This paper is included in the Proceedings of the
25th USENIX Security Symposium
August 1012, 2016 • Austin, TX
ISBN 978-1-931971-32-4
Open access to the Proceedings of the
25th USENIX Security Symposium
is sponsored by USENIX
Screen after Previous Screens:
Spatial-Temporal Recreation of Android App
Displays from Memory Images
Brendan Saltaformaggio, Rohit Bhatia, Xiangyu Zhang, and Dongyan Xu, Purdue University;
Golden G. Richard III, University of New Orleans
USENIX Association 25th USENIX Security Symposium 1137
Screen After Previous Screens: Spatial-Temporal Recreation of Android
App Displays from Memory Images
Brendan Saltaformaggio
, Rohit Bhatia
, Xiangyu Zhang
, Dongyan Xu
, Golden G. Richard III
Department of Computer Science and CERIAS, Purdue University
{bsaltafo, bhatia13, xyzhang, dxu}
Department of Computer Science, University of New Orleans
Smartphones are increasingly involved in cyber and real
world crime investigations. In this paper, we demon-
strate a powerful smartphone memory forensics tech-
nique, called RetroScope, which recovers multiple previ-
ous screens of an Android app in the order they were
displayed from the phone’s memory image. Differ-
ent from traditional memory forensics, RetroScope en-
ables spatial-temporal forensics, revealing the progres-
sion of the phone user’s interactions with the app (e.g.,
a banking transaction, online chat, or document editing
session). RetroScope achieves near perfect accuracy in
both the recreation and ordering of reconstructed screens.
Further, RetroScope is app-agnostic, requiring no knowl-
edge about an app’s internal data definitions or rendering
logic. RetroScope is inspired by the observations that (1)
app-internal data on previous screens exists much longer
in memory than the GUI data structures that “package”
them and (2) each app is able to perform context-free re-
drawing of its screens upon command from the Android
framework. Based on these, RetroScope employs a novel
interleaved re-execution engine to selectively reanimate
an app’s screen redrawing functionality from within a
memory image. Our evaluation shows that RetroScope
is able to recover full temporally-ordered sets of screens
(each with 3 to 11 screens) for a variety of popular apps
on a number of different Android devices.
1 Introduction
As smartphones become more pervasive in society, they
are also increasingly involved in cyber and real world
crimes. Among the many types of evidence held by a
phone, an app’s prior screen displays may be the most
intuitive and valuable to an investigation revealing
the intent, targets, actions, and other contextual evidence
of a crime. In this paper, we demonstrate a powerful
forensics capability for Android phones: recovering mul-
tiple previous screens displayed by each app from the
phone’s memory image. Different from traditional mem-
ory forensics, this capability enables spatial-temporal
forensics by revealing what the app displayed over a time
interval, instead of a single time instance. For example,
investigators will be able to recover the multiple screens
of a banking transaction, deleted messages from an on-
line chat, and even a suspect’s actions before logging out
of an app.
Our previous effort in memory forensics, GUI-
TAR [35], provides a related (but less powerful) capa-
bility: recovering the most recent GUI display of an
Android app from a memory image. We call this GUI
display Screen 0. Unfortunately, GUITAR is not able
to reconstruct the app’s previous screens, which we call
Screens -1, -2, -3... to reflect their reverse temporal or-
der. For example, if the user has logged out of an app
before the phone’s memory image is captured, GUITAR
will only be able to recover the “log out” screen, which
is far less informative than the previous screens showing
the actual app activities and their progression.
To address this limitation, we present a novel spatial-
temporal solution, called RetroScope, to reconstruct an
Android app’s previous GUI screens (i.e., Screens 0, -1,
-2... -N, N > 0). RetroScope is app-agnostic and does
not require any app-specific knowledge (i.e., data struc-
ture definitions and rendering logic). More importantly,
RetroScope achieves near perfect accuracy in terms of
(1) reconstructed screen display and (2) temporal order
of the reconstructed screens. To achieve these proper-
ties, RetroScope overcomes significant challenges. As
indicated in [35], GUI data structures created for previ-
ous screens get overwritten almost completely, as soon as
a new screen is rendered. This is exactly why GUITAR
is unable to reconstruct Screen -i (i > 0), as it cannot find
GUI data structures belonging to the previous screens. In
other words, GUITAR is capable of “spatial” but not
“spatial-temporal” GUI reconstruction. This limita-
tion motivated us to seek a fundamentally different ap-
1138 25th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
proach for RetroScope.
During our research, we noticed that although the
GUI data structures for app screens dissolve quickly,
the actual app-internal data displayed on those screens
(e.g., chat texts, account balances, photos) have a much
longer lifespan. Section 2 presents our profiling results
to demonstrate this observation. However, if we follow
the traditional memory forensics methodology of search-
ing for [16,25,26,41] and rendering [35–37] instances of
those app data, our solution would require app-specific
data structure definitions and rendering logic, breaking
the highly desirable app-agnostic property.
We then turned our attention to the (app-agnostic) dis-
play mechanism supplied by the Android framework,
which revealed the most critical (and interesting) idea
behind RetroScope. A smartphone displays the screen of
one app at a time; hence the apps’ screens are frequently
switched in and out of the device’s display, following the
user’s actions. Further, when the app is brought back to
the foreground, its entire screen must be redrawn from
scratch: by first “repackaging” the app’s internal data
to be displayed into GUI data structures, and then ren-
dering the GUI data structures according to their layout
on the screen. Now, recall that the “old” app-internal
data (displayed on previous screens) are still in mem-
ory. Therefore, we propose redirecting Android’s “draw-
from-scratch” mechanism to those old app data. Intu-
itively, this would cause the previous screens to be re-
built and rendered. This turns out to be both feasible and
highly effective, thus enabling the development of Ret-
Based on the observations above, RetroScope is de-
signed to trigger the re-execution of an app’s screen-
drawing code in-place within a memory image a pro-
cess we call selective reanimation. During selective re-
animation, the app’s data and drawing code from the
memory image are logically interleaved with a live sym-
biont app, using our interleaved re-execution engine and
state interleaving finite automata (Section 3.2). This al-
lows RetroScope (within a live Android environment)
to issue standard GUI redrawing commands to the in-
terleaved execution of the target app, until the app has
redrawn all different (previous) screens that its internal
data can support. In this way, RetroScope acts as a “pup-
peteer, steering the app’s code and data (the “puppet”)
to reproduce its previous screens.
We have performed extensive evaluation of Retro-
Scope, using memory snapshots from 15 widely used
Android apps on three commercially available phones.
For each of these apps, RetroScope accurately recov-
ered multiple (ranging from 3 to 11) previous screens.
Our results show that RetroScope-recovered app screens
provide clear spatial-temporal evidence of a phone’s ac-
tivities with high accuracy (only missing 2 of 256 re-
coverable screens) and efficiency (10 minutes on aver-
age to recover all screens for an app). We have open-
sourced RetroScope
to encourage reproduction of our
results and further research into this new memory foren-
sics paradigm.
2 Problem and Opportunity
Different from typical desktop applications, frequent
user interactions with Android apps require their screen
display to be highly dynamic. For example, nearly all
user interactions (e.g., clicking the “Compose Email”
button on the Inbox screen) and asynchronous notifica-
tions (e.g., a pop-up for a newly received text message)
lead to drawing an entirely new screen. Despite such
frequent screen changes, an earlier study [35] shows that
every newly rendered app screen destroys and overwrites
the GUI data structures of the previous screen.
This observation however, seems counter-intuitive as
Android apps are able to very quickly render a screen
that is similar or identical to a previous screen. For ex-
ample, consider how seamlessly a messenger app returns
to the “Recent Conversations” screen after sending a new
message. Given that the previous screen’s data structures
have been destroyed, the app must be able to recreate
GUI data structures for the new screen. More impor-
tantly, we conjecture that the raw, app-internal data (e.g.,
chat texts, dates/times, and photos) displayed on previ-
ous screens must exist in memory long after their corre-
sponding GUI data structures are lost.
To confirm our conjecture about the life spans of (1)
GUI data structures (short) and (2) app-internal data
(long), we performed a profiling study on a variety of
popular Android apps (those in Section 4). Via instru-
mentation, we tracked the allocation and destruction (i.e.,
overwriting) of the two types of data following multiple
screen changes of each app. Figure 1 presents our find-
ings for TextSecure (also known as Signal Messenger). It
is evident that the creation of every new screen causes the
destruction of the previous screen’s GUI data, whereas
the app-internal data not only persists but accumulates
with every new screen. We observed this trend across all
evaluated apps.
Considering that a memory image reflects the mem-
ory’s content at one time instance, Figure 1 illustrates
a limitation of existing memory forensics techniques
(background on memory image acquisition can be found
in Appendix A). Specifically, given the memory image
taken after Screen 0 is rendered (as marked in Figure 1),
our GUITAR technique [35] will only have access to the
GUI data for Screen 0. Meanwhile, the app’s internal
RetroScope is available online, along with a demo video, at:
USENIX Association 25th USENIX Security Symposium 1139
Data Structure Count
Time (Relative to Screen Changes From Screen -5 to Screen 0 Above)
Internal Data Screen -5 Screen -4 Screen -3
Screen -2 Screen -1 Screen 0
(a) Screen -5 (b) Screen -4 (c) Screen -3 (d) Screen -2 (e) Screen -1
Memory Image Taken
(e) Screen 0
Figure 1: Life Cycles of GUI Data Structures Versus App-Internal Data Across Multiple Screen Changes.
class MessageItem {
String mTimestamp;
String mAddress;
String mBody;
String mContact;
String mSubject;
class MessageListView {
void draw (Canvas canvas){
String str;
str = MessageItem.format();
Figure 2: The Typical Model/View Implementation Split
of Android Apps.
data are maintained by the app itself for as long as the
app’s implementation allows (e.g., we never observed
TextSecure deallocating its messages because they may
be needed again). However, without app-specific data
definitions or rendering logic, it is impossible for exist-
ing app-agnostic techniques [6, 36, 41] to meaningfully
recover and redisplay the app’s internal data on Screens
-1 to -5 in Figure 1.
It turns out that the Android framework instills the
“short-lived GUI structures and long-lived app-internal
data” properties in all Android apps. Specifically, An-
droid apps must follow a “Model/View” design pat-
tern which intentionally separates the app’s logic into
Model and View components. As shown in Figure 2, an
app’s Model stores its internal runtime data; whereas its
View is responsible for building and rendering the GUI
screens that present the data. For example, the Mes-
sageItem, Conversation, and ContactList (Model) classes
in Figure 2 store raw, app-internal data, which are then
formatted into GUI data structures, and drawn on screen
by the MessageListView class. This design allows the
app’s View screens to respond quickly to the highly dy-
namic user-phone interactions, while delegating slower
operations (e.g., fetching data updates from a remote
server) to the background Model threads.
Further, the Android framework provides a Java class
(aptly named View) which apps must extend in order
to implement their own GUI screens. As illustrated
by Figure 2’s MessageListView class, each of the app’s
screens correspond to an app-customized View object
and possibly many sub-Views drawn within the top-level
View. Most importantly, each View object defines a draw
function. draw functions are prohibited from performing
blocking operations and may be invoked by the Android
framework whenever that specific screen needs to be re-
drawn. This makes any screen’s GUI data (e.g., format-
ted text, graphics buffers, and drawing operations which
build the screen) easily disposable, because the Android
framework can quickly recreate them by issuing a redraw
command to an app at any time. This design pattern pro-
vides an interesting opportunity for RetroScope, which
will intercept and reuse the context of a live redraw com-
mand to support the reanimation of draw functions in a
memory image.
3 Design of RetroScope
RetroScope’s operation is fully automated and only re-
quires a memory image from the Android app being in-
vestigated (referred to as the target app) as input. From
this memory image, RetroScope will recreate as many
1140 25th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
previous screens as the app’s internal data (in the mem-
ory image) can support. However, without app-specific
data definitions, RetroScope is unable to locate or un-
derstand such internal data. But recall from Section 2
that the Android framework can cause the app to draw its
screen by issuing a redraw command, without handling
the app-internal data directly. This is possible because
the app’s draw functions are invoked in a context-free
manner: The Android framework only supplies a buffer
(called a Canvas) to draw the screen into, and the draw
function obtains the app’s internal data via previously
stored, global, or static variables analogous to starting
a car with a key (the redraw command) versus manually
cranking the engine (app internals). Thus, RetroScope is
able to leverage such commands, avoiding the low-level
“dirty work” as in previous forensics/reverse engineering
approaches [36,37].
RetroScope mimics this process within the target app’s
memory image by selectively reanimating the app’s
screen drawing functions via an interleaved re-execution
engine (IRE). RetroScope can then inject redraw com-
mands to goad the target app into recreating its previ-
ous screens. An app’s draw functions are ideal for re-
animation because they are (1) functionally closed, (2)
defined by the Android framework (thus we know their
interface definition), and (3) prevented from perform-
ing I/O or other blocking operations which would oth-
erwise require patching system dependencies. Finally,
RetroScope saves the redrawn screens in the temporal or-
der that they were previously displayed, unless the draw
function crashes indicating the app-internal data could
not support that screen.
To support selective reanimation, RetroScope lever-
ages the open-source Android emulator to start, control,
and modify the execution of a symbiont app, a minimal
implementation of an Android app which will serve as a
“shell” for selective reanimation.
3.1 Selective Reanimation
Before selective reanimation can begin, RetroScope must
first set up enough of the target app’s runtime environ-
ment for re-executing the app’s draw functions. There-
fore RetroScope first starts a new process in the An-
droid emulator, which will later become the symbiont
app and the IRE (Section 3.2). RetroScope then syn-
thetically recreates a subset of the target app’s memory
space from the subject memory image. Specifically, Ret-
roScope loads the target app’s data segments (native and
Java) and code segments (native C/C++ and Java code
segments) back to their original addresses (Lines 1-4 of
Algorithm 1) this would allow pointers within those
segments to remain valid in the symbiont app’s memory
space. RetroScope then starts the symbiont app which
will initialize its native execution environment and Java
runtime. Note that the IRE will not be activated until
later when state interleaving (Section 3.2) is needed.
Isolating Different Runtime States. The majority of
an Android app’s runtime state is maintained by its Java
runtime environment
. For RetroScope, it is not suffi-
cient to simply reload the target app’s memory segments.
Instead the symbiont app’s Java runtime must also be
made aware of the added (target app’s) runtime data prior
to selective reanimation. Later, the IRE will need to dy-
namically switch between the target app’s runtime state
and that of the symbiont app to present each piece of
interleaved execution with the proper runtime environ-
RetroScope traverses a number of global Java run-
time data structures from the subject memory image with
information such as known/loaded Java classes, app-
specific class definitions, and garbage collection trackers
(Lines 5–9 of Algorithm 1). Such data are then copied
and isolated into the symbiont app’s Java runtime by in-
serting them (via the built in Android class-loading logic)
into duplicates of the Java runtime structures in the sym-
biont app. Note that, at this point, the duplicate runtime
data structures will not affect the execution of the sym-
biont app, but they must be set up during the symbiont
app’s initialization so that any app-specific classes and
object allocations from the memory image can be han-
dled later by the IRE.
At this point, the symbiont app’s memory space con-
tains (nearly) two full applications (shown in Figure 4).
The symbiont app has been initialized naturally by the
Android system with its own execution environment. In
addition, RetroScope has reserved and loaded a subset
of the target app’s memory segments (those required
for selective reanimation) and isolated the necessary old
(target app’s) Java runtime data into the new (symbiont
app’s) Java runtime. The remainder of RetroScope’s op-
eration is to (1) mark the target app’s View draw func-
tions so that they can receive redraw commands and (2)
reanimate those drawing functions inside the symbiont
app via the IRE.
Marking Top-Level Draw Functions. RetroScope tra-
verses the target app’s loaded classes to find top-level
Views (Lines 10–17 in Algorithm 1). Top-level Views
are identified as those which inherit from Android’s par-
ent View class ViewParent and are not drawn inside
any other Views. As described in Section 2, top-level
Views are default Android classes which contain app-
customized sub-Views. Further, we know that all Views
must implement a draw function (which invokes the sub-
Views’ draw functions). Thus RetroScope marks each
top-level draw function as a reanimation starting point.
Please see Section 5 regarding Dalvik JVM versus ART runtimes.
USENIX Association 25th USENIX Security Symposium 1141
Algorithm 1 RetroScope Selective Reanimation.
Input: Target App Memory Image M
Output: GUI Screen Ordered Set S
Rebuild the Target App runtime environment.
1: for Segment S M do Remap memory segments.
2: if isNeededForReanimation(S) then
3: Map(S.startAddress, S.length, S.content)
4: SymbiontApp.initialize() Set up Symbiont App.
5: JavaGlobalStructs G Isolate the Target App runtime state.
6: for Segment S M do Find Java control data.
7: if containsJavaGlobals(S) then
8: G getJavaGlobals(S)
9: break
Register reanimation points with the IRE.
10: InterleavedReexecutionEngine IRE
11: View Set V Top-level Views.
12: for Class C G Classes do Find top-level Views.
13: if C <: ViewParent then <:’ denotes subtype.
14: if not isSubView(C) then
15: IRE.beginOn(C.draw) Register drawing function.
16: View Set views C.instances
17: V V views
18: View T SymbiontApp.getTopLevelView()
19: T .invalidate() Cause screen redraw command to be issued.
20: procedure C
Invoked when redraw command is issued.
21: for View view V do
22: T view Override the Symbiont App’s top-level View.
Record largest subView ID.
23: largestID max
24: deliverRedrawCommand()
IRE handles re-execution of redrawing code.
25: Screen s T .copyGUIBuffer()
26: S.insert(largestID, s)
27: end procedure
Selective Reanimation. Once all top-level draw func-
tions are identified, RetroScope can begin selective rean-
imation of each. First, RetroScope invalidates the sym-
biont app’s current View (Line 19 of Algorithm 1). This
will cause Android to set up and issue a redraw com-
mand to the symbiont app along with a buffer to draw
into. However, RetroScope first intercepts this command
and replaces the symbiont app’s top-level View with one
of the target app’s top-level Views identified previously
(Lines 20–27 in Algorithm 1). Note that RetroScope
does not distinguish between different instances of top-
level Views, it simply reissues redraw commands for ev-
ery previously identified top-level View instance, even if
duplicates exist.
Since the top-level Views of the symbiont app and the
target app are both default instances of (or inherit from)
the same Android View class, they are interchangeable
as far as the Android framework is concerned (both with
the same functionality). Now RetroScope can inject the
redraw command into the symbiont app which, upon re-
ceiving this command, will naturally invoke the target
app’s top-level draw function (previously marked for re-
This will trigger the IRE to begin logically interleav-
ing the draw function execution with the symbiont app’s
GUI drawing environment. Most importantly, this will
direct input code/data accesses (i.e., queries to the target
app’s Model) to the appropriate target app functions and
output code/data accesses (i.e., drawing of screens) to
the symbiont app’s running GUI framework. Upon suc-
cessful completion of each draw function reanimation,
RetroScope retrieves and stores the symbiont app’s (now
filled) screen buffer, switches the top-level View to an-
other marked target app View, and re-injects the redraw
command reloading the memory image in between to
avoid side effects.
Finally, RetroScope reorders the redrawn screens to
match the temporal order in which they were displayed.
This is done via comparison of View ID fields in the tar-
get app’s Views (recovered from the memory image). A
View’s ID is an integer that identifies a View. The ID
may not be unique, as some Views may alias others, but
it is always set from a monotonically increasing counter.
This yields the property that app screens can be ordered
temporally by comparing the largest ID among their sub-
Views. Intuitively, the most recently modified portion of
the screen (sub-View) will yield an increasingly large ID.
3.2 Interleaved Re-Execution Engine
o'.m( ) | o'. (m)( )
o.m( ) | o. (m)( )
o.* | Pass o'.* | Pass
o.f | Passo'.f | Pass
o'.f | o'. (f)
o.f | o. (f)
o.m( ) | Pass o'.m( ) | Pass
o'.f | o'. (f)
o.f | o. (f)
Code Context Barrier
Figure 3: State Interleaving Finite Automata.
The key enabling technique behind RetroScope is its
IRE which logically interleaves the state of the target
app into the symbiont app just before it is needed by
the execution. To monitor and interleave the execu-
tion contexts, the IRE intercepts the execution of Java
byte-code instructions corresponding to function invoca-
tions, returns, and data accesses (i.e., instance/static field
reads/writes). The IRE’s operation is similar to parsing
a lexical context-free grammar: The current byte-code
instruction (i.e., token) and the context of its operands
(e.g., new/old data) are matched to a state interleaving
1142 25th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
finite automata (Figure 3), where each state transition de-
fines which runtime environment the IRE should present
to that instruction.
In RetroScope, state interleaving begins at the invoca-
tion of one of the marked top-level draw functions within
the target app. As a running example, Figure 4 shows
a snippet of a draw function’s code along with the live
memory space (containing both the symbiont app and the
target app’s execution environment).
IRE State Tracking. For each byte code instruction,
the IRE tracks two pieces of information: (1) if the code
being executed is from the memory image (old code) or
from the symbiont app (new code) and (2) if the current
runtime information (i.e., loaded classes, object layouts,
etc.) originates from the memory image (old runtime) or
the symbiont app (new runtime). Based on that, the exe-
cution context may be in any of four possible states:
(new code, new runtime)=
(new code, old runtime)=
(old code, new runtime)=
(old code, old runtime)=
In Figure 4, we have denoted which state the IRE is in
before and after executing each line of code. For ease
of explanation, Figure 4 presents source code, but Retro-
Scope operates on byte-code instructions only. For ex-
ample, before executing Line 1, the IRE is in
α because
no old code or data has been introduced yet. Likewise,
after Line 1, the IRE is in
δ as the IRE is then execut-
ing the target app’s draw function (old code) within the
target app’s top-level View object (old runtime). How-
ever, note that the context of runtime data may not (and
often does not) match the context of the code: For exam-
ple, in Line 4, fetching the mDensity field from the new
Canvas requires using the new runtime data but is being
performed by old code (resulting in state
γ ).
Modeling State-Transitions. In Figure 3, we gener-
alize the state-transition rule matching to two primitive
operations: Given an object o, state transitions may oc-
cur when accessing a field f within o (o. f ) or when in-
voking a method m defined by o (o.m()). Further, o may
be an object loaded from the target app’s memory im-
age or allocated by the target app’s code (i.e., interacting
with this object requires the old runtime data), thus we
denote such old objects as o
in Figure 3. Note that our
discussion will follow Java’s object-oriented design, but
the transitions in Figure 3 are equally applicable to static
(i.e., o == NULL) execution.
The state transitions in Figure 3 are modeled as
a Mealy machine [29] with the input of each state-
transition being a matched operation and the output being
the corresponding state correction performed by the IRE.
These state corrections (i.e., transition outputs) fall into
three categories: (1) a transition from the new runtime
data to the old runtime data (the function θ ), (2) a tran-
sition from old to new runtime data (the function λ ), and
(3) no change in runtime data (“Pass”). For example, the
transition from
α to δ is represented as:
α δ : o
.m() | o
where the input to this transition is a match on o
(invoking an old object’s method) and the output state
correction is to switch to the old runtime prior to invok-
ing the method (o
.θ(m)()). This is exactly the IRE’s
transition before executing Line 1 in Figure 4 as the IRE
must switch to the old runtime prior to invoking the old
View object’s draw function to look up the method’s im-
plementation. Conversely, the transition from
γ to α
is represented as:
γ α : o.m() | Pass
because this transition occurs when a new object’s
method is invoked (o.m) but the IRE is already using
the new runtime data, thus no runtime data correction is
needed (i.e., “Pass”). This case is observed in Line 11 of
Figure 4. At the beginning of Line 11, the IRE is in state
γ due to the lookup of the new Canvas’s mDensity
field on Line 4. Thus, the invocation of getClipBounds
on Line 11 does not require the runtime to change (a
“Pass” transition), but does change from old code to new.
Another important corrective action in Figure 3 is
whether or not a transition crosses the code context bar-
rier (i.e., a horizontal transition). Crossing the code con-
text barrier signifies a switch between fetching new code
(from the symbiont app) to old code (from the memory
image) or vice versa. Although crossing the context bar-
rier alone does not require active correction by the IRE
(e.g., the old runtime’s method definitions will naturally
direct the execution to the old code), the IRE must note
that the change occurred.
Monitoring which context the code is fetched from
is essential for a number of runtime checks and correc-
tions that the IRE must perform. Firstly, objects allo-
cated while executing old code should use the class def-
initions from the target app (as the Android framework
classes may be vendor-customized or the class may be
defined by the target app itself). Secondly, type compar-
isons (e.g., the Java instanceof operator) executed by
old code must consider both new and old classes but pre-
fer old classes. This is because new objects (which are
instances of classes loaded by the symbiont app’s run-
time) will be passed into old code functions which
use the target app’s loaded classes that contain “old du-
plicates” of classes common to both executions (e.g., sys-
tem classes). The reverse is true for new code type com-
parisons. Lastly, exceptions thrown during interleaved
execution should be catchable by both old and new code.
USENIX Association 25th USENIX Security Symposium 1143
1. public void draw(Canvas canvas)
2. {
4. int density = canvas.mDensity;
8. if (density != Bitmap.DENSITY_NONE)
9. {
10. Rect bounds;
11. canvas.getClipBounds(bounds);
12. Bounds.right = this.mSlideable.getRight();
13. canvas.clipRect(bounds);
1. public boolean getClipBounds(Rect bounds)
2. {
3. …
4. }
Target App State
Target App Code
Symbiont App Code
IRE State
Popped From IRE State Stack
Code Context Barrier Crosses
View this:
mSliderColor 255
mCanSlide 1
mTag 0x0
mViewFlags 64
Symbiont App State
mDensity 0
mWidth 1080
mHeight 1920
o.f data access
Figure 4: Example of Interleaved Re-Execution.
Interestingly, we find a number of test cases in Section 4
purposely throw exceptions inside their inner drawing
functions, and allowing new code to catch old code ex-
ceptions (or vice versa) requires patching type lookups
(as before) and stack walking.
Return Transitions. Although Figure 3 does not il-
lustrate state transitions for return instructions, the IRE
does perform state correction for them. Unlike the tran-
sitions in Figure 3 (which rely on the current IRE state
to determine a new state), method returns simply re-
store the IRE state from before the matching invocation.
This is tracked by a stack implemented in the IRE which
pushes the current IRE state before invoking a method
and pops/restores that IRE state upon the method’s re-
turn. This behavior is seen in Line 12 in Figure 4. Before
the invocation of getClipBounds (Line 11), the IRE is
in state
γ . Function getClipBounds executes in state
α , and upon its return the IRE pops state γ from the
stack and restores that state prior to executing Line 12.
Another notable simplification of the IRE’s design is
that it is sufficient to only perform state correction at
function invocations, returns, and field accesses. Intu-
itively, this is because other “self-contained” instructions
(e.g., mathematical operations) do not require support
from the runtime. But another advantage is that state-
interleaving tends to occur after bunches of instructions.
Our evaluation shows that on average 10.24 instructions
in a row will cause loop-back transitions before a state
correction is needed. Further, many functions execute
entirely in state
α or δ because no data from the other
environment enter those functions.
Native Execution. The IRE operates on the Java byte-
code instructions of the functions marked for selective
reanimation. However, it is possible that app develop-
ers utilize the Java Native Interface (JNI) to implement
some of their app’s functionality in native C/C++ code.
Further, the Android framework heavily uses JNI func-
tions. When the IRE observes an invocation of a C/C++
function, it follows the same state transitions defined in
Figure 3 (i.e., new code only invokes new C/C++ func-
tions and vice versa).
Luckily, due to the tightly controlled interaction be-
tween C/C++ functions and the Java runtime data, the
IRE’s state correction can be further simplified. To
access data or invoke methods from the Java runtime,
C/C++ functions must use a set of helper functions de-
fined by the Java runtime. The IRE hooks these func-
tions and checks if the data or method being requested
is in the old or new context. The IRE can then prop-
erly patch the helper function’s return value and allow
the C/C++ function to execute as intended. Note that, be-
cause all the target app’s native code and data segments
have been mapped back to their original addresses, all
pointers (code and data) in those segments remain valid.
Lastly, although the IRE executes app-specific code,
it does so on a syntactic basis without understanding the
code’s semantics, hence maintaining RetroScope’s app-
agnostic property.
3.3 Escaping Execution and Data Accesses
To monitor and interleave the target app’s reanimation,
the IRE must accurately track the current state of the ex-
ecution environment. However, due to the relative com-
plexity of Android apps, it is possible that the target app’s
control flow causes the IRE to miss a state transition, po-
tentially failing to correct the execution environment de-
spite the actual execution being in a different state. We
call such missed state transitions escaping execution or
escaping data accesses.
Escaping Execution. This occurs when the target app’s
reanimation invokes a function but the IRE is unable to
determine which context to transition to. This is primar-
ily due to the invocation of a static method which exists
in both the old and new environments leading to an
ambiguous state-transition, where the IRE does not have
1144 25th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
sufficient information at the function invocation site to
determine which state (
α or δ ) to transition to. Sim-
ply put, the IRE must discover if the execution intended
to invoke the old or new method. To decide that, the IRE
performs a simple data flow analysis on each version. If
the method writes data to a static variable, then the IRE
always invokes the method in state
α , otherwise the IRE
keeps the same state that the method was invoked by (to
avoid an unnecessary transition). This ensures that any
accesses to static values which exist in both old and new
environments are always directed to the new one. Note
that app-defined static variables will only exist in the old
environment, and thus their accesses do not lead to am-
biguous transitions.
Escaping Data Accesses. This occurs when an app im-
plements a non-standard means of accessing an object’s
fields. For example, the two most common causes of es-
caping data accesses we observed are: (1) C/C++ code
using a hard-coded Java object layout to access an ob-
ject’s fields and (2) old Java code which has cached an
old version of an object which RetroScope is trying to re-
place with a new version (e.g., some Views will save and
reuse a reference to the previously drawn on Canvas).
Although escaping data accesses are caused by app im-
plementation differences, they can be handled uniformly
by the IRE.
Escaping data accesses caused by Java code can be
identified automatically when the fields of the object are
accessed incorrectly. For example, there should not exist
any old Canvas objects during selective reanimation and
thus the IRE will identify its field accesses and replace
the object with the new instance. Escaping data accesses
caused by C/C++ code are handled by preventing C/C++
code from directly accessing Java objects. Instead, the
IRE requires all pointers to Java objects to be encoded
before they are given to C/C++ code. These pointers can
be decoded when they are used in the standard JNI field
access helper functions, but will cause a segmentation
fault when dereferenced erroneously. This segmentation
fault can then be handled by RetroScope to patch the field
access with the appropriate JNI helper function. In fact,
support for encoded/decoded JNI pointers already exists
but may be avoided in Android, so the IRE only needs
to require that all JNI pointers are encoded/decoded and
handle the segmentation fault for those that previously
avoided this functionality.
4 Evaluation
Evaluation Setup. Our evaluation of RetroScope in-
volved three Android phones (a Samsung Galaxy S4,
HTC One, and LG G3)
as evidentiary devices. On each
phone, we installed and interacted with 15 different apps
to cause the generation, modification, and deletion of as
many screens as possible. The interactions took an av-
erage of 16 minutes per app, and we installed and in-
teracted with the apps on each phone at random times
over a 4-day period. Then, for each phone, we waited
60 minutes for any background activity of the 15 apps to
complete, after which we took a memory image from the
phone (as described in Appendix A).
The set of 15 apps was chosen to represent both typ-
ical app categories (to highlight RetroScope’s generic
applicability) and diverse app implementation (to eval-
uate the robustness of RetroScope’s selective reanima-
tion). Based on the importance of personal commu-
nication in criminal investigations, we included Gmail,
Skype, WeChat, WhatsApp, TextSecure (also known as
Signal, notable for its privacy-oriented design which lim-
its evidence recovery [4]), Telegram (whose encrypted
broadcast channels are popular with terrorist organiza-
tions [3]), and each device’s default MMS app (imple-
mented by the device vendor). We also included the two
most popular social networking apps: Facebook (known
for its highly complex/obfuscated implementation) and
Instagram. Finally we consider several apps which, by
nature, display sensitive personal information: Chase
Banking, IRS2Go (the official IRS mobile app), My-
Chart (the most popular medical record portfolio app),
Microsoft Word for Android, and the vendor-specific
Calendar and Contacts/Recent Calls apps.
We then used RetroScope to recreate as many pre-
vious app screens as still exist in the memory images
of the 45 (15 × 3) apps. The recovery results are re-
ported in Table 1. Table 1 presents the device and app
name in Columns 1 and 2, respectively. Column 3
shows the ground-truth number of screens that Retro-
Scope should recover, and Column 4 reports the number
of screens recovered. Columns 5 through 9 present sev-
eral metrics recorded over the selective reanimation of
all screen redrawing functions for each app: Column 5
shows the number of reanimated Java byte-code instruc-
tions, Column 6 reports the number of JNI invocations
(i.e., C/C++ functions invoked from Java code) observed,
and Columns 7 and 8 report the total number of newly al-
located Java objects and C/C++ structures that made up
the new screens. Column 9 shows RetroScope’s runtime
for each case.
Selective Reanimation Metrics. Table 1 provides in-
teresting insights into the complexity and scale of screen
redrawing via selective reanimation. From Table 1, we
learn that an average of 231,867 byte-code instructions
These devices all run vendor-customized versions of Android
Kitkat (the most widely used Android version [17]).
USENIX Association 25th USENIX Security Symposium 1145
Device App
Expected #
of Screens
Metrics for Evaluating Selective Reanimation
Byte-Code JNI Allocated New C/C++ Runtime
Instructions Invocations Java Objects Structures (seconds)
Samsung S4
259196 4699 930 79119 502
Chase Banking
424336 9318 1905 106168 1610
199755 4606 928 49322 369
338195 7928 1432 45420 1059
188463 4185 826 80808 487
240139 5191 482 86319 672
195413 4450 790 21027 674
96856 2004 333 25311 276
Microsoft Word
211762 4273 460 58291 637
74213 1632 367 18902 259
236213 5256 1072 30753 486
177973 3488 314 41815 664
145436 3461 763 27450 450
121630 2823 638 24730 831
402536 8186 1373 65818 1390
199290 4193 665 72944 478
Chase Banking
360607 8436 1843 127337 1731
313068 6289 1184 105004 430
448535 10038 1892 88949 1413
263850 6148 1353 239711 1248
245094 5097 489 104391 446
335323 7599 1458 82077 709
147428 3077 422 61210 303
Microsoft Word
175394 4189 652 51769 375
59284 1291 202 24995 335
238227 4914 914 63007 382
125085 2452 183 48496 297
206146 4388 860 80672 381
225245 5296 1293 72310 632
205661 4548 884 67789 466
197316 3675 732 102642 749
Chase Banking
11 11
584587 12591 2091 266965 850
190847 4023 723 71578 380
382522 8629 1451 95516 1128
235973 5366 929 129804 1128
86829 2078 433 42037 399
200196 4510 832 52097 547
93971 1950 287 45085 493
Microsoft Word
137978 3249 562 43209 456
131876 2599 353 65377 403
468258 9817 1232 149372 890
98662 1989 185 49902 291
231891 5268 924 98571 488
211518 4836 901 69587 723
321229 7075 1571 104216 573
Table 1: Overall Results of RetroScope Evaluation.
and 5,047 JNI function invocations are required to re-
draw all of the screens for a single app. This yields an
average of 41,078 byte-code instructions and 894 JNI
function invocations per screen. Higher than our ini-
tial expectations, these numbers attest to the complexity
of the screen drawing implementation and robustness of
RetroScope’s IRE.
Another metric above our expectation was the number
of data structures that had to be newly allocated to re-
draw each screen. While redrawing all previous screens
of each app, the reanimated code allocated an average of
891 Java objects and 76,397 C/C++ structures per app,
and an average of 158 Java objects and 13,535 C/C++
structures per screen. These numbers confirm the claim
in GUITAR [35] that each screen is made of “thousands
of GUI data structures. Most importantly, as also shown
in [35], only the structures for Screen 0 may still exist in
a memory image, whereas RetroScope actively triggers
the rebuilding of the lost data for Screens 0, -1, -2, ... -N.
4.1 Spatial-Temporal Evidence Recovery
Ground Truth. We now evaluate how accurately Ret-
roScope recreates the screens displayed during our last
1146 25th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
(a) Screen -6. (b) Screen -5. (c) Screen -4. (d) Screen -3. (e) Screen -2. (f) Screen -1. (g) Screen 0.
Figure 5: LG G3 Facebook Recovery.
interaction session with each app. However, obtain-
ing the ground truth (how many previous screens Retro-
Scope should recover) is not straightforward because the
screens’ recoverability is decided by the availability of
the app’s internal data in the memory image. Therefore,
to identify the recoverable previous screens, we instru-
mented each app to log any non-GUI-related data allo-
cations and accesses performed by each screen-drawing
function. We then compared this log to the content of
the final memory image to identify which screens’ en-
tire app-internal data still existed
. This gives us a strict
lower bound on the number of screens that RetroScope
should recover (i.e., all the internal data for those screens
exist in the memory image). Without app-specific reverse
engineering efforts, it is impossible to know the upper
bound that the app’s internal data could support. But as
we discuss later, screen redrawing is often “all or noth-
ing” and adheres closely to this lower bound.
Highlights of Results. RetroScope recovered a total of
254 screens for the 45 apps, from a low of 3 to a high of
11 screens ironically for the privacy sensitive Chase
Banking app on the HTC One phone (Figure 6). Overall,
Table 1 shows that RetroScope recovers an average of
5.64 screens per app, with the majority of the test cases
(33 out of 45) having 5 or more screens.
Table 1 highlights the depth of temporal evidence that
RetroScope makes available to forensic investigators, but
even more intriguing is the clear progression of user-app
interaction portrayed by the recovered screens. Figure 5
shows the 7 screens recovered for the Facebook app on
the LG G3 phone. From these screens we can infer the
“suspect’s” progression: from his own profile (Screen
-6), to search results for “hitman” (Screen -5), to the
Facebook profile (Screen -4), Photos screen (Screen -3),
a photo album (Screen -2) of the Hitman movie, to a
single photo (Screen -1), and lastly to that photo’s com-
ments (Screen 0). Such powerful spatial-temporal recov-
Note that RetroScope did not have access to nor could benefit from
this ground truth information. Further, we utilized in-place binary in-
strumentation (which does not interact nor interfere with the app’s ex-
ecution or memory management) to ensure the accuracy of our experi-
ery from a single memory image is not possible via
any existing memory forensics technique.
Another interesting observation from Table 1 is that,
although RetroScope’s recovery is app-agnostic, the
apps’ diverse implementations lead to very different re-
drawing procedures. For example, for both Skype and
Facebook apps on the Samsung S4, RetroScope repro-
duced all 6 screens from each app. However, Facebook’s
redrawing implementation appears much more complex,
requiring 338,195 byte-code instructions and 7,928 JNI
invocations, compared to Skype’s 236,213 byte-code in-
structions and 5,256 JNI invocations. This also leads to
varied RetroScope run times: from the shortest, Samsung
S4’s MyChart, at 259 seconds to the longest, LG G3’s
Chase Banking, at 1731 seconds. The average runtime
across all apps is 655 seconds (10 minutes, 55 seconds).
Lastly, Table 1 shows that in two cases (Rows 26 and
34), RetroScope missed a single screen. Manual investi-
gation of these cases revealed that the app-specific draw-
ing functions for the missed screens had thrown unhan-
dled Java exceptions. For the HTC One device’s Face-
book case, we found that the app had stored a pointer
to the Thread object which handled its user interface
and during redrawing the app failed on a check that the
current Thread (handled by RetroScope during reanima-
tion) is the same as the previously stored Thread (from
the memory image). For the LG G3 Skype case, when
drawing the “video call” screen, a saved timer value
(in the memory image) was compared against the sys-
tem’s current time, which also failed during reanimation.
These were addressed by reverse engineering to deter-
mine which field/condition in the app caused the fault,
and RetroScope can be instructed to set/avoid them dur-
ing interleaved execution. Also of note, several cases re-
quired recovering on-screen elements (e.g., user avatars)
which were cached on persistent storage until they are
loaded on the screen. Currently, RetroScope attempts to
detect (e.g., via the unhandled exception) but can not au-
tomatically correct such implementation-specific seman-
tic constraints. We leave this as future work.
USENIX Association 25th USENIX Security Symposium 1147
(a) Screen -10. (b) Screen -9. (c) Screen -8. (d) Screen -7. (e) Screen -6. (f) Screen -5. (g) Screen -4.
(h) Screen -3. (i) Screen -2. (j) Screen -1. (k) Screen 0.
Figure 6: HTC One Chase Banking Recovery.
4.2 Case Study I: Behind the Logout
We now elaborate on the Chase Banking app case and
highlight RetroScope’s ability to recreate an app’s previ-
ous screens even after the user has logged out. Table 1
Row 32 shows that RetroScope recovered 11 out of 11
screens (the highest of all cases). Not surprisingly, the
recovery required the most reanimated byte-code instruc-
tions (584,587) and JNI function invocations (12,591),
as well as the most re-allocated Java objects (2,091) and
C/C++ structures (266,965).
The recovered screens are shown in Figure 6. Start-
ing from the Account screen (Screen -10), the “suspect”
looks up a nearby ATM (Screen -9). He then reviews
his recent money transfers (Screen -8) and begins a new
transfer to a friend via the app’s options menu (Screen
-7). Screens -6 to -4 fill in the transfer’s recipient and
amount. Screen -3 asks the user to confirm the trans-
fer. Screen -2 shows the app’s “Log Out” menu, Screen
-1 presents a loading screen while the app logs out, and
Screen 0 is (as expected) the app’s log in screen.
This case yields some interesting observations: First,
it highlights the robustness of RetroScope to recover a
large number of screens when an app’s internal data
continues to accumulate. More importantly, the case
shows that, after logging out, the Chase app (as well as
many others we have tested) does not clear its internal
data. This is not surprising because programmers usually
consider their app’s memory to be private (compared to
network communications or files on persistent storage).
This is further evidenced by the TextSecure app, which
also allows for a significant post-logout recovery (of pre-
logout screens), despite the app’s message database be-
ing locked in the device’s storage.
4.3 Case Study II: Background Updates
Another interesting case is WhatsApp Messenger on the
Samsung S4. Table 1 Row 15 shows that RetroScope re-
animated 402,536 byte-code instructions and 8,186 JNI
functions in 23 minutes, 10 seconds, yielding an aver-
age of 50,317 instructions and 1,023 JNI functions per
screen. What was unexpected however is that Retro-
Scope recovered an extra screen (8 out of the 7 expected
screens) from the memory image.
Our investigation into this extra screen found that it
was not a screen we had previously seen during our
phone usage. Instead, after we had finished interacting
with WhatsApp, the app received a new chat message
while it was in the background and, to our surprise, this
prompted the app to prepare a new chat screen that ap-
pended the newly received message to the chat. Figure 7
presents the screens recovered by RetroScope, and again
we see a clear temporal progression through the app by
the “suspect. First, Screen -6 shows the call log screen.
The app’s Settings screen is seen in Screen -5 followed
by a screen that is only accessible through the Settings:
the device owner’s profile (our fictitious device owner is
Dr. King Schultz) in Screen -4. Screen -3 shows the
recent chats; Screen -2 shows the “suspect’s” chat with
a friend; then Dr. Schultz places a call to that friend
1148 25th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
(a) Screen -6. (b) Screen -5. (c) Screen -4. (d) Screen -3.
(e) Screen -2. (f) Screen -1. (g) Screen 0. (h) Screen +1.
Figure 7: Samsung S4 WhatsApp Recovery.
(a) Screen -4. (b) Screen -3. (c) Screen -2.
(d) Screen -1. (e) Screen 0.
Figure 8: LG G3 WeChat Recovery.
in Screen -1. Lastly, Screen 0 shows the friend’s pro-
file. Then, the extra Screen +1 shows the chat screen as
prepared by the app while in the background. Indeed it
shows the newly received message, even time-stamped
(“TODAY” and “4:51 AM” in Figure 7(h)) after the pre-
vious chat had taken place.
To ensure that this result was not an accident, we re-
peated the experiment (receiving chat messages while the
app was in the background) six more times (twice per de-
vice). In every test, we found that RetroScope recovered
the additional pre-built chat screen containing the new
message. Strangely, after testing the other apps which
can receive background updates, we found that What-
sApp is the only app, among our 15 apps, that exhib-
ited this behavior. We suspect that this is a WhatsApp-
specific implementation feature to speed up displaying
the chat screen (Screen +1) when the device user clicks
the “New Message” pop-up notification.
4.4 Case Study III: Deleted Messages
In addition to the WhatsApp case above, RetroScope re-
covered extra screens for four other cases in Table 1:
Telegram (Row 12), WeChat (Row 29), WhatsApp (Row
30), and TextSecure (Row 43). However, the extra
screens here are for a different reason: RetroScope can
recover explicitly deleted chat messages. In these tests,
we began a chat in each app and then explicitly deleted
one of the messages (as a suspect would do in an at-
tempt to hide evidence), and then used RetroScope to
recover the deleted message. Additionally, RetroScope
also recovered proof of the suspect’s intent to delete the
message: For WeChat and WhatsApp, RetroScope re-
covered the app’s pop-up menu (just prior to the deleted
message) which displays the “Delete Message” option.
For TextSecure, RetroScope recovered both the pop-up
menu and a loading screen showing the text “Deleting
Figure 8 shows one example: RetroScope’s recovery
for the WeChat app on the LG G3. Screen -4 shows
the “suspect’s” recent chats followed by a chat conver-
sation with a friend in Screen -3. Screen -2 is the pop-
up menu displaying the “Delete” option. The deleted
message (now disconnected from the previous chat win-
dow) is displayed in Screen -1, and the friend’s profile
page (which the “suspect” navigated to last) is shown in
Screen 0.
This result, in particular, highlights one of the most
powerful features of RetroScope, given that it works for
many apps and even provides proof of the suspect’s in-
tent. Further, all four apps tout their encrypted communi-
cation and some (e.g., TextSecure) even encrypt the mes-
sage database in the device. In light of this, law enforce-
ment has routinely had trouble convincing developers of
such apps to backdoor their encryption in support of in-
vestigations [4, 5]. Despite the few hardening measures
discussed in Section 5, RetroScope can provide such al-
ternative evidence which would otherwise be unavailable
to investigators.
USENIX Association 25th USENIX Security Symposium 1149
5 Privacy Implications and Discussion
RetroScope provides a powerful new capability to foren-
sic investigators. But despite being developed to aid
criminal investigations, RetroScope also raises privacy
concerns. In digital forensics practice, the privacy of de-
vice users is protected by strict legal protocols and regu-
lations [9,21], the most important of which is the require-
ment to obtain a search warrant prior to performing “in-
vasive” digital forensics such as memory image analysis.
Outside the forensics context, even some of the authors
were surprised by the temporal depth of screens that Ret-
roScope recovered for many privacy-sensitive apps (e.g.,
banking, tax, and healthcare). In light of this, we discuss
possible mitigation techniques which, despite their sig-
nificant drawbacks, might be considered worthwhile by
privacy-conscientious users/developers.
RetroScope’s recovery is based on two fundamental
features of Android app design: (1) All apps which
present a GUI must draw that GUI through the provided
View class’s draw function and (2) The Android frame-
work calls drawing functions on-demand and prevents
those drawing functions from performing blocking oper-
ations (file/network reads/writes, etc.). As such, an app
that aims to disrupt RetroScope’s recovery would need to
hinder its own ability to draw screens.
Previous anti-memory-forensics schemes focused on
encrypting in-memory data after its immediate use. This
ensures that traditional memory scanning or data struc-
ture carving approaches (e.g., [25, 26, 37, 41]) would not
find any useful evidence beyond the few pieces of de-
crypted in-use data. However, these solutions cannot
hinder RetroScope’s recovery because RetroScope re-
covers evidence via the app’s existing draw functions,
which would have to include decryption routines as part
of building the app screen. App developers may add
state-dependent conditions to their draw functions which
would crash when executed by RetroScope, but as seen
in Section 4 these can still be handled via additional de-
bugging/reverse engineering efforts to skip/fix the condi-
One approach that may disable RetroScope’s recov-
ery is to overwrite (i.e., zero) all app-internal data im-
mediately after they are drawn on screen. By doing
so, RetroScope would find that the app’s internal state
could not support the execution of any of its draw
functions. Unfortunately, this approach would signif-
icantly degrade usability and increase implementation
complexity: First, frequently overwriting app-internal
data would incur execution overhead (especially during
screen changes which are expected to be fast and dy-
namic). More importantly, this would require the app
to download its internal data from a remote server ev-
ery time the app needs to draw a screen. An app may
attempt to amortize these overheads (e.g., only zeroing
a prior session’s memory upon logout) but this would
require: (1) tracking used/freed memory throughout the
session (to be zeroed later) and (2) users to regularly log
out, which is uncommon and inconvenient for frequently
used apps such as email, messengers, etc.
Current vs. Future Android Runtimes. It is worth
noting that Google has begun shifting the Android frame-
work’s runtime from the Dalvik JVM to a Java-to-native
compilation and native execution environment (named
ART). Our implementation of RetroScope was based on
the original (and still the most widely used by far [17])
Dalvik JVM runtime. However, during our development
of RetroScope, specific care was taken to design Retro-
Scope to utilize only features present in both runtimes.
Specifically, ART still provides the same Java runtime
tracking and support as Dalvik does (implemented now
via C/C++ libraries) and all apps’ implementations (e.g.,
their Views and draw functions) remain unchanged. Our
study of ART revealed that the only engineering effort
required to port RetroScope is the interception of state-
changing instructions in the compiled byte-code, rather
than the literal byte-code as it exists in Dalvik. We leave
this as future work.
6 Related Work
RetroScope is most related to GUITAR [35] which,
by recovering the remaining “puzzle pieces” (GUI data
structures) from a memory image, is able to piece to-
gether an app’s Screen 0. Motivated by GUITAR’s
“Screen 0-only” limitation (i.e., spatial recovery), Ret-
roScope enables the fundamentally more powerful capa-
bility of recovering Screens 0, -1, -2, ... -N (i.e., spatial-
temporal recovery). Technically, GUITAR is based on
geometric matching of GUI pieces; whereas RetroScope
is based on selective reanimation of GUI code and data.
A number of other (spatial) memory forensics tools
have also been developed recently for Android. Many of
these approaches recover raw instances of app-specific
data structures to reveal evidence: App-specific login
credentials were recovered by Apostolopoulos et al. [8].
Macht [28] followed by Dalvik Inspector [6] involved
techniques to recover Dalvik-JVM control structures and
raw Java object content. Earlier, Thing et al. [42] found
that text-based message contents could be recovered
from memory images. Most recently, our VCR [36] tech-
nique made it possible to recover images/video/preview
frames from a phone’s camera memory.
In a mobile device-agnostic effort, DEC0DE [44] in-
volved an effective technique to carve plain-text call logs
and address book entries from phone storage using prob-
abilistic finite state machines.
1150 25th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association
RetroScope shares the philosophy of leveraging exist-
ing code for memory content rendering with our prior
memory forensics technique DSCRETE [37]. However,
DSCRETE renders a single application data structure,
whereas RetroScope renders full app display screens in
temporal order. More importantly, DSCRETE requires
application-specific (actually, data structure-specific)
identification and extraction of data rendering code,
while RetroScope is totally app-agnostic, requiring no
analysis of app-internal data or rendering logic. Fi-
nally, DSCRETE works on Linux/x86 whereas Retro-
Scope works on the Android/ARM platform.
Many prior memory forensics techniques leverage
memory image scanning and data structure signature
generation approaches [11,12,16,26,32,34,38,41]. Data
structure signatures can be content-based [16] or “points-
to” structure-based [13, 15, 25, 26, 30]. For binary pro-
grams without source code, a number of reverse en-
gineering techniques have been proposed to infer data
structure definitions [24, 27, 39]. As a fundamentally
new memory forensics technique, RetroScope requires
neither data structure signature generation nor memory
7 Conclusion
We have presented RetroScope, a spatial-temporal mem-
ory forensics technique (and new paradigm) that recov-
ers multiple previous screens of an app from an Android
phone’s memory image. RetroScope is based on a novel
interleaved re-execution engine which selectively rean-
imates an app’s screen redrawing functionality without
requiring any app-specific knowledge. Our evaluation
results show that RetroScope can recover visually accu-
rate, temporally ordered screens (ranging from 3 to 11
screens) for a variety of apps on three different Android
We thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful
comments and suggestions. This work was supported in
part by NSF under Award 1409668.
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A. Memory Image Acquisition
A prerequisite of memory forensics is the timely acquisi-
tion of a memory image from the subject device. Mem-
ory images typically contain a byte-for-byte copy of the
entire physical RAM of a device or the virtual memory
of an operating system or specific process(es). Tradi-
tionally, acquisition is performed by investigators, be-
fore the subject device is powered down, using mini-
mally invasive software (e.g., fmem [22], LiME [7]) or
hardware (e.g., Tibble [14], CoPilot [31]) tools. Other
notable techniques have used the DMA-capable Firewire
port [10] to acquire memory images, existing hibernation
or swap files [18, 23, 32, 33], or cold/warm booted de-
vices [19,20,43], but such approaches are only employed
for highly specialized investigations. A more compre-
hensive list of memory image acquisition tools can be
found in [2].
Android memory forensics was initially proposed dur-
ing the development of memory acquisition tools for the
devices. Most known among these are the software-
based LiME [7] and TrustDump [40] techniques. In an
alternative approach, Hilgers et al. [20] proposed cold-
booting Android phones to perform memory forensics.
Our evaluation of RetroScope used both LiME and a
ptrace-based tool we developed (also available with the
open source RetroScope code). Meanwhile, hardware-
based memory acquisition from a mobile device is often
performed via the ARM processor’s JTAG port [1, 45].