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As mobile device usage and capabilities increase, the importance of
these gadgets as potential sources of electronically stored information
(ESI) becomes undeniable. The more we rely on these accessories
as vehicles for business communications and entertainment, the
more data we create and consume. For every additional bit and
byte that is born in the ether, there is a heightened chance that the
information will become fodder for electronic discovery (eDiscovery).
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Text Messages in eDiscovery: Recovery, Retention, and Preservation
s mobile device usage and capabilities increase, the importance of
the ever-slimmer gadgets as potential sources of electronically stored
information (ESI) becomes undeniable. The more we rely on these
accessories as vehicles for business communications and entertainment,
the more data we create and consume. For every additional bit and byte
that is born in the ether, there is a heightened chance that the information
will become fodder for electronic discovery (eDiscovery). Despite this
increasingly large amount of information, marooned mobile device data can
provide a number of unique hurdles throughout the litigation lifecycle. Every
step could potentially expose variables and scenarios that challenge even
the most experienced eDiscovery counsel and technicians. The challenge
is amplified by the sheer number of dierent device models available in
todays competitive, lucrative, and growing mobile communication market.
Each device, from pocket-sized mobile phones to tablets that range from
the size of a paperback thriller to a traditional manila folder, can foster its
own unique snowflake of devilish eDiscovery complications.
For law rms and corporations, the challenge
is not to understand the technical architecture
of each and every device, but rather how the
devices utilized by your custodians generate
and manage data. Once an organization maps
an inventory of its own unique portfolio of cell
phones and tablets, a consistent and repeatable
process should be instituted in order to ensure
data is properly identied, preserved, and
considered for use in internal investigations,
regulatory and law enforcement scenarios,
and eDiscovery proceedings. ankfully,
enterprise technology usage policies and
data retention schemes are more ubiquitous
today than in years past, and the approach
to information governance should be no
dierent with mobile devices. In the same
way that email evolved from a convenient way
to conduct a conversation without involving
the US Postal Service or a telephone, SMS
messaging has become a more widely accepted
and legitimate mode of communication for
businesspeople and teenagers alike.
Early eorts at preserving and producing SMS
messages from ip phones and Blackberries
were commonly avoided through a facade
of undue burden and cost. However, as
mobile technology becomes cheaper, more
ubiquitous, and even wearable, litigants
who unilaterally determine that these short
communications are inaccessible do so at
their own peril. Its common knowledge
that the best oense is a great defense, and
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Text Messages in eDiscovery: Recovery, Retention, and Preservation
the same applies to governance of mobile
communications. is guide will help you
engineer proactive policies and preservations
plans around SMS messaging, one of today’s
most popular ways to communicate.
Mobile Device Usage is Not a Fad
e continuing trend of growing mobile
device usage is no secret and
the metrics clearly support the
essentially universal adoption
we associate with traditional
land-line telephones. In
2011, only 17% of the global
population did not own at
least a basic mobile phone; by
2013 the “o the grid” population fell to 9%.
Furthermore, during the same period of time,
the adoption of smartphones, which have
features resembling a personal computer such
as e-mail connectivity, digital cameras, and
GPS location functionality, jumped from 35%
in 2011 to 56% in 2013
. 2013 marked the rst
year where over half of the worlds population
owned a smartphone, a development that
shows no sign of illness. By 2020, the total
number of smartphone subscriptions is
expected to reach an astonishing 6.1 billion.
It should be no surprise that
an increase in smartphone
proliferation has led to a
fundamental change in how
people access and interact
with their data and each
other. A hearty 33.4% of
1. http://www.digitalbuzzblog.com/
2. http://techcrunch.com/2015/06/02/6-
Combine email with SMS
messaging and it becomes
clear that mobile phones
and tablets are thorny ESI
caches that organizations
need to be aware of in
the event of litigation.
Figure 1
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Text Messages in eDiscovery: Recovery, Retention, and Preservation
global web usage in 2015 came from mobile
sources, up from 28.9% in 2014.
It would
certainly not be a leap of faith to suggest that
metric will continue to evolve as the global
population continues its insatiable demand
for smartphones and the always-connected
All of these trends provide an important
bellwether for eDiscovery, which should
closely trace the increase in mobile device
usage to a corresponding increase in ESI
generated from mobile sources. More business
meetings and routine correspondence
are being conducted on the go, the nearly
permanent records of which are potentially
relevant to any number of litigation scenarios.
54% of users open emails from their mobile
devices, up from just 10% in 2011. at trend
comes at the expense of email viewing on
desktop computers, which is down from 58%
in 2011 to only 22%
. (Figure 1)
Combine email with SMS messaging and it
becomes clear that mobile phones and tablets
are thorny ESI caches that organizations
need to be aware of in the event of litigation.
92% of US smartphone owners use SMS
messaging, and those users send an average
of 111 messages per week. Corporations need
to understand how these messages and emails
are stored in order to institute appropriate
3. http://www.statista.com/statistics/241462/
4. http://www.emailmonday.com/mobile-
usage, retention, and incident response
Data Retention Issues and Recent Case
Recent judicial experiences are littered with
Recent judicial experiences are littered with
examples of litigants grappling with issues
of mobile device preservation. For example,
while allowing discovery of class members
social media, text messages, and email in
EEOC v. e Original Honey Baked Ham
Company of Georgia Inc. (Feb. 27, 2013)
Magistrate Judge Michael E. Hegarty opined
that “If there are documents in this folder that
contain information that is relevant or may
lead to the discovery of admissible evidence
relating to this lawsuit, the presumption is
that it should be produced. e fact that it
exists in cyberspace on an electronic device
is a logistical and, perhaps, nancial problem,
but not a circumstance that removes the
information from accessibility by a party
opponent in litigation.” It is clear that
arguments around inaccessibility, burden,
and even privacy will fall on deaf ears when
it comes to preservation and collection of
relevant ESI no matter where it resides.
Garcia v. City of Laredo (Dec. 12, 2012)
saw e United States Court of Appeals for
the Fih Circuit conrm the Texas district
courts opinion that mobile phones do not
fall under the protections aorded by the
Stored Communications Act (SCA) of 1986.
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Text Messages in eDiscovery: Recovery, Retention, and Preservation
e SCA sought to extend fourth amendment
rights to information carriers such as Internet
Service Providers (ISPs) to protect them
against unreasonable search and seizure.
Plainti unsuccessfully argued that the City
of Laredo violated the SCA by accessing
information stored on her mobile phone
without her permission.
Circuit Judge W. Eugene Davis
concluded that a mobile phone
is not a
through which
an electronic communication
service is provided and that
only “electronic storage” that
is provided by an electronic
communication service is
within the scope of the SCA.
In other words, data stored on the physical
device itself is not protected, but data hosted
by or in transit through a communication
provider such as Verizon or AT&T falls under
the SCAs scope.
Case law about spoliation of workstations,
e-mail, and accounting data is already well
documented, but decisions around mobile
device preservation are starting to take center
stage. In the matter of
Christou v. Beatport,
LLC (D. Colo. Jan. 23, 2013),
Defendant failed
to preserve text messages on an iPhone that
allegedly was lost or stolen approximately
8 months aer preservation letters were
exchanged. Defendant maintained that
sanctions were not warranted because no
relevant text messages existed on the device, a
point which Plainti dismissed because there
was no indication “… that defense counsel
reviewed [Defendant’s] text messages and
determined that they contained nothing of
relevance.” Although Judge R. Brooke Jackson
did not grant an adverse jury instruction,
spoliation sanctions were warranted and
Plaintis would be allowed to produce the
legal hold letter at trial and
argue “whatever inference
they hope the jury will draw.
More recently, Judge Francisco
A. Besosa delivered an
adverse inference instruction
in the matter of
Calderon v.
Corporacion Puertorrique a de
Salud (D.P.R. Jan. 16, 2014)
the “conscious abandonment of potentially
useful evidence.” e evidence in question
in this harassment and discrimination case
was a series of SMS messages and e-mails
between the plainti and the alleged harasser.
Defendants argued that Plaintis admission
that some of the communications had been
deleted, and some preserved, warranted case
dismissal. Defendants were able to preserve
and produce communications among the
parties that Plaintis should have preserved
and produced, but failed to. Although Judge
Besosa concluded that spoliation by Plaintis
was not “particularly egregious or extreme,
he did note that aer spoliation is determined,
…the Court enjoys considerable discretion
over whether to sanction the oending party.
Finally, as we witnessed in
Nuvasive, Inc. v.
Prior to enacting a mobile
device management policy,
an organization must know
exactly what devices it
has, or will have, in order
to better understand
the hurdles unique to
each manufacturer
or operating system.
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Text Messages in eDiscovery: Recovery, Retention, and Preservation
Madsen Med. Inc. (S.D. Cal. Jan. 26, 2016),
even the recent updates to FRCP 37(e) that
require proof of the “intent to deprive” a party
of information in order to levy sanctions in
the form of an adverse inference or, in extreme
circumstances, case dismissal cannot shield
an accused party of negative consequences
for failure to preserve. e court granted
Plainti s motion to reconsider a prior
adverse inference instruction for failure to
preserve and produce text message data, a
decision the moving party claimed should
be vacated due to the higher burden of proof
required by the updated 37(e). Brushing aside
arguments about whether the new rule can
justly be applied to a previous instruction, the
court decided to allow counsel on both sides
to present the jury with further information
about the missing data itself so that they, the
jury, “may consider such evidence along with
all other evidence in the case in making its
Institutionalizing Mobile Device
ese cases alone justify the creation of a
mobile device management (MDM) policy
and incident response plan well in advance of
litigation or regulatory events. Together, they
establish that electronic communications of all
kinds are considered accessible by the courts
and will not be aorded certain expectations
of privacy. Prior to enacting a mobile device
management policy, an organization must
know exactly what devices it has, or will have,
in order to better understand the hurdles
unique to each manufacturer or operating
system. Consider the following storage
systems, retention schemes, deleted item
recovery options, and preservation options
for some of today’s most popular mobile
devices when formulating a mobile device
management strategy or responding to a
preservation trigger.
Method of SMS/MMS/Chat Storage: Apple
devices such as the iPhone and iPad employ
variations of the Apple Darwin operating
system which was later branded as the “iPhone
OS” and ultimately shortened to simply “iOS.
Apple devices currently store text message
information inside a special-purpose SQLite
database appropriately named “SMS.db.
When iOS 5 emerged in 2011, Apple added
a special iOS-to-iOS messaging feature
called iMessage. Although iMessages do not
transmit via the Short Message Service (SMS)
protocol, iMessages are also stored within the
SMS.db structure.
Retention Scheme: With IOS 5, Apple capped
the messaging database to 15 megabytes, or
approximately 75,000 text messages. Once
the limit is reached, the user receives a
warning that his or her “SMS mailbox is full
and the user would need to delete messages
in order to free up space. More recent iOS
versions have expanded storage limits and, as
an added bonus for information governance
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Text Messages in eDiscovery: Recovery, Retention, and Preservation
hawks, there is now an option available to
automatically delete old messages aer 30
days or one year. If a user opts instead to
store messages “Forever,” they are retained
until the user deletes them manually or
until the devices internal memory runs low,
whereupon no additional messages can be
stored (dependent again on the iOS version
in use).
Deleted Item Recovery: When a user deletes
a message, that message is simply agged
in the SMS database to be hidden from the
user’s view. ere is no evidence to suggest
that the iPhone or iPad will automatically
delete or overwrite messages, although a
periodic “vacuum” routine purges deleted
records from the SMS database. e vacuum
occurs at “page level” in digital storage terms
and one page of storage space generally holds
up to 4 kilobytes of data. If every single SMS
record stored on a particular page of memory
has been marked for deletion, the records
are permanently deleted; if there is even
one single “active” message on that page,
the entire page will remain intact. is can
result in an anomaly where relatively older
deleted messages are forensically recoverable,
but relatively more recent deleted messages
are not recoverable because they happen
to occupy the same memory page as one or
more currently-active messages.
iOS also features device-wide indexing and
searching. Users may nd on occasion that
previously-deleted text messages are still
visible when performing a device-wide
search with Spotlight because the content
has not been fully purged from the Spotlight
index. It is also possible to search unallocated
space on an iOS device; however, if the
device is equipped with le-level encryption,
unallocated space may be completely
inaccessible because the keys used to encrypt
the data at the time it was created have been
Legal Hold & Preservation Options:
Although Apple does not provide a central,
enterprise-level Mobile Device Management
(MDM) suite of tools, iOS comes equipped
with an MDM programming interface which
allows an organization to use 3rd party tools
to manage the devices. e MDM interface
can be used to enforce security, usage, and
conguration policies on the devices. It
cannot, however, be used to view calendar
entries, contact information, SMS or iMessage
content, photos, call logs, or GPS information.
Currently, there are no central administrative
tools that can force SMS messages to expire
or be deleted from an iOS device; even if such
a management tool existed, expired messages
may still be recoverable using forensic tools.
If an organization wishes to catalog or retain
the user-generated content of an iOS device,
they must either obtain a backup of the device
via iTunes (or a 3rd party alternative) or
deploy a forensic tool to capture a physical,
le system, or logical image. e level of
extraction is dependent upon the model and
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Text Messages in eDiscovery: Recovery, Retention, and Preservation
OS of the device. Alternatively, there are 3rd
party applications that can be used to simply
extract the SMS, iMessage, or other targeted
data from the device when connected to a
laptop or desktop computer. Although many
of these tools are quite robust, they may fall
short of a true enterprise solution and the
demands of eDiscovery or law enforcement.
Another consideration for iPhone data
retrieval is iCloud storage. With the continued
integration between Apples iCloud and iOS,
users now may choose to use iCloud Backup
to save their device data. iCloud automatically
backs up a user’s iOS device information
daily over Wi-Fi when a device is turned on,
locked, and connected to a power source
With the user’s AppleID and password, third-
party tools like Elcomso Phone Breaker can
access these backups. SMS or MMS messages
that might have been deleted by the auto
delete feature or by the end-user may still be
accessible from those backups.
Andriod Devices
(Samsung Galaxy Family of Devices)
Method of SMS/MMS/Chat Storage: A
recent Gartner study revealed that Googles
Android operating system holds a hearty
84.7% share of the global mobile device
operating system market
. e increasingly
popular Samsung Galaxy S5, S6, Tab, and
5. https://support.apple.com/kb/
6. http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/3169417
Note Android devices running the Lollipop
operating system (versions 5.0 to 5.1.1) store
message information in a dedicated SQLite
database named “mmssms.db.” is database
is inaccessible outside of the Android
application environment unless the user has
obtained “root access” on the device, which
would allow access to the systems privileged
Retention Scheme: By default, the S5 and
S6 retain 1000 SMS and 100 MMS messages
per conversation. Once these thresholds
have been exceeded, the devices automatic
deletion policy is activated to erase the
oldest messages. However, these settings
are congurable and can be controlled
individually or by using a 3rd party MDM
suite. e device will continue to operate up
to these limits with each new conversation
as long as storage is available. If the devices
free storage space falls to 20 megabytes or
less, depending on the particular device and
Android version, the device will register a
full memory” notication and prompt the
user to delete messages or other les.
Deleted Item Recovery: Currently, there are
several 3rd party programs that oer deleted
item recovery, available both as Android
applications and desktop soware. Due to
the wide variety of Android devices and
marketing-focused soware modications
by wireless carriers, these applications are
device-specic and the results vary greatly
depending on the version of the operating
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Text Messages in eDiscovery: Recovery, Retention, and Preservation
system, how much storage is remaining, and
the time that has elapsed since deletion of
the items occurred. As free storage becomes
re-allocated to new data, the remnants of
these deleted les are over-written. Forensic
tools are also available to attempt recovery of
items from within the devices various SQLite
databases, similar to widely used methods
to recover corrupt or deleted data from
Microso SQL Server running on physical
Windows servers.
Legal Hold & Preservation Options:
Samsung and, by extension, the family of
Galaxy devices, have deployed a bundled
set of corporate-friendly features such as
device encryption, VPN access, and a secure
implementation of Microso Exchange
ActiveSync. Known as Samsung Approved
For Enterprise (SAFE), the MDM toolkit
allows enterprise security ocers to rest
assured that their users’ Samsung devices are
enterprise ready.” is designation allows
for enterprise-level MDM through one of
Samsung’s 3rd party soware partners, which
include Mobile Iron, SAP, and AirWatch.
Accordingly, a “sandbox” can be established
on the device using the pre-installed Samsung
KNOX security environment which provides
enterprise administrators with secure, IT-
compliant access to large numbers of devices
including bring-your-own-device (BYOD)
participants. In fact, early in 2013, the US
Department of Defense approved the use of
Android devices that are managed under the
KNOX umbrella.
Aer conguring the KNOX sandbox
environment, enterprise-level policies can
be translated into globally-applied email,
application, SMS, and Internet browsing
congurations. ese policies can be used
to establish application requirements or
restrictions along with the same type of
controls that already exist for operating system
and soware updates. Although devices can
be wiped, tracked, or powered down from
a central management console in the event
of loss or the, current MDM solutions do
not provide the ability to remotely collect or
preserve text message content to respond to a
legal or compliance request.
BlackBerry Devices / BES
Method of SMS/MMS/Chat Storage:
Like many other mobile devices, Blackberry
smartphones store data within multiple
special-purpose databases on the devices
storage system. In fact, there are over 120
databases on the latest Blackberry models
that store everything from the Address
Book to Internet browsing history and GPS
coordinates. e Blackberry also stores its
messaging data in such databases, including
PIN, SMS, MMS, and RIM’s proprietary
Blackberry Messenger (BBM) messages.
Much of this data can be logged, archived,
or both from the Blackberry Enterprise
Server (BES) management environment.
Retention Scheme: By default, most
Blackberry messages including email and
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Text Messages in eDiscovery: Recovery, Retention, and Preservation
SMS messages are retained on the device for
up to 30 days depending on the devices model
number. In an enterprise environment, email
retention is governed by the policies set forth
on the Exchange or Lotus Domino servers;
therefore, an email purged from the device
aer 30 days will likely remain in the user’s
mailbox on the e-mail server or within the
company’s e-mail archive system. However,
SMS messages that are deleted by the user or
auto-deleted based on their age are likely not
present in any other storage system and, as a
result, they present a unique ESI preservation
challenge. Once they are purged from the
device, SMS messages are potentially only
recoverable by use of mobile device forensic
soware. To prevent auto-deletion, the user or
administrator may set the message retention
period to “forever,” however large SMS, MMS,
and BBM databases can result in a slower user
interface experience.
Deleted Item Recovery: Because SMS and
other messaging data are stored within multi-
purpose databases on the Blackberry device
and pressing the “delete” button simply “hides
the messages from the user’s view, there exists
a potential for recovery of deleted items.
e only theoretical limit on the number
of messages stored in the SMS database is
derived from the storage capacity of the
device and the relative size of the messaging
database. e Blackberry operating system
decides when previously-deleted data will be
over-written with new data, including within
the SMS database. In a data preservation or
recovery scenario, the quicker the device is
acquired the better the chances of recovering
previously-deleted messages.
Legal Hold & Preservation Options: e
Blackberry Enterprise Server is capable of
logging and archiving PIN, SMS, MMS,
and BBM messages. e administrator can
congure the system to capture both the
metadata for each message (sender, recipient,
date/time, etc.) and the actual content. Under
no circumstances, however, will the BES
server record or capture pictures sent via
any of these protocols. Options for ongoing
retention include logging, content archiving,
or both. e organization can then set
policies around how long, and under what
conditions, those logs and content will be
kept. GPS information can also be cataloged,
but the managing organization must evaluate
the potential benets (asset loss prevention,
safety of personnel) against the potential risks
(personal privacy.)
Another option for Blackberry devices is
the use of the Blackberry Desktop Manager
(BDM) or Blackberry Link depending on
the version of the device. is is the primary
method by which a user or administrator can
create either a full, or selective, backup of the
device. Under a full backup, the entire device
is captured to a le on a PC or MAC; with a
selective backup, the user can be more surgical
about which data is captured in the backup.
Although the SMS and other messages
captured in the backup are not viewable
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Text Messages in eDiscovery: Recovery, Retention, and Preservation
directly from the BDM or Link interface,
there are several 3rd party applications that
can access and extract individual content
types as well as attempt to recover previously-
deleted items.
An organization may choose to have users
or local IT administrators perform BDM
or Link backups of devices in a regulatory,
audit, or litigation scenario. Such backups
can be copied to a central location from the
user or administrators PC and retained for
the necessary legal hold duration. A more
defensible, but more costly, option is to
acquire a physical or logical forensic image
of the target devices and extract the required
data using industry standard forensic toolkits.
Windows Phone 8
Method of SMS/MMS/Chat Storage: Messages
on Windows mobile devices are stored within
a Microso Embedded Database (EDB)
labeled “CEMAIL.VOL” which is the same
Deletion Policy
Enterprise SMS/
MMS Collection?
Message retention
set to “Forever” by
default, but can be
shortened to 30
days or one year.
Air Watch and
various 3rd party
solutions only.
No proprietary
MDM solution.
No remote SMS/
MMS collection
or retention
capabilities. Only
administrative device
security. Backup to
personal Cloud.
Devices can be
individually backed
up through Apple
iTunes desktop
Samsung Galaxy
default is triggered
aer 1000 SMS
and 100 MMS per
Samsung SAFE
devices can use one
of their 3
Air Watch, Mobile
Iron, SAP, others.
No remote SMS
collection. Retention
policies can be
set through 3
MDM soware.
Devices can be
backed up through
Samsung Kies
desktop soware..
Enterprise Server
Default message
retention is set at 30
days. Congurable
time periods
including “forever.
Server (BES) and
BlackBerry Desktop
Manager (BDM).
Yes, PIN, SMS,
and archiving
through BES.
Devices can be
backed up through
BlackBerry Desktop
Manager soware.
Phone 8
No default message
Air Watch and
various 3
only. No proprietary
MDM solution.
No central
repository for SMS/
MMS, but remote
backup possible
through SkyDrive.
Devices can be
individually backed
up and synced
with Windows 8
& 10. External SD
storage possible.
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Text Messages in eDiscovery: Recovery, Retention, and Preservation
method of storage implemented for email
messages within the Microso device. SMS
messages also reside in a more familiar folder
structure at Windows\Messaging. However,
both of these databases are inaccessible by
the user outside of the Windows application
environment, as the operating
system prevents read access
rights by utilizing a layer of
hardware abstraction.
Retention Scheme: By default,
messages are stored until
the device falls short of free
storage space. To prevent data
loss and storage issues, users
can deploy their cloud-based
Microso SkyDrive account as
an on-demand backup solution. Once a user
links their SkyDrive account to the device,
the default conguration backs up all current
and future text messages in a manner similar
to email journaling. Message databases can
be moved to external SD cards, which allows
for a potentially large volume of messaging
information to be stored on a removable
piece of media. “Low memory” notications
occur once the device reaches a critically low
level of available storage. e exact threshold
of storage needed to trigger this notication
depends on native device storage, SkyDrive
syncing, and SD card storage. Once the phone
and its accompanying alternative storage
options are full, the device will be unable to
receive or send messages until storage space
is freed up.
Deleted Item Recovery: Currently, 3rd
party tools for recovering deleted messages
from Windows Phone 8 have limited utility.
Although the names of deleted les are fairly
easy to recover, diculty is encountered in
actually recovering the contents of such les
which the operating system has
back-lled with meaningless
binary codes. Windows
Mobile creates temporary
les in various locations
throughout the device that can
provide useful information
regarding deleted les, but the
only way to examine these les
is through the use of specialty
forensic tools. Although
there are limited deleted item
recovery options, SkyDrive can be set to sync
all messages to a user’s account if they have
linked their account with their Windows
Phone. If this function has been enabled,
old messages deleted locally on the device
may still be available via SkyDrive. Messages
are generally stored as text les and can be
viewed with any text editor, MS Word, and in
some cases directly online via Oce 365.
Legal Hold & Preservation Options:
Windows mobile devices are easily deployed
and managed through a number of 3rd
party MDM suites such as AirWatch and
Sophos Mobile Control. However, like the
iOS platform, the Windows MDM API does
not allow administrative access to personal
information such as SMS messages and
As consumer technology
becomes increasingly
present in the corporate
environment, a proper
information governance
strategy is paramount to
ensure valuable business
information is retained
while stale data is purged
to reduce legal and
regulatory risk exposure.
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Text Messages in eDiscovery: Recovery, Retention, and Preservation
pictures, leaving administrators and legal
teams with few options to enact a legal hold.
If the user chooses to backup their personal
data to SkyDrive, remote preservation and
collection are possible from the cloud with
user consent. Backups of the physical device
can be made through Microsos Zune
soware and a number of 3rd party desktop
tools; however, these tools may not be as
defensible as a forensic collection suite such
as the Cellebrite UFED Touch, which is the
same device used by law enforcement and the
military to extract data from mobile devices.
e time it takes to acquire a physical device
and capture a backup or image leaves the
organization at risk of spoliation due to the
fact that mobile devices are easily broken,
lost, or stolen before acquisition occurs.
Planning for SMS Discovery
As consumer technology continues to
inltrate the corporate working environment,
a proper information governance strategy is
paramount to ensure that valuable business
information is retained while stale data is
purged to reduce legal and regulatory risk
exposure. Today’s always-connected, mobile
information worker generates an ocean of
discoverable ESI that is essentially stored
in their pocket or purse and likely falls just
outside the sphere of administrative control.
Initially a communication tool popular
with teenagers and college students, SMS
messaging is now a mature and ubiquitous
collaboration channel. Recent case law
suggests that this data, and SMS messages in
particular, is no longer unduly burdensome
to preserve and collect. Although the number
of devices, operating systems, and 3rd party
tools present a dizzying array of consumer
and business options, a careful examination
of the intersection of governance policy and
MDM options is a necessary exercise for
organizations of all sizes.
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Text Messages in eDiscovery: Recovery, Retention, and Preservation
Author Biography
Joshua Headley
Josh is the Director of Litigation Support
Analysts and Application Development, and
has nearly 10 years of experience in systems
analysis and engineering. He joins D4 from
Nixon Peabody LLP, where he applied his
analytic and programming skills to the
growing eld of electronic discovery.
A go-to resource for managing large-scale
collection and review eorts, Joshua has also
become an expert at guiding clients large and
small through the discovery of ESI through
in-depth dialogs with information technology
personnel, senior management, legal counsel,
and forensic experts. He has demonstrable
expertise in many eDiscovery applications in
use today including LAW, Relativity, FTK, MS
SQL Server, and DT Search.
About D4
D4 is a national provider of electronic
discovery, computer forensics, information
security and management, and deposition
services to law rms and corporations, and
has been instrumental in helping customers
realize up to a 70% cost reduction over
previous eDiscovery solutions. At D4,
we focus on technology and process to
streamline the discovery life-cycle in the
most defensible, practical and cost-eective
manner possible. We believe that eDiscovery
doesn’t have to break the bank – and we
make that belief a reality for clients every day.
Founded in 1997 in Upstate New York, D4 has
grown to a national presence. With over 160
employees, D4 has oces in Bualo, Chicago,
Detroit, Grand Rapids, Lincoln, New York
City, Omaha, Orlando, Phoenix, Rochester,
San Francisco, San Diego and Tampa. D4’s
state-of-the-art Tier 3 data center and
operations in Rochester are complemented
by electronic discovery, litigation support
and paper document services in other
oces across the country. D4 has been
recognized by Inc. Magazine as one of the
fastest-growing private companies in the
US, and is a fourtime Inc. 500/5000 honoree.
ere is a reason why hundreds of AMLAW
200 rms and Fortune 1000 companies
choose D4. Our unprecedented customer
service, coupled with our industry experts
and bestof- breed technology, is why the D4
way is the better way.
Are you tasked with collecting and producing SMS
messages or overwhelmed by the logistics of creating
a mobile device management (MDM) policy?
Schedule a complimentary consultation with a D4
subject matter expert (SME) today. We can assist you in
managing the preservation process and recommend the
best approach to take for your unique situation.
D4 Can Assist You With:
Developing a preservation plan for ESI from mobile devices
and the cloud.
Executing on that plan to preserve data in a defensible and
timely fashion.
The creation of a BYOD policy and selection of an MDM
How D4 Can Help