RE: Temporary Telecommuting Agreement per State Workforce Readiness Guidance
This memorandum shall serve as an agreement between the employee named above and the Department of __________
through which the employee will be allowed to utilize telecommuting to perform the duties and responsibilities of his/her
position from a location other than the primary departmental office. This agreement shall be referred to as the
“telecommuting agreement” and is authorized by the department on a trial basis temporary basis.
As the employee approved for telecommuting, it is important for you to understand that we, as the employer, may change
any of the conditions or requirements of the telecommuting agreement at any time during the period of the agreement. Also,
Clayton State University management reserves the right to cease this arrangement altogether at any time.
This agreement will be valid beginning on ______________and ending on_______________. This is a temporary
agreement that aligns with the USG’s directive as outlined in the State of Georgia Memo “State Workforce Readiness for
COVID-19”. This agreement may be extended if COVID-19 conditions warrant.
As an employee approved for telecommuting, you agree to maintain an office or adequate workspace at your residence
located at _____________. You will not be reimbursed for mileage associated with traveling to the main campus.
Under the terms of this agreement, you are approved to telecommute ___ day(s) per _____ (generally week or month). On
the days you are approved to telecommute, you are expected to be productive and actively engaged in work at least 8 hours
a day during the department’s normal business hours of __________________with a one hour break for lunch, while
working from your home office during this telecommuting period. Please follow normal policy procedures when reporting
time or leave in OneUSG.
When necessary, we may inform you in person, via email or telephone of an office meeting that will require your presence
on campus. We will do our best to give you at least 24 hours’ notice but shorter notice is possible and acknowledged.
As an employee approved for telecommuting, you agree and understand that telecommuting requires that you be able to
devote 100% commitment to working during the regular work hours specified above and that you will make arrangements
to ensure that household duties, including child care, do not interfere with work time or are not conducted or performed
during the normal work time.
As an employee approved for telecommuting, you agree and understand that you will be expected to be accessible by
telephone and thus will maintain a telephone line that can be used for phone calls at your own expense. You agree and
understand that there may be times when you will incur telephone or other charges in the performance of your duties and
will do so at your own expense, without expectation of reimbursement. You further agree to have the phone line available
to send and receive faxes as necessary.
Access to the information technology network and other applicable technology will be set up in accordance with Clayton
State University policy. Applicable Clayton State policies will apply if you are issued any equipment from ITS or your
department. Manager shall maintain a list of equipment assigned to employee.
It will be your responsibility to ensure the appropriateness and safety of the equipment at all times. The equipment must be
protected against damage and unauthorized use. Clayton State University owned equipment will be serviced and maintained
by the Clayton State University. Equipment provided by the employee will be at no cost to the Clayton State University and
will be maintained by the employee.
You agree not to use Clayton State University owned equipment for personal purposes.
You will receive your work assignments by corresponding with your immediate supervisor on a daily basis at the beginning
of the workday or as necessary during the day. Work assignments may also be communicated by phone or sent by mail. If
there are any questions or concerns about your assignments, you are expected to inform your immediate supervisor of them
at the time of receipt. Once assignments have been completed, you may either send them via email or return them to the
same location used for pick up unless otherwise specified by your immediate supervisor.
You agree to have a designated work area in your home. If there are any injuries while you are working, the workers’
compensation coverage will be limited to occurrences in the designated workspace (or during work-related travel). Also, if
such an injury were to occur, it will be investigated in accordance with the standard workers’ compensation procedures
promulgated by the Georgia Department of Administrative Services (DOAS). If there is an illness or injury, which is a
result from the condition of this home office arrangement, the Clayton State University is released from any possible
liability. The Clayton State University will not be liable for damages to the employee’s property that results from
participation in the telecommuting program. The Clayton State University will not be responsible for visitors or family
injured at the work site. Under the terms of this agreement, you are responsible for setting up an appropriate work
environment within your home. The Clayton State University will not be responsible for any cost associated with the setup
of a home office. Upon your request, Clayton State University will consult with you on any modifications or requirements
to operate Clayton State University-owned equipment at the home office.
The employee’s supervisor or unit head may terminate participation in this agreement at any time. Management also reserves
the right to remove the employee from the program at any time. Upon reasonable notice of not less than one (1) working
day, the employee will be expected to report for work at the primary departmental office location or other location as
assigned by the supervisor. The employee agrees to limit performance of officially assigned duties to the work location
specified in paragraph 2. Failure to comply with this provision may result in termination of the Telecommuting Agreement,
and other appropriate disciplinary action.
We look forward to working with you on this telecommuting assignment.
Clayton State University Policies
During the period of this agreement, the employee agrees that he/she shall be covered by all Clayton State University
policies and procedures surrounding employment. The dates shown in the duration section are not to be construed as a
contract and do not guarantee continuation of employment during the period.
I accept the terms and conditions of this agreement, as provided to me by the employer. I understand what is expected of
me during the period of this telecommuting agreement. If there are any concerns regarding this arrangement, I will
immediately alert my supervisor for clarification and resolution.
______________________________ _______________
Employee (signature) Date
______________________________ _______________
Supervisor (signature) Date