Human Rights & Human Welfare Human Rights & Human Welfare
Volume 8 Issue 1 Article 28
Bonded Labor in India Bonded Labor in India
Devin Finn
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Bonded Labor in India Bonded Labor in India
Abstract Abstract
Bonded labor, which is characterized by a long-term relationship between employer and employee, is
usually solidi?ed through a loan, and is embedded intricately in Indias socio-economic culture—a culture
that is a product of class relations, a colonial history, and persistent poverty among many citizens. Also
known as debt bondage, bonded labor is a speci?c form of forced labor in which compulsion into
servitude is derived from debt. Categorized and examined in the scholarly literature as a type of forced
labor, bonded labor entails constraints on the conditions and duration of work by an individual. Not all
bonded labor is forced, but most forced labor practices, whether they involve children or adults, are of a
bonded nature. Bonded labor is most prevalent in rural areas where the agricultural industry relies on
contracted, often migrant laborers. However, urban areas also provide fertile ground for long-term
Keywords Keywords
Human rights, Slavery, Contemporary slavery, Debt bondage, India
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This topical research digest is available in Human Rights & Human Welfare:
Bonded Labor in India
By Devin Finn
Introduction: Types of Widespread Forced Labor
Bonded labor, which is characterized by a long-term relationship between employer and
employee, is usually solidified through a loan, and is embedded intricately in India’s socio-economic
culture—a culture that is a product of class relations, a colonial history, and persistent poverty
among many citizens. Also known as debt bondage, bonded labor is a specific form of forced labor
in which compulsion into servitude is derived from debt. Categorized and examined in the scholarly
literature as a type of forced labor, bonded labor entails constraints on the conditions and duration
of work by an individual. Not all bonded labor is forced, but most forced labor practices, whether
they involve children or adults, are of a bonded nature. Bonded labor is most prevalent in rural areas
where the agricultural industry relies on contracted, often migrant laborers. However, urban areas
also provide fertile ground for long-term bondage.
Characterized by a creditor-debtor relationship that a laborer often passes on to his family
members, bonded labor is typically of an indefinite duration and involves illegal contractual
stipulations. Contracts deny an individual the basic right to choose his or her employer, or to
negotiate the terms of his or her contract. Bonded labor contracts are not purely economic; in India,
they are reinforced by custom or coercion in many sectors such as the agricultural, silk, mining,
match production, and brick kiln industries, among others.
Researchers of bonded labor in India seek to understand its long-standing practices through an
examination of contemporary forms of labor coercion, their origins and relationships to poverty and
inequality, and implications for policymaking. Child labor, agricultural debt bondage, and bonded
migrant labor are persistent forms of modern slavery that fall under the Indian constitutional
definition of forced labor. While child labor and bonded labor in India are typically addressed
separately in the literature, many researchers focus on the causes and consequences of pervasive
child labor in the world’s largest democracy.
Child laborers face major health and physical risks: they work long hours and are required to
perform tasks for which they are physically and developmentally unprepared. Child labor is deeply
entrenched as a common practice in many sectors and states, due in part to India’s economic
emphasis on exports in recent years. According to a current estimate, a quarter of Indian children
ages six to fourteen—roughly two hundred million children—are working, and a third of the
remaining seventy-five percent are bonded laborers (Sooryamoorthy 1991: 31). The largest single
employer of children in India is the agricultural sector where an estimated twenty-five million
children are employed; and the second largest employer of Indian children is the service sector
where children work in hotels and as household maids. An additional five million Indian children are
employed in other labor-intensive industries.
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Origins and Causes of India’s Bonded Labor Problem
Bonded labor stems from a variety of causes, which are highly debated in the literature: an
ingrained legacy of caste-based discrimination, vast poverty and inequality, an inadequate education
system, unjust social relations, and the government’s unwillingness to alter the status quo all
exemplify a few such causes. Additionally, India’s colonial background and caste system have made
it difficult to delineate the history of laborers’ “unfreedom,” as termed by several authors, and to
understand legal and actual differentiations between slavery under British rule and debt bondage and
child labor today.
There are many cultural reasons for the persistence of child labor in India. An expectation that
children should contribute to the socioeconomic survival of the family and community, as well as
the existence of large families, land scarcity, and inadequate enforcement of labor laws are
contributing factors to this problem. In urban areas, following the migration of families to
overpopulated cities, the disintegration of such families due to alcoholism and unemployment often
results in a proliferation of children living on the street, becoming laborers, and entering into
Legal Restrictions and Enforcement
The domestic legal treatment of individual labor rights, which are clearly articulated but seldom
enforced, reflects India’s blurry history with slavery. Article 23 of the 1949 Constitution of India
outlaws both the trafficking of human beings and forced labor, but the legislation defining and
banning bonded labor was only approved by Parliament in 1976. The Bonded Labour System
Abolition Act of 1976 stipulates that the monitoring of labor violations and their enforcement are
responsibilities of state governments. The Indian government has demonstrated a severe lack of will
to implement this ban on bonded labor. Such pervasive non-enforcement may be attributed to
several factors, including government apathy, caste bias, corruption, a lack of accountability, and
inadequate enforcement personnel.
The Supreme Court of India has interpreted bonded labor as the payment of wages that are
below the prevailing market wage or the legal minimum wage. As a response to complaints of
human rights violations, the Court relies on Public Interest Law (PIL) whereby citizens are able to
petition India’s courts if they believe their rights, or the rights of their fellow citizens, are being
denied. The Supreme Court’s two major examinations of child labor in 1991 and 1997 resulted in
PIL rulings that emphasized the role of poverty, and promoted children’s education. However, the
Court refused to ban child labor outright, citing its role as a judicial and not a legislative body.
The Indian government has not yet actively linked economic development to human rights
violations at work. A recent government measure to raise the minimum wage for children
exemplifies a lagging commitment to the eradication of child labor in particular, by essentially
legitimizing children’s work obligations and conditions. Nevertheless, the decision of the Supreme
Court to establish a rehabilitation and welfare program for working children, in addition to the
efforts of the National Human Rights Commission, have been instrumental in sensitizing
policymakers to the serious problem of child labor.
Human Rights & Human Welfare, Vol. 8 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 28
Analysis: Forced Labor and Policy Options
Interpretations of child labor as an ingrained consequence of poverty, an impediment to genuine
democracy and development, and a caste-based practice reinforced by deep-seated biases, inform the
range of policy recommendations. The challenge of effective policy design echoes the paradox of
India’s steady rise as an economic and technological powerhouse, despite the persistence of poverty
and underdevelopment. Development and human rights-minded analyses of child labor as an
economic phenomenon dominate the literature concerned with policy solutions. Economic-based
research on bonded labor in India centers on the links between fertility, poverty, and access to
education, while bearing in mind the policy options available to the government.
The struggle emerges in the debate—which receives limited official policy attention—over
whether to enforce the ban on child labor, attempt to curb it, or maintain the status quo.
Economists attribute the persistence of bonded labor and child labor to a variety of factors: long-
standing caste-based discrimination, inequality, a lack of educational opportunities, high fertility
levels among poor Indians—overall, to poverty as a self-reinforcing cycle. Others challenge the
position that child labor will be eradicated after poverty has been eliminated. As labor—the engine
of the country’s increasing technological sophistication and growth—drives India toward a more
equitable future, the state may gradually move away from its traditional roots and move in the
direction of ensuring human rights protections for all citizens.
Some analysts argue that poverty alleviation is the government’s most promising approach to the
eradication of bonded child labor, given the self-perpetuating patterns of illiteracy, inferior or
nonexistent education, and children’s prevalent work participation. Welfare programs and the
provision of incentives for families not to send their children to work are components of suggested
strategies to fight child labor. Other researchers disagree with the notion that the link between
poverty and child labor is inevitable; their approach highlights the “human security” approach to
economic and social development, in which case ensuring the rights of the child is a social and state
The case for compulsory primary education, made prolifically by Myron Weiner, suggests that
change must come from within the Indian legal framework, and must be supported by official
attitudes, in order to overcome profound class divisions and to achieve the government’s broader
free-market goals. Efforts to make primary education compulsory would require an interpretation of
education as not only a constitutional principle, but also as a fundamental right enforced by the
state. This perspective views education as the main alternative to lifelong labor for all Indians, and as
a building block in the construction of a diverse, educated human resource base capable of
supporting a more open and competitive economy.
Exploitation of children working in dangerous conditions not only results in constraints on a
child’s health and development, but also solidifies his or her fate as an unskilled, low-paid worker. A
greater focus on female education would precipitate a decline in both fertility—seen as a self-
reinforcing cause and effect of child labor—and in children’s work participation.
The debate amongst analysts of the economics of forced labor, particularly of bonded working
children, revolves around whether work can be eradicated completely—or whether current labor
conditions in India are acceptable given the economic demands of underdevelopment. The
suggestion has also been posited that “learn and earn” policies, which combine work and school,
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may be feasible. For the most part, the government fails to enforce extant laws. Whether child labor
should and can be completely outlawed and the ban enforced, or whether the economic system in
India can realistically allow for all children to attend school, have remained at the crux of the debate
for some time.
Conclusion: Culture, Human Capital, and Change
Bonded labor in India can be viewed as a product of social, historical, economic, and cultural
factors. The redress of child labor, agricultural debt bondage, and other violations will require an
authentic commitment by the Indian government to adhere to its constitutional ban of these
practices, and to overcome class-based prejudices. The Western notion of social responsibility
outside of family loyalties does not exist in India. Certain Hindu beliefs such as the notion that a
person’s role and purpose are determined by his or her status in society have informed attitudes
about governmental and social responsibilities regarding labor violations. Within a few generations,
poor, low-caste Indians enter and perpetuate a cycle of poverty and illiteracy; children often
abandon school and join the workforce. The effects of an increasingly sophisticated and prosperous
India have not reached its poorest and least educated citizens. What remains to be seen is whether
India—as its development and economic trajectories improve—will invest meaningfully in the
protection of human rights and of its labor force, which is a challenge that other rising giants like
China also face.
Agarwal, Ranjan K. 2004. “The Barefoot Lawyers: Prosecuting Child Labour in the Supreme Court
of India.” Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law 21(3): 663-713.
Annotation: The Indian Supreme Court’s reaction to human rights violations is expressed in part
through the practice of Public Interest Law (PIL), whereby citizens are able to petition India’s
courts if they believe their rights, or the rights of their fellow citizens, are being denied. Despite
India’s international commitments against bonded labor, constitutional guarantees against
hazardous child labor, and the enactment of the Child Labour Act and the National Child
Labour Policy in 1986, India cannot claim adequate enforcement of prohibitions. Officials at
various levels continue to exploit legal loopholes. The Supreme Court’s two major examinations
of child labor in 1991 and 1997 resulted in PIL rulings that “sought to balance the child’s
economic needs against his or her fundamental rights”; they did not ban child labor outright.
While some critics argue that the judiciary has not gone far enough to eradicate child labor, the
Court asserts that its responsibilities are not legislative: it will not make laws or change existing
Arnold, Rose M. 1967. “Hindu Values and Indian Social Problems.” The Sociological Quarterly 8(3): 10.
Annotation: In a sociological analysis of the impact of Indian cultural values on severe social
problems, the author cites particular Hindu beliefs and hierarchical structures to explain
Human Rights & Human Welfare, Vol. 8 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 28
inattentiveness to long-standing rights violations. A belief in the concept of dharma—the idea
that a person’s role and purpose are determined by his status in society—results in an acceptance
of the status quo and an absence of concern for individual welfare. These themes result in a lack
of genuine attention to social problems such as poverty, prostitution, child labor, and poor
working conditions. The notion of social responsibility, outside of family loyalties, does not exist
in India. The traditional hierarchy places women below men in the social strata. According to
Arnold, women’s roles and natures dictate that they will undergo suffering and punishment. The
article is valuable to readers with a desire to understand cultural explanations of forced labor,
which include a tension between Hindu social ideals and social reality. Such explanations provide
insight into the Indian government’s lagging enforcement of abundant legal restrictions of
human rights violations such as bonded labor.
Baak, Paul E. 1999. “About Enslaved Ex-Slaves, Uncaptured Contract Coolies and Unfreed
Freedmen: Some Notes about ‘Free’ and ‘Unfree’ Labour in the Context of Plantation
Development in Southwest India, Early Sixteenth Century-Mid 1990s.” Modern Asian Studies
33(1): 121-157.
Annotation: This article places Indian agricultural debt bondage in a wider context of the
practice in Asia, employing plantation labor in southwest India as a case study. The article is a
discussion of ‘free’ and ‘unfree’ labor in a long-term historical context, from pre-colonial years
(early 1500s) to the post-colonial period (the 1990s). The author critiques two approaches that
have emerged in the literature—that plantation work was beneficial to, and knowingly chosen by
laborers, and conversely, that workers’ debt contracts and highly regulated labor environments
prove that coercion and poor conditions defined their plantation experiences. The author adds a
third perspective: that estate workers were, and are, simultaneously free and unfree, due to the
often conflicting strategies of laborers, planters, and the government. A multi-faceted, historical
understanding of agricultural forced labor requires a willingness to concede that abolition of
slavery in India and other legislation did little to clarify or improve laborers’ status and
Baland, Jean-Marie, and James A. Robinson, 2000. “Is Child Labor Efficient?” Journal of Political
Economy 108 4): 663-679.
Annotation: Child labor constitutes “a facet of poverty.” The authors argue that by precluding
children from obtaining an education, their human capital accumulation and future earnings
potential are impaired, and their social and cognitive skills are diminished. The labor that is
substituted for education also increases children’s health hazards. Child labor as an economic
choice made by families is not “pareto efficient” (no individual can be made better off without
another being made worse off) in two ways: when used by parents as a substitute for income, or
as a substitute for borrowing. Studies of policy implications show that an effective ban on child
labor may engender economic improvement because endogenous changes in wages may make
parents and companies better off.
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Bardhan, Pranab K. 1983. “Labor-Tying in a Poor Agrarian Economy: A Theoretical and Empirical
Analysis.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 98(3): 501-514.
Annotation: Based on empirical data and econometric analyses of rural India, it is determined in
this piece that agrarian bonded labor may intensify with the growth of capitalist agricultural
development. Technological advances in agriculture and the tightening of labor markets may
increase voluntary labor-tying contracts. However, the mechanization of some agricultural
processes, and the introduction of seasonal migrant labor, may help reduce employers’
dependence on bonded labor. Data collection problems may weaken the empirical evidence of
this study, such as a failure to recognize those who have entered into implicit contracts with
employers as bonded laborers, as well as a failure to recognize semi-attached (short-term)
laborers as bonded laborers. The article provides an alternative analysis to existing development
literature—in which supply and demand models fail to address significant segements of the labor
force—and challenges economists’ treatment of bonded labor as a signal of economic
Basu, Arnab K., and Nancy H. Chau. 2004. “Exploitation of Child Labor and the Dynamics of Debt
Bondage.” Journal of Economic Growth 9(2): 209-38.
Annotation: In the context of an agrarian economy with overlapping generations engaged in
debt bondage and child labor, the author examines the principal-agent interaction between
landlords and tenants. Studies identify reasons why households put children to work to service
outstanding debts, only to realize later that the children’s work has been exploited, and that the
household has been made worse off as a result. Debt bondage is often inherited by subsequent
generations, thereby contributing to the cycle of debt, bonded child labor, and poverty. Basic
labor rights, such as freedom of association and the right to organize, complement efforts to
eradicate forced labor. However, the use of standard disincentives to eliminate bonded child
labor such as trade sanctions on countries that condone it, ultimately generate negative impacts
on agrarian households.
Basu, Kaushik. 2000. “The Intriguing Relation Between Adult Minimum Wage and Child Labour.”
The Economic Journal 110(462): 50-61.
Annotation: The author tracks the impact of rising and falling adult wages in poor and
developing countries, where poverty and labor exploitation are the norms, on child labor. One
argument made is that if an increase in wages is achieved by means of a minimum wage law, it
can cause some adults to be unemployed and compel them to send their children to work, which
in turn displaces more adult labor and sends more children to work. The article serves as a
helpful companion to analyses of child labor that seek to understand the underlying economic
logic and policy options behind the practice of child labor in an economically developing state
such as India.
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Beeman, Mark, and Geeta Chowdhry. 2001. “Challenging Child Labor: Transnational Activism and
India's Carpet Industry.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 575(1):
Annotation: The authors purport that transnational movements have become an important
component of an emerging international civil society. They examine the success, in particular, of
mobilization around the issue of child labor in India’s carpet industry. Although the intersection
of child labor with the carpet trade was utilized effectively by Indian and German activists to
bring about changes in child labor use, the more significant impact has been the creation of
Rugmark, a label that certifies child-labor-free carpets and provides services for the rehabilitation
and education of children who work in the industry. The authors document progress by citing
the carpet industry’s provision of schools, health care facilities, and improved working
conditions for laborers, but express concern that the factors that motivated the changes in the
industry’s child labor practices were linked more centrally to a fear of losing material benefits
than to norm-driven social responsibilities.
Bhukuth, Augendra. 2005. “Child Labour and Debt Bondage: A Case Study of Brick Kiln Workers
in Southeast India.” Journal of Asian and African Studies 40(4): 287-302.
Annotation: A study conducted in Tamil Nadu state’s brick kiln industry demonstrates that child
labor is extremely common in this sector. In the interlinked credit-labor market, employers do
not directly employ children, but they have implemented a system that compels parents to use
their children in order to improve productivity. In such an environment, parents use child labor
to improve their own bargaining power.
Brass, Tom. 1999. Towards a Comparative Political Economy of Unfree Labour: Case Studies and
Debates. London: Frank Cass.
Annotation: The author examines the relationship between bonded labor and economic growth
in the agricultural sector, through case studies of bondage in northeastern and northwestern
India, and in eastern Peru. The occurrence of unfree labor is much greater than generally
estimated, and it may be increasing in specific contexts; in certain scenarios rural employers
prefer a bonded workforce. The author focuses on how bonded labor contributes to workforce
composition and addresses the implications for the kinds of political action undertaken by rural
laborers. He does so by applying Marxist and neoclassical economic theories to the role of
bonded labor, and by looking at unfree labor in the context of debates over capital, modes of
production, and class struggle.
Breman, Jan. 2007. Labour Bondage in West India: From Past to Present. New Delhi: Oxford
University Press.
Annotation: Contracted slavery during the British colonial era in the Gujarat state acquired the
characteristics of a patron-client regime that can be fairly described as “bondage” and not as a
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relationship based on “indebtedness.” Halipratha, or bonded servitude, can be explained as a
relationship between master (dhaniamo) and servant (hali) that is motivated primarily by
economics—the master needs more labor, and the laborer needs to achieve some degree of
economic security, and to a lesser degree, the establishment of social status. Colonial authorities
viewed bonded labor as a natural social force. Despite later advances in the Gujarat economy
toward a more capitalist system, an increase in migrant labor, and the monetization of economic
exchange, a deeply embedded hierarchical culture of debt payment and domination governed the
social and economic interactions of master and servant and ensured that those of low
socioeconomic standing remained in that position.
Chandrashekhar, C.P. 1997. “The Economic Consequences of the Abolition of Child Labour: An
Indian Case Study.” The Journal of Peasant Studies 24(3): 137-179.
Annotation: Through an examination of the child labor-based industry of match production in
Tamil Nadu state, the author advances the uncommon argument that the abolition of child labor
would result in higher earnings for adult workers. In developing countries, banning child labor is
often viewed as practically infeasible because it would prevent economic activities that exist only
because of access to such labor. Abolition would reduce the earnings of poor households, whose
survival strategies in the context of adult unemployment depend on incomes derived from the
practice. In contrast, the author asserts that any adverse impact that a ban on child labor may
have on the viability of commercial production can be absorbed through a reorganization of the
industry concerned. However, the abolition of child labor could have adverse consequences for
those sustaining their households at near subsistence levels. State welfare expenditures to help
raise employment and wages would be necessary to overcome these constraints on eradicating
child labor.
Cox, Katherine. 1999. “The Inevitability of Nimble Fingers? Law, Development and Child Labor.”
Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 32(1).
Annotation: Rising incidences of bonded child labor demonstrates that efforts to eradicate it
have been unsuccessful. The causes of child labor worldwide cannot be directly attributed to
poverty and underdevelopment, but must be considered in light of other educational, cultural,
and economic factors. Cultural attitudes favor child labor over compulsory primary education.
Furthermore, economic development will not result directly from a reduction of child labor. The
international community has responded pragmatically to child labor, recognizing that eradication
of the practice is a slow process. The international framework, while it recognizes the need for a
multi-dimensional solution, centers on economic development. In turn, governments resist
implementing real changes; they cite poverty and inequality as elements of a vicious circle
preventing labor and other human rights violations from being uprooted.
Human Rights & Human Welfare, Vol. 8 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 28
Dreze, Jean and Amartya Sen. 2002. “Democratic Practice and Social Inequality in India.” Journal of
Asian and African Studies 37(2): 6-37.
Annotation: The authors examine the role of democratic practice in contemporary India,
defining human rights as key to the integrity of democracy. The achievements and limitations of
Indian democracy are assessed in light of functional institutions, public participation, and equity,
with special attention given to the adverse effects of social inequality on democratic practice.
The authors argue that while the quality of democracy is often compromised by social inequality
and inadequate political participation, democratic practice itself is an important tool for
eliminating these obstacles. The paper’s relevance to practices of bonded and child labor
emerges in its discussion of human rights, violations of which compromise the integrity of
democracy. The authors draw particular attention to class discrimination as grounds for these
violations, and to the difficulty of bringing human rights issues into mainstream politics due to
class differentials.
Hanchinamani, Bina. 2001. “Human Rights Abuses of Dalits in India.” Human Rights Brief 8(1).
Annotation: A report on the oppressed social status of the “untouchable” Dalit class, members
of which typically comprise the bonded workforce, the article reviews the domestic and
international laws that govern their treatment. Despite the 1950 constitutional ban on
untouchability, Dalits, members of the lowest class in the traditional hierarchy, continue to
experience severe abuse and segregation by law enforcement officials and upper caste members.
Limited progress has been achieved by domestic anti-discrimination laws and “scheduled caste”
provisions—in particular, the 1989 Prevention of Atrocities Act that outlaws forcing Dalits to
become bonded laborers. India is in violation of the U.N. International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights and the 1958 International Labor Organization Convention, among other global
agreements. Racial and socioeconomic differentiation and lack of mobility in Indian society are
symptoms and causes of bonded labor. The article includes a review of the legal norms that
should apply to discrimination against Dalits.
Human Rights Watch. 1996. The Small Hands of Slavery: Bonded Child Labor in India. New York:
Human Rights Watch/Asia.
Annotation: The report adds “societal apathy” to a litany of conditions that allow debt bondage
to thrive in India, including a history of caste-based discrimination, a lack of social welfare and
employment opportunities, and an unequal education system. Existing Indian laws such as the
1976 Bonded Labour Slavery Abolition Act outlaw all forms of debt bondage and forced labor,
but are not enforced. The Indian government has failed to take meaningful and persistent action
toward the eradication of child labor practices. The report makes detailed policy
recommendations to the government, United Nations agencies, and international lenders
regarding ways to combat bonded child labor. It also enumerates a range of specific international
and domestic laws that have been developed since 1930, with which India mainly does not
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comply. The prevalence of the bonded labor problem reinforces the need for a more updated
report following this 1996 survey based on two months of field research.
International Labour Organization. 2005. A Global Alliance Against Forced Labour. In International
Labour Conference 93rd Session. Geneva: ILO.
Annotation: This ILO conference paper, its second global report on forced labor, provides a
descriptive and analytical overview of forced labor based on commissioned studies and general
academic literature. The report includes estimates of forced laborers, broken down by region
(led by Asia and the Pacific) and form of forced labor; the ILO does not disaggregate any of its
estimated figures to the country level. The 92-page document details the legal domestic and
international frameworks addressing forced labor, degrees of law enforcement, ILO assistance to
member-states, and the creation of a Special Advanced Programme to Combat Forced Labor.
Bonded labor in India in particular, and South Asia in general, receives consideration with regard
to sectoral trends, poverty and caste discrimination, and laborer rehabilitation efforts. As the
only extant, empirically-based overview of forced labor worldwide, the report is a valuable
research tool. Although framed as part of the organization’s “fair globalization” initiative, the
report fails to present the continued proliferation of forced labor in the last thirty years as
explicitly linked to the globalized economy.
International Trade Union Confederation. 2007. Internationally Recognised Core Labour Standards
in India. In WTO General Council Review of the Trade Policies of India. Geneva. http://www.ituc-
Annotation: As an up-to-date assessment of India’s participation in international labor law, and
as part of a regular series on monitoring labor standards in the context of trade, the World Trade
Organization report is helpful for the reader who is attempting to gain a clear understanding of
contemporary legislation and enforcement. Bonded labor, while prohibited by domestic and
international law, continues to be prevalent in India, and enforcement is lacking. The report
recommends a country-wide census and survey to obtain accurate data and identify the scope of
bonded labor and progress on its eradication.
Kambhampati, Uma S. and Raji Rajan. 2006. “Economic growth: A panacea for child labor?” World
Development 34(3): 426-445.
Annotation: Through an analysis of the National Sample Survey of India and state-level data, the
authors conclude that economic growth serves to increase rather than decrease child labor,
because the demand for child workers rises with higher levels of expansion. State-level net
domestic product (NDP), village wages, and household incomes are presented as the conduits
through which growth influences the supply side of the child labor market. The authors separate
out the effect of economic growth on the supply of child labor from its impact on the demand
of child labor, by including variables like average village wages, state NDP per capita, and
Human Rights & Human Welfare, Vol. 8 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 28
household incomes that directly capture these supply side effects. The article directly addresses
the consensus of some scholars and policymakers that poverty is the main cause of child labor.
Instead of a clear link between higher growth and reduced child work, an inverted U-shaped
relationship results wherein child labor initially increases with growth and subsequently declines.
Kanbargi, Ramesh and P.M. Kulkarni. 1991. “Child Work, Schooling and Fertility in Rural
Karnataka, India.” In Child Labour in the Indian Subcontinent: Dimensions and Implications,
edited by R. Kanbargi. Delhi: Sage Publications India.
Annotation: The authors test the applicability of the hypothesis that the economic value of
working children is a determinant of fertility behavior in developing countries in the context of
India. A study in rural Karnataka examines the interrelationship between child labor, schooling,
and fertility. The authors focus on the actual work inputs of children, the correlations between
children’s economic activities and their school attendance, and the effect of child labor and
school attendance on the population’s reproductive behavior. Results indicate that the gross
association between child labor and fertility is positive, but the association between child
schooling and fertility is negative. The direct effect of child labor on fertility is insignificant.
Universal education for Indian children may lead to lower fertility and smaller families, but the
likelihood of successfully implementing this policy—given the proclivity of even smaller families
to retain children at home for work—is low.
Khan, Ali. 2001. “The Dignity of Labor.” Columbia Human Rights Law Review 32(2): 289-382.
Annotation: Inspired by the human rights movement, positive law in recent years has attempted
to dismantle embedded Hindu ideologies that characterize child labor as a product of racial
servitude and caste discrimination. The author presents an unconventional interpretation of
children’s work, arguing that the new positive law should not seek to universalize the prohibition
of manual labor for every child, irrespective of his caste, class, or race. The author asserts that
current laws fail to recognize the inherent dignity of manual labor, and takes into account the
realities of poor classes and lagging educational access in India. The deconstruction in
international law of “traditional, fatalist concepts” that exclude the working child from
intellectual opportunities and confine children to manual labor is supported. Contemporary
positive law should discard the ancient prejudice against physical labor and affirm the inherent
dignity of labor. Furthermore, a manual labor ethic should be universalized and incorporated
into primary and secondary education, so that children develop a respect for manual labor in
their formative years.
Kovasevic, Natasa. 2007. “Child Slavery: India’s Self-Perpetuating Dilemma.” Harvard International
Review 29(2): 4.
Annotation: Bonded child labor in India amounts to commodification, viewing children as
goods—“assets that provide debased and dehumanized sustenance”—exchanged between a
child’s parent and employer. Entrenched social and economic causes of bonded child labor
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include the persistence of a traditional social hierarchy and the cyclical nature of poverty and
under-development. Alleviation of inequality and a lagging education system, as well as reform
of social relations, are required to eradicate child labor. Poorly enforced child labor laws cannot
trump long-standing practices that leave child laborers with no option but to work, regardless of
the conditions, their ages, and the law. Policy recommendations include India’s compliance with
international child labor laws, the creation of incentive and accountability mechanisms for
adherence to regulations by Indian industries and employers, and improved cooperation
between federal and state governments.
Lerche, Jens. 2007. “A Global Alliance Against Forced Labour? Unfree Labour, Neo-liberal
Globalization and the International Labour Organization.” Journal of Agrarian Change 7(4): 27.
Annotation: In this critique of the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) 2005 report, “A
Global Alliance Against Forced Labour,” the author analyzes the recent international focus on
combating forced labor. The ILO’s treatment of the subject is evaluated through the results of
empirical research in India and theoretical discussions of forced labor. Current unfree labor
relations are best understood in the context of neo-liberal globalization, labor relations in
general, and country-specific conditions. The analysis includes an extremely valuable, detailed
summary of various unfree labor practices in India and an insightful discussion of the influence
of globalization on the development of India’s anti-labor policies since the 1970s. Distinctions
must be made carefully among types of unfree labor relations, particularly in India. These types
of unfree labor relations include bonded labor, child labor, and forced labor, the latter of which
is defined by international (ILO) conventions as work “exacted from any person under the
menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself voluntarily.”
Majumdar, Manabi. 2001. “Child Labour as a Human Security Problem: Evidence from India.”
Oxford Development Studies 29(3): 279-304.
Annotation: Examining bonded child labor in India from the perspective of “human rights,
capabilities, and securities,” the author provides an alternative framework to the common,
economics-based approach to understanding child labor. The author nods to Amartya Sen’s
argument that human development is intricately linked to the protection and promotion of
human capabilities and the ability of individuals to choose what they do with their lives. Child
development—including emotional, cognitive, physical, and moral growth—is threatened by the
obligation to work. The article underscores the centrality of education reform, addressing the
lack of state-sponsored educational opportunities caused by child labor. The correlation between
poverty and child labor is not inevitable; the author challenges the belief that sending children to
work is a built-in economic necessity. Child labor as a consequence, as opposed to a cause, of a
defective school system in India is also explored. Ensuring the rights and human security of the
child is not only a parental but also a social responsibility.
Human Rights & Human Welfare, Vol. 8 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 28
Omvedt, Gail. 1980. “Caste, Agrarian Relations and Agrarian Conflicts.” Sociological Bulletin 29(2):
Annotation: Agrarian relations in India have historically been shaped by caste structure, a factor
at the root of twentieth-century agrarian conflicts in both colonial and independent periods. The
author’s analysis illustrates two major types of struggle: the antisamindari struggles of the middle-
caste cultivating peasants, and the struggles of the Dalit laborers for wages, land, and freedom
from forced labor (vethbegar). The struggles of the untouchable Dalit workers, while neglected in
most historical and sociological research, constitute a primary form of modern class conflict and
provide a basis for understanding the origins and persistence of bonded labor. Laborer demands
for pay and for cultivable land currently under government, village, or other jurisdiction are
complicated by problems of local-level organization. Although the author’s documentation of
class and labor struggles extends only until 1980, the article presents Indian agrarian workers’
struggles for land ownership and freedom as a key element of the history of modern slavery.
Pandhe, M.K., ed. 1979. Child Labour in India. Calcutta: Indian Institute for Regional Development
Annotation: Comprised of a series of official and semi-official reports on the status and legality
of child labor in India, this book provides a resource to researchers interested in an in-depth
investigation of laws and practices up to 1979. Dated information limits the book’s usefulness.
However, two reports on child labor in a variety of sectors in Delhi and Bombay illustrate the
pervasiveness of the practice through interviews with children and detailed observations of their
work and treatment. International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions on minimum age of
employment, prohibition of night work, and required medical examinations are included in their
entirety, as are relevant excerpts from the 1959 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the
Child, which India has not ratified. Government statutes on child labor in various industries are
summarized; Indian laws do not meet ILO standards, and in most cases the government does
not enforce them.
Prakash, Gyan. 1990. “Conclusion: Freedom Bound.” In Bonded Histories: Genealogies of Labor
Servitude in Colonial India. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Annotation: The value of studying the history of bonded labor in India is in uncovering a
colonial legacy of false freedom in the evolution and persistence of debt bondage as a legitimate
practice. The British colonialists’ abolition of slavery in 1843 ostensibly stemmed from a worldly
sense of progress and individuality, by that time guiding ideals in the minds of colonial
administrators. However, the lack of freedom that abolition purported to end did not have a
basis in the dependence between masters and slaves. The status of slaves was simply
“reconstituted” through the British-approved contractualization of labor relations between
landlords and laborers: the practice criticized as slavery nominally became debt bondage. The
author’s reading of history points to the relationships between capitalism and the abolition of
slavery, and between the appearance of legal rights and actual freedom.
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Ramanathan, Usha. 2000. “The Public Policy Problem: Child Labour and the Law in India.” Edited
by B. Schlemmer, The Exploited Child
. London: Zed Books.
Annotation: Insufficient attention to adult wages and employment, the notion that poverty is
“self-inflicted,” and the perception that a child is an “asset” enable the persistence of child labor.
The minority status of child workers, coupled with illiteracy, makes children vulnerable to
exploitation. Abolition of child labor has not entered the sphere of public policy or legislation on
the part of the Indian government; creating and effecting deterrence through prohibitive law as
opposed to industrial regulation is imperative. If the objective is protection and freedom of the
child from “hazardous employment,” abolition is the only option that will restore legitimacy to
child labor law.
Singh, Manjit. 1997. “Bonded Migrant Labor in Punjab Agriculture.” Economic and Political Weekly
Annotation: According to the author, the capitalist system takes advantage of the disparities in
wealth and equality between the Bihar “hinterlands” and the productive Punjab, perpetuating a
cycle of bondage and poverty. Based on field research undertaken in two Punjab districts in
1980-81 and revisited in 1990-91, this short article provides a clearly outlined case study within
which to analyze common bonded labor practices. The author discusses the social relations of
production and the use of migrant slave labor to finance the growth of capitalist agriculture and
the “green revolution” in Punjab. The persistence of the system highlights an overall pattern: the
tendency of the capitalist system to rely on rural, socioeconomically inferior areas for growth.
The article is of value to those interested in the cultural and structural causes of agricultural labor
and socioeconomic transformations.
Sooryamoorthy, R. 1998. “Child Labour in Kerala: The Work and Working Ambience in the Capital
City.” Journal of Third World Studies 15(2): 31-52.
Annotation: Despite the Indian state of Kerala’s remarkable quality of life and demographic
trends, which include significantly higher life expectancy and literacy rates and a lower
population growth rate than the rest of the country, it has not been successful in preventing
child labor. Found most typically in the coir and fish processing industries, children in Kerala—
located on the southern coastal tip of India—form approximately four percent of the state’s
workforce. The author of this article undertook a detailed study on the work and working
environment of 734 child laborers in the capital, Thiruvananthapuram, in 1996. The result is a
comprehensive, nuanced report on working children, who are found to be older when they
begin work (age thirteen), and better educated, than those in other areas. Child labor is much
less prevalent in Kerala; the neat sample size and limited industry range permit an intricate
description of children’s types of work, hours, income and expenditures, family situations, and
school dropout rates.
Human Rights & Human Welfare, Vol. 8 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 28
Srikantan, K. Sivaswamy. 1991. “Demographic and Social Dimensions of Child Labor in India.”,
Child Labour in the Indian Subcontinent: Dimensions and Implications,
edited by R. Kanbargi.
Delhi: Sage Publications India.
Annotation: Utilizing data from the 1981 Census of India, the author provides a decomposition
of working children by sector, location, and gender. Poverty alleviation is the government’s best
policy option to eradicate child labor—given the self-perpetuating patterns of illiteracy, inferior
or nonexistent education, and children’s work participation. Specific policy responses such as
that of providing families with government subsidies and incentives to withdraw children from
work encounter major obstacles in implementation and distribution. According to the author,
the Indian government should combine productive employment generation programs and child
labor reduction legislation to decrease the incidence of child labor. Exploitation of workers in
dangerous conditions and industries results in constraints on children’s health and development,
and solidifies their fates as unskilled, low-paid workers. The author stresses that a greater focus
on female education, as well as “improving the quality of children desired,” would precipitate a
decline in both fertility (viewed as a self-reinforcing cause and effect), and in children’s work
Srivastava, Ravi. 2005. Bonded Labour in India: Its Incidence and Pattern
. Special Action
Programme to Combat Forced Labor. Geneva: ILO.
Annotation: Comprised of a compilation and assessment of the contemporary evidence on
bonded labor in India that has appeared in secondary sources, this report demonstrates that new
forms of bondage have emerged in modern agricultural and informal sectors of the economy.
Social movements, economic modernization, and state intervention have helped to engender a
reduction of bonded labor in traditional agricultural settings and in caste-based, long-duration
relationships. The report includes recent academic literature, data from the Government of
India, the National Human Rights Commission, other human rights organizations, and press
reports—all of which contribute to a widely varied bibliography. The review of Indian
constitutional law and Supreme Court rulings on the nature of bonded labor is exceptionally
specific. As an up-to-date survey of the incidence of labor bondage, a widely differentiated
practice that is difficult to quantify and verify, the report provides a clear and comprehensive
Swaminathan, Madhura. 1998. “Economic Growth and the Persistence of Child Labor: Evidence
from an Indian City.” World Development 26(8): 1513-1528.
Annotation: Examining features of child labor in an area of high economic growth in Gujarat
state in western India, the author demonstrates that growth over a fifteen-year period was
associated with an increase in the number of child workers. A detailed account of the activities
and occupations showed that children worked at manual, grueling, repetitive, and low-skilled
jobs. When economic expansion was accompanied by deregulation of the labor market, children
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were exploited. Income from child labor did not make a significant difference in the reduction of
household poverty, and the skills children gained were not specialized or useful in the long term
without a basic education. Legal definitions of hazardous labor practices fail to take into account
the damages to children’s development of all forms of work. For these reasons, the author
concludes that economic growth alone is not sufficient to eradicate child labor.
Thorner, Daniel and Alice. 1962. Land and Labour in India
. Bombay: Asia Publishing House.
Annotation: This 1962 volume provides a comprehensive survey of the relationship between
agriculture and labor in India since 1760, and demonstrates its implications for the economy and
for workers. The authors discuss Indian bonded laborers as those whose bargaining power is
virtually non-existent, and who do not possess the right to refuse to work under their masters’
terms. The chapter on employer-laborer relationships in agriculture provides a detailed
categorization of seven types of agricultural laborers (four free and three unfree, based on
duration of work and type of contract), and articulates the importance of the distinction between
free and unfree labor as critical to an analysis of the market for agricultural labor in India. This
dry volume, considered somewhat seminal in its field, contains interesting, although outdated,
statistics and agricultural survey data. It is particularly helpful to the researcher of Indian labor
and agriculture, placing forced labor in broad economic and historical contexts.
Weiner, Myron. 1996. “Child Labour in India: Putting Compulsory Primary Education on the
Political Agenda.” Economic and Political Weekly. 9-16 Nov.
Annotation: An unspoken consensus exists among India’s political leaders that education should
not be made compulsory, since parents should have the right to use or sell the labor of their
children. This is a policy that is frequently suggested in order to end child labor in India. The
Indian government falls behind most other Asian countries in terms of spending on primary
education, having concentrated a disproportionate share of educational resources on higher
education, which has benefited the middle classes while leaving the rural and urban poor
“educationally impoverished.” No country has successfully ended child labor without first
making education compulsory; India has ninety million children outside of the educational
system. A move toward universal education must originate in the Indian legal framework, and
official attitudes must change in order to overcome profound class divisions. This shift would be
a means to achieving the government’s broad, free-market goals by building a human resource
base capable of supporting a more open and competitive economy.
Human Rights & Human Welfare, Vol. 8 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 28