IC 35-36-11
Chapter 11. Laboratory Reports
IC 35-36-11-1
"Laboratory report"
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "laboratory report" means a
written report or affidavit relating to the results of a scientific test
that is prepared for use at trial or to assist in a law enforcement
As added by P.L.44-2012, SEC.1.
IC 35-36-11-2
Prosecutor's notice of intent
Sec. 2. If the prosecuting attorney intends to introduce a
laboratory report as evidence in a criminal trial, the prosecuting
attorney must file a notice of intent to introduce the laboratory report
not later than twenty (20) days before the trial date, unless the court
establishes a different time.
As added by P.L.44-2012, SEC.1.
IC 35-36-11-3
Defendant's demand for cross-examination
Sec. 3. If the defendant wishes for the person who prepared the
laboratory report to be present at the trial for cross-examination, the
defendant must file a demand for cross-examination not later than ten
(10) days after the defendant receives the notice filed under section
2 of this chapter, unless the court establishes a different time.
As added by P.L.44-2012, SEC.1.
IC 35-36-11-4
Failure to file notice of intent
Sec. 4. If the prosecuting attorney does not comply with section
2 of this chapter, the prosecuting attorney may not introduce the
laboratory report into evidence without the testimony of the person
who conducted the test and prepared the laboratory report.
As added by P.L.44-2012, SEC.1.
IC 35-36-11-5
Sec. 5. If the prosecuting attorney complies with section 2 of this
chapter and the defendant does not comply with section 3 of this
chapter, the defendant waives the right to confront and
cross-examine the person who prepared the laboratory report.
As added by P.L.44-2012, SEC.1.
Indiana Code 2016