COMP 3410: Computer Organization & Architecture Spring 2024
Contact Information:
Department Office: Dunn Hall 375
Department Phone: 901.678.5465
The best way to contact me is through email I usually respond within 24 hours.
Office Hours:
It is best to email me to set up an appointment (zoom or in-person) in advance.
Lecture Meeting Times/Locations:
82741 - COMP 3410 001 MW 12:05 pm - 02:05 pm ES 326
Catalog Description:
COMP 3410 Basic concepts in assembly language programming, including logic, comparing and branching,
interrupts, macros, procedures, arrays, program design, testing, debugging, loading, and linking; combinational,
arithmetic and logical circuits ALU; memory circuits, latches, flip-flops, registers; computer structure; fetch-execute
cycles, clocks and timing; microprogramming and microarchitecture; data path, timing, sequencing; cache memory
organization; RISC architectures.
Course Website:
You can find the course materials (lecture notes, assignments, codes written during lecture, sample codes, grades,
etc.) at the University of Memphis LMS (Canvas) at Dashboard (
Topics Include:
1. Introduction: Computer Abstract/Tech.
2. ARM instruction set architecture and operations.
a. Operation and Operands of the computer hardware
b. Number systems and arithmetic for computers.
c. Parallelism and instructions: synchronization
3. Arithmetic for Computers: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Floating Point
4. Digital logic and processor design.
a. Logic gates and modular ALU design
b. Combinational and sequential logic and control
c. Datapath, Control, Pipelining
d. Handling of data hazards
e. Parallelism via Instruction
5. Memory hierarchy and cache organization
a. Memory technologies
b. Basics of Caches and performance improvement
6. Parallel Processors
a. Parallel Program
b. SISD, MIMD, SIMD, SPMD, and Vector
c. HW Multithreading
d. Multicore and Shared Memory Multiprocessors
e. GPU
Course outcome for COMP3410 (Computer Organization and Design)
(1) Understand the key components within a computer system and organization.
(2) Understand number systems and implement binary arithmetic with overflow handling and floating-point
(3) Implement assembly language for ARM processor ISA and operations.
(4) understand digital logics, data path, and control using logic gates, combinational and sequential
(5) Analyze instructions, data path, and control complexity for performance assessment
(6) Analyze the cause of pipeline hazards and implement ways to overcome them.
(7) Understand memory hierarchy and apply the principle of locality in cache design.
Required Text:
zyBook: Computer Organization and Design, ARM Edition by David Patterson and John Hennessy
Sign in or create an account at
Enter zyBook code: MEMPHISCOMP3410Spring2024
Homework Assignments (HW)
zyBooks-Exercises (ZB)
Quizzes (3) (@100 each)
Some of the zyBook exercises consist of in-class and take-home portions. You must submit the in-class portion to
get the assignment's total (in-class + take-home) grade. Missing the in-class part will result in a zero for that zyBook
exercise assignment.
Grading Scale: Letter grades will be determined as follows:
88 -> 76
75 -> 65
59 -> 0
B+ 8588%
C+ 7175%
F ≤ 59%
B 8084%
C 67 70 %
B- 7679%
C- 65 67 %
Final Exam: based on: Spring 2024 Final Exams - Registrar - The University of Memphis
Throughout the semester, you will have various assignments to reinforce the concepts discussed in the lecture.
This class does not have an assigned laboratory section. Instead, you will have exercises (in-class and zyBooks)
during lectures to practice your understanding. Therefore, you will not do well in this course unless you work on
assignments persistently.
The assignments fall into two categories:
1. In class ZyBooks (ZB) exercises (200 pts) are from the required zyBook textbook.
2. Homework (HW) Assignments (300 pts): HW assignments will allow you to explore the topic more deeply. Please
check your course LMS (Canvas) regularly for the posting and due dates details.
You must regularly check the course LMS (Canvas) site ( for all the assignment
posting and due dates. Unfortunately, there is no makeup for the missing assignments.
Participation/Attendance: (zyBooks and in-Class exercise)
It is essential to attend the classes regularly. The course will keep building on itself and move pretty quickly.
Therefore, it would be best to get a good handle on each concept after discussing it. You will need to submit in-
class work regularly, and I will also use that for attendance.
You must bring your laptop with the assigned zyBook textbook for this course. Some in-class exercises may be from
the zyBooks chapters. If you miss the lecture and cannot submit the in-class portion, you will receive no marks for
the assigned zyBooks exercise. There is absolutely NO extension for the missing (in-class or take-home portion)
zyBooks assignments.
Please check your University of Memphis ( email regularly (daily), as that is my primary means of
communicating with you outside of class.
Late/Makeup Policy:
All assignments (including zyBooks, and in-class exercises) are expected to be completed and turned in on
schedule. Each assignment will have specified due dates. Your TA/GA will not accept late assignments except in
extreme circumstances. Likewise, you can have makeup quizzes and exams only under extreme circumstances. If
circumstances warrant a late work submission or a makeup quiz/exam, get in touch with me with documented
proof of your situation no more than one week from the due date.
Plagiarism/Cheating Policy: An essential part of learning is getting plenty of practice with it yourself. All
assignments (unless specifically indicated otherwise) are expected to be done in individual effort. If I determine
that you have copied something directly from a book, the Internet, or some other source, you will receive a failing
grade on the assignment and (at my discretion) in the course. If I determine that you have copied another
student's work, this will happen to both you and the person from whom you copied. The first-time offender will
receive a warning through a face-to-face meeting and an email. For the 2nd occurrence, you will be asked to see the
department chairperson. The Office of Student Conduct will also receive a copy of this incident for further
disciplinary action. Please don't put me in this situation.
Important: Spring 2024 Dates and Deadlines - Registrar - The University of Memphis
Getting Help:
Although I expect you to do your work individually, I encourage you to seek help if you get stuck:
Talk to me! I'm very willing to sit down and provide hints without giving away the solution.
Contact your course TA\GA.
Online help: I generally have an open zoom open line on Sat 9:30 to 12noon. Please come prepared with
specific questions
Student Disabilities:
If you have a disability that may require assistance or accommodations, or if you have any questions related to any
room for testing, note taking, reading, etc., please speak with me as soon as possible. You must officially contact
the Student Disability Services Office (678-2880) to request such accommodations/services
( )
Course Schedule: (subject to change):
Zy Book Chapters
17 Jan
Snow Day
22 Jan
24 Jan
29 Jan
HW 1
31 Jan
5 Feb
7 Feb
12 Feb
ZyLab: ARM Lab, HW 2 Discussion
HW 2
14 Feb
Quiz 1
19 Feb
21 Feb
26 Feb
28 Feb
4 Mar
Spring Break
6 Mar
Spring Break
HW 3
11 Mar
Quiz 2
13 Mar
18 Mar
20 Mar
25 Mar
27 Mar
1 Apr
4.9, HW 4 Discussion
HW 4
3 Apr
Quiz 3
8 Apr
10 Apr
15 Apr
17 Apr
22 Apr
24 Apr
HW 5 Discussion
HW 5