to
2020 for commercial and industrial waste arisings have been calculated assuming the levels
predicted in the South East Wales Regional Waste Plan (1st Review).
Outputs (2020 projections)
Municipal Solid
Commercial &
Total Waste (tonnes) 97,367 117,184 214,551
Total Residual (30%) 29,210.10 35,155 64,365.30
Total Biodegradable (renewable) element (35%) 10,223.54 12,304 22,527.86
Electricity (CHP)
Required wet tonnes per 1MWe 10,320 10,320 -
Potential Installed Capacity (MWe) 0.99 1.19 2.18
Heat (CHP)
CHP facility will produce 2MWt thermal output 1.98 2.38 4.36
Heat (Heat Only Facility)
Required wet tonnes per 1MWt 1790 1790
Potential Installed Capacity (MWt) 5.71 6.87 12.59
Table 18: Potential waste resources for Caerphilly CBC
Contains Natural Resources Wales information © Natural Resources Wales and database right
Annual Energy Output
The annual energy output, using the same formula as for other energy categories, is
2.18 x 0.423 x 8760 = 8,077.9464 MWhe
The same formula can be used to calculate the MWh for heat, using the MWt in the above
table (although the capacity factor may differ, in some instances).
12.59 x 0.5 x 8760 = 55,144.2 MWht
Comparison with Renewable Energy Baseline Assessment 2011
Information on the potential available energy from waste resource as taken from the 2011
Renewable Energy Baseline Assessment is provided in the table below.
Outputs (2020 projections)
2011 2014/15 2011 2014/15 2011 2014/15
Municipal Solid
Commercial &
Total Waste (tonnes) 97,301 97,367 115,236 117,184 212,537 214,551
Total Residual (30%) 29,190 29,210.10 34,571 35,155 63,761 64,365.3
Total Biodegradable (renewable)
element (35%)
10,217 10,223.54 12,100 12,304 22,316 22,527.86
Electricity (CHP)
Required wet tonnes per 1MWe 10,320 10,320 10,320 10,304 - -
Potential Installed Capacity
0.99 0.99 1.17 1.19 2.16 2.18
Heat (CHP)
CHP facility will produce 2MWt
thermal output
1.98 1.98 2.34 2.38 4.32 4.36
Heat (Heat Only Facility)
Required wet tonnes per 1MWt 1790 1790 1790 1790 - -
Potential Installed Capacity
5.71 5.71 6.76 6.87 12.47 12.59
Table 19: Comparison of 2011 and 2015 information
Contains Natural Resources Wales information © Natural Resources Wales and database right
Annual Energy Output
2011 17,029 MWhe and 54,619 MWht
2015 8,077.9464 MWhe and 55,144.2 MWht
This indicates that there is increased availability of MSW in the county borough compared to
the amount available in 2011. This has therefore increased the availability of MSW as an
energy source. Caerphilly is still committed to achieving targets set out by the Welsh
Government’s National Waste Strategy “Towards Zero Waste”, which establishes a
requirement for at least 70% of all main waste streams to be recycled by 2025.
The calculated ‘annual energy output’ is different due to updated capacity factor figures by
Project Sheet E – Anaerobic Digestion
This project sheet is concerned with the identification of those energy sources that would be
best utilised for the purposes of anaerobic digestion. These are:
Animal manure (cattle and pigs)
Food waste
Poultry litter
Sewage sludge
For each energy source, it is necessary to establish the volume of each being generated
within the county borough, and then to convert this into potential energy yield.
Animal Manure
Contact was made with WG to establish the number of cattle and pigs in the Caerphilly
County Borough area using information from the ‘June 2014 Survey of Agriculture’. We also
contacted a representative from the FUW to establish the split between the use of slurry and
non-slurry systems on farms in the area. They estimated that approximately 3% of farms in
the Caerphilly County Borough area use a slurry system and from this we have estimated
that we could realistically collect slurry from 50% of these farms.
Livestock Total Number Slurry (Tonnes pa) Available Slurry (Wet Tonnes pa)
Cattle 7,099 42,594 638.91
Pigs 243 145.8 2.187
Potential Energy Yield
Potential Installed Capacity (MWe) Heat Output (if CHP) (MWt)
0.0028 0.0042
Table 20: Potential installed capacity for animal manure
Food Waste
Contact was made with the waste officer within CCBC to obtain estimates on how much food
waste is currently collected. In terms of commercial food waste (e.g. from restaurants or food
processing companies) tonnage of food was collated from NRW.
CCBC gave data for 2014/15 but informed us that the food waste is collected with green
waste. Using their estimate that 60% is food waste this equates to 6,844.33 tonnes. NRW
provided data on Industrial & Commercial food waste separately collected, which in 2012
(latest figures) was estimated to be 15,902 tonnes. This is not the full picture as there will be
some businesses that do not have separate food waste collections and some householders
do not participate in food waste collection schemes (i.e. they dispose of food waste in black
bags despite having a separate recycling receptacle for food waste). Therefore the figure of
has been utilised as the figure for food waste in trade waste streams.
Food waste Current tonnes per annum Predicted tonnes per
annum 2019/2020
Total waste (municipal & commercial) 26,287.33 26,493
Required tonnes for 1 MW 32,000 32,000
Potential installed capacity (MWe) 0.8 0.8
Potential installed capacity (MWt) 1.2 1.2
Table 21: Potential installed capacity for food waste
Taken from the WRAP report ‘The composition of municipal solid waste in Wales’ May 2010
Poultry Litter
Existing Resource
No. birds from mass producing farms (> 10,000) 25000
Litter (tonnes) / 1,000 birds/year 42
Total available litter (tonnes) 1050
Required tonnes for 1MW 11,000
Potential installed capacity (MW) 0.095
Table 22: Potential installed capacity for poultry litter
As the potential installed capacity is less than 10MWe, this resource would be insufficient to
support a dedicated poultry litter power plant.
Sewage Sludge
Tonnes Potential Installed Capacity (MWe) Heat Output (MWt)
5,837 0.45 0.67
Table 23: Potential installed capacity for sewage sludge
Annual Energy Output
To convert this installed capacities to an annual energy output, in MWh, we have used the
relevant capacity factor, as set out in Project Sheet J. The annual energy output, using the
same formula as for other energy categories, is 1.3478 x 0.602 x 8760 = 7107.6502 MWhe.
The same formula can be used to calculate the MWh for heat, using the MWt in the above
table (although the capacity factor may differ, in some instances).
The annual output for CHP is 1.8742 x 0.5 x 8760 = 8208.996 MWht.
Comparison with Renewable Energy Baseline Assessment 2011
Information on the potential available energy from anaerobic digestion as taken from the
2011 Renewable Energy Baseline Assessment is provided in the table below.
Energy Source
Capacity (MWe)
REBA 2011
Capacity (MWe)
REBA 2015
Heat Output (MWt)
REBA 2011
Heat Output (MWt)
REBA 2015
Animal Manure
Food Waste
Poultry Litter
Sewage Sludge
Total 1.75 1.3478 2.62 1.8742
Annual Energy
Output (MWh)
13,797 7,107.6502 11,454 8,208.996
Table 24: Comparison of the potential energy from AD in CCB
This indicates that there is a 48.5 % decrease from the level in 2011 in the amount of
electrical energy that can potentially be harnessed from anaerobic digestion as an energy
resource. In addition, there is a 28.3% decrease in the amount of heat energy that can
potentially be harnessed from anaerobic digestion within the county borough. The reasons
for this could be due to the new estimation of farms in the county borough that use a slurry
system and the use of updated capacity factors.
Project Sheet F – Hydropower Energy Resource
The potential for hydropower resources in Caerphilly is estimated from two sources. Firstly,
the Environment Agency Study 2010 which identifies potential run of river schemes across
the UK, and secondly, a feasibility study commissioned by the Council.
Existing hydro schemes within Caerphilly County Borough
To date only one micro hydro scheme has been given full planning consent to a private
developer of affordable housing departments at Abercarn. The scheme is 5kW and was
given planning permission on 28 July 2010; however it is yet to be constructed. In addition to
this, three other sites are at feasibility stage. These include a 10kW low head scheme at
Cwmcarn Forest Park, a 50kW low head scheme at Crumlin on the navigation colliery and
an 8.5kW scheme at Gelligroes Mill. The Cwmcarn scheme has had a feasibility study
completed and flow monitoring undertaken. The scheme at Crumlin has had a feasibility
study completed and the Gelligroes Mill scheme looked at the refurbishment of a mill
waterwheel scheme to be rated at 8.5kW. However, as there is little remaining of the intake
weir and the old leat is overgrown and mostly filled over, it is deemed unlikely that it will gain
EA approvals as it will not be financially attractive.
EA opportunity mapping
In 2010, the Environment Agency (EA) published a report assessing the hydropower
potential of watercourses in England and Wales. For Caerphilly County Borough there were
a total of 145 features identified (taking the form of waterfalls or weirs). These are termed as
“barriers” in the table below. The table also outlines the proportion of the overall potential
that is categorised as “win-win”. A “barrier” falls within this category if its power potential is
greater than 10 kW and the water body in question is designated as being heavily modified
under the Water Framework Directive. Heavily modified water bodies are required to achieve
good ecological potential. As a result, “win-win” sites are considered to be advantageous in
terms of energy potential whilst taking account of ecological factors.
No. of
Total power
potential (MW)
% classified as
high sensitivity
% classified
as “win-win”
Total classified as potential
“win-win” (MW)
145 3.1 92.19 49.2 1.52
Table 25: Hydropower Potential using EA data for Caerphilly
From this the annual energy output would be:
Using ‘Total power potential (MW)’
3.1 x 0.35 x 8760 = 9,504.6MWhe or;
Using ‘Total classified as potential “win-win” (MW)’
1.52 x 0.35 x 8760 = 4,660.32 MWhe
Hydropower Feasibility Study
Since the completion of the 2011 Renewable Energy Baseline Assessment, a Hydropower
Feasibility Study has been undertaken for Caerphilly County Borough Council, which was
completed in March 2012.
For the identification of low head sites the EA opportunities mapping study was used as a
starting point to identify sites. The 0-10kW category was discounted due to the poor
economic viability of low head sites at this scale and the remaining sites were then assessed
through a desk based search to initially identify weirs or barriers on the rivers where rapids
were present. It was common to find that the barriers identified in the EA study where either
not suitable for a hydro or non-existent either due to them having been removed or
inaccuracies in the model. This highlighted the limitations of the EA study and lack of
For medium to high head ‘run-of-river’ hydro opportunities GIS software was used to map
suitable catchment areas which are identified within the study area. This data along with
rainfall data for the area was used as a basis to compile a list of hydropower opportunities
within the study area and the hydropower potential. Again a number of these sites were
visited to gain a better understanding of the site, in particular access to construct a scheme
and grid constraints.
An overview of the low and high head schemes identified and visited as part of the study are
shown in Table 26 and Table 27 below.
Chapel Farm Park Weir 115.1 0.98 3.94 70% 26 101,274
Pontywaun Weir 121.0 0.55 4.14 70% 16 59,803
Abercarn Ind Estate 95.0 0.9 3.25 70% 20 76,832
High Meadow Weir 92.0 2.16 3.15 70% 47 178,573
Crumlin Weir 82.5 2 2.82 70% 39 148,272
Wattsville Weir 76.1 0.55 2.12 70% 8 30,681
Ynysddu Weir 64.6 1.5 1.80 70% 19 71,032
Gibbs Weir 58.0 2.73 1.62 70% 30 116,069
2nd Council Offices Weir 55.0 0.6 1.54 70% 6 24,190
Woodfieldside Weir 51.5 1 1.44 70% 10 37,752
Penmaens Weir 50.5 1 1.41 70% 10 37,018
Rock Boulder Weirs 49.0 2 1.37 70% 19 71,838
Pant Glas Estate Weir 123.7 0.95 3.92 70% 26 97,779
TOTAL 274.9 kW
Table 26: Overview of low head schemes identified and visited
Sites surveys were completed for all of the low head weirs identified in the table above. The
majority of the schemes were deemed not suitable due to lack of head resource, no suitable
access and no grid connection point in close proximity. The Gibbs Weir located to the rear of
the Caerphilly Council offices offered the best opportunity for a micro hydro installation.
However, since the completion of the study Gibbs Weir has been removed to assist with
salmon migration.
Nant Llanbradach Stream 1.15 45 0.040 70% 12.4 47,365
Nant Twynyrharris Stream 1.3 15 0.045 70% 4.7 17,848
Princetown reservoir 6.5 15 0.247 70% 25.5 97,350
Rhymney Ind Estate 1 25 0.032 70% 5.4 20,801
Nant y Felin, Markam 1.6 80 0.051 70% 27.9 106,503
Nant Gwyddon (5kW hydro
with planning)
5.2 67 0.165 70% 75.8 289,888
Nant Fawr 4.2 15 0.133 70% 13.7 52,419
Nant y cor Fawr 0.9 20 0.029 70% 3.9 14,977
Nant y Ffrwd 0.75 28 0.024 70% 4.6 17,473
Nant y Twyn 0.9 15 0.029 70% 2.9 11,233
Cwncarn Forest Drive 5.162 10 0.174 70% 11.9 45,688
TOTAL 188.7 kW
Table 27: Overview of medium – high head schemes identified and visited
Of the sites visited the majority were ruled out for various reasons, mainly lack of access to
the site, proximity to a suitable grid connection point and lack of suitable location for
constructing an intake. In addition to this the Nant Gwyddon and Cwmcarn sites are already
in the process of being developed. The Princetown reservoir is a site owned by Welsh
Water. Welsh Water was contacted who advised that they have looked at the reservoir for
hydro potential but consider it to be uneconomical.
Results for both low head and medium-high head schemes showed that the majority of the
sites were deemed not viable for a hydro scheme due to local constraints. These were
mainly a lack of suitable head and flow resource, difficult access, lack of a grid connection in
close proximity, land ownership boundaries and no suitable place for the construction of an
intake or powerhouse. In addition the topography of the steep sided valleys in the Caerphilly
area lends itself to steep watercourses with small catchment area which tend to yield an
output too small for a commercially viable hydro development
Of all the sites assessed three were progressed to the preliminary feasibility phase:
Gibbs Weir: a low head scheme located to the rear of the Caerphilly Council offices
Nant y Twyn: a medium/high head scheme located on agricultural land near Ystrad Mynach
Nant Twynyrharris: a medium head scheme located on agricultural land near Ystrad Mynach
Due to Gibbs Weir being removed by NRW a summary of the system sizing and financial
analysis for the remaining two sites are shown in Table 28 below.
Nant y Twyn Option 1 Nant y Twyn Option 2 Nant Twynyrharris
Gross head 30 m 47 m 22 m
Rated Flow 42 l/s 42 l/s 40 l/s
Turbine type
Pelton or Turgo Pelton or Turgo Pelton or Turgo
Rated capacity 8.5 kW 13.5 kW 6 kW
Annual energy yield 33,500 kWh 53,200 kWh 23,650 kWh
Annual CO
savings 17.6 tonnes 27.9 tonnes 12.4 tonnes
Capital Costs £88,000 £124,000 £65,000
Total Operating Costs £1,250 £1,250 £1,250
Table 28: Summary of 3 schemes taken to preliminary feasibility
In view of the above, the total potential installed capacity for the two remaining schemes is
0.0195 MW (taking the higher rated capacity option for Nant y Twyn and Nant Twynyrharris).
Annual Energy Output
The annual energy output, using the same formula as for other energy categories, is
0.0195 x 0.35
x 8,760 = 59.787 MWhe.
Comparison with Renewable Energy Baseline Assessment 2011
The annual energy output has decreased since the 2011 REBA due to the further
investigations made by appointed consultants for the Hydropower Feasibility Study in 2012.
The majority of sites were deemed unviable for reasons stated above.
2011 10,048 MWhe
2015 59.787 MWhe
Taken from 2013 figure for small scale hydro:
Project Sheet H - Building Integrated Renewables (BIR)
The Toolkit provides a simplified method of estimating the level of BIR uptake in Caerphilly.
It is based on scaling the uptake results for Pembrokeshire, for renewable energy BIR for
heat and electricity, on a pro-rata basis depending on the level of existing and projected new
build development in Caerphilly County Borough compared to that assumed for
Pembrokeshire (see section E2.3 of the Toolkit for further details).
BIR are taken to cover the following technologies:
Solar photovoltaic panels
Solar hot water panels
Micro building-mounted and small free
Standing wind turbines
Micro scale biomass heating
Ground source heat pumps
Air source heat pumps
This simplified method will only provide a rough estimate of the level of uptake in the area
and the results are for indicative purposes only. For a more accurate assessment, an
external consultant will need to be commissioned to carry out modelling of Caerphilly County
Borough.The results are presented in the tables below.
Table 29: Predicted level of BIR renewable electricity uptake by 2020
1 Existing dwellings and non-residential buildings
No. of existing dwellings in Pembrokeshire
No. of existing dwellings in Caerphilly
Calculate EDR (divide row 3 by row 2)
5 Predicted RE heat capacity for Pembrokeshire by 2020 9.9 MWt
Predicted RE heat capacity for Caerphilly by 2020 (multiply row 5 by row 4)
Future dwellings
8 No. of average net annual completions assumed for Pembrokeshire 585
No. of average net annual completions planned for Caerphilly
Calculate NDR (divide row 9 by row 8)
No. Units
1 Existing dwellings and non-residential buildings
2 No. of existing dwellings in Pembrokeshire
3 No. of existing dwellings in Caerphilly
4 Calculate EDR (divide row 3 by row 2)
5 Predicted RE electricity capacity for Pembrokeshire by 2020 4.2 MWe
Predicted RE electricity capacity for Caerphilly by 2020 (multiply row 5 by row
7 Future dwellings
8 No. of average net annual completions assumed for Pembrokeshire 585
9 No. of average net annual completions planned for Caerphilly
10 Calculate NDR (divide row 9 by row 8)
11 Predicted RE electricity capacity for Pembrokeshire by 2020
4.3 MWe
Predicted RE electricity capacity for Caerphilly by 2020 (multiply row 11 by row
13 Future non-residential buildings
Future new non-residential average annual new floor area assumed for
Pembrokeshire by 2020
56,000 m
Future new non-residential average annual new floor area estimated for your
LA by 2020
16 Calculate FNR (divide row 15 by row 14)
17 Predicted RE electricity capacity for Pembrokeshire by 2020
10.6 MWe
Predicted RE electricity capacity for Caerphilly by 2020 (multiply row 17 by row
Total predicted new BIR RE electricity capacity for Caerphilly by 2020 (sum of
rows 6, 12, 18)
20 Existing BIR RE electricity capacity in CCBC area
6.11 MWe
Total predicted new and existing BIR RE electricity capacity for Caerphilly by
2020 (row 19 plus row 20)
Predicted RE heat capacity for Pembrokeshire by 2020
4.3 MWt
Predicted RE heat capacity for Caerphilly by 2020 (multiply row 11 by row 10)
Future non-residential buildings
Future new non-residential average annual new floor area assumed for
Pembrokeshire by 2020
56,000 m2 GIFA
Future new non-residential average annual new floor area estimated for
Caerphilly by 2020
Calculate FNR (divide row 15 by row 14)
Predicted RE heat capacity for Pembrokeshire by 2020
1.23 MWt
Predicted RE heat capacity for Caerphilly by 2020 (multiply row 17 by row 16)
Total predicted new BIR RE heat capacity for Caerphilly by 2020 (sum of rows
6, 12, 18)
Existing BIR RE heat capacity in CCBC area
1.94 MWt
Total predicted new and existing BIR RE electricity capacity for Caerphilly by
2020 (row 19 plus row 20)
Table 30: Predicted level of BIR renewable heat uptake by 2020
Project Sheet G – Heat opportunities mapping
This component of the REBA considers some of the issues associated with mapping
opportunities for the utilisation of renewable and low carbon heat. The analysis of the extent
to which the utilisation of heat is viable, or likely to be viable, comprises a number of levels of
complexity ranging from:
Heat opportunities mapping
Developing an energy opportunities plan for DHNs
Assessing the technical and financial viability of DHNs
The reason for the different levels of complexity relates to the timing of where each level of
analysis should be employed. For instance, heat opportunities mapping provides sufficient
levels of detail for sieving candidate sites whereas, to set specific CO
reduction targets for
an identified strategic site or to set a policy requiring a developer to connect to a DHN,
requires in addition to the heat opportunities map, more detailed economic and technical
The issues, research and questions associated with this element of the evidence base are
as follows:
Why is it important to understand the nature of existing and future energy demand
and infrastructure?
Identifying the location of strategic new development sites
Where are the proposed strategic development sites in Caerphilly County Borough?
Identifying anchor heat loads (AHLs)
What and where are the key anchor ‘heat’ loads in Caerphilly County Borough?
Identifying off gas areas (OGAs)
Where are the areas not served by the gas mains network in the Caerphilly County
Mapping residential heat demand and density
What is the residential heat demand and density for Caerphilly County Borough?
Identifying areas of high fuel poverty
Where are the areas of fuel poverty in Caerphilly County Borough?
Identifying existing DH & CHP schemes and sources of waste heat
Where are the existing district heating and combines heat and power schemes and
sources of waste heat in Caerphilly County Borough?
Developing an Energy Opportunities Plan for DHNs
What is the nature of new development on proposed strategic sites in Caerphilly
County Borough?
What is the energy opportunities plan for an area / site in Caerphilly County
There are a number of reasons for identifying and understanding the nature of existing and
future energy demand and infrastructure:
Identification of public sector buildings to act as anchor ‘heat’ loads (AHLs)
To know the energy densities of particular areas. New CHP/District Heating
technology installations are more likely to be economically viable in areas of high
energy demand but can be more complex to install. This data assists with the
identification of sites with significant potential.
The proportions of the relative demand for electricity and heat are also useful
indicators as to what type of LZC technology might be appropriate in a particular
Areas of high density energy demand may not always present the greatest
opportunities. Energy density data needs to be combined with other data, such as the
nature of energy demand, the composition of building types and uses, the accessible
renewable energy resource, land and building ownership, existing infrastructure and
any proposed development in order to isolate the greatest opportunity: These
opportunities should also be reviewed against community priorities to align delivery to
local requirements.
Energy demand can be estimated from the types of proposed buildings, the quantity
of development and the energy efficiency level. Energy efficiency can reduce the
energy consumption, so it is important to estimate the future requirements in this
The locations of new development will be needed for assessments of strategic
Identifying the location of strategic new development sites
This element of the evidence base involved establishing the location of ‘strategic sites’. In
the Replacement LDP, there are two sites that qualify under the definition of strategic by
Local Authority definition.
These sites generally contain a mix of residential, employment and commercial uses and are
therefore considered to offer the best starting point for consideration of District Heat
The following strategic sites have been identified within the Replacement LDP. These sites
have been chosen as they are the largest development sites, that will bring about 600+
additional dwellings into the County Borough. These sites are:
Maesycwmmer Strategic Site
Caerphilly Urban Extension.
Ty Du Nelson extension.
Comprehensive GIS maps illustrating heat opportunities for each of the above strategic sites
are given at the end of this chapter.
Maesycwmmer Strategic Site
Maesycwmmer is a 226.25ha strategic development site south of Blackwood and west of
Ystrad Mynach which has been reserved primarily for residential homes, a new road, a
neighbourhood centre consisting of retail space and a primary school.
Caerphilly Urban Extension Strategic Site
This is a potential two site area of development that could include 500 homes plus 1ha of
employment land, and 2ha leisure for Ness Tar and 600 homes at Gwern Y Domen with
associated leisure and Mornington Meadows approximately 20ha of employment land. In
addition, it will deliver the first phase of the Caerphilly South East By-pass.
Ty Du Nelson Extension
This site is 29.7Ha in size, to the south of the settlement of Nelson. The site is proposed for
a mixed-use development comprising a housing development of 600 dwellings and 3.8 Ha of
employment land together with a proposed “car parking and share” scheme.
Identifying anchor “heat” loads (AHLs)
‘Anchor heat loads’ or ‘point loads’ (PLs) pertain to existing buildings with an energy demand
that could provide economically viable and practical opportunities for utilizing heat. It is
known as an ‘anchor’ load because further opportunities (e.g. from nearby buildings) may
arise for connecting nearby buildings to the original anchor load.
According to DECC
, the total heatload within Caerphilly County Borough can be split into
the following categories shown in table 31.
Sector Name Share Total KW
Communications and transport 0.05% 325 KW
Commercial Offices 0.6% 3,669 KW
Domestic 84.56% 515,381 KW
Education 1.28% 7,827 KW
Government Buildings 2.23% 13,621 KW
Hotels 1.13% 6,898 KW
Health 0.25% 1,525 KW
Other 0.88% 5,365 KW
Small Industrial 5.36% 32,677 KW
Prisons 0% 16 KW
Retail 1.54% 9,357 KW
Sports and Leisure 0.63% 3,855 KW
Warehouses 1.48% 8,997 KW
Total Heat Load in Caerphilly County Borough 609,513 KW
Table 31: Heatload Categories identified in DECC.
A ‘point load’ refers to a non-residential energy demand that can act as a base for a District
Heating (DH) scheme. Buildings that are located near to a point load (such as social
housing, etc.) and which may benefit from and contribute to the viability of DH schemes are
known as a ‘cluster’. A ‘cluster’ usually refers to a mix of social housing and non-residential
buildings which, together, represent opportunities due to their:
Complementary energy demand profile
Planned development programme
Commitment to reduce CO
The identification of PLs and clusters requires the mapping of:
Buildings owned by organisations with corporate climate change mitigation policies
and an active commitment to reducing their carbon footprint, and;
Planned new development / refurbishment by the ‘anchor heat load’ organisation.
New development is likely to be the catalyst for such change. CHP / DH schemes are
most cost-effective when installed as part of a new development rather than retro-
Social housing. Caerphilly County Borough Council and housing associations own
and manage social rented housing throughout the county borough. Due to the Welsh
Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) these organisations are tasked to improve their
housing stock to an acceptable level by 2020. This includes making sure homes are
adequately heated, fuel efficient and well insulated. The inclusion of such
developments in DH/CHP schemes often enhance the energy profile to provide
further evening, weekend and night time energy demands.
AHLs can help a CHP/DH schemes to become a realistic prospect and there are usually
particular conditions that need to be in place, such as planned new development and / or a
commercial building / group of buildings with a significant demand for heat and / or with an
energy profile suitable for the installation of a CHP unit.
Given the responsibilities placed upon LA’s and the public sector in general for driving the
climate change mitigation agenda, AHL’s are often provided by buildings such as council
administration centres, leisure buildings (particularly those with swimming pools) and
hospitals; although shopping arcades and precincts have also been utilised in this way.
When it is proposed that private commercial buildings provide an ‘AHL’ the issue of
‘ownership’ is not as significant as when residential units are proposed for this role. The
reason for this is that it is often impractical for developers to have to negotiate with many
individual private householders whereas social landlords can more readily act on behalf of
their tenants. The DECC website also indicates that there are no large AHL point sources
found within Caerphilly County Borough.
Table 32 below indicates key AHL associated with large strategic sites identified in the
Replacement LDP, and the opportunities presented with their development.5
Site Opportunities Assumed Connection
Amount of Development
Assumed Connection
Heat Load (kWh/yr)
New build housing 2,400 dwellings 21,253.54
New build employment -
Existing housing
(including social housing)
943 dwellings 9,020,738
Anchor Loads Potential Additional Primary School
Ysbyty Ystrad Fawr
Maesycwnmmer Community Centre
Maesycwmmer Primary
Social housing The Crescent/Hill view housing estate
Caerphilly SE Urban Extension
New build housing 1,400 dwellings 13,778,340
New build employment 3.3 Ha (totalling 8250sqm)*
Existing housing
(including social housing)
8959 dwellings (in Morgan Jones, St Martins
& St James ward)
Anchor loads St James Primary School
Van Community Centre
St Helen’s Catholic Primary
Site Opportunities Assumed Connection
Amount of Development
Assumed Connection
Heat Load (kWh/yr)
Social housing Lansbury Park
New build housing 600 Dwellings 5,876,000
New build employment 3.8 Ha (totalling 9500sqm)* 1,814,500
Existing housing
(including social housing)
1978 dwellings 18,921,548
Anchor loads -
Social housing
Table 32: Individual site opportunities
* Plot sizes calculated using DCLG ratio’s of 0.25 per 1 Ha.
Identifying off gas areas
Off site areas refer to those areas not served by the mains gas network with the result being
that many residents and, less often, businesses often utilise less economic and more
polluting fuels for heat and Domestic Hot Water (DHW). In the case of dwellings, this can be
a contributing factor to fuel poverty. There are several important reasons for identifying these
areas, namely;
- The use of fuels other than the natural gas for heat and DWH often incur additional
cost to the user. Whereas the economic case (at the time of writing) for the
installation of renewable heat energy technologies may not be particularly attractive
in relation to natural gas, these increased costs enable the development of a solid
business case for the installation of building integrated LZC technologies.
- The reason DH schemes are not developed in rural locations is often the same as
the reason why the gas network has not been extended – financial viability. It is the
case, however that rural housing can contribute to providing a useful energy demand
profile to counterbalance the energy demands of commercial organisation [daytime
requirement only’ that may have installed CHP or plant large enough to supply DH
- CHP /DH fired by alternative fuels such as waste or biomass are often located in
rural areas or on the urban fringe due to the same requirements necessitated by
storage and vehicle access. They also tend to be located on industrial estates which
offer opportunities to co-locate complementary businesses.
Information regarding the percentage of households that are not connected to the gas
network for Caerphilly County Borough have been obtained from the DECC Statistics
department, and is collated according to Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) information.
Mapping residential heat demand and density
A report for DECC suggests that DHNs are not feasible unless a heat demand is present or
at least 3MW/km. ‘Density’ of heat demand refers to kilowatt hour ([kWh]/square kilometre
[km2] of heat energy consumed in dwellings.
Information relating to heat densities can be used to inform:
- The identification of AHLs by providing, or adding to, a viable opportunity for the
introduction of renewable heat
- A mix of buildings and energy uses which, together, represent a potential
complementary energy demand profile (e.g. dwellings providing evening, weekend
and night time energy demands as opposed to the normal weekday energy demands
of commercial organisations).
- The identification of opportunities relating to social housing providers who are often
tasked with achieving greater than the minimum environmental performance
When allocating quantities of energy to dwellings or other types of buildings, it is useful to
check whether annual energy consumptions are above or below national average. Above
national average consumption may indicate lack of energy saving education or a higher
proportion of poorly insulated buildings, etc.
When allocating energy consumptions to buildings utilising Valuation Office Agency (VOA) or
Technical Memorandum (TM) 46 conversions used are average figures for particular
buildings assuming particular fuels are employed (e.g. natural gas is used for heating).
Outputs from this REA achieve greater accuracy and add considerable value to functionality
due to the age and type of buildings, particularly dwellings, being identified.
The importance of identifying residential heat demand and densities pertain to:
- The potential demand for heat in any one particular area
- Contributing to the identification of AHLs
- Feeding into the analysis of potential LZC solutions.
The results of analysis of space heating and domestic hot water demand by dwelling type in
Caerphilly County Borough Council local authority area are shown in the table below:
House Type
Solid Wall
Cavity Wall
(No Insulation)
Cavity Wall
(Filled) kW/y
Post 2002
30,466 26,464 19,516 13,037
20,132 19,654 13,416 9,566
12,656 9,004 7,743 3,988
11,267 11,006 8,183 7,692
Table 33: space heating and domestic demand by dwelling type in Caerphilly County Borough.
Identifying areas of high fuel poverty
Fuel poverty is a key concern of national governments and LA’s alike. LA’s, including
CCBC’s, produce reports relating to the number of people or households regarded as ‘fuel
poor’. Often, it is those living in rural parts of the UK who suffer disproportionately from fuel
poverty and this is attributable to a number of factors. For example, typically, wages are
lower than for those employed in more rural areas; there is often a higher proportion of
unemployed and fewer job opportunities, etc. A greater proportion of households are not
connected to mains services and pay higher prices for fuels such as Liquefied Petroleum
Gas (LPG) and heating old. The combination of factors means that energy bills can
constitute a greater proportion of the household costs than for many urban households.
A contributory factor of fuel poverty can also be the lack of energy infrastructure in rural
locations. Often gas networks have not been connected in very rural areas due to high
capital costs in relation to revenue generated. This means that residents of rural locations
are forced to seek alternatives to natural gas such as LPG, heating oil or some form of solid
fuel. The upside is that where installation of a renewable energy technology is considered in
This data has been modelled using the BRE Standard House Set data as contained in Annex 2 of
Renewable Heat Incentive: Consultation of the proposed RHI financial support scheme as well as the
Planning for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy – a Toolkit for Planners.
such locations, the economic payback and the potential CO2 reductions are proportionately
better than when considered against natural gas.
The inclusion of an analysis of fuel poverty in this REA will hopefully add value by assisting
CCBC in targeting of resources to address fuel poverty and this REA might be integrated
with other tools to assessing potentially effective ways of addressing the issue.
Map 6: Estimated fuel Poverty in the County Borough
Identifying existing DH and CHP schemes and sources of waste heat.
It is important to establish existing energy infrastructure as it may provide opportunities for
expanded connectivity or increased efficiency / viability. Identification of current utilisation of
renewable energy resources is covered by this Renewable Energy Assessment, including
the current proportion of potential area wide targets being met.
The identification of existing CHP has been achieved through analysis of the Ofgem
(Renewable Obligation Certificates) register and through discussion with relevant CCBC
officers (energy & planning). The extensive nature of District Heating schemes, and
industries which generate large amounts of waste heat, meant that LPA officers held the
details of the installations in the local authority area.
Name Energy Technology Fuel Source Capacity (MW)
Trecatti Electricity generator Landfill Gas 7.0
Tesco - Risca CHP Unknown 0.124
Risca Comprehensive
School & Leisure Centre
CHP Unknown 0.205
Greenhill Primary School CHP Unknown Unknown
St James Primary School CHP Unknown Unknown
Total - - 7.329
Table 34: Existing CHP or Sources of Waste Heat for Caerphilly County Borough
The utilisation of current sources of waste heat can provide opportunities to improve fuel
efficiency and secure CO
emission reductions. Extending existing infrastructure to
additional users can increase the viability of a particular scheme.
Developing an Energy Opportunities Plan for DHNs
The bringing together of the various data layers of heat opportunities described above,
together with the location of PCC strategic sites for new development, creates an ‘Energy
Opportunities Plan’.
A District Heating Network [DHN] is the term given to a system providing multiple individual
buildings with heat generated from a single source. The source is generally a building
known as an energy centre in which heat can either be generated from traditional fossil fuels
(from a boiler) or from a low carbon source such as biomass.
The practical realisation is a centrally located energy centre building transmitting heat (as hot
water) along buried pipes to a number of buildings in the local area. The pipes are known as
heat mains. The scale can be anywhere from a few blocks of flats to a significant proportion
of a city. A heat exchanger in each building is controlled and operated in the same way as
the gas boiler it replaces, and buildings can retain a conventional distribution system, such
as radiators.
Heat is sold to consumers in the same way that gas or electricity is sold traditionally, i.e. by
metering of end use and regular billing. This is combined with a service charge to cover
maintenance of the shared distribution system. Combined heat and power [CHP] is simply
where the energy centre produces heat as a by-product of electricity generation. The heat is
used to supply the DH network in the conventional way, whilst the electricity is either sold
locally or onto the wholesale electricity market. The heat from CHP units can also be used to
meet cooling demands via the use of absorption chillers. This can involve either a entralised
chiller, distributing “coolth” via a chilled water network, or decentralised absorption chillers in
individual buildings. This approach is sometimes referred to as “trigeneration” or CCHP
[Combined Cooling Heat and Power].
The method used to develop the ‘Energy Opportunities Plan’ is as detailed in Renewable
energy: A toolkit for planners’. Results of investigating key spatial opportunities for DHNs
at strategic sites are set out in maps 7 to 9.
Map 7
Map 8
Map 9
Should the sites be developed, the following graph indicates the space heating and domestic
hot water demand by dwelling type.
Graph 1: Heat demands from identified Strategic Sites.
Summary of heat opportunities
Using the above methodology the following heat opportunities have been identified for each
strategic site.
Maesycwmmer (DHN opportunity)
Caerphilly Urban Extension (DHN opportunity)
Maesycwmmer (DHN)
Key Opportunities
Potential AHL around St James’ Road and Maesycwmmer Primary School.
Opportunities to link in the close proximity of the site to Ysbyty Ystrad Fawr.
Opportunity to design in DHN with the proposed new residential development.
The Maecywmmer site is predominantly residential dwellings, which could use community
heating to meet heating and possibly cooling demands. The high heat demand area (LSOA
Caerphilly 012D) around St James’ Road is within close proximity to the strategic site. In
addition, Maesycwmmer primary school and the proposed additional education facility could
present a reasonable heat load with council control over heating requirement. There are also
areas to the far west and east of the site that are not currently connected to the gas network
which could potentially benefit from a DHS. .
Caerphilly Urban Extension (DHN)
Key Opportunities
Some potentially off gas areas along Rudry
Site has the potential to bring forward employment and residential units, both of
which could act as AHLs.
LSOA Caerphilly 022E (St James 3) to the west of the Gwern y Domen site is ranked
the most deprived LSOAs in Wales. This area is also an area of high heat demand.
The Caerphilly Urban Extension is predominantly residential dwellings, with employment and
leisure facilities incorporated. The high heat demand coupled with the high areas of fuel
poverty in St James Ward and the deprivation in Lansbury Park means that a DHN could
benefit the community in the area. There are also areas around the east of the site that are
not currently connected to the gas network. In addition, the two schools and community
centre could present a reasonable heat load with council control over heating requirement.
Nelson (DHN)
Key Opportunities
Potential AHL around Heol Islwyn and Llwyncwlyn housing estate where there is a
high heat demand.
Nelson is the smallest strategic site, which is located south of the A472 in Nelson, and will
be predominantly a residential site with some employment land. There are few opportunities
to link current heat loads into the system, however the size and scale of the proposed
development means that DHS should be investigated further.
Project Sheet K: Assessing Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Farm Resource
Photovoltaic (PV) solar cells/panels generate renewable electricity from the direct
conversion of solar irradiation. It is recognised as one of the key technologies in helping
to meet the UK target of 15% renewable energy from final consumption by 2020. In
2012, 84% of all new renewable installations across Wales were solar PV; this figure is
expected to increase due to high level interest in larger stand-alone installations.
DECC defines a “stand-alone” installation as a “solar photovoltaic electricity generating
facility that is not wired through a building, or if it is wired through a building, the building
does not have the ability to use 10% or more if its electricity generating on site”, typically
greater than 5MW.
As a relatively new phenomena, there is currently no standard agreed approach to
constraints mapping for Solar PV Farms. This section therefore provides a potential
approach on how to undertake a high level assessment of the potential solar resource
from ‘stand-alone’ PV farms in your local authority area.
Constraints mapping facilitates a visual representation of ‘usable’ land resource for
large-scale ‘stand-alone’ PV developments. This remaining area can then be assessed
to establish the potential installed capacity and electricity generation potential.
It is worth noting, detailed assessment of a particular site may reveal proposed
PV farm impacts to be manageable and to meet regulatory and policy
Conversely, land indicated as suitable through GIS mapping may prove to be
technically and/or financially unviable
It is not appropriate to consider all site level issues as part of this high level assessment
of potential resource. Other more detailed steps may be best assessed at the planning
application stage for an individual site. Such activities might include:
landscape sensitivity analysis (which has been conducted by Gillespies LLP and
is to be adopted as SPG in January 2016
distance to the nearest appropriate electricity grid connection, if electricity is to be
proximity to public rights of way, bridle ways.
Mapping the constraints for Solar PV farms.
In line with guidance contained in the Toolkit, the following constraints were mapped.
Built up areas and existing infrastructure (e.g. roads, rails and urban areas);
Location of woodland areas, rivers and lakes;
Natural environmental and heritage constraints including;
o Special Areas of Conservation (SAC), National Nature Reserves (NNR);
Local Nature Reserves (LNR), Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI);
Scheduled Ancient Monuments (SAMs).
Suitable slope and topography (at a 3 -15º that is not south-west to south east
facing, and anything above 15 º slope).
Supplementary Planning Guidance on ‘Smaller Scale Wind Turbine Developments: Landscape
Sensitivity and capacity study’ and ‘Planning Guidance for Smaller Scale Wind Turbine Development:
Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Requirements’.
Sites of 2.4 Ha (or 6 acres) or larger are required for any scheme to be financially
The toolkit infers that cumulative impact needs to be addressed. However, given that this
will include a composite landscape and sensitivity assessment for solar farms, this issue
will be dealt with by a Supplementary Planning Guidance document. This is to ensure
that the potential cumulative impacts on the landscape are continually monitored and are
addressed on a case by case basis.
A tabulated output of the five largest sites identified within the assessment can be seen
below, whilst the results of the mapping exercise can be seen in maps 10 and 11.
Please note that in this instance without consulting with the Welsh Government only land
of ALC Grade 5 (i.e. poorest quality) has been assumed suitable.
Potential solar PV
Area (acres)
Potential Capacity
Potential yearly
capacity (MWh)
1 618 103 90,219
2 390 65 56,963
3 603 100 87,968
4 385 64 56,210
5 221 37 32,267
TOTAL 2217 369 323,628
Table 35 Accessible solar PV resource output for Caerphilly County Borough.
Map 10 Map 11
However, table 36 provides an unrealistic assumption for solar farm potential across the
County Borough. Sheet K does not require local indicators or factors to be taken into
account, such as Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs), Special
Landscape Areas (SLAs) or Visually Important Local Landscape (VILLs). In addition, the
potential winning and workings of Nant Llesg open cast mine means that this area has
also been removed from the following table.
Potential solar PV
Area (acres)
Potential Capacity
Potential yearly
capacity (MWh)
1 618 103 90,219
2 221 37 32,266
3 149 25 21,754
4 124 21 18,104
5 97 16 14,162
1209 201 176,505
Table 36: Solar potential taking into account CCBC Constraints.
The work undertaken for this REBA indicates that, on current data, the potential exists to
generate just over 240,000 MWhe of electrical energy within the county borough, as well as
just over 97,500 MWht in terms of heat energy from wind, wood fuel and energy crops,
waste, anaerobic digestion and hydro. If the predicted BIR renewable energy electricity and
heat capacity is added together, for Caerphilly by 2020 to these figures it would result in a
potential generation of just over 91,000 MWhe and 75,000 MWht (for CHP) and 115,400
MWht (heat only).
Clearly, this position will be subject to change. The 2020 forecast may, and probably will,
alter over time, depending on a number of factors such as technological advances regarding
energy production and increased levels of efficiency in terms of its consumption. Likewise,
this will also impact upon the potential output that can be realised through renewable
It should also be borne in mind that the REBA undertaken here only takes account of certain
categories of renewable energy. Areas such as offshore wind power, which are regarded as
nationally important infrastructural projects and therefore fall outside the remit of local
authorities, have not been covered but will play a vital role in terms of the potential of
renewable sources across Wales as a whole.
Nevertheless, the work undertaken here provides a useful update to the Renewable Energy
Baseline, and suggests that there is an even greater scope for the Council to make best use
of its resources in line with those areas of policy formulation and service delivery for which it
is responsible.
Resource Summary Tables
Potential Resource Current installed capacity
Total (Potential &
MWe MWh/yr MWe MWh/yr MWe MWh/yr
230.2373 241,567 59.932 98,661 290.17 340,228
Local authority projected electricity demand in 2020 630,400
Percentage electricity demand in 2020 potentially met by renewable energy resource 47%
Table 37: Resource summary for potential renewable electricity in Caerphilly County Borough
Potential Resource Current installed capacity
Total (Potential &
MWt MWh/yr MWt MWh/yr MWt MWh/yr
Heat total
27.5542 or
61,238 (with
biomass CHP)
or 106,846 (with
biomass heat
4.91 8,613
32.4707 or
75,852 or
Local authority projected heat demand in 2020 1,407,900
Percentage heat demand in 2020 potentially met by renewable energy resource 5.4% or
Table 38: Resource summary for potential renewable heat in Caerphilly County Borough
Graph 2: Potential and existing renewable electricity for Caerphilly County Borough
Graph 3: Potential and existing renewable heat for Caerphilly County Borough
Appendix 1: Planning Applications relating to Renewable Energy technologies.
Address Application details Decision
19/12/2005 P/05/1706 Land At Dismantled Railway Adjacent Gelligaer
Common Fochriw Bargoed
Provide a clean source of electricity, erect two wind turbine
generators, an anemometer mast, sub-station and ancillary
Granted 16/08/2006
10/03/2008 08/0292/FULL Ty Siriol, Mynyddislwyn, Blackwood, NP12 2BG Erect wind generators for power supply to house and
swimming pool
Granted 09/02/2009
26/01/2009 09/0043/FULL Pen Yr Heol Las Farm Heol Las Energlyn Caerphilly Erect 5kW wind turbine with tower height of 12 metres Granted
now expired)
22/04/2009 5kW
1807/2011 11/0552/FULL Plateau 1 Oakdale Business Park, Lon Gellideg,
Oakdale Business Park, Oakdale
Erect 25 year operation of a wind energy development
comprising two wind turbines with a maximum overall height
(to vertical blade tip) of 130 metres, crane pads, control
building, underground electrical cables, on-site access
tracks to Lon Gellideg and Manmoel Road including
formation of new vehicular access to Manmoel Road, two
attenuation ponds and temporary works including a
construction storage compound
Granted 06/10/2011 10.9 GWh
25/07/2011 11/0575/FULL Pen Yr Heol Las Farm Heol Las Energlyn Caerphilly
CF83 2TT
Replace planning permission 09/0043/FULL for a 5 kwh
wind turbine with an application for a 500 kwh turbine (the
existing planning permission is for a turbine with a 12m
tower, this application is for a turbine with a 50m tower)
Withdrawn n/a 500KW
06/02/2012 12/0092/RET Penbeili Cottage Tydu Road Nelson Treharris CF46
Retain four wind turbines Refused 21/09/2012 700W
06/02/2012 12/0122/NCC Land At Dismantled Railway Adjacent To Gelligaer
Common Fochriw Bargoed
Vary Condition (1) of planning permission P/05/1706 to
extend timescale by six months for pre-commencement
conditions to be discharged in order to provide a clean
source of electricity, erect two wind turbine generators, an
anemometer AST, sub-station and ancillary works
Withdrawn n/a n/a
14/02/2012 12/0122/NCC Land At Dismantled Railway, Adjacent To Gelligaer
Common, Fochriw, Bargoed
Vary Condition (1) of planning permission P/05/1706 to
extend timescale by six months for pre-commencement
conditions to be discharged in order to provide a clean
source of electricity, erect two wind turbine generators, an
anemometer AST, sub-station and ancillary works
Withdrawn n/a n/a
19/10/2012 12/0753/FULL Pen-y-fan Ganol Farm Manmoel Blackwood NP12 0HZ Provide a single wind turbine (500kW) 50M hub height,
73.5m maximum tip of blade height) with associated
electrical infrastructure and crane hard standing
Granted 04/10/2013 500KW
06/12/2012 12/0875/FULL Land At Pen Yr Heol Las Farm
Heol Las, Energlyn, Caerphilly, CF83 2TT
Install one WTN 500kw wind turbine with an overall tip
height of 64m and associated temporary infrastructure
Appeal for non-
determination –
12/03/2014 500KW
Address Application details Decision
08/01/2013 13/0016/FULL Land North East Of Pen-y-fan Farm,
Pen-Y-Fan Farm Lane, Manmoel, Blackwood
Erect a single wind turbine with a maximum blade tip height
of up to 61 metres and associated infrastructure including
creating new access track (approx. 750m in length), a crane
pad (measuring approximately 20m by 22m) and an
equipment housing cabinet
Withdrawn n/a 330KW
21/01/2013 13/0053/FULL Cwmcaesingrug Farm, Mynyddislwyn Mountain Road
Mynyddislwyn, Blackwood
Erect two wind turbines Refused 11/07/2013 225KW
28/06/2013 13/0483/FULL Pen Bryn Oer Merthyr Road Rhymney Install three wind turbines and construct associated
infrastructure on land used for grazing, the maximum height
to blade tip of each turbine will be 110m above existing
ground level and infrastructure associated with the wind
turbines including on-site access tracks, lay-bys and turning
areas, with ditch culverts where required, permanent crane
hard standing areas and external switchgear buildings for
each turbine, a substation, underground on-site electrical
cabling and the creation of a temporary construction
compound and laydown area
Refused 10/04/2014 4.5MW
01/07/2013 13/0488/FULL Gelli-wen Farm, Bedwellty Road, Markham, Blackwood
NP12 0PP
Erect a single wind turbine, with a maximum blade to height
of 77 metres, along with accompanying access track, crane
hard standing, substation, associated underground cabling
and temporary construction compound
Granted 28/11/2013 500KW
01/08/2013 13/0582/FULL Bryn Ysgawen Farm, Mountain Road Maesycwmmer To
Machen, Ystrad Mynach, Hengoed
Erect single wind turbine, with a maximum blade tip height of
77m, along with accompanying access track, crane hard
standing, substation, associated underground cabling and
temporary construction compound
Granted 28/11/2013 500KW
18/10/2013 13/0762/FULL Land At Tir Ferch Gryno, Brithdir, New Tredegar Install a single small scale wind turbine (up to 35m blade tip
height) and associated infrastructure
Withdrawn n/a
25/11/2013 13/0824/FULL Land At Pen-y-fan Industrial Estate, Pen-y-fan, Newport
NP11 3XG
Erect a single 500kW wind turbine, access track and
associated transformer enclosure
30/09/2014 14/0622/FULL Pen Yr Heol Las Farm, Heol Las, Energlyn, Caerphilly Install 2 no 500kw wind turbines with overall tip height of
64m including temporary infrastructure
refused –
Appeal in
14/0704/FULL Bedlwyn Farm, Cefn-Rhychdir Road, Phillipstown, New
Erect a single wind turbine of max 86.5m to tip, along with
associated infrastructure including an
access track and electrical housing
Granted 11/03/2015 500kW
03/02/2015 15/0029/FULL Cefn-y-brithdir Farm Mountain Road Cefn-Y-Brithdir To
Tirphil Brithdir New
Tredegar NP24 6JZ
Erect (and operate) a single wind turbine up to 36.6m tip
height with electrical control
Address Application details Decision
24/02/2015 15/0097/FULL Land At Cefn Bach Farm Cefn Road Upper Deri
Bargoed CF81 9GW
Erect a single wind turbine with a maximum blade tip height
of up to 78 metres and associated infrastructure including
the installation of a new access track and upgraded access
track; a crane pad (measuring approximately 25m by 40m)
and a substation
12/05/2005 P/05/0683 107 Greenfield Street, New Tredegar, NP24 6LH Demolish garage and re-build, install solar power on roof Granted 20/07/2005
01/07/2009 09/0527/FULL Greenmeadow, Cefn Mably, Cardiff, CF3 6LP Erect stand alone solar photovoltaic (PV) electric
microgeneration unit
Granted 21/08/2009
21/02/2011 11/0134/FULL Twyn-Gwyn Farm, The Uplands, Newbridge NP11 4RW Create solar panel park Granted 14/04/2011
07/03/2011 11/0176/FULL Electronic Communications Installation, Ysgwydd Gwyn
Uchaf Farm, Bargoed, CF81 9JF
Install photovoltaic solar panel arrays, together with a
protective barrier and new stock proof fencing
Granted 16/05/2011
18/05/2011 11/0394/FULL United Welsh Housing Association, Y Borth, 13 Beddau
Way, Caerphilly
Fit solar photovoltaic panels to the south facing section of
the roof of the existing office
Granted 29/06/2011
07/09/2011 11/0692/FULL R B F Communication Limited, 25-26 Islwyn Workshops,
Pontymister Industrial Estate, Pontymister
Erect 120 photovoltaic panels on roof of existing industrial
Granted 25/10/2011
10/12/2013 13/0846/FULL Land At Hendai Farm,
Heol Adam, Gelligaer, Hengoed
Develop a solar photovoltaic farm with attendant equipment
and infrastructure
Granted 10/04/2014 13.8MW
03/03/2014 14/0118/FULL Brynteg, Pandy Lane, Llanbradach, Caerphilly Erect ground floor and first floor extension to provide a first
floor to the bungalow, change the use of 101 square metres
of pasture land to create a driveway, remove and replant 15
metres of hedgerow and install photovoltaic roof panels
Granted 11/09/2014
01/05/2014 14/0276/FULL Cwmcaesingrug Farm, Mynyddislwyn Mountain Road,
Mynyddislwyn, Blackwood, NP12 2BG
Provide photovoltaic solar park and ancillary infrastructure Granted 06/08/2014 10MW
05/11/2014 14/0455/FULL Darran Farm Argoed Blackwood Construct a ground-mounted solar PV generation project
and associated works
18/11/2014 14/0687/NCC Hendai Farm Heol Adam Gelligaer Hengoed CF82 8FU Vary condition 8 of planning consent 13/0846/FULL (Erect
solar photovoltaic farm with attendant equipment and
infrastructure) to optimise the land and improve the layout to
allow for a more efficient installation process
Granted 22/12/2014 N/A
07/10/2014 14/0652/NMA Cwmcaesingrug Farm Mynyddislwyn Mountain Road
Mynyddislwyn Blackwood
NP12 2BG
Provide minor amendments to the approved layout and
elevations approved under planning consent 14/0276/FULL
(Provide photovoltaic solar park and ancillary
Granted 09/10/2014 N/A
03/02/2015 15/0031/FULL Gelliargwellt Uchaf Farm Gelligaer Road Gelligaer
Hengoed CF82 8FY
Install 250kWp roof mounted solar PV system to be sited on
4 existing commercial shed roofs
02/06/2010 10/0382/FULL Nant Gwyddon Stream At, Duffryn Court, Abercarn,
Install a micro hydro electric power turbine in the Nant
Gwyddon Stream to provide sustainable energy off-set to
Phase 2 development of Duffryn Court
Granted 28/07/2010 0.005MW
Landfill gas
Address Application details Decision
26/10/1984 5/5/84/0641 Coates Brothers, Waterloo Works, Machen, Caerphilly Erection of a single storey building for compressor housing -
inert gas generation.
Granted 13/12/1984
20/05/1997 P/97/0450 Trecatti Landfill Site, Pant-Y-Waun, Merthyr Tydfil Install and operate landfill gas utilisation system for the
generation of electricity
Granted 24/07/1997 7.04MW
16/05/1999 P/99/0406 Tipping Site & Premises, Trehir Quarry, Llanbradach,
Install and operate an electricity generation project using an
engine/alternator set fuelled by landfill gas from Trehir
Landfill site
Granted 13/10/1999 1.26MW
21/02/2005 P/05/0250 Trecatti Landfill Site, Pant-Y-Waun, Merthyr Tydfil Extend existing gas compound Granted 22/04/2005
23/05/2006 P/06/0657 Trecatti Landfill Site, Pant-Y-Waun, Merthyr Tydfil Provide substation, switchroom, oil tanks, gas conditioning
equipment and lifting jib to the landfill gas compound
Granted 17/08/2006
06/08/2007 07/1027/FULL Trecatti Landfill Site, Pant-Y-Waun, Merthyr Tydfil Extend existing landfill gas compound (inc. 1 flare, 2
Generators, Gas Conditioning Unit and Site Office)
Granted 25/10/2007
05/12/2008 08/1318/FULL Trehir Landfill Site, Pandy Lane, Llanbradach, Caerphilly Install electricity generator plus ancillary equipment in a
fenced compound to recover and utilise landfill gas for the
generation of electricity
Granted 11/02/2009 1.26MW
29/05/2009 09/0442/FULL R F Brookes, Azalea Road, Rogerstone, Newport, NP10
Construct and operate an ancillary biogas energy recovery
Granted 24/07/2009
29/05/2009 09/0444/FULL Trehir Landfill Site, Pandy Lane, Llanbradach, Caerphilly Install electricity generator plus ancillary equipment in a
fenced compound to recover and utilise landfill gas from the
Trehir Landfill for the generation of electricity
Granted 22/07/2009 1.26MW
24/03/2010 10/0213/FULL Trehir Landfill Site, Pandy Lane, Llanbradach, Caerphilly Install an electricity generator plus ancillary equipment in a
fenced compound to recover and utilise landfill gas from the
Trehir Landfill for the generation of electricity
Granted 24/03/2010 1.26MW
Anaerobic Digestion
23/03/2011 11/0224/FULL Gelligaer Road, Gelligaer, Hengoed, CF82 8FY Erect building and tanks to incorporate anaerobic digestion
facility with associated plant, engineering and landscaping
Appeal allowed 28/03/2013 1.4MW
01/08/2012 12/0510/FULL Unit 6 Capital Valley Eco Park Rhymney Tredegar Operate a wood pellet production plant with associated
ancillary services (CHP plant) involving timber delivery,
handling and storage, wood processing, de-barking and
chipping, woodchip storage, pellet production, wet milling,
drying, dry milling, pelletising, pellet bagging (optional) and
pellet loading
Granted 05/12/2012
12/03/2013 13/0188/FULL Ysbyty Ystrad Fawr, Ystrad Fawr Way, Ystrad Mynach,
Replace two existing silos (for the storage of biomass) in
same site location as existing
Granted 03/06/2013
AAWS – Average annual wind speed
AGL – Above ground level
AHLs – Anchor Heat Loads
ASHP – Air source heat pump
BD - Biodegradable
BIR – Building integrated renewables
BRE – British Research Establishment
CCB – Caerphilly County Borough
CCBC – Caerphilly County Borough
CCHP – Combined Cooling Heat and
CF – Capacity Factor
CfD – Contracts for Difference
CFR – Central FiTs Register
CHP – Combined Heat and Power
– Carbon dioxide
CSCO – Carbon Savings Community
DECC – Department of Energy and
Climate Change
DHW – Domestic Hot Water
DH – District Heat
DHN – District Heat Network
EA – Environment Agency
ECO – Energy Companies Obligation
EfW – Energy from waste
ESCO – Energy Services Company
FiT – Feed-in Tariff
FUW – Farmers’ Union of Wales
GIS – Geographic Information System
GSHP – Ground source heat pump
Ha – Hectare
kg - Kilogram
kW - Kilowatt
LDP – Local Development Plan
LNR – Local Nature Reserves
LSOA – Lower Super Output Area
LZC – Low and zero carbon
MCS – Microgeneration Certification
MW – Megawatt
MWe – Megawatt electric
MWt – Megawatt thermal
e – Million metric tons of carbon
dioxide equivalent
NATS – National Air Traffic Service
NRW – Natural Resources Wales
ODT – Oven dry tonnes
OGA – Off gas areas
PPW – Planning Policy Wales
PV – Photovoltaic
REBA – Renewable Energy Baseline
RES – Renewable Energy Strategy
RHI – Renewable Heat Incentive
RHPP – Renewable Heat Premium
RO – Renewable Obligation
ROCs – Renewable Obligation Certificates
SAC – Special Areas of Conservation
SAM – Scheduled Ancient Monument
SSSI – Sites of Special Scientific Interest
TM – Technical Memorandum
UK – United Kingdom
WG – Welsh Government