Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series
Updated 21/10/2021 P a g e | 1
KONAMI Digital Entertainment, B.V. (KDE-E)
In Effect as of June 18, 2021
Remote Duel YCS Information .................................................................................................................................. 3
What is Remote Duel? ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
How much does it cost to enter the Remote Duel YCS? ................................................................................................... 3
Are there any pack prizes apart from the five packs that everyone gets? ....................................................................... 3
Who is eligible to compete in the Remote Duel YCS? ...................................................................................................... 3
How do I register for the Remote Duel YCS? .................................................................................................................... 3
When is registration for the Remote Duel YCS? ............................................................................................................... 4
What is the format for the Remote Duel YCS? ................................................................................................................. 4
What Discord server will host the Remote Duel YCS? ...................................................................................................... 4
How many rounds will the Remote Duel YCS have? ......................................................................................................... 4
How many Duelists will advance to Day 2? ...................................................................................................................... 4
How many Duelists will advance to the Top Cut? ............................................................................................................. 4
What will I need to participate in the Remote Duel YCS tournament? ............................................................................ 5
If I’ve never participated in a Remote Duel YCS tournament, what should I expect? ...................................................... 5
Will the Remote Duel YCS have Remote Duel YCS VIPs and how do I qualify to be one? ................................................ 6
Will there be meal breaks during the tournament? ......................................................................................................... 6
How long will each Remote Duel Match last? .................................................................................................................. 6
What happens if I am not done with my Match after the time limit? .............................................................................. 7
Invitations and Prizes ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Do I need an invitation to participate in the Remote Duel YCS? ...................................................................................... 8
Can I win an invite to a European World Championship Qualifier? ................................................................................. 8
What are the Participation Prizes for the Remote Duel YCS? ........................................................................................... 8
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series
Updated 21/10/2021 P a g e | 2
What are the prizes for the Remote Duel YCS? ................................................................................................................ 8
Card Legality ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
What cards are legal for play? .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Is there an additional Forbidden List specific to Remote Duel? ....................................................................................... 9
Can I use OCG cards (cards printed for use in Japan and other Asian territories) in my Deck? ....................................... 9
Can I use foreign language cards in my Deck? .................................................................................................................. 9
Public Events ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
What are the different types of Public Events? .............................................................................................................. 10
When are Public Events scheduled? ............................................................................................................................... 10
How do I sign up for Public Events? ................................................................................................................................ 10
What is a Single-Elimination Tournament? .................................................................................................................... 10
What are the rules for an Egyptian God Deck Tournament? .......................................................................................... 10
What are the rules for a Remote Duel Speed Duel Constructed Tournament? ............................................................. 10
What are the Rules for a Remote Duel - Duel Links Tournament? ................................................................................. 11
Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
I may need assistance to participate in the Remote Duel YCS due to a disability or recent injury, what should I do? . 12
I want to judge at the Remote Duel YCS, instead of competing as a Duelist how can I apply? .................................. 12
Can I buy and sell from other people at the event? ....................................................................................................... 12
Can I get a CARD GAME ID number at the Remote Duel YCS tournament, or will I need to have one before I attend
the event? ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Are there any items I am not allowed to have visible in my Dueling Setup during the tournament? ........................... 12
What Tournament Policy information do I need to know for a Remote Duel Event?.................................................... 13
Am I allowed to stream or record any of my Matches? ................................................................................................. 14
Resource Links and Contact Information ................................................................................................................. 15
Contact information ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
Resources ........................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series
Updated 21/10/2021 P a g e | 3
Remote Duel YCS Information
What is Remote Duel?
Remote Duel is Sanctioned Organised Play Tournament hosted in a virtual environment, run on designated Discord
Servers. In order to participate, TCG Duelists will need a webcam, smartphone or tablet to display their field to their
You can find more details on Remote Duel on our website. Prior to registering for events, you should read the Remote
Duel Best Practices guide as it contains information you will need in order to compete, here:
You are responsible for a stable internet connection and a working Remote Duel setup in order to participate in
a Remote Duel event
If you lose your video feed, have excessively lagging or frozen video, or otherwise disconnect from a Duel in
progress, you will receive a Game Loss
Please be mindful of background noise around your Remote Duel setup, so you and your opponent can hear each
other clearly
All Duelists who wish to register for Public Events during the Remote Duel YCS will do so via the Tournament Organiser.
Please see the When are Public Events scheduled? question below for registration times for Public Events with each
Tournament Organiser.
Duelists should review and take note of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament Policy document in order to prepare for events, you
can find it here.
Prior to registering for events, Duelists should read the Remote Duel Best Practices Guide, which also includes a list of
cards Forbidden in Remote Duel only. You can find it here.
How much does it cost to enter the Remote Duel YCS?
The entry fee for the event will be displayed on the corresponding event page.
Are there any pack prizes apart from the five packs that everyone gets?
Prizing boosters will be listed in the prize breakdown. This will be made available via that events associated event page.
Who is eligible to compete in the Remote Duel YCS?
In order to take part and compete in the Remote Duel YCS, a Duelist needs to meet the following criteria.
Duelists must have a CARD GAME ID and be in good standing
o Suspended Duelists are not considered to be in good standing and may not register or compete
Duelists must be a current resident in Europe, Africa, Middle East or Oceania
o This is required to be eligible to participate in the Top 16 Livestream Playoffs
How do I register for the Remote Duel YCS?
To register for a Remote Duel YCS event, you must have a CARD GAME ID number.
Registration opening and closing times will be available on the associated event page.
Duelists are required to be a current resident of Europe, Africa, Middle East or Oceania in order to participate in this
event. When registering, the address you list there is the shipping address that will be used for all prizing shipments
after the event is concluded.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series
Updated 21/10/2021 P a g e | 4
Duelists from the Americas may check for events in their region.
When is registration for the Remote Duel YCS?
Please check the associated event page for registration opening and closing times.
What is the format for the Remote Duel YCS?
The Remote Duel YCS tournament is a Constructed Advanced Format event, which means each Duelist must use their
own Deck to compete. Decks must be constructed per the latest Advanced Format guidelines. (See more information,
here. The Forbidden & Limited list is updated periodically; refer to the “UPDATEDdate on that page to ensure your Deck
matches the current format).
Duelists can see a list of cards not permitted for use in Remote Duels here.
What Discord server will host the Remote Duel YCS?
Information such as which Discord server will host the event will be disclosed by the hosting Tournament Organiser.
How many rounds will the Remote Duel YCS have?
The total number of Duelists registered will determine the number of rounds that are played on each host Discord
Number of
Number of
Swiss Rounds
Swiss Rounds
Day 1
Minimum Points
to make Day 2
Swiss Rounds
Day 2
Top Cut
129 256 Duelists
8 Rounds
6 Rounds
10 Points
2 Rounds
Top 32
257 512 Duelists
9 Rounds
7 Rounds
13 Points
2 Rounds
Top 32
513 1024 Duelists
10 Rounds
8 Rounds
16 Points
2 Rounds
Top 32
1025 2048 Duelists
11 Rounds
8 Rounds
16 Points
3 Rounds
Top 32
2049 or more Duelists
12 Rounds
8 Rounds
16 Points
3 Rounds
Top 64
How many Duelists will advance to Day 2?
The number of Duelists that advance to Day 2 will be determined by the combined total of Duelists from all Discord
servers hosting Day 1.
If there are 256 Duelists or fewer registered for the Remote Duel YCS, then all Duelists with a minimum of 10 Points will
advance to Day 2.
If there are 257 - 512 Duelists registered for the Remote Duel YCS, then all Duelists with a minimum of 13 Points will
advance to Day 2.
If there are 513 or more registered for the Remote Duel YCS, then all Duelists with a minimum of 16 Points will advance
to Day 2.
How many Duelists will advance to the Top Cut?
If there are 2048 or fewer Duelists, the tournament will cut to Top 32 after all rounds of Swiss are completed. If the Top
Cut is 32 Duelists, prizes will be awarded down to 32
If there are 2049 or more Duelists, the tournament will cut to Top 64 after all rounds of Swiss are completed. If the Top
Cut is 64 Duelists, prizes will be awarded down to 64
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series
Updated 21/10/2021 P a g e | 5
What will I need to participate in the Remote Duel YCS tournament?
You should have a tournament-legal Deck as described under “What is the format for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship
Series?, along with any tournament supplies you will need, such as paper and pen to track Life Points, dice or counters
if you are using cards which require them, extra sleeves to replace any that become damaged, and so forth. If you have
a CARD GAME ID number, you should have your number. You will also need a functional Remote Duel setup.
If I’ve never participated in a Remote Duel YCS tournament, what should I expect?
Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series are among the biggest of all Yu-Gi-Oh! tournaments and attract Duelists of all ages and
skill levels. You can expect to interact with hundreds of fellow Yu-Gi-Oh! fans from all over.
time Duelists should review and take note of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament Policy document in order to prepare
for events, here
the Remote Duel Best Practices Guide, which also includes a list of cards Forbidden in Remote Duel only, here
There are many things you should do to make sure you are prepared before participating in the tournament. Read over
the list of things you will need for the tournament, and make sure you have everything. It is your responsibility to ensure
all of your equipment is in working order, that any necessary updates have been performed, and your internet connection
is steady and reliable before the event begins. Check everything carefully so you are ready to play.
You will need to register before the day of the event.
Make sure to register during the timeframe provided by the hosting OTS to ensure you can play in the event. If you do
not register before the end of the registration timeframe, you may not be able to enter the tournament when it begins.
In some cases, a Tournament Organiser may require that you create an account on their website, we recommend that
you reach out to the Tournament Organiser if you encounter any difficulties when trying to register on their site.
You will also need a CARD GAME ID number this is the ID number used to track you in the tournament. If you don’t
already have one, event staff will be able to help you register for one. If a tournament staff member needs to reach out
about your registration, they will do so via Discord. Please watch your Discord notifications so you can respond to any
If you have a CARD GAME ID and have lost or forgotten it, you can ask the Tournament Organiser staff to look it up for
you. If you’ve played in a previous event, they may be able to retrieve your number. You may be able to reach out to staff
on the Tournament Organiser’s Discord server.
You will also need a Deck list. A Deck list is required to participate in the Remote Duel YCS tournament. You can submit
your Deck list on the Tournament Organiser’s Discord server following the instructions on their server.
Your Deck list must be completed so it can be submitted when registering for the Remote Duel YCS. Make sure you have
submitted your Deck list on the Discord server, and that it is complete and exactly matches your Deck before attempting
to register for the Remote Duel YCS.
Once a Deck list has been submitted it can no longer be changed.
Duelists are responsible for paying attention to information from judges and/or tournament staff in order to understand
what is going on. If Duelists have questions about the event either beforehand or while they are there, they should check
with the Event Staff in the relevant Discord channel of their assigned server.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series
Updated 21/10/2021 P a g e | 6
Before participating in the event, all Duelists should read over the Konami Digital Entertainment, B.V. (KDE-E) Tournament
Policy and Penalty Guidelines carefully. These documents tell you what you can and cannot do at an event and give you
a good idea of what to expect. You may find these Guidelines by clicking the following links:
Tournament Policy
Penalty Guidelines
Remember, there is more to do at the Remote Duel YCS than just compete in the main tournament. There are lots of
Public Events to participate in as well. Read over the FAQ carefully, and you’ll be off to a great start.
Will the Remote Duel YCS have Remote Duel YCS VIPs and how do I qualify to be one?
Some events may have VIP Qualifiers, please check the associated events page to see if VIP Qualifiers are being offered
for the event.
Any Duelist that is a Remote Duel Invitational Champion within the last year, or who wins a Remote Duel YCS VIP Qualifier
will earn VIP status at the Remote Duel YCS! If you want to qualify as a Yu-Gi-Oh! VIP, you need to attend and win one of
a YCS VIP Qualifier tournament hosted by OTS before the Remote Duel YCS.
Only Duelists from the Europe, Africa, Middle East and Oceania territories can compete in VIP Qualifiers and may only
participate in VIP Qualifiers in their respective territories. You can find more information about the North America or
Latin America events, here. VIP Qualifiers award perks only for the region in which the event takes place, for example, a
VIP Qualifier in North America would not award VIP status at a European Remote Duel YCS Event. Additionally, any
Remote Duel VIP events will not award VIP status at an in-person YCS event.
A Duelist who earns VIP status receives the following benefits as a VIP:
FREE entry to the YCS and any participation prizes normally awarded at the time of registration (Participation
Packs, Field Center Card, Participation Game Mat).
Remote Duel VIP Field Center Card
Two-Round Bye at the Remote Duel YCS (VIPs start the tournament in Round 3 with a 2-0 record (2 Wins and 0
Please note that all VIPs must still register on time. Their names will not appear on the first and second round pairings.
Any Duelist that has earned VIP status will register the same way as if they were participating as a paying Duelist, however
they will not need to pay for the event.
Will there be meal breaks during the tournament?
There will not be any meal breaks scheduled into the tournament.
How long will each Remote Duel Match last?
Each Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Remote Duel Match will be a best 2-out-of-3 Duel with a 50-minute time limit.
Each Yu-Gi-Oh! Speed Duel Remote Duel Match will be a best 2-out-of-3 Duel with a 40-minute time limit.
Each Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Remote Duel Match will be a best 3-out-of-5 Duel with a 45-minute time limit.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series
Updated 21/10/2021 P a g e | 7
Card Game
Games Played
Best 2-out-of-3
Yu-Gi-Oh! Speed Duel
Best 2-out-of-3
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links
Best 3-out-of-5
What happens if I am not done with my Match after the time limit?
Sometimes a Match will not be finished when the time ends for a round. If this happens, it is both Duelists’ responsibility
to note whose turn it is when time is called. Duelists who require assistance with the End of Match procedures should
call for a judge. The judge should be notified that the Match is ongoing and whose turn it is. The judge may or may not
stay to supervise the End of Match procedure but should ensure that both Duelists understand the following procedures.
End of Match procedures should follow these three (3) rules:
Rule #1: If time is called while Duelists are in the middle of a Game, the current Game must have a decision (Win, Loss,
or Draw)
Rule #2: Once the current Game has concluded with a decision, determine the winner of the Match by determining the
number of Game Wins (or Game Losses) each Duelist has for the current Match. The Duelist with the most Game Wins
will win the Match.
Swiss Rounds: If both Duelists have the same number of Game Wins, or if time was called in between games of
a Match when both Duelists had the same number of Game Wins, then the Match is a Draw.
Single-Elimination Rounds: If both Duelists have the same number of Game Wins, or if time is called in between
Games of a Match while both Duelists have the same number of Game Wins, they will begin a new Duel with
specific guidelines.
o Neither Duelist may use their Side Deck. If time was called in between Games of a Match and at least one
Duelist has already accessed their Side Deck, then both Duelists may use their Side Deck.
o Duelists must use a random method (die roll, coin flip, etc.) to determine who will go first.
o The Duel will continue for a total of four (4) turns, two (2) turns for each Duelist, unless a Duelist manages
to win the Duel before the four (4) turns have concluded.
A “turn” is defined as the start of the Draw Phase until the end of the End Phase for a single Duelist.
o Once the four (4) turns are completed, Life Point totals are compared and the Duelist with the highest
Life Point total wins the Match.
o If both Duelists’ Life Points are the same after the four (4) turns are completed, then play will continue
on a turn-by-turn basis, with the Duelist with the most Life Points at the end of a turn being declared the
winner of that Game.
Rule #3: If a win condition occurs during End of Match Procedures, that Duelist wins the current Game.
Keeping these three (3) rules in mind, please follow these instructions when proceeding to End of Match procedures:
1. Continue with the current Phase of the Game. Once the Phase is over, stop the game.
2. Determine a Game Winner at this point, with the Duelist with the most Life Points winning the Game.
During Swiss Rounds, if both Duelists’ Life Points are the same, the Game is a Draw. Compare Game Wins
with the Duelist with the most Game Wins winning the Match. If the Game Win totals are the same, the
Match is a Draw.
During Single-Elimination, if both Duelists’ Life Points are the same at the end of the current Phase (Step 1
above), finish the current turn. If both Duelists’ Life Points are the same at the end of the turn, then play will
continue on a turn-by-turn basis, with the Duelist with the most Life Points at the end of a turn being declared
the winner of that Game.
Match Draws cannot occur during Single-Elimination Rounds.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series
Updated 21/10/2021 P a g e | 8
Invitations and Prizes
Do I need an invitation to participate in the Remote Duel YCS?
You do not need an invitation to participate. This event is open to all Duelists in eligible regions.
Can I win an invite to a European World Championship Qualifier?
The top 32 Duelists at the completion of the final round of Swiss play will earn an invite to a future World
Championship Qualifier. If 2049 or more Duelists compete in the Remote Duel YCS, then the top 64 Duelists will earn an
invite to a future World Championship Qualifier.
What are the Participation Prizes for the Remote Duel YCS?
Participation prizes will be listed on the associated event page.
What are the prizes for the Remote Duel YCS?
Please refer to the event schedule for the prize breakdown for the Remote Duel YCS.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series
Updated 21/10/2021 P a g e | 9
Card Legality
What cards are legal for play?
Please check the Gameplay page online at for at the most current legality dates of Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG product releases,
prior to preparing your Deck for the event.
Is there an additional Forbidden List specific to Remote Duel?
Certain types of card effects involving Private Knowledge cannot be successfully resolved in Remote Duel and are
considered to be Forbidden in Remote Duel only.
Cards Forbidden in Remote Duel are not Forbidden for in-person play, therefore they are not displayed on the Advanced
or Traditional Format Forbidden & Limited List
Please consult with the Head Judge for the event if you have questions about the legality of cards in your Deck.
This Forbidden List is in addition to the Forbidden and Limited list posted on the website.
Card Name Forbidden in Remote Duel
Ancient Telescope
Blizzard Warrior
Contact With the Aquamirror
Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow
Destiny HERO - Dominance
Diabolos, King of the Abyss
Flower Cardian Peony with Butterfly
Goddess Skuld’s Oracle
Parasite Paracide
Senri Eye
Spell Vanishing
SPYRAL Gear - Drone
Transmission Gear
Can I use OCG cards (cards printed for use in Japan and other Asian territories) in my Deck?
No, cards printed for Asian markets are not legal for play in TCG tournaments, even if you have a translation available.
Can I use foreign language cards in my Deck?
You can use foreign language copies of legal-for-play cards printed for the TCG market, as long as you can show an official
translation of the card, kept outside of your Deck and Deck box, when asked to do so by an opponent or tournament
official. If an opponent or tournament official has difficulty reading the card text, make sure to have the full local language
card name ready to ensure it can be found quickly in NEURON.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series
Updated 21/10/2021 P a g e | 10
Public Events
What are the different types of Public Events?
The event page for the Remote Duel YCS will list available public events. We recommend you check the associated page
for further information.
When are Public Events scheduled?
Public Events may be scheduled throughout the Remote Duel YCS weekend. Please check the associated events page
for a schedule of events.
How do I sign up for Public Events?
Each Tournament Organiser will handle registration for their public events in the Discord server provided at the top of
this document. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Event Staff on the Tournament Organiser’s Discord
through the #ask-event-staff channel. Each Tournament Organiser is running Public Events at times relative to their
location, so make sure to find the Tournament Organiser closest to you to find the best time to play!
What is a Single-Elimination Tournament?
Half of the tournament is eliminated after each round the losing Duelist is out of the tournament, while the winner
goes on to the next round. This continues until only one Duelist remains, which is then declared the winner.
What are the rules for an Egyptian God Deck Tournament?
Egyptian God Deck tournaments run as two separate tournaments, one where all Duelists are using the Egyptian God
Deck: Obelisk the Tormentor (Obelisk Deck) and one where all Duelists use the Egyptian God Deck: Slifer the Sky Dragon
(Slifer Deck). Duelists registering for this event will need to already own an intact copy of either of the latest Slifer Deck
or Obelisk Deck in order to participate in the Tournament(s). Please be sure to register for the correct event that
matches your choice of deck.
Deck Construction Rules
Main Deck Size
All Main Deck Cards
Forbidden/Limited List
The Advanced Format list does not apply.
What are the rules for a Remote Duel Speed Duel Constructed Tournament?
Duelists can bring their own Speed Duel Deck and play in a Constructed Speed Duel event
Each Duelist begins the game with 4000 Life Points
Each Duelist begins the game with four (4) cards as their starting hand
Skill Card effects do not use the chain
Each Duelist has three (3) Main Monster Zones, three (3) Spell & Trap Zones, and one (1) Field Zone
The Duelist going first does not draw a card on their opening turn
The hand size limit is six (6) cards
Each Duelist may have an active Field Spell Card
To build your own Constructed Speed Duel Deck, you will need to follow these requirements before entering an event.
Only cards with a Speed Duel Logo can be used in your Deck
Your Deck includes the Main Deck and may include a Side Deck and/or Extra Deck
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series
Updated 21/10/2021 P a g e | 11
You may not have more than three (3) copies of any card included in your Main Deck, Side Deck, and Extra Deck
Your Main Deck must have a minimum of 20 cards, and a maximum of 30 cards (cards in the Side and Extra Decks
do not count towards this total)
In a Constructed tournament, you may use a Side Deck consisting of 0 to 6 cards in addition to your Main Deck.
Skill Cards can be included in your Side Deck
If you choose not to use a Skill Card during the first Duel of a Match and you have Skill Cards in your Side Deck,
you may use a Skill Card from the Side Deck as part of the Side Deck process for Game 2 or Game 3
If you choose to use a Skill Card during the first Duel of a Match, you may opt not to use a Skill Card for subsequent
Duels in the Match
In a Constructed Tournament, you may use an Extra Deck consisting of 0 to 6 Extra Deck Monsters
Players can review the Speed Duel Policy Document here.
What are the Rules for a Remote Duel - Duel Links Tournament?
This event allows you to bring your device and connect to others remotely for a Duel Links format, Single-Elimination
event. Test your Deck builds in a Duel using the latest Duel Links Forbidden and Limited restrictions to compete for Duel
Links Prize Pins (while supplies last)!
Rounds will be played best of five (5) Duels.
Rounds will be 45 minutes long.
Between each Duel, you may use your Side Deck to alter your Deck for the next Duel.
Your Side Deck is every card in your collection.
Any changes can be made to the Deck between Duels of a Match, including the following:
o Adding Cards
o Subtracting Cards
o Changing Legendary Duelist
o Changing Character Skill
The Deck must be legal for play (appropriate number of cards in the Main and Side Deck, complies with the
Forbidden and Limited list available within the Duel Links app)
If the Duelist believes there is an error or other issue with their Deck, they should contact a Judge immediately.
Failure to do this by the 5-minute mark may result in appropriate penalties.
Duelists are not required to revert their Deck back to its original Deck prior to the start of each Match. Players
must have a Duel Links legal-for-play Deck prior to each played Game/Match.
In case of a disconnect, win/loss will be determined by the result given in-game. If the app crashes, or both Duelists
disconnect simultaneously and a win is not decided, the Duelists will restart that Duel using the same Decks. Side Decking
will not be allowed for that specific Duel.
Instructions on how the competitors can connect to the in-game Tournament Room will be provided once you are seated
for the events.
Duelists will need to have the latest Duel Links app (v.5.5.0) installed on their device and reached Stage 4 or higher to
participate in Tournaments.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series
Updated 21/10/2021 P a g e | 12
I may need assistance to participate in the Remote Duel YCS due to a disability or recent injury,
what should I do?
Please contact the Event Coordinator or Tournament Organiser of your assigned Discord server to make them aware of
your concerns so that between them and the KDE-E Representative, you can be provided with a comfortable gaming
I want to judge at the Remote Duel YCS, instead of competing as a Duelist how can I apply?
If you’re interested in judging at the Remote Duel YCS, please email the Tournament Organiser. Please provide your full
name, contact information including email and phone number, and a description of your previous judging experience.
Potential judges are required to hold RC-1 certification and be registered as judges in the KDE-E Judge Program to judge
at a YCS. All potential judges must pass the online Rulings Comprehension Level 1 test, and then complete an online
application to join the Judge Program. You can find information about the test, and a link to take it, here.
Can I buy and sell from other people at the event?
Duelists are not allowed to buy or sell from one another on Remote Duel YCS Discord servers. If you do so, you risk
incurring penalties, including being disqualified and removed from the event.
Buying and selling includes all items, not just cards or gaming supplies.
Trading is restricted to cards and Yu-Gi-Oh! related item such as playmats and dice attendees may not trade other items
on Remote Duel YCS Discord servers.
Attendees may not solicit business, distribute links to sites or servers, etc., while on the Remote Duel YCS Discord servers.
Can I get a CARD GAME ID number at the Remote Duel YCS tournament, or will I need to have one
before I attend the event?
If you previously had a COSSY ID, that same number will carry over as your CARD GAME ID. You will still need to register
online at
If you do not remember your previous 10-digit ID, an Event Staff member on the Tournament Organiser’s Discord server
should be able to assist in finding your correct ID. Please join the host’s Remote Duel YCS Discord server for help finding
your CARD GAME ID number. Duelists should avoid acquiring new CARD GAME IDs if the previous ID can be found.
If you do not have a CARD GAME ID number, you can get one by registering online at https://cardgame-
Are there any items I am not allowed to have visible in my Dueling Setup during the tournament?
Attendees may not display or have visible any items that are prohibited by law in their area (local, state, or national). In
addition, unlawful items/transactions, weapons of any kind, and substance drugs which may be illegal on a local, state,
and/or national level, are not allowed at Sanctioned/Official events. Attendees who have any such items visible will incur
penalties, including Disqualification and removal from the event, and risk suspension from KDE-E Organised Play.
The use of electronic and/or vapor cigarettes are not permitted to be visible during any Sanctioned/Official Remote Duel
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series
Updated 21/10/2021 P a g e | 13
What Tournament Policy information do I need to know for a Remote Duel Event?
Duelists are responsible to know the information contained in KDE-E Official Tournament Policy documents, which can
be found here.
Until we have a Remote Duel Policy addendum, we will use the following Infractions/Penalties for common issues in
Remote Duels.
If a Duelist gets disconnected from the video channel during a Duel, they will receive
a Game Loss. This is a Procedural Error Major infraction.
Frozen Video
If a Duelist’s video feed becomes disrupted or frozen during a Duel, they will receive
a Game Loss. This is a Procedural Error Major infraction. This is not the same as a
temporary lag, please use the Pause/Play card or some other method to indicate
Streaming during a
Match (for events
prohibiting streaming)
If a Duelist streams or otherwise broadcasts an ongoing Match at an event that has
prohibited streaming, they will receive a Warning. This is an Unsporting Conduct-
Minor infraction and can be upgraded if the Duelist repeats the infraction. Duelists
should verify ahead of time whether streaming is allowed.
Revealing Private
If a Duelist inadvertently reveals the contents of their Hand, etc. they will receive a
Warning. This is a Procedural Error Minor infraction and can be upgraded if the
Duelist repeats the infraction.
Having items or
clothing with offensive
images or language on
If a Duelist is using tournament materials, wearing clothing, or displaying items
within view of the camera with offensive language or images, they will receive a
Warning and be required to remove the items in question. This is an Unsporting
Conduct Minor infraction and can be upgraded if the Duelist repeats the
infraction. Tardiness or Slow Play penalties may also apply if the correction is not
made in a timely manner.
Using a play area that is
cluttered or unclear
If a Duelist is playing with a field that is poorly lit, lacking contrast between sleeves
and mat, is cluttered with items not required for the current Match, etc. they will
receive a Warning and be required to correct the issues. This is a Procedural Error
Minor infraction and can be upgraded if the Duelist does not correct the issues or
repeats the infraction. Tardiness or Slow Play penalties may also apply if the
correction is not made in a timely manner.
Not being appropriately
If a Duelist is not appropriately dressed (shirts and pants, shorts, or skirts must be
worn) they will receive a Warning and be required to correct the situation. This is
an Unsporting Conduct Minor infraction and can be upgraded if the Duelist
repeats the infraction. Tardiness or Slow Play penalties may also apply if the
correction is not made in a timely manner.
Not keeping hands in
actions off camera
If a Duelist does not keep their hands holding cards or other game-related actions
in view of the camera and their action is unintentional, they will receive a Warning.
This is a Procedural Error Minor infraction and can be upgraded if the Duelist
repeats the infraction.
Outside interference in
a Match
If a Duelist receives outside interference in their Match, they will receive an
Unsporting Conduct infraction. The severity of the infraction will determine the
appropriate penalty, which could range from a Warning to a Disqualification.
Including cards
Forbidden in Remote
Duel in the Deck
If the error is caught prior to the start of the event, the Duelist receives a Warning
for a Deck Error Minor infraction and must remove the Forbidden card(s). If
removing the Forbidden cards results in an illegal Deck (less than 40 cards), then
the Duelist must move cards from their Side Deck to the Main Deck to total 40 cards.
If the error is caught after the event has started, the Duelist receives a Game Loss
for a Deck Error Major infraction and must remove the Forbidden card(s). If
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series
Updated 21/10/2021 P a g e | 14
removing the Forbidden cards results in an illegal Deck (less than 40 cards), then
the Duelist must move cards from their Side Deck to the Main Deck to total 40 cards.
Am I allowed to stream or record any of my Matches?
Duelists are not allowed to stream or record any of the Matches during this event.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series
Updated 21/10/2021 P a g e | 15
Resource Links and Contact Information
Contact information
For Questions please e-mail:
KDE-E Organised Play Support
KDE-E Penalty Support
eu-penaltysu[email protected]
KDE-E Judge Support
eu-judgesupp[email protected]
Official Yu-Gi-Oh! Events web
OTS Store Locator
KDE-E Official Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING
CARD GAME Tournament Policy:
Official Yu-Gi-Oh! Rule Book
Tournament Infractions and
Penalties Policy:
KONAMI Card Game Network
NEURON Webpage
Forbidden and Limited List
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series
Updated 21/10/2021 P a g e | 16
Card Legality Page
KDE-E Official Constructed Deck
KONAMI Judge Program Overview
Remote Duel Best Practice Guide
Remote Duel Set Up Guide