Cumberland County Schools Code of Conduct
See Cumberland County Schools Website
Year Round Calendar
TELEPHONE: (910) 488-8415
FAX: (910) 488-6209
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that governs the maintenance of student records. Under this law, parents or
students (if they are at least 18 years of age) have both the right to inspect records kept by the school about the student and the right to correct
inaccuracies in the records. Access to the records by persons other than the parents or the student is limited and generally requires prior consent by the
parents of the student. Copies of this policy may be found in the office of the Superintendent and the Principal’s office of each school within the
Cumberland County School System. Complaints about failures of school personnel to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act may be
made, in writing, to FERPA Office, Federal Building No. 10, 600 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, DC 20202.
Section 504/Americans with Disabilities Act
No otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall, solely by reason of his or her disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits
of, or be subject to discrimination from any program or activity of the school. Qualified disabled students are entitled to a free appropriate public
education. The schools will endeavor to locate and identify disabled persons ages three through twenty; a free appropriate public education will be
provided to qualified handicapped individuals.
Compliance with the requirements of Section 504/ADA is coordinated by:
Cumberland County Schools
P.O. Box 2357
Fayetteville, NC 28302
Phone: 678-2300
Nondiscrimination Statement
It is the policy of the Cumberland County Public School System and Reid Ross Classical not to discriminate on the basis of race, ethnic origin, sex, or
disability in its educational programs, activities, or employment policies as required by Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments, Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Title of the 1990 Americans Disabilities Act (ADA).
The Cumberland County School System does not discriminate in the employment or promotion of individuals on the basis of race, color, religion, age,
national origin, sex, or disability.
Reid Ross Classical School
Welcome to Reid Ross Classical School, your year-round
School Of Choice! You have chosen a secure and supportive
academic environment in which to learn and grow. The Reid
Ross Classical staff is looking forward to an exciting and
challenging school year. Your family, along with the Reid Ross
Classical staff, has high expectations as you fill the school year
with enthusiasm, purpose and success.
Your success as a student depends on the choices you make
and is directly related to your efforts. Invest your time and
energy wisely each day; the skills, abilities, and attitudes you
develop will last a lifetime.
The ultimate purpose of education is to help each student
become an effective, responsible, and productive citizen in our
democratic society. Education is a team responsibility that
begins with your family, extends to the school, and
encompasses the entire community. The Reid Ross Classical
Handbook is prepared to help you develop and accept the
responsibilities and obligations of good citizenship in our
school and community. Each student and parent is responsible
for knowing and understanding this handbook, as well as the
Cumberland County School’s Code of Conduct.
Vision Statement
Our vision at Reid Ross Classical School is to develop
well-rounded, confident and responsible individuals who aspire
to achieve their full potential. We will do this by providing a
welcoming, engaging, safe, and supportive learning
environment in which everyone is treated equally and
achievements are celebrated.
Mission Statement
We believe all children can learn; therefore, our mission as
educators at Reid Ross Classical School is to teach all
students. We strive to provide an education that emphasizes
rigorous academics, current technology, and the arts, while
developing character, school pride, and civic responsibility from
middle school through high school in a safe and structured
Administration and Staff
Principal………………………….Ms. Johnson
Assistant Principal………………Ms. Etchison
Assistant Principal………………Ms. McFarlin
Guidance Counselor……………Ms. Bradshaw
Guidance Counselor……………Ms. Lewis
Social Worker……………………Ms. Pierce-Ford
Media Specialist…………………Ms. Vaughn
Cafeteria Manager………………Mr. M. Parker
Administrative Assistant…..........Ms. White
Bookkeeper………………………Ms. McArthur
Registrar/Data Manager………...Ms. Pittman
Attendance……………………….Mrs. Chadwick
Front Desk……………………….Mr. Payton
Cumberland County Schools Character
CCS Vision Statement
Every student will have equitable access to engaging learning
that prepares them to be Collaborative, Competitive and
Successful in our global world.
Student Code of Conduct Mission Statement
Cumberland County Schools will provide a safe, positive
and rigorous learning environment to prepare lifelong
learners to reach their maximum potential.
Our Core Values | Shared beliefs that guide our work
EXCELLENCE: We pursue and maintain the highest
INNOVATION: We develop new and emerging solutions
COLLABORATION: We work together to produce the best
EQUITY: We provide every student a fair opportunity for
INTEGRITY: We speak and act honestly and truthfully
COMPASSION: We treat everyone with concern and
Our Strategic Priorities | major priorities that enable our
vision and mission
Graduate every student confident, competitive, and
ready for a career, college, and life.
Recruit, support, and retain impactful teachers,
leaders, and support staff.
Integrate resources, facilities, and staff to maintain a
safe, inviting learning environment for students to
grow academically, socially and emotionally.
Collectively engage schools, parents, and community
in building student success.
Statement of Purpose
An educated citizenry is essential to good government in this
country and cannot exist without effective public schools. A
democracy is only as strong as the character of its individual
citizens. The Board earnestly solicits the cooperation of every
student, every parent, and the community at large in its effort to
develop positive character and to maintain order and safety in
the Cumberland County Public Schools. Students are expected
to treat others with respect, behave in a responsible manner,
and demonstrate high standards of integrity. The Cumberland
County Board of Education supports our principals with a
policy that no student will continuously fail to comply with the
rules of the school system or continuously engage in behavior
that impedes the ability of others to learn.
Code of Good Character
Respect: To act with courtesy, tolerance, and dignity.
Responsibility: To be dependable and accountable for one’s
Integrity: To have the inner strength to adhere to high ethical
Caring: To demonstrate kindness, consideration, and
Self-Discipline: To exercise positive self-control.
Trustworthiness: To be worthy of confidence.
Fairness: To be impartial and equitable.
Citizenship: To honor and contribute to the laws, policies, and
human rights of the land.
Choice School
It is the expectation that every student at Reid Ross Classical
School abides by the guidelines to participate in the Choice
School Program.
Academics: RRCS prepares students for college and/or a
meaningful career and focuses on a rigorous curriculum which
moves along at a brisk pace.
Attendance: Excessive tardies/absences is an indication that
transportation MAY be a problem.
Athletics: Middle school students are allowed to play sports at
their home school. 8
graders may participate in their home
high school’s marching band. High school students may
participate in their home high school band, cheerleading or
athletics and will be held accountable to the NCHSAA policies
and procedures for athletic eligibility.
Behavior: Respect for oneself and each other is a lifelong skill.
Lack of respect, especially for any adult, is not tolerated. Our
behavioral plan/policy is outlined below.
When misbehavior occurs, we will follow the steps below
unless the misbehavior is so grievous as to require immediate
administrative help.
The teacher and/or team will have a conference with
the student.
A parental conference will be held with the student
and teacher and/or team.
Teachers will assign disciplinary consequences.
The teacher/team will refer the student to the
The teacher/team will refer the student to the Student
Services Team and follow any steps they may
Helpful Hints
1. Become familiar with the parent/student handbook
and the Cumberland County Student Code of
2. Come to school prepared with pencils, paper, books,
and other materials.
3. Obey the Dress Code: All students are expected to
adhere to the dress code policy each day.
4. Report any concerns you have to faculty, staff, or
5. Become involved in school activities and functions.
6. Remember that all school rules apply to all school
Do Not:
1. Do not bring large amounts of money or valuables to
2. Do not leave trays on the tables in the lunchroom.
3. Do not engage in over-familiarity.
4. Do not store anything in a locker that does not have a
5. Do not leave musical instruments unattended.
6. Do not leave cars unlocked and never leave valuables
visible in the car.
7. Do not use profanity.
8. Do not use electronic devices unless approved by the
classroom teacher for educational purposes.
Parental Conferences
Parent-teacher conferences are highly desirable for they are
beneficial to the students, parents, and teachers. Conferences
will be scheduled as needed throughout the year.
Student Code of Conduct
According to the Cumberland County Schools’ Student Code of
Conduct, page 1, all students will comply with all rules
governing behavior and conduct. The Student Code of
Conduct is given to each student entering Reid Ross Classical
School and may also be accessed through the school website.
As stated in this booklet, it is the responsibility of the principal
to investigate fully the cases of students appropriately referred
to his/her office for misbehavior, to ensure fair treatment of
each student and protection of their procedural and substantive
rights, and to determine what, if any, disciplinary action is
warranted. The teacher shall have the responsibility and
authority to discipline students, except in those cases requiring
the attention of the administration. Violations of the
Cumberland County School Board policies and regulations
issued by Reid Ross Classical School may result in disciplinary
action as described in the Cumberland County Schools’
Student Code of Conduct.
One of the most important lessons education should teach is
discipline. It is the training that develops self-control, character,
orderliness, and efficiency. It is the key to good conduct and
proper respect for self, others, and property. All Reid Ross
Classical students and staff have the right to work in an
atmosphere free from unreasonable and unwarranted
disruptions. We value our class time and activity time.
Class Preparation
Each student is required to enter class prepared. Pencils,
pens, paper, textbooks, planner, and all class related materials
are necessary for each class. Non-instructional items are not
permitted at school unless directed by a staff member.
Respectful Behavior
In order to maintain a positive academic environment
conducive to high standards in teaching and learning, students
will be accountable for responsible, respectful behavior.
Students must adhere to the rules contained in the
Cumberland County Schools Student Code of Conduct, Reid
Ross Classical School Student Handbook, and Reid Ross
Classical School Dress Code.
Hall Etiquette
Students are asked to be courteous at all times and to keep to
the right when walking in the halls. Running and shouting are
never permitted in the halls. Students may not have their
headphones or earbuds in while in the hallways. 10/10 Policy:
Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom during
the first 10 and last 10 minutes of class. Once students
enter a classroom, they must stay there. This includes
after high school first and second lunches.
Lockers and Locks
Combination locks used on any school locker must be
secured through Reid Ross Classical School.
Homeroom teachers will assign lockers to begin the new
school year. Students will use only the locker that has been
assigned to them. Students are required to record the locker
number and lock combination with the homeroom teacher. Any
lock that is not a school assigned lock will be cut from the
locker at the student’s expense. Students are responsible for
the upkeep of lockers. No posters, writing, stickers, or insignia
are permitted in or on lockers. The school cannot be
responsible for articles or books lost from lockers. Students are
also reminded that they will not share or exchange lockers
once they are assigned. Violations may result in disciplinary
Replacement locks may be secured from the homeroom
Theft Prevention
The best method of theft prevention is to be conscious of the
possibility of theft and to strive to eliminate these opportunities.
Each student and employee of the school has a responsibility
in the area of theft prevention. However, the school is not
responsible for items that are lost or stolen. Listed below
are some hints to prevent theft.
1. Never leave anything in a locker that does not have a
2. Never keep/leave anything in the Physical Education
dressing rooms during your PE Class.
3. Musical instruments should never be left unattended.
4. Write your name on your property.
5. The best practice is not to bring anything valuable to
Theft and Vandalism
In order to deal more effectively with the problem of theft and
vandalism at Reid Ross Classical, any such incident should be
reported immediately to the office.
Search and Seizure
School officials have the authority to conduct
reasonable searches and seizures in accordance with
this policy for the purpose of maintaining a safe,
orderly environment and of upholding standards of
conduct established by the board of school. For the
purpose of this policy, a “school official” is a school
administrator or a school resource officer acting in
conjunction with and under the direction of a school
administrator. This policy does not apply to
investigations conducted by law enforcement officials
or investigations conducted exclusively for the
purpose of criminal prosecution. Any school official
carrying out a search or seizure is expected to be
knowledgeable about the constitutional rights of
students and the appropriate procedures for
conducting the search or seizure, Searches shall not
be conducted to deliberately embarrass, harass or
intimidate a student. A search of a student is lawful if
there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the
search will turn up evidence that the student has
violated or is violating a specific law or school rule. A
search of a student is permissible in scope when
measures adopted are reasonably related to the
objectives of the search and not excessively intrusive
in light of the age and sex of the student and the
nature of the infraction. Reasonable suspicion is not
required if a student freely, voluntarily and knowingly
consents and agrees to the search of his or her
person or personal effects.
Reasonable suspicion must be based upon specific
and articulable facts, which may be garnered through
information from faculty members, reliable students,
law enforcement officers or other credible sources, or
upon visual or other evidence (e.g. the smell of
alcohol or marijuana, an alert from a metal detector of
drug dog).
If a lawful search yields illegal contraband, such as
materials will be seized and turned over to the proper
law enforcement authorities.
A student’s failure to permit reasonable searches and
seizures as provided in this policy will be considered a
violation of the expected standard of behavior, and
appropriate consequences may be imposed.
Any of a student’s personal effects, including purses,
book bags, outer clothing and wireless
communication devices may be searched whenever a
school authority has reasonable grounds for
suspecting that the search will turn up evidence that
the student has violated or is violating a specific law
or school rule. The scope of the search must be
reasonably related to the objectives of the search and
not excessively intrusive in light of the nature of the
1. “Pat-down”
A frisk or “pat-down” search of a student’s person is
permissible if there are reasonable grounds for
suspecting that the search will turn up evidence that
the student has violated or is violating a specific law or
school rule. The search must be conducted in private
by a school official of the same gender and with an
adult witness present, when feasible.
2. Step Searches
Strip searches by school personnel are prohibited.
1. Individual Search Based upon Reasonable
A metal detector may be used to search a student’s
person and/or personal effects whenever a school
official reasonably suspects that the student is in
possession of a weapon. The search must be
conducted by a school official. The search will be
conducted in private, when feasible.
2. General Searches
In view of the escalating presence of weapons in
schools, the board authorizes school officials to
conduct general (suspicion-less) searches of students
and other persons and their personal effects with a
metal detector before the person may gain entry to
the school campus or any school-sponsored
extracurricular activity. In addition, school officials may
use metal detectors to screen or search the general
student body when a school administrator has
reasonable suspicion that there is a weapon on
campus in the possession of an unidentified student
(or students) and that such screening or search will
disclose the weapon. Such searches must be
conducted in a minimally-intrusive, nondiscriminatory
manner in accordance with procedures established by
the superintendent or designee and may not be used
to single out a particular individual or category of
Absent exigent circumstances (e.g., a report of a
weapon on campus), prior to conducting general
searches, school administrators must: (1)
demonstrate to the superintendent the need for
general searches based upon a pattern or expectation
of violence or disruption; and (2) provide written
notice, if feasible, to students and parents of the
school policy governing general searches, but not of
specific times when or places where searches will be
conducted. Any search conducted pursuant to this
policy must be conducted by a school official.
3. Consequences for Failure to Cooperate with
A student who refused to cooperate with a metal
detector search as provided in this policy shall be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including
suspension. Any person who is not a student who
refuses to permit a metal detector search at a
school-sponsored activity may be denied entry to the
Student desks, lockers and other school-owned
tangible property and equipment are school property
and remain at all times under the control of the
school. However, students are expected to assume
full responsibility for the security of their desks and
lockers. School owned property and any other items
or equipment issued to the student may not be used
to store illegal, unauthorized or contraband materials.
Periodic general (suspicion-less) inspections of
desks, lockers and other school-owned equipment
may be conducted by school authorities for
maintenance or health/sanitation reasons or for any
other reason consistent with board policies or school
rules at any time, without notice, or consent, so long
as such searches are conducted pursuant to
established procedures and in a nondiscriminatory
A student’s personal effects found within a desk or
locker, such as backpacks, cell phones, gym bags or
purses, may be searched only pursuant to the
scheduleguidelines for searches of personal effects
described above (see section B).
School-owned computers and electronic devices and
any data they contain remain under the control of the
school and are subject to inspection at any time. (See
policy 3225/4312/7320, Technology Acceptable Use.)
Students are permitted to park on school premises as
a matter of privilege, not of right. School officials have
authority to patrol student parking lots and to inspect
the exteriors of student automobiles on school property
at all times to maintain safety in the parking lots. The
interior of a student’s motor vehicle parked on the
school premises may be searched if a school official
has reasonable grounds for suspecting that the search
will turn up evidence that the student has violated or is
violating a law or a school rule.
With the prior approval of the superintendent, school
officials may use trained dogs in inspections for illegal
materials in school facilities, on school grounds and in
school parking lots. All dogs must be accompanied by
a qualified and authorized trainer who is responsible
for the dog’s actions and who is able to verify the dog’s
reliability and accuracy in sniffing out illegal material.
Trained dogs may sniff lockers, student motor vehicles
and other inanimate objects. Such inspections are not
considered searchers and do not require notice or
Dogs may not be used for random searches of
students or other persons. If a school official has
reasonable suspicion that a student possesses illegal
material on his or her person, a dog may sniff the air
near the student. Such a search will be conducted in
private with the school official and an adult witness
present, when feasible.
School buses are state property and are a means of
transportation provided by the state. School bus transportation
is only available to Reid Ross Classical School students
residing in the Reid Ross Classical attendance area. Students
that live outside the Reid Ross Classical attendance area may
not be dropped off at a relative or friend’s home in order to ride
the bus. Riding the school bus is a privilege and not a
right. To ensure the safety of all passengers, students must
adhere to the following guidelines while riding the bus:
1. Students shall observe quiet conduct.
2. Students shall stay in their seats and face forward.
3. Students shall refrain from throwing paper on the floor
of the bus.
4. Students shall not consume food or drinks on the bus.
5. Students may use electronic devices if approved by
the bus driver.
6. No part of the body shall be extended through the bus
7. Students must be quiet while the bust is stopped for
railroad crossings.
8. Students shall only open the emergency door in an
9. Students must sit in assigned seats.
10. Students are liable for all damages to school property.
11. Students may not ride a bus not assigned to them
unless prior approval is received from the
administrator. Unauthorized students cannot ride the
Pick-Up/Drop Off Times
To ensure safety and proper supervision on campus, students
who are picked up consistently late will be banned from
after-school activities or may be returned to their home school,
as this indicates transportation is a problem (a requirement of
choice schools).
Students should not arrive before 8:00 a.m. and must be
picked up by 4:00 p.m.
Middle School Students remaining after school for
scheduled supervised activities must have a signed “after
school pass” and the pass given to the teacher 24 hours
prior to the student remaining after school. Prearranged
transportation for departure at the announced ending time
is required. All after school activities are over by 4:45 and
students must be off campus by 5:00 unless otherwise
specified by a teacher.
Driver Eligibility Certificate (School Receptionist &
House Bill 769 Dropout Prevention Driver’s License Regulation
As of August 1, 1998, students are required to obtain a Driving
Eligibility Certificate (DEC) in order to receive a North Carolina
driver’s permit or license. The DEC certifies that the student
has demonstrated adequate progress in school. Adequate
progress is passing 6 of 8 courses. In order to obtain a DEC,
the student has to have a certified copy of his/her birth
certificate, Social Security card, Driver Education Completion
Certificate, and have made adequate progress in school. A
parent/guardian must sign the Driver Eligibility Certificate.
Automobile Regulations Parking at RRCS
Rules and regulations can be obtained from the front office and
are located in the back of this handbook. The privilege of
parking a personal vehicle on school grounds may be
exercised only after the student has met the requirements
established by the Cumberland County School Board of
Education and the school principal. This list is not inclusive.
1. The principal will assign official student parking space.
2. Each student authorized to drive must display a
parking permit on the vehicle.
3. Neither the school nor the school system is
responsible for loss due to fire, theft, or accident
relative to personal vehicles on school grounds.
4. Students are not to be in the parking lot or in parked
cars at unauthorized times during the day.
5. Students will not sit in their vehicle or loiter in the
parking lot while on school grounds.
6. Students shall not exceed a maximum speed of 10
miles per hour when driving a vehicle on school
7. Seat belt use is mandatory.
The parking area for student use is located on the lower
parking lot of the campus. Cars must be parked within the
white lines on the parking lots. Students are to avoid parking in
any area that is marked with yellow paint. Violation of the
above rules or use of the car to violate any school rules could
result in suspension of school parking privileges. Student
vehicles illegally parked on school campuses (i.e. no decal,
parking in an unauthorized area, etc.) will be towed at the
owner’s expense. All students that park a car at Reid Ross
Classical School are required to obtain an application from the
school’s office. Once the application has been approved, the
parking decal can be obtained at the cost of $50.00 for one
year. A complete listing of auto regulations is outlined on page
20 of this handbook.
There are designated lunch periods and students must eat
during their assigned lunch period. Please observe the
following rules in the cafeteria. Failure to do so may result in
disciplinary action.
1. Have your money and number ready.
2. Students who use free/reduced lunch numbers under
false pretenses will be subject to paying for that lunch
and disciplinary procedures.
3. Food purchased outside the school (Example:
fast food) is not permitted in the cafeteria.
4. No food or drink is to be taken from the cafeteria.
5. Everyone must return his/her paper, dishes, eating
utensils, and trays when he/she has finished eating.
6. Book bags are not permitted in the cafeteria.
7. Glass bottles should not be brought to school.
8. Dress code guidelines apply during meal time.
9. Do not bring food items prepared at home to
school to share with other students.
School Meals
Breakfast and lunch are served daily for the following prices:
Reduced Lunch: $.40
Breakfast: Free
Lunch: $2.75
Students may prepay (cash or check) for meals for a week or
Faculty Workroom
Only student office assistants are allowed in the teacher
workroom. No other students are allowed in the teachers’
workroom for any reason before, during, or after school.
Media Center
Students present in the Media Center will be expected to
conduct themselves in a quiet and orderly manner. Failure to
do so may result in suspension of library privileges. In order to
be admitted to the Media Center, students must present their
student planner, signed by the supervising teacher, unless a
teacher accompanies them. If it is determined that the pass
was forged, disciplinary action will result.
Fire and Tornado Drills
Fire drills are conducted each month throughout the school
year (the fire alarm will be three short rings of the bell). A
tornado drill will be conducted in the spring. One long ring
followed by one short ring of the bell signals a tornado drill.
Students assume a tucked position and cover their heads
during a tornado drill. Check the posted instructions in each
classroom indicating how to exit the building in case of fire or
where to report for safety during a tornado. All students must
walk silently and quickly to the designated area and wait for the
signal to return to the building.
Administration of Medicine (Medicine Clerk, Data Manager,
or School Receptionist)
Students required to take oral medications during school hours
must have an official physician’s medication form properly
completed and on file in our office. This medication form
requires written instructions, student’s name, name of drug,
dosage time, time of day medication is to be given, and
signatures of the physician and parent. Parents are
responsible for transporting to and from school all medicines to
be administered by school personnel in a container properly
labeled by the pharmacy or physician. The pharmacy label on
the bottle must match the physician medication form exactly.
All medication must be kept in the office. No student is to
have any medications, whether prescription of
over-the-county, on their person, unless authorized by the
Illness/Injury at School
Any student sick or injured at school must immediately notify
school personnel. Parents will be notified. In case of injury, an
accident report will be completed by the school personnel that
witnessed the accident or were first notified of the accident.
The accident report is to be turned in to the administrative
assistant principal.
School accident insurance plans selected by the Cumberland
County Schools Board of Education are made available on an
optional basis to the students. At the beginning of the school
year, printed information and applications will be given to each
student. The completed application forms must be mailed
directly to the insurance company.
Student Fees
Any fee or charge due to be paid to any school in the system
and not paid at the end of the school year shall be carried
forward until the next school year, as such debts are
considered to be debts of the student to the school system and
not to a particular school. See homeroom teacher for the
following fees:
1. The school provides a planner to every student.
2. Only locks acquired from RRCS may be used.
3. Students may purchase a mesh bag (authorized for
carrying P.E. clothing).
4. Parking Permit - $50.00 year
5. Special Events (i.e., Graduation invitations, cap and
6. Lost or damaged materials, supplies, or equipment
7. Senior Dues are $100.00 (senior dues are necessary
and required obligation of every graduating senior, in
order to cover the Senior Class’s activities and
ceremony expenses. Failure to pay dues will result in
a student’s exclusion from the Graduation Ceremony).
The State does not provide guidelines for assessing costs for
lost or damaged textbooks. Therefore, this regulation for
assessing costs for lost or damaged textbooks has been
established by the Cumberland County School System.
1. Lost Book: 100% of the current price will be charged
until the last year of use. At that time, the price
charged would be the rebinding price (currently
2. Damaged Books, Unusable: Full price will be charged
based on replacement needs.
3. Damaged Books, Usable: The amount collected will
be assessed by the teacher based on the condition at
the time the textbook was issued versus returned.
Assessments will vary depending on the level of
destruction incurred.
4. Full price charges will also be applied to any
workbook that is lost or damaged beyond use. If the
workbook is lost at the end of the adoption cycle no
charge is necessary.
5. Rebinding Fee: The current rate is $7.00 (subject to
Care of School Property
School property is state property, and therefore belongs to
everyone. It should be treated with all due respect and care.
Anyone who damages or destroys school property will be
expected to pay for that property. According to the seriousness
of the offense, additional disciplinary action may be taken.
Off-Limit Area
Certain areas on campus are off-limits to students during the
school day.
1. Teacher workrooms
2. Bus parking lot
3. Student and faculty parking lots
4. Football bleachers and football field, softball and
baseball fields
5. Gym, unless supervised
6. Cafeteria (except during lunch periods)
7. Shrubbery, grass and trees around the school
Students are not allowed to leave campus without proper
authorization during the school day. Students who do this will
face disciplinary action.
Emergency School Closing
In the event of inclement weather, school may be closed or
may require a delayed starting time or an early dismissal. Local
radio and television stations will announce these conditions
and a ParentLink message will be sent home. The Cumberland
County Schools website may also be accessed for updates.
Our school policy is to welcome visitors who have legitimate
business at school. Visitors must report to the main office and
sign in for authorization upon arrival. Visitors are allowed to
visit designated areas only. Parents are always welcome at
Reid Ross Classical School. Parents wishing to have a
conference with a teacher/team must contact the teacher/team
to make an appointment. Administrative approval is required
before visiting a classroom with 48 hours advance notice..
Visitors should not expect to speak with the teacher or student
during this time. Instructional time is not the time for a
conference. Students may not bring visitors to school.
School Standards
Promotion and Retention Policy (CC Board Policy IHE)
Middle School
Students in grade 6-8 must earn a passing grade of 60 or
higher in English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and
Science. Additionally, students must earn a passing grade of
60 or higher in one of the following: Health/P.E., C.T.E.,
Cultural Arts, or any approved elective. Final promotion
decisions shall be based on mastery of grade-level skills as
measured by teacher assessments, North Carolina End of
Grade Tests, and other local and state recommended
High School
For promotion from grade nine (9) to grade ten (10), each
student must pass a minimum of six (6) units of course credits.
One (1) of these units must be in English.
For promotion from grade ten (10) to grade eleven (11), each
student must pass a minimum of thirteen (13) units of course
credit in grades nine (9) and ten (10). Two (2) of these units
must be in English.
For promotion from grade eleven (11) to grade twelve (12),
each student must pass a minimum of twenty (20) units of
course credit in grades nine (9), ten (10), and eleven (11) and
be in a position to graduate at the end of the regular school
year. Three (3) of these units must be in English.
Transfer students who have been promoted under their
previous school’s standards will retain their pre-transfer grade
level. They must meet local promotion standards for
subsequent grade level promotion. North Carolina state and
local graduation requirements must be met in order for
students to obtain a Cumberland County Schools diploma.
Honors Courses
The overall purpose of Honors courses is to provide a more
rigorous curriculum in which instruction is expanded and
special activities focus appropriately on both depth and breadth
of content. Instructors place additional emphasis on the
application of content within each course and across related
disciplines. Honors courses require advanced reading lists,
advanced writing assignments, and independent
study/projects. Additional activities may include follow-up
assignments on enrichment activities and a portfolio collection
of work. You may enroll in an Honors course if you possess the
appropriate prerequisite courses and choose to participate in
this more rigorous of study.
Advanced Placement Courses
Advanced Placement courses expose high school students to
college-level curriculum. Students may study challenging
subjects of interest in a variety of areas Arts, English,
Foreign Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.
*In order to enroll in AP coursework, students must possess
appropriate prerequisite courses and choose to participate in
this advanced course of study. No drops will be allowed
unless there are extenuating circumstances that would
cause the principal to approve the drop. AP Exams are
administered in the spring of each school year. Colleges and
Universities may grant credit, placement, or both based on
scores on the exams. Students enrolled in Advanced
Placement courses are required to take the AP Exams given
by the College Board in order to receive AP weighted credit.
Students enrolled in AP courses have the option to take the AP
Exam. If a student does not take the AP Exam then his/her
final grade will be reduced by one letter grade.
Graduation Requirements
To graduate from the Cumberland County School system, a
student must successfully complete the Future-Ready Core
Course of Study requirements shown below in grades 9-12:
4 Credits – English I, II, III, IV
4 Credits Mathematics (should include Common Core Math
I, II, and III and a higher level math course with Common Core
Math III as a prerequisite)
3 Credits Science Physical Science, Physics or Chemistry
course, Biology, and an Earth/Environmental Science
4 Credits Social Studies American History: The Founding
Principles, Civics, and Economics, World History and either
American History I and American History II or AP US History
and additional Social Studies course
1 Credit – Health and Physical Education
12 Credits Elective Courses (Arts Ed, CTE, or AP
Concentrations recommended)
Diploma In order to graduate and receive a high school
diploma, public school students must meet all graduation
requirements and attain passing scores on proficiency tests
adopted by the SBE and administered by Cumberland County
Transcripts A student will be eligible for only a transcript in
the event the student exits a Cumberland County High School
program prior to completion of the requirements for a diploma
or certificate. Transcripts shall include:
1. All courses completed and grades earned in grades
2. A record of school attendance during grades 9-12
3. Participation in special programs or any other
information as determined by the Cumberland County
Board of Education.
Make-up Assignments
Students are responsible for securing make-up assignments
on the day they return. All work missed due to a lawful
absence must be made up upon the student’s return to
school and within three (3) days in high school and five (5)
days in middle school. All assignments that are not made up
will be reflected in the student’s grade. Late work policies will
be outlined at the beginning of the year with each curriculum
course guide.
Attendance Policy
State Law and Board policy require students to attend school
daily and be present for all classes. Regular and punctual
attendance is critical to student success in school. In order to
be considered in attendance, a student must be present in
school for the school day, or at a place other than school with
the approval of the appropriate school official for the purpose of
attending a school activity which has been officially authorized
under the policies of the Board of Education. Such activities
may include field trips, student conventions, musical festivals,
or any similarly approved activity. The Cumberland County
Board of Education authorizes school principals to record as
present those pupils attending school-related activities as
designated by the Superintendent, providing the pupil’s
attendance at school-related activities has prior approval of the
principal or the appropriate school official. A student shall be
present at least one-half of the school day in order to be
counted present for the entire day. Students are expected to be
in school except for lawful reasons as explained below:
1. Student illness or injury
2. Quarantine
3. Death in the immediate family
4. Medical or dental appointments of students
5. Religious observance
6. Court/Legal Proceedings
7. Military Educational Leave
8. Educational opportunity (prior approval by the
principal is required)
This information includes what every parent should know about
school attendance and the law. North Carolina law requires all
children who are enrolled in Kindergarten through 12th grade
to attend school on a regular basis. When a child misses a day
of school the parent/guardian must notify the homeroom
teacher in writing within three days of the absence.
There are two types of absences: excused (lawful) and
unexcused (unlawful). An absence must fall into one of the
following eight categories to be excused:
1. Illness or Injury: The student is physically unable to attend
school due to an illness or injury.
2. Quarantine: The isolation of the student ordered by the
health department/board of health or medical physician.
3. Death in the Family: The death of an immediate family
member such as parents, siblings or grandparents.
4. Medical/Dental Appointment: Not for routine hour-long
appointments, but for extensive appointments involving
medical procedures.
5. Court: The child must be present for court proceedings or an
administrative hearing.
6. Religious Observation: The tenets of a religion to which a
student and his/her parents adhere, require or suggest
observance of a religious event.
7. Educational Opportunity: The purpose of the absence is to
take advantage of a valid educational opportunity such as
travel by the student. An educational opportunity form is
required for prior approval by the principal. A student report
must be turned in within five days of the last absence.
8. Military Deployment or Reunification: The child’s
parent/guardian is deploying, redeploying or home on leave.
Not to exceed five (5) days of absences.
School attendance is essential for student success and the
habitual, chronic tardiness is a major factor in the loss of
instructional time for students regardless of age. It is also one
of the most valuable life skills a student can learn and can be
easily transferred as a valuable asset for the future. The loss of
instructional time due to tardiness (late check-ins) may affect a
student’s grades, achievement, and overall success in school.
Therefore, it is our expectation at Reid Ross Classical (Choice
School) that our students arrive at school on time prepared for
Choice School students are not allowed flexibility from
attendance expectations. The Unexcused Tardiness Policy is
posted on the school’s website with the start time of the school
day indicating that any student will be considered tardy after
the instructional day begins. All instances of tardiness are
recorded, whether excused or unexcused, in the district
database (PowerSchool). If a student is tardy, it is the
parent/guardian’s responsibility to inform the school in writing
the reason for tardiness within three days of the tardy.
Parents should make every attempt to make appointments
outside of the school day so interruptions and missed school
time are minimal.
In an effort to minimize student tardiness (late check-ins), the
following procedure is in place:
Written notice will be mailed to the parent after an
accumulation of five (5) and ten (10) unexcused
tardies (late check-ins).
The Attendance Clerk/School Social Worker will
inform the Student Assignment Office when the
Choice School student has fifteen (15) unexcused
tardies (late check-ins). The Student Assignment
Office will then provide a warning of pending dismissal
to the parent/guardian in writing.
Choice students who continue to check-in late after
accumulating twenty (20) unexcused tardies will be
referred to the Student Assignment Office for possible
reassignment to their homeschool.
Thank you in advance for your immediate attention regarding
this procedure. If you have questions or concerns, please feel
free to contact Mrs. Chadwick, Attendance Clerk, or a School
Social Worker (Ms. Ford, Middle School or Dr. McLaurin, High
If attendance concerns continue after the 10-day meeting, then
the social worker may proceed to the following actions:
1. Truancy Mediation Council. The social worker will request
for a formal mediation at the Cumberland County courthouse
The parent/guardian will meet with school personnel, social
services, court representatives, juvenile services, mental
health counselors and any agencies involved with the student.
This will give all parties a chance to discuss the situation and
come to a mutually satisfactory solution.
2. District Court. The social worker may elect to proceed with
court action. This action brings all parties in front of a judge to
discuss the noncompliance with the compulsory attendance
law. This could result in jail time as well as fines.
Students accumulating 10 excused absences are sent a letter
of Excessive Excused Absences. A physician’s note will be
required for all future absences. Failure to provide a
physician’s note will result in the absence being coded
unexcused. Parents/guardians may submit a letter from a
physician stating that the student has a chronic illness that will
cause the student to be absent more than 10 days in a school
It is the student’s responsibility to make up missed classroom
assignments within five days of returning to school. Please
contact your teachers immediately.
To be eligible for PFMS sports, you must be in attendance for
85% of the previous semester. Student-athletes may not attend
practice or games on days they are absent.
Your school social worker will assist your family in overcoming
any barriers that may be keeping your child from coming to
school. Address issues early, so the school year will be
successful for your child and family!
Keep track of your child’s attendance by accessing the parent
portal at Parent Home Base Portal.
You will receive sign-in information from your child’s homeroom
Please check for special restrictions under each lawful reason.
Documentation will be required to be considered lawful.
Acceptable documentation can be a doctor’s note with the
signature, date, and time of appointment; subpoena; or
parent/legal guardian’s note with the student’s name, date,
days of absences, reason for absence, and parent or
guardian’s signature. Documentation should be given to the
homeroom teacher the day the student returns to school after
an absence. If the note is not received explaining the absence
within three (3) days after the student returns to school, the
absence will be coded as an UNLAWFUL absence. All other
absences not defined above as LAWFUL are coded unlawful.
Check In Policy
Parents should not drop students off before 8:00 a.m.
Students will report to the gym or the cafeteria to eat breakfast.
Students who arrive at school after classes are in session
must report to the front office with a parent or legal
guardian to sign in and secure an admittance pass to
class. If a parent or legal guardian does not accompany
the student to check him/her in, the student will receive an
Check Out Policy
Only a parent/emergency contact may check a student
out. Parents/emergency contacts must provide a photo ID
when checking the student out. Students will not be called
to the office for checkout until the parent/guardian reports
to the office for identification. No check outs will be
allowed after 3:00 p.m.
Morning Tardy Policy to School
Cumberland County School Regulation 4400-R Unexcused
Tardies/Early Release
The regulation states, “For purposes of the compulsory
attendance law and/or Student Code of Conduct reasons, a
student will be considered unlawfully absent for one school day
when the student accumulates unexcused tardies and/or
unexcused early releases occurring on six or more school days
in excess of thirty minutes each day.”
“A student will also be considered unlawfully absent if the
unexcused tardies and/or unexcused early releases
accumulate to twenty percent or more of the school days in a
calendar month.”
“This regulation shall not apply to tardies and early releases
excused by the principal, or designee.”
Students are expected to be in their class by 8:30 a.m. each
day except for the following lawful reasons in which
documentation is required at check-in or check-out:
1. Student illness or injury
2. Quarantine
3. Death in immediate family
4. Medical or dental appointments of students
5. Religious observance
6. Court/Legal Proceedings
7. Military Educational Leave
8. Educational opportunity (prior approval by the
principal is required)
Also be reminded that Reid Ross Classical is a school of
choice and parents must provide timely transportation to and
from school each day. Failure to provide transportation may
result in your child being transferred to his/her home school.
Transfer from Reid Ross Classical School
Parents or legal guardians of students transferring from Reid
Ross Classical School to another Cumberland County School
must appeal to Cumberland County Schools Student
Assignment Office prior to withdrawing to initiate the withdrawal
process. Students are responsible for returning textbooks and
library books to the appropriate teachers. Teachers will not
take books from students before the student’s withdrawal is
approved. All paperwork must be given to the Registrar and
the teachers must receive the Registrar’s withdrawal form
before a student can withdraw. Outstanding fees or fines must
be paid prior to a student’s transfer.
Student Activities
Students may participate in extra-curricular activities provided
they are in good academic standing (GPA 2.0 or above) and
have transportation available after the activity is over. Should a
student’s transportation not be reliable, the coach/sponsor can
remove them from the activity until they can arrange more
consistent transportation. All students must have a completed
field trip permission form to go on a field trip. The following
academic activities are available but are not limited to for
High School Marshals
High School National Honor Society
High School Tri-M Music Honor Society
Young Ladies of Grace
Ladies of Grace
Middle/High School Pep Squad
Middle School Battle of the Books
Middle School National Junior Honor Society
Middle School MathCounts
Middle/High School Art Club
High School National Technical Honor Society
Middle/High School Forensics
Middle/High School Student Government Association
Middle/High School A.Y.P.Y.N. Clubs
Performing Arts Performance Expectations
Band, Chorus, Dance, Orchestra, and Theater are performing
Arts classes. Every student is required to attend all special
rehearsals and performances. These classes cannot perform
effectively with members missing.
Four Exceptions:
1. Personal illness
2. Suspension from school
3. Family emergency
4. Prior Commitment
In these cases, once a concert date has been given, the
director must be notified (via a written note, e-mail or phone
call from a parent/guardian) no later than 3 days after the
date has been announced. Please check your calendars
carefully to avoid conflicts. If a performance is missed, an
alternate assignment will be given.
Community Service
High School students are required to perform community
service each semester, in order to receive the CCS Volunteer
Honor Cord and “S” on the RRCS transcript. The hours
required vary per grade level, and students will be notified of
hours of community service required each year. Community
service must be performed outside the school curriculum, and
report forms are available at school and on the RRCS website.
Senior Honor Cords and Awards
Seniors are eligible to receive many awards and cords of
distinction. Latin System Graduation Honors are determined by
the weighted GPA at the conclusion of the first semester of
senior year. For information on eligibility and type of awards
offered see the counseling department.
Academy of Scholars (AOS)
Based upon class rank and size, a pool of top ranked 11
grade students will be invited to participate. The students and
their parents will be provided with the AOS Program guidelines
and will be asked to affirm their commitment to the seminar
attendance by signing a Participation Agreement Form. Upon
satisfactory submission of all forms, students will be admitted
to the Academy.
Any AOS student missing one session without the AOS
Coach’s permission will relinquish their membership in AOS.
Junior Marshal Selection
The Junior Marshal Coordinator will run junior transcripts in the
second semester. The top junior candidates will be invited to
become marshals. Should the junior decline, the next name on
the rank list will be invited to be a marshal.
General Information
Announcements related to school and student affairs will be
made each day. Furthermore, parents may access the school
website Facebook: Reid Ross Page, or
our Twitter feed @theross4. All announcements are to be
submitted to the administration for approval.
Only school-approved clubs and organizations are entitled to
have fundraising activities. The Reid Ross Classical School
administration must approve all fundraising activities.
For security reasons, messages will not be delivered to
students. A parent, guardian or contact person may come to
school and deliver the message to the student once their
identity is confirmed.
All posters, pictures, announcements, etc., must be directly
related to educational opportunities of school events/activities.
All of the above items must be approved by the
Lost and Found
Personal belongings found on school grounds will be turned
into the ice room in the gymnasium area or the front office.
Items not claimed at the end of each semester will be donated
to a charitable organization.
Confiscated Items
Any item taken from a student will be cataloged and secured in
the attendance office. A confiscated item must be picked up by
a parent/guardian.
Backpacks/Computer Bags/Large Purses
In an effort to ensure the safety of all faculty, staff, and
students of Reid Ross Classical School students will not be
permitted to carry non-see through backpacks, computer bags
or purses large enough to carry a textbook. These bags may
be brought to school for the purpose of transporting
educational materials and then stored in the locker to be
retrieved at the end of the day.
Inappropriate Use of Items on School Property
Any device disruptive to the school environment to include
electronic devices, including but not limited to: cell phones,
tablets, headphones, earbuds, laptop computers, digital
cameras, and laser devices will not be displayed or utilized
while on school premises between the hours of 8:30 and
3:40. The only exception to these rules is the following: the
device is being utilized for educational purposes as approved
by the classroom teacher and/or school administration. High
school students are allowed to use devices in the morning
prior to the 8:10 bell and at lunch but must respect and follow
teachers’ individual electronics policies in each classroom.
Devices may be used on the school bus at the discretion of the
bus driver.
Physical Education
Physical Education is a required class. Students are required
to dress out for participation. “Dressing Out” means changing
from the school uniform into appropriate clothing for physical
activity and changing back into the uniform after class. The
items that you will need are as follows.
T-Shirt: A clean, white, pullover shirt. Tank tops and
half shirts will not be permitted
Shorts: A clean pair of navy athletic shorts that is
acceptable in length and fullness for freedom of
movement but will stay in place without being held by
the hand or belt. Shorts made of denim or other heavy
material with zippers are not appropriate.
Pants: Sweat pants or jogging pants may be worn
during cold weather days at the teacher’s discretion.
Socks: Clean, white, athletic socks only.
Shoes: Rubber-soled tennis shoes. No open-toed
shoes, boots, or other casual shoes will be allowed.
Team/Club/Senior Shirt/Sweatshirt Days
Every Friday students may wear their current school year
team/club shirt/sweatshirt.. Only those students that are
current members of that club or team are allowed to wear the
shirt on Friday. Seniors with privileges may wear their “Senior
Gear” on Fridays ONLY.
High School Athlete Game Day Dress Code
Any high school students who have a game on
Monday-Thursday may wear their school uniform or
professional dress. Professional Dress is defined as: a
pants-suit, dress, skirt and blouse, or dress pants with an
oxford shirt and tie.
Leaving and Returning to Campus
Once students have arrived on campus before, during, and/or
after school that are NOT permitted to leave and return unless
permission has been granted by the administration.
North Carolina Virtual Public School
High School students may take classes through the North
Carolina Virtual Public School. Students must have a 3.0
unweighted GPA, counselor, parent, and principal approval
prior to registration. Students who register for a VPS class that
is offered at Reid Ross Classical may be required to pay for the
VPS class.
Reid Ross Classical School: Grading & Reporting Guidelines and Practices
Guideline 1: Relate grades to the achievement of the course/grade level standards.
o RRCS course/grade level standards will provide the basis for determining grades for each course and grade level.
Guideline 2: Use agreed-on performance standards as the reference points when determining grades.
o The meaning of grades, whether letters or numbers, will be derived from clear descriptions of performance standards (e.g.,
proficient, “B”).
o Student’s grade will be based upon major forms of assessments (unit tests, projects, performances, etc.) and minor forms of
assessments to homework, quizzes, class work etc.
o Final Exams may be administered in high school and will count 20% of a student’s final grade as stated in the course syllabus.
No Exemptions.
o Students will earn the grade based upon accomplishment of the goal, which means a bell curve cannot be used.
Guideline 3: Separate achievement from all other dispositions and behaviors.
o ALL students will complete ALL work assigned to a level that is considered quality by the teacher.
o Grades will be based solely on achievement of course/grade level standards. Student attendance, effort, potential,
participation, improvement, attitude, and other behaviors will be reported separately from achievement using the comments in
o Grades will be based on individual, not group, achievement.
Guideline 4: Sample student performance. Don’t score everything & don’t include all scores in grades.
o Grades will be determined primarily on a combination of assessments. The use of authentic assessment is highly encouraged.
o Use rubrics, assessments checklists, and other types of scoring guides to provide feedback on various types of performance
tasks and authentic summative assessments (e.g., products, projects, and other performances).
Guideline 5: To determine grades at the end of the grading period, use professional judgment when considering
the body of evidence.
o To support the education of our middle school students, it is recognized that a grade below 55% puts our students in a
position of certain failure.
o Therefore in recognition of the need to give middle school students an opportunity to succeed, a grade of no lower than 55%
will be the minimum grade for the report card grade for the first two quarters. On rare occasions at the discretion of a site
team, a third quarter report card grade of 55% can be given rather than the lower grade earned by the student for that
quarter. The principal of the teacher can’t give the third quarter report card grade of a 55% without consent of the site
review team.
o To support the education of our high school students, it is recognized that a grade below 50% puts our students in a position
of certain failure.
o Therefore in recognition of the need to give high school students an opportunity to succeed, a grade of no lower than 50% will
be the minimum grade for the report card grade for the first two quarters. On rare occasions at the discretion of a site
team, a third quarter report card grade of 50% can be given rather than the lower grade earned by the student for that
quarter. The principal or the teacher can’t give the third quarter report card grade of a 50% without the consent of the
site review team.
Guideline 6: Use of quality assessments and properly record evidence of achievement.
o Use varied assessment (i.e. labs, essays, speeches, presentations, projects, etc.) that meet rigorous design criteria.
o Use appropriate tools (e.g., rubrics, portfolios, checklists, etc.) to evaluate and maintain evidence of achievement.
Guideline 7: Involve students in the assessment and grading processes throughout the learning cycle.
o Ensure that students understand in advance how their grades will be determined with clear rubrics, examples of work, sharing
of goals/objectives.
o Involve students by communicating their achievement and progress via weekly progress reports, PowerSchool, self-reflection
and goal setting.
2023 2024
Dress Code Guidelines
It is the responsibility of all students to adhere to the RRCS Dress Code Guidelines at all times and to show respect for
RRCS Dress Code
General Dress Code Guidelines:
Cell phones are not allowed for 6th, 7th and 8th grade.
No hoods (On head), hats, caps, visors, bandannas, and sunglasses are not to be worn inside the
school building. Staff members will confiscate unauthorized items.
Dresses, shirts, and blouses must cover three inches (3”) across the top of the shoulder.
Spaghetti straps, strapless tops/halters, and plunging necklines are not allowed and the torso and
cleavage must be covered at all times.
Skirts, skorts, dresses, and ripped (holes) jeans must be no higher than three inches (3”) above the
top of the knee or fingertip length, and any slits in dresses and skirts must also adhere to this
three-inch rule.
Shorts must be no higher than three inches (3”) above the top of the knee.
No sagging pants or any bottoms that expose the buttocks, undergarments, or any other private
body part.
No leggings, yoga, or spandex pants can be worn in the place of pants.
Clothing and/or jewelry or any items commonly recognized as being related to a group or gang,
which provokes violence/intimidation, shall not be worn.
Clothing will not be allowed which promotes alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or the use of controlled
substances, depicts violence, or is of a sexual nature.
Clothing is not to be sheer or see-through where the torso is revealed. At no time are
undergarments to be visible.
Heavy, large jewelry, belt buckles, and/or accessories (wallet chains) that are threatening,
dangerous, distractive, and disruptive or could be utilized as a weapon may not be worn.
Proper footwear is required at all times which is safe and does not result in a substantial disruption
to the academic integrity of the school day. Shoes that have laces must fit, be laced, and tied. (i.e. no
clogs, crocs, or sandals)
Crocs, slides, flip-flops, pajamas, and bedroom shoes/slippers shall not be worn.
Students may bring a personal water bottle to use during the day.
All Cumberland County Schools will make any necessary religious accommodations for any type of
headgear or head coverings otherwise restricted or prohibited under existing individual school dress
Dress Code Violations: Final judgment is left to school administration. Parents of students who are in
violation of the dress code will be called to provide appropriate clothes. Students will be held in RJC
until appropriate clothes are provided. If you think your clothing might be questionable, then choose to
wear something else.
RRCS students are required to wear uniforms.
Middle School High School MS/HS Pants
Navy Blue Orange Navy Blue
White Light Blue Khaki
SHIRTS: Shirts must be a solid plain polo, polo-style or Oxford style that button up the front. All shirts must have collars
and remain tucked from 8:00a to 3:40p . Only plain solid colored undershirts may be worn under any approved shirt. The
undershirt should not be visible at the sleeves.
SLACKS: Slacks must be hemmed cotton pants. They must be worn on or above the hips (no low rise, low cut, or
sagging). Sweatpants, denim pants, or pants with cut off or frayed hems are not permitted. Joggers, capris, and corduroy
are permitted.
SHORTS: Shorts must be worn on or above the hip and must be fingertip length or longer.
SKIRTS: Skirts must be fingertip length or longer. Jumpers are acceptable and must be fingertip length or longer.
SHOES: Shoes must have a closed toe and heel. Shoes with laces must be laced to the top and tied/buckled.
Boots are allowed at or below the knee. Flip flops/sandals or crocs will not be worn at any time even on free dress days or
during senior privileges.
BELTS: A belt must be worn with any garment having belt loops. The belt buckle must be plain and will not exceed the
width of the belt.
JACKETS: Only RRCS jackets or any jacket that is solid NAVY OR WHITE FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL, LIGHT
BLUE OR ORANGE FOR HIGH SCHOOL may be worn during the school day. Cumberland County High School
Letterman Jackets may be worn.
SWEATSHIRTS: Sweatshirts worn during the school day must be SOLID NAVY OR WHITE FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL,
LIGHT BLUE OR ORANGE FOR HIGH SCHOOL. A Reid Ross logo sweatshirt in the uniform colors is acceptable. A
uniform shirt must be worn under sweatshirts.
SWEATERS/VESTS: Sweaters and vests may be worn in the solid uniform colors of NAVY OR WHITE FOR MIDDLE
SCHOOL, LIGHT BLUE OR ORANGE FOR HIGH SCHOOL over a uniform polo or oxford with collar showing.
Turtleneck-style shirts may be worn underneath a long-sleeved uniform polo, oxford, sweater or sweatshirt in uniform
LEGGINGS: If stockings, pantyhose or leggings are worn, they must be in solid colors of white, navy, black, or natural and
worn under skirts or jumpers Leggings and Jeggings cannot be worn in the place of pants.
JUMPERS: MS. Must be navy blue or white, same colors as pants.
ACCESSORIES: Any accessories worn should not be distracting.
1. Ties/bow ties must be worn with an oxford-style shirt that matches middle or high school colors.
2. Earrings must be smaller than a quarter.
3. Make-up and hair will be clean and neatly groomed.
4. Headbands, hair ribbons, and scrunches are allowed. No bandanas or head coverings are allowed.
Define headband: a band of fabric worn around the head as a decoration or to keep the hair off the face.
5. Hats, scarves, gloves and mittens must be put into lockers upon arrival to school.
6. Non-prescription or distracting dental or optical devices are not permitted. No sunglasses.
The Administration of RRCS reserves the right to keep any confiscated dress code violation items/articles and have them
picked up by a parent/guardian.
Professional dress days will be defined as: Girls in pants-suit or dress and boys in an oxford shirt and tie with dress pants
or dress code pants.
Free Dress Days will be defined as: Students wearing clothing that does NOT disrupt, disturb, interfere with the peace,
order and/or discipline within the learning environment.
It is the expectation of the administration and teachers of RRCS that all students are in
compliance with the Dress Code Guidelines. Students should be in proper dress upon arrival to
school and be ready for the day by 8:00. Disciplinary action for students who are not
complying with the Dress Code Guidelines will be taken in accordance to the frequency of the
offense as it relates to the Cumberland County Schools Student Code of Conduct.
If a student is not in compliance with the Dress Code Guidelines by 8:30 a.m. but CAN fix it,
his or her teacher or administrator will allow them to fix it but it will still be considered a dress
code violation. If a student is not in compliance with the Dress Code Guidelines by 8:30 a.m.
and CANNOT fix it the student will report to RJC and call for someone to bring the proper
item and wait there until the item is brought to school.
All dress code violations are documented and once a student accumulates three violations,
disciplinary action will be taken according to the guidelines described below.
o Third Dress Code Violation Administrative conference with parent and student and
two days of RJC.
o Subsequent Dress Code Violation Parents of the student will be notified and the
student will be assigned RJC.
It is the expectation of the administration and teachers of RRCS that all students arrive at
each class on time. Students should be in the room when the tardy bell rings to begin class.
Disciplinary action for students who are tardy will be taken in accordance to the frequency of
the offense as it relates to the Cumberland County Schools Student Code of Conduct.
If a student is not in his or her class at the ringing of the tardy bell, a teacher will provide the
student with a pass to enter class. All classroom tardies are documented and once a student
accumulates three tardies, disciplinary action will be taken according to the guidelines
described below.
o Third Tardy Administrative conference with parent and student and two days of RJC.
o Subsequent third tardy Parents of the student will be notified and the student will be
assigned RJC.
Please note that our school will continue to follow the 10/10 policy, as outlined
regarding students leaving class the first 10 and last 10 minutes of class.
6 Rules for Reid Ross
Disrespect includes but is not limited to the following:
o Getting loud with an adult or student
o Arguing
o Talking Back
o Disrupting Class
o Noncompliance
First (1
) time – Call home
Second (2
) time – Administrative Referral
It is your job to show respect at all times and with
everyone (young and seasoned).
Disruptions include, but are not limited to the following:
o Yelling out
o Arguing with teacher
o Excessive talking
o Making noises during class
o Being loud
o Aggressive behavior toward other students
First (1
) time – Call home
Second (2
) Time – Call home and lunch detention
Third (3
) Time – Call home and after school detention
Fourth (4
) Time – Call home to inform parent of referral
to administration
It is your job to allow others and yourself to get the best
possible education we can provide.
Every teacher will issue tardy slips for those not in the
room when the bell rings.
Third (3
) time – Conference with student, call home and
2 days of RJC
Subsequent 3
tardies – Call home and possible out of
school suspension
You must come to class with all materials daily to include:
textbook, planner, notebook, composition book, and
First (1
) time – Conference with student
Second (2
) time – Call home
Third (3
) time – Call home and lunch detention
Fourth (4
) time – Call home and after school detention
Fifth (5
) time – Call home to inform parent of referral to
It is your job to come to class prepared daily.
You must come to class with all homework completed,
when assigned.
First (1
) time – Conference with student
Second (2
) time – Call home
Third (3
) time – Call home and lunch detention
Fourth (4
) time – Call home and after school detention
Fifth (5
) time – Call home to inform parent of referral to
It is your job to come to class prepared daily. It is your
job to get work that was assigned while absent.
Dress Code
You must come to class dressed in the appropriate school
dress code (listed on page 15).
RRCS Parking Permit
Parking Permit # ____________ Cost: $50 year
Student’s Name _______________________________________ Parent’s Name ____________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________________
Year ______ Make/Model __________________________ Color ______________ Plate # & State ______________
Parking on school grounds is a privilege, not a right. Parking privileges may be revoked as a consequence for violating
parking rules or for violating student behavior policies, school standards or school rules as outlined in this handbook.
Student cars parked on school property may be searched in accordance with policy 4342, Student Searches
o Speed limit on campus is 10 mph. Reckless Driving in any manner will not be tolerated
o All students must park in assigned spaces in the student parking lot.
o All drivers must recognize that pedestrians have the right of way.
o All student cars will be locked.
o All student drivers may not return to the vehicle at any time during school hours.
o All drivers must display their permit with the logo and number facing the wind shield at all times by placing it in
the left corner of the dashboard.
o Drivers will not loan, borrow, give, or sell their permit to another student.
o No smoking in the student parking lot.
o Students will not sit in vehicles or loiter in the parking lot once you are on school grounds.
o Students are not allowed to park cars on school grounds before 7:00 a.m.
Vehicles are subject to be towed at owners expense if rules are not followed.
IMPORTANT: All student drivers who are disciplined for skipping school, coming to school late, or leaving early without
checking in or out, or parents'’ fraudulent note for checking in or out, will lose their parking privileges indefinitely. This
includes students who drive and check in and out on a consistent basis and those leaving campus during lunch periods
that have not properly checked out. Parking permits may be purchased during the whole year, but the price will remain the
I have become familiar with the rules and regulations for parking at Reid Ross Classical School. I
pledge that I will abide by all the rules set forth. I understand that failure to abide by these rules is
justification for canceling this agreement and for other disciplinary action to be taken including but not
limited to suspension of the Parking Permit and paying a fine of $10.00 to have the Parking Permit
_______________________ _______________ ____________________________
Parent Signature Date Student Signature
_________________________ ( ) License ( ) Insurance ( ) Registration
Approval of Permit Signature
RRCS Traffic Pattern
Speed Limit: 10 mph
Students with a valid parking permit will turn into
Lane 2 from the Ramsey Street entrance and park
in their assigned parking space.
Anyone dropping off students in front of the school
will need to use the Lynn Avenue entrance and
stay in Lane 1. If you enter from Ramsey Street
and are in Lane 2, you must exit through the
student parking lot. ONLY LANE 1 PASSES IN
may also use the exit before the circle.
Pull forward as far as possible along the Drop-Off
Zone in front of the school. The Drop-Off Zone
begins just prior to the front sidewalk and ends at
the end of the sidewalk near the end of the traffic
circle in front of the school. DO NOT LEAVE
IMPORTANT: To maximize traffic flow and avoid
delays, it is important that all students exit their
vehicles and enter the school building as soon as
their vehicle has the opportunity to stop in the
Once the students are dropped off, proceed to the
nearest Ramsey Street exit.
CAUTION: Students are NOT to be dropped off
anywhere on campus EXCEPT in the designated
Drop-Off Zone. Failure to follow this policy will
result in students being exposed to unregulated
traffic. CAUTION: All foot traffic MUST use the
designated crosswalk areas at the north end of the
parking lot, where a staff member will stop traffic
to allow them to cross safely.
In the afternoon, students with parents waiting in
Lanes 1 and 2 may walk down the left side of the
parking lot to their rides.