Users Guide
DG1000Z Series Function/Arbitrary
Waveform Generator
Oct. 2013
RIGOL Technologies, Inc.
DG1000Z Users Guide I
Guaranty and Declaration
© 2013 RIGOL Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Trademark Information
RIGOL is a registered trademark of RIGOL Technologies, Inc.
Publication Number
RIGOL products are protected by patent law in and outside of P.R.C.
RIGOL reserves the right to modify or change parts of or all the specifications
and pricing policies at company’s sole decision.
Information in this publication replaces all previously corresponding material.
RIGOL shall not be liable for losses caused by either incidental or consequential
in connection with the furnishing, use or performance of this manual as well as
any information contained.
Any part of this document is forbidden to be copied or photocopied or
rearranged without prior written approval of RIGOL.
Product Certification
RIGOL guarantees this product conforms to the national and industrial standards in
China as well as the ISO9001:2008 standard and the ISO14001:2004 standard.
Other international standard conformance certification is in progress.
Contact Us
If you have any problem or requirement when using our products or this manual,
please contact RIGOL.
E-mail: service@rigol.com
Websites: www.rigol.com
II DG1000Z Users Guide
Safety Requirement
General Safety Summary
Please review the following safety precautions carefully before putting the
instrument into operation so as to avoid any personal injury or damage to the
instrument and any product connected to it. To prevent potential hazards, please use
the instrument only specified by this manual.
Use Proper Power Cord.
Only the power cord designed for the
instrument and authorized for use
within the local country could be used.
Ground The Instrument.
The instrument is grounded through the
Protective Earth lead of the power cord.
To avoid electric shock, it is essential to
connect the earth terminal of power
cord to the Protective Earth terminal
before any inputs or outputs.
Connect the Probe Correctly.
If a probe is used, do not connect the
ground lead to high voltage since it has
the isobaric electric potential as ground.
Observe All Terminal Ratings.
To avoid fire or shock hazard, observe
all ratings and markers on the
instrument and check your manual for
more information about ratings before
Use Proper Overvoltage
Make sure that no overvoltage (such as
that caused by a thunderstorm) can
reach the product, or else the operator
might expose to danger of electrical
Do Not Operate Without Covers.
Do not operate the instrument with
covers or panels removed.
Do Not Insert Anything into the
Holes of Fan.
Do not insert anything into the holes of
the fan to avoid damaging the
Use Proper Fuse.
Please use the specified fuses.
Avoid Circuit or Wire Exposure.
Do not touch exposed junctions and
components when the unit is powered.
Do Not Operate With Suspected
If you suspect damage occurs to the
instrument, have it inspected by
qualified service personnel before
further operations. Any maintenance,
adjustment or replacement especially to
circuits or accessories must be
performed by RIGOL authorized
Keep Well Ventilation.
Inadequate ventilation may cause
increasing of temperature or damages
to the device. So please keep well
ventilated and inspect the intake and
fan regularly.
Do Not Operate in Wet Conditions.
In order to avoid short circuiting to the
DG1000Z Users Guide III
interior of the device or electric shock,
please do not operate in a humid
Do Not Operate in an Explosive
In order to avoid damages to the device
or personal injuries, it is important to
operate the device away from an
explosive atmosphere.
Keep Product Surfaces Clean and
To avoid the influence of dust and/or
moisture in air, please keep the surface
of device clean and dry.
Electrostatic Prevention.
Operate in an electrostatic discharge
protective area environment to avoid
damages induced by static discharges.
Always ground both the internal and
external conductors of the cable to
release static before connecting.
Proper Use of Battery.
If a battery is supplied, it must not be
exposed to high temperature or in
contact with fire. Keep it out of the
reach of children. Improper change of
battery (note: lithium battery) may
cause explosion. Use RIGOL specified
battery only.
Handling Safety.
Please handle with care during
transportation to avoid damages to
buttons, knob interfaces and other parts
on the panels.
IV DG1000Z Users Guide
Safety Terms and Symbols
Terms Used in this Manual. These terms may appear in this manual:
Warning statements indicate the conditions or practices that could result in
injury or loss of life.
Caution statements indicate the conditions or practices that could result in
damage to this product or other property.
Terms Used on the Product. These terms may appear on the Product:
DANGER indicates an injury or hazard may immediately happen.
WARNING indicates an injury or hazard may be accessible potentially.
CAUTION indicates potential damage to the instrument or other property might
Symbols Used on the Product. These symbols may appear on the product:
DG1000Z Users Guide V
Allgemeine Sicherheits Informationen
Überprüfen Sie diefolgenden Sicherheitshinweise
sorgfältigumPersonenschädenoderSchäden am Gerätundan damit verbundenen
weiteren Gerätenzu vermeiden.Zur Vermeidung vonGefahren, nutzen Sie bitte das
Gerät nur so, wiein diesem Handbuchangegeben.
Um Feuer oder Verletzungen zu
vermeiden, verwenden Sie ein
ordnungsgemäßes Netzkabel
Verwenden Sie für dieses Gerät nur das
für ihr Land zugelassene und
genehmigte Netzkabel.
Erden des Gerätes
Das Gerät ist durch den Schutzleiter im
Netzkabel geerdet. Um Gefahren durch
elektrischen Schlag zu vermeiden, ist es
unerlässlich, die Erdung durchzuführen.
Erst dann dürfen weitere Ein- oder
Ausgänge verbunden werden.
Anschluss einesTastkopfes
Die Erdungsklemmen der Sonden
sindauf dem gleichen Spannungspegel
des Instruments geerdet. SchließenSie
die Erdungsklemmen an keine hohe
Spannung an.
Beachten Sie alle Anschlüsse
Zur Vermeidung von Feuer oder
Stromschlag, beachten Sie alle
Bemerkungen und Markierungen auf
dem Instrument. Befolgen Sie die
Bedienungsanleitung für weitere
Informationen, bevor Sie weitere
Anschlüsse an das Instrument legen.
Verwenden Sie einen geeigneten
Stellen Sie sicher, daß keinerlei
Überspannung (wie z.B. durch Gewitter
verursacht) das Gerät erreichen kann.
Andernfallsbestehtfür den Anwender
die GefahreinesStromschlages.
Nicht ohne Abdeckung einschalten
Betreiben Sie das Gerät nicht mit
entfernten Gehäuse-Abdeckungen.
Betreiben Sie das Gerät nicht
Der Betrieb mit offenen oder entfernten
Gehäuseteilen ist nicht zulässig. Nichts
in entsprechende Öffnungen stecken
(Lüfter z.B.)
Passende Sicherung verwenden
Setzen Sie nur die
spezifikationsgemäßen Sicherungen
Vermeiden Sie ungeschützte
Berühren Sie keine unisolierten
Verbindungen oder Baugruppen,
während das Gerät in Betrieb ist.
Betreiben Sie das Gerät nicht im
Wenn Sie am Gerät einen Defekt
vermuten, sorgen Sie dafür, bevor Sie
das Gerät wieder betreiben, dass eine
Untersuchung durch qualifiziertes
Kundendienstpersonal durchgeführt
wird.Jedwede Wartung, Einstellarbeiten
oder Austausch von Teilen am Gerät,
sowie am Zubehör dürfen nur von
RIGOL autorisiertem Personal
durchgeführt werden.
VI DG1000Z Users Guide
Belüftung sicherstellen
Unzureichende Belüftung kann zu
Temperaturanstiegen und somit zu
thermischen Schäden am Gerät führen.
Stellen Sie deswegen die Belüftung
sicher und kontrollieren regelmäßig
Lüfter und Belüftungsöffnungen.
Nicht in feuchter Umgebung
Zur Vermeidung von Kurzschluß im
Geräteinneren und Stromschlag
betreiben Sie das Gerät bitte niemals in
feuchter Umgebung.
Nicht in explosiver Atmosphäre
Zur Vermeidung von Personen- und
Sachschäden ist es unumgänglich, das
Gerät ausschließlich fernab jedweder
explosiven Atmosphäre zu betreiben.
Geräteoberflächen sauber und
trocken halten
Um den Einfluß von Staub und
Feuchtigkeit aus der Luft
auszuschließen, halten Sie bitte die
Geräteoberflächen sauber und trocken.
Schutz gegen elektrostatische
Entladung (ESD)
Sorgen Sie für eine elektrostatisch
geschützte Umgebung, um somit
Schäden und Funktionsstörungen durch
ESD zu vermeiden. Erden Sie vor dem
Anschluß immer Innen- und Außenleiter
der Verbindungsleitung, um statische
Aufladung zu entladen.
Die richtige Verwendung desAkku.
Wenneine Batterieverwendet wird,
vermeiden Sie hohe Temperaturen bzw.
Feuer ausgesetzt werden.Bewahren Sie
es außerhalbder Reichweitevon Kindern
e)kann zu einer Explosion führen.
VerwendenSie nur von
Sicherer Transport
Transportieren Sie das Gerät sorgfältig
(Verpackung!), um Schäden an
Bedienelementen, Anschlüssen und
anderen Teilen zu vermeiden.
DG1000Z Users Guide VII
Sicherheits Begriffe und Symbole
Begriffe in diesem Guide. Diese Begriffe können in diesem Handbuch
Die Kennzeichnung WARNING beschreibt Gefahrenquellen die leibliche
Schäden oder den Tod von Personen zur Folge haben können.
Die Kennzeichnung Caution (Vorsicht) beschreibt Gefahrenquellen die
Schäden am Gerät hervorrufen können.
Begriffe auf dem Produkt. Diese Bedingungen können auf dem Produkt
weist auf eine Verletzung oder Gefährdung hin,
die sofort geschehen kann.
weist auf eine Verletzung oder Gefährdung hin,
die möglicherweise nicht sofort geschehen.
bedeutet, dass eine mögliche Beschädigung
des Instruments oder anderer Gegenstände
auftreten kann.
Symbole auf dem Produkt. Diese Symbole können auf dem Produkt
Schutz-erde Gehäusemasse Erde
VIII DG1000Z Users Guide
General Care and Cleaning
General Care:
Do not store or leave the instrument in where the instrument will be exposed to
direct sunlight for long periods of time.
Clean the instrument regularly according to its operating conditions. To clean the
exterior surface, perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect the instrument from all power sources.
2. Clean the loose dust on the outside of the instrument with a lint- free cloth (with
a mild detergent or water). When cleaning the LCD, take care to avoid scarifying
have causticity.
completely dry before reconnecting to a power source.
DG1000Z Users Guide IX
Environmental Considerations
The following symbol indicates that this product complies with the requirements in
WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC.
Product End-of-Life Handling
The equipment may contain substances that could be harmful to the environment or
human health. In order to avoid release of such substances into the environment and
harm to human health, we encourage you to recycle this product in an appropriate
system that will ensure that most of the materials are reused or recycled
appropriately. Please contact your local authorities for disposal or recycling
X DG1000Z Users Guide
DG1000Z Series Overview
DG1000Z Series is a multifunctional generator that combines many functions in one,
including Function Generator, Arbitrary Waveform Generator, Noise Generator, Pulse
Generator, Harmonics Generator, Analog/Digital Modulator and Counter. As a
multi-functional, high performance, high cost-effective and portable generator, it will
be a new selection in education, R&D, production, test, etc.
Main Features:
Maximum output frequency (Sine): 30MHz and 60MHz
Innovative SiFi (Signal Fidelity): generate the arbitrary waveform point by point,
undistortedly restore signal, precisely adjustable sample rate and low jitter
(down to 200ps) for all waveforms including Square, Pulse and etc.
Arbitrary waveform memory for each channel: 8Mpts (standard), 16Mpts
Standard dual full functional channels which are equivalent to two independent
±1ppm frequency stability, -125dBc/Hz phase noise
Built-in 8 orders harmonics generator
Built-in 7 digits/s full function frequency counter with 200MHz bandwidth
Up to 160 built-in waveforms encompassing common signals in various fields
including Engineering, Medical Electronics, Automotive Electronics, Mathematics
and etc.
200MSa/s sample rate, 14bits vertical resolution
Standard powerful arbitrary waveform editing function.
Users can also edit
arbitrary waveform using PC software
Various modulation functions: AM, FM, PM, ASK, FSK, PSK and PWM
Standard waveform summing function. When it is enabled, you can superpose
specified waveform onto basic waveform before output
Standard channel tracking function. When it is enabled,
all parameters of dual
channels can be modified synchronously according to user’s requirements
Standard interfaces: USB Host, USB Device, LAN (LXI Core Device 2011)
3.5 inches (320*240) color display
Portable design, only weight 3.5kg
DG1000Z Users Guide XI
Document Overview
Subjects in this Manual
Chapter 1 Quick Start
Briefly introduces the appearance and
dimensions, front/rear panel and user interface
of DG1000Z.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
Introduce the main functions and operation
methods of DG1000Z.
Chapter 3 Remote Control Briefly introduce how to control the DG1000Z
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting List the possible failures or problems and their
solutions when using DG1000Z.
Chapter 5 Specifications
Provide the specifications of DG1000Z series.
Chapter 6 Appendix Provide the information about the options and
accessories list as well as warranty information
of DG1000Z.
Format Conventions in this Manual
1. Button:
The button at the front panel is denoted by the format of Text Box + Button
Name (Bold)in the manual, for example, Sine.
2. Menu:
The menu is denoted by the format of Character Shading + Menu Word (Bold)
in the manual, for example, Freq.
3. Connector:
The connector at the front or rear panel is denoted by the format of Square
Brackets+Connector Name (Bold)in the manual, for example, [Counter].
4. Operation Steps:
The next step of the operation is denoted by an arrow in the manual. For
example, Sine Freq represents pressing Sine at the front panel and then
pressing Freq.
XII DG1000Z Users Guide
Content Conventions in this Manual
1. DG1000Z series function/arbitrary waveform generator includes DG1032Z and
DG1062Z. In this manual, DG1062Z is taken as an example to introduce the
operating method of the generator.
Max. Frequency
DG1032Z 2 30MHz
2. Both models of DG1000Z series function/arbitrary waveform generator are
equipped with dual channels (CH1 and CH2). Unless otherwise specified, this
manual takes CH1 as an example to introduce the operation methods which are
also applied to CH2.
Manuals of this Product
The manuals of this product mainly include the quick guide, user’s guide,
programming guide and data sheet. For the newest version of the desired manual,
download it from the RIGOL website (www.rigol.com).
DG1000Z Users Guide XIII
Guaranty and Declaration ......................................................................... I
Safety Requirement ................................................................................ II
General Safety Summary ........................................................................... II
Safety Terms and Symbols ....................................................................... IV
Allgemeine Sicherheits Informationen ......................................................... V
Sicherheits Begriffe und Symbole ............................................................. VII
General Care and Cleaning ..................................................................... VIII
Environmental Considerations ................................................................... IX
DG1000Z Series Overview ........................................................................ X
Document Overview ............................................................................... XI
Chapter 1 Quick Start ......................................................................... 1-1
General Inspection ................................................................................ 1-2
To Adjust the Handle ............................................................................. 1-3
Appearance and Dimensions ................................................................... 1-4
Front Panel Overview ............................................................................. 1-5
Rear Panel Overview ............................................................................. 1-11
Power On and Inspection ...................................................................... 1-14
To Connect to Power ...................................................................... 1-14
Power-on ...................................................................................... 1-14
To Set the System Language ........................................................... 1-15
User Interface ...................................................................................... 1-16
Dual Channels Parameters Mode ..................................................... 1-16
Dual Channels Graph Mode ............................................................. 1-19
Single Channel View Mode .............................................................. 1-19
To Use the Built-in Help System ............................................................. 1-20
Rack Mount Kit Installation (Option) ....................................................... 1-21
To Install Single Instrument ............................................................ 1-21
To Install Dual Instruments ............................................................. 1-26
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations ...................................................... 2-1
To Output Basic Waveform ..................................................................... 2-2
To Select Output Channel ................................................................ 2-2
To Select Basic Waveform ................................................................ 2-3
To Set Frequency/Period .................................................................. 2-4
To Set Amplitude/High Level ............................................................ 2-5
To Set Offset/Low Level ................................................................... 2-7
To Set Start Phase .......................................................................... 2-8
Align Phase .................................................................................... 2-9
To Set Duty Cycle (Square) ............................................................. 2-10
To Set Symmetry (Ramp) ................................................................ 2-11
To Set Pulse Width/Duty Cycle (Pulse) ............................................. 2-12
XIV DG1000Z Users Guide
To Set Leading/Trailing Edge Time (Pulse) ........................................ 2-13
To Enable Output ........................................................................... 2-14
Example: To Output Sine Waveform ................................................ 2-15
To Output Arbitrary Waveform ............................................................... 2-17
To Enable Arbitrary Waveform ......................................................... 2-17
Output Mode and Sample Rate ....................................................... 2-18
To Select Arbitrary Waveform .......................................................... 2-19
To Edit Arbitrary Waveform ............................................................. 2-26
To Output Harmonic ............................................................................. 2-30
Overview ...................................................................................... 2-30
To Set Fundamental Waveform Parameters ...................................... 2-31
To Set Harmonic Order ................................................................... 2-31
To Select Harmonic Type ................................................................ 2-31
To Set Harmonic Amplitude............................................................. 2-32
To Set Harmonic Phase .................................................................. 2-32
Example: To Output Harmonic ........................................................ 2-33
Modulation .......................................................................................... 2-35
Amplitude Modulation (AM) ............................................................ 2-35
Frequency Modulation (FM) ............................................................ 2-39
Phase Modulation (PM) .................................................................. 2-42
Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) .......................................................... 2-45
Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) .......................................................... 2-48
Phase Shift Keying (PSK) ................................................................ 2-51
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) ....................................................... 2-54
Sweep................................................................................................. 2-57
To Enable Sweep Function .............................................................. 2-57
Start Frequency and Stop Frequency ............................................... 2-57
Center Frequency and Frequency Span ............................................ 2-58
Sweep Type .................................................................................. 2-59
Sweep Time .................................................................................. 2-60
Return Time .................................................................................. 2-60
Mark Frequency ............................................................................. 2-61
Start Hold ..................................................................................... 2-61
Stop Hold ..................................................................................... 2-62
Sweep Trigger Source .................................................................... 2-62
Burst .................................................................................................. 2-65
To Enable Burst Function ................................................................ 2-65
Burst Type .................................................................................... 2-65
Burst Period .................................................................................. 2-67
Gated Polarity ............................................................................... 2-67
Burst Delay ................................................................................... 2-68
Burst Trigger Source ...................................................................... 2-68
Counter ............................................................................................... 2-70
To Enable the Counter .................................................................... 2-70
To Set the Counter ......................................................................... 2-71
Store and Recall ................................................................................... 2-74
DG1000Z Users Guide XV
Storage System ............................................................................. 2-74
File Type ....................................................................................... 2-75
Browser Type ................................................................................ 2-77
File Operation ................................................................................ 2-77
Seamless Interconnection with Oscilloscope ..................................... 2-81
Utility and System Settings .................................................................... 2-83
Channel Set................................................................................... 2-84
Coupling Set .................................................................................. 2-90
Channel Copy ................................................................................ 2-93
Restore Default .............................................................................. 2-94
To Set System Languege ................................................................ 2-99
System Information ........................................................................ 2-99
System Set .................................................................................. 2-100
I/O Configuration ......................................................................... 2-103
Print Set ..................................................................................... 2-108
Test/Calibration............................................................................ 2-108
To Use External Power Amplifier (Option) ....................................... 2-109
Chapter 3 Remote Control .................................................................. 3-1
Remote Control via USB ......................................................................... 3-2
Remote Control via LAN ......................................................................... 3-5
Remote Control via GPIB (Option) ........................................................... 3-8
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting ................................................................. 4-1
Chapter 5 Specifications ..................................................................... 5-1
Chapter 6 Appendix ............................................................................ 6-1
Appendix A: Accessories and Options ...................................................... 6-1
Appendix B: Specifications of Power Amplifier .......................................... 6-2
Appendix C: Warranty ............................................................................ 6-4
Index ....................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 1-1
Chapter 1 Quick Start
This chapter briefly introduces the appearance and dimensions, front/rear panel and
user interface of DG1000Z as well as how to install the instrument into standard
Subjects in this chapter:
General Inspection
To Adjust the Handle
Appearance and Dimensions
Front Panel Overview
Rear Panel Overview
Power On and Inspection
User Interface
To Use the Built-in Help System
Rack Mount Kit Installation (Option)
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
1-2 DG1000Z Users Guide
General Inspection
1. Inspect the shipping container for damage.
Keep the damaged shipping container or cushioning material until the contents
of the shipment have been checked for completeness and the instrument has
passed both electrical and mechanical test.
The consigner or carrier shall be liable for the damage to instrument resulting
from shipment. RIGOL would not be responsible for free maintenance/rework
or replacement of the unit.
2. Inspect the instrument.
In case of any mechanical damage or defect, or if the instrument does not
operate properly or pass the electrical and mechanical tests, contact your local
sales representative of RIGOL.
3. Check the accessories.
Please check the accessories according to the packing lists. If the accessories
are incomplete or damaged, please contact your RIGOL sales representative.
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 1-3
To Adjust the Handle
To adjust the handle, please hold the handle by sides of the instrument and pull it
outward, and then rotate the handle to the desired position (as shown in the figure
Adjusting the Handle
Viewing Positions Move Position
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
1-4 DG1000Z Users Guide
Appearance and Dimensions
Front View Unit: mm
Side View Unit: mm
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 1-5
Front Panel Overview
The front panel of DG1000Z is shown below. Click the numbers in the figure to view
the corresponding description.
16 15 14 13 12 11 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Figure 1-1 Front Panel
1. Power Key
The power key is used to turn the generator on or off.
2. USB Host
Support USB storage device, RIGOL TMC digital oscilloscope (DS), power
amplifier (PA) and USB to GPIB interface converter (Option).
USB storage device: read the waveform or state files saved in the USB
storage device or store the current instrument states or edited waveform
data into the USB storage device. In additional, the content displayed on
the screen also can be saved as a picture file (*.Bmp) into the USB storage
TMC DS: seamlessly interconnect with the RIGOL DS that meets the TMC
standard. Read and store the waveform data collected by the DS and rebuilt
waveform losslessly.
PA (option): support the RIGOL power amplifier (such as PA1011). You
can configure it online and the signal is outputted after whose power is
USB to GPIB interface converter (Option): expand the GPIB interface for
RIGOL instrument with USB Host interface but without GPIB interface.
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
1-6 DG1000Z Users Guide
3. Page Up/Down
Open the next page of the current function menu or return to the first page.
4. Return to the Previous Menu
Exit the current menu and return to the previous menu.
5. CH1 Output Connector
BNC connector with 50Ω nominal output impedance.
When Output1 is enabled (the backlight turns on), this connector outputs
waveform according to the current configuration of CH1.
6. CH2 Output Connector
BNC connector with 50Ω nominal output impedance.
When Output2 is enabled (the backlight turns on), this connector outputs
waveform according to the current configuration of CH2.
7. Channels Control Area
It is used to control the output of CH1.
Press this key to open the output of CH1, the backlight turns
on and the [CH1] connector outputs the waveform
according to the current configuration of CH1.
Press this key again to close the output of CH1 and the
backlight turns off.
It is used to control the output of CH2.
Press this key to open the output of CH2, the backlight turns
on and the [CH2] connector outputs the waveform
according to the current configuration of CH2.
Press this key again to close the output of CH2 and the
backlight turns off.
It is used to switch the current selected channel between CH1
and CH2.
Overvoltage protection of the output channels of CH1 and CH2 will take
effect once any of the following conditions is met. When the overvoltage
protection takes effect, the prompt message will be displayed on the
screen and the output will be disabled.
The amplitude setting in the generator is greater than 2Vpp or the
output offset is greater than |2V
|, the input voltage is greater than
±11.5×(1±5%)V (<10kHz).
The amplitude setting in the generator is lower than or equal to
2Vpp or the output offset is lower than or equal to |2V
|, the input
voltage is greater than ±3.5×(1±5%)V (<10kHz).
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 1-7
8. Input Connector for the Signal Measured by Counter
BNC connector with 1MΩ input impedance. It is used to accept the signal
measured by the counter.
To avoid damages to the instrument, the input signal voltage can not
9. Counter
It is used to turn the counter on or off.
Press this key to turn the counter on, the backlight turns on and the
indicator at the left of Counter blinks.
Press this key again to turn the counter off and the backlight turns off.
Note: the sync signal of CH2 will be disabled if the counter is turned on and it
will be enabled after the counter is turned off.
10. Direction Keys
Used to move the cursor to select the digit to be edited when setting
parameter using knob.
Used to delete the number at the left of the cursor when inputting
parameter using numeric keyboard.
Used to unfold or fold the current selected directory when storing or
reading file.
Used to move the cursor to select the specified character in filename input
area when editing filename.
11. Knob
Used to increase (clockwise) or decrease (counterclockwise) the value
marked by the cursor when setting parameter using knob.
Used to select the storage location when storing a file or used to select the
file to be read when reading file.
Used to select a character from the virtual keyboard when editing filename.
Used to select a desired built-in arbitrary waveform from Arb Select
Wform BuiltIn.
12. Numeric Keyboard
It consists of numbers (0 to 9), decimal point (.), sign key (+/-) and is used to
set parameters.
1) The sign key is used to switch between uppercase and lowercase when
editing filename.
2) Use the decimal point key to quickly save the content displayed in the user
interface in the USB storage device in *.Bmp format (for the detailed steps,
please refer to Print Set”).
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
1-8 DG1000Z Users Guide
13. Waveforms Key
Output Sine with frequency from 1μHz to 60MHz.
The backlight turns on when this function is selected.
You can set Freq/Period, Ampl/HiLevel, Offset/LoLevel and
Start Phase of sine waveform.
Output Square with frequency from 1μHz to 25MHz and variable
duty cycle.
The backlight turns on when this function is selected.
You can set Freq/Period, Ampl/HiLevel, Offset/LoLevel,
Duty Cycle and Start Phase of square waveform.
Output Ramp with frequency from 1μHz to 1MHz and variable
The backlight turns on when this function is selected.
You can set Freq/Period, Ampl/HiLevel, Offset/LoLevel,
Symmetry and Start Phase of ramp waveform.
Output Pulse with frequency from 1μHz to 25MHz and variable
pulse width and edge time.
The backlight turns on when this function is selected.
You can set Freq/Period, Ampl/HiLevel, Offset/LoLevel,
Width/Duty, Leading, Trailing and Start Phase of pulse
Output Gauss Noise with 60MHz bandwidth.
The backlight turns on when this function is selected.
You can set Ampl/HiLevel and Offset/LoLevel of Noise.
Output Arbitrary waveform with frequency from 1μHz to 20MHz.
Support Sample Rate and Frequency output modes.
Up to 160 built-in waveforms and support powerful
arbitrary waveform editing function.
The backlight turns on when this function is selected.
You can set
Freq/Period, Ampl/HiLevel, Offset/LoLevel and
Start Phase of arbitrary waveform.
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 1-9
14. Function keys
Output multiple types of modulated waveforms.
Support multiple modulation types: AM, FM, PM, ASK, FSK,
PSK and PWM.
Support internal and external modulation sources.
The backlight turns on when this function is selected.
Output sweep waveform for Sine, Square, Ramp and Arb
(except DC).
3 sweep types: Linear, Log and Step.
3 types of trigger sources: Internal, External and Manual.
Provide frequency mark function used to control the status
of the sync signal.
The backlight turns on when this function is selected.
Output Burst waveform for Sine, Square, Ramp, Pulse and Arb
(except DC).
3 burst types: NCycle, Infinite and Gated.
Noise can also be used to generate Gated Burst.
3 types of trigger sources: Internal, External and Manual.
The backlight turns on when this function is selected.
Used to set the auxiliary function parameters and system
The backlight turns on when this function is
Store or recall the instrument state or the user-defined arbitrary
waveform data.
A nonvolatile memory (C disk) is built in and a USB storage
device (D disk) can be connected.
The backlight turns on when this function is selected.
To get the help information of any front panel key or menu
softkey, press this key and then press the desired key.
1) When the instrument is working in remote mode, press this
key to return to local mode.
2) Used to lock or unlock the keyboard. Press and hold Help
to lock the front panel keys and at this point, the front panel
keys (except Help) are not available. Press and hold this
key again to unlock.
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
1-10 DG1000Z Users Guide
15. Menu Softkeys
Correspond to the left displayed menus respectively. Press this softkey to
activate the corresponding menu.
16. LCD
3.5 inches TFT (320×240) color LCD display. The current function menu,
settings, system state as well as prompt messages and etc. can be clearly
displayed (for the detailed information, refer to User Interface).
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 1-11
Rear Panel Overview
The rear panel of DG1000Z is as shown in the figure below. Click the numbers in the
figure to view the corresponding description.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 1-2 Rear Panel
1. [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
BNC female connector with 50Ω nominal impedance.
Its function is determined by the current work mode of CH1.
1) Sync
When the output of CH1 is enabled, this connector outputs
the corresponding sync signal. For detailed information
about the characteristics of the sync signals corresponding
to various output signals, refer to the introduction in Sync
2) Ext Mod
When AM, FM, PM or PWM of CH1 is enabled and external modulation
source is selected, this connector accepts an external modulation signal and
the input impedance is 1000Ω. For the detailed introduction, refer to
3) FSK
When ASK, FSK or PSK of CH1 is enabled and external modulation source is
selected, this connector accepts an external modulation signal whose
polarity can be set by users and the input impedance is 1000Ω. For the
detailed introduction, refer to Modulation.
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
1-12 DG1000Z Users Guide
4) Trig In
When Sweep or Burst of CH1 is enabled and external trigger source is
selected, this connector accepts an external trigger signal whose polarity
can be set by users.
5) Trig Out
When Sweep or Burst of CH1 is enabled and internal or manual trigger
source is selected, this connector outputs a trigger signal with specified
edge type.
2. [CH2/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
BNC female connector with 50Ω nominal impedance.
Its function is determined by the current work mode of CH2.
1) Sync
When the output of CH2 is enabled, this connector outputs
the corresponding sync signal. For detailed information
about the characteristics of the sync signals corresponding
to various output signals, refer to the introduction in Sync
2) Ext Mod
When AM, FM, PM or PWM of CH2 is enabled and external modulation
source is selected, this connector accepts an external modulation signal and
the input impedance is 1000Ω. For the detailed introduction, refer to
3) FSK
When ASK, FSK or PSK of CH2 is enabled and external modulation source is
selected, this connector accepts an external modulation signal whose
polarity can be set by users and the input impedance is 1000Ω. For the
detailed introduction, refer to Modulation.
4) Trig In
When Sweep or Burst of CH2 is enabled and external trigger source is
selected, this connector accepts an external trigger signal whose polarity
can be set by users.
5) Trig Out
When Sweep or Burst of CH2 is enabled and internal or manual trigger
source is selected, this connector outputs a trigger signal with specified
edge type.
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 1-13
3. [10MHz In/Out]
BNC female connector with 50Ω nominal impedance.
The function of this connector is determined by the type of the
clock source.
1) When internal clock source is selected, this connector (as
10MHz Out) outputs the 10MHz clock signal generated by
the internal crystal oscillator inside the generator.
2) When external clock source is selected, this connector (as 10MHz In)
accepts an external 10MHz clock signal.
This connector is typically used to synchronize multiple instruments. For more
detailed information about the signals mentioned above, please refer to the
introduction in Clock Source.
4. LAN
Used to connect the generator to your computer or the
network of your computer for remote control. An
integrated testing system may be built, as the generator
conforms to the LXI Core Device 2011 class standard of
LAN-based instrument control.
5. USB Device
Used to connect the generator to a computer which can
control the generator remotely using PC software or by
programming. It can also be connected to a PictBridge
printer to print the contents displayed in the screen.
6. AC Power Input
The AC power supply specification of this signal
generator is 100-240V, 45-440Hz. The maximum input
power of the instrument cannot exceed 30W. The
specification of the fuse is 250V, T3.15A.
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
1-14 DG1000Z Users Guide
Power On and Inspection
To Connect to Power
Please connect the generator to AC power supply using the power cord supplied in
the accessories (as shown in the figure below). The AC power supply specification of
this generator is 100-240V, 45-440Hz. The maximum input power of the instrument
cannot exceed 30W. When the signal generator is connected to AC power supply via
this connector, the instrument adjusts itself to select the correct voltage range
automatically and users do not need to select the voltage range manually.
Figure 1-3 Connect to Power
To avoid electric shock, make sure that the instrument is correctly
After the power supply is correctly connected, press the power key
at the front
panel to turn on the generator. During the start-up, the instrument executes
initialization and self-test. After that, the default interface is displayed. If the
instrument does not start normally, please refer to the introduction in
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 1-15
To Set the System Language
DG1000Z series supports Chinese and English system languages. You can press
Utility Language to select the desired system language.
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
1-16 DG1000Z Users Guide
User Interface
DG1000Z user interface includes three types of display modes: Dual Channels
Parameters (default), Dual Channels Graph and Single Channel View. In this
manual, the Dual Channels Parameters display mode is mainly taken as an
example to introduct the user interface.
Dual Channels Parameters Mode
6 5 4 3
1 2
Figure 1-4 User Interface (Dual Channels Parameters Mode)
1. Channel Output Configuration Status Bar
Display the current output configurations of the two channels.
Type of Output Impedance:
High impedance: display HighZ
Load: display impedance (the
default is 50Ω and the range is
from 1Ω to 10KΩ)
Channel Output
State: ON/OFF
Type of Modulation
Source: Int/Ext
Type of Sweep/Burst Trig
Source: Int/Ext/Mu
Waveform Summing: Sum
Work Mode:
Modulating waveform of Analog Modulation:
Polarity of Digital Modulation: Pos/Neg
Type of Sweep: Linear/Log/Step
Type of Burst: Ncycle/Infinite/Gated
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 1-17
2. Current Function and Page Up/Down Indicator
Display the name of the function selected currently. For example, Sine is
displayed when the sine is selected and Editis displayed when the arbitrary
waveform editing function is selected. Besides, the up and down arrows at the
right of the function name are used to indicate whether page up/down is
permitted now.
3. Menu
Display the operation menu of the function selected currently.
4. Status Bar
: displayed when the instrument is connected into LAN correctly.
: displayed when the instrument is in remote mode.
: displayed when the front panel of the instrument is locked.
: displayed when a USB storage device is detected.
: displayed when the instrument is connected with power amplifier correctly.
5. Waveform
Display the waveform currently selected in each channel.
6. Channel Status Bar
Used to indicate the selected status and on/off status of the channels. When
CH1 is selected, the border of the bar is displayed in yellow. When CH2 is
selected, the border of the bar is displayed in blue. When the output of CH1 is
enabled, the CH1in the bar is highlighted in yellow. When the output of CH2 is
enabled, the CH2in the bar is highlighted in blue.
Note: you can enable the outputs of the two channels but you cannot select the
two channels at the same time.
7. Frequency
Display the waveform frequency of the channel. Press Freq/Period to highlight
Freqand use the numeric keyboard or direction keys and knob to modify this
8. Amplitude
Display the waveform amplitude of the channel. Press Ampl/HiLevel to
highlight Ampland use the numeric keyboard or direction keys and knob to
modify this parameter.
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
1-18 DG1000Z Users Guide
9. Offset
Display the waveform DC offset of the channel. Press Offset/LoLevel to
highlight Offsetand use the numeric keyboard or direction keys and knob to
modify this parameter.
10. Phase
Display the waveform start phase of the channel. Press Start Phase and use
the numeric keyboard or direction keys and knob to modify this parameter.
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 1-19
Dual Channels Graph Mode
Press Utility System Display DispMod to selectDual Graph”, as shown
in the figure below.
Figure 1-5 User Interface (Dual Channels Graph Mode)
Single Channel View Mode
Press Utility System Display DispMode to select Single View, as shown
in the figure below.
Figure 1-6 User Interface (Single Channel Mode)
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
1-20 DG1000Z Users Guide
To Use the Built-in Help System
DG1000Z built-in help system provides help information for each key and menu
softkey at the front panel. When operating the instrument, users can view the help
information of any key at any time.
1. Acquire the built-in help
Press Help and the backlight turns on. Then press the desired key or menu
softkey and the corresponding help information is displayed.
2. Page Up/Down
When the help information is displayed in multiple pages, users can acquire the
help information on the previous or next page using
(the previous
(the next line)/ (page up)/ (page down) or the knob.
3. Close the current help information
When help information is displayed in the interface, pressing
at the front
panel, the help information interface is closed and the interface before entering
the built-in help system is displayed.
4. Common help topics
Press Help twice to open the common help topics list. Use
/ / / or
the knob to select the desired help topic and press Select to view the
corresponding help information.
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 1-21
Rack Mount Kit Installation (Option)
To install this instrument into a standard 19 inches cabinet, please order rack mount
kit RM-1-DG1000Z (for installing single instrument) or RM-2-DG1000Z (for installing
dual instruments) and correctly install them according to this section.
Figure 1-7 Rack Mount Kit (RM-1-DG1000Z)
Figure 1-8 Rack Mount Kit (RM-2-DG1000Z)
To Install Single Instrument
Kit Parts List
Table 1-1 RM-1-DG1000Z Kit Parts List
Front Filler Panel
Fixing Part 1
M4 Screw 4 M4×8 Cross Recessed Pan Head Screw
M6 Screw 4 M6×16 Phil-Slot Pan Head Screw
M6 Nut 4 M6×5 Lock Blade Square Nut
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
1-22 DG1000Z Users Guide
Figure 1-9 RM-1-DG1000Z Kit Parts
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 1-23
Installation Tool
PH2 Phillips Screwdriver (recommended).
Installation Space
The following requirements must be fulfilled by the machine cabinet in which the
instrument is mounted.
The machine cabinet must be a standard 19-inch one.
At least 2U (88 mm) space should be provided by the machine cabinet.
The depth inside the machine cabinet should not be less than 300.2 mm.
The dimension of the instrument after being installed is as shown below.
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
1-24 DG1000Z Users Guide
Installation Procedure
Only authorized operator can execute the installation operation. Improper
installation might result in damage of the instrument or incorrect
installation of the instrument on the rack.
1. First remove the handles of the instrument (hold the handles by sides of the
instrument and pull them outward). And then remove the four rubber pads at
the front and rear panel of the instrument respectively.
2. Fix the fixing part on one side of the front panel of the instrument using two M4
3. Fix the front filler panel on the other side of the front panel of the instrument
using two M4 screws.
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 1-25
4. Mount the rack with the instrument fixed to it into a standard 19-inch machine
cabinet with four M6 screws and four M6 square nuts.
5. The figure of the single instrument after being installed correctly is as shown
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
1-26 DG1000Z Users Guide
To Install Dual Instruments
Kit Parts List
Table 1-2 RM-2-DG1000Z Kit Parts List
Fixing Part
Connector A 1
Connector B 1
Tail Connector 2
M4 Screw 4 M4×8 Cross Recessed Countersunk Head Screw
M4 Screw 8 M4×8 Cross Recessed Pan Head Screw
M6 Screw
M6×16 Phil-Slot Pan Head Screw
M6 Nut
M6×5 Lock Blade Square Nut
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 1-27
Figure 1-10 RM-2-DG1000Z Kit Parts
Installation Tool
PH2 Phillips Screwdriver (recommended).
Installation Space
The following requirements must be fulfilled by the machine cabinet in which the
instrument is mounted.
The machine cabinet must be a standard 19-inch one.
At least 2U (88 mm) space should be provided by the machine cabinet.
The depth inside the machine cabinet should not be less than 300.2 mm.
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
1-28 DG1000Z Users Guide
The dimensions of the instruments after being installed are as shown below.
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 1-29
Installation Procedure
Only authorized operators can execute the installation operation. Improper
installation might result in damage of the instrument or incorrect
installation of the instrument on the rack.
1. First remove the handles of the two instruments (hold the handles by sides of
the instrument and pull them outward). And then remove the four rubber pads
on the front and rear panel of the two instruments respectively.
2. Fix one fixing part on the right side of the front panel of the instrument A using
two M4 cross recessed pan head screws. Fix the connector A on the left side of
the front panel of the instrument A using two M4 cross recessed countersunk
head screws.
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
1-30 DG1000Z Users Guide
3. Fix the other fixing part on the left side of the front panel of the instrument B
using two M4 cross recessed pan head screws. Fix the connector B on the right
side of the front panel of the instrument B using two M4 cross recessed
countersunk head screws.
4. Connect the connector A and B.
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 1-31
5. Fix the two tail connectors at the connection of the rear panel of the two
instruments respectively using two M4 cross recessed pan head screws.
6. Mount the rack with two instruments fixed to it into a standard 19-inch machine
cabinet with four M6 screws and four M6 square nuts.
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
1-32 DG1000Z Users Guide
7. The figure of the dual instruments after being installed correctly is as shown
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-1
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
This chapter introduces the main functions and operation methods of DG1000Z.
Subjects in this chapter:
To Output Basic Waveform
To Output Arbitrary Waveform
To Output Harmonic
Store and Recall
Utility and System Settings
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-2 DG1000Z Users Guide
To Output Basic Waveform
DG1000Z series can output basic waveforms (Sine, Square, Ramp, Pulse and Noise)
from one of the channels separately or from the two channels at the same time. At
start-up, the dual channels are configured to output a sine waveform with 1kHz
frequency and 5Vpp amplitude by default. Users can configure the instrument to
output various basic waveforms.
To Select Output Channel
The front-panel key CH1|CH2 is used to switch the currently selected channel
between CH1 and CH2. At start-up, CH1 is selected by default and the corresponding
area in the user interface is highlighted and the border of the channel status bar is
displayed in yellow. At this point, pressing CH1|CH2 at the front panel to select CH2,
the corresponding area in the user interface is highlighted and the border of the
channel status bar is displayed in blue.
After the desired channel is selected, users can configure the waveform and
parameters of the channel selected.
CH1 and CH2 can not be selected at the same time. Users can first select CH1 and
then select CH2 after configuring the waveform and parameters of CH1.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-3
To Select Basic Waveform
DG1000Z can output 5 types of basic waveforms including Sine, Square, Ramp, Pulse
and Noise. The five function keys at the front panel are used to select the
corresponding waveform. Press the corresponding key to select the desired
waveform. At this point, the backlight of the button turns on and the corresponding
function name and parameter setting menu (as shown in the table below) are
displayed at the right of the user interface. At start-up, CH1 is selected by default.
Table 2-1 Basic Waveforms
Basic Waveforms
Sine Square Ramp Pulse Noise
Function Keys
Function Name
High Level
Low Level
Start Phase
Align Phase
Duty Cycle
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-4 DG1000Z Users Guide
To Set Frequency/Period
Frequency is one of the most important parameters of basic waveforms. For different
instrument models and waveforms, the setting ranges of frequency are different. For
detailed information, please refer to Frequency Characteristicsin Specifications.
The default frequency is 1kHz.
The frequency displayed on the screen is the default value or the frequency
previously set. When the instrument function is changed, if this frequency is valid
under the new function, the instrument will still use this frequency; otherwise, the
instrument would display prompt message and set the frequency to the frequency
upper limit of the new function automatically.
Press Freq/Period to highlight Freq. At this point, use the numeric keyboard to
input the desired frequency value and then select the desired unit from the pop-up
The frequency units available are MHz, kHz, Hz, mHz and μHz.
Press this softkey again to switch to period setting. At this point, Periodis
The period units available are sec, msec, μsec and nsec.
Users can also use the direction keys and knob to set the parameter value: use the
direction keys to move the cursor to select the digit to be edited and then rotate the
knob to change the number.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-5
To Set Amplitude/High Level
The amplitude setting range is limited by the Impedance” and Freq/Period settings.
Please refer to Output Characteristics” inSpecifications
. The default value is
The amplitude displayed on the screen is the default value or the amplitude
previously set. When the instrument configuration (such as frequency) is changed, if
this amplitude is valid, the instrument will still use this amplitude; otherwise, the
instrument would display prompt message and set the amplitude to the amplitude
upper limit of the new configuration automatically. Users can also use High Level or
Low Level to set the amplitude.
Press Ampl/HiLevel to highlight Ampl. At this point, use the numeric keyboard to
input the desired amplitude value and then select the desired unit from the pop-up
The amplitude units available are Vpp, mVpp, Vrms, mVrms and dBm (invalid in
Press this softkey again to switch to high level setting. At this point, HiLevelis
The high level units available are V and mV.
Users can also use the direction keys and knob to set the parameter value: use the
direction keys to move the cursor to select the digit to be edited and then rotate the
knob to change the number.
How to convert the amplitude in Vpp to the corresponding value in
Vpp is the unit for signal peak-peak value and Vrms
is the unit for signal
effective value. The default unit is Vpp. Press ·
in the numeric board to
quickly switch the current amplitude unit.
For different waveforms, the relation between Vpp and Vrms is different. The
relation of the two units is as shown in the figure below (take sine waveform
as an example).
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-6 DG1000Z Users Guide
According to the figure above, the conversion relation between Vpp and Vrms
fulfills the following equation:
Vrms22Vpp =
For example, if the current amplitude is 5Vpp, press ·
in the numeric
keyboard and select Vrmsto convert 5Vpp to the corresponding value in
Vrms. For sine waveform, the converted value is 1.768Vrms.
How to set the amplitude of waveform in the unit of dBm?
1) Press CH1|CH2 to select the desired channel.
2) Press Utility ChannelSet OutputSet Imped to select Load
and set proper load value using numeric keyboard.
3) Select the desired waveform and press Ampl/HiLevel
to highlight
Ampl. U
se the numeric keyboard to input the desired value and then
select dBm from the pop-up menu.
dBm is the unit for signal power absolute value and the conversion relation
between dBm and Vrms fulfills the following equation:
10lg( )
= ×
In this equation, R represents the channel output impedance value and it must
be a certain value, so the
unit dBm is not available when the output
impedance is HighZ.
For example, if the current output impedance is 50Ω and the amplitude is
1.768Vrms (5Vpp), press · in the numeric keyboard and then select dBm
to convert the amplitude value to the corresponding value in dBm. The
converted value is 17.9601dBm.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-7
To Set Offset/Low Level
The DC offset setting range is limited by theImpedanceand Ampl/HiLevel
settings. Please refer to the “Output Characteristics” inSpecifications
. The
default value is 0V
The DC offset voltage displayed on the screen is the default value or the offset
previously set. When the instrument configuration (such as impedance) is changed,
if this offset is valid, the instrument will still use this offset; otherwise, the instrument
would display prompt message and set the offset to the offset upper limit of the new
configuration automatically.
Press Offset/LoLevel to highlightOffset. At this point, use the numeric keyboard
to input the desired offset value and then select the desired unit from the pop-up
The DC offset voltage units available are V
and mV
Press this softkey again to switch to low level setting. At this point, LoLevelis
The low level should be lower than the high level at least 1mV (the output
impedance is 50Ω).
The low level units available are V and mV.
Users can also use the direction keys and knob to set the parameter value: use the
direction keys to move the cursor to select the digit to be edited and then rotate the
knob to change the number.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-8 DG1000Z Users Guide
To Set Start Phase
The setting range of start phase is from to 360° and the default is 0°.
The start phase displayed on the screen is the default value or the phase previously
set. When the instrument function is changed, the new function will still use this
Press Start Phase to highlight the softkey. At this point, use the numeric keyboard
to input the desired start phase value and then select the unit “°” from the pop-up
Users can also use the direction keys and knob to set the parameter value: use the
direction keys to move the cursor to select the digit to be edited and then rotate the
knob to change the number.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-9
Align Phase
DG1000Z series dual-channel generators enable to align the phases of the two
channels. Pressing down this softkey will re-configure the two channels and enable
the generator to output with specified frequency and start phase.
For two signals whose frequencies are the same or in multiple, this operation will
align their phases. For example, assume a sine waveform (1kHz, 5Vpp, 0°) is
outputed from CH1, while another one (1kHz, 5Vpp, 180°) from CH2. Use an
oscilloscope to sample and display the two signals, you will see that the waveforms
shown on the oscilloscope do not always have a phase deviation of 180°. At this
point, press Align Phase on the generator and the waveforms shown on the
oscilloscope will have a phase deviation of 180° without any adjustment of the start
phase of the generator.
Figure 2-1 Before Aligning Phase
Figure 2-2 After Aligning Phase
The Align Phase menu is grayed out and disabled when any
one of the two
channels is in modulation mode.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-10 DG1000Z Users Guide
To Set Duty Cycle (Square)
Duty cycle is defined as the percentage that the high level takes up in the whole
period (as shown in the figure below). This parameter is only available when square
is selected.
Duty Cycle=t/T*100%
The setting range of duty cycle is limited by the Freq/Periodsetting. Please refer
toSignal Characteristics” inSpecifications
. The default value is 50%.
Press Duty Cycle to highlight the softkey. At this point, use the numeric keyboard to
input the desired duty cycle value and then select the unit “%” from the pop-up
Users can also use the direction keys and knob to set the parameter value: use the
direction keys to move the cursor to select the digit to be edited and then rotate the
knob to change the number.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-11
To Set Symmetry (Ramp)
Symmetry is defined as the percentage that the rising period takes up in the whole
period (as shown in the figure below). This parameter is only available when ramp is
The setting range of symmetry is from 0% to 100% and the default is 50%.
Press Symm to highlight the softkey. At this point, use the numeric keyboard to
input the desired symmetry value and then select the unit “%” from the pop-up
Users can also use the direction keys and knob to set the parameter value: use the
direction keys to move the cursor to select the digit to be edited and then rotate the
knob to change the number.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-12 DG1000Z Users Guide
To Set Pulse Width/Duty Cycle (Pulse)
Pulse width is defined as the time from the 50% threshold of a rising edge amplitude
to the 50% threshold of the next falling edge amplitude (as shown in the figure
The setting range of pulse width is limited by the Minimum Pulse Width” and the
Pulse Period(for the ranges of Minimum Pulse Widthand Pulse Period, please
refer to Signal CharacteristicsinSpecifications). The range of pulse width is
from 16ns to 999.999 982 118ks and the default value is 500μs.
Pulse Width Minimum Pulse Width
Pulse Width < Pulse Period - Minimum Pulse Width×2
Pulse duty cycle is defined as the percentage that the pulse width takes up in the
whole period.
Pulse duty cycle and pulse width are correlative. Once a parameter is changed, the
other will be automatically changed. Pulse duty cycle is limited by the “Minimum
Pulse Widthand the Pulse Period”. The range of pulse duty cycle is from 0.001% to
99.999% and the default is 50%.
Pulse Duty Cycle ≥ 100×Minimum Pulse Width ÷ Pulse Period
Pulse Duty Cycle < 100×(1-2×Minimum Pulse Width÷Pulse Period)
Press Width/Duty to highlightWidth. At this point, use the numeric keyboard to
input the desired pulse width value and then select the desired unit from the pop-up
The pulse width units available are sec, msec, μsec and nsec.
Press this softkey again to switch to duty cycle setting.
Pulse Width
Pulse Period
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-13
Users can also use the direction keys and knob to set the parameter value: use the
direction keys to move the cursor to select the digit to be edited and then rotate the
knob to change the number.
To Set Leading/Trailing Edge Time (Pulse)
Leading (rising) edge time is defined as the duration of the pulse amplitude rising
from 10% to 90% threshold, while Trailing (falling) edge time is defined as the
duration of the pulse amplitude moving down from 90% to 10% threshold (as shown
in the figure below).
The setting range of leading/trailing edge time is limited by the currently specified
pulse width limit (as shown in the formula below). DG1000Z will automatically adjust
the edge time to match the specified pulse width if the value currently set exceeds
the limit value.
Leading/Trailing Edge Time 0.625 × Pulse Width
Press Leading (Trailing) to highlightLeading” (“Trailing”). Use the numeric
keyboard to input the desired value and then select the desired unit from the pop-up
The Leading/Trailing Edge Time units available are sec, msec, μsec and nsec.
Leading edge time and trailing edge time are independent from each other and
users can set them separately.
Users can also use the direction keys and knob to set the parameter value: use the
direction keys to move the cursor to select the digit to be edited and then rotate the
knob to change the number.
Pulse Width
Pulse Period
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-14 DG1000Z Users Guide
To Enable Output
After configuring the parameters of the waveform selected, waveform output could
be enabled.
Before enabling waveform output, you can also configure parameters (such as
Impedance and Polarity) related to the channel output through Channel Set menu
in Utility. For details, please refer to the introduction in
Output Set.
Press Output1 at the front panel to turn CH1 output on. At this point, the backlight
of the button turns on and the [CH1] connector at the front panel outputs the
configured waveform.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-15
Example: To Output Sine Waveform
This section mainly introduces how to output a sine waveform (Frequency: 20kHz,
Amplitude: 2.5Vpp, DC Offset: 500 mV
DC, Start Phase: 9) from the [CH1]
1. To select output channel
Press CH1|CH2 to select CH1. Now the border of the channel status bar is
displayed in yellow.
2. To select the Sine
Press Sine to select the sine waveform. The backlight goes on and the
corresponding menu is displayed in the right of the screen.
3. To set the frequency
Press Freq/Period to highlight “Freq”, and then use the numeric keyboard to
input 20. Then, select kHzfrom the pop-up menu.
4. To set the amplitude
Press Ampl/HiLevel to highlight Ampl, and use the numeric keyboard to
input 2.5. Then, select Vppfrom the pop-up menu.
5. To set the offset
Press Offset/LoLevel to highlight Offset, and then use the numeric keyboard
to input 500. Then, select mV
DCfrom the pop-up menu.
6. To set the start phase
Press Start Phase, and then use the numeric keyboard to input 90. Then,
select “°” from the pop-up menu. The start phase ranges from 0° to 360°.
7. To enable the output
Press Output1 to turn CH1 output on. At this point, the backlight goes on and
the [CH1] connector outputs the configured waveform.
8. To observe the output waveform
Connect the [CH1] connector of DG1000Z to the oscilloscope using BNC cable.
The waveform is as shown in the figure below.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-16 DG1000Z Users Guide
Figure 2-3 Sine Waveform
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-17
To Output Arbitrary Waveform
DG1000Z can output built-in or user-defined arbitrary waveforms from a single
channel or from two channels at the same time. It not only provides 160 kinds of
built-in arbitrary waveforms stored in the internal non-volatile memory but also
allows users to edit the arbitrary waveform which can contain 8 to 16384 (16k) data
points, namely 8pts to 16kpts. Users can store the edited arbitrary waveform in the
internal or external memory (*.RAF file).
DG1000Z provides 8Mpts standard memory and 16Mpts optional memory for the
arbitrary waveform. Users can edit the arbitrary waveform using PC software and
output it after downloading it to the instrument via the remote interface or reading it
from the USB storage device.
To Enable Arbitrary Waveform
Press Arb to enable arbitrary waveform function and open the operation menu of
arbitrary waveform.
1. Freq/Period: set the output Frequency/Period of the arbitrary waveform. This
menu is only displayed when the frequency output mode is selected.
2. Sample Rate: set the output Sample Rate of the arbitrary waveform. This menu
is only displayed when the sample rate output mode is selected.
3. Ampl/HiLevel: set the Amplitude/High Level of the arbitrary waveform.
4. Offset/LoLevel: set the Offset/Low Level of the arbitrary waveform.
5. Start Phase: set the Start Phase of the arbitrary waveform.
6. Align Phase: refer to Align Phase.
7. Arb Mode: switch the arbitrary waveform output mode between Frequency”
and Sample Rate.
8. Select Wform: select DC, the built-in arbitrary waveforms, the arbitrary
waveforms stored in internal or external memory or the volatile waveform.
9. Edit Wform: edit the selected waveform of the current channel or create a new
Please refer to To Output Basic Waveformto configure the parameters and
output of the channels. This chapter will focus on Sample Rate, Output Mode,
“Select Waveformand “Edit Waveform.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-18 DG1000Z Users Guide
Output Mode and Sample Rate
DG1000Z supports Frequency and Sample Rate output modes.
1 Frequency Output Mode
Press Arb Arb Mode to select the Frequencyoutput mode.
In frequency output mode, users can set the frequency or period of the arbitrary
waveform (the setting method please refer to To Set Frequency/Period)
while the sample rate can not be changed. The instrument outputs an arbitrary
waveform which is made up of certain points selected according to the current
output frequency.
For arbitrary waveform, frequency output mode corresponds to period edit
mode (Arb Edit Wform Mode Period). If the currently selected
arbitrary waveform is in the period edit mode when the state of RealTime
under Edit Wform is On, the instrument will switch to frequency output mode
2 Sample Rate Output Mode
Press Arb Arb Mode to select the Sample Ratemode.
In sample rate output mode, users can set the sample rate (the points outputted
per second) while the frequency and period can not be changed. The instrument
outputs the arbitrary waveform point by point according to the current sample
After the sample rate output mode is selected, press SRate to input the desired
sample rate value using the numeric keyboard and select the desired unit from
the pop-up menu.
The range available of the sample rate is from 1μSa/s to 60MSa/s.
The sample rate units available are MSa/s, kSa/s, Sa/s, mSa/s and μSa/s.
Users can also use the direction keys and knob to set the parameter value: use
the direction keys to move the cursor to select the digit to be edited and then
rotate the knob to change the number.
For arbitrary waveform, the sample rate output mode corresponds to the sample
rate edit mode (Arb Edit Wform Mode Period”). If the currently
selected arbitrary waveform is in the sample rate edit mode when the state of
RealTime under Edit Wform is On, the instrument will switch to sample rate
output mode automatically.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-19
To Select Arbitrary Waveform
DG1000Z allows users to select DC, 160 built-in waveforms, arbitrary waveforms
stored in internal or external memory of the instrument or volatile memory.
After the desired waveform is selected, you can perform the operations below.
1. To output the selected waveform:
Press the corresponding output control key Output1 or Output2 and the
specified waveform will be outputted from the channel.
2. To edit the selected waveform:
Please refer to the introduction in To Edit Arbitrary Waveform.
DG1000Z can output DC signal with amplitude range from -10V to 10V (HighZ) or
from -5V to 5V (the load is 50Ω). The figure below shows a sketch of the DC signal.
Press Arb Select Wform DC to select DC signal.
Figure 2-4 Sketch of DC signal
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-20 DG1000Z Users Guide
Built-In Waveform
DG1000Z has 160 built-in arbitrary waveforms as shown in Table 2-2
. Press Arb
Select Wform BuiltIn to enter the built-in waveform selection interface as
shown in the figure below. Press Engine, Medical, AutoElec or Maths to select
the corresponding item (each item has one or more sub-items). Press the
corresponding menu key repeatedly to switch to the desired sub-item (the selected
sub-item in the sub-item bar is highlighted) and rotate the knob to select the desired
waveform (the selected waveform is highlighted). Then press Select to select the
waveform which is highlighted.
Figure 2-5 Built-in Waveform
Table 2-2 160 Built-in Arbitrary Waveforms
Sinc function
Lorentz function
Log Logarithm function and the base is 10
GaussPulse Gauss pulse
Negative ramp
Negative pulse
Positive pulse
SineTra Sine-Tra waveform
SineVer Sine-Ver waveform
StairDn Stair-down waveform
StairUD Stair-up and stair-down waveform
Sub-item Bar
Number of Current Page/
Total Number of Pages
Number of Current Waveform/
Total Number of Waveforms
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-21
StairUp Stair-up waveform
Trapezia Trapezia waveform
Gain oscillation curve
Attenuation oscillation curve
RoundHalf Wave
RounsPM RoundsPM Waveform
BlaseiWave Time-velocity curve of explosive vibration
DampedOsc Time-displacement curve of damped oscillation
Kinetic energy- time curve of swing oscillation
Discharge curve of Ni-MH battery
Pahcur Current waveform of DC brushless motor
Combin Combination function
SCR SCR firing profile
Butterworth filter
Chebyshev1 filter
Chebyshev2 filter
TV TV signal
Voice Voice signal
Surge Surge signal
Analog radar waveform
Dual-tone signal
Ripple wave of battery
Quake Analog quake waveform
Gamma Gamma signal
StepResp Step-response signal
Bandwidth-limited signal
CW pulse
GateVibr Gate self-oscillation signal
LFMPulse Linear FM pulse
MCNoise Mechanical construction noise
Sectioned sine AM signal
Sectioned sine FM signal
PFM Sectioned pulse FM signal
PM Sectioned sine PM signal
PWM Sectioned PWM signal
Cardiac signal
EOG Electro-Oculogram
EEG Electroencephalogram
EMG Electromyogram
Speed curve of the respiration
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-22 DG1000Z Users Guide
ECG1 Electrocardiogram 1
ECG2 Electrocardiogram 2
Electrocardiogram 3
Electrocardiogram 4
Electrocardiogram 5
ECG6 Electrocardiogram 6
ECG7 Electrocardiogram 7
ECG8 Electrocardiogram 8
Electrocardiogram 9
Electrocardiogram 10
ECG11 Electrocardiogram 11
ECG12 Electrocardiogram 12
ECG13 Electrocardiogram 13
Electrocardiogram 14
Electrocardiogram 15
Waveform of the low frequency pulse
Waveform 1 of the nerve stimulation
Waveform 2 of the nerve stimulation
Waveform 3 of the nerve stimulation
Ignition waveform of the automotive motor
ISO16750-2 SP
Automotive starting profile with ringing
ISO16750-2 VR
Automotive supply voltage profile for resetting
ISO7637-2 TP1 Automotive transients due to disconnects
ISO7637-2 TP2A
Automotive transients due to inductance in
ISO7637-2 TP2B Automotive transients due ignition switching off
ISO7637-2 TP3A Automotive transients due to switching
ISO7637-2 TP3B
Automotive transients due to switching
ISO7637-2 TP4
Automotive supply profile during starting
ISO7637-2 TP5A
Automotive transients due to battery disconnect
ISO7637-2 TP5B Automotive transients due to battery disconnect
Airy function
BesselI function
BesselII function
Cubic Cubic function
Dirichlet Dirichlet function
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-23
Erf Error function
Erfc Complementary error function
Inverted complementary error function
Inverted error function
Exponential fall function
ExpRise Exponential rise function
HaverSine HaverSine function
Laguerre 4-times Laguerre polynomial
5-times Legend polynomial
ARB_X2 Square function
Gauss Gauss distribution
Weibull Weibull distribution
Logarithmic Gaussian distribution
Laplace distribution
Maxwell distribution
Rayleigh Rayleigh distribution
Cauchy Cauchy distribution function
CosH Hyperbolic cosine
Integral cosine
Concave hyperbolic cotangent
CotHPro Protuberant hyperbolic cotangent
CscCon Concave cosecant
CscPro Protuberant cosecant
Concave hyperbolic cosecant
Protuberant hyperbolic cosecant
Concave reciprocal
RecipPro Protuberant reciprocal
SecCon Concave secant
SecPro Protuberant secant
Hyperbolic secant
Hyperbolic sine
SinInt Integral sine
Sqrt Square root
Tan Tangent
Hyperbolic tangent
Absolute value of sine
Absolute value of half a sine
ACos Arc cosine
ACosH Arc hyperbolic cosine
ACotCon Concave arc cotangent
Protuberant arc cotangen
Concave arc hyperbolic cotangent
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-24 DG1000Z Users Guide
ACotHPro Protuberant arc hyperbolic cotangent
ACscCon Concave arc cosecant
Protuberant arc cosecant
Concave arc hyperbolic cosecant
Protuberant arc hyperbolic cosecant
ASecCon Concave arc secant
ASecPro Protuberant arc secant
ASecH Arc hyperbolic secant
Arc Sinc
Arc hyperbolic sine
ATan Arc tangent
ATanH Arc hyperbolic tangent
Bartlett Bartlett window
Modified Bartlett-Hann window
Blackman window
BlackmanH window
BohmanWin Bohman window
Boxcar Rectangle window
ChebWin Chebyshev window
Flat Top weighted window
Hamming window
Hanning window
Kaiser Kaiser window
Nuttall-defined minimum 4-term
Blackman-Harris window
ParzenWin Parzen window
TaylorWin Taylor window
Triang Triangle window (Fejer window)
Tukey (tapered cosine) window
Stored Waveform
Select arbitrary waveforms stored in internal non-volatile memory (C Disk) or
external memory (D Disk). Press Arb Select Wform Stored Wforms to
enter the Store/Recall Interface and the Store key at the front panel is illuminated.
At this time, please select and read the desired arbitrary waveform file. For more
details, please refer to
Store and Recall. Waveform data in volatile memory will
be changed after the file is read. Now press Arb to return to arbitrary waveform
setting interface.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-25
Volatile Waveform
Press Arb Select Wform Volatile Wform to select arbitrary waveform
currently stored in the volatile memory. If there is no waveform data in volatile
memory currently, this menu would be unavailable. At this time, you can fill up the
volatile memory through the methods below.
1. Fill up the volatile memory with the waveform currently edited through Edit
2. Press Arb Edit Wform Data Src to select CH1 ArbCH2 Arbor Vol.
Then copy the currently selected arbitrary waveform of CH1 or CH2 or the
waveform of the other channels volatile memory to the volatile memory of the
currently selected channel.
When Volatile Wformis selected, users can edit the volatile waveform using the
Edit Wform menu. The new waveform data will overwrite the previous data in the
volatile memory. You can also save the new volatile waveform in non-volatile
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-26 DG1000Z Users Guide
To Edit Arbitrary Waveform
DG1000Z allows users to edit the waveform in the volatile memory of the channel
currently selected. If there is no waveform data in the volatile memory currently, the
system will automatically creat 8 (under sample rate edit mode) or 8192 (under
period edit mode) data points whose voltage are low level. You can also copy the
arbitrary waveform currently selected of CH1 or CH2 or the waveform of the other
channels volatile memory to the volatile memory of the channel currently selected
for editing.
Press Arb Edit Wform to enter the waveform editing interface.
1. Edit Mode
Press Mode and select Sample Rateor Period mode.
1) In Sample Rate Edit Mode:
The range of the sample rate is from 1μSa/s to 60MSa/s and the
default is 20MSa/s. For the setting method, refer to Output Mode
and Sample Rate.
The range of the points (denoted by Sa) is from 8 to 16384 (namely
16k) and the default is 8. Users can respectively select the number of
the Sa points and set voltage for each point.
2) In Period Edit Mode:
The range of the period is from 50ns to 1Ms and the default is 1ms. For
the setting method, refer to To Set Frequency/Period.
The range of the points (denoted by Sa) is from 8 to 8192 (namely 8k)
and the default is 8192. The period currently set is devided equally to
8191 (8192-1), namely 8192 points. Each point corresponds a data
point (0s corresponds to the first data point and the current period
corresponds to the 8192th point. Users can respectively select the
number of the Sa points and set voltage for each point. The voltage
values of all other points remain low level.
2. High Level
It refers to the highest voltage that can be set when editing waveform. Press
HiLevel, input the desired value using the numeric keyboard, and select the
desired unit (the units available are V and mV) from the pop-up menu. The high
level must be higher than theLow Levelcurrently set and lower than or equal
to +10V (HighZ).
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-27
3. Low Level
It refers to the lowest voltage that can be set when editing waveform. Press
LoLevel, input the desired value using the numeric keyboard, and select the
desired unit (the units available are V and mV) from the pop-up menu. The low
level must be higher than or equal to -10V (HighZ) and lower than the High
Levelcurrently set.
4. Points (denoted by Sa)
In sample rate edit mode, the range of the points is from 8 to 16384 (16K). In
period edit mode, the range of the points is from 8 to 8192 (8K). Press Points,
input the desired value using the numeric keyboard, and select OK from the
pop-up menu. At this time, the prompt message (modify arbitrary waveform
points, original data will be lost) is displayed and you need to select OK again.
Note: when the points is modified, the original waveform data in volatile
memory will be lost.
5. Data Source
Press Data Src to select CH1 Arb, CH2 Arbor Volatile. You can copy the
arbitrary waveform currently selected by CH1 or CH2 or the volatile waveform of
the other channel to the volatile memory of the currently selected channel and
edit them.
6. Insert Waveform
Insert the specified waveform at the specified position of the waveform edited
currently. Press this menu key to enter Insert Waveforminterface.
Insert Position
Set the start position for inserting the waveform. Press this menu key and
input the desired value using the numeric keyboard or direction keys and
knob. The range is from 1 to Sa and Sa indicates current total points. For
example, if the insert position set is 7, the instrument will insert a waveform
from the seventh point.
Insert Way
Select the insert way between Insertand Rewrite.
In insert way, when inserting the selected waveform at the specified insert
position, the original waveform data will be moved behind the inserted
In rewrite way, the inserted waveform will overwrite the original waveform
from the specified insert position.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-28 DG1000Z Users Guide
Set the cycles of the inserted waveform. The range is from 1 to 16 and the
default is 1. The each cycles points of the inserted waveform is fixed at
Select Waveform
Select the waveform to be inserted. You can select the basic waveforms
(Sine, Square, Ramp, Pulse and Noise) or the built-in waveforms (160 types
optional, refer to Table 2-2).
Note: when inserting a waveform, you should first set the insert position, insert
way and cycles, and then select the desired waveform types (because the insert
operation will be executed immediately after the desired waveform is selected).
7. Edit Points
Sa is used to denote the points currently set. In point edit mode, users can
select the number of the first Sa waveform point and set the voltage for each
point. Press this menu key to enter the Edit Pointsinterface.
Edit Points
Select the number (the range is from 1 to Sa) of the point to be edited and
input the desired value using numeric keyboard or direction keys and knob.
Set the voltage of the current point (the units available are mV and V). The
range is limited by the current High Leveland Low Level.
Insert a point at the point currently edited. The voltage of the inserted point
is the same as the voltage value currently set and the original waveform
data are moved behind the inserted point. At this time, the number of the
points increases by 1.
Delete the current point. At this time, the number of the points decreases
by 1.
Move Position
Modify the voltage of the specified point to the voltage of the point
currently edited and set the voltage of the current point to low level.
Press Move Pos and input the number (the range is from 1 to Sa) of the
point to move to before pressing OK. You can also rotate the knob to select
the number of the point to move to after pressing Move Pos.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-29
Preview the waveform currently edited.
8. Edit Block
In block edit mode, users only need to edit the numbers of the start and end
point as well as the corresponding voltages. The generator will automatically
calculate the voltage of each point between the start point and end point. Press
this menu key to enter the Edit Blockinterface.
Set the number of the start point of the block. X1 should be less than or
equal to X2 and less than the points currently set.
Set the voltage (the units available are mV and V) of the start point of the
block. The range is limited by the current High Leveland Low Level.
Set the number of the end point of the block. X2 should be less than or
equal to the points currently set and greater than or equal to X1.
Set the voltage (the units available are mV and V) of the end point of the
block. The range is limited by the current High Leveland Low Level.
Automatically edit the points between the start point and end point
according to the current settings.
Delete X1 and the points between X1 and X2.
Note: this operation is available only when the difference of the points
currently set and the points to be deleted is greater than or equal to 8.
9. Save
When the editing is finished, press Save to enter the store and recall interface
and the backlight of Store turns on. At this time, you can store the arbitrary
waveform edited in internal non-volatile memory (C Disk) or external memory (D
Disk). For the store method, refer to
Store and Recall.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-30 DG1000Z Users Guide
To Output Harmonic
DG1000Z can be used as a harmonic generator to output harmonic with specified
order, amplitude and phase. It is usually used in the test of harmonic detector device
or harmonic filter device. This section introduces how to configure the generator to
output harmonic.
According to Fourier transform, time domain waveform is the superposition of a
series of sine waveforms as shown in the equation below:
Generally, component with
frequency is called fundamental waveform,
fundamental waveform frequency,
is fundamental waveform amplitude,
fundamental waveform phase. The frequencies of the other components (called
harmonics) are all integral multiples of the fundamental waveform frequency.
Components whose frequencies are odd multiples of the fundamental waveform
frequency are called odd harmonics and components whose frequencies are even
multiples of the fundamental waveform frequency are called even harmonics.
DG1000Z can output up to 8th harmonic. After selecting CH1 or CH2, press Sine
Harm to select Onand press Harmonic Para to enter the harmonic setting menu.
You can set the type of harmonic, specify the highest order of harmonic and set the
amplitude and phase of each order of harmonic. If you want to set various
parameters of fundamental waveform, please set the parameters of Sine.
After finishing harmonic parameters setting, press Output1 and the backlight turns
on, the instrument outputs the specified harmonic from the corresponding output
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-31
To Set Fundamental Waveform Parameters
DG1000Z allows users to set various fundamental waveform parameters such as
frequency, period, amplitude, DC offset voltage, high level, low level and start phase.
It also supports align phase operation. Please refer to introductions in To Output
Basic Waveformto set above fundamental waveform parameters.
To Set Harmonic Order
The highest order of harmonic output from DG1000Z can not be greater than this
setting value.
After entering the harmonic setting menu, press Order (at this point, Orderon the
screen is highlighted) and use the numeric keyboard or knob to input the desired
harmonic order.
The range is limited by the maximum output frequency of the instrument and
current fundamental waveform frequency.
Range: 2 to maximum output frequency of the instrument÷current
fundamental waveform frequency (must be integer).
The maximum is 8.
To Select Harmonic Type
DG1000Z can output even harmonic, odd harmonic, all orders of harmonic and
user-defined orders of harmonic. After entering the harmonic setting menu, press
Type to select the desired harmonic type.
1. Even
Press this key and the instrument will output fundamental waveform and even
2. Odd
Press this key and the instrument would output fundamental waveform and odd
3. All
Press this key and the instrument would output fundamental waveform and all
the harmonics in order.
4. User
Press this key and the instrument would output the user-defined orders of
harmonics. The highest order is 8.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-32 DG1000Z Users Guide
8 bits binary data is used to represent the output status of the 8 orders of
harmonics respectively, wherein, 1 represents enabling the output of the
corresponding harmonic and 0 represents disabling the output of the
corresponding harmonic. Users only need to use the numeric keyboard to
modify the value of each data bit (note: the leftmost bit representing
fundamental waveform is always X and can not be modified). For example, set
the 8 bits data to X001 0001, thus fundamental waveform and 4th and 8th
orders of harmonics are output.
Note: the actual harmonics output is determined by the harmonic order and
harmonic type currently specified.
To Set Harmonic Amplitude
After entering the harmonic setting menu, press Harmonic Ampl to set the
amplitude of each order of harmonic.
1) SN: press this softkey to select the sequence number of the harmonic to be set.
2) Harmonic Ampl: press this softkey to set the amplitude of the harmonic
selected. Use the numeric keyboard to input the amplitude value and then select
the desired unit from the pop-up menu. The units available are Vpp, mVpp,
Vrms, mVrms and dBm (invalid in HighZ).
To Set Harmonic Phase
After entering the harmonic setting menu, press Harmonic Phase to set the phase
of each order of harmonic.
1. SN: press this softkey to select the sequence number of the harmonic to be set.
2. Harmonic Phase: press this softkey to set the phase of the harmonic selected.
Use the numeric keyboard or the direction keys and knob to input the phase
value and then select the unit “°” from the pop-up menu.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-33
Example: To Output Harmonic
This section introduces how to output 2th order of harmonic (harmonic amplitude:
2Vpp, harmonic phase: 3) and 4th orders of harmonic (harmonic amplitude: 1Vpp,
harmonic phase: 50°) from the [CH1] connector. The fundamental waveform is the
default sine of the instrument and the harmonic order is 5.
1. To Select Output Channel: Press CH1|CH2 to select CH1. At this time, the
border of the channel status bar is displayed in yellow.
2. To Set Fundamental Waveform Parameters: In this example, various
parameters of the fundamental waveform take the default values. You can also
refer to the introduction in To Output Basic Waveform to set various
fundamental waveform parameters such as frequency/period, amplitude/high
level, offset/low level and start phase.
3. To Enable Harmonic Function: Press Sine Harm to select Onand press
Harmonic Para to enter the harmonic setting menu.
4. To Set Harmonic Order: In the harmonic setting menu, press Order and use
the numeric keyboard to input 5 before pressing OK.
5. To Select Harmonic Type: In the harmonic setting menu, press Type to
select even harmonic.
6. To Select Harmonic Amplitude: In the harmonic setting menu, press
Harmonic Ampl to successively set the amplitude of 2th and 4th orders of
1) Press SN, input 2 (the harmonic sequence number) using the numeric
keyboard, and press OK.
2) Press Harmonic Ampl, input 2 (the value of the amplitude) using the
numeric keyboard, and select the unit Vppfrom the pop-up units menu.
3) Refer to step 1 and 2 to set the amplitude of the 4th order harmonic to
7. To Set Harmonic Phase: In the harmonic setting menu, press Harmonic
Phase to set the phase of 2th and 4th orders of harmonic successively.
1) Press SN, input 2 (the harmonic sequence number) using the numeric
keyboard, and press OK.
2) Press Harmonic Phase, input 30 (the value of the phase) using the
numeric keyboard, and select the unit “°from the pop-up units menu.
3) Refer to step 1 and 2 to set the phase of the 4th order harmonic to 50°.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-34 DG1000Z Users Guide
8. To Enable the Output: Press Output1 and the backlight turns on. The
fundamental waveform, 2th and 4th order of harmonics will be outputted from
the [CH1] connector according to the current configuration.
9. To Observe the Output Waveform: Connet the CH1 of the DG1000Z to an
oscilloscope using BNC connect cable. The observed waveform from the
oscilloscope is shown in the figure below.
Figure 2-6 Harmonic
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-35
DG1000Z can output modulated waveform from a single channel or from two
channels at the same time. Modulation is the process of modifying certain
parameters (such as amplitude, frequency, phase and etc.) of the carrier waveform
signal according to the change of the modulating signal. The carrier waveform can be
Sine, Square, Ramp, Arbitrary waveform (except DC) or Pulse (only in PWM). The
modulating waveform can be from internal or external modulation source. DG1000Z
supports AM, FM, PM, ASK, FSK, PSK and PWM.
Amplitude Modulation (AM)
For amplitude modulation (AM), the amplitude of the carrier waveform varies with
the instantaneous voltage of the modulating waveform.
To Select AM Modulation
Press Mod Type AM to enable AM function. When Mod is enabled, Sweep or
Burst will be disabled automatically (if enabled currently).
To Select Carrier Waveform Shape
AM carrier waveform could be Sine, Square, Ramp or Arbitrary waveform (except
DC). The default is Sine.
Press the front panel key Sine, Square, Ramp or Arb (you need to press
Select Wform in the arbitrary waveform setting interface to select the desired
arbitrary waveform) to select the desired carrier waveform shape.
Pulse, Noise and DC could not be used as carrier waveform.
To Set Carrier Waveform Parameters
The different settings of various parameters (frequency, amplitude, DC offset, start
phase and etc.) of the carrier waveform will influence the AM modulated waveform.
For different carrier waveform shape, the ranges of the various parameters are
different (the ranges are related to the model of the instrument used and the carrier
waveform currently selected. See Specificationsfor details). For all carrier
waveform shapes, the default values are 1kHz frequency, 5Vpp amplitude, 0V
offset and 0° start phase.
When the carrier waveform currently selected is Sine, Square or Ramp, please
refer to the introduction in To Output Basic Waveform to set the
parameters of the carrier waveform currently selected.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-36 DG1000Z Users Guide
When the carrier waveform currently selected is arbitrary waveform, please
refer to the introduction in To Output Arbitrary Waveform to set the
parameters of the carrier waveform currently selected.
To Select Modulation Source
DG1000Z can accept modulating waveform from internal or external modulation
source. Press Mod Source to select Int” or “Ext” modulation source.
1. Internal Source
When internal modulation source is selected, press Shape to select Sine, Square,
Triangle, UpRamp, DnRamp, Noise or Arb as modulating waveform. The default
is Sine.
Square: 50 duty cycle
Triangle: 50 symmetry
UpRamp: 100 symmetry
DnRamp: 0 symmetry
Arb: the arbitrary waveform selected of the current channel
Note: noise can be used as modulating waveform but can not be used as carrier
2. External Source
When external modulation source is selected, Shape and AM Freq will be
grayed out and disabled. The generator accepts the external modulating signal
from the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the rear panel. At this
time, amplitude of the modulated waveform is controlled by the ±5 V signal level
of the connector. For example, if the modulation depth is set to 100%, the output
amplitude will be the maximum when the modulating signal is +5V and the
minimum when the modulating signal is -5V.
[CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] [CH2/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-37
How to realize the intermodulation between dual channels?
The following example takes the output signal of CH2 as the modulating
1. Connect the CH2 output terminal to [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
connector at the rear panel using the dual BNC connect cable.
2. Select CH1 and press Mod to select the desired modulation type as well as set
the corresponding parameters before selecting external modulation source.
3. Select CH2 and select the desired modulating waveform and set the
corresponding parameters.
4. Press Output1 to enable the output of CH1.
To Set Modulating Waveform Frequency
When internal modulation source is selected, press AM Freq to set the modulating
waveform frequency.
Input the desired frequency value using the numeric keyboard or direction keys
and knob
The modulating waveform frequency ranges from 2mHz to 1MHz, and the
default value is 100Hz.
Note: when external modulation source is selected, this menu will be grayed out and
To Set Modulation Depth
Modulation depth expressed as a percentage indicates the amplitude variation
degree. The AM modulation depth ranges from 0% to 120%. Press AM Depth to set
AM modulation depth.
In 0% modulation, the output amplitude is half of the carrier waveform
In 100% modulation, the output amplitude is equal to carrier waveform
In >100% modulation, the output amplitude of the instrument would not
exceed 10Vpp (5 load).
When external modulation source is selected, the output amplitude of the instrument
is controlled by the ±5V signal level of the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
connector at the rear panel. For example, if the modulation depth is set to 100%, the
output amplitude will be the maximum when the modulating signal is +5V and the
minimum when the modulating signal is -5V.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-38 DG1000Z Users Guide
Carrier Waveform Suppression
DG1000Z supports the normal amplitude modulation and double sideband
suppressed carrier (DSB-SC) amplitude modulation. In the normal amplitude
modulation, the modulated waveform contains carrier waveform components.
Because carrier waveform components carry no information, the modulation is less
efficient. In order to improve the modulation efficiency, the carrier waveform
components are suppressed on the base of the normal amplitude modulation. At this
time, all modulated waveform carry information. This method is called double
sideband suppressed carrier modulation. By default, DG1000Z works in the normal
amplitude modulation and users can enable the double sideband suppressed carrier
modulation through pressing the menu key DSSC and selecting On.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-39
Frequency Modulation (FM)
For frequency modulation (FM), the frequency of the carrier waveform varies with
the instantaneous voltage of the modulating waveform.
To Select FM Modulation
Press Mod Type FM to enable FM function. When Mod is enabled, Sweep or
Burst will be disabled automatically (if enabled currently).
To Select Carrier Waveform Shape
FM carrier waveform could be Sine, Square, Ramp or Arbitrary waveform (except
DC). The default is Sine.
Press the front panel key Sine, Square, Ramp or Arb (you need to press
Select Wform in the arbitrary waveform setting interface to select the desired
arbitrary waveform) to select the desired carrier waveform shape.
Pulse, Noise and DC could not be used as carrier waveform.
To Set Carrier Waveform Parameters
The different settings of various parameters (frequency, amplitude, DC offset, start
phase and etc.) of the carrier waveform will influence the FM modulated waveform.
For different carrier waveform shape, the ranges of the various parameters are
different (the ranges are related to the model of the instrument used and the carrier
waveform currently selected. See Specificationsfor details). For all carrier
waveform shapes, the default values are 1kHz frequency, 5Vpp amplitude, 0V
offset and 0° start phase.
When the carrier waveform currently selected is Sine, Square or Ramp, please
refer to the introduction in To Output Basic Waveform to set the
parameters of the carrier waveform currently selected.
When the carrier waveform currently selected is arbitrary waveform, please
refer to the introduction in To Output Arbitrary Waveform to set the
parameters of the carrier waveform currently selected.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-40 DG1000Z Users Guide
To Select Modulation Source
DG1000Z can accept modulating waveform from internal or external modulation
source. Press Mod Source to select Int” or “Ext” modulation source.
1. Internal Source
When internal modulation source is selected, press Shape to select Sine, Square,
Triangle, UpRamp, DnRamp, Noise or Arb as modulating waveform. The default
is Sine.
Square: 50 duty cycle
Triangle: 50 symmetry
UpRamp: 100 symmetry
DnRamp: 0 symmetry
Arb: the arbitrary waveform selected of the current channel
Note: noise can be used as modulating waveform but can not be used as carrier
2. External Source
When external modulation source is selected, Shape and FM Freq will be
grayed out and disabled. The generator accepts the external modulating signal
from the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the rear panel. At this
time, frequency deviation of the modulated waveform is controlled by the ±5 V
signal level of the connector. For example, if the frequency deviation is set to 1
kHz, +5V signal level corresponds to a 1kHz increase of frequency and -5V signal
level corresponds to a 1kHz decrease of frequency.
[CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
[CH2/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-41
To Set Modulating Waveform Frequency
When internal modulation source is selected, press FM Freq to set the modulating
waveform frequency.
Input the desired frequency value using the numeric keyboard or direction keys
and knob.
The modulating waveform frequency ranges from 2mHz to 1MHz, and the
default value is 100Hz.
Note: when external modulation source is selected, this menu will be grayed out and
To Set Frequency Deviation
Frequency deviation is the deviation of the modulating waveform frequency relative
to the carrier frequency. Press FM Dev to set the FM frequency deviation.
Frequency deviation must be lower than or equal to the carrier frequency.
The sum of frequency deviation and carrier frequency must be lower than or
equal to the sum of the current carrier frequency upper limit and 1kHz.
Note: if Sine is selected currently as the carrier waveform, the carrier amplitude will
be limited at 2Vpp when the sum of the frequency deviation and the carrier
frequency is greater than the frequency upper limit of the current carrier.
When external modulation source is selected, the frequency deviation is controlled
by the ±5V signal level of the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the
rear panel. Positive signal level corresponds to frequency increase and negative
signal level corresponds to frequency decrease. For example, if the frequency
deviation is set to 1 kHz, +5V signal level corresponds to a 1kHz increase of
frequency and -5V signal level corresponds to a 1kHz decrease of frequency.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-42 DG1000Z Users Guide
Phase Modulation (PM)
For phase modulation (PM), the phase of the carrier waveform varies with the
instantaneous voltage of the modulating waveform.
To Select PM Modulation
Press Mod Type PM to enable PM function. When Mod is enabled, Sweep or
Burst will be disabled automatically (if enabled currently).
To Select Carrier Waveform Shape
PM carrier waveform could be Sine, Square, Ramp or Arbitrary waveform (except
DC). The default is Sine.
Press the front panel key Sine, Square, Ramp or Arb (you need to press
Select Wform in the arbitrary waveform setting interface to select the desired
arbitrary waveform) to select the desired carrier waveform shape.
Pulse, Noise and DC could not be used as carrier waveform.
To Set Carrier Waveform Parameters
The different settings of various parameters (frequency, amplitude, DC offset, etc.)
of the carrier waveform will influence the PM modulated waveform. For different
carrier waveform shape, the ranges of the various parameters are different (the
ranges are related to the model of the instrument used and the carrier waveform
currently selected. See Specificationsfor details). For all carrier waveform
shapes, the default values are 1kHz frequency, 5Vpp amplitude and 0V
When the carrier waveform currently selected is Sine, Square or Ramp, please
refer to the introduction in To Output Basic Waveform to set the
parameters of the carrier waveform currently selected.
When the carrier waveform currently selected is arbitrary waveform, please
refer to the introduction in To Output Arbitrary Waveform to set the
parameters of the carrier waveform currently selected.
Note: when PM function is enabled, the start phase of the carrier waveform can not
be set.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-43
To Select Modulation Source
DG1000Z can accept modulating waveform from internal or external modulation
source. Press Mod Source to select Int” or “Ext” modulation source.
1. Internal Source
When internal modulation source is selected, press Shape to select Sine, Square,
Triangle, UpRamp, DnRamp, Noise or Arb as modulating waveform. The default
is Sine.
Square: 50 duty cycle
Triangle: 50 symmetry
UpRamp: 100 symmetry
DnRamp: 0 symmetry
Arb: the arbitrary waveform selected of the current channel
Note: noise can be used as modulating waveform but can not be used as carrier
2. External Source
When external modulation source is selected, Shape and PM Freq will be
grayed out and disabled. The generator accepts the external modulating signal
from the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the rear panel. At this
time, phase deviation of the modulated waveform is controlled by the ±5V signal
level of the connector. For example, if the phase deviation is set to 180°, +5V
signal level corresponds to a 180º phase variation. The lower the external signal
level, the less deviation would be generated.
[CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
[CH2/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-44 DG1000Z Users Guide
To Set Modulating Waveform Frequency
When internal modulation source is selected, press PM Freq to set the modulating
waveform frequency.
Input the desired frequency value using the numeric keyboard or direction keys
and knob
The modulating waveform frequency ranges from 2mHz to 1MHz, and the
default value is 100Hz.
Note: when external modulation source is selected, this menu will be grayed out and
To Set Phase Deviation
Phase deviation is the deviation of the modulating waveform phase relative to the
carrier waveform phase. Press PM Dev to set the PM phase deviation.
Use the numeric keyboard or direction keys and knob to input the desired phase
The range of phase deviation is from to 360° and the default is 90°.
When external modulation source is selected, the phase deviation is controlled by the
±5V signal level from the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the rear
panel. For example, if the phase deviation is set to 180°, +5V signal level
corresponds to a 180º phase variation. The lower the external signal level, the less
deviation would be generated.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-45
Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)
When using ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying), you can configure the generator to “shift”
its output amplitude between two preset amplitude values (carrier amplitudeand
modulating amplitude).
To Select ASK Modulation
Press Mod Type ASK to enable ASK function. When Mod is enabled, Sweep
or Burst will be disabled automatically (if enabled currently).
To Select Carrier Waveform Shape
PM carrier waveform could be Sine, Square, Ramp or Arbitrary waveform (except
DC). The default is Sine.
Press the front panel key Sine, Square, Ramp or Arb (you need to press
Select Wform in the arbitrary waveform setting interface to select the desired
arbitrary waveform) to select the desired carrier waveform shape.
Pulse, Noise and DC could not be used as carrier waveform.
To Set Carrier Waveform Parameters
The different settings of various parameters (frequency, amplitude, DC offset and
etc.) of the carrier waveform will influence the ASK modulated waveform. For
different carrier waveform shape, the ranges of the various parameters are different
(the ranges are related to the model of the instrument used and the carrier
waveform currently selected. See Specificationsfor details). For all carrier
waveform shapes, the default values are 1kHz frequency, 5Vpp amplitude and 0V
When the carrier waveform currently selected is Sine, Square or Ramp, please
refer to the introduction in To Output Basic Waveform to set the
parameters of the carrier waveform currently selected.
When the carrier waveform currently selected is arbitrary waveform, please
refer to the introduction in To Output Arbitrary Waveform to set the
parameters of the carrier waveform currently selected.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-46 DG1000Z Users Guide
To Select Modulation Source
Press Mod Source to select Int” or “Extmodulation source.
1. Internal Source
When internal source is selected, the modulating waveform is set as a Square
with 50% duty cycle, and the frequency at which the output amplitude shifts
between carrier amplitudeand modulating amplitudeis determined by ASK
2. External Source
When external source is selected, the generator accepts the external modulating
signal from the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the rear panel.
Note: for the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector, controlling ASK
modulation externally is different from controlling AM/FM/PM modulations
externally. In ASK modulation, you can set the modulating polarity.
To Set Modulating Rate
When internal source is selected, press ASK Rate to set the rate at which the output
amplitude shifts between carrier amplitude and modulating amplitude.
Use the numeric keyboard or direction keys and knob to input the desired
frequency value.
The frequency range is from 2mHz to 1MHz and the default is 100Hz.
Note: when external modulation source is selected, this menu will be grayed out and
[CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
[CH2/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-47
To Set Modulating Amplitude
Press ASK Ampl to set the modulating amplitude
Use the numeric keyboard or direction keys and knob to input the desired
amplitude value.
The range of amplitude (HighZ) is from 0 to 10Vpp and the default is 2Vpp.
To Set Modulating Polarity
Press Polarity to select the Posor Negpolarity of the modulating waveform to
control the output amplitude.
In internal modulation, set the polarity to Posand the generator would output the
lower of the carrier amplitude and modulating amplitude when the modulating
waveform is logic low level and output the greater when the modulating waveform is
logic high level. The situation is the opposite when the polarity is set to Neg.
In external modulation, set the polarity to Posand the generator would output the
lower of the carrier amplitude and modulating amplitude when the external input
signal is logic low level and output the greater when the external input signal is logic
high level. The situation is the opposite when the polarity is set to Neg.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-48 DG1000Z Users Guide
Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)
When FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) modulation is selected, you can configure the
generator to “shift” its output frequency between two preset frequencies (carrier
frequencyand hop frequency).
To Select FSK Modulation
Press Mod Type FSK to enable FSK function. When Mod is enabled, Sweep
or Burst will be automatically disabled (if enabled currently).
To Select Carrier Waveform Shape
FSK carrier waveform could be Sine, Square, Ramp or Arbitrary waveform (except
DC). The default is Sine.
Press the front panel key Sine, Square, Ramp or Arb (you need to press
Select Wform in the arbitrary waveform setting interface to select the desired
arbitrary waveform) to select the desired carrier waveform shape.
Pulse, Noise and DC could not be used as carrier waveform.
To Set Carrier Waveform Parameters
The different settings of various parameters (frequency, amplitude, DC offset, start
phase and etc.) of the carrier waveform will influence the FSK modulated waveform.
For different carrier waveform shape, the ranges of the various parameters are
different (the ranges are related to the model of the instrument used and the carrier
waveform currently selected. See Specificationsfor details). For all carrier
waveform shapes, the default values are 1kHz frequency, 5Vpp amplitude, 0V
offset and 0° start phase.
When the carrier waveform currently selected is Sine, Square or Ramp, please
refer to the introduction in To Output Basic Waveform to set the
parameters of the carrier waveform currently selected.
When the carrier waveform currently selected is arbitrary waveform, please
refer to the introduction in To Output Arbitrary Waveform to set the
parameters of the carrier waveform currently selected.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-49
To Select Modulation Source
Press Mod Source to select Int” or “Extmodulation source.
1. Internal Source
When internal source is selected, the modulating waveform is set as a Square
with 50% duty cycle, and the frequency at which the output frequency shifts
between carrier frequencyand hop frequencyis determined by FSK Rate.
2. External Source
When external source is selected, the generator accepts the external modulating
signal from the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the rear panel.
Note: for the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector, controlling FSK
modulation externally is different from controlling AM/FM/PM modulations
externally. In FSK modulation, you can set the modulating polarity.
To Set Modulating Rate
When internal source is selected, press FSK Rate to set the frequency at which the
output frequency shifts between carrier frequencyand hop frequency.
Use the numeric keyboard or direction keys and knob to input the desired
frequency value.
The frequency range is from 2mHz to 1MHz and the default is 100Hz.
Note: when external modulation source is selected, this menu will be grayed out and
[CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
[CH2/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-50 DG1000Z Users Guide
To Set Hop Frequency
Hop frequency is the modulating frequency. The range of hop frequency depends on
the carrier waveform currently selected. Press HopFreq to highlight it and input the
desired frequency value using the numeric keyboard or direction keys and knob.
Sine: 1μHz to 60MHz
Square: 1μHz to 25MHz
Ramp: 1μHz to 1MHz
Arb: 1μHz to 20MHz
To Set Modulating Polarity
Press Polarity to select the Posor Negpolarity of the modulating waveform to
control the output frequency.
In internal modulation, set the polarity to Posand the generator would output the
carrier frequency when the modulating waveform is logic low level and output the
hop frequency when the modulating waveform is logic high level. The situation is the
opposite when the polarity is set to Neg.
In external modulation, set the polarity to Posand the generator would output the
carrier frequency when the external input signal is logic low level and output the hop
frequency when the external input signal is logic high level. The situation is the
opposite when the polarity is set to Neg.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-51
Phase Shift Keying (PSK)
When PSK (Phase Shift Keying) modulation is selected, you can configure the
generator to “shift” its output phase between two preset phase values (carrier
phaseand modulating phase).
To Select PSK Modulation
Press Mod Type PSK to enable PSK function. When Mod is enabled, Sweep
or Burst will be automatically disabled (if enabled currently).
To Select Carrier Waveform Shape
PSK carrier waveform could be Sine, Square, Ramp or Arbitrary waveform (except
DC). The default is Sine.
Press the front panel key Sine, Square, Ramp or Arb (you need to press
Select Wform in the arbitrary waveform setting interface to select the desired
arbitrary waveform) to select the desired carrier waveform shape.
Pulse, Noise and DC could not be used as carrier waveform.
To Set Carrier Waveform Parameters
The different settings of various parameters (frequency, amplitude, DC offset, start
phase and etc.) of the carrier waveform will influence the PSK modulated waveform.
For different carrier waveform shape, the ranges of the various parameters are
different (the ranges are related to the model of the instrument used and the carrier
waveform currently selected. See Specificationsfor details). For all carrier
waveform shapes, the default values are 1kHz frequency, 5Vpp amplitude, 0V
offset and 0° start phase.
When the carrier waveform currently selected is Sine, Square or Ramp, please
refer to the introduction in To Output Basic Waveform to set the
parameters of the carrier waveform currently selected.
When the carrier waveform currently selected is arbitrary waveform, please
refer to the introduction in To Output Arbitrary Waveform to set the
parameters of the carrier waveform currently selected.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-52 DG1000Z Users Guide
To Select Modulation Source
Press Mod Source to select Int” or “Extmodulation source.
1. Internal Source
When internal source is selected, the modulating waveform is set as a Square
with 50% duty cycle, and the frequency at which the output phase shifts
between carrier phaseand modulating phaseis determined by PSK Rate.
2. External Source
When external source is selected, the generator accepts the external modulating
signal from the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the rear panel.
Note: for the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector, controlling PSK
modulation externally is different from controlling AM/FM/PM modulations
externally. In PSK modulation, you can set the modulating polarity.
To Set Modulating Rate
When internal source is selected, press PSK Rate to set the frequency at which the
output phase shifts between carrier phaseand hop phase.
Use the numeric keyboard or direction keys and knob to input the desired
frequency value.
The frequency range is from 2mHz to 1MHz and the default is 100Hz.
Note: when external modulation source is selected, this menu will be grayed out and
[CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
[CH2/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-53
To Set Modulating Phase
Press Phase to set the modulating phase.
Use the numeric keyboard or direction keys and knob to input the desired phase
The phase range is from to 360° and the default is 180°.
To Set Modulating Polarity
Press Polarity to select the Posor Negpolarity of the modulating waveform to
control the output phase.
In internal modulation, set the polarity to Posand the generator would output the
carrier phase when the modulating waveform is logic low level and output the
modulating phase when the modulating waveform is logic high level. The situation is
the opposite when the polarity is set to Neg.
In external modulation, set the polarity to Posand the generator would output the
carrier phase when the external input signal is logic low level and output the
modulating phase when the external input signal is logic high level. The situation is
the opposite when the polarity is set to Neg.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-54 DG1000Z Users Guide
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
For PWM (Pulse Width Modulation), the pulse width of the carrier waveform varies
with the instantaneous voltage of the modulating waveform.
To Select PWM Modulation
PWM can only be used to modulate pulse. To select PWM modulation, press Pulse at
the front panel first and then press Mod to enable PWM function.
If the Pulse function key has not been selected, PWM in Type menu is
When Mod is enabled but the modulation type is not PWM, pressing Pulse will
select PWM automatically.
When Mod is enabled, Sweep or Burst will be automatically disabled (if
enabled currently).
To Select Carrier Waveform Shape
As mentioned before, PWM can only be used to modulate Pulse. To select Pulse
waveform, press Pulse at the front panel.
To Set Carrier Waveform Parameters
The different settings of various parameters (frequency, amplitude, DC offset, pulse
width, duty cycle and etc.) of the carrier waveform will influence the PWM modulated
waveform. For all pulses, the ranges of the various parameters are different. And the
default values are 1kHz frequency, 5Vpp amplitude, 0V
offset 500µs pulse width
and 50% duty cycle.
Please refer to the introduction in To Output Basic Waveform to set the
parameters of the carrier waveform.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-55
To Select Modulation Source
Press Mod Source to select Int” or “Extmodulation source.
1. Internal Source
When internal modulation source is selected, press Shape to select Sine, Square,
Triangle, UpRamp, DnRamp, Noise or Arb as modulating waveform. The default
is Sine.
Square: 50 duty cycle
Triangle: 50 symmetry
UpRamp: 100 symmetry
DnRamp: 0 symmetry
Arb: the arbitrary waveform selected of the current channel
Note: noise can be used as modulating waveform but can not be used as carrier
2. External Source
When external modulation source is selected, Shape and PWM Freq will be
grayed out and disabled. The generator accepts the external modulating signal
from the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the rear panel. At this
time, the width deviationor duty cycle deviationof the modulated waveform
is controlled by the ±5 V signal level of the connector. For example, if the width
deviation is set to 10s, +5V signal level corresponds to a 10s width variation.
To Set Modulating Waveform Frequency
When internal modulation source is selected, press PWM Freq to set the frequency
of the modulating waveform.
Use the numeric keyboard or direction keys and knob to input the desired
frequency value.
The frequency range is from 2mHz to 1MHz and the default is 100Hz.
Note: when external modulation source is selected, this menu will be grayed out and
[CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
[CH2/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-56 DG1000Z Users Guide
To Set Pulse Width/Duty Cycle Deviation
Press Width DeV (or Duty Dev) and input the desired value using the numeric
keyboard or direction keys and knob.
Width deviation represents the variation (the available units are ns, μs, ms, s
and ks) of the modulated waveform pulse width relative to the original pulse
The width deviation can not exceed the current pulse width.
The width deviation is limited by the minimum pulse width and current edge
time setting.
Duty cycle deviation represents the variation (in %) of the modulated waveform
duty cycle relative to the original pulse duty cycle.
The duty cycle deviation can not exceed the current pulse duty cycle.
The duty cycle is limited by the minimum duty cycle and current edge time
When external modulation source is selected, width deviation or duty cycle deviation
is controlled by the ±5V signal level of the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
connector at the rear panel. For example, if the width deviation is set to 10s, the +5V
signal level corresponds to a 10s width variation.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-57
DG1000Z can output sweep from a single channel or from dual channels at the same
time. In sweep mode, the generator outputs signal variably from the start frequency
to stop frequency within the specified sweep time. DG1000Z supports linear, log and
step sweep modes, allows users to set start hold, end hold and return time, supports
internal, external or manual trigger source, and can generate sweep output for Sine,
Square, Ramp and arbitrary waveform (except DC).
To Enable Sweep Function
Press Sweep at the front panel to enable the sweep function (the backlight of the
key turns on), and Mod or Burst function will be automatically disabled (if currently
enabled). The instrument will generate the sweep waveform from the corresponding
channel (if currently turned on) according to the current configuration. You can also
reset the sweep parameters. Please refer to the introduction in the following text for
Start Frequency and Stop Frequency
Start frequency and stop frequency are the upper and lower limits of the frequency
for frequency sweep. The generator always sweeps from the start frequency to the
stop frequency and then returns back to the start frequency.
Start Frequency < Stop Frequency: the generator sweeps from low frequency to
high frequency.
Start Frequency > Stop Frequency: the generator sweeps from high frequency
to low frequency.
Start Frequency = Stop Frequency: the generator outputs with a fixed
When sweep mode is enabled, press Start/Center to highlight Start. Notice that
the Stopin Stop/Span key will also be highlighted at the same time. Use the
numeric keyboard or direction keys and knob to input the desired frequencies. By
default, the start frequency is 100Hz and the stop frequency is 1kHz. Different sweep
waveform corresponds to different start frequency and stop frequency range.
Sine: 1μHz to 60MHz
Square: 1μHz to 25MHz
Ramp: 1μHz to 1MHz
Arb: 1μHz to 20MHz
The generator will renewedly sweep (according to the current new configuration)
from the specified “start frequency” after start or stop frequency is changed.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-58 DG1000Z Users Guide
Center Frequency and Frequency Span
You can also set the frequency boundaries of frequency sweep through center
frequency and frequency span.
Center Frequency = (|Start Frequency + Stop Frequency|) / 2
Frequency Span = Stop FrequencyStart Frequency
When sweep mode is enabled, press Start/Center to highlight Center. Notice
that the Spanin Stop/Span will also be highlighted at the same time. Use the
numeric keyboard or direction keys and knob to enter the desired frequency values.
By default, the center frequency is 550Hz and the frequency span is 900Hz. Different
sweep waveform corresponds to different center frequency and frequency span
range and the center frequency and frequency span are interrelative.
Define the minimum frequency of the waveform currently selected as
, the
maximum frequency as
The range of center frequency is from
and the parameters for
different waveforms are as follows.
Sine: 1μHz to 60MHz
Square: 1μHz to 25MHz
Ramp: 1μHz to 1MHz
Arb: 1μHz to 20MHz
The range of frequency span is influenced by the center frequency.
Center frequency <
: the range is ±2× (center frequency
Center frequency
: the range is ±2× (
center frequency).
Take sine as an example.
is 1μHz,
is 60MHz and
is about 30MHz.
If the center frequency is 550Hz, the frequency span range is ±2×(550Hz–1μHz) =
±1.099999998kHz; if the center frequency is 55MHz, the frequency span range is
±2×(60MHz55MHz) = ±10MHz.
The generator will renewedly sweep (according to the current new configuration)
from the specified “start frequency” after center frequencyor frequency span is
In large-scale sweep, the amplitude characteristic of the output signal might
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-59
Sweep Type
DG1000Z provides Linear, Log and Step sweep types and the default is Linear
Linear Sweep
In linear sweep type, the output frequency of the instrument varies linearly in the
way of several Hertz per second. The variation is controlled by Start Frequency,
Stop Frequencyand Sweep Time.
When Sweep is enabled, press Type to select Linear. A straight line is displayed
on the waveform on the screen, indicating that the output frequency varies linearly.
Figure 2-7 Linear Sweep
Log Sweep
In Log Sweep type, the output frequency of the instrument varies in a logarithmic
fashion, that is, the output frequency changes in the way of octave per secondor
decade per second. The variation is controlled by Start Frequency, Stop
Frequencyand Sweep Time.
When Log Sweep is enabled, users could set the following parameter:
Start Frequency (
), Stop Frequency (
) and Sweep Time (
The function prototype of Log Sweep:
PF =
is the instantaneous frequency of the current output.
could be
expressed as shown below by the above-mentioned parameters:
)lg(/)lg( PFtT
is the time from the start of the sweep and its range is from 0 to
When Sweep is enabled, press Type to select Log. An exponential function curve
is displayed on the waveform on the screen, indicating that the output frequency
changes in a logarithmic mode.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-60 DG1000Z Users Guide
Figure 2-8 Log Sweep
Step Sweep
In Step Sweep type, the output frequency of the instrument stepsfrom Start
Frequencyto Stop Frequency. The duration of the output signal on each frequency
point is determined by Sweep Timeand Step Number.
When Sweep is enabled, press Type to select Step. A step waveform is displayed
on the waveform on the screen, indicating that the output frequency varies in step.
At this point, press to open the 2/2 menu page. Press Step Num and input the
step number using the numeric keyboard or direction keys and knob. The default is 2
and the range is from 2 to 1024.
Note: in Linearand Logsweep modes, Step Num is grayed out and disabled.
Figure 2-9 Step Sweep
Sweep Time
When Sweep is enabled, press SweepTime and use the numeric keyboard or knob
to modify the sweep time. The default value is 1s and the available range is from 1ms
to 500s. The generator will renewedly sweep and output from the specified Start
Frequencyonce the sweep time is modified.
Return Time
Return time describes the time in which the output returns to Start frequencyfrom
Stop Frequencyafter the generator has swept from Start Frequencyto Stop
Frequencyand stay within Stop Holdtime.
When Sweep is enabled, press ReturnTime and use the numeric keyboard or
direction keys and knob to modify the return time. The default value is 0s and the
available range is from 0s to 500s.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-61
The generator will renewedly sweep from the specified Start Frequencyonce the
return time is modified.
Mark Frequency
The sync signal output from the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector
(corresponds to the channel at the front panel) at the rear panel always changes
from low level to high level at the start of each sweep. The sync signal changes from
high level to low level at the center frequency point when “Mark” function is disabled
or at the specified mark frequency point when “Mark” function is enabled.
When Sweep is enabled, press Mark to select Onand use the numeric keyboard
or direction keys and knob to modify the mark frequency. The default value is 550Hz
and the available range is limited by Start Frequencyand Stop Frequency.
The generator will renewedly sweep and output from the specified Start Frequency
once the mark frequency is modified.
For step sweep (the sweep points determined by the start frequency, stop
frequency and step number respectively are f
, f
, ……, f
, f
……), if the mark
frequency setting is one of the sweep points values, the sync signal is TTL high
level at the start of the sweep and will change to low level at the mark frequency
point. If the mark frequency setting is not any one of the sweep points values, the
sync signal will change to low level at the sweep point which is closest to this mark
Start Hold
Start hold is the duration that the output signal outputs with the Start Frequency
after the sweep starts. After the start hold, the generator will output with varying
frequency according to the current sweep type.
When Sweep is enabled, press Start Hold and use the numeric keyboard or
direction keys and knob to change the Start Hold. The default value is 0s and the
available range is from 0s to 500s.
The generator will renewedly sweep and output from the specified Start Frequency
once the Start Hold is changed.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-62 DG1000Z Users Guide
Stop Hold
Stop Hold is the duration that the output signal still outputs with the Stop
Frequencyafter the generator has swept from the Start Frequency to the Stop
When Sweep is enabled, press Stop Hold and use the numeric keyboard or
direction keys and knob to change the stop hold. The default value is 0s and the
available range is from 0s to 500s.
The generator will renewedly sweep and output from the specified start frequency
once the End Hold is changed.
Sweep Trigger Source
The sweep trigger source could be internal, external or manual. The generator will
generate a sweep output when a trigger signal is received and then wait for the next
trigger source. When Sweep is enabled, press Trigger Source to select Int,
Extor Manual. The default isInt.
1. Internal Trigger
The generator outputs continuous sweep waveform when internal trigger is
selected. The trigger period is determined by the specified sweep time, return
time, start hold and stop hold times.
Press TrigOut to select Leadingor Trailing and the [CH1/Sync/Ext
Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the rear panel will output trigger signal with
specified edge.
2. External Trigger
The generator accepts the trigger signal inputted from the [CH1/Sync/Ext
Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the rear panel when external trigger is selected.
A sweep will be generated once the connector gets a TTL pulse with specified
polarity. To set the TTL pulse polarity, press SlopeIn to select Leadingor
Trailing. The default is Leading.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-63
3. Manual Trigger
A sweep will be generated from the corresponding channel once you press
Trigger when manual trigger is selected.
Note: the menu key Trigger is valid when the Manual Trigger” is selected and
the output of the corresponding channel is enabled.
Press TrigOut to select Leadingor Trailing and the [CH1/Sync/Ext
Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the rear panel will output trigger signal with
specified edge.
1. When Int or Manual trigger is selected, press Sweep Trigger
TrigOut to select Off, Leadingor Trailing.
1) When Off is selected, the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
connector at the rear panel will ouput the sync signal which changes from
low level to high level at the start of each sweep and returns to low level
at center frequency point or at the specified mark frequency point.
2) When Leading is selected, the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
connector at the rear panel will ouput the trigger signal which is the same
as the sync signal. The trigger signal changes from low level to high level
at the start of each sweep (that is, enable the trigger at the leading edge)
and returns to low level at center frequency point or at the specified mark
frequency point.
3) When Trailing is selected, the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
connector at the rear panel will ouput the trigger signal which changes
from high level to low level at the start of each sweep (that is, enable the
trigger at the trailing edge) and returns to high level at center frequency
point or at the specified mark frequency point.
[CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
[CH2/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-64 DG1000Z Users Guide
2. WhenExttrigger is selected, press Sweep Trigger TrigOut to select
Leadingor Trailing. The [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at
the rear panel is used as the input
terminal of external trigger signal. The
instrument generates a sweep at the leading edge of the iuputted signal when
leading edge is selected or at the trailing edge of the iuputted signal when
trailing edge is selected.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-65
DG1000Z can output waveform with specified number of cycles (called Burst) from a
single channel or from dual channels at the same time. DG1000Z supports control of
burst output by internal, manual or external trigger source; supports three kinds of
burst types including N cycle, infinite and gated. The generator can generate burst
using Sine, Square, Ramp, Pulse, Noise (only for gated burst) or arbitrary waveform
(except DC).
To Enable Burst Function
Press Burst at the front panel to enable Burst function (the backlight of the key
turns on), and Mod or Sweep function will be automatically disabled (if currently
enabled). The generator will output burst waveform from the corresponding channel
(if currently turned on) according to the current configuration. You can also reset the
burst function menu. Please refer to the introduction in the following text for details.
Burst Type
DG1000Z can output three types of bursts including N cycle, infinite and gated. The
default is N cycle.
Table 2-3 Relations among burst type, trigger source and carrier waveform
Burst Type
Trigger Source
Carrier Waveform
N Cycle Int/Ext/Manual
Sine, Square, Ramp, Pulse,
Arbitrary waveform (except DC)
Infinite Ext/Manual
Sine, Square, Ramp, Pulse,
Arbitrary waveform (except DC)
Gated Ext
Sine, Square, Ramp, Pulse, Noise,
Arbitrary waveform (except DC)
N Cycle Burst
In N Cycle mode, the generator will output waveform with specified number of cycles
after receiving trigger signal. Waveform functions that support N cycle burst include
Sine, Square, Ramp, Pulse and arbitrary waveform (except DC).
When Burst is enabled, press Type to select “NCycle. The Cyclesis highlighted
on the screen and could be edited. At this point, use the numeric keyboard or
direction keys and knob to change the Cycles. The default is 1 and the range is from
1 to 1 000 000 (external or manual trigger) or 1 to 500 000 (internal trigger).
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-66 DG1000Z Users Guide
Figure 2-10 N Cycle Burst
For N cycle burst, Int, Extor Manualtrigger source could be used. Besides, you
can also set the Burst Period(internal trigger), Delay, SlopeIn(external
trigger) and TrigOut(internal and manual trigger).
Infinite Burst
In Infinite mode, the cycle number of the waveform is set as an infinite value. The
generator outputs a continuous waveform after receiving trigger signal. Waveform
functions that support infinite burst include Sine, Square, Ramp, Pulse and arbitrary
waveform (except DC).
When Burst is enabled, press Type to select Infiniteand the instrument will set
the trigger source to Manual automatically. An infinite cycle burst sketch will
appear on the screen.
Figure 2-11 Infinite Burst
For infinite burst, Extor Manualtrigger source could be used. Besides, users can
set the Delay, SlopeIn(external trigger) and TrigOut(manual trigger).
Gated Burst
In Gated Burst Mode, the generator controls the waveform output according to the
external signal level from the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the
rear panel. Waveform functions which support gated burst are Sine, Square, Ramp,
Pulse, Noise and arbitrary waveforms (except DC).
When Burst is enabled, press Type to select Gatedand then press Polarity to set
the gated polarity as Pos(or Neg). The generator outputs burst waveform only
when the gated signal is positive (or negative).
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-67
Figure 2-12 Gated Burst
When the gated signal is “True”, the generator outputs a continuous waveform.
When the gated signal is “False”, the generator first completes the output of the
current period and then stops. For Noise waveform, the output will stop immediately
once the gated signal becomes False.
Gated Burst could only be triggered by Exttrigger source.
Burst Period
Burst period is only available for N cycle burst in internal trigger and is defined as the
time from the start of a burst to the start of the next one.
Burst Period 2μs + waveform period × number of bursts. Here, waveform
period is the period of burst function (such as Sine and Square).
If the burst period currently set is too short, the generator will increase this
period automatically to allow the output of the specified number of cycles.
When Burst is enabled, press Type NCycle Trigger Source Intto
select N cycle burst in internal trigger. Press to return to the previous menu and
then press Burst Period to input the desired period using the numeric keyboard or
direction keys and knob. The default is 10ms and the range is from 2μs to 500s.
Gated Polarity
Gated polarity is only available in gated burst mode. The instrument outputs burst
when the gated signal of the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the
rear panel is High Levelor Low Level.
When Burst is enabled, press Type Gated Polarity to select Posor Neg.
The default is Pos.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-68 DG1000Z Users Guide
Burst Delay
Burst delay is only available for N cycle and infinite burst mode. It is defined as the
time from when the generator receives the trigger signal to starts to output the N
Cycle (or Infinite) burst.
When Burst is enabled, press Type NCycleor Infinite, and then press Delay
and use the numeric keyboard or knob to input the desired delay time. The delay is
no less than 0s and no greater than 100s and the default is 0s.
Burst Trigger Source
Burst trigger source could be internal, external or manual. The generator will
generate a burst output when a trigger signal is received and then wait for the next
trigger. When Burst is enabled, press Trigger Source to select Int, Extor
Manual. The default is Int.
1. Internal Trigger
When internal trigger is selected, the generator can only output N cycle burst
and the burst frequency is determined by the Burst Period.
Press TrigOut to select Leadingor Trailingand the [CH1/Sync/Ext
Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the rear panel will output the trigger signal with
specified edge.
2. External Trigger
When external trigger is selected, the generator can output N cycle, infinite or
gated burst. The generator accepts the trigger signal from the [CH1/Sync/Ext
Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the rear panel. A burst will be generated once
the connector receives a TTL pulse with specified polarity. To set the TTL pulse
polarity, press SlopeIn to select Leadingor Trailing. The default setting is
[CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] [CH2/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-69
3. Manual Trigger
When manual trigger is selected, the generator can output infinite or gated
burst. A burst will be generated from the corresponding channel (if currently
turned on) once you press Trigger. If the corresponding channel is not turned
on, Trigger will be grayed out and disabled.
Press TrigOut to select Leadingor Trailing and the [CH1/Sync/Ext
Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the rear panel will output the trigger signal with
specified edge.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-70 DG1000Z Users Guide
DG1000Z provides a counter which can measure various parameters (such as
frequency, period, duty cycle, positive pulse width and negative pulse width) of
external input signal and support statistic of measurement results. When the statistic
function is enabled, the instrument calculates the maximum, minimum, average and
standard deviation of the measurement values automatically and displays the
variation tendency of the measurement values in Digital or Curve mode. In
addition, the dual channels can still output normally when the counter is enabled.
To Enable the Counter
Press Counter at the front panel (the backlight turns on and the left indicator
flickers) to enable counter function and enter counter setting interface.
Figure 2-13 Counter Parameter Setting Interface
If the counter is currently turned on and the screen displays the counter interface,
press Counter again to disable counter function. If the counter is currently turned
on and the screen displays interfaces other than the counter interface, press
Counter again to switch to the counter interface.
Note: when the counter is enabled, the CH2 sync output will be disabled.
Coupling Trigger Level HF Suppression
Gate Time
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-71
To Set the Counter
You need to configure appropriate parameters for the counter.
1. Gate Time
Press Gate Time to set the gate time of the measurement system and the
default is “1.310ms”.
1ms 1.310ms
10ms 10.48ms
100ms 166.7ms
1s 1.342s
10s 10.73s
>10s >10s
2. To Select the Parameters to be Measured
Press Select Meas to select the type of parameter to be measured by the
counter. The counter can measure the following parameters: frequency, period,
duty cycle, positive pulse width and negative pulse width. The default is
3. Statistic Function
Press Statist to enable or disable statistic function. When the statistic function
is enabled, the instrument calculates the maximum, minimum, average and
standard deviation of the measurement values automatically and displays the
variation tendency of the measurement values in Digitalor Curvemode.
1) To Select Display Mode
After the statistic function is enabled, press Display to set the display
mode of the statistic results to Digitalor Curve, as shown in
Figure 2-14
and Figure 2-15.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-72 DG1000Z Users Guide
Figure 2-14 Statistic Results Interface (In “Digital” Display Mode)
Note: when the statistic function is disabled, Display is grayed out and
Figure 2-15 Statistic Results Interface (In “CurveDisplay Mode)
2) To clear the statistic results
Press Clear to clear the current statistic result
Note: when the statistic function is disabled, Clear is grayed out and
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-73
4. Trigger Sensitivity
Set the trigger sensitivity of the measurement system. The default is 25% and
the range available is from 0% to 100%. Press TrigSens and use the numeric
keyboard to input the desired value and select the unit %” from the pop-up
5. Trigger Level
Set the trigger level of the measurement system. The system triggers and gets
the measurement readings when the input signal reaches the specified trigger
level. The default is 0V and the range available is from -2.5V to 2.5V. Press
TrigLevel and use the numeric keyboard to input the desired value and select
the desired unit (V or mV) from the pop-up menu.
6. Coupling
Set the coupling mode of the input signal to ACor DCand the default is AC.
7. High-Frequency Suppression
High-frequency suppression can be used to filter out the high-frequency
components and improve the measurement accuracy in low-frequency signal
measurement. Press HFSuppre to enable or disable the high-frequency
suppression function.
Note: enable high-frequency suppression when low-frequency signal with lower
than 250kHz frequency is measured to filter out the high-frequency noise
interference; disable high-frequency suppression when high-frequency signal
with greater than 250kHz frequency is measured and the maximum input
frequency can be 200MHz.
8. Auto
When Auto is pressed, the instrument will select an appropriate gate time
automatically according to the characteristics of the signal to be measured.
AUTOis displayed on the gate time area of the counter interface.
9. Running State
Pressing State can control the running state of the counter. When Counter at
the front panel is pressed, the counter enters Runstate automatically and
continuously measures the iuput signal according to the current configuration.
Press State and the counter first enters Single state and then ethers Stop
state after finishing the current measurement.
When the counter enters Stopstate, each time Single is pressed, the counter
executes one measurement.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-74 DG1000Z Users Guide
Store and Recall
DG1000Z can store the current instrument state and user-defined arbitrary
waveform data in internal or external memory and recall them when needed.
DG1000Z also could interconnect with RIGOL oscilloscope which supports USB-TMC
seamlessly and rebuilt and output the waveform data collected by the oscilloscope
Storage System
DG1000Z can store the current instrument state and user-defined arbitrary
waveform data in internal or external memory and recall them when needed.
DG1000Z provides an internal non-volatile memory (C Disk) and an external memory
(D Disk).
1 C Disk: provide 10 storage locations for state files and 10 storage locations for
arbitrary waveform files. Users can store instrument states and arbitrary
waveform files (created by users or downloaded via remote commands) to C
Disk and copy the files in USB storage device to C Disk.
2 D Disk: available when USB storage device is detected by the USB Host
interface at the front panel.
Users can store state files and arbitrary waveform files to D Disk and the
number of the files can be stored is determined by the storage space of USB
storage device. The Txt files, Csv files and Bmp files stored in the USB storage
device can also be readed.
Press Store (the key backlight goes on) at the front panel to enable the Store/Recall
function and open the Store/Recall interface as shown in the figure below.
Figure 2-16 Store and Recall Interface
Display Area
Display Area
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-75
Note: DG1000Z can only identify files of which filenames consist of Chinese
characters, English letters, number and underscore. If other characters are used to
name the file or folder, the name might be displayed in the store and recall interface
File Type
Press Store File Type to select the desired file type. The file types available
include State File, Arb File, Txt File, Csv File, Bmp File and All File.
1. State File
Store the instrument state in internal or external memory in *.RSFformat. At
most 10 instrument states can be stored in internal memory.
The state file stored includes waveforms selected, frequency, amplitude, DC
offset, duty cycle, symmetry, phase and modulation, sweep, burst parameters
used of the two channels and counter parameters as well as utility parameters
and system parameters under the Utility menu.
2. Arb File
Store the user-defined arbitrary waveform in internal or external memory in
*.RAFformat. At most 10 arbitrary files can be stored in internal memory.
In arbitrary waveform file, the voltage values corresponding to each waveform
point are stored in binary data format. In sample rate edit mode, if the points is
set to Sa, the arbitrary waveform file only contains Sa points of which the
voltage all are user-set values. In period edit mode, if the points is set to Sa, the
voltage of the first Sa points are user-set values and the voltage from the
(Sa+1)th point to the 8192th point are low level. The voltage value of each
point takes 2 bytes (16 bits). The lower 14 bits are used to represent voltage
and the higher 2 bits are unused. Therefore the format of binary data is from
0x0000 to 0x3FFF. Wherein, 0x0000 corresponds to the low level of the arbitrary
waveform and 0x3FFF corresponds to the high level of the arbitrary waveform.
The stored arbitrary waveforms can be read by each model of DG1000Z series.
Besides, the arbitrary waveforms stored in USB storage device can be opened
and edited by data editing tools (such as WinHex or UltraEdit etc.) via computer.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-76 DG1000Z Users Guide
3. Txt File
Read the Txt files stored in external memory. The data of each line (can not be
longer than 64 characters) is considered as an arbitrary waveform point and the
data of all lines in the file are normalized to form an arbitrary waveform. The
arbitrary waveform is stored in volatile memory. The instrument will enter the
Arb interface automatically when the Readoperation is finished.
Note: only when D Disk is selected, this menu is available.
4. Csv File
Read the Csv files in external memory. The instrument will enter the Arb
interface automatically when the Readoperation is finished. The arbitrary
waveform is stored in volatile memory.
Note: only when D Disk is selected, this menu is available.
5. Bmp File
Browse the bitmap files in “*.BMPformat in the current directory. The Bmp files
are mainly used to customize the start-up interface. Users need to press Utility
System Display Custom GUI Open File to browse the Bmp files
in the current directory and select the Bmp file meeting the requirement. Please
refer to the introduction in
Display Setfor details.
Note: only when D Disk is selected, this menu is available.
6. All File
Display all files and folders in the currently selected directory. When this menu is
selected, the store operation is unavailable.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-77
Browser Type
Press Store Browser to switch between Dirand File. Use the knob to select
the desired directory or file.
Dir: when this type is selected, use the knob to switch between C Disk and D
Disk (when USB storage device is inserted).
File: when this type is selected, use the knob to switch files or folders under the
current directory.
File Operation
When Fileis selected as the browser type, users can perform a series of operations
on files including Save, Read, Copy, Paste, Delete and New Folder.
1. To Select File Type
Follow the introduction in File Type
to select the type of files to be saved as.
Only state file and arb file can be saved locally. If the curremt file is Arb File,
press Arb Edit Wform Save to save it.
2. To Open the Filename Input Interface
Press Browser to select Fileand then press Save to enter the filename input
interface as shown in the figure below.
Figure 2-17 Filename Input Interface (English)
Filename Input Area Virtual Soft Keyboard
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-78 DG1000Z Users Guide
3. To Input Filename
Press IME to select Chineseor English. The length of the file or folder name
is limited within 9 characters.
English Input (include number input):
Press +/- on the numeric keyboard at the front panel to switch between
uppercase and lowercase.
Use the knob to select the desired character from the virtual soft keyboard,
then press Select to select the character and the character selected would
be displayed in the Filename Input Area. Use the same method to input all
the characters needed. You can press Delete to delete the character at the
cursor currently in the Filename Input Area.
Chinese Input:
Press +/- on the numeric keyboard at the front panel to switch to
Figure 2-18 Filename Input Area (Chinese)
Use the knob to select the desired character from the virtual soft keyboard,
then press Select to select the character and the character selected would
be displayed in the Pinyin Input Area. After inputting the pinyin of a
Chinese character, use the numeric keyboard to select the No. (in the
Chinese Character Display Area”) of the desired Chinese character (if the
desired Chinese character is not currently displayed, use the direction key
to open the next page) and the Chinese character selected would be
displayed in the Filename Input Area. Use the same method to input all
Chinese characters needed. You can also press Delete to first delete the
Pinyin Input Area Filename Input Area
Chinese Character Display Area Virtual Soft Keyboard
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-79
character in the Pinyin Input Areaand then delete the Chinese character
at the cursor currently in the Filename Input Area.
4. To Save File
After finishing inputting filename in the filename input interface, press Save,
the generator will save the file under the currently selected directory with the
specified filename and file type.
1. To Select File Type
Follow the introduction in File Type
to select the type of file to be read. For C
Disk, only state file and arb file can be read. For D Disk, files of all types can be
read. If you need to select Bmp File, press Utility System Display
Custom GUI Open File to read the desired bitmap file.
2. To Select the File to be Read
Set Browser to Dirand use the knob to select the directory in which the file to
be read is stored. Then set Browser to File and use the knob to select the file
to be read.
3. To Read File
Press Read, the generator will read the currently selected file and display
corresponding prompt message when the file is read successfully.
Copy and Paste
1. To Select the File to be Copied
Set Browser to Dirand use the knob to select the directory in which the file to
be copied is stored. Then set Browser to File, and use the knob to select the
file to be copied.
2. To Copy File
Press Copy, the generator will copy the file currently selected.
3. To Select Paste Destination
When copying file from C Disk to D Disk, set Browser toDir” and use the
knob to select D Disk directory.
When copying file from D Disk to C Disk, set Browser toDir” and use the
knob to select C Disk directory. And then you need to set Browser to File
and use the knob to select the location of the currently copied file to be
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-80 DG1000Z Users Guide
4. To Paste File
Press Paste, the generator will paste the copied file in the directory which the
current cursor is in and display corresponding prompt message after finishing
the paste operation.
1. To Select File or Folder to be Deleted
Set Browser to Dirand use the knob to select the directory in which the file or
folder to be deleted is stored. Then set Browser to File, and use the knob to
select the file or folder to be deleted.
2. To Delete File or Folder
Press Delete and the generator will delete the currently selected file or folder
(empty folder).
New Folder
DG1000Z allows users to create new folders in external memory. Please first insert a
USB storage device and make sure that it is identified by the instrument.
1. To Select Memory
In Store/Recall interface, set Browser to Dirand use the knob to select D
2. New Directory
Set Browser to Fileand press New Folder to enter the folder name input
interface (same as shown in
Figure 2-17 or Figure 2-18).
Note: when C Diskis selected, this menu is unavailable.
3. To Input Folder Name
Input the name of the new folder following the introduction inSave.
4. To Save Folder
After finishing inputting the name of the new folder in the folder name input
interface, press Save and the generator will create a new empty folder under the
current directory.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-81
Seamless Interconnection with Oscilloscope
DG1000Z could interconnect with RIGOL oscilloscope which supports USB-TMC
seamlessly and rebuilt and output the waveform data collected by the oscilloscope
losslessly. The connection method between the instruments is as shown in the figure
Operation Method:
1. Make sure that the measured signal is displayed steadily on the screen of DS1.
2. Connect the USB Host interface of DG1000Z with the USB Device interface of
DS1 using USB cable. Now, DS1 will enter Remotemode automatically.
3. Use DG1000Z to read the measured signal that is displayed currently on the
screen of DS1 (two methods):
Press Store key at the front panel of DG1000Z to enter the store and recall
interface. At this time, the model identifier of DS1 will be displayed in the
Directory Display Area. Press the menu key File Type at the store and
recall interface of DG1000Z to select Arb File, and then set the Browser
menu of DG1000Z as Dirand use the knob of DG1000Z to move the focus
cursor onto the model identifier of DS1. Now, all channels and their on/off
status of DS1 will be displayed in the File/Folder Display Area. Set the
Browser menu of DG1000Z as File, and move the cursor onto the
channel to be read, and then press Read. At this point, DS1 will enter the
“Stopmode automatically, and DG1000Z will read the arbitrary waveform
data (namely the waveform data collected by DS1) automatically. After the
read, the arbitrary waveform data is stored in the internal volatile memory
of the current channel of DG1000Z and DG1000Z switchs to arbitrary
waveform (Arb) mode (if the current mode is not arbitrary waveform mode)
Press Arb key at the front panel of DG1000Z to enter arbitrary waveform
mode, and press Select Wform Stored Wform to enter the store and
recall interface of arbitrary waveform (at this time, the backlight of the
Store key at the front panel of DG1000Z turns on). Set the Browser menu
of DG1000Z as Dirand use the knob of DG1000Z to move the focus cursor
onto the model identifier of DS1. Now, all channels and their on/off states
USB Cable BNC Cable
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-82 DG1000Z Users Guide
of DS1 will be displayed in the File/Folder Display Area. Set the Browser
menu of DG1000Z as File, and move the cursor onto the channel to be
read, and then press Read. At this point, DS1 will enter the Stopmode
automatically, and DG1000Z will read the arbitrary waveform data (namely
the waveform data collected by DS1) automatically. After the read, the
arbitrary waveform data is stored in the internal volatile memory of the
current channel of DG1000Z.
4. Connect the output of the current channel of DG1000Z with the input of DS2.
Turn on the channel output of DG1000Z and DG1000Z will output the arbitrary
waveform collected by DS1. Configure DS2 to view the waveform collected by
Note: when the points of the waveform that DS1 has collected currently is less than
8k (8192), DG1000Z will complement the points to 8k (8192) by the way of linear
interpolation if arbitrary waveform frequency output mode is currently selected and
not change the points if arbitrary waveform sample rate output mode is currently
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-83
Utility and System Settings
Press Utility at the front panel to open the operation interface as shown in the
figure below. This interface displays the output configuration, coupling configuration
and system parameters of the currently selected channel.
Figure 2-19 Utility Interface
Channel Set: Set the output parameters of CH1 and CH2.
Coupling Set:
Set the channel coupling parameters.
Channel Copy:
Set the channel copy parameters.
Set To Default: Restore the instrument to its default state.
Set the system language.
System Info:
View the model, serial number and software version number.
System: Set parameters relative to the system.
I/O Config:
Set the remote interface parameters.
Print Set:
Set print parameters.
Test Cal: View the calibration information and set parameters relative
to the calibration.
PA Set:
Set the power amplifier parameters.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-84 DG1000Z Users Guide
Channel Set
For DG1000Z, the function and setting method of CH1 are the same to those of CH2.
This section takes CH1 for example to illustrate how to set the channel. To set the
output parameters of CH2, please press CH1|CH2 to select CH2 and refer to this
section to set the parameters.
Sync Set
DG1000Z could output the sync signals of basic waveforms (except Noise), arbitrary
waveforms (except DC), Harmonics, Sweep signal, Burst signal and modulated signal
from a single channel or from two channels at the same time. The instrument
outputs the sync signal from the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at
the rear panel.
1. Sync On/Off
Enable or disable sync signal at the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
connector. Press Utility Channel Set Sync Set Switch to select On
or Offthe output of the sync signal. The default is On, namely transmitting
the sync signal to the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector. When sync
signal is disabled, the output level at the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK]
connector is logic low level.
2. Sync Polarity
Set the sync signal on the [CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the
rear panel as normal or inverted. Press Utility Channel Set Sync Set
Polarity to select Normalor Invert.
Normal: outputs normal sync signal.
Invert: outputs inverted sync signal.
3. Delay Time of Sync Signal Output
Set the delay time of the sync signal output of the [CH1/Sync/Ext
Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the rear panel relative to the signal output of the
[CH1] connector at the front panel. Press Utility Channel Set Sync Set
Delay, input the desired value using the numeric keyboard and select the
desired unit from the pop-up menu. The range is from 0.0ns to the currently
selected period of the carrier waveform and the default is 0.0ns.
Note: when modulation, sweep or burst is enabled, the delay setting is invalid.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-85
Sync Signals of Various Waveforms:
1. Basic Waveform
The frequency of the basic waveform is less than or equal to 100kHz or
the sync delay is not 0:
The s
ync signal is a Square with 50% duty cycle and the same frequency
as that of the basic waveform. When ouputting the first waveform point,
the sync signal is TTL high level.
2) The frequency of the basic waveform is greater than 100kHz:
Sine and Ramp: the sync signal is a Square with 50% duty cycle.
Square and Pulse: the sync signal is a Square with variable duty cycle
which varies with the duty cycle of the output signal.
Take 0V voltage (or the DC Offset of the basic
waveform) as the
reference, the sync signal is TTL high level when the corresponding value
of the output signal is greater than the reference. When the frequency of
the basic waveform is less than or equal to 30MHz, the sync signal has the
same frequency as the basic waveform. When the frequency of the basic
waveform is greater than 30MHz, the frequency of the sync signal is (the
basic waveform frequency÷2
). Wherein, n represents
the frequency
dividing coefficient and it is equal to 1 when the frequency of the basic
waveform is greater than 30MHz and less than or equal to 60MHz.
3) Noise: there is no sync signal output.
2. Harmonics
For harmonics, the
sync signal is a square with 50% duty cycle and the same
frequency as that of the fundamental waveform. When ouputting the first
waveform point, the sync signal is TTL high level.
3. Arbitrary Waveform
For arbitrary waveform, the sync signal is a square with 50% duty cycle and
the same frequency as that of the arbitrary waveform. When ouputting the
first waveform point, the sync signal is TTL high level.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-86 DG1000Z Users Guide
Modulated Waveform (the sync delay is invalid)
1) When internal modulation source is selected:
the sync signal is a square with 50% duty cycle.
For AM, FM, PM and PWM, the frequency of the sync signal is the
modulating frequency.
For ASK, FSK and PSK, the frequency of the sync signal is the
modulating rate.
2) When external modulation source is selected:
The terminal is used to accept the external modulation signal and there is
no sync signal output.
5. Sweep Waveform (the sync delay is invalid)
1) When internal or munual trigger source is selected:
If “Markis disabled:
The sync signal is a square with 50% duty cycle. The sync signal is
TTL high level at the start of the sweep and changes to low level at
the mid-point of the sweep. The frequency of the sync signal is the
reciprocal of the sum of the specified sweep time, return time, start
hold and end hold times.
If “Markis enabled:
For linear and log sweep, the sync signal is TTL high level at the start
of the sweep and changes to low level at the mark frequency.
For step sweep (the sweep points determined by the start frequency,
stop frequency and step number respectively are f
, f
, ……, f
……), if the mark frequency setting is one of the sweep points
values, the sync signal is TTL high level at the start of the sweep and
will change to low level at the mark frequency point. If the mark
frequency setting is not any one of the sweep points values, the sync
signal will change to low level at the sweep point which is closest to
the mark frequency.
2) When external trigger source is selected:
The terminal is used to accept the external trigger signal and there is no
sync signal output.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-87
Burst Waveform(the sync delay is invalid)
1) When internal or munual trigger source is selected:
Infinite burst: the sync signal is the same as that of the basic
N cycle burst: the sync signal is TTL high level at the start of the
burst and will change to TTL low level after the specified number of
cycles finished. For the sync signal, the frequency is the reciprocal
of the Burst Period and the duty cycle is
Carrier Period * Cycles / Burst Period.
Gated burst: the terminal is used to accept the external modulation
signal and there is no sync signal output.
2) When external trigger source is selected:
The terminal is used to accept the external trigger signal and there is no
sync signal output.
Output Set
1. Output Polarity
Set the output signal on the [CH1] connector as normal or inverted. Waveform
inversion is relative to the offset voltage. Press Utility Channel Set
Output Set Output to select Normalor Invert. The default is Normal.
The waveform is normally outputted in Normal mode and is inverted before
outputted in Invertmode. For example, the waveform of the first half period of
the cycle is positive in Normalmode and negative in Invertmode, as shown
in the figure below.
0 V Offset
0 V
Normal Invert Normal Invert
Note: the sync signal related to the waveform is not inverted when the
waveform is inverted. To set the sync signal to invert, press Utility Channel
Set Sync Set Polarity and select Invert.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-88 DG1000Z Users Guide
2. Output Impedance
The output impedance setting influences output amplitude and DC offset. The
instrument has a 50Ω fixed serial output impedance for the [CH1] connector at
the front panel. If the actual load is different from the specified value, the
voltage level displayed would not match the voltage level of the device under
test. To ensure correct voltage level, the load impedance setting must match the
actual load.
Press Utility Channel Set Output Set Imped to select HighZor
Load. The default is HighZ. If Loadis selected, use the numeric keyboard to
set specific impedance value. The default is 50Ω and the available range is from
1Ω to 10kΩ. Impedance setting will be displayed on the screen.
The generator will adjust the output amplitude and offset voltage automatically
once the impedance setting is changed. For example, the current amplitude is
5Vpp. At this point, change the output impedance from 50Ω to HighZ and the
amplitude displayed on the screen will double to 10Vpp. If the output impedance
is changed from HighZ to 50Ω, the amplitude will reduce to half of the previous
value (2.5Vpp). Notice that only the displayed values change with the parameter
and the real output from the generator does not change.
3. Output Mode
Set the output mode of the [CH1] connector as normal or gated. In gated mode,
the output state of the [CH1] connector is controlled by the signal from the
[CH1/Sync/Ext Mod/Trig/FSK] connector at the rear panel. When Gated
is selected, press Polarityto select Posor Neg.
Positive: the [CH1] connector ouputs signal when the gated signal is high
Negative: the [CH1] connector ouputs signal when the gated signal is low
4. Range
Press Utility Channel Set Output Set Range and select Autoor
Auto: the generator selects the best settings for the output amplifier and
attenuator automatically.
Hold: disable the automatic optimization, which can eliminate the
discontinuation of the waveform caused by the relay switch when changing
the amplitude but may affect the amplitude accuracy.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-89
Waveform Summing
1. To Enable Waveform Summing Function
Press Utility Channel Set Sum Wforms Switch, select Onto
enable the waveform summing function and sum a specified waveform on the
current waveform or select Offto disable the waveform summing function.
Note: this function is valid only for the basic waveforms.
2. To Select Sum Source
Press Utility Channel Set Sum Wforms Sum Source to select the
desired waveform to be summed on the current waveform.
3. Sum Frequency
Set the frequency of waveform to be summed on the current waveform. Press
Utility Channel Set Sum Wforms Sum Frequency to input the
desired value using the numeric keyboard and select the desired unit from the
pop-up menu. The range is related to the currently selected waveform.
4. Sum Ratio
Set the ratio of the amplitude of the waveform to be summed on the current
waveform relative to that of the current waveform. Press Utility Channel
Set Sum Wforms Sum Ratio to input the desired value using the
numeric keyboard and select the unit % from the pop-up menu.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-90 DG1000Z Users Guide
Coupling Set
DG1000Z supports frequency, amplitude and phase couplings. Users can set the
frequency deviation (frequency ratio), amplitude deviation (amplitude ratio) or phase
deviation (phase ratio) of the two channels. When coupling is enabled, CH1 and CH2
are mutual base source. When the frequency, amplitude or phase of one channel (as
the base source) is changed, the corresponding parameter of the other channel will
be changed automatically and always keeps the specified frequency deviation (ratio),
amplitude deviation (ratio) or phase deviation (ratio) relative to the base channel.
Press Utility Coupling Set to enter the channel coupling setting interface.
Frequency Coupling
1. Frequency Coupling Mode
Press FCpl Mode to select FreqDevor Ratioand then input the desired
value using the numeric keyboard.
FreqDev: the frequency deviation between CH1 and CH2. The parameter
relations are as shown below:
; F
Ratio: the frequency ratio of CH1 and CH2. The parameter relations are as
shown below:
; F
Note: please set this parameter before enable the frequency coupling function.
When frequency coupling is enabled, this menu is grayed out and disabled and
you can not set the frequency deviation or frequency ratio.
2. To Enable Coupling Function
Press Freq Cpl to turn frequency coupling Onor Off. The default is Off.
Amplitude Coupling
1. Amplitude Coupling Mode
Press ACpl Mode to select AmplDevor Ratioand then input the desired
value using the numeric keyboard.
AmplDev: the amplitude deviation between CH1 and CH2. The parameter
relations are as shown below:
; A
Ratio: the amplitude ratio of CH1 and CH2. The parameter relations are as
shown below:
; A
Note: please set this parameter before enable the amplitude coupling function.
When amplitude coupling is enabled, this menu is grayed out and disabled and
you can not set the amplitude deviation or amplitude ratio.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-91
2. To Enable Coupling Function
Press Ampl Cpl to turn amplitude coupling Onor Off. The default is Off.
Phase Coupling
1. Phase Coupling Mode
Press PCpl Mode to select PhaseDevor Ratioand then input the desired
value using the numeric keyboard.
PhaseDev: the phase deviation between CH1 and CH2. The parameter
relations are as shown below:
; P
Ratio: the phase ratio of CH1 and CH2. The parameter relations are as
shown below:
; P
Note: please set this parameter before enable the phase coupling function.
When phase coupling is enabled, this menu is grayed out and disabled and you
can not set the phase deviation or phase ratio.
2. To Enable Coupling Function
Press PhaseCpl to turn phase coupling Onor Off. The default is Off.
When the corresponding coupling functions are enabled, green “*” marks are
separately displayed on the left of the frequency, amplitude and phase of the two
channels as shown in the figure below, indicating that the generator is in frequency,
phase and amplitude couplings at the same time. For example, when the frequency,
amplitude and phase deviation are set to “100Hz”, “1Vppand “10°” respectively,
change the frequency, amplitude and phase of CH1 to 200Hz, 2Vpp and 2
respectively and the parameters of CH2 will be changed to 300Hz, 3Vpp and 3
automatically; use CH1|CH2 to switch to CH2, change the frequency, amplitude
and phase of CH2 to 200Hz, 2Vpp and 2respectively and the parameters of CH1
will be changed to 100Hz, 1Vpp and 1automatically.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-92 DG1000Z Users Guide
Figure 2-20 Channel Coupling
Channel coupling is only available when both the waveforms of the two
channels are basic waveforms including Sine, Square, Ramp and Arbitrary
waveform (except DC).
If the sum (or product) of the frequency, amplitude or phase of CH1 and the
deviation (or ratio) set exceeds the upper limit of frequency, amplitude or
phase of CH2 or the value of the frequency, amplitude or phase of CH2 minus
(or is divided by) the deviation (or ratio) set is below the lower limit of
frequency, amplitude or phase of CH1, the generator will adjust the frequency,
phase or amplitude of the later channel to avoid parameter overrange.
When the phase of the one channel is changed, the phase (phase displayed on
the interface) of the other channel will be changed accordingly. At this point,
aligning phase between the two channels can be realized without executing
the Align Phase operation.
Channel coupling and channel copy are mutually exclusive. When channel
coupling is enabled, the menu Channel Copy is grayed out and disabled.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-93
Press Track to select the track mode as On, Invertor Off.
On: enable the track function. The instrument copies the various parameters
and states (except the channel output state) of CH1 to CH2 automatically. When
the paramaters or states of CH1 are changed, the corresponding parameters or
states of CH2 (except the channel output state) will be adjusted to the same
values or states automatically. At this point, the dual channels can output the
same signal (if currently enabled).
Invert: the track function is enabled. The instrument copies the various
parameters and states (except the channel output state) of CH1 to CH2
automatically. When the paramaters or states of CH1 are changed, the
corresponding parameters or states of CH2 (except the channel output state)
will be adjusted to the same value automatically. At this point, CH2 outputs the
inverted signal of the output signal of CH1 (if currently enabled).
Off: disable the track function. This is the default state.
Note: when track function is enabled, coupling function and channel copy function
are disabled, the user interface is switched to single channel view mode and the
current channel is CH1.
Channel Copy
DG1000Z supports states and waveform copy function between its two channels,
namely copies all parameters and states (except the channel output state) and
arbitrary waveform data of one channel to the other one.
Press Utility Channel Copy to enter the channel copy setting interface.
Press CH1=>CH2 to copy all parameters and states (except the channel output
state) and arbitrary waveform data of CH1 to CH2.
Press CH2=>CH1 to copy all parameters and states (except the channel output
state) and arbitrary waveform data of CH2 to CH1.
Note: channel coupling or track function and channel copy function are mutually
exclusive. When channel coupling or track function is enabled, the menu Channel
Copy is grayed out and disabled.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-94 DG1000Z Users Guide
Restore Default
Restore the instrument to its default state.
Press Utility Set To Default OK, the backlight of Utility turns off and switch
the instrument to Sine display mode. The default values are shown in the table below.
Note that the items marked with *” are set at the factory and are related to the set
of the users and will not be affected by the Set To Default operation.
Table 2-4 Factory Default Values
Channel Parameters
Current Carrier Waveform
Output Impedance
Output Load
50 Ω
Sync Output On
Sync Polarity Pos
Sync Delay 0s
Channel Output
Output Mode
Gated Polarity Pos
Range Auto
Waveform Sum Switch Off
Sum Source
Sum Frequency
Sum Ratio
Basic Waveform
Frequency 1kHz
Amplitude Unit
Start Phase
Square Duty Cycle 50%
Ramp Waveform Symmetry 50%
Pulse Duty Cycle
Pulse Width
Pulse Leading Edge
Pulse Trailing Edge 20ns
Harmonic Type Even
Harmonic Order 2
Harmonic Phase (7)
Harmonic Serial Number
Harmonic Amplitude (7)
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-95
Harmonic State Off
User-defined X0000000
Arb Waveform
Sample Rate
DC Offset 0V
Arb Waveform Mode Frequency
Built-in Arbitrary Waveform Sinc
Insret Waveform
Insert position
Insert Way Insert
Cycles 1
Points 8
High Level
Low Level
Edit Points
Points 1
Voltage -2.5V
Edit Block
Y2 -2.5V
Modulation Type
AM Modulation
Modulation Source
Modulating Waveform Shape Sine
Modulation Frequency 100Hz
Modulation Depth 100%
Carrier Waveform Suppression
FM Modulation
Modulation Source Int
Modulating Waveform Shape Sine
Modulation Frequency 100Hz
Frequency Deviation
PM Modulation
Modulation Source
Modulating Waveform Shape Sine
Modulation Frequency 100Hz
Phase Deviation 90°
ASK Modulation
Modulation Source
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-96 DG1000Z Users Guide
ASK Rate 100Hz
Modulation Amplitude 2Vpp
ASK Polarity
FSK Modulation
Modulation Source
FSK Rate 100Hz
Hop Frequency 10kHz
FSK Polarity Pos
PSK Modulation
Modulation Source
PSK Rate 100Hz
PSK Phase 180°
PSK Polarity Pos
PWM Modulation
Modulation Source
Modulating Waveform Shape
Modulation Frequency 100Hz
Width Deviation 200μs
Duty Cycle Deviation 20%
Sweep Type
Sweep Time 1s
Return Time 0s
Start Frequency 100Hz
Stop Frequency
Center Frequency
Frequency Span
Start Hold 0s
Stop Hold 0s
Mark Frequency State Off
Mark Frequency
Trigger Source
Trigger Output Off
SlopeIn Leading
Step Number 2
Burst Mode
N Cycle
Cycle Number 1
Burst Period 10ms
Gated Polarity Pos
Trigger Source
Trigger Output
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-97
Trigger Input Leading
Delay 0ns
Interface Focus Items
Amplitude/High Level Ampl
Offset/Low Level Offset
Pulse Width/Duty Cycle Duty
Frequency Coupling Deviation/Ratio Ratio
Amplitude Coupling Deviation/Ratio Ratio
Phase Coupling Deviation/Ratio Ratio
Default Channel
Measurement Parameter Frequency
Gate Time 1ms
Statistic Function Off
Display Mode
Trigger Sensitivity
Trigger Level
Coupling Mode AC
High-frequency Suppression Off
System Parameter
Coupling Set
Frequency Coupling
Frequency Deviation 0uHz
Frequency Ratio 1
Amplitude Coupling Off
Amplitude Deviation
Amplitude Ratio
Phase Coupling Off
Phase Deviation
Phase Ratio 1
Track Off
Print Set
Print Switch
Print Destination
Usb Disk
Print Format Bmp
Print Copies 0
Print Palette
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-98 DG1000Z Users Guide
UI Customization
Set Coordinate* (0,0)
System Set
Power On Setting
Clock Source
Decimal Point Dot
Thousand Separator Comma
Beeper On
Screen Saver
Display Mode
Dual Channels Parameters
Factory Delivery Setting
I/O Configuration
USB Device Type
On (default setting in LAN)
Auto IP* On (default setting in LAN)
Manual IP*
Off (default setting in LAN)
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-99
To Set System Languege
At present, DG1000Z supports various system languages, including Chinese/English
menu, help information, prompt messages, interface display and Chinese/English
input method.
Press Utility Language to select the desired language. This setting is stored in
non-volatile memory and will not be influenced by the Set To Default operation.
System Information
Press Utility System Info and the model, serial number, software version
numbers of the current instrument are displayed in the system information interface.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-100 DG1000Z Users Guide
System Set
Power On Set
Set the configuration to be used when the instrument is powered on the next time to
Defaultor Last. The default setting is “Default.
Last: includes all system parameters and states, except channel output state
and clock source.
Default: denotes the factory defaults except certain parameters (such as
Press Utility System Power On to select the desired configuration type. This
setting is stored in non-volatile memory and will not be influenced by the Set To
Default operation.
Clock Source
DG1000Z provides an internal 10MHz clock source and accepts external clock source
from the [10MHz In/Out] connector at the rear panel. It can also output clock
source from the [10MHz In/Out] connector for other devices.
Press Utility System Clk Src to select Intor Ext. The default is Int. If
Extis selected, the instrument will detect whether a valid external clock signal is
input from the [10MHz Out/In] connector at the rear panel. If no valid clock
source is detected, the prompt message Not detect a valid external clock!would be
displayed and the clock source would be switched to Int.
You can synchronize two or more instruments by setting the clock source. When two
instruments are synchronized, the Align Phasefunction can not be used. Align
phaseis only applicable to be used to adjust the phase relation between two output
channels of the same instrument and can not be used to change the phase relation
between the output channels of two instruments. Of course, you can change the
phase relation between two instruments by changing the Start Phase of each
Sync methods for two or more instruments:
Synchronization between two instruments:
Connect the [10MHz In/Out] connector of Generator A (Internalclock) to
the [10MHz In/Out] connector of Generator B (Externalclock) and set the
output frequencies of A and B as a same value to realize synchronization
between two instruments.
Synchronization among multiple instruments:
Divide the 10MHz clock source of a Generator (Internalclock) into multiple
channels, and then connect them to the [10MHz In/Out] connectors of other
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-101
generators (“Externalclock) respectively, and finally set the output frequencies
of all the generators as a same value to realize synchronization among multiple
Number Format
You can set the display format of the decimal point and thousands separator in
number parameters. This setting is stored in non-volatile memory. Press Utility
System Number Format to enter the number format setting interface.
Decimal Point: could be set as dot “.or comma “,. The default is dot ..
Thousands separator: could be set as ,, Spaceor Nonewhen decimal point
is set as “.”; could be set as “., Spaceor Nonewhen decimal point is set as
Number display format has 6 combinations as shown in the figure below.
Dot + Comma
Dot + Space
Dot + None
Comma + Dot
Comma + Space
Comma + None
Note: decimal point and thousands separator can not be set as dot or comma at the
same time.
When the beeper in DG1000Z is enabled, a beep is generated when an error occurs
during front panel or remote operation.
Press Utility System Beep to select Onor Offand the default is On.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-102 DG1000Z Users Guide
Screen Saver
Enable or disable screen saver mode. Press Utility System Scrn Svr to select
Onor Offand the default is On.
Display Set
Press Utility System Display to enter the display setting interface. You can
set the brightness, contrast and display mode. Besides, you can also customize the
start-up interface.
1. Brightness
Press Brightness and use the numeric keyboard or direction keys and knob to
change the brightness. The range is from 1% to 100% and the default is 50%.
This setting is stored in non-volatile memory and will not be influenced by the
Set To Default operation.
2. Contrast
Press Contrast and use the numeric keyboard or direction keys and knob to
change the Contrast. The range is from 1% to 100% and the default is 25%.
This setting is stored in non-volatile memory and will not be influenced by the
Set To Default operation.
3. Display Mode
Press DispMode to select the display mode as Dual Channels Parameters,
Dual Channels Graphor Single Channel View.
Dual Para: the various parameters and waveforms of the dual channels are
diaplayed at the same time in number and graph formats.
Dual Graph: the current waveforms of the dual channels are diaplayed at
the same time in graph format.
Single View: the various parameters and waveform of the currently selected
channel are displayed in number and graph formats.
4. Customize GUI
DG1000Z allows users to define the start-up interface. You can store the content
to be displayed to USB Disk in the format of BMP. Insert an USB Disk to the USB
HOST interface at the front panel of the generator and press Custom GUI to
enter the user-defined start-up setting interface. Select the desired file in BMP
format and set the coordinate of the file in the interface.
Open the File: Press Open File to enter the store and recall interface and
select the desired file in BMP format.
Note: the internal memory can not store files in BMP format. Please store
the content to be displayed to USB Disk in the format of BMP and the size of
the image can not exceed 320*240
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-103
Set Coordinate: set the coordinate of the image selected in the interface.
Press Coordinate and set the coordinate values using the numeric
keyboard or direction keys and knob.
Note: the coordinate settings are the coordinate of the upper left corner of
the image selected. Suppose the pixel of the image selected is X*Y, the
available ranges of the coordinates are from (000,000) to (320-X,240-Y).
Preview: after selecting the desired bitmap file and the coordinates are set,
press Preview to preview the effect of the user-defined start-up interface.
Press any key to quit the preview.
Save: save the defined start-up interface and this interface will be displayed
at the next start-up.
Boot UI: switch the current start-up interface to default or user-defined.
I/O Configuration
DG1000Z is configured with USB, LAN and GPIB (option) interfaces. Users can set
the GPIB address or LAN interface parameters (the USB parameters dont need to be
Press Utility I/O Config to open the I/O setting menu, you can set the GPIB
address or LAN interface parameters or select the type of the device connected to
USB interface. The interface selection is stored in the non-volatile memory.
To Set GPIB Address
Each device connected to GPIB interface must have a unique address.
Press Utility I/O Config GPIB and set the GPIB address to any value
between 0 and 30. The default is “2”. The selected address is stored in non-volatile
To Set LAN Parameters
Press Utility I/O Config LAN to open the LAN parameters configuration
interface as shown in the figure below. You can view the network status and
configure the network parameters. At this point, press
to view the other
network configuration parameters.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-104 DG1000Z Users Guide
Figure 2-21 LAN Setting Interface
Network Status
Different prompt messages will be provided by the generator based on the current
network status.
Connected: indicates LAN connection is successful.
Disconnect: indicates no LAN connection or LAN connection is unsuccessful.
MAC Address
MAC (Media Access Control) address, also called hardware address, is used for
defining the position of the network device. For a generator, the MAC address is
always unique. It is always used to identify the instrument while assigning IP address
for instrument. MAC address (48 bits, namely 6 bytes) is usually expressed in
hexadecimal format, such as 00-14-0E-42-12-CF.
VISA Descriptor
VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture) is an advanced application
programming interface developed by NI (National Instrument) for communications
with various instrument buses. It uses the same method to communicate with
instruments regardless of the types of the instrument interfaces (GPIB, USB,
LAN/Ehternet or RS232). The GPIB, USB, LAN/Ethernet or RS232 instrument which
wants to communicate with VISA is called resource.
VISA descriptor is the resource name and describes the accurate name and location
of the VISA resource. If LAN interface is currently used for communication with the
instrument, the VISA descriptor is TCPIP0::
Network Status
Current IP
Configure Mode
IP Configure
Mode status
MAC Address
VISA Descriptor
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-105
IP Configuration Mode
IP configuration mode could be DHCP, AutoIP or ManualIP. If the network is
disconnected currently, there will be nothing to be displayed behind IP Configure:.
In different IP configuration modes, the configuration ways of network parameters
(such as IP address) are different.
In DHCP mode, DHCP server in the current network assigns LAN
parameters, e.g. IP address, for the generator.
Press DHCP to select “On” or “Off” to turn DHCP mode on or off. The
default is On.
2. AutoIP
In AutoIP mode, the generator acquires IP address within and and subnet mask automatically according to
the current network configuration.
Press AutoIP to select “On” or “Off” to turn AutoIP mode on or off. The
default is On. When DHCP and AutoIP modes are turned on at the same
time, the instrument will first use DHCP mode. Therefore, to enable this
mode, set DHCP as “Off”.
3. ManualIP
In ManualIP mode, the LAN parameters of the generator, e.g. IP address,
are defined by users.
Press ManualIP to select “On” or “Off” to turn ManualIP mode on or off.
The default is “Off. If all the three IP configuration modes are “On”, the
priority of parameters configuration from high to low is DHCP, AutoIP
and ManualIP. Therefore, to enable this mode, set DHCP and AutoIP as
The IP address format is nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn. The first nnn ranges from 1 to
223 (except 127) and the other three nnn range from 0 to 255. It is
recommended that users acquire an available IP address from their network
Press IP Address and use the direction keys and numeric keyboard or
knob to enter your desired IP address. The setting is stored in non-volatile
memory and will be loaded automatically when the generator is powered on
the next time if DHCP and AutoIP are set as Off.
If all the three IP configuration modes are On, the priority of parameters
configuration from high to low is DHCP, AutoIPand ManualIP.
The three IP configuration modes cannot be set as Offat the same time.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-106 DG1000Z Users Guide
To Set Subnet Mask
In ManualIP mode, the subnet mask could be manually set.
The format of subnet mask is nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, wherein nnn ranges from 0 to
255. It is recommended that users acquire an available subnet mask from their
network administrator.
Press SubMask and use the direction keys and numeric keyboard or knob to
enter your desired subnet mask. The setting is stored in non-volatile memory
and will be automatically loaded when the generator is powered on the next
time if DHCP and AutoIP are set as Off.
To Set Default Gateway
In ManualIP mode, the default gateway could be manually set.
The format of default gateway is nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, wherein the first nnn ranges
from 1 to 223 (except 127) and the other three nnn range from 0 to 255. It is
recommended that users acquire an available default gateway from their
network administrator.
Press Default Gateway and use the direction keys and numeric keyboard or
knob to enter your desired gateway address. The setting is stored in non-volatile
memory and will be automatically loaded when the generator is powered on the
next time if DHCP and AutoIP are set as Off.
To Set DNS Service
In ManualIP mode, the DNS could be manually set.
The DNS format is nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, wherein the first nnn ranges from 1 to 223
(except 127) and the other three nnn range from 0 to 255. It is recommended
that users acquire an available DNS address from their network administrator.
Press DNS Service and use the direction keys and numeric keyboard or knob to
enter your desired DNS address. The setting is stored in non-volatile memory
and will be automatically loaded when the generator is powered on the next
time if DHCP and AutoIP are set as Off.
Default Configuration
Press Default Config and the prompt message Restore network settings to preset
values of LXI?is displayed. Press OK to restore the network parameters to their
default values. By default, DHCP and AutoIP are enabled and ManualIP is disabled.
Current Configuration
Press Current Config to examine the MAC address of the current instrument, the
current LAN parameters and LAN status information.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-107
Press OK to enable the current setting of LAN parameters.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-108 DG1000Z Users Guide
Print Set
Users could store the contents displayed on the screen into external USB storage
device in picture format.
1. Please connect a USB storage device first. When connected successfully, the
will be displayed in the status bar on the screen and the
corresponding prompt message will be displayed on the screen.
2. Press Utility Print Set Print Onto enable the print function.
3. Switch the content displayed on the screen to the interface to be printed. Press
the key . at the front panel twice continuously and the contents displayed on
the screen will be stored into the USB storage device in picture format according
to the preset configuration. During the store process, the print progress bar is
diaplayed on the screen.
Press Utility Test Cal to view calibration state and calibration time.
Besides, press Utility Test Cal Manual Cal to input correct calibration
password and press Ok to enter the manual calibration interface. At this time, you
can calibrate the instrument manually. A default password is set when factory
delivery and please contact RIGOL if you want to acquire this password. If you have
already known the password, you could modify the password (press Password
Modify and modify the password according to the interface prompts).
The recommended calibration interval is 1 year. The instrument has been
calibrated before leaving factory. Calibration by users themselves is not
recommended and if calibration is required, please contact RIGOL.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-109
To Use External Power Amplifier (Option)
DG1000Z supports the connection with the Power Amplifier (PA). You can configure
the parameters of the Power Amplifier (PA) and DG1000Z will amplify the signal
before output. To use external power amplifier, please install the PA1011 option.
PA1011 is one of the options provided for RIGOL DG Series Function/Arbitrary
Waveform Generators, with up to 1 MHz full power bandwidth and higher than 80
V/µs slew rate. It can be connected with all DG series products to quickly build test
platform and can also be used as an independent power amplifier to be used with
other signal generators.
Main Features of PA1011:
Flexible and easy communication with RIGOL DG Series Function/Arbitrary
Waveform Generators or PC software through the USB interface.
You can set the gain (x1 or x10), output polarity (Normal or Invert), output
offset and output switch of the power amplifier flexibly in connection with its
Up to 50kΩ input impedance.
The integrated output protection circuit (over-current protection and internal
temperature abnormal protection) ensures the instrument is working stably,
reliably and safely.
Compact size, easy to carry and use.
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-110 DG1000Z Users Guide
Front Panel:
Status Indicator
Power: red light on, indicating successful power connection.
Output: green light on, indicating that PA output is turned on.
Link: yellow light on, indicating successful USB connection.
The input impedance of the instrument Zi is 50k, and the range of
voltage is from -10V to +10V or form -1.25V to +1.25V separately while
the voltage gain is set to X1 or X10.
Inputs that exceed these ranges may cause damages to the instrument or
other hazards.
The output impedance of the instrument Zo is less than 2, and the range
of output voltage is from -12V to +12V. Although the amplifier actually
enables to output voltages up to ±12.5V, the total wave harmonic
distortion may increase.
Status Indicator Signal Output Signal Input
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 2-111
Rear Panel:
Do not use any other adapters to supply power for PA1011, or else it may
cause degradation or perpetual damage.
Please make sure the vents at both sides and the fan aperture at the rear
panel are visible in operation for normal working.
PA1011 Accessories:
Power Cord
Connect the AC into the power adaptor.
AC Adaptor 1 Output 12V, 4A signal.
USB Cable 1 Connect PA1011 with DG1000Z.
BNC Cable 1 Connect PA1011 with DG1000Z.
Provide the PC software installation program of PA1011.
USB Device Power In Fan Aperture
RIGOL Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
2-112 DG1000Z Users Guide
Connect DG1000Z with PA1011:
When the connection between DG1000Z and PA1011 as shown in the figure above
succeeds, press Utility PA Set at the front panel of DG1000Z to enter the PA
parameters setting interface.
1. Switch
Turn “On” or “Offthe external power amplifier. If Onis selected, the PA
amplifies and then outputs the input signal (namely the output signal of the
signal generator); if Offis selected, the PA has no output.
2. Gain
Select X1or X10as the amplifier gain of the signal output from the PA. X1
means output without gain and X10means to amplify the signal 10 times and
then output.
3. Output
Select Normalor Invertoutput mode for the signal output from the PA. Pay
attention to distinguish it with Output Polarityof DG1000Z.
4. Offset
Turn “On” or “Off” the output deviation for the output from the PA. When Onis
selected, use the numeric keyboard or direction keys and knob to set deviation
value. The available range is from -12V to 12V and the default value is 0V.
5. Store
Store the current working state of the PA in its internal memory. When the PA is
turned on the next time, it will automatically recall the stored working state.
For specifications of PA1011, please refer to Appendix B: Specifications of
Power Amplifier”.
USB Host USB Cable USB Device
Output BNC Cable Input
Chapter 3 Remote Control RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 3-1
Chapter 3 Remote Control
DG1000Z series function/arbitrary waveform generator can be controlled remotely
via the following two modes.
User-defined programming
Users can program and control the instrument by using the SCPI (Standard
Commands for Programmable Instruments) commands. For more information about
the commands and programming, refer to the Programming Guide.
Use PC software provided by RIGOL or other manufacturers
Users can use the PC software Ultra Sigma of RIGOL, Measurement &
Automation Explorer of NI (National Instruments Corporation) or Agilent IO
Libraries Suite of Agilent (Agilent Technologies, Inc.) to send commands to
control the instrument remotely.
This generator can communicate with PC through USB, LAN and GPIB (with the USB
to GPIB interface converter provided by RIGOL) instrument buses. This chapter will
give a detailed introduction of how to use Ultra Sigma to control the generator
(take DG1062Z as an example) remotely through various interfaces. To acquire the
Ultra Sigma software, please contact RIGOL salesmen or technical support.
The contents of this chapter are as follows:
Remote Control via USB
Remote Control via LAN
Remote Control via GPIB (Option)
RIGOL Chapter 3 Remote Control
3-2 DG1000Z Users Guide
Remote Control via USB
1. Connect the device
Connect the USB DEVICE interface at the rear panel of DG1062Z with your PC
using a USB cable.
2. Install the USB driver
This generator is a USB-TMC device. Assuming that your PC has already been
installed with Ultra Sigma, after you connect the generator to the PC and turn
both on for the first time (the generator is automatically configured to USB
interface), the New Hardware Wizard as shown in the figure below is displayed
on the PC. Please install the “USB Test and Measurement Device (IVI)” driver
following the directions in the wizard. The steps are as follows.
Chapter 3 Remote Control RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 3-3
RIGOL Chapter 3 Remote Control
3-4 DG1000Z Users Guide
3. Search device resource
Start up the Ultra Sigma and the software will automatically search for the
generator resources currently connected to the PC. You can also click
to search the resources. During the search, the status bar of the software is as
shown in the figure below.
4. View the device resource
The resources found will appear under the RIGOL Online Resourcedirectory
and the model number and USB interface information of the instrument will also
be displayed as shown in the figure below.
5. Communication test
Right click the resource name
DG1062Z (USB0::0x1AB1::0x0642::DG1ZA000000001::INSTR)to select
SCPI Panel Control” to turn on the remote command control panel (as shown in
the figure below) through which you can send commands and read data.
Chapter 3 Remote Control RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 3-5
Remote Control via LAN
1. Connect the device
Connect the generator to your PC or the LAN of your PC using a network cable.
2. Configure network parameters
1) DHCP mode:
If the network supports DHCP, the DHCP server in the network assigns
network parameters (IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway and DNS) for the
generator automatically.
2) Auto IP mode:
When the network doesnt support DHCP, the DHCP mode of the generator
is disabled or the generator is connected to the PC directly, the generator
selects Auto IP mode and acquires the IP address from to and subnet mask automatically.
3) Manual IP mode:
Enable the Manual IP mode and disable the DHCP mode as well as the Auto
IP mode to set the network parameters manually.
If the generator is connected to the PC directly, set the IP Addresses,
Subnet Masks and Gateways for both of the PC and the generator. The
Subnet Masks and Gateways of the generator and PC must be the same and
the IP Addresses of them must be within the same network segment (for
details, refer to the TCP/IP protocal). An example is shown in the table
Network Parameters
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
If your generator is connected to the LAN of your PC, please acquire valid
network parameters (such as IP Address) and configure the network
parameters of the generator according to the description inTo Set LAN
RIGOL Chapter 3 Remote Control
3-6 DG1000Z Users Guide
3. Search device resource
Start up the Ultra Sigma and click
. The window as shown in figure
(a) is displayed. Click and the software searches for the instrument
resources currently connected to the LAN and the resources found are displayed
at the right of the window as shown in figure (b). Click
to add it.
Chapter 3 Remote Control RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 3-7
4. View device resource
The resources found will appear under the RIGOL Online Resourcedirectory as
shown in the figure below.
5. Communication test
Right click the resource name “DG1062Z (TCPIP::” to
select SCPI Panel Controlto turn on the remote command control panel (as
shown in the figure below) through which you can send commands and read
6. Load LXI webpage
As this generator conforms to LXI Core Device 2011 standards, you can load LXI
webpage through Ultra Sigma (right-click the resource name and select
LXI-Web) or directly inputting the IP address in the browser. Various important
information about the instrument (including the model, manufacturer, serial
number, description, MAC address and IP address etc.) will be displayed on the
RIGOL Chapter 3 Remote Control
3-8 DG1000Z Users Guide
Remote Control via GPIB (Option)
1. Connect the device
Connect the generator to your computer using a USB to GPIB interface converter
Note: please make sure that a GPIB card has been installed to your PC. Connet
the USB terminal of the USB to GPIB interface converter to the USB Host
interface at the front panel of the generator and the GPIB terminal of it to the
GPIB card terminal of the PC.
2. Install the driver of GPIB card
Install the driver of the GPIB card which has been connected to the PC correctly.
3. Set the GPIB address
Press Utility I/O Config GPIB to set the GPIB address of the generator.
4. Search device resource
Start up the Ultra Sigma and click
to open the panel as shown in the
figure below. Click “Search” and the software will search the GPIB instrument
resources connected to the PC. The device resources found will be displayed on
the right side of the panel.
If resources cannot be found automatically:
Select the GPIB card address of the PC from the comboBox of “GPIB::” and
select the GPIB address set in the generator from the comboBox of
Click “Test” to check whether the GPIB communication works normally; if
not, please follow the corresponding prompt messages to solve the
Chapter 3 Remote Control RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 3-9
5. View device resource
to return back to the main interface of Ultra Sigma. The
resources found will appear under the RIGOL Online Resourcedirectory as
shown in the figure below.
6. Communication Test
Right-click the resource name DG1062Z (GPIB0::16::INSTR)to select SCPI
Panel Controlto turn on the remote command control panel as shown in the
figure below through which you can send commands and read data.
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 4-1
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting
This chapter lists the commonly encountered failures of DG1000Z and their solutions.
When you encounter those problems, please solve them following the corresponding
steps. If the problem remains still, please contact RIGOL and provide the device
information of your instrument (Utility System Info).
1. The screen of the generator is still dark (no display) after pressing the
power key:
1) Check whether the power is correctly connected.
2) Check whether the power key is really pressed.
3) Restart the instrument after finishing the above inspections.
4) If it still does not work correctly, please contact RIGOL.
2. The screen is too dark to see the contents on the screen clearly:
1) Check whether the brightness and contrast settings are too low.
2) Press Utility System Display to enter the display setting menu.
Press Bright and contrast and adjust the brightness and contrast of the
screen to appropriate values using the numeric keyboard or direction keys
and knob respectively.
3. The generator is locked:
1) Check whether the generator is working in remote mode (in remote mode,
is displayed in the status bar of the user interface). Press Help to exit
the remote control mode and unlock the front panel.
2) Restarting the generator can also unlock the generator.
4. The settings are correct but no waveform is generated:
1) Check whether the BNC cable is connected to the corresponding channel
output terminal ([CH1] or [CH2]) tightly.
2) Check whether the BNC cable has internal damage.
3) Check whether the BNC cable is connected to the test instrument tightly.
4) Check whether the backlight of Output1 or Output2 is turned on. If not,
press the corresponding key to illuminate the backlight.
5) After finishing the above inspections, press Utility System Power
On to select Lastand then restart the instrument.
6) If it still does not work correctly, please contact RIGOL.
5. The USB storage device cannot be recognized:
1) Check whether the USB storage device can work normally when connected
to other instruments or PC.
2) Make sure that the USB storage device is flash type. The generator doesnt
support hardware USB storage device.
RIGOL Chapter 4 Troubleshooting
4-2 DG1000Z Users Guide
3) Restarting the instrument and insert the USB storage device again to check
whether it can work normally.
4) If the USB storage device still can not be used normally, please contact
6. How to set the amplitude of the waveform in dBm?
1) Press CH1|CH2 to select the desired channel.
2) Press Utility Channel Set Output Set Imped to check whether
the setting is HighZ. If yes, you can not set the amplitude of the waveform
in dBm at this time. Press Imped to select Loadand use the numeric
keyboard or direction keys and knob to set the impedance to a proper
3) Select the desired waveform, press Ampl/HiLevel to highlight Ampl, and
then input the desired value using the numeric keyboard. Then select the
unit dBmfrom the pop-up menu.
7. Performance verification test is not passed:
1) Check whether the generator is within calibration period (1 year).
2) Check whether the generator is warmed up for at least 30 minutes before
the test.
3) Check whether the generator is
under the specified temperature.
4) Check whether the test is under strong-magnetism environment.
5) Check whether the power supplies of the generator and test system have
strong interference.
6) Check whether the performance of the test device used meets the
7) Make sure that the test device used is within the calibration period.
8) Check whether the test devices used meets the required conditions of the
9) Check whether all the connections are tight.
10) Check whether any cable has internal damage.
11) Make sure that the operations conform to settings and processes which are
required by the performance verification manual.
12) Check whether the error calculation exits faults.
13) Correctly understand the definition of typical valuefor this product: the
performance specification of this product under specified conditions.
Chapter 5 Specifications RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 5-1
Chapter 5 Specifications
Unless otherwise specified, all specifications can be guaranteed if the following two
conditions are met.
The generator is within the calibration period and has performed self-calibration.
The generator has been working continuously for at least 30 minutes under the
specified temperature (18~28).
All the specifications are guaranteed unless those marked with typical.
Channel 2 2
Maximum Frequency 30MHz 60MHz
Sample Rate
Basic waveforms Sine, Square, Ramp, Pulse, Noise
Built-in Arbitrary
160 kinds, including Sinc, Exponential Rise, Exponential
Fall, ECG, Gauss, HaverSine, Lorentz, Dual-Tone, etc.
Frequency Characteristics
Sine 1μHz to 30MHz 1μHz to 60MHz
1μHz to 15MHz
1μHz to 25MHz
1μHz to 500kHz
1μHz to 1MHz
1μHz to 15MHz
1μHz to 25MHz
Harmonic Hz to 10MHz 1μHz to 20MHz
Noise (-3dB) 30MHz bandwidth 60MHz bandwidth
Arbitrary Waveform
1μHz to 10MHz
1μHz to 20MHz
±1ppm of the settings, 18
to 28
Sine Wave Spectrum Purity
Harmonic Distortion
Typical (0dBm)
DC-10MHz (included): <-65dBc
10MHz-30MHz (included): <-55dBc
30MHz-60MHz (included): <-50dBc
Total Harmonic
<0.075% (10Hz-20kHz, 0dBm)
Typical (0dBm)
≤10MHz: <-70dBc
>10MHz: <-70dBc+6dB/octave
Phase Noise
Typical (0dBm, 10kHz deviation)
10MHz: <-125dBc/Hz
RIGOL Chapter 5 Specifications
5-2 DG1000Z Users Guide
Signal Characteristics
Rise/Fall Time
Typical (1Vpp)
Typical (100KHz, 1Vpp)
Duty Cycle
0.01% to 99.99%
(limited by the current frequency setting)
Non-symmetry 1% of period+5ns
Jitter (rms)
Typical (1MHz, 1Vpp, 50Ω)
≤5MHz: 2ppm+200 ps
>5MHz: 200ps
≤1% of peak output
(typical, 1kHz, 1Vpp, 100% Symmetry)
0% to 100%
Pulse Width
16ns to 999.999 982 118ks
(limited by the current frequency setting)
Duty Cycle
0.001% to 99.999%
(limited by the current frequency setting)
Edge Time
(limited by the current frequency and pulse width settings)
Typical (1Vpp)
Jitter (rms)
Typical (1Vpp)
≤5MHz: 2ppm+200ps
>5MHz: 200ps
Waveform Length 8Sa to 8Mpts (16Mpts optional)
Vertical Resolution 14bits
Sample Rate
Minimum Rise/Fall
Typical (1Vpp)
Jitter (rms)
Typical (1Vpp)
≤5MHz: 2ppm+200ps
>5MHz: 200ps
Edit Method Edit Points, Edit Block, Insert Waveform
Harmonic Order
Harmonic Type
Even, Odd, All, User
Harmonic Amplitude
can be set for all harmonics
Harmonic Phase
can be set for all harmonics
Chapter 5 Specifications RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 5-3
Output Characteristics
Amplitude (into 50 Ω)
≤10MHz: 2.5mVpp to 10Vpp
≤30MHz: 2.5mVpp to 5.0Vpp
≤60MHz: 2.5mVpp to 2.5Vpp
Typical (1kHz Sine, 0V Offset, >10mVpp, Auto)
±1% of setting ± 1mV
Typical (Sine 2.5Vpp)
≤10MHz: ±0.1dB
≤60MHz: ±0.2dB
Units Vpp, Vrms, dBm
0.1mVpp or 4digits
Offset (into 50 Ω)
Range (Peak ac+dc) ±5Vpk ac+dc
Accuracy ±(1% of setting+5mV+0.5% of amplitude)
Waveform Output
50Ω (typical)
Short-circuit protection, automatically disable waveform
output when overload occurs
Modulation Characteristics
Modulation Type
Carrier Waveform Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb (except DC)
Source Internal/External
Modulating Waveform
Sine, Square, Ramp, Noise, Arb
0% to 120%
Modulating Frequency
2mHz to 1MHz
Carrier Waveform Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb (except DC)
Source Internal/External
Modulating Waveform
Sine, Square, Ramp, Noise, Arb
Modulating Frequency
2mHz to 1MHz
Carrier Waveform Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb (except DC)
Source Internal/External
Modulating Waveform Sine, Square, Ramp, Noise, Arb
Phase Deviation
0° to 360°
Modulating Frequency
2mHz to 1MHz
Carrier Waveform Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb (except DC)
Source Internal/External
Modulating Waveform
Square with 50% duty cycle
Key Frequency
2mHz to 1MHz
RIGOL Chapter 5 Specifications
5-4 DG1000Z Users Guide
Carrier Waveform Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb (except DC)
Modulating Waveform
Square with 50% duty cycle
Key Frequency
2mHz to 1MHz
Carrier Waveform Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb (except DC)
Source Internal/External
Modulating Waveform
Square with 50% duty cycle
Key Frequency
2mHz to 1MHz
Carrier Waveform Pulse
Source Internal/External
Sine, Square, Ramp, Noise, Arb
Width Deviation 0% to 100% of Pulse Width
Modulating Frequency 2mHz to 1MHz
[Mod/Trig/FSK/Sync] Input
Input Range
75mVRMS to ±5Vac+dc
Input Bandwidth 50kHz
Input Impedance 1000Ω
Burst Characteristics
Carrier Waveform
Sine, Square, Ramp, Pulse, Noise, Arb (except DC)
Carrier Frequency 2mHz to 30MHz 2mHz to 60MHz
Burst Count 1 to 1,000,000 or Infinite
Start/Stop Phase 0° to 360°
Internal Period 1us to 500s
Gated Source
External Trigger
Trigger Source
Internal, External or Manual
Trigger Delay
0ns to 100s
Sweep Characteristics
Carrier Waveform
Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb (except DC)
Linear, Log or Step
Start/Stop Frequency
Consistent with the upper/lower limit of the frequency of
the carrier waveform
Sweep Time
1ms to 500s
Hold/Return Time 0ms to 500s
Trigger Source Internal, External or Manual
Mark Falling edge of the Sync signal (programmable)
Chapter 5 Specifications RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 5-5
Frequency, Period, Positive/Negative Pulse Width,
Duty Cycle
Frequency Resolution 7 digits/second (Gate Time =1s)
Frequency Range 1μHz to 200MHz
Period Measurement
Measurement Range
5ns to 16 days
Voltage Range and Sensitivity (Not modulation signal)
DC Coupling
DC Offset Range
1μHz to 100MHz 50mVRMS to ±2.5Vac+dc
100MHz to 200MHz 100mVRMS to ±2.5Vac+dc
AC Coupling
1μHz to 100MHz
50mVRMS to ±2.5Vpp
100MHz to 200MHz
100mVRMS to ±2.5Vpp
Pulse Width and Duty Cycle Measurement
1μHz to 25MHz
50mVRMS to
DC Coupling
Pulse Width
Resolution 5ns
Duty Cycle Range (Display) 0% to 100%
Input Characteristics
Input Signal Range Breakdown Voltage ±7Vac+dc
Input Adjustment
Coupling AC DC
HF Suppression
ON: input bandwidth=250kHz;
OFF: input bandwidth=200MHz
Input Trigger
Trigger Level Range -2.5V to +2.5V
Trigger Sensitivity
0% (about 140mV hysteresis
voltage) to 100% (about 2mV
hysteresis voltage)
Gate Time
GateTime1 1.310ms
GateTime2 10.48ms
GateTime3 166.7ms
GateTime6 >10s
Trigger Characteristics
Trigger Input
Rising or falling (optional)
Pulse Width >100ns
Sweep: <100ns (typical)
Burst: <300ns (typical)
Trigger Output
Level TTL-compatible
RIGOL Chapter 5 Specifications
5-6 DG1000Z Users Guide
Pulse Width >60ns (typical)
Maximum Frequency 1MHz
Clock Reference
Phase Offset
Range 0° to 360°
Resolution 0.03°
External Reference Input
Lock Range
250mVpp to 5Vpp
Lock Time <2s
Impedance (typical) 1kΩ, AC coupling
Internal Reference Output
Impedance (typical)
50Ω, AC coupling
Sync Output
Level TTL-compatible
50Ω, nominal value
Overvoltage Protection
Overvoltage protection will take effect once any of the following two conditions is
The amplitude setting in the generator is greater than 2Vpp or the output
offset is greater than |2V
|, the input voltage is greater than
±11.5×(1±5%)V (<10kHz).
The amplitude setting in the generator is lower than or equal to 2Vpp or the
output offset is lower than or equal to |2V
|, the input voltage is greater than
±3.5×(1±5%)V (<10kHz).
General Specifications
Power Voltage
100V to 240V (45Hz to 440Hz)
Power Consumption
Less than 40W
250V, T3.15A
Type 3-inch TFT LCD
Resolution 320 Horizontal×RG240 Vertical Resolution
16M color
Temperature Range
Operating: 0 to 50
Non-Operating: -40 to 70
Cooling Method
Cooling by fans compulsively
Chapter 5 Specifications RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 5-7
Humidity Range
Less than 30: ≤95% Relative Humidity (RH)
30 to 40: ≤75% Relative Humidity (RH)
40 to 50: ≤45 Relative Humidity (RH)
Operating: Less than 3000 meters
Non-Operating: Less than 15,000 meters
without package: 3.2kg
with package: 4.5kg
Interfaces USB Host, USB Device, LAN
IP Protection IP2X
Recommend calibration interval is one year
Authentication Information
In line with
IEC 61000-3-2:2000
±4.0kV (Contact Discharge)
±4.0kV (Air Discharge)
IEC 61000-4-3:2002
3V/m (80MHz to 1GHz)
3V/m (1.4GHz to 2GHz)
1V/m (2.0GHz to 2.7GHz)
IEC 61000-4-4:2004 1kV power lines
IEC 61000-4-5:2001
0.5kV (Phase to Neutral)
0.5kV (Phase to PE)
1kV (Neutral to PE)
IEC 61000-4-6:2003
3V, 0.15-80MHz
EC 61000-4-11:2004
Voltage dip:
0%UT during half cycle
0%UT during 1 cycle
70%UT during 25 cycle
Short interruption:
0%UT during 1 cycle
Electrical Safety
In line with
USA: UL 61010-1:2012,
Canada: CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010- 1-2012
EN 61010-1:2010
Chapter 6 Appendix RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 6-1
Chapter 6 Appendix
Appendix A: Accessories and Options
Description Order Number
DG1032Z (30MHz, Dual-channel) DG1032Z
DG1062Z (60MHz, Dual-channel) DG1062Z
Power Cord
Quick Guide
Resource CD (including the Users
Guide, etc.)
Warranty Card
16M Internal Memory Arb16M-DG1000Z
Rack Mount Kit (for single instrument) RM-1-DG1000Z
Rack Mount Kit (for dual instruments)
40dB Attenuator RA5040K
10W Power Amplifier PA1011
USB to GPIB Interface Converter
Note: all the standard accessories and options can be ordered from you local
RIGOL Office
RIGOL Chapter 6 Appendix
6-2 DG1000Z Users Guide
Appendix B: Specifications of Power Amplifier
Unless otherwise specified, all specifications can be guaranteed if the following two
conditions are met.
The generator has been working continuously for 30 minutes at specified
All the specifications are guaranteed unless those marked with typical.
Signal Input
Input Impedance
Built-in Bias Voltage
(Output Equivalent)
External Input
+/-10Vmax (Gain: X1)
+/-1.25Vmax (Gain: X10)
Power Amplifier Specifications
Running Mode
Constant Voltage
Switch between 10V/1V and 10V/10V
(DC Gain Error: <5%)
Polarity Switch
Effective Value of Sine
Output Power (RL=7.5Ω)
10W (typical value, input Sine, 100kHz, X10)
Output Voltage
12.5Vpeak (input Sine, 100kHz)
Output Current 1.65Apeak (input Sine, 100kHz)
Output Impedance <2Ohm
Full Power Bandwidth
Output Slew Rate
80V/µs (typical)
Bias Voltage Specification
Bias Voltage Gain Error 5%±100mV
Power Supply
DC 12V±5%, 4Apeak
Output Protection
Output Overcurrent Protection, Internal Temperature
Abnormity Protection
Operating Temperature
0 to +35
Dimensions (W×H×D) 142.2mm×48.1mm×215.4mm
Net Weight 850g±20g
Chapter 6 Appendix RIGOL
DG1000Z Users Guide 6-3
Full power bandwidth refers to the maximum frequency when the power amplifier can generate AC
output with the maximum possible amplitude and without distortion.
Full power bandwidth
2 V
SR: Slew Rate (output slew rate)
Vmax: the maximum amplitude without distortion that the amplifier can output
Definition of Slew Rate: input a large step-function signal into the amplifier, the output slope of the
signal is saturated to a constant at a certain position. This constant is called the Slew Rate of the
The specifications above are all specifications under 25. The range of the environment
temperature for PA1011 is from 0 to +35 and when the environment temperature is greater
than 35, it is recommended that users reduce the output power and the working frequency of
RIGOL Chapter 6 Appendix
6-4 DG1000Z Users Guide
Appendix C: Warranty
RIGOL warrants that its products mainframe and accessories will be free from
defects in materials and workmanship within the warranty period.
If a product is proven to be defective within the respective period, RIGOL
guarantees the free replacement or repair of products which are approved defective.
To get repair service, please contact with your nearest RIGOL sales and service
RIGOL does not provide any other warranty items except the one being provided by
this summary and the warranty statement. The warranty items include but not being
subjected to the hint guarantee items related to tradable characteristic and any
particular purpose. RIGOL will not take any responsibility in cases regarding to
indirect, particular and ensuing damage.
DG1000Z Users Guide 1
*.RAF ...................................... 2-75
*.RSF ...................................... 2-75
Align Phase ................................ 2-9
Amplitude .................................. 2-5
Amplitude Coupling ................... 2-90
Amplitude Modulation ................ 2-35
Amplitude Shift Keying .............. 2-45
Arb File .................................... 2-75
Auto ........................................ 2-22
AutoIP ................................... 2-105
Bioelectricity ............................. 2-21
Bmp File .................................. 2-76
Built-In Waveform ..................... 2-20
Burst ....................................... 2-65
Burst Delay .............................. 2-68
Burst Period ............................. 2-67
Carrier Waveform Suppression ... 2-38
Center Frequency ..................... 2-58
Channel Copy ........................... 2-93
Clock Source .......................... 2-100
Counter ................................... 2-70
Coupling .................................. 2-73
Csv File .................................... 2-76
Data Source ............................. 2-27
DC Offset ................................... 2-7
Default Gateway ..................... 2-106
Delete ..................................... 2-80
DF ........................................... 2-23
DHCP..................................... 2-105
DNS Service ........................... 2-106
Dual Channels Graph ................. 1-16
Dual Channels Parameters ......... 1-16
Duty Cycle ............................... 2-10
Duty Cycle Deviation ................. 2-56
Edit Block ................................. 2-29
Edit Mode ................................ 2-26
Edit Points ................................ 2-28
Engine ..................................... 2-21
External Power Amplifier ......... 2-109
Factory Default Values ............... 2-94
Filter ....................................... 2-21
Frequency .................................. 2-4
Frequency Coupling .................. 2-90
Frequency Deviation .................. 2-41
Frequency Modulation ................ 2-39
Frequency Output Mode ............. 2-18
Frequency Shift Keying .............. 2-48
Frequency Span
........................ 2-58
Gate Time ................................ 2-71
Gated Burst .............................. 2-66
Gated Polarity ........................... 2-67
GPIB Address .......................... 2-103
Harmonic .................................. 2-30
Harmonic Amplitude .................. 2-32
Harmonic Order ........................ 2-31
Harmonic Phase ........................ 2-32
Harmonic Type .......................... 2-31
High-Frequency Suppression ...... 2-73
Infinite Burst ............................ 2-66
Insert Waveform ....................... 2-27
ITF .......................................... 2-23
Leading Edge ............................ 2-13
Linear Sweep ............................ 2-59
Log Sweep ................................ 2-59
MAC Address .......................... 2-104
ManualIP ................................ 2-105
Mark Frequency ........................ 2-61
Medical .................................... 2-22
MF ........................................... 2-22
Modulating Polarit...................... 2-47
Modulation ............................... 2-21
Modulation Depth ...................... 2-37
N Cycle .................................... 2-65
Network Status ....................... 2-104
Normal ..................................... 2-20
Output Set ................................ 2-87
Overvoltage Protection ................ 1-6
Phase Coupling ......................... 2-91
Phase Deviation ........................ 2-44
Phase Modulation ...................... 2-42
Phase Shift Keying ..................... 2-51
Print ....................................... 2-108
Pulse Width .............................. 2-12
PWM ........................................ 2-54
Return Time .............................. 2-60
Sample Rate Output Mode .......... 2-18
2 DG1000Z Users Guide
Seamless Interconnection .......... 2-81
SiFi (Signal Fidelity) ....................... X
Signal ...................................... 2-21
Single Channel View ................. 1-16
Start Frequency ........................ 2-57
Start Hold ................................ 2-61
Start Phase ................................ 2-8
State File ................................. 2-75
Statistic Function ...................... 2-71
Step Sweep .............................. 2-60
Stop Frequency ........................ 2-57
Stop Hold ................................ 2-62
Stored Waveform ...................... 2-24
Subnet Mask ........................... 2-106
Sweep ..................................... 2-57
Sweep Time ............................. 2-60
Sweep Trigger Source ............... 2-62
Symmetry ................................ 2-11
Sync Output ............................. 2-84
Test/Calibration ....................... 2-108
TF ........................................... 2-23
To Copy File .............................. 2-79
To Paste File ............................. 2-80
To Read File .............................. 2-79
To Save File .............................. 2-77
Track ....................................... 2-93
Trailing Edge ............................. 2-13
Trigger Sensitivity ...................... 2-73
Txt File .................................... 2-76
USB Host .................................... 1-5
User-defined Start-up Interface 2-102
VISA Descriptor ...................... 2-104
Volatile Waveform ..................... 2-25
Waveform Summing .................. 2-89
WF .......................................... 2-24
Width Deviation ........................ 2-56