Accelerated Real Estate Licensing Course
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Our Accelerated Real Estate Licensing Program is the vehicle to drive
your real estate career further.
Accelerated Licensing Program
The Accelerated Licensing Program is a six day workshop aimed at fast
tracking your real estate licensing course. The Certicate IV in Property
Services (Real Estate) fulls the educational requirements necessary to
obtain your real estate licence. The workshops cover key information
from each of the licensing units of study with much of the assessment
conducted during class.
The program outline is as follows:
Day 1 - Business Management
Day 2 - Trust Accounting
Attendance at all workshops is compulsory (regardless of your RPL status).
Who Should Enrol?
Anyone who holds a current Certicate of Registration and has relevant
real estate experience. This program is designed for:
Property managers
Course Assessment
Due to the interactive nature of the workshops, the number of take home
assessments is greatly reduced. Much of the assessment is conducted
during the workshops including the practical trust accounting assessment.
Remaining assessments can be done at your own pace, as we allow up to
12 months to complete all course work.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
This course allows for your experience to be recognised through our RPL
process. The application process is included in the cost of the course.
If granted exemptions you will not be required to complete any written
assessments for the applicable units.
Days 3 & 4 - Property Sales
Days 5 & 6 - Property Management
Oce managers
Real estate related services
Course Information
Visit for all future course dates dates, locations
and times.
Self Study Options
If you have not previously worked in real estate or cannot attend our
accelerated program, complete your real estate licence through our
self study folders or E-Learning options. You can still apply for RPL and
complete the course in your own time. Contact us for details.
Enrol Now!
Complete the enclosed enrolment form or enrol online to reserve your place
in the Accelerated Real Estate Licensing Program. For further information
please contact us on 1300 380 800 or visit our website.
Industry experienced trainer
Interactive format
Reduced assessment
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Real Coach 2014 All Rights Reserved
Real Estate Licensing
Course Information
In completing the CPP40307 Certicate IV in Property Services
(Real Estate) you must demonstrate competency in the 21 units
summarised below.
Business Management
BSBRKG304B Maintain business records
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge
necessary to maintain the records of a business in proper order on a day to
day basis. At the time of endorsement, there were no licensing, legislative,
regulatory or certication requirements applying to this unit.
BSBSBM406A Manage nances
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge
necessary to implement, monitor and review strategies for the ongoing
management of the nances of a small business. It also includes the daily
and ongoing nancial management of a small business and any specic
legal requirements that may apply to its management.
CPPDSM4006A Establish and manage agency trust accounts
This unit of competency species the outcomes required to establish
and manage trust accounts in an agency context. It includes reviewing
agency accounts in order to comply with trust accounting requirements,
establishing and managing trust accounts, maintaining appropriate
records of trust transactions, and monitoring and reviewing trust accounts.
BSBLED401A Develop teams and individuals
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge
required to determine individual and team development needs and to
facilitate the development of the workgroup. Learned skills will be applied
to meet team objectives.
CPPDSM4009B Interpret legislation to complete agency work
This unit of competency species the outcomes necessary to source
and interpret legislation that aects real estate operations. It includes
identifying and applying statutory interpretation techniques, identifying
and tracking changes to relevant legislation and industry codes of conduct
and the maintenance of appropriate records.
CPPDSM4015B Minimise agency and consumer risk
This unit of competency species the outcomes required to minimise risk
to all aspects of agency business and to consumers. It includes identifying
potential risks to the agency and its clients, analysing the causes and
potential impact of risks, and the implementation of agency policies and
procedures in order to minimise risks to the agency and consumers.
Property Services
CPPDSM4005A Establish and build client-agency relationships
This unit of competency species the outcomes required to establish,
maintain and expand agency-client relationships to support the attainment
of core agency business goals. It includes communicating eectively
with clients, implementing the agency’s approach to client service and
agency-client relationship management strategies, implementing personal
marketing strategies, and building ongoing relationships with clients.
CPPDSM4056A Manage conict and disputes in the property industry
This unit of competency species the outcomes required to use
communication techniques to manage and resolve conict and disputes
in the property industry. It requires the ability to assess conict or dispute
situations, accurately receive and relay information, adapt interpersonal
styles and techniques to varying social and cultural environments, and
evaluate responses.
CPPDSM4003A Appraise property
This unit of competency species the outcomes required to appraise
the sale price range or rental value of all forms of property for listing
purposes in line with client instructions, agency practice and legislative
requirements. It includes researching the property, selecting appropriate
methods to appraise the sale price range or rental value of property and
preparing reports on the property appraisal. It does not address the formal
valuation of property.
CPPDSM4017A Negotiate eectively in property transactions
This unit of competency species the outcomes required to manage
eective negotiations in relation to the sale, lease or management of
property. It includes establishing the needs and expectations of relevant
parties, negotiating to achieve desired outcomes and managing potential
and real disputes between parties.
Property Management
CPPDSM4011A List property for lease
This unit of competency species the outcomes required to list all types
of property and businesses for lease. It includes implementing procedures
for promoting an agency’s property management services, establishing
client requirements, planning and delivering property listing presentations,
nalising listings for the lease of property, and recording and acting on
client instructions. This unit does not address listings for property sales
or the actual marketing or lease or the property under an agency contract.
CPPDSM4013A Market property for lease
This unit of competency species the outcomes required to market all
types of property and businesses for lease. It includes planning, developing
a marketing plan, preparing marketing materials, implementing marketing
activities, and reviewing and reporting on marketing plans and activities.
CPPDSM4010A Lease property
This unit of competency species the outcomes required to administer
the leasing of all types of property. It includes screening tenant enquiries,
conducting inspections, obtaining and reviewing tenancy applications,
completing tenancy agreements or lease documentation, placing tenants
in properties, and recording tenancy arrangements.
CPPDSM4016A Monitor and manage lease or tenancy agreement
This unit of competency species the outcomes required to manage
properties during the term of leases or tenancy agreements. It includes
implementing the conditions of leases and tenancy agreements,
responding to requests from tenants and landlords and managing the
renewal and termination of leases and tenancy agreements.
CPPDSM4049A Implement maintenance plan for managed properties
This unit of competency species the outcomes required to develop
and implement a maintenance plan for all types of managed properties.
It includes determining property maintenance requirements, establishing
aproperty maintenance plan, establishing and maintaining a key register,
monitoring the security of managed properties and implementing and
reviewing the property maintenance plan.
CPPDSM4020A Present at tribunals
This unit of competency species the outcomes required to appear
eectively before a tribunal. It includes preparing for tribunal hearings,
using appropriate tribunal etiquette, acting as a witness, participating in
conciliation hearings and presenting a case.
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Real Coach 2014 All Rights Reserved
Real Estate Licensing
Course Information
CPPDSM4012A List property for sale
This unit of competency species the outcomes required to list all types
of property and businesses for sale. It includes prospecting for listings,
establishing client requirements, planning and delivering property listing
presentations, nalising listings for the sale of property and recording
and acting on client instructions. This unit does not address listings for
property management or the actual marketing or sale of property under
an agency contract.
CPPDSM4014A Market property for sale
This unit of competency species the outcomes required to market all
types of property and businesses for sale. It includes planning and
developing a marketing plan, preparing marketing material, implementing
marketing activities, and reviewing and reporting on marketing plans and
CPPDSM4022A Sell and nalise the sale of property by private treaty
This unit of competency species the outcomes required to sell and nalise
the sale of all types of property by private treaty. It includes qualifying
buyers, arranging for potential buyers to inspect listed properties,
delivering eective sales presentations, submitting oers and negotiating
property sales with sellers and buyers and maintaining communications
with sellers and prospective buyers. It also includes monitoring the process
between exchange of contract and settlement for all types of property and
businesses and preparing documentation for agency disbursements. This
unit does not include the sale of property by auction.
CPPDSM4019A Prepare for auction and complete sale
This unit of competency species the outcomes required to prepare for an
auction and complete the sale of property. It includes implementing the
auction marketing plan, preparing auction documentation, conrmingthe
reserve price with the seller, planning and implementing auction day
procedures, and completing follow up procedures after the auction
sale. The outcomes required to conduct an auction are addressed in
CPPDSM4004A Conduct Auction.
CPPDSM4001A Act as a buyer’s agent
This unit of competency species the outcomes required to act as a buyer’s
agent and represent buyers in the purchase of properties. It includes
establishing buyer requirements, conrming buyer engagement of the
agency, sourcing properties that meet buyer requirements, negotiating the
purchase of property on behalf of the buyer, monitoring settlement of the
sale and maintaining communication with sellers and buyers.
Students will be required to demonstrate their competency by answering
a series of questions relating to the material supplied in each unit. These
questions will require specied types of answers such as short form, point
form, multiple choice, true or false, case studies and completion of forms
and templates.
Submitting Assessments
When completed, assessments should be submitted to Real Coach for
marking. All work submitted must be typed or neatly handwritten. Illegible
work will not be accepted. Assessments must be mailed or emailed. It is
advised that students photocopy all documents prior to posting, as work
that has been assessed as competent will not be returned to students.
Students have two options for marking:
1) Standard marking – this is included in the course fee. Assessments will
be processed within 21 days of receipt;
2) Fast marking - an additional fee will be charged for assessments to be
processed within 5 days of receipt.
Deadlines & Extensions
All assessments must be completed and submitted within twelve (12)
months from the date of purchase. Students may apply for a three (3)
month extension however this will incur an additional fee of $200.00.
Extensions may only be granted once and must be applied for before
the deadline for completion, otherwise re-enrolment in the course will be
Recognition of Prior Learning
We recognises that students will have acquired vocational skills from a
variety of dierent sources, other than formal training. These skills are
valid, irrespective of how they were acquired. Participants who believe
they already have skills and knowledge that are covered in this course
should apply at the time of enrolment to have these skills and knowledge
assessed thus reducing their study time. To apply for Recognition of Prior
Learning students will be required to complete an application form and
submit all relevant documentation in support of their claim for exemption
from any specied units. The application form can be obtained by calling
us on 1300 380 800.
We oer all students tutorial support via email and phone. If assistance is
required with any part of this course students may lodge a support request
via the support section of our website; email [email protected] or
via our oce on 1300 380 800 during business hours.
Terms & Conditions / Student Handbook
By enrolling in the NSW Real Estate Licensing course students are
accepting our terms and conditions outlined in the student handbook
which is available at Below is a brief summary of our policies.
Refunds - No refunds will be given once the course has been purchased.
We takes no responsibility for damage to the course once purchased.
More Information
For further information please contact us on 1300 380 800 or
Call us on
1300 380 800
visit our website:
Enrol Now
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Real Coach 2014 All Rights Reserved
Enrolment Form
Title Mr Mrs Miss Ms
Gender Male Female
Date of Birth / /
Given Names Family Name (surname)
Residential Address Suburb
Postal Address/PO Box
State Postcode
Suburb State Postcode
Suburb State Postcode
Telephone Fax
Card Holder’s Name
Signature Date
Telephone / Mobile Email Address
Office Name Mailing Address
Ray White Oce Information
Personal Information
Choose Your Course & Preferred Learning Option
Payment Information
Office Use Student #
Photo ID
Visa Mastercard American Express
Card Number
CVNExpiry Date
Cheque / Money Order
Please make payable to Real Coach Pty Ltd
Direct Deposit
Please make payable to Real Coach Pty Ltd
Account Name: Real Coach Pty Ltd
BSB: 012-341 Account Number: 491099518
Ref: Your Surname
Tax Invoice
Real Coach Pty Ltd
ABN: 25 106 635 189
When submitted with
payment this form
constitutes a tax invoice.
1300 380 800
Certicate of Registration Course
E-Learning Self Study
Item Code Price Item Code Price
CORC/RPL $ Postage & Handling $ 22.00
Postage & Handling $ 11.00 Total $
Total $
Real Coach - Terms and Conditions
By completing this form you are accepting Real Coach’s terms and conditions outlined in student handbook which is available at Below is a brief summary of our key terms and conditions, for
a full explanation of the terms and conditions please refer to the student handbook. E-Learning/Self Study - No refunds or transfers will be given once the course has been purchased.
Accelerated Licensing course - No refunds or transfers will be granted within 5 business days of course being held. Prior to this, refunds/transfers will only be given if received in writing and will incur administration fees.
Accelerated Licensing Course
Seminar Location
Seminar Date
Total $
NSW Real Estate Licensing Course
E-Learning Self Study
Item Code Price Item Code Price
Postage & Handling
Postage & Handling
$ 22.00
Total $ Total $
Please Note - Self Study material is delivered via courier to a street address only (not a PO Box). Please
allow 1 - 3 business days for delivery. Courier has authority to leave at address if premises is unattended
at time of delivery. Real Coach takes no responsibility for any damage to the course once purchased or
loss caused if unattended.
Select Delivery Address for course material:
Agency Other please specify below
Alternate Address:
All payments must be accompanied by a
completed Enrolment Form. Please send via:
Fax: 1300 724 089
Post: PO Box 2532, Taren Point NSW 2229
The 3 digit code on the back of your card or
the 4 digit code on the front of your Amex
Postal Address: same as residential address, otherwise complete below
Correspondence Mailing Address Please tick preferred mailing address:
Personal Postal Agency
(AMEX incurs 3% surcharge)
Language, Literacy and Cultural Diversity
Other, please specify
Real Estate Experience
Study Reason
How Did You Hear About Us ?
Terms and Conditions student handbook is located at or call 1300 380 800 to obtain a copy
Do you hold or have you held a Certificate of Registration Real Estate License Previously held
Have you successfully completed any of the following qualifications? Bachelor / High school degree Advanced Diploma / Associate Degree
Diploma (or associate diploma) Certificate IV (or Advanced Certificate) Certificate III (or trade certificate) Certificate I Certificate other than above
Current Office of Fair Trading Number
Expiry Date
/ /
Which category best describes the main reason for undertaking this education and training? To get a job To develop my existing business
Other, please specify
To start my own business To try for a different career To get a better job promotion It was a requirement of my job
I wanted extra skills for my job To get into another course of study For personal interest or self development
Do you speak a language at home OTHER than English? No - English only Yes, please specify
How well do you speak English? Very well Well Not well Not at all
Are you currently working in Real Estate? Yes No
Are you wishing to apply for Recognition of prior learning (RPL) ? Yes No Unsure - Please contact
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? No Yes, Aboriginal Yes, Torres Strait Islander
How do you rate your ability to read English? Very well Well Not well Not at all
How do you rate your ability to work with numbers? Very well Well Not well Not at all
Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment or long-term condition? Yes No
If YES then please indicate the areas of disability, impairment or long-term condition Hearing/Deafness Physical Intellectual
Acquired brain impairment Learning Vision Mental illness Medical Condition Other
Self Employed (not employing others) Unemployed (seeking F/T work) Unemployed (seeking P/T work) Unemployed (not seeking employment)
Which category best describes your current employment status? Full time (F/T) Part Time (P/T) Employer
Are you still attending Secondary School? Yes No If not in which year did you complete that level of schooling?
In which country were you born? Australia Other, please specify
The course requires a certain level of reading and numeracy skills to obtain this qualification. Real Estate as an industry requires a minimum understanding of English as all forms and
contracts must be completed in English. Due to this our course material is only provided in English and all assessments are to be completed in English.
What is the highest level of school completed? Year 12 or equivalent Year 11 or equivalent Year 10 or equivalent
Year 9 or equivalent Year 8 or equivalent Never attended school
The information provided will remain private and condential. The student handbook includes information relating to your rights and obligations as a student with Real Coach, and also the training,
assessment & support services provided by Real Coach. I have read and accepted the terms and conditions of the fees and refund policy and the information described in the student handbook.
I give permission for Real Coach to discuss my training progress and result with my employer (if applicable), ASQA, Department of Education and other relevant parties if deemed necessary by
Real Coach. I acknowledge that I have read the above and understand the information provided. I conrm that this information that I have supplied is true and correct.
Indicate number of years experience 0-6 months 1-2 years 2-5 years 5+ years
1300 380 800
As per a government requirement, you will need to supply photo identification (Drivers Licence/Passport) as a part of your enrolment. We are unable to issue
Qualifications/Certification until we receive your identification.
You can submit your identification simply by visiting and uploading an image at or email to
[email protected] Files accepted (png, jpg, jpeg, tif or gif). Please refer to our website for further instructions or contact our office on 1300 380 800.
Existing Client Employer Email Marketing Mail Marketing Newsletter Fax
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