© 2023 • Produce Safety Alliance • producesafetyalliance.cornell.edu
FSMA Produce Safety Rule: Agricultural Water System Inspecon
is Dierent from the Proposed Agricultural Water Assessment
Don Stoeckel, Donna Clements, Thais Ramos, Tommy Saunders, Mariana Villarreal, Elizabeth A. Bihn
May 2023
This fact sheet provides informaon about the
dierences between an Agricultural Water System
Inspecon (§ 112.42) and the proposed Agricultural
Water Assessment (AgWA) from the Food Safety
Modernizaon Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule (PSR).
This informaon is based on the current FSMA PSR
requirements for agricultural water
as well as proposed
revisions to the current requirements that were
published in 2021
Subpart E of the FSMA PSR for fruit and vegetables
producers can be grouped into requirements related to:
Growing covered produce other than sprouts
(producon/ pre-harvest water)
Harvesng and packing covered produce other than
sprouts (harvest/ postharvest water)
Dierences between FSMA PSR Requirements
for Agricultural Water System Inspecon and
Agricultural Water Assessment
The Agricultural Water System Inspecon is a
requirement in the FSMA PSR
, with enforcement dates
phased in (according to business size class) beginning
in January 26, 2023 for harvest/ postharvest water.
This requirement will eventually include all agricultural
water systems at covered farms, including those used
for producon/ pre-harvest and harvest/ postharvest
agricultural water, but currently only apply to harvest/
postharvest water unl the nal producon/pre-harvest
standards are published. The requirement covers
agricultural water systems to the extent that they are
under the farm’s control, but requires consideraon
of o-site inuences that could introduce human
pathogens to water and the use of pracces that reduce
these risks.
The inspecon must be done at least once per year, to
idenfy condions that may introduce hazards (e.g.,
human pathogens) to covered produce or food-contact
surfaces through water. Observaons made during the
inspecon are used to guide the implementaon of
pracces such as system repairs, maintenance, or other
acons that reduce the idened risks. The ndings
of the inspecon must be documented in the farm’s
record. The PSA Records Required by the FSMA Produce
Safety Rule fact sheet
provides a template to aid in
The Agricultural Water Assessment (AgWA) is a
proposed requirement
, subject to change unl it is
nalized. This requirement would be in addion to the
Agricultural Water System Inspecon. The AgWA is
specic to producon/ pre-harvest agricultural water
that is used to grow covered produce. The AgWA is
proposed to be completed at least once per year, to
idenfy condions that may result in contaminaon of
the water source or otherwise increase the likelihood
of human pathogens being in the water. In contrast to
the Agricultural Water System Inspecon which focuses
on the physical agricultural water system, the AgWA
requires consideraon of crops being grown, weather
impacts, adjacent land uses, and other things that can
inuence risks to fruits and vegetables being produced.
Observaons made during the AgWA enable a farm to
reduce risks by determining what uses are appropriate
for the water source, including applicaon of measures
that may be necessary to reduce produce safety risks.
The ndings of the AgWA, and any correcve measures
or migaon measures applied as an outcome of the
assessment, must be documented in the farm’s record.
The table on the following page provides a more detailed
comparison of the two requirements.
Agricultural water system means a source of agricultural water, the water distribuon system, any building or
structure that is part of the water distribuon system (such as a well house, pump staon, or shed), and any
equipment used for applicaon of agricultural water to covered produce during growing, harvesng, packing,
or holding acvies
V1 • 5/10/23
© 2023 • Produce Safety Alliance • producesafetyalliance.cornell.edu
Characterisc Agricultural Water System Inspecon Agricultural Water Assessment (proposed)
FSMA Produce Safety Rule
21 Code of Federal Regulaons (CFR) 112.42
Proposed revision to 21 CFR Subpart E
Compliance date Started January 26, 2022
Inially under enforcement discreon
Phased in by business size class
Proposed to begin 9 months aer the eecve date of the nal revised 21 CFR Subpart E
Phased in by business size class
Scope of
For all agricultural water systems on covered farms, to the extent
under the farm’s control. Applies to water used during growing,
harvest, and postharvest acvies
Applies to agricultural water used during growing acvies (producon/ pre-harvest
water) on covered farms
Frequency FSMA PSR § 112.42: "At the beginning of a growing season, as
appropriate, but at least once annually"
Proposed § 112.43: "Based in part on the results of any inspecons and maintenance
you conducted under § 112.42, at least once annually you must prepare a wrien
agricultural water assessment for water that you apply to covered produce (other than
sprouts) using a direct applicaon method during growing acvies."
Abridged quote from FSMA PSR § 112.42:
"... Idenfy condions that are reasonably likely to introduce
known or reasonably foreseeable hazards into or onto covered
produce or food contact surfaces in light of your covered produce,
pracces, and condions, including consideraon of the following:
(1) The nature of each agricultural water source (for example,
ground water or surface water);
(2) The extent of your control over each agricultural water source;
(3) The degree of protecon of each agricultural water source;
(4) Use of adjacent and nearby land; and
(5) The likelihood of introducon of known or reasonably
foreseeable hazards to agricultural water by another user of
agricultural water before the water reaches your covered farm."
Paraphrased from proposed § 112.43(a):
Water system characteriscs: mostly informaon carried over from the Agricultural
Water System Inspecon
Agricultural water pracces: how the water is used
Crop characteriscs: such as those related to adhesion or internalizaon
Environmental condions: including potenal for water source contaminaon related
to runo
Other factors: including tesng results
Outcome Maintain water sources and distribuon systems to reduce the
potenal for pathogens in the water.
Paraphrased from proposed § 112.43(c):
Determine whether either of the following is reasonably necessary based on ndings
of the AgWA:
(a) disconnuaon of use pending correcve measures, or
(b) implementaon of migaon measures
Record the determinaon
Take necessary and appropriate acon
FSMA PSR § 112.50(b)(1): “You must establish and keep the
following records: The ndings of the inspecon of your agricultural
water system in accordance with the requirements of § 112.42(a)”
Abridged quote from proposed § 112.50(b)(2):
"Your wrien agricultural water assessments, including descripons of factors evaluated
and wrien determinaons..."
Abridged quote from proposed § 112.50(b)(7):
"Documentaon of acons you take in accordance with § 112.45..." (e.g.,
disconnuaon of use pending correcve measures, implementaon of migaon
© 2023 • Produce Safety Alliance • producesafetyalliance.cornell.edu
Compliance and Enforcement Dates
The FSMA PSR was published in its nal form in
December, 2015
. Farms growing covered produce other
than sprouts were not inspected against the agricultural
water requirements in Subpart E up unl January 2023.
This is because FDA both extended relevant compliance
and announced policies to exercise enforcement
discreon (i.e., inspectors do not enforce those
requirements) in order to “allow me for the agency to
consider how best to address stakeholder concerns while
protecng public health.”
In December 2021, FDA published a proposed rule in the
Federal Register to revise Subpart E
. FDA followed up
in July 2022 with a proposed rule for producon/ pre-
harvest water compliance dates
and in January 2023
with a fact sheet
, both stang that the policy to exercise
enforcement discreon for requirements related to
harvest/ postharvest water would end in January 2023.
The updated policy results in enforcement for covered
farms selling more than $500,000 of produce per year
(3-year average) rst, with enforcement dates that are
phased in for other business size classes.
Size Class
Compliance dates
(enforcement dates)
for harvest/
postharvest water
Compliance dates
for producon/
pre-harvest water
All other
(> $500,000
annual produce
January 26, 2022
(January 26, 2023)
9 months aer
eecve date of
nal revised rule
Small businesses
($250,000 to
$500,000 annual
produce sales)
January 26, 2023
(January 26, 2024)
1 year, 9 months
aer eecve date
of nal revised
Very small
(< $250,000
annual produce
January 26, 2024
(January 27, 2025)
2 years, 9 months
aer eecve date
of nal revised
*Annual produce sales are calculated on a rolling three-year
average basis and are not adjusted for inaon.
What Subpart E Requirements Apply Now?
Covered farms that use agricultural water in covered
acvies during and aer harvest (i.e., harvesng,
packing, holding) must follow the relevant 2015
Produce Safety Rule requirements in Subpart E
including the Agricultural Water System Inspecon
when their business becomes subject to the rule
(see table to the le).
Requirements for agricultural water used during
producon/pre-harvest are currently (Spring 2023) at
the proposed stage, and do not apply unl publicaon
of the nal rule and compliance dates arrive.
Supporng Guidance and Fact Sheets
The preamble to the FSMA PSR
is valuable for
understanding the basis for current requirements.
FDA also summarized the requirements for harvest/
postharvest agricultural water in a fact sheet released in
January 2023
The preamble to the proposed revision to Subpart E
provides a basis for understanding what is currently
proposed for producon/ pre-harvest agricultural water.
In addion, FDA has described proposed revisions to
Subpart E producon/ pre-harvest requirements in a fact
and an Agricultural Water Assessment Builder
which provide insight into what compliance with
the future requirement may look like.
The PSA Team used these FDA documents along with
insights from collaborang subject maer experts
to create a template for the required record of the
Agricultural Water System Inspecon
. PSA also created
a fact sheet and a decision tree to aid in lling out the
record and navigang the Agricultural Water System
Inspecon process
PSA plans to update this fact sheet with future versions
as FDA publishes new guidance and tools, and as the
nalized Subpart E revision arrives.
© 2023 • Produce Safety Alliance • producesafetyalliance.cornell.edu
1. U.S. Food and Drug Administraon 2015. Standards for the Growing, Harvesng, Packing, and Holding of
Produce for Human Consumpon. (Final Rule). Federal Register November 27, 2015. 80(228):747354-74568.
Accessed March 2023.
2. U.S. Food and Drug Administraon 2021. Standards for the Growing, Harvesng, Packing, and Holding of
Produce for Human Consumpon Relang to Agricultural Water. (Proposed Revisions to Subpart E). Federal
Register December 06, 2021 86(231): 69120-69155.
Accessed March 2023.
3. K. Woods, D. Pahl, D. Stoeckel, B. Fick, G. Wall, and E.A. Bihn 2020. Water System Inspecon Record Template.
Page 2 in Records Required by the FSMA Produce Safety Rule. Fact Sheet. Produce Safety Alliance, Cornell
University. Revision in preparaon March 2023.
Accessed March 2023.
4. U.S. Food and Drug Administraon 2019. Standards for the Growing, Harvesng, Packing, and Holding of
Produce for Human Consumpon; Extension of Compliance Dates for Subpart E. Federal Register March 18,
2019. 84(52) 9706-9714.
Accessed March 2023.
5. U.S. Food and Drug Administraon 2021. FDA Proposes Changes to Agricultural Water Requirements in the
Produce Safety Rule. Constuent Update.
Accessed March 2023.
6. U.S. Food and Drug Administraon 2022. Standards for the Growing, Harvesng, Packing, and Holding of
Produce for Human Consumpon Relang to Agricultural Water. (Proposed Compliance Dates for Subpart E
Revisions). Federal Register July 19, 2022. 87(137):42937-42979.
Accessed March 2023.
7. U.S. Food and Drug Administraon 2023. End of Intended Enforcement Discreon for Subpart E Requirements
for Harvest and Post-Harvest Agricultural Water for Covered Produce Other than Sprouts - Beginning January 26,
2023. Fact Sheet.
Accessed March 2023.
8. U.S. Food and Drug Administraon 2021. Agricultural Water Proposed Rule. Fact Sheet.
Accessed March 2023.
9. U.S. Food and Drug Administraon 2021. Agricultural Water Assessment Builder. Online tool.
Accessed March 2023.
10. Produce Safety Alliance In Preparaon. Agricultural Water System Inspecon Fact Sheet and Decision Tree.