Decorated Tables & Trees
Exhibitor’s Handbook
Creative Living at the 2022
Oregon State Fair
Online Entry Deadline:
10 pm, Wednesday, August 17
Set up Tables and Trees:
Wednesday, August 24, 2 pm to 7 pm
Enter through Red Gate on 17
Street and
follow signs to Columbia Hall.
Bring a copy of your online registration
receipt (see instructions this page).
Pick up entries:
Tuesday, September 6, 2 pm to 7 pm
Wednesday, September 7, 10 am to 2 pm
By submitting an entry into the Fair,
exhibitors agree to abide by all rules,
regulations and entry requirements of the
Fair and of the department(s) to which they
are submitting entries.
It is important that exhibitors read
and be familiar with the General Rules
as well as the Competition Rules
in this Handbook.
Read the complete rules, division descriptions and
entry information in this Handbook BEFORE going
to online Registration.
1. Then go to
2. Click Register or Sign In (for return visits).
Register using your First and Last Name and
create a password (write your password down).
Fill in requested information, including email
address. Add age only if under 18. Click
Select Department ex.: Decorated Tables
Select a Division ex.: Adults, Division 380
Select a Class ex: Class 3802
Fill in all information for class(es) you are
entering, including a brief Description if
3. When all your information is complete, click Add
Entry to Cart and follow instructions to check out.
(NOTE: If you think you may want to modify your
entries, you may save your current session and
check out at a later session. Be sure to Check Out
before the closing date listed for your
Department; entries are not submitted to the Fair
office until the check-out process is complete.)
4. Fill in “yes” at the statement to agree to all the
terms and conditions of entry as defined in this
5. Click Submit.
6. Please print and bring a copy of your detailed
online entry receipt with your entries when you
bring them to the Fair.
Please contact us with any questions.
Oregon State Fair Creative Living Office
971-701-6571 or email crea[email protected]
Follow the Oregon State Fair on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest!
1. Oregon State Fair (OSF) competitions are open to
residents of Oregon only. Entries do not need to be
entered or have won at a county fair to be eligible
for any competition.
2. All articles must be the handiwork of the exhibitor
and not been previously exhibited at the Oregon
State Fair.
3. Online entries must be submitted by the date
indicated within each Department Handbook.
Paper applications will not be accepted.
Information must be accurate and complete. Walk-
in entries may be accepted during intake days on a
limited basis.
4. Entries must be delivered and removed only
during the scheduled times. Any exception shall
be at the discretion of OSF staff.
5. Entries will receive a claim check upon delivery.
Exhibitor must present claim check or valid
Oregon ID when picking up entries.
6. Some competitions require an entry fee. See
specific departments for fee and processing
7. OSF staff or a judge may disqualify or transfer any
exhibit which is not a true representation of the
class in which it is entered or if rules are not
8. Judging is closed to the public unless otherwise
noted. Every reasonable effort is made to
secure highly qualified judges with expertise in
their field.
9. Entries by OSF staff and judges are prohibited in
the department in which they are working. They
may enter other departments.
10. Volunteers who submit entries in a department in
which they are working may not be present during
11. Ribbons and/or prizes will be awarded as
warranted. All judges’ results are final. Results
cannot be provided over the phone but will be
posted online when available.
12. Protests may be submitted to the Creative Living
office accompanied by a deposit of $25 which will
be forfeited if the protest is not sustained. Protests
must plainly state the cause of the complaint or
appeal and submitted within 24 hours of the action.
13. Ribbons and scorecards (as available) are provided
with return of entries after Fair. See specific
departments for return days.
14. OSF is authorized to use any and all photographs,
video and or digital images related to the entry for
promotional purposes.
15. Exhibitors shall indemnify OSF from and against all
claims for damage to persons or property caused by
them or their exhibits.
16. OSF will take reasonable precautions to ensure
safety of exhibits while on the fairgrounds, but will
not be responsible for loss, damage, theft or injury
of any kind to exhibits or exhibitors, unless the loss
or damage is due to the negligence of OSF staff and
17. Exhibitors found in violation of rules, or to be in
practices unethical or adverse to OSF, shall be
penalized by forfeiture of awards and/or privileges,
and removed from the exhibit.
18. Items not picked up by final return days of each
department are forfeited by exhibitor.
The Oregon State Fair reserves the final and absolute right to interpret any and all terms, conditions, rules
and regulations contained in any and all parts of Department Handbooks and to settle and determine all
matters, questions or differences in regard thereto, or otherwise arising out of, connected with or incidental
to the Oregon State Fair. OSF further reserves the right to determine unforeseen matters not covered by
General or Competition Rules, and to withdraw award offerings in all Competitions should any emergency
exist and circumstances demand.
1. All Oregon State Fair General Rules apply. Your submission indicates you have read and agree to abide by the
General Rules and the Rules of this competition.
2. Due to space limitations, a maximum of 20 tables will be allowed. Acceptance will be in the order entries are
received and the competition closes when all 20 slots are filled. Once all entry slots are filled, participants may
contact the Creative Living office to be placed on the waitlist by emailing:
3. Exhibitors are required to bring their own table on which to set up their display. Any type of table may be used,
but must not exceed 36” diameter.
4. Tables previously entered in this competition are not eligible.
5. Only one (1) entry per household will be accepted.
6. Adult Division entries consist of one or two adults over age 17. Enter all exhibitors’ names during registration.
Youth Division entries consist of up to two (2) youths, ages 6 to 17. Youth exhibitors are responsible for setting
their own table. Parents/Adults may not help the youth in setting their display. Enter all exhibitors’ names
during registration.
Adult/Youth Division entries consist of one adult over age 18 (parent, grandparent, etc.) and one youth under
the age of 18 (child, grandchild, etc.). Enter all exhibitors’ names during registration.
Oregon Award Division entries consist of one or two people over the age of six (6). Enter all exhibitors’ names
during registration.
Tables must have two (and only two) place settings.
Exhibitors who have entered in the last three consecutive fairs will be automatically placed on the waitlist
in order to make space for new exhibitors to have the opportunity to enter the competition. Also, Best of
Division winners will be ineligible to compete in the next year’s competition.
8. Provide a neatly printed menu (large enough for easy viewing) with items listed in order of service.
9. Entry set-up will only be allowed at the designated time. Only those registered are allowed in the exhibit area
during set-up. No one may touch their own completed entry, or another’s, once the end time is reached.
10. All table decoration must be on the table and fit within the perimeters of the table.
11. No real foods, liquids, or fresh flowers are permitted. However, non-perishable “fake” foods as well as artificial
flowers are allowed. No disposable paper plates, cups or disposable (plastic, wood, etc.) flatware will be
permitted. Entries not following this rule will receive a substantial deduction from the judges.
12. If centerpieces are placed between place settings, height of centerpieces must allow for a clear view of the
dining partners, but if centerpieces are placed in a corner of the table, they may be higher and/or larger.
13. Place cards can be used on the tables but are only required in the Formal Class of the competition.
14. Linen, china, glassware, flatware, and other accessories should be marked with name or initials of owner when
possible, and must not show when accessories are in placed in the exhibit. Reasonable precaution will be taken
to ensure safety of exhibits, but the State Fair assumes no responsibility for loss or damage.
15. Decorations should be designed for functional service of the menu and follow the established theme. Judging
will be on overall creativity, functionality, appearance, tableware (appropriate for menu), table cover/place mats
(clean, pressed and appropriate for menu), decorations (centerpiece, place cards, etc.).
16. Regular air and helium balloons may be used only if they are totally secured. Metallic mylar balloons are not
17. In the event of a registration change or cancellation, please contact the Creative Living office as soon as
possible by email:
Class 3803 will be the ONLY class that MUST adhere to the rules regarding
American Standard Table Setting (see appendix A). To allow for “creative
decorating”, entrants in all other Divisions and Classes have the creative freedom to
place centerpieces/decorations, silverware, plates and glassware in any manner
they choose on the table. However, functionality must still be maintained.
Limit of one entry per exhibitor
DIVISION 380 ADULTS (ages 18 and older)
3802 On the Road Down Route 66 Brunch Get your kicks as you use your imagination to take us down the iconic
American highway for brunch!
3803 A Regency Holiday Dinner (Formal Dinner) Are you a Bridgerton fan? Do you long to be a Jane Austen
Heroine? Now is the time to have sense and sensibility as you decorate a formal dinner table for the holiday
of your choice. (Entries in this class must adhere to the American Standard Table setting rules as listed in Appendix A)
DIVISION 382 YOUTH (ages 6 17)
3821 Future Olympic Sports Feasta meal featuring a real or imaginary sport that you would like to see in a
future Olympic Games.
DIVISION 384 ADULT/YOUTH (one adult 18 or older and one youth under 18)
3841 Happily Ever After Fairy Tale PicnicPack up the basket and head on to a castle or even Grandmother’s
house for a fun family picnic (no Disney or copyrighted items may be used).
Seashells & Seabreeze at the Oregon Coast Lunch celebrate our
amazing coast with a lunch fit for sunshine or storms as no
matter the weather, the Oregon Coast is a breathtakingly
beautiful part of our state!
Entries are judged in a closed judging session. Score cards with Judge’s comments
will be displayed at each table during the fair.
Entries in Division 382 will be judged using the Danish System. Each exhibit is judged based upon established
standards of quality according to how well it meets that standard, rather than how it compares with other
exhibits. That results in possibly more than One Blue (1st), one Red (2nd) & one White (3rd) ribbon in each class.
Entries in Divisions 380, 384 will be judged using the American System. Each exhibit is judged not only on its own
merit, but in comparison to other exhibits. A point system is used to help judges in selecting winners, but is not
the sole factor in the awarding of ribbons and placements. One Blue (1st), one Red (2nd) & one White (3rd)
ribbon will be awarded in each class except in the case of a true tie. Once ribbons in each class are awarded, Best
of Division will be chosen.
Entries in Division 385 will be judged using the American System with only be one Oregon Award given.
Celebrate Oregon!
To be eligible, entries need
to highlight a recognizable
aspect of an Oregon
specialty or landmark.
In this Department, ribbons may be awarded as merited for the following categories:
Best of Division chosen from all blue ribbons in specific divisions
Oregon Award chosen from all Oregon Award entries
TABLEWARE 27 Points (NOTE: This portion is judged under Class 3803: Appendix A if a formal setting)
(15 pts) Is the choice of china, glassware and silverware appropriate for the chosen menu?
(15 pts) Is each place setting correctly set to match the menu as served?
(5 pts) Is the choice of tablecloth, runner, place mat or other table covering appropriate for the theme?
(4 pts) Is the chosen napkin appropriate for the setting?
(4 pts) Are all displayed items clean and the linens pressed?
(4 pts) Is the centerpiece appropriate (color, occasion, visible to all diners) for the theme?
(4 pts) Are the table decorations obstructive for diners?
(4 pts) If place cards are used, are they neatly printed or typed, placed correctly (for a formal setting) and
appropriate to the theme?
(5 pts) Are the menu courses appropriate for the chosen theme?
(5 pts) Are the courses listed in the correct order as served?
(5 pts) Is the menu neatly printed? Are there any spelling errors?
(5 pts) Is it large enough to be easily read and displayed for easy viewing?
(5 pts) Do food preparation, type and variety of foods to be served complement each other? Are the food
choices suitable for the occasion and theme?
(10 pts) Does the table setting show functionality, originality, and creativity?
(10 pts) Is the overall effect pleasing to the eye?
APPENDIX A: Sample American Standard Table Settings for CLASS 3803 only
Visual example of a Formal Table
Rules for Tableware Placement for Class 3803 (Worth 27 pts)
1. (1 pt) The flatware and plate should be 1 inch from the edge of the table.
2. (1 pt) The plate is always in the center of the place setting.
3. (1 pt) If a charger is used, it should be set 1 inch from the table edge with dinner plate centered on top.
4. (1 pt) The dinner fork is placed at the left of the plate.
5. (1 pt) If a salad fork is used, it is placed to the left of the dinner fork.
6. (1 pt) The salad plate, if needed, may be set to the left of the forks or on top of the dinner plate.
7. (1 pt) If soup is to be served, the soup bowl may be placed on top of the dinner plate or layered on top of
the salad plate if the soup course is served first.
8. (1 pt) Normally, for a formal setting, the napkin may be placed to the left of the fork, with the fold on the
right, under the forks, or on top of the plate. In an informal place setting, the napkin may be decoratively
placed elsewhere in the place setting.
9. (1 pt) Because the napkins may be placed anywhere, use of napkin rings is optional.
10. (1 pt) The knife is placed to the right of the plate with the sharp blade facing in towards the plate and
should be 1 inch from the edge of the plate.
11. (1 pt) The teaspoon is placed to the right of the knife.
12. (1 pt) If a soup spoon is needed, it is placed to the right of the teaspoon.
13. (1 pt) If a dessert spoon is needed, it is placed above the dinner plate with the bowl facing left. Note: a
dessert spoon should be no larger than a teaspoon. A deduction will be made if the dessert spoon is a
soup spoon or the dessert for is a dinner fork. (The dessert fork is similar to a salad fork and a salad fork
can be used in place of a specialized fork.)
14. (1 pt) If a cake/dessert fork is needed, it is placed above the dinner plate with the tines facing right.
15. (1 pt) If a bread plate is used, place it just above the tip of the fork.
16. (1 pt) Small bread knives or spreaders, if used, should lay across the bread plate, parallel to the edge of
the table with the handle pointing to the right, or at a 45-degree angle, handle to the right, blade turned
toward center of the plate.
17. (1 pt) The cup and saucer are to be placed to the right of the spoons with the handle to the right.
Generally, the coffee/tea cup and saucer are not placed on the table until the dessert course. For this
competition however, cups must be placed with the table setting.
18. (5 pts) Water glasses and/or wine glasses are placed to the right of the plate above the knife and spoons.
Don’t forget to list all beverages on the printed menu card, including water, if served.
19. If individual salt and pepper shakers are used, they may be placed where desired.
20. (5 pts) For this very formal setting, place cards are required and should be computer generated vs.
handwritten. They are to be placed above the dinner plate.
1. All Oregon State Fair General Rules apply. Your submission indicates you have read and agree to abide by the
General Rules and the Rules of this competition.
2. Due to space limitations, a maximum of 10 trees will be allowed. Acceptance will be in the order entries are
received, and closes when all 10 slots are filled. Once all entry slots are filled, participants may contact the
Creative Living office to be placed on the waitlist by emailing
3. Trees previously entered in this competition are not eligible.
4. Exhibitors are required to bring their own artificial tree on which to set up their display. Any type of tree may be
used, but it must measure between 5 and 8 feet tall. Each tree must have its own stand.
5. Only one (1) entry per household will be accepted. Only one (1) person is allowed to work on a tree in the
individual divisions, and up to six (6) people in the family/group divisions.
6. Individual Division entries consist of one adult over age 17.
Family/Group Division entries consist of up to six (6) people ages six (6) and up.
Oregon Award Division entries consist of either an individual or a group up to six (6) people ages six (6) and up.
7. For family/group divisions, the tree will be listed under the primary name entered during online registration. For
Family/Group or Oregon Award Divisions, bring a neatly printed brief description (on 8 1/2 x 11 in. paper) of
the tree which also lists the names of all those included in the group.
8. PLEASE NOTE: all Best of Division winners are ineligible for the next year’s competition.
9. Entry set-up will only be allowed at the designated time. Only the person(s) registered are allowed in the exhibit
area during set-up. No one may touch their own completed entry, or another exhibitor’s entry, once the end
time is reached.
10. Miniature UL approved lights allowed with approved multi-plug adapters, but no off/on switches. Exhibitors
must provide UL approved (14 gauge or heavier three wire grounded) extension cord, 15” minimum length.
11. Tree skirt and decorations around the base of the tree may not extend more than 6” beyond the tips of the
lower branches (a total of 48” in diameter floor space).
12. Regular air and helium balloons may be used if totally secured. Metallic mylar balloons are not allowed.
13. Judging will take place prior to Fair. All decisions of the judges are final. Results will be posted on the Oregon State
Fair website as soon as they are available.
14. In the event of a registration change or cancellation, please contact the Creative Living office as soon as possible
by email:
DIVISION 390 (See descriptions under Tables Divisions 380 and 384)
3901 INDIVIDUAL - Regency Holiday Tree (any holiday of your choice)
3902 GROUP Happily Ever After Fairy Tale Tree
DIVISION 391 OREGON AWARD (See description under Tables Division 385)
Seashells & Sunshine at the Oregon Coast Tree
Celebrate Oregon!
To be eligible, entries
need to highlight a
recognizable Oregon
specialty or landmark.
Entries in Division 390 and 391 will be judged using the American System.
Each exhibit is judged not only on its own merit, but in comparison to other exhibits. One Blue (1st), one Red (2nd)
& one White (3rd) ribbon will be awarded in each class except in the case of a true tie. Once the ribbons in each
class are awarded, Best of Division will be chosen.
Only one Oregon Award will be given. Entries are judged in a closed judging session. Score cards with Judge’s
comments will be displayed near the trees during the fair.