Real Estate Academy Australia RTO 32 426
Student Handbook
Policies and Procedures for Students
Effective as of July 2019 V7
Real Estate Academy Australia RTO 32 426
Rights and Responsibility
The adult learning environment within the RTO encourages and supports the participation of people
from diverse backgrounds. The RTO’s aim is for each student to have an equal opportunity to learn in
a supportive environment.
Students' Rights
The RTO recognise that students have the right to:
Expect the RTO to provide training of a high quality that recognises and appreciates their
individual learning styles and needs;
Have access to all the RTO’s services regardless of educational background, gender, marital
status, sexual preference, race, colour, pregnancy, national origin, ethnic or socio-economic
background, physical or intellectual impairment, and religious or political affiliation;
Have their prior learning, acquired competencies, and experience appropriately recognised in
determining their requirements for training and assessment;
Be advised of the learning outcomes and prescribed assessment tasks for the training
program of their choice prior to its commencement;
Appeal for a review of the results of an assessment;
Expect to achieve the published learning outcomes from their training program, if they, in turn,
devote the necessary time and diligence to it;
Learn from fully qualified, competent and diligent trainers who observe their responsibility to
address students' learning needs, assist them to achieve the course outcomes, and assess
their students' work fairly;
Learn in an appropriately appointed, safe and clean learning environment, free of all forms of
harassment and discrimination;
Be treated with dignity and fairness;
Expect the RTO to be ethical and open in their dealings, their communications and their
Expect the RTO to observe their duty of care to them;
Efficient handling of administrative matters including the processing of fees, concessions,
refunds etc.;
Privacy and confidentiality, and secure storage of student records in accordance with the
RTO’s policies, to the extent permitted by law
Students' Responsibilities
Students are responsible for:
Understanding and accepting the enrolment conditions for the courses they
Providing accurate information about themselves at the time of enrolment, and to
advise the RTO of any personal information changes, including to their address or
phone numbers within seven days;
Paying of all fees and charges associated with their course;
Signing in and out when attending training;
Abiding by any dress code stipulated by the RTO;
Not cheating or plagiarising in course work / assessments submitted for assessment;
Recognising the rights of staff and other students to be treated with dignity and
fairness, and behaving in an appropriate and acceptable manner towards them;
Regular and punctual attendance;
Ensuring they attend classes sober and drug free, and smoke in designated areas;
The security of their personal possessions while attending a course;
Promptly reporting all incidents of harassment or injury to the CEO;
Respecting the RTO’s property and observing policy guidelines and instructions for
the use of equipment;
Seeking clarification of their rights and responsibilities when in doubt;
Asking for assistance and / or support when needed.
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Prior to enrolment, individuals are advised to check their eligibility for a licence or registration
certificate with the Office of Fair Trading.
The Office of Fair Trading’s suitability requirements address issues of age, criminal history,
bankruptcy and previous cancellations of licenses or registrations held.
Individuals are also advised to determine if their planned employment arrangements are
appropriate to the licence or registration category intended.
Access and Equity
Access and Equity policies are incorporated into operational procedures. The RTO prohibits
discrimination towards any group or individuals in any form, inclusive of:
Race, colour, nationality, ethnic or religious background
Marital status
Physical or intellectual or psychiatric disability
Homosexuality (male or female, actual or presumed)
The RTO encourages Students with diverse backgrounds and a genuine interest in expanding
their knowledge and skill to apply for admission into all courses.
Programs are designed and wherever possible, facilities set up to enhance flexibility of delivery
in order to maximise the opportunity for access and participation by disadvantaged people.
International Students
REAA is unable to accept any international students that hold a student visa to study in Australia.
Training Guarantee
The RTO guarantees once you have commenced your course, training / assessment will be
provided to allow you to complete the course.
Training that meets your needs
The RTO is committed to ensuring you receive training, assessment and support services that
meet your individual needs. To achieve this, we need to know what your needs are.
If you at any point through-out your course you require any assistance or support please
discuss these needs with the RTO staff and we will do our best to help. If you have any
special needs, including Language and Literacy, learning, mobility, visual impairment or
hearing please notify staff as soon as possible, preferably at the start of your course, to allow
us to cater for any of your needs. Should any additional support attract an additional cost this
will be payable by the student. If you do not tell us about any condition that may affect your
learning, we will not be able to assist you if the need arises. Any information you tell us in
relation to your needs will remain confidential and only used to support you.
Changes to Agreed Services
Where there are any changes to agreed services, the RTO will advise the learner, in writing as
soon as practicable, including in relation to any new third party arrangements or a change in
ownership or changes to existing third party arrangements.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
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From January 1st, 2015 if you are undertaking nationally recognised training delivered by an
RTO you will need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI).
You will be required to provide your USI to REAA.
To obtain your USI before attending the course please see and select create
your USI. To create your USI you will need one form of ID from the following; Driver’s Licence,
Medicare Card, Australian Passport, Visa (with Non-Australian Passport) for international
students, Birth Certificate (Australian) *please note a Birth Certificate extract is not sufficient,
Certificate Of Registration By Descent, Citizenship Certificate, ImmiCard.
Course duration
Please note that the course start date is from when the student activates their login and
accesses the course.
The time required to complete all assessments will vary student to
student, this will depend on individual experience and learning style. All courses must be
completed within the below mentioned timeframes from the start date of the course.
Residential Letting Agents Course: 6 months
Registration Certificate course: 6 months
Upgrade to Full Licence course: 12 months
Full Agent Licence course: 18 months
Registration Certificate course: 6 months
Upgrade to Certificate IV in Property Services (Real Estate) course: 24 months
Certificate IV in Property Services (Real Estate): 24 months
Agents Representative course: 6 months
Upgrade to Certificate IV in Property Services (Real Estate): 24 months
Certificate IV in Property Services (Real Estate): 24 months
Certificate IV in Business: 6 months
Certificate IV Finance and Mortgage Broking: 6 months
Course Extension Policy
If you are unable to complete your course in the timeframe allocated, you can apply for an extension
to REAA for an additional 6 months. Extensions are subject to REAA discretion.
To extend a Residential Letting Agents Course (QLD), Registration Certificate Course
(QLD/NSW) or Agents Representative Course (VIC) there will be a charge of $99 for an
additional 6 months access to your course.
To extend a Full Licence Course (QLD) , Upgrade to Full Licence Course (QLD), Certificate
IV in Property Services (NSW/VIC) or Upgrade to Certificate IV in Property Services
(NSW/VIC) there will be a charge of $199 for an additional 6 months access to your course.
Equipment required to complete this course
You will need the following to complete the course;
Computer (Mac or Windows based)
Internet access
Your Unique Student Identifier (USI)
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Adobe Reader 11
Video recording device i.e. phone/laptop (Role Play)
Complaints Policy
This policy and procedure is to provide clear and practical guidelines to ensure that
complaints and appeals lodged with the RTO can be resolved, equitably and efficiently, in
accordance with the principles of natural justice. The Complaints Policy is there to manage
and respond to allegations involving the conduct of the RTO, its trainers, assessors or other
staff, a third party providing services on the RTO’s behalf, its trainers, assessors or other staff
or student of the RTO.
The RTO acknowledges that a student, who has a complaint or appeal, has the right to raise the
complaint or appeal and expect that every effort will be made to resolve it in accordance with this
policy, without prejudice or fear of reprisal or victimisation. The student has the right to present
the complaint or appeal formally as well as in writing.
The RTO will manage all complaints and appeals fairly, equitably and efficiently as possible.
The RTO will encourage the parties to approach the complaint or appeal with an open mind and
to resolve problems through discussion and conciliation. Where a complaint or appeal cannot be
resolved through discussion and conciliation, the RTO acknowledges the need for an appropriate
external and independent person to mediate between the parties. The parties will be given the
opportunity to formally present their case to the independent person.
Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the process of making and resolving complaints.
The RTO seeks to protect the rights and privacy of all involved and to facilitate the return to a
comfortable and productive learning environment.
A copy of this Policy is available to all students and staff via the RTO and is available in the
Student Handbook. The information will also contain details of external authorities that they
may approach.
Where complaints or appeals have been received, RTOs must keep evidence of how the matter
was dealt with and the outcome (including the timeframes). The RTO will use this information
received via any complaint to review the RTO’s processes and practices to ensure the issue
doesn’t happen again.
Should a student have a complaint or appeal, the following steps are to be followed:
The Student should discuss the issue / complaint with the person involved to try and resolve it
If no resolution is reached, the student should discuss the issue / complaint with his
/ her trainer to see if it can be resolved.
If still no resolution can be reached, or the issue is not related to a fellow student or a trainer, the
student must put the following information relating to the complaint or appeal in writing using the
Complaints or Appeals Form.
A description of the complaint or appeal;
State whether they wish to formally present their case;
Steps taken thus far to deal with issue / complaint;
What outcomes they would like to fix the problem & prevent it from happening again.
If appropriate, the person making the complaint should bring the complaint or appeal to
the attention of the trainer within seven (7) days of the issue taking place.
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If the person making the complaint is not a student, but a staff member or a member of
the public, or if the complaint or appeal has not dealt with to the student’s satisfaction
within a seven (7) day period, they may bring it to the attention of the CEO.
The CEO will either deal with the issue personally or arrange for it to be dealt with by a
management representative. This process must commence within 48 hours from the time
the CEO, or their delegate, receives written notification from the person making the
complaint. A response / acknowledgment must be presented within 7 days.
The CEO / or Management Representative, must review the complaint and arrange a
time for all parties to formally present their side / version of events. This should be
arranged at separate times, ensuring neither party faces prejudice or fear of reprisal or
Once all parties have had a chance to present their information, the CEO / Management
Representative will provide a written response to all parties confirming the outcome of the
complaint within the 14-day period. Should the issue still not be resolved to the satisfaction of the
person making the complaint, the RTO will make arrangements for an independent external
person to resolve the issue. All parties will be given the opportunity to formally present their case.
The time frame for this process may vary but should take no longer than 14-days.
If any party is still not happy with external mediation, they may lodge a complaint via the National
Training Complaints Hotline on 13 38 73, or they may take their complaint to the Australian Skills
Quality Authority (ASQA) or other relevant body such as the relevant state department of Fair
For more information refer to the following links:
Where the RTO considers more than 60 calendar days are required to process and finalise the
complaint or appeal, the RTO will inform the complainant or appellant in writing, including
reasons why more than 60 calendar days are required, and regularly updates the complainant or
appellant on the progress of the matter.
All documentation relating to complaints or appeals will be securely archived either with the
student file or in the RTO’s document management system for audit purposes.
The RTO’s CEO will be person responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the policy.
Appeals against Assessment Grades
Students may appeal against a result shown on their student record / assessment and may lodge
their appeal as outlined above
Flexible Forms of Assessment
The RTO has facilities to provide flexible forms of assessment as required for Students in
proven extenuating circumstances. The student must apply in writing to the CEO with details
of the circumstances. The CEO will assess the application, and the student notified in writing.
Access to Students Records and Participation
The RTO is committed to providing you with accurate and current records of you participation
and progress. If at any point you wish to view your student file or discuss your progress in the
course, please arrange at time with your trainer or the CEO and they will be more the willing to
help you.
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Fees and Refund/Cancellation and Policy
All fees are to be paid at the specified time, as per the course information and can only be
paid by credit card. Tax invoices will be issued as required.
The RTO:
has appropriate safeguards and fair options in place for any monies paid in advance;
guarantees once you have commenced your training / assessment, you will be
provided with every opportunity to complete the course.
will, in the event that a course is cancelled, whilst in progress, due to circumstances
beyond its control, provide the student with a refund of fees on hold or offer to transfer
the student to another course.
will refund a pro rata proportion of any money paid by you and not yet used for the
delivery and assessment of the course, in the event we cancel or discontinue a
Students who have any queries regarding eligibility for refunds should contact the CEO in the
first instance.
Fees in Advance
In the case where a student wishes to pay more than the application fee with their enrolment
application, the amount will not exceed $1,500.00 prepaid fees.
Following course commencement, the RTO may require payment of additional fees in
advance from the student but only such that at any given time, the total amount required to be
paid which is attributable to tuition or other services yet to be delivered to the student does not
exceed $1,500.
The RTO has appropriate safeguards and fair options in place for any monies paid in advance
and that these funds are not used until courses and or units have commenced.
Refund Policy
Refund / Cancellation Policy
Registration Certificate Course and Agents Representative Course Cancellation / Refund Policy
1. Cancellations for contact course enrolments must be made in writing (letter/fax or email) at
least 14 days prior to commencement of training. In all cases a $250 administration fee will be
retained. Failure to give notice as per the above, will result in the full course fee being
charged. However, students will have the option of transferring to a class within 3 months free
of charge. Please note that should a student who has transferred under these conditions
subsequently cancel their course; no refund will be made. Further transfers of course start
dates will incur a $250 administration fee for each change.
2. There will be no refunds given for course cancellations less than 24 hours prior to
commencement of the course.
3. Cancellations for any online course enrolment must be made in writing or by email prior to
access of the online course. In all circumstances, a $250 administration fee will be charged.
No refunds will be issued once the course has been accessed.
4. No refunds, course transfers or cancelations applicable for discounted courses.
Full Licence, Upgrade to Full Licence, Certificate IV in Property Services and Upgrade to Certificate
IV in Property Services Course Cancellation / Refund Policy
1. Cancellations for contact course enrolments must be made in writing (letter/fax or email) at
least 14 days prior to commencement of training. In all cases a $500 administration fee will be
retained. Failure to give notice as per the above, will result in the full course fee being
charged. However, students will have the option of transferring to a class within 3 months free
Real Estate Academy Australia RTO 32 426
of charge. Please note that should a student who has transferred under these conditions
subsequently cancel their course; no refund will be made. Further transfers of course start
dates will incur a $250 administration fee for each change.
2. There will be no refunds given for course cancellations less than 24 hours prior to
commencement of the course.
3. No refunds, course transfers or cancelations applicable for discounted courses.
Certificate IV Finance and Mortgage Broking Course Cancellation / Refund Policy
1. Cancellations for any online course enrolment must be made in writing or by email prior to
access of the online course. In all circumstances, a $250 administration fee will be charged.
No refunds will be issued once the course has been accessed.
2. No refunds, course transfers or cancelations applicable for discounted courses.
Certificate IV In Finance Course Cancellation / Refund Policy
1. Cancellations for any online course enrolment must be made in writing or by email prior to
access of the online course. In all circumstances, a $500 administration fee will be charged.
No refunds will be issued once the course has been accessed.
2. No refunds, course transfers or cancelations applicable for discounted courses.
Credit for Prior Studies
Learners must not be required to repeat any unit or module in which they have already been
assessed as competent, unless a regulatory requirement or license condition (including industry
licensing schemes) requires this. Where a learner provides suitable evidence that they have
successfully completed a unit or module at any RTO, the RTO must provide credit for that unit or
module. In some cases, licensing or regulatory requirements may prevent a unit or module being
awarded through a credit process.
Credit must be granted not only for studies completed at an RTO, but at any authorised
issuing organisation, such as a university. In such cases, an analysis as to the equivalence of
the study completed with the relevant unit/s or module/s would need to be completed before
any credit could be granted.
The RTO is not obliged to issue a qualification or statement of attainment that is achieved
wholly through recognition of units and/or modules completed at another RTO or RTOs.
Before providing credit on the basis of a qualification, statement of attainment or record of
results, you should authenticate the information in the document (e.g. by contacting the
organisation that issued the document and confirming the content is valid).
Note that providing credit for previous studies is not a recognition of prior learning (RPL)
process. RPL is a form of assessment of the competence of a person, while providing credit is
recognising the equivalence of studies previously undertaken and completed successfully.
If an applicant wishes to apply for recognition for the qualification that they have received from
another RTO, they must present the original for sighting or provide a certified copy of the
certificate with their enrolment.
The RTO must then verify the certificate to ensure its legitimacy and currency. The RTO will
write on the copy of the certificate the date and person they spoke to when verifying the
qualification. The outcome of the application will then be communicated to the applicant.
Administrative Contacts
Occasionally Students may need to consult the Trainers and or the CEO with comments,
Real Estate Academy Australia RTO 32 426
questions, suggestions or other matters. In order that we may better assist our Students, we
suggest, that the student speak with his/her trainer, or the CEO.
The trainer can often assist with any individual subject problems a student may encounter.
The trainer can only
comment on his/her subject not on other subjects. The following
suggestions may also be of assistance. Read all the information contained in this book
thoroughly. If the required information is not found in the "Policies and Procedures for
Students” refer the question to the Trainer or CEO.
Change of Name/Address/Telephone Number
Upon change of name, address or telephone number, you are required to notify the RTO with
the relevant information. The change must be advised in writing stating the previous address,
the new address.
No responsibility will be accepted by the RTO for failure to follow the above procedure.
Assessment Results
Students are notified of assessment results by the Assessor at the end of each unit.
Assessment results will not be given to anybody other than, you, the trainer and or CEO
without your prior permission. No assessment results are issued or discussed over the
Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism Policy
Academic misconduct or plagiarism occurs when a student reproduces someone else’s words,
ideas, or findings and present them as their own without proper acknowledgment. It includes
attempts by students to cheat or act dishonestly in an examination, test, assignment, essay, or
any other assessment task.
There are many forms of academic misconduct or plagiarism, including the following:
Direct copying of sentences, paragraphs or other extracts from someone else’s
published work (including on the Internet and in software) without acknowledging
the source;
Paraphrasing someone else’s words without acknowledging the source;
Using facts and information derived from a source without acknowledging the
Using ideas directly derived from an identifiable author without acknowledging the
Producing assignments that should be their own independent work in collaboration
with and/or using the work of other people (e.g. a student or tutor);
Using the work of other members of a group project without acknowledging who
contributed the work;
Copying from another student’s and / or their work;
Submitting someone else's work as their own;
Using a diagram from another text or the Internet as a basis for your diagram
without acknowledging the source;
Taking statistics from another source and using them in a new table or figure
without acknowledgement;
Buying an essay from the Internet or another student and submitting it as their own
Making up fake quotes or sources.
Students who are found cheating or guilty of plagiarism in any form of assessment will be
Not Yet Competent
for the relevant Unit of Competency on confirmation of the
breach. All confirmed cases of cheating or plagiarism these are recorded on the student’s file.
Students will be disciplined as per the Students Disciplinary Policy.
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Students found cheating will receive a formal written warning from the CEO advising that a
second breach will result in the student being asked to leave to course with no refund.
Student Disciplinary Policy
The student disciplinary policy exists for the proper management of disciplinary issues.
The policy is designed to ensure fairness and objectivity and its primary function is not
intended as a form of punishment but as a means of providing students with the opportunity to
correct or modify their behaviour.
The RTO seeks to promote an environment in which students develop a positive and
responsible attitude towards fellow students, staff and the general work / learning
When a student’s behaviour conflicts with the Student Code of Conduct, disciplinary action will
be taken according to the following process:
Initially, the trainer will discuss the behaviour in question with the student and add a
note to the students file.
If the behaviour continues to be unacceptable the trainer arranges a meeting with the
CEO, or their delegate to discuss the issue.
Details of all disciplinary warnings and/or interviews will be recorded using the
communication log of the Student Database System.
The CEO, or their delegate, counsels the student on possible consequences of
breaching the Student Code of Conduct.
If necessary, an action plan may be implemented for the student to abide by in cases
deemed necessary by the CEO, or their delegate.
Further disciplinary problems will be addressed by the CEO, or their delegate, in
consultation with the trainer.
An official warning letter will be issued by the CEO, or their delegate.
The RTO reserves the right to expel students immediately depending upon the
seriousness of the misconduct.
Work Health and Safety Procedures
The Organisation realises its responsibilities to Students to ensure a safe and healthy
academic and working environment. The Organisation operates according to appropriate
Work Health and Safety standards and procedures. First aid kits are located in the offices of
the RTO.
Legislation in relation to your study
As a student at the RTO you are required to know about your rights and responsibility in relation
to various Act and Regulations that may impact on your study.
A Legislative Summary document is available from the CEO should you wish to read it.
This is called the Legislative Summary QLD V1.0.
There are certain bits of legislation that you need to make yourself aware of during your
course. These are (but not limited to):
Commonwealth Legislation:
National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 / Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000
Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act 1984
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Commonwealth Racial Discrimination Act 1975
Commonwealth Age Discrimination Act 2004
Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Copies of all legislation may be viewed and download copies off the internet at
VET Quality Framework
The vocational education and training (VET) Quality Framework is aimed at achieving greater
national consistency in the way providers are registered and monitored and in how standards in
the vocational education and training (VET) sector are enforced.
The VET Quality Framework comprises:
the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015
the Fit and Proper Person Requirements
the Financial Viability Risk Assessment Requirements
the Data Provision Requirements, and
the Australian Qualifications Framework.
Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015
The Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 are the standards ASQA uses to
ensure nationally consistent, high-quality training and assessment across Australia's VET
system. Compliance with the standards is a requirement for all ASQA registered training
The objectives of the Standards are to ensure nationally consistent, high-quality training and
assessment services for the clients of Australia’s vocational education and training (VET)
The Standards form part of the VET Quality Framework. As defined in section 3 of the Act, the
VET Quality Framework is comprised of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations
2015, the Australian Qualifications Framework, the Fit and Proper Person Requirements, the
Financial Viability Risk Assessment Requirements and the Data Provision Requirements.
Paragraph 191A(1)(a) of the Act enables the Standards to incorporate the following documents
as they exist from time to time:
Australian Qualifications Framework, as published on
Training Packages, as published on
Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo Specifications, as published on
Compliance with the Standards is a condition for all ASQA Registered Training Organisations
and for applicants seeking registration under the Act.
In accordance with subsections 15(b) and 15(c) of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003 the
repeal of the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations 2011 (F2011L01356)
does not effect the previous operation of the former instrument or provision or anything duly
done or suffered under the former instrument or provision or any right, privilege, obligation or
liability acquired, accrued or incurred under the instrument or provision.
Fit and Proper Person Requirements
The Fit and Proper Person Requirements are designed to ensure that key registered training
organisation (RTO) personnel have the characteristics and principles necessary to ensure the
delivery of high-quality services and outcomes for VET graduates.
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These requirements are set to protect and inspire confidence in the VET system, and to
safeguard Australia’s reputation as a premier provider of VET (both locally and
The Fit and Proper Person Requirements determine standards of behaviour by individuals who
are in a position to influence an RTO's management.
Learn more: Frequently asked questionsFit and Proper Person requirements
Financial Viability Risk Assessment Requirements
The Financial Viability Risk Assessment Requirements ensure that organisations can
demonstrate their financial viability to deliver high-quality training to VET students.
More on meeting your financial viability requirements
Data Provision Requirements
The Data Provision Requirements 2012 ensure RTOs provide ASQA with a range of accurate
and complete data about their business and operations.
These requirements allow ASQA to identify trends and risks within the industry, and to further
monitor and improve Australia's word-class VET system.
The Data Provision Requirements also ensure ASQA has a record of all student records,
qualifications and statements of attainment.
Australian Qualifications Framework
The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) establishes the quality of Australian
The AQF is the national policy for regulated qualifications in the Australian education and
training system. It incorporates the quality assured qualifications from each education and
training sector into a single comprehensive national qualifications framework.
Understand the requirements of the AQF: the AQF Second Edition January 2013 provides the
complete set of AQF policies and objectives and information about the governing and monitoring
arrangements for the AQF. Implementation arrangements for the revised AQF are also included.