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How Media Literacy Supports Civic Engagement in a Digital Age How Media Literacy Supports Civic Engagement in a Digital Age
Hans Martens
Renee Hobbs
University of Rhode Island
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Hans Martens & Renee Hobbs (2015) How Media Literacy Supports Civic Engagement in a Digital Age,
Atlantic Journal of Communication
, 23:2, 120-137, DOI: 10.1080/15456870.2014.961636
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How Media Literacy Supports Civic Engagement in a Digital Age How Media Literacy Supports Civic Engagement in a Digital Age
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How Media Literacy Supports Civic Engagement in a Digital Age
Hans Martens and Renee Hobbs
Author Note
Hans Martens, Visual Studies & Media Culture Research Group,
University of Antwerp, Belgium
Renee Hobbs, Harrington School of Communication and Media,
University of Rhode Island, Kingston RI USA
Accepted for publication in Atlantic Journal of Communication, July 20, 2013
Editor, Gary P. Radford
Address correspondence to Renee Hobbs
Phone: 978 201 9799
The authors would like to acknowledge the high school administrators and faculty who
invited us into their school and to Armando Morales and Jonathan Friesem who assisted
with data coding.
Young people are making active use of the Internet in ways that may or may not
contribute to civic engagement. While some scholars believe civic engagement arises
naturally from digital media use, others believe that media literacy education is needed to
provide the cognitive and social scaffolding that systematically supports civic
engagement. Research with a sample of 400 American high school students explores the
relationship between participation in a media literacy program, academic ability,
frequency of Internet use, information-gathering motives, news and advertising analysis
skills, and the intention towards civic engagement. Findings show that students in a
selective-admission media literacy program have substantially higher levels of media
knowledge, news analysis and advertising analysis skill than other students. Participation
in a media literacy program was positively associated with information-seeking motives,
media knowledge, and news analysis skills. Moreover, information-seeking motives,
media knowledge, and news analysis skills independently contributed to adolescents’
intent toward civic engagement.
Keywords: civic engagement, adolescence, media literacy, Internet, uses and
gratifications, socialization, education, media education
How Media Literacy Supports Civic Engagement in a Digital Age
Scholars have long debated how civic engagement contributes to the quality of
public life. When people forge social connections, it supports the development of social
norms and trust that bring along beneficial effects on education, children’s welfare, safety,
health, happiness, and the quality of government (Putnam, 1995a, 1995b, 2000, 2001).
Within this context, civic engagement is related to political participation in the
conventional sense, but at the same time, it more broadly refers to people’s connections
with the life of their communities (Putnam, 1995b).
For young people, both formal and informal educational experiences may
contribute to building the knowledge, skills and attitudes associated with civic
engagement (Bennett, 2008; Levine, 2011). Citizens not only need access to information,
they also need the means and motives to process that information effectively. In
particular, media literacy programs in American high schools can support the
development of young people’s ability to use, analyze and create media messages (Hobbs,
2007). A constellation of competencies, including knowledge about the media, message
analysis skills, and composition and collaboration skills are thought to be valuable as
students learn to be active participants in responding to news and current events
(Rheingold, 2008). Previous research has already shown that civic engagement is
associated with both social demographic variables and media use habits (Romer,
Jamieson & Pasek, 2009; Quintelier & Hooghe, 2011). In this study, we examine how
media literacy education may support information-seeking motivations and the
development of civic engagement competencies in relation to digital media.
Theory and Research on Digital and Media Literacy Education
Researchers on digital media and learning (DML) are eager to show that
friendship and interest-driven online activities can support the development of “digital
social capital,” laying the foundation for engagement in participatory politics (Cohen &
Kahne, 2012; Jenkins, Clinton, Purushotma, Robison & Weigel, 2007). Participatory
political acts include writing and disseminating a blog post about a political issue,
forwarding a funny online video to one’s social network, or participating in a poetry slam.
Many teens receive news from family members, YouTube posts or an online community
where people discuss a hobby, sport, or fandom. Survey research has found that youth
who engaged in at least one act of participatory politics were almost twice as likely to
report voting in 2010 as those who did not. Researchers believe that such political acts
“allow individuals to operate with greater independence in the political realm,
circumventing traditional gatekeepers of information and influence, such as newspaper
editors, political parties and interest groups” (Cohen & Kahne, 2012, 2).
Others scholars argue that adolescents may rather benefit from more structured
and systematic exposure to school-based collaborative and critical thinking activities that
promote reasoning, information evaluation, respect for diverse perspectives, and civic
engagement competencies. When media literacy education is formally incorporated into
classroom instruction in the secondary grades, teachers help students use, analyze, create,
reflect and make sense of media messages through a guided process of inquiry learning.
Such educational programs provide a kind of intellectual and social scaffolding that
supports the development of civic engagement (Buckingham, 2000; 2003; Hobbs, 2012;
Kellner & Share, 2007).
As we understand it, the competencies of digital and media literacy include the
ability to make responsible choices and access information by locating and sharing
materials and comprehending information and ideas; analyze messages in a variety of
forms by identifying the author, purpose and point of view, and evaluating the quality and
credibility of the content; create content in a variety of forms, making use of language,
images, sound and new digital tools and technologies; reflect on one’s own conduct and
communication behavior by applying social responsibility and ethical principles; and take
social action by working individually and collaboratively to share knowledge and solve
problems in the family, workplace and nation and by participating as a member of a
community (Hobbs, 2010).
Some tension exists among scholars and practitioners about whether it is more
important to build students’ knowledge about mass media industries, messages and
effects (Potter, 2004) or to work with students’ existing media preferences, deepen
conceptual and theoretical understanding as a means to strengthen critical analysis skills,
or promote creative self-expression and social engagement through media production
activities (for review, see Martens, 2010). In the context of secondary education,
educators may blend these approaches, using theoretically-rich core concepts while
supporting students’ knowledge though instructional programs in English language arts
or social studies with substantial focus on critical analysis of news, advertising, issues of
representation and media ownership (Hobbs, 2004).
Theorists and advocates of media literacy have long claimed that it supports the
practice of civic engagement by increasing students’ intellectual curiosity and promoting
self-efficacy. More than forty years ago, Stuart Hall and Paddy Whannel (1964, p. 26)
positioned media education as a means to “provide imaginative experiences which could
help young people deal with some of the problems they face as a result of maturing
quickly and moving at an early age into a more open society” and Neil Postman and
Charles Weingartner (1971) suggested high school reforms based on student-centered
press criticism and social organizing. Contemporary instructional practices of media
literacy often include keeping a media-use diary, using information search and evaluation
strategies, reading/viewing/listening and discussion, close analysis, cross-media
comparison, gaming/simulation/role-playing, and multimedia composition (Hobbs, 2010).
These activities support civic engagement because, as Rheingold (2008) has explained,
participation in the public sphere may be cultivated through media literacy as young
people gain direct experience with the practices of online publishing, discourse, debate,
and collective action.
Framed as an expanded conceptualization of literacy, digital and media literacy
has also been recognized as a tool for strengthening young people’s participation in civic
and political life (Benkler, 2006; Bennett, 2008; Jenkins et al, 2007; Rheingold, 2008),
enabling them to ask good questions, seek out information on relevant issues, evaluate
the quality of information available, and engage in dialogue with others to form coalitions.
A recent study found that nearly half of high school students from 21 high schools in
California had engaged in various classroom activities designed to support media literacy
competencies, including critically analyzing the trustworthiness of websites, using the
Internet to get information about political or social issues, and creating content for the
web. These activities are associated with higher rates of online politically driven
participation (Kahne, Feezell & Lee, 2010).
Media literacy outcomes seem to be dependent upon specific dimensions of the
learning environment. For example, Hobbs and Frost (2003) demonstrated how critical
analysis of news and advertising develops differentially in response to specific classroom
learning environments and Banerjee and Greene (2006) found differences in learning
outcomes between media literacy instructional approaches that emphasized critical
analysis and those emphasizing media production.
Therefore, we examine research questions in this study that explore the
relationship between media knowledge, media analysis skills, academic level, and
participation in a media literacy program. We ask:
RQ1: Are there differences in media knowledge and media analysis skills
associated with students’ academic level?
RQ2: Are differences in media knowledge and media analysis skills associated
with participation in a school-based media literacy program?
RQ3: What is the relationship between knowledge about media and critical
analysis of news and advertising?
Motivations for Digital Media Use
Many scholars have posited that electronic and digital media are one of the main
causes of the erosion of civic life. For example, Putnam (1995b) postulated that television
viewing privatizes our leisure time, that is, it displaces the time one spends on social
activities outside the home. He also argued that television might induce passivity, and it
may even change our perceptions of the world. Later, this argument has been extended to
the Internet, as some researchers have suggested that time spent online is associated with
declining social involvement and psychological well-being (Kraut et al., 2002; Kraut et
al., 1998; Nie, 2001).
This perspective has been criticized for not taking into account the complexity of
media uses and the motivations that underlie behaviors. Even if the amount of time
people spent watching television is significantly correlated with political and civic
participation, much of this research offers only partial insight into the effects of the media
(Shah, Cho, Eveland, & Kwak, 2005; Shah, McLeod, & Yoon, 2001). To be sure, Putnam
himself (2000) acknowledged this point. For instance, he later distinguished between
selective and habitual viewers on one hand, and preferences for different types of media
programs on the other (see also Hooghe, 2002; Norris, 1996). Still, others have more
systematically explored the relationship between patterns of media use and civic culture
variables. For example, research on media uses and gratifications (Blumler & Katz, 1974;
Katz, Blumler, & Gurevitch, 1973) illustrates how individuals use media such as
television or the Internet to satisfy different goals. Audience needs stem from a variety of
psychological or sociological origins. In turn, motivational differences generate specific
patterns of media exposure that bring along differential consequences.
From this perspective, a number of studies have simultaneously considered the
effects of a full range of media types (including print, broadcast, and the Internet) and
motivations as they affect civic engagement (Pasek, Kenski, Romer, & Jamieson, 2006;
Romer, Jamieson, & Pasek, 2009; Shah, Kwak, & Holbert, 2001; Shah et al., 2001; Shah,
Schmierbach, Hawkins, Espino, & Donavan, 2002). Among other things, these studies
reveal that influences of demographic variables such as education, income, age and race
are partly mediated by informational media use patterns. Interestingly, analyses within
age breaks reveal generational differences. For example, young people not only use the
Internet for information more than older people, but the Internet also is mostly associated
with higher levels of civic engagement among younger age groups (Shah et al., 2001).
Such work has clearly established the importance of distinguishing between Internet use
and information-gathering as a dimension of motivation when examining the behaviors
and attitudes of young people. For these reasons, we ask:
RQ4: What is the relationship between Internet use, information motivation, and
media literacy?
Civic Engagement and Digital Media
Civic engagement has been measured in a number of ways including civic
behaviors, attitudes towards elected officials, participation in political conversation,
media consumption and perceptions, intention to engage in civic action, and civic
knowledge (Flanagan, Syvertsen & Stout, 2007). These varying conceptualizations of
civic engagement are used to explore two sharply differing views of adolescent civic
engagement in relation to digital media as both optimistic and pessimistic perspectives
about the role of digital media in supporting young people’s capacity for self-governance
are now prevalent (Bennett, 2008).
One paradigm positions youth as engaged, expressive and empowered as a result
of their use of digital media and another views digital media as contributing to higher
levels of detachment from the public sphere. Proponents of the “engaged youth”
perspective see peer-to-peer sites for creative expression as an alternative form of civic
engagement and consider cell phones, digital cameras and laptops to be tools of civic
action that enable young people to take advantage of large-scale networks at critical
points in time. Those who hold to the “disengaged youth” position point to data that
shows that young people today are less likely than their counterparts in the 1970s to
exhibit nine out of ten important characteristics of citizenship: belonging to at least one
group, attending religious services at least monthly, belonging to a union, reading
newspapers at least once a week, voting, being contacted by a political party, working on
a community project, attending club meetings, and believing that people are trustworthy
(Flanagan, Levine, & Settersten, 2009). The “withering away of civic education in
schools” coincides with a substantial decline in interest in news and public affairs,
reduced levels of social trust, lack of knowledge about government, limited political
participation, and a lack of efficacy in social institutions among young people ages 18 to
25 (Bennett, 2008, p. 7).
The Internet challenges traditional information gatekeepers and sources of
authority and shifts the conceptualization of community away from a strictly geographic-
based formulation and towards an interest-based orientation. As a result, Delli Carpini
(2000) suggests that online initiatives may expand the activities of youth already engaged
in civic life rather than encourage those who do participate to become involved. Similarly,
Bennett (2008) underlines this point with concern about naïve and over-optimistic claims
about the potential of the Internet to support civic engagement. He writes, “What young
people do online tends to be largely social and entertainment oriented with only
tangential pathways leading to the conventional civic and political worlds” (p. 10).
However, as Buckingham (2000) has pointed out, a profound generational shift is
occurring, as young people are able to show a developed awareness of social and political
issues, albeit not necessarily in the terms that adults might wish. For example, young
people are more likely to consider civic activities, including group membership,
volunteering, and participation in fundraising or charity events as a choice rather than as
a responsibility, with significantly more Asian-American youth engaging in such
activities as compared with whites, African-Americans or Latinos (Marcelo, Lopez &
Kirby, 2007). No longer do young people necessarily feel a sense of obligation to follow
news and current events or join political parties that engage in one-way communication
to mobilize supporters.
Both paradigms on the role of media in youth civic engagement speak to the lived
experience of adolescents who are now growing up with social media and this is likely to
vary as a result of many factors. Indeed, for some youth, social media may be a powerful
distraction from becoming active in their communities; for others, using the Internet may
contribute to civic engagement. For these reasons, we wonder which aspects of young
people’s media use experiences most heavily contribute to practices of civic engagement.
Our final research question therefore is:
RQ5: What best predicts adolescent civic engagement: media analysis skills,
media knowledge, information-seeking motivations, Internet use, or exposure to a
media literacy educational program?
Research Design
We had a unique opportunity to examine the way a school-based media literacy
education was implemented in a large urban high school with two existing media literacy
programs. One program was an open-enrollment program while the other was a selective-
admission program. We were also able to compare students enrolled in the two media
literacy programs to students who were not enrolled in a media literacy program. This
enabled us to use a quasi-experimental design with a 2x2 factorial structure. One factor
was based on ability grouping (selective-admission vs open-admission); the other factor
was based on participation in a media literacy program. This created an opportunity to
examine media use behaviors and media analysis skills among students with different
levels of academic talent and with differential kinds of exposure to formal education in
media literacy.
Sample and Procedure
We were invited to collect survey data from Grade 11 students in a diverse large
urban high school in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States when the school first
implemented a new media literacy program for regular admission students in 2009. The
community itself, a nearby suburb of a larger metropolitan area, consists of 76,000
residents, including 46% whites, 28% African-Americans and 22% Hispanics. More than
40% of the families in this community speak a language other than English at home, as
compared with the US national average of 18%. This district is diverse in terms of socio-
economic levels and attracts children of business and government professionals,
knowledge workers, technical staff, and service workers. It has high levels of social
mobility, with 17% having arrived in the community within the past two years and
another 20% having arrived within 3 to 5 years. This community includes a significant
number of well-educated adults. More than 48% of adults in this community have a
Bachelors’ degree or higher, as compared with the U.S. national average of 24% (U.S.
Census, 2010).
Student educational achievement level in this sample is high, with 60% of
students enrolled in honors English, 38% in regular English and only 2% in English as a
second language. All students registered for Grade 11 in the Spring semester of 2007
were eligible for the study, which was approved by the school district institutional
research board. Students ranged in age from 15 to 19 years old. To gather data for this
study, students completed a paper-and-pencil questionnaire measuring media knowledge,
media analysis skills, and civic engagement. In addition, students answered questions
relating to demographics, their academic program, and their use of the Internet. Of the
507 students who were given the questionnaire, 107 did not complete enough items to
provide usable data, resulting in a sample size of 400.
Media Literacy Programs
Like many American high schools, this urban public school tracks students using
ability grouping. When they enter high school in Grade 9, a small number of students
with good grades, strong teacher recommendations and high test scores may be admitted
to one of two selective-academic programs: one emphasizes science and math while the
other one emphasizes communications and media literacy. The selective-admission media
literacy program is an interdisciplinary program where students’ coursework in English,
social studies and media production are conceptually unified. Students complete a series
of inquiry-learning activities that integrate English, history and media production courses.
As seniors, students develop a portfolio of multimedia communications projects and give
a formal capstone presentation evaluated by outside reviewer to showcase their learning
over four years. They participate in two required electives including journalism and a
school broadcast journalism program. In effect, media literacy concepts are interwoven
into nearly every part of the students’ daily experience in English, history, government,
and the media courses over the entire school year. The selective-admission media literacy
program is limited to about 75 students and has been a part of this high school’s culture
for more than 20 years.
For students without the good grades, test scores and recommendations needed to
enroll in the selective admission programs, there are open-admission tracks. Here
students must choose from among five “academy” programs including entrepreneurship,
human service, international studies, science-math-technology, or media literacy. Open-
admission students freely choose among the five programs after getting advice from
middle-school guidance counselors and parents. The academy structure effectively
creates a school-within-a-school experience and is designed to promote meaningful
relationships between faculty and students that support deeper levels of student
engagement and learning. Students who enroll in the open-admission media literacy
program take remedial, regular or Honors-level courses in English, history, science and
math. Over the course of the four-year program, they are required to take two semester-
long courses in media literacy (“Media Literacy” and “Mass Media and American
Society”) and may also choose from media production electives, including newspaper,
yearbook, or digital media production.
Informal interviews with faculty members revealed that all faculty members were
familiar with the core concepts of media literacy as articulated by the National
Association for Media Literacy Education (2012). However, we were unable to determine
whether the faculty explicitly taught these concepts or whether students were expected to
"deduce" them from their daily activities. Although we did not conduct systematic
observational research of classroom practice, we made classroom observations where we
saw evidence of reference to media literacy concepts in both the selective-admission
program and the open-admission media literacy program.
Measurement Instruments
Intention towards civic engagement. Following previous work on civic
engagement (Schulz & Sibberns, 2004), we assessed students’ intent to engage in nine
types of political and civic activities. Students were asked to report if they expect to
engage in the following activities when they become an adult: vote in national elections,
get information about candidates before voting in an election, join a political party, write
letters to a newspaper about social or political concerns, be a candidate for a local or city
office, volunteer time to help poor or elderly people in the community, collect money for
a cause, collect signatures for a petition, and participate in a peaceful rally or protest. A
4-point scale was used, scaled as certainly will not do, probably will not do, probably will
do, and certainly will do. Responses were combined to form an index (M = 2.66, SD
= .52, Cronbach α = .79).
Media literacy analysis skills. We used two media literacy performance tasks
that engaged students in the practice of critically analyzing both a one-page
newsmagazine story and a full-age print ad. Items were based on a previously-developed
and validated instrument (Hobbs, 2004, 2007; Hobbs & Frost, 2003; Quin & McMahon,
1995). Table 1 provides a visual depiction of the approach to measuring news and
advertising analysis skills. A mixture of two times five open-ended and checklist
activities were used to measure respondents’ ability to analyze news and advertising, with
slight differences in questions reflecting the different characteristics of the genres of news
and advertising. Students were given a specific media text and asked to identify the
purpose of the message, describe the target audience and use specific information from
the text to justify their reasoning, demonstrate awareness of specific media construction
techniques, identify multiple points of view, offer a plausible subtextual interpretation not
stated directly in the text, and identify omitted information.
To code open-ended data, researchers created a coding protocol by first
identifying the range of possible written responses to each item and identifying better and
less impressive answers. Then a coding protocol was created, a detailed written guide to
assist scorers in identifying how to allocate points for student responses. After a training
process supervised by the second author, two graduate students read all student responses
and conducted the scoring. For nine out of ten items requiring the scoring of open-ended
responses, interrater reliability using Krippendorff’s alpha ranged from .72 to .98
revealing moderate to high levels of reliability. For one item, Krippendorff’s alpha
was .67, which is still considered acceptable.
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Place Table 1 about here
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In the news analysis task, students were given a short Time magazine piece (Van
Biema, 2007) and asked to read it, responding to five open-ended questions including:
identify the target audience for this story and explain what specific information from the
reading supports your answer and identify the message purpose. Students were also asked
to identify what techniques were used to attract and hold attention and asked to list some
different point of views that were presented, and what information was left out of this
message. Scores were summed to form an additive index ranging from 14 to 0 (M = 5.92,
SD = 3.51).
In the advertisement analysis task, students were given a black-and-white
reproduction of a Kool cigarette ad and asked to respond to five open-ended questions to
identify the purpose of the message and the target audience. They were asked to offer a
description of visual information that supports the answers. Students were asked to list
various techniques that are used to attract viewer attention, identify the implied message
or subtext, and suggest specific information or ideas that were left out of this ad. Scores
were summed to form an additive index ranging from 14 to 0 (M = 8.92, SD = 3.57).
Media knowledge. We measured students’ broad knowledge about the mass
media by asking students to complete short tests measure students’ understanding of the
history, economics, institutions, audiences and effects of mass media. In the first test,
students were asked to choose the right answer for six multiple-choice questions,
consisting of a right answer and three distractor items. These items were based on
information presented in an introductory media textbook (Rodman, 2007). For example,
students were asked to identify the main purpose of photos in a newspaper, recognize the
most common kind of economic control over mass media, and name the system of
financing used to pay for commercial radio. The second test consisted of eleven items,
asking students to identify as true or false such statements as, “The number of companies
that own mass media outlets is growing,” “Newspapers make most of their money
through the price paid by the consumers who buy them,” and “The format and style of
USA Today was imitated by many daily news papers across the country.” Responses of
both tests were combined to form one overall media knowledge index (M = .61, SD
= .20).
Internet use and information-use motives. To distinguish between students’
actual use of the Internet and their motives for using the Internet to seek information, we
first asked respondents to identify how often they use the Internet on an 8-point scale
ranging from never to every day (M = 1.55, SD = 1.32). To assess students’ motives to
seek out information as a part of daily life, we used an instrument developed to assess
Internet uses and gratifications by Papacharissi & Rubin (2000). Using a five-point scale,
students were asked to respond to four statements: I use the internet to search for
information, to see what is out there, to keep up with current events and issues, because it
provides me with a new and interesting way to do research (M = 3.83, SD = .79,
Cronbach α = .72). Other measures of adolescent Internet motivation, including habit,
social use, diversion, and entertainment were gathered but not used in the present analysis.
Demographic and control variables. Gender, academic level and participation in
the media literacy program served as control variables, which enabled us to more
carefully examine the relationships between the variables of interest in our study.
Because some students were admitted to special programs on the basis of test scores,
middle-school grades and teacher recommendations, students who participated in a
selective admission academic program (n = 146) were conceptualized as distinct from
those who entered the regular enrollment program (n = 246). We also distinguished
between students who participated in a media literacy program since some students in
both the selective admission program (n = 59) and the regular enrollment program (n =
55) followed a media literacy program (ML program) during the past year. Because of a
small number of missing data, we were not able to categorize all 400 respondents.
To examine the relationship between variables specified in our research questions,
we first compared means, then used Pearson product-moment correlations, followed by
multiple linear regression, building a model to determine how media literacy analysis
skills, media knowledge, information-seeking motives, Internet use, participation in a
media literacy program, and academic level may predict intention towards civic
RQ1 and RQ2 asked whether differences in media knowledge and media analysis
skills are associated with students’ ability grouping academic level (selective or open
admission) and their participation in a media literacy program. Overall, group means
clearly show that high ability-grouped students in the selective admission academic
program score better than open-admission students on our measurements of media
knowledge (M = .73, SD = .15 vs M = .55, SD = .19 with t(391) = -9.47, p < .001), news
analysis skills (M = 8.11, SD = 2.99 vs M = 4.63, SD = 3.15 with t(391) = -10.78, p
< .001) and advertising analysis skills (M = 10.03, SD = 3.28 vs M = 8.23, SD = 3.57 with
t(391) = -4.99, p < .001). Likewise, if we compare pupils who did participate in a media
literacy program with those who did not, the former have significantly higher levels than
the latter on media knowledge (M = .69, SD = .19 vs M = .59, SD = .19 with t(390) = -
4.69, p < .001), news analysis skills (M = 6.65, SD = 3.74 vs M = 5.65, SD = 3.37 with
t(390) = -2.59, p < .05) and advertising analysis skills (M = 9.79, SD = 3.83 vs M = 8.55,
SD = 3.40 with t(390) = -3.17, p < .01).
Table 2 provides a more detailed break-down of the means and standard
deviations for media knowledge, news analysis and ad analysis for both regular and
special admission students in media literacy and other programs. As can be seen, open-
admission students not enrolled in the media literacy program had the lowest levels of
media knowledge (M = .53, SD = .17) while students in the selective admission media
literacy program had the highest levels (M = .75, SD = .13). Advertising analysis skills
show a similar trend, revealing that open-admission students not enrolled in the media
literacy academic had the lowest levels of advertising analysis skills (M = 8.20, SD =
3.45) while students in the selective admission media literacy program had the highest
levels (M = 11.10, SD = 3.16). However, students in the media literacy open-admission
program show slightly lower scores in news analysis (M = 4.27, SD = 4.02) as compared
with students in other open-admission programs (M = 4.80, SD = 3.09).
- - - -
Place Table 2 about here
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In other words, differences in students’ media knowledge and media analysis
skills are strongly associated with students’ academic level. Academically talented
students perform considerably better at both news analysis and advertising analysis and
have more knowledge about the media. Moreover, differences in media knowledge and
media analysis skills are associated with participation in a school-based media literacy
program. This finding is qualified, however, because we found that although open-
admission students in a media literacy program had higher levels of media knowledge
and advertising analysis skills than students not enrolled in a media literacy program,
they had somewhat lower scores on news analysis than those enrolled in other academy
programs. It’s possible that selection bias is at work here. Perhaps students in the open-
admission program choose media literacy courses (rather than other academic programs)
because they learn best through hands-on types of activities. In line with this, it is
possible that students enrolled in the media literacy academy sample were more likely to
struggle with reading comprehension, which remains an indispensable skill for the critical
analysis of news.
Table 3 shows the correlation matrix for all the variables in the study, reiterating
that academically well-prepared students in the special admission programs have
considerably more knowledge than regular students (r = .43, p < .01) and score relatively
higher on news analysis (r = .48, p < .01), which demands more reading comprehension
skills than the ad analysis test (r = .24, p < .01). At the same time, students who
participated in a media literacy program scored higher on media knowledge tests (r = .23,
p < .01), news analysis (r = .13, p < .05) and advertising analysis (r = .16, p < .05) as
compared with those who did not participate in the program.
In response to RQ3, we report statistically significant support for the relationship
between knowledge about media and critical analysis of news and advertising. All three
variables are associated with each other, although media knowledge seems to be
empirically and conceptually distinct from media analysis skills. While news analysis and
advertising analysis skills display a robust relationship (r = .50, p < .01), the correlations
between media knowledge and news analysis (r = .30, p < .01) and advertisement
analysis (r = .25, p < .01) are only moderate.
- - - -
Place Table 3 about here
- - - -
In RQ4, we examined the relationship between Internet use, information
motivation, and media literacy. The sheer quantity of time that students spend using the
Internet is negatively associated with both information-seeking motives (r = -.34, p < .01)
and news analysis skills (r = -.23, p < .01). However, while information-use motive is
modestly associated with news analysis (r = .13, p < .01), frequency of Internet use and
information motive are not related with advertising analysis skills.
In RQ5, we wanted to discover what variables best predict adolescents’ intent
towards civic engagement: media analysis skills, media knowledge, information-seeking
motivations, Internet use, or exposure to a media literacy educational program. To get a
more detailed view of how these variables together help to explain civic engagement, we
performed a multiple regression analysis using civic engagement as our outcome variable.
Missing values were deleted listwise. This reduced our sample size from 400 to 372
respondents. This analysis provides a quite stringent test of the explanatory potential of
news analysis, advertising analysis, and media knowledge, after considering the
contribution of participation in a media literacy program and our demographic variables.
- - - -
Place Table 4 about here
- - - -
We tested two models to explore the relationships between variables. In Model 1,
gender (female) (
= .23, p < .001) and participation in a media literacy program (
= .11, p < .05) are positively associated with intention towards civic engagement. In
Model 2, we included the variables frequency of Internet use, information motives, media
knowledge, news analysis, and ad analysis. In line with our theoretical framework,
adding these variables contributes a sizable 9% to our explained variance. We
immediately note that the effect of participation in a media literacy program disappears
when adding these variables to the regression, suggesting that the impact of the program
is mediated through these facets of media use. The amount of time one spends online is
not significantly related to participation in civic life. By contrast, information-seeking
motive (
= .18, p < .001) makes a strong contribution.
When controlling for both time and motives, media literacy analysis skills are
associated with civic engagement. The ability to analyze and evaluate a news article (
= .20, p < .01) has an additional (and sizable) positive impact on civic engagement
intention. To a lesser degree, knowledge about media (
= .16, p < .01) also contributes
to intent to actively participate in civic life. However, the media literacy competencies
involved in analyzing an advertisement do not contribute to adolescents’ intention
towards civic engagement.
Many scholars claim that much of the most exciting work in digital and media
literacy education is now occurring in afterschool, community-based, or summer
programs, supported by foundations, where projects “too controversial for schools” can
be examined as laboratories for future innovation (Levine, 2008, p. 127). For example,
since 2006, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation invested $85 million in
support of digital media and learning, including large-scale ethnographic research on how
youth participate in digital media outside of school.
Considerably less attention has been focused on chronicling the changes now
underway in some of the more than 15,000 American public school districts; in programs
like the one we report on in this study, digital and media literacy initiatives are being
developed not by academics and consultants and philanthropic initiatives, but by school
administrators and K-12 faculty themselves, supporting by existing funding public school
mechanisms. In these schools, educators are finding innovative ways to bring digital and
media literacy education into the classroom in the context of regular instruction in
English, history, health and the fine and performing arts. Without external funding,
digital and media literacy programs are part of the mainstream of American public
education. These types of school-based initiatives offer fertile ground to empirically and
naturalistically explore the complex relationship between media literacy education and its
contribution to adolescent development and academic achievement.
By finding a statistically significant association between media literacy and civic
engagement among a large and diverse sample of American high school students enrolled
in a single public high school, we can say with some confidence that media literacy
programs have potential to support the development of news analysis skills, build
background knowledge of media institutions, audiences, messages and effects, and thus
contribute in an important way to the development of meaningful civic engagement
among adolescents. The ability to analyze and evaluate media messages either online or
offline is likely to stem from being able to ask and answer critical questions about the
purpose, target audience and subtext of messages. Such work is aided, of course, by a
comprehensive understanding of the major components of the mass media: their business
models as well as their content, genres and story formulas. These are, simply put,
fundamental knowledge and skills that are an essential part of contemporary education
As demonstrated by other scholars, we found that time measurements of
adolescents’ Internet usage give at best a partial insight into the complex behaviors at
work in the development of citizenship skills. The intent to engage in civic participation
seems to be most strongly associated with both the motivational drive to seek out
information and the ability to understand and analyze news media. This does not imply
that we completely disagree with Putnam’s argument that electronic entertainment might
be partly responsible for the erosion of civic life. We found that time spent online is
negatively associated with civic participation. And indeed, several underlying
mechanisms seem plausible here. First, one should not forget that most young digital
audiences use the web for chatting and exchanging instant messages with friends, for
social networking, for playing video games, or for entertainment sites. In this way, digital
media are cultural forms that are inextricably connected with more traditional print and
audiovisual mass media (Buckingham, 2007a, 2007b, 2007c). True, as argued by scholars
like Henry Jenkins (2006), these activities might be sometimes civic in nature. Still, it is
likely that, for adolescents, some Internet activities compete with more traditional social
and civic activities outside the home. Even if informational uses of the Internet have a
positive impact, the consequences of recreational use might sometimes be less desirable.
As with television, radio or print media, some websites are bound to cultivate more or
less civic-minded patterns among users. Based on the evidence from this study, we argue
that, to promote civic engagement especially among less academically well-prepared
students, it is important to support students’ intellectual curiosity and their ability to
critically analyze and evaluate media messages through school-based media literacy
Our data indicate that media literacy competencies like analyzing news and
advertising are not uniformly distributed among adolescents. Media literacy education
programs per se are not a magic bullet solution that will automatically eliminate the
substantial gap between academically-talented young people and their less-privileged
counterparts. By discovering that media literacy students in the open-admission program,
on average, perform worse in analyzing print news media as compared with students
enrolled in other open-admission academies, we appreciate that unmeasured differences
in reading comprehension and print literacy skills probably play a significant role in the
development of adolescents’ critical analysis skills. In fact, reading comprehension and
writing skills are of fundamental importance in a digital age. In developing educational
programs that support adolescent civic engagement, it will be important to ensure that
digital and media literacy programs provide rich and sustained learning opportunities for
engagement in reading comprehension, textual analysis, close reading and writing
composition activities.
In many ways, we had a near-ideal naturalistic setting to examine the relationship
between ability grouping, civic engagement, and media literacy education programs.
While we must be cautious of generalizing beyond our Mid-Atlantic urban high school
population, the large sample consisted of a heterogeneous, racially diverse group of
students where we could examine students with varying levels of academic achievement
and exposure to two types of media literacy educational programs. We found important
differences in media knowledge, news analysis, and advertising analysis skills among
students with differential levels of academic performance. Not surprisingly, smart,
academically gifted teens tend to be more media literate than their less academically-
talented peers. Yet, despite these important differences, even when controlling for both
time spent with the Internet and information-seeking motives, news analysis skills make
an important contribution to advance adolescent civic engagement.
Nonetheless, our research design had some limitations. First, because we used a
naturalistic quasi-experimental design it was not possible to randomly assign students to
treatment condition. The data show that, after controlling for participation in a media
literacy program, information motives, media knowledge and news analysis
independently contribute to civic engagement. However, the underlying mechanisms are
difficult to assess, limiting our ability to make strong claims about causality. For example,
it is possible that participation in a media literacy program is influenced by a pre-
disposition toward information-seeking, thus leading to selection bias. We also recognize
the limitations of our existing measures and the need for additional measures. We did not
measure the actual levels of civic engagement of adolescents; instead, items assessed
students’ intent to participate in the future. Also, we did not measure those forms of
social action that make use of digital or social media. We deliberately approached media
literacy as the ability to critically analyze news and advertising instead of considering
other forms of media literacy education, including creative media production
competencies. We agree with other researchers on this issue who note: “How the
different forms of literacy interact and support each other is a key question for future
research, given today’s complex and convergent media and information environment”
(Livingstone & Helsper, 2010, p. 324).
Readers may wonder what specific aspects of curriculum and instruction in media
literacy are associated with civic engagement. The media literacy programs we studied
were broad, year-long intensive learning experiences with multiple faculty participating
and where students engaged in a wide range of activities, including library research,
viewing and discussion, writing, multimedia production, public speaking, and
collaborative learning. Therefore, we could not deduce what precise elements of the
educational program itself may have contributed to or interfered with the development of
media knowledge, news analysis, advertising analysis or civic engagement. Carefully
conducted case studies and experimental designs are needed to further tease out which
types of instructional activity best support the development of civic engagement.
In the United States, media literacy education has entered the K-12 world through
many portals, including English language arts, social studies, fine arts, library-skills and
educational technology, vocational education, and health education (Hobbs, 1998, 2004;
Kubey, 2003, 2004). At the same time, support for digital and media literacy education is
growing in after-school community-based programs (Levine, 2008). That said, a large
variety of approaches to media literacy education exists. For instance, some American
media educators tend to focus on public health issues such as alcohol and tobacco use.
That is, they try to make pupils aware of marketers’ strategies, such as using image-based
and affect-laden appeals (Austin, Pinkleton, & Funabiki, 2007; Pinkleton, Austin, Cohen,
Miller, & Fitzgerald, 2007; Primack, Sidani, Carroll, & Fine, 2009). Evidence from our
study suggests that, however valuable the ability to analyze and evaluate an
advertisement, it does not automatically translate into civic engagement or social action.
Such programs may be designed with civic goals in place, of course. Educators may want
to develop stand-alone programs (instead of integrating media literacy education into
existing educational programs) in order to promote specific types of learning outcomes,
including full and active participation in the life of communities, the nation and the world.
Such programs would have, at their center, activities of the sort described by Rheingold
(2008), such as the use of student-composed blogging as a form of connected writing, the
practice of developing skills of argument by responding to news media messages, and
contributing to public discourse through collective action, including meetings, petitions,
boycotts, and letters to the editor.
To summarize, we measured adolescents’ knowledge about mass media and their
ability to critically analyze news and advertising in order to better understand the
complex relationship between ability grouping, Internet use, information-use motives,
and civic engagement among young people in a large urban public high school. Our
findings support the growing demand for policy makers, educators, and community
advocates to embrace media literacy as an important resource to fulfill the promise of
digital citizenship.
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Table 1 Measuring media literacy through news and advertising analysis tasks
Advertising Analysis Task
Text: Print KOOL cigarette ad
Message Purpose
What is the purpose of this
message? Check all that
apply: inform, entertain,
persuade, self-expression,
make money
Message Purpose
What is the purpose of this
message? Check all that
apply: inform, entertain,
persuade, self-expression,
make money
Target Audience
Who is the target audience?
Check all that apply: Gender
(men, women); Age
(children, teens, adults,
seniors); Ethnicity (white,
black, Hispanic, Asian,
other); Social Class (poor,
working class, middle class,
What specific information
from the text supports your
Target Audience
Who is the target audience?
What specific information
from the text supports your
Awareness of
What techniques were used
to attract and hold your
Awareness of
What techniques were used
to attract and hold your
Multiple Points of
What different points of
view were presented?
Recognition of
What is the implied message
or subtext?
What information was left
out of this message?
What information was left
out of this message?
Table 2 Comparing means
Open Admission Program
Selective Admission Program
Other program
ML program
Other program
ML program
Mean (SD)
Mean (SD)
Mean (SD)
Mean (SD)
.53 (.17)
.62 (.22)
.71 (.17)
.75 (.13)
News analysis
4.80 (3.09)
4.27 (3.32)
7.60 (3.16)
8.86 (2.58)
Ad analysis
8.20 (3.45)
8.38 (4.02)
9.31 (3.18)
11.10 (3.16)
n = 191
n = 55
n = 87
n = 59
! !
Table 3 Correlation Matrix
Civic engagement
Gender (female)
Academy level
ML program
Internet use
Information motive
Media knowledge
News analysis
Ad analysis
Note: all tests are two-tailed. *p < .05, **p <.01.
Table 4 Predictors of civic engagement
Model 1
Model 2
Gender (Female)
Academy level
ML program
Internet use
Information motive
Media knowledge
News analysis
Ad analysis
Total R² = .17. For model 2, R² = .09. *p < .05, **p <.01, ***p <.001.