Restroom stalls
Nadaburg Unified School District #81
Nadaburg Unified School District #81
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
Nadaburg Unified School District No. 81
2023-2024 Parent/Student Handbook, K-12
Quality Education: Every Student! Every Day!
Dr. Aspasia Angelou |
Kerre Laabs | Director of Business Services and Human Resources
Alysia Wells | Principal, Nadaburg Elementary School
Angelina Geraci | Principal, Desert Oasis Elementary School
Dr. Kathryn Strevell | Principal, Mountainside High School
Holly Diaz | Director of Educational Services
John Asimakopoulos | Director of Technology
Lynn Spivey | Director of Transportation
Nellie Odogui | Director of Maintenance
Matt Varitek
Valarie Serrano
Sandra Jordan
Nancy Sanchez
Deborah Parris
Governing Board
Vice President
32919 Center Street
Wittmann, Arizona 85361
(623) 388-2100
Desert Oasis Elementary School (PK-8)
17161 W. Bajada Road
Surprise, AZ 85378
Angelina Geraci, Principal
(623) 556-5880
Monday - Thursday
Start Time: 7:45 A.M.
End Time: 3:15 P.M.
School is closed on Fridays
Mountainside High School (9-12)
32919 Center Street
Wittmann, AZ 85361
Kathryn Strevell, Principal
(623) 388-2111
Monday - Thursday
Start Time: 9:30 A.M.
End Time: 3:30 P.M.
School is closed on Fridays
Nadaburg Elementary School (PK-8)
21419 W. Dove Valley Road
Wittmann, AZ 85361
Alysia Wells, Principal
(623) 388-2321
Monday - Thursday
Start Time: 8:45 A.M.
End Time: 4:15 P.M.
School is closed on Fridays
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
GUIDELINES & PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Attendance / Truancy ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Withdrawal of Students ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Attendance Physical Education ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Cafeteria Meal Program and Price Schedule ........................................................................................................................ 6
Adult Breakfast ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Adult Lunch ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Closing - Emergency ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Confidentiality of Student Education Records .................................................................................................................... 7
Destruction of Student Records ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Dress Code ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Emergency Response .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Extracurricular Activities .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Field Trips........................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Fire Drill / Lockdown Procedures ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Homework ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Honor Roll and Principal’s List ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Lost and Found .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Make-Up Assignments ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Make-up Work / Tutoring ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Missing and Late Work Policy ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Missing Assignments ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Notices from the School ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Pass/Fail - KidWatch ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Promotion Ceremony .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Commencement Ceremony ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Early Graduation ........................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Early Graduate Guidelines: ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Public Complaints about School Personnel ........................................................................................................................ 14
Public Conduct on School Property ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Release from School .................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Athletic Participation .................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Recess ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Report Cards ................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
School Parties ................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Sexual Harassment ....................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Smoking or Possession of Tobacco on School Premises ............................................................................................... 16
Special Education Services / Child Find .............................................................................................................................. 16
Student Arrival and Departure Arrival ................................................................................................................................ 17
Student Parking ............................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Student Publications .................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Teacher or School Employee Abuse ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Telephone - School ....................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Textbooks, Supplies, and Equipment .................................................................................................................................... 18
Visitors .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
HEALTH & WELFARE ................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Chronic Health ............................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Communicable Diseases ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
HIV/AIDS .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
HIV/AIDS Human/Development Curriculum and Instruction ................................................................................... 21
Diet Restrictions ............................................................................................................................................................................ 21
Immunizations ............................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Medication ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Student Illness................................................................................................................................................................................ 22
Use of Pesticides on School Property.................................................................................................................................... 22
STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT.......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Due Process Rights....................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Searches ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 23
Student Conduct ............................................................................................................................................................................ 23
Student and Staff Self-Defense ................................................................................................................................................ 24
Bullying ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Personal Items/Confiscated Items ........................................................................................................................................ 27
Classroom Management Plan ................................................................................................................................................... 27
Informal Talk .................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Discipline Conference with Student ...................................................................................................................................... 27
Time-Out .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Conference with Parent ............................................................................................................................................................. 27
Restriction of Privileges ............................................................................................................................................................. 27
Removal from Classroom (in extreme circumstances) ................................................................................................. 28
Scope of Discipline Guidelines ................................................................................................................................................. 28
Administrative Discretion ......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Arizona Revised Statues References ..................................................................................................................................... 28
Classroom Rules ............................................................................................................................................................................ 30
Playground, Cafeteria, and Assembly Rules ....................................................................................................................... 30
Playground Rules .......................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Cafeteria Rules ............................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Assembly Rules: ............................................................................................................................................................................ 30
District Transportation Rules .................................................................................................................................................. 31
Specific Transportation Rules.................................................................................................................................................. 31
Parent Liability for Damages ................................................................................................................................................... 32
Parent Responsibility to Transport ....................................................................................................................................... 32
Student Use of Technology Agreement Form ............................................................................................................................. 42
Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 42
Student Obligations and Responsibilities ................................................................................................................................ 42
Privacy ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Personally Owned Devices (BYOD) ............................................................................................................................................ 43
Reporting .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 43
Consequences for Violation ........................................................................................................................................................... 43
Student Acknowledgment .............................................................................................................................................................. 43
Parent or Legal Guardian Acknowledgment ........................................................................................................................... 43
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
Address - Home
Please notify the school immediately when there is a change of home address, telephone number,
parent's employment, or a change in the emergency telephone number to be used when we are
unable to reach a parent. Changes to family contacts must be made in writing.
Attendance / Truancy
The Nadaburg Unified School District No. 81 believes all students should be in school every day,
unless there is a valid reason for an absence, such as those related to medical or religious absences.
Regular and timely attendance is a determining factor in educational success. Critical academic
information is lost each time a student is out of the classroom.
Regular school attendance is not only a good habit, but also a state law. Arizona State Law (A.R.S. §
15-802 and 15-803) states that every person who has custody of a child between the ages of six and
16 years shall make sure the child attends school for the full-time school is in session.
Nadaburg Unified School District No. 81 values the involvement of parents/guardians in the
academic process and encourages ongoing communication between home and school, particularly
regarding attendance. School staff will make every attempt to assist families in addressing
attendance concerns.
A parent/guardian should contact the school’s 24-hour absence reporting line prior to the
beginning of the school day when a child will be absent.
All unreported absences will be documented as “unknown” absences. The school will
attempt to contact parents/guardians within the first two hours of the school day, in order
to ensure student safety and in an attempt to document an absence reason (A.R.S. § 15-807).
Pursuit to A.R.S. § 15-803, a child can only be excused when he/she is accompanied by a
parent or a person authorized by a parent.
A parent/guardian is the only person who may verify an unknown absence. Unknown
absences may be verified by the parent/guardian by phone, in person, or in writing to the
school office within 24 hours of a student returning to school from an absence.
Any absence that has not been verified by a parent/guardian within 24 hours will be
considered unexcused.
A student who independently chooses not to attend school is considered truant and cannot
be excused by the parent. This is classified as “Leaving Campus without
Authorization/Unauthorized Absence” on the Student Discipline Procedures, included in the
Parent/Student Handbook.
Arizona Revised Statute §15-803 defines absences as “excessive” when the number of
absent days exceeds 10% of the number of required attendance days. For example, on a
144-day school calendar, excessive absences would equal 14 or more days absent. These
include both excused and unexcused absences.
Parents will be notified by letter when students accumulate 5, 10, and 14 absences.
Withdrawal of Students
Before any student may leave the school the parent/guardian is required to report to the school
office. A student must be "signed out" prior to removal. Prior to withdrawing a student, a
withdrawal form must be completed, all school property must be returned, and all accounts cleared
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
before the student can be withdrawn. Ten (10) or more days of unexcused absences will result in
automatic withdrawal. Board Policy JFC
Attendance Physical Education
It is necessary that a doctor's statement be furnished if a student cannot participate in Physical
Education classes for extended periods of time. Parent-written notes will only be accepted for
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
excusal from two (2) PE class periods. Students not participating in P.E. will not participate in recess
activities, sports or after-school games for the day(s) excused.
Cafeteria Meal Program and Price Schedule
Meal prices (including milk) are as follows:
Breakfast (K-8)
Paid - $1.30
Reduced - $. 30
Breakfast (9-12)
Paid - $1.40
Reduced - $0.30
Adult Breakfast
Extra Milk - $.25
Cereal is offered daily as a
Lunch (K-8)
Paid - $3.10
Reduced - $.40
Lunch (9-12)
Paid - $3.40
Reduced - $0.40
Adult Lunch
Extra Milk - $.25
A variety of low-fat milk is
offered for breakfast and lunch.
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
The Nadaburg Unified School District will once again be participating in the federal meal program,
whereby students may be eligible to receive free or reduced-price breakfasts and lunches.
Information/applications may be obtained by contacting the school office.
Note: Even if your child participated in this program last year, it will be necessary for you to reapply for the
new school year. Free and reduced-price meals will be provided to all students who are eligible.
Applications for free or reduced-price meals programs shall be available to students at all times during the
regular school day. The Governing Board prohibits the charging of meals by students and staff. Students
whose meal account balances are at less than the cost of a lunch will not go hungry; they will be offered a
lunch consisting of a sandwich, milk and fruit. Board Policies EFC-R and EFDA
Food Delivery/Item Drop-Off:
Food delivered to the school may only be delivered by the parent/guardian or other person designated in
the student's emergency contacts. Parent/guardian/designated person may only deliver food to their
student(s). To minimize distractions to the learning environment for all students, students will not be
released from class to collect items dropped off during instructional time. Students may utilize a passing
period or the lunch period to collect any item(s) left for them from the front office. Please note, students
may not be absent from class to consume food deliveries outside of their designated lunch period.
Closing - Emergency
During inclement weather, early dismissal will be determined by this procedure:
The determination to dismiss early will be based strictly upon the safety of the children
riding our buses.
There will be a continual updating of road conditions by our bus drivers. The principal will
evaluate this information, along with their recommendations. Parent calls and radio reports
will also be evaluated.
When road conditions reach the point where our buses may possibly face unsafe road
conditions, an early dismissal will be called.
Parents should be prepared for an early dismissal during unusual weather conditions.
Parents may wish to take the following into consideration:
o Phone numbers of other responsible adults may be given to the administration
office to call if parents will not be home.
o Arrangements may be made with neighbors or close friends to supervise the child if
parents will not be home.
o Plans should be worked out with the child so that if temporarily unsupervised at
home, all safety precautions will be strictly followed.
o The Administration wants to assure you that they are aware of your concern about
early dismissal, but the safety of our children must be given top priority.
It is recommended that you check the Nadaburg Unified School District website at for updates. Schools will also post notification to social media and/or use the
school’s robocall system.
Confidentiality of Student Education Records
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. §1232g; 34 CFR part 99) is a
Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools
that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives
parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to
the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level.
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students."
Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student's education
records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of records
unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to
review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies.
Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records which
they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record,
the parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the
school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to
place a statement with the record setting for the his or her view about the contested
Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in
order to release any information from a student's education records. However, FERPA
allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties under the
following conditions (34 CRT §99.31):
o School officials with legitimate educational interest;
o Other schools to which a student is transferring;
o Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
o Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
o Organizations conducting certain students for or on behalf of the school;
o Accrediting organizations;
o To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
o Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
o State and local authorizes, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State
Schools may disclose, without consent, "directory" information such as a student's name,
address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of
attendance. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students about directory
information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request
that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify parents
and eligible students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification
(special letter, inclusion in a PTA bulletin, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to
the discretion of each school.
Destruction of Student Records
This is to advise you that the Student Services Department of the Nadaburg School District will
destroy all special education records of students who have not received special education services
for at least five (5) years. The discontinuation of Special Education services may be due to
withdrawal, transfer from the Nadaburg School District, or graduation. The information contained
in these records may be needed for other purposes, such as documentation of eligibility for social
security benefits and other entitlement benefits. You have the right to review Special Education
records and obtain copies of any of the information. The request for review and copies must be
made before the date authorized for destruction of records, July 1 of each year. You will receive no
other notifications for the destruction of Special Education records.
Dress Code
Nadaburg Unified School District believes that there is a connection between Student Dress and
Academic Success. As such, any attire that detracts from the learning environment is not acceptable.
Students should dress in a manner that takes into consideration the educational environment,
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
safety, health and welfare of oneself and others. The following guidelines are not intended to be
entirely inclusive of all dress code situations. Therefore, school administrators will be allowed the
final decision when applying the guidelines to student appearance standards.
Please wear the following:
Clothing that covers the entire midriff, has a back, has straps, fits closely under the arms and
is not too low cut.
Clothing that is of adequate length to cover the bottom at all times.
Clothing that has appropriate language. Please do not wear clothing that depicts or
references drugs, alcohol, a sexual reference, has profanity, or language that demeans
Appropriate footwear for a safe learning environment. Please do not wear slippers. Headwear may
be worn on campus, but please remove them in the building or classroom if asked by a staff
If there is a concern regarding student dress, a staff member will refer the student to the office to
address the issue. The student and front office staff will discuss the concern, and if deemed
necessary, the student will be provided appropriate clothing to change into or may wait in the front
office for appropriate clothing to be brought to the student. Requests for exceptions to
the dress code for religious, health-related, or other reasons will be considered by the school
For safety reasons, blankets are not allowed to be worn and/or carried. Students should wear
appropriate outerwear for warmth such as jackets and/or sweatshirts.
We encourage participation on spirit days. However, students must be identifiable. Therefore, full
face painting and the wearing of masks that cover the entire face are prohibited.
** For special events Dress Code could be altered with the discretion of administration. **
Students who come to school in inappropriate clothing will be sent to the nurse’s office to change as
to not take away instructional learning time. If clothing is not available, parents will be called and
asked to bring a change of clothing. Dress Code violations will follow the Student Code of Conduct
Emergency Response
Should an emergency or disaster situation ever arise in our area while school is in session, we want
you to be aware that all schools have made preparations to respond effectively to such situations.
Should we have a major disaster during school hours, the school will go into lockdown. Safety is the
primary concern and your children will be cared for at school. Our school district has a detailed
disaster plan which has been formulated to respond to a major catastrophe.
Your cooperation is essential in any emergency.
· Do not telephone the school. Telephone lines may be needed for emergency communication.
School personnel have emergency roles to play and no one will be answering school phone lines.
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
· In the event of an emergency, students will be kept at their schools or a predetermined rally
point until the all clear is given. After an all clear, students will then be transported by bus to their
regular afternoon bus stop. Any students that are returned to the school may be picked up by an
identified, responsible adult who has been identified as such on a School District green emergency
card which is required to be filled out by parents at the beginning of every school year. Please be
sure you consider the following criteria when you authorize another person to pick up your child at
o He/she is 18 years of age or older.
o He/she is usually home during the day.
o He/she could walk to school, if necessary.
o He/she is known to your child.
o He/she is both aware and able to assume this responsibility.
· Communication from the District will consist of updates on the district/school website,
school/district social media pages, robo call, or broadcast text. All of these communications are one
way. Please do not try to contact the school. The Incident Commander will decide when the
situation is all clear and is responsible for all aspects of the emergency. If students are to be kept at
school, we have food and water to last the duration of any emergency situation. The District may
provide additional information, regarding day-to-day school operations, via recorded message after
the emergency has concluded.
· Impress upon your children the need for them to follow the directions of any school personnel
in times of an emergency. We have a procedure in place for students to send an initial text (if time
permits) to let parents know they are okay. After that, text communication will not be permitted.
Do not be alarmed if your child has a phone and you do not hear from them and please do not text
to ask questions. The goal is to keep communication avenues open for emergency use only.
Everyone trying to text their child overloads the system and could be a hazard to the safety of all
Extracurricular Activities
The purpose of extracurricular activities is both educational and recreational. These programs
should encourage participation by as many boys and girls as possible and should always be
conducted with the best interests of the participants as the first consideration.
The student must have the written consent of parent or guardian for any type of interscholastic
sport, or other extracurricular activity, in which the student engages. It is recommended that
parents/guardians provide their student athletes with health/accident insurance. Students whose
behavior presents a problem or jeopardizes school discipline may be ineligible for participation in
extracurricular activities until such time as their behavior warrants reinstatement.
Field Trips
Field trips serve the instructional program by utilizing resources of the community and the area
that cannot be brought to the classroom. Parents will be notified of the details of the field trip.
Permission slips will be sent home with each student to be signed and returned. Students without
permission slips signed by parents or legal guardians will not be permitted to go on the field trip.
Students whose behavior jeopardizes school discipline may be ineligible for participation.
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
When students go on a field trip, student to chaperone ratio of 10:1 is required. Chaperones must
meet the following criteria:
Chaperones must be 21 years of age or older.
Chaperones must pay their own way into the destination,
Chaperones must present themselves in such a way as to generally follow the dress code of
the school.
Chaperones must be a parent, guardian, grandparent, aunt or uncle of the student attending
the field trip.
Chaperones may NOT bring additional children. There will be absolutely no exceptions.
On occasion, more volunteers will be present than are actually needed or allowed on the
field trip. The classroom teacher and/or principal will have the final decision as to which
volunteers who meet the above requirements may actually attend the field trip.
Fire Drill / Lockdown Procedures
For the safety of the children, fire drills will be held a minimum of once per month. Lockdown drills
are conducted once per semester.
Assignment of homework shall be of a constructive nature, directly related to the course of
study. Assignment of homework will be reasonable and based on Board adopted curriculum.
Honor Roll and Principal’s List
Students will qualify for the Honor Roll if they have a B (80) average, including citizenship and
special area classes, with no grade lower than a C in K-8 schools or a 3.5-3.99 weighted GPA in high
Students will qualify for the Principal's List if they have all A’s, including citizenship and special
area classes in K-8 schools or a 4.0 weighted GPA or higher in high school. This is the highest
academic honor at this level.
Lost and Found
Lost and found articles are to be turned in at the office. Students should check there if something is
lost. Please label (put your name on) all personal items. Items left in the lost and found will be
donated to a local charity at Winter Break and at the end of the school year.
Note: The School/District is NOT responsible for the loss, theft or damage of ANY personal
items brought to school, including but not limited to, musical instruments, radios,
headphones, cell phones, iPods, iPads, (any and all electronic devices), bicycles, etc.
Any loss, theft or damage to any personal items will not be covered by District
Make-Up Assignments
Students who miss work due to absences will make up the work within the allotted period of time.
The actual make-up work will, as much as possible, be exactly the same work that was missed on
the absent day. If that is not possible, the make-up work will be similar in nature and difficulty to
the actual missed work.
Make-up Work / Tutoring
Students needing to make-up school work, tests, requiring extra help or tutoring, may use after
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
school time at the teacher's discretion. Parents will be notified. Students are allowed one day of
extension for assignments for each day they are absent unless the teacher agrees to other
Missing and Late Work Policy
Students are expected to make up all work missed when absent from school. It is the students
responsibility to ensure that classroom instructional notes and assignments are obtained from
teachers upon returning from any type of absence. Students have an amount of time equivalent to
the number of days absent to make up work assigned during the absence. Exceptions to this policy
includes long-range assignments such as a term paper or project assigned one week prior to the
due date and students who are truant or deemed excessively absent. Long range assignments and
students who are truant or excessively absent must submit assignments on the due date, even in
the event of an absence, unless satisfactory arrangements have been made with the teacher for
Students shall be responsible for gathering classwork/homework while on suspension. Students
may email their teachers via their Nadaburg email accounts. Students will schedule a time for make-
up tests, quizzes, labs, or projects with the teacher on the day the student returns from suspension.
Students are eligible for credit for completed assignments turned in on the day they return from
suspension. No late work will receive credit unless pre-approved by the teacher assigning work.
Missing Assignments
If a student does not complete an assignment on time, even though he/she is present in school
when the assignment is made, the grade will be entered as a zero (0) in the gradebook. This has a
drastic effect on the cumulative grade. Work may be turned in late, for reduced credit. Students will
not get full credit for turning in work after the due date. Credit will be reduced as follows:
1 day late (this means any work not turned in when it is due up to one full day late) 10%
2 5 days late, 20% penalty the highest grade possible would be a low B
more than 5 days late, 40% penalty highest grade possible would be a D
Parents and students should understand that late work will be graded the same way all assignments
are. After that the reduction in grade takes place.
Example: a paper is turned in one day late. The teacher grades the paper. The paper earns a B, 85%.
The grade is then reduced for being late 85% minus 10% = 75%, a grade of C
A paper is turned in 5 days late. The paper is graded and earns a C, 75%. The grades is reduced 20%
and becomes a 55%, an F. However, although the grade is an F, this is much better than having a 0
entered in the gradebook.
Notices from the School
From time to time, notices such as newsletters, program announcements and various forms to be
completed and returned will be sent home with students. Students should realize the importance of
getting these notices home, as it is imperative to establish good communications.
Pass/Fail - KidWatch
The decision as to whether or not a student is promoted to the next grade level in grades K-8 at the
end of the year is an ongoing process that begins early in the year. Teachers will contact parents
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
half way through each quarter and at the end of the quarter regarding lack of significant student
progress. Parents of students whose achievement indicates a concern as to whether or not they will
be promoted at the end of the year will have documents to sign each quarter telling exactly what
has to change in the student’s performance in order for the student be placed on the promotion list.
Teachers will be in regular contact with parents so there are no surprises at the end of the year. The
state program of Move on When Reading may affect promotion of students in third grade if they are
not reading at grade level. Parents will be notified if a student’s reading level could be a possible
cause for retention in third grade.
Promotion Ceremony
The 8
grade promotion ceremony recognizes students who have successfully met the
requirements to be promoted into the 9th grade. Students whose behavior and academic standards
have failed to meet district standards may not be considered for the promotion ceremony. 8th
grade students will be informed of this policy during quarterly assemblies and throughout the year.
Promotion will be held during the last week of school. It is the practice of this District to conduct an
informal promotion ceremony with an emphasis placed on the importance of graduation from high
Commencement Ceremony
Students are required to meet all graduation requirements listed below before they may be
permitted to participate in commencement ceremonies. Please see the NUSD Course Catalog for
specifics regarding credit requirements in each content area, such as mathematics, science, and
social studies. Participating in a commencement ceremony is a privilege, not a right, and students
may be subject to having the privilege denied due to student misconduct.
English - 4 Credits
Math 4 Credits
Science 3 Credits
Fine Art or CTE - 1 Credit
Social Studies 3 Credits
Electives 7 Credits
All high school students are required to pass (60/100) a civics test to graduate.
Early Graduation
Students planning to graduate early must meet all graduation requirements. Students must notify
school administration by October 1
of the year which he/she plans to graduate. Students are
encouraged to apply in the spring semester of his/her sophomore year. Student transcripts and
schedule of classes will be evaluated to determine whether early graduation is feasible and requires
administrative and parental approval unless the students is 18 years of age. Diplomas for early
graduates will be presented at the yearly commencement in May. All final exams must be
completed no later than the end of the designated senior final exam day.
Early Graduate Guidelines:
Complete an early graduate request form. This form must include signatures from
counselor, administration, parent, and student.
Develop an early gradation plan with their counselor and include the plan at the time they
submit their early graduate request form.
Student’s transcript must align with early graduation plan and indicate that graduation
requirements are/will be in place for early graduation to be feasible.
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
Public Complaints about School Personnel
The Governing Board places trust in its staff and desires to support their actions in such a manner
that employees are freed from unnecessary, spiteful or negative criticisms and complaints. If
complaints or criticisms are forthcoming, the Board recognizes that these complaints need to be
handled initially at the administrative level with the principal. Information/forms regarding the
procedures for addressing a complaint are available at the school or district offices. Please see page
5, the Guide to Solving Problems.
Whenever a serious charge is made directly to the Board as a whole or to a Board member as an
individual, it will be referred to the Superintendent for study and possible solutions.
The decision of the Governing Board will be final.
Board Policy KEB
Public Conduct on School Property
Per Governing Board policy, all persons using or upon District property for any purposes shall not
engage in:
Any conduct intended to obstruct, disrupt, or interfere with teaching, research, service,
administrative or disciplinary functions, or any activity sponsored or approved by the
Governing Board.
Physical abuse of or threat of harm to any person on District-owned or controlled
property or at District-sponsored or supervised functions. Any person who knowingly
abuses a teacher or other school employee on school grounds or while on duty is guilty
of a Class 3 misdemeanor.
Threat of damage or damage to property of the District, regardless of the location, or
property of a member of the community or a visitor to the school, when such property is
located on District-controlled premises.
Forceful or unauthorized entry to or occupation of District facilities, including both
buildings and grounds.
Unlawful use, possession, distribution or sale of drugs, alcohol and other illegal
contraband on District property or at school-sponsored functions.
Unlawful use or possession of tobacco on campus grounds or buildings.
Conduct or speech that violates commonly accepted standards of the District and which,
under the circumstances, has no redeeming social value.
Failure to comply with the lawful directions of District officials or of District employees
or any law enforcement officers acting in performance of their duties, and failure to
identify oneself to such officials, employees or officers when lawfully requested to do so.
Knowing violation of District rules and regulations. Proof that an alleged violator had a
reasonable opportunity to become aware of such policies and regulations shall be
sufficient proof that the violation was done knowingly.
Any conduct constituting a breach of any federal, state or city law or duly adopted
regulation of the Governing Board.
Additional Rules Required of the General Public
The definition of general public is anyone who does not come under the definition of
student, faculty, staff or employee.
Pursuant to the philosophy of the District, patrons are welcome to visit and/or correlate
activities with the schools. In view of the fact, however, that school officers are legally
charged with the safety and protection of school children, both physically and mentally,
a person who wishes to visit the schools or attend school activities shall follow policies
and regulations prescribed by school officers who in all instances shall be governed by
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
the policies and instructions originating with the Governing Board through the
Superintendent. Unless the policies and regulations specify otherwise, a visitor shall
present himself immediately upon arrival to the officer in charge of the area to be
visited, or his designee, and shall identify himself, make known his desires, obtain a
visitor’s pass for the visit, and shall follow such regulations as may appropriately govern
the visit.
Any member of the general public considered by the Superintendent of the District or his designee
to be in violation of this policy shall be instructed to leave the property of the District. Failure to
obey the instruction may subject the person to criminal proceedings pursuant to ARS § 13-2911 or
any other applicable proceedings, civil or criminal. Board Policy KFA
Release from School
Occasionally, parents may need to take their child home before the usual dismissal time for things
such as doctor or dentist appointments. Parents must get permission from the administration
before taking a child out of class. ALL STUDENTS WILL BE RELEASED FROM THE OFFICE, NOT THE
CLASSROOM. This is a safety precaution to ensure that no unauthorized person may take any
Athletic Participation
NUSD believes that participation in high school athletics provides student athletes with
opportunities and experiences which assist them in personal growth and long-term development.
We feel that a well-organized sports program can meet student needs for self-expression, social,
mental and physical growth. NUSD’s high school is a member of the Arizona Interscholastic
Association (AIA) and athletic participation in done in accordance with AIA and NUSD Governing
Board policies. Please see the NUSD Athletic Handbook for additional information regarding
athletic participation requirements such as academic, enrollment, medical eligibility, expectations,
Students in grades preschool through fifth will have two recesses at the convenience and discretion
of the classroom teacher. In addition to recess, each classroom will participate in Physical
Education class twice per week.
Report Cards
Report cards are to inform parents of their child's progress in school. Report cards will be issued at
nine-week intervals. In addition, two parent-teacher conferences will be scheduled, however
parent/guardians are encouraged to reach out to teachers at any point in the school year if having
questions regarding student progress. Parents, please make every effort to meet with the teacher.
Communication is extremely important. Parents are encouraged to contact the school counselor
and/or Principal whenever questions arise involving requirements for promotion, retention, or
graduation policy and procedures. Parents and students should be aware of the “Missing and Late
Work Policy” elsewhere in this document, as late work does not get full credit.
School Parties
Teachers may ask you to help with school parties or to serve as a Homeroom Parent. According to
county health guidelines, any food to be shared must be store bought or professionally prepared.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment, whether verbal or physical in nature, is not tolerated by the District. Board
policy and the student code of discipline address the seriousness with which such actions are
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
treated and the protection afforded each student and staff member. Board Policy ACA
Smoking or Possession of Tobacco on School Premises
In accordance with ARS §36-798.03, tobacco products, tobacco substitutes, electronic cigarettes,
other chemical inhalation devices, or vapor products are prohibited on school grounds, inside
school buildings in school parking lots or playing fields, in school buses or vehicles, or at off-campus
school sponsored events. For purposes of this subsection, "school" means any public, charter or
private school where children attend classes in the kindergarten programs or grades one through
twelve. A person who violates this section is guilty of a petty offense. Board Policy JICG
Special Education Services / Child Find
Nadaburg Unified School District will ensure that all children (ages 3-21) within its responsibility
who have suspected disabilities are identified, located, and evaluated. This process is important to
the provision of educational opportunities for all students. The process of identification, evaluation,
development of program, placement and the provision of services (often referred to as a "free,
appropriate public education") (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C.
794) is guided by a variety of laws and regulations.
Identification procedures will be completed within 45 calendar days after: (1) Enrollment for each
kindergarten student and new students enrolling without appropriate screening records; or (2)
Notification to the District by the parent of concerns regarding their child's developmental or
educational process. Local community agency resources will be identified for referring parents of
children from birth through two years who require screening evaluation, or early intervention
The identification procedures for 3-5 year-olds will include screening and evaluation procedures
consistent with considerations for older students. Information regarding such screenings and
regarding the rights of children with disabilities will be made available in a mode of communication
that is understandable to parents, regardless of their ethnic, linguistic, or cultural background.
Teacher rating scales will be used for the screening/identification of students who may require
special education. The teacher rating scales will be distributed to classroom teachers as
appropriate, along with copies of procedures for identifying students who are exceptional.
Identification procedures will include consideration of academic progress, as well as vision and
hearing, communication, and emotional and psychomotor problems, but will not include individual
evaluation procedures such as psychological testing.
If the identification procedures (Response to Intervention or Student Study Team) indicate a
possible disability, a referral for evaluation will occur only after appropriate consultation among
the administrator, the parent, and the teacher or through appropriate interventions (Response to
Intervention or Student Study Team Process) have occurred. Parents and/or students may request
a referral for evaluation and are encouraged to follow a similar pattern of discussion and
When the parent does not refer the child, the parent must be provided notice of referral for
evaluation within 7 days. Such parental consent will be obtained within 15 calendar days after the
disposition of the referral and the determination to evaluation. Absent the consent of the parent or
guardian, mediation or due process procedures may be used to address the issue of referral.
The written notice of referral will include a copy of the procedural safeguards available to the
parents of a child with a disability. Translation of the notice will be made by an interpreter when
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
necessary to ensure understanding. The person or persons making the initial referral shall be
notified within 30 calendar days regarding the status of progress of the referral. To refer a child for
screening or evaluation, or for additional information regarding special instructional programs,
contact the Principal of the school.
Student Arrival and Departure Arrival
Playground and crossing guard supervisors are on duty 15 minutes before the first bell at K-8
High school students may arrive up to 30 minutes prior to the start of school. A student may arrive
early if prior arrangements have been made with school staff and student is under the direct
supervision of a staff member, i.e. before school tutoring, make-up tests/labs, etc.
Students are to go directly home after dismissal. If students are involved in an approved after-
school activity, permission is required, including parental permission slips with signature. Students
attending Nadaburg Elementary and Mountainside High School are not permitted to walk across
Grand Avenue.
Student Parking
Mountainside High School has limited parking available to students. Parking is a privilege and not a
right. Eligible students are required to park in an area designated by the school. Eligibility
requirements include, but are not limited to:
Student is in good standing regarding student conduct (may not exceed 3 conduct referrals)
Student must have a valid AZ driver’s license
Student must possess a registered vehicle or motorcycle
Student must be in grades 10, 11, or 12
Student must have all school and course fees and fines paid prior to purchasing a parking
Mountainside High School will assess a parking permit fee of $60 for any registered vehicle or
motorcycle for the school year. This fee is prorated by quarter and is non-refundable. Replacement
for a lost parking permit will be assessed a $10 charge. Students must have a valid parking permit
to park on campus. Parking permits must be visibly placed in the lower driver’s side of the
windshield. In the event there are more parking permit requests than parking spots available, a
lottery system will be used to administer parking permits.
Student parking permits may be revoked for parking, driving, and student conduct violations.
Parking permits will be revoked for the remainder of the school year if a student is suspended for
drugs or alcohol and student may not be eligible for future parking permits. Parking permits will be
revoked for the remainder of the school year on the second offense for vape. The revocation of a
student parking permit due to other student misconduct shall be determined by school
administration. Students who accrue 3 or more referrals in a given school year shall not be eligible
for parking for the next school year. Student parking permit fees will not be refunded when parking
permits are revoked.
Order, safety, and security are essential to a productive learning environment. When the learning
environment is threatened by the presence of contraband, school officials have the responsibility
and the authority to search for and obtain the contraband from students and/or non-students if
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
there is reasonable suspicion that the student possesses such contraband. Automobiles may be
searched with student consent or as a result of a school official observing contraband items that
provide a reasonable suspicion of illegal or unauthorized property inside a vehicle.
NUSD assumes no liability for vehicles damaged by vandalism or by accidents while on school
property. NUSD recommends that you keep your car locked, do not leave valuables in your vehicle,
and do not park in an unauthorized area.
The NUSD High School Parking Registration and Rules and the Mountainside High School Student
Driver Expectations must be completed, signed by student and parent/guardian, submitted to the
high school, and all student’s fines/fees must be up to date prior to obtaining a parking permit.
Student Publications
Students shall be required to submit publications to the administration for approval prior to
publication or distribution. Board Policy JICE, JICEC
Teacher or School Employee Abuse
Any person who knowingly abuses a teacher or other school employee on school grounds or while
on duty is guilty of a class three misdemeanor and will be reported to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s
Office. Board Policy GBGB; A.R.S. §15-507
Telephone - School
Students' use of the telephone will be restricted to those situations where the welfare of the student
must be considered; otherwise, it must be an emergency situation. This does not include
students’ failure to bring permission slips, homework or athletic supplies. Unauthorized use of
school or personal phones by students is prohibited.
Textbooks, Supplies, and Equipment
The school will provide all textbooks and a limited amount of basic materials and equipment for
students' educational needs. Students will be held responsible for unreasonable damage or loss. If
such unreasonable damage or loss occurs, students will be expected to reimburse the school.
Parents are asked to encourage their children to have a responsible attitude in the care and use of
school property assigned to them.
Student Identification/Badges
To ensure school safety, all high school students shall be issued a student identification card/badge
and are required to wear their ID badges while on campus. All students are required to wear their
school ID on a breakaway lanyard that must be displayed on the outermost garment between the
neckline and waistline and be visible at all times.
Students must carry their school identification in their possession while attending extracurricular
activities or other school events outside of the school day. Student IDs are required to be shown to
receive student admission pricing to athletic and school events. A student ID is provided to every
student at the beginning of each school year and are the property of NUSD. Lost, damaged, or
defaced ID badges must be replaced. The replacement cost for a student ID is $5.00. Student IDs
may be purchased at the MHS front office. Student IDs are non-transferrable.
Parents are encouraged to visit the school. The Nadaburg Unified School District, while supporting
parent and community rights to visit the campus, does limit unscheduled visitations from the
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
general public to once per month. The "general public" is anyone who does not come under the
definition of student, faculty member, staff member, or employee.
For those who wish to visit a classroom during the school day, the teacher and the principal (or
designee) is to be contacted in advance to arrange a day and time for such visit so as to avoid any
conflicts with the school or classroom schedule.
All visitors to school(s) must report to the school office upon arrival. Visitors to the campus will
sign in with the front office and obtain a visitor's pass. Each visitor will be required to state the
purpose of visit, specific location to be visited, and approximate length of stay on campus (visits
longer than thirty (30) minutes require prior approval of the teacher/administrator, except for
special events.)
Parents may visit only their student's classroom or the class their student is in at the time of the
visit. Board Policy KI, KFA
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
Accidents and Injuries
Any accident or injury on school grounds should be reported to the adult supervisor or office
(school nurse) immediately. The school health tech/nurse is responsible for checking ill and injured
students to determine the action to be taken to best benefit the student.
It is imperative the student information sheet is completed each year to enable the school to handle
any emergency that may arise concerning students as quickly as possible.
First aid procedures shall be based on the following fundamental concepts:
The school is responsible for the emergency handling of accidents and sudden illness
occurring at school or on school property. The school is not responsible for subsequent
treatment or payment.
At the time of an emergency, the school has the responsibility for:
o caring for the child;
o notifying the child's parents, guardian or emergency person, or if these cannot be
o following directions given on the child's enrollment card;
o getting the child under professional care with or without family permission (in
extreme cases). For more information, please refer to Board Policy G-026.
Chronic Health
In accordance with ARS § 15-346, the Nadaburg Unified School District is committed to providing
an appropriate education to all students including those with chronic health conditions resulting
from illness, disease, or accident. Instructional provisions will be determined on an individual basis
to ensure continuous learning that is integrated with the regular education program as much as
possible. No student certified as having chronic health conditions will be penalized for absences as
long as absences are due solely to illness, disease, or accident. Credit will be given for completed
course requirements.
A complete copy of the policy on Students with Chronic Health Conditions is available for your
review at the Administration Office.
Communicable Diseases
Any student having or suspected of having a communicable disease as defined in the Arizona
Department of Health Services (Rn-6-603) guidelines for the prevention and control of
communicable disease, shall be excluded from school for the period of time designated.
Students returning to school following an absence for illness involving a disease requiring exclusion
are required to see the school nurse. Excluded students may be asked to provide a written
statement from a physician before reentering school.
Students ill with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) virus or acquired immune deficiency
syndrome (AIDS) have a right to receive a public education. The Board has a responsibility to
assure that the school provides a safe environment for all of its students and employees.
Decisions regarding the type of educational setting for the student who is infected with HIV virus
shall be based upon the behavior, neurologic development, and physical and mental condition of
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
the student. Recommendations will be made upon consultation with public health personnel,
school officials, the student's physician and parents, and, at the discretion of the District, a
physician selected by the District. Board Policy JLCCA
HIV/AIDS Human/Development Curriculum and Instruction
Current legislative statute mandates that K-8 students receive formal classroom instruction
regarding HIV/AIDS. The Governing Board-approved curriculum will be taught by Board-approved
school personnel. Parents NOT wishing their children to receive the HIV/AIDS classroom
instruction may exclude them from such instruction by notifying the school office in writing.
The district also provides the opportunity for students in grades 5-8 to participate in classes on
human development as part of the general health curriculum. Such classes are conducted with the
approval of the Governing Board and under the supervision of the school's guidance counselor and
teachers. Parents NOT wishing their children to receive the human development component of the
district health curriculum must so inform the school office in writing.
Diet Restrictions
Parents must notify the school with a physician's statement if they wish their child to have diet
restrictions including exclusions of milk. The school will attempt where regulations permit to
exclude food items or make substitutions.
It is State law that in order to attend school, a student must submit documentary proof of
immunization to the school administration unless the pupil is exempted from immunization
pursuant to ARS § 15-873.
A pupil may be admitted or allowed to attend school if the pupil has received at least one dose of
each of the required immunizations and adheres to an established schedule for the completion of
required immunizations. Failure to comply with the immunization schedule will result in the pupil's
suspension from school attendance until documentary proof of another dose of each appropriate
immunizing agent is provided.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above, discuss them with the school nurse
immediately. Board Policy JLCB
The school does not stock over-the-counter medication for students. Students that need medicine
prescribed by a physician must give the medicine to the nurse and report to the nurse when it is
time to take the medicine. Students may not be in possession of any medicines/drugs while at
school. Medications which are to be administered at school must follow this procedure (no
exceptions) Board Policy JLCD
ALL medications brought to school must be given to the school health aide/nurse; they
must be in original container and have dosage instructions.
Parental permission giving name of medication and exact instructions as to dosage and time
intervals must be included; for prescription and non-prescription medication.
For prescription medication a Physician statement form must also be filled out for the
medication to be given at school.
Medication must be in original prescription bottle, labeled with dosage and time to be given. ONLY
Inhalers may be carried by student If proper procedures are adhered to:
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
o Signed permission by parent which includes exemption from liability for school
district and employees
o Child's name is on the hand-held inhaler device with a prescription label
o Prescribed by a licensed physician or heath care professional
o All other medication must be administered through the nurse's office.
o All medications, prescription or OTC meds can be picked up the last day of the
school year in the health office. They will be discarded if not picked up within a
week after school is out.
Student Illness
Parents should call the office (nurse) to report any serious illnesses, especially those that are
thought to be communicable.
Students who become ill during the day are to report to the school nurse. They are not to leave the
school grounds without school permission or call parents without going through the nurse.
The office will do all in its power to handle any emergency quickly and effectively.
For those students who demonstrate symptoms of possible illness (temperature of 100 degrees or
higher, appearance of physical evidence of illness), parents or emergency numbers will be notified.
Students who are obviously sick before school in the morning should stay home.
Parents who wish to inform the school health office about health matters pertaining to their
children must do so personally, in writing or over the phone. Please do not entrust verbal messages
for the nurse to your children.
Use of Pesticides on School Property
The Nadaburg Unified School District No. 81 Governing Board requires that pupils and employees
shall have at least 48 hours notice before pesticides are applied on school property.
During Regular School Session
o Pupils and employees shall be notified by intercom as to which buildings will
receive pesticides and the date and time the pesticides will be applied (at least 48
hours prior to application).
o Written notification to parents and guardians shall occur through notices to be sent
home notifying parents of the date, time and building to receive pesticides (at least
48 hours before application).
o Parents/guardians who require their children to be absent following pesticide
application may contact the administration, who shall make arrangements for
continuing education during this absence.
o At least 48 hours before pesticide application signs shall be posted in the building(s)
to receive pesticides and shall include:
The words "Warning: Pesticides"
The date and time of application
Phone number for further information
A visual warning symbol
During Vacation Periods
o The posting of signs shall serve in lieu of oral and written notification when
pesticide application is to occur during vacation or other extended periods beyond
regular school session that includes seven or more consecutive days.
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
The Nadaburg Unified School District's Governing Board recognizes that the establishment of
specific behavior expectations for students is essential to creating a quality learning environment.
The purpose of the Student Code of Conduct is to ensure that students have a full opportunity to
learn without disruption; that the health, welfare, and safety of students and staff members are
maintained; that district property is protected; and that all individuals at school be treated with
courtesy and respect.
Due Process Rights
Students referred for discipline are guaranteed the following due process rights: (1) the right to be
informed of accusations against them, (2) the opportunity to admit or deny accusations, (3) the
right to hear evidence on which accusations are based, (4) an opportunity to present an alternative
factual position.
Note: Although some due process must and shall be provided in matters of student discipline,
constitutional law does not require a formal hearing in all cases. Case law does not give students the
right to call witnesses in matters in which the disciplinary consequences are no greater than a 10-day
The administration has the right to search and seize property, including school property
temporarily assigned to students, when there is reason to believe that some material or matter
detrimental to health, safety, and welfare of the student(s) exists.
Items provided by the District for storage (e.g., backpack, desks) of personal items are provided as a
convenience to the student but remain the property of the school and are subject to its control and
supervision. (Students have no reasonable expectancy of privacy, and desks, storage areas, etc.,
may be inspected at any time with or without reason, or with or without notice, by school
personnel.) The school official shall ask the student to consent to a search of a cell phone.
Automobiles may be searched with student consent or as a result of a school official observing
contraband items that provide a reasonable suspicion of illegal or unauthorized property inside a
Student Conduct
The administration will establish regulations governing the conduct of students in school, traveling
to and from school, and at school functions. In establishing these regulations, the administration
may consult with student or staff committees. In addition to compliance with regulations
established by the administration, students are expected to obey all rules and regulations adopted
by the Governing Board, and to obey any order given by a member of the faculty or staff relating to
school activities.
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
A student shall be defined as any person who is regularly enrolled in good standing in an
educational program provided by or approved by the District and carried on in premises owned or
controlled by the District,
Students in school buildings, on school grounds, using District property for any purposes, or
attending a District-sanctioned event shall not engage in improper behavior, including but not
limited to the following:
Any conduct intended to obstruct, disrupt, or interfere with teaching, research,
service, administrative or disciplinary functions, or any activity sponsored or
approved by the Board.
Physical abuse of or threat of harm to any person on District owned or
controlled property or at District sponsored or supervised functions.
Damage or threat of damage to property of the District, regardless of the
location, or to property of a member of the community or a visitor to the school,
when such property is located on District controlled premises.
Forceful or unauthorized entry to or occupation of District facilities, including
both buildings and grounds.
Unlawful use, possession, distribution, or sale of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs or
other illegal contraband on District property or at school-sponsored functions,
Conduct or speech that violates commonly accepted standards of the District
and that, under the circumstances, has no redeeming social value.
Failure to comply with the lawful directions of District officials or any other law
enforcement officers acting in performance of their duties, and failure to identify
themselves to such officials or officers when lawfully requested to do so.
Knowing violation of District rules and regulations. Proof that an alleged violator
has a reasonable opportunity to become aware of such rules and regulations
shall be sufficient proof that the violation was done knowingly.
Any conduct constituting a breach of any federal, state, or city law or duly
adopted policy of the Board.
Carrying or possessing a weapon on school grounds.
In addition to the general rules set forth above, students shall be expected to obey all policies and
regulations for student conduct adopted by the Board. Students shall not engage in any activities
prohibited herein, nor shall they refuse to obey any order given by a member of the faculty or staff
who is attempting to maintain public order.
Any student who violates these policies and regulations may be subject to warning, reprimand,
probation, suspension, or expulsion, in addition to other civil and criminal prosecution. These
punishments may be in addition to any customary discipline that the District presently dispenses.
Student and Staff Self-Defense
Student use of Physical Force in Self-Defense
Reasonable use of physical force in self-defense and defense of others will be considered as a
mitigating factor in determining penalties for misconduct. The threat or use of physical force by a
student is not reasonable:
i. When made in response to verbal provocation alone;
ii. When seeking or obtaining assistance from a school staff member is a reasonable
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
iii. When the student has a reasonable opportunity to remove him/herself from the situation or
otherwise flee;
iv. When the degree of physical force used is disproportionate to the circumstances, or exceeds
that necessary to avoid injury to oneself or to others.
Use of Physical Intervention by Supervisory Personnel
Any administrator, teacher or other school employee entrusted with the care and supervision of a
minor may use reasonable and appropriate physical intervention upon the minor to the extent
reasonably necessary and appropriate to maintain order. Use of physical intervention shall not be
construed to constitute corporal punishment within the meaning above. Similar physical
intervention will be appropriate in self-defense, in the defense of other students and school
The Governing Board of the Nadaburg Unified School District believes it is the right of every student
to be educated in a positive, safe, caring, and respectful learning environment. The Governing Board
further believes a school environment that is inclusive of these traits maximizes student
achievement, fosters student personal growth, and helps a student build a sense of community that
promotes positive participation as citizens in society. To assist in achieving a school environment
based on the beliefs of the Governing Board, bullying in any form will not be tolerated.
Bullying may occur when a student or group of students engages in any form of behavior that
includes such acts as intimidation and/or harassment that
has the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student's property, or
placing a student in reasonable fear of harm or damage to property,
is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that the action, behavior, or threat
creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive environment in the form of
physical or emotional harm,
occurs when there is a real or perceived imbalance of power or strength, or
may constitute a violation of law.
Bullying of a student or group of students can be manifested through written, verbal, physical, or
emotional means and may occur in a variety of forms including, but not limited to
verbal, written/printed or graphic exposure to derogatory comments, extortion,
exploitation, name calling, or rumor spreading either directly through another
person or group or through cyber bullying,
exposure to social exclusion or ostracism,
physical contact including but not limited to pushing, hitting, kicking, shoving, or
spitting, and damage to or theft of personal property.
Cyberbullying is, but not limited to, any act of bullying committed by use of electronic technology or
electronic communication devices, including telephonic devices, social networking and other
Internet communications, on school computers, networks, forums and mailing lists, or other
District-owned property, and by means of an individual's personal electronic media and equipment.
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
Harassment is intentional behavior by a student or group of students that is disturbing or
threatening to another student or group of students. Intentional behaviors that characterize
harassment include, but are not limited to, stalking, hazing, social exclusion, name calling,
unwanted physical contact and unwelcome verbal or written comments, photographs and graphics.
Harassment may be related, but not limited to, race, religious orientation, sexual orientation,
cultural background, economic status, size or personal appearance. Harassing behaviors can be
direct or indirect and by use of social media.
Hazing is any intentional, knowing, or reckless act committed by a student, whether individually or
in concert with other persons, against another student, in which both the following applies:
The act was committed in connection with an initiation into an affiliation with, or the
maintenance of, membership in any organization that is affiliated with the school;
The act contributes to a substantial risk of potential physical injury, mental harm or
degradation, or causes physical injury, mental harm or personal degradation.
(A.R.S. 15-2301)
There shall be no hazing, solicitation to engage in hazing, or aiding and abetting another who is
engaged in hazing of any person. School organizations that violate the hazing policy may forfeit
their right to conduct operations on campus. Any staff member who is directly involved in,
knowingly permits, authorizes, or condones any form of harassment, bullying, hazing, or threats of
harm is subject to disciplinary action and may be reported to law enforcement.
Intimidation is intentional behavior by a student or group of students that places another student
or group of students in fear of harm of person or property. Intimidation can be manifested
emotionally or physically, either directly or indirectly, and by use of social media.
Students are prohibited from bullying on school grounds, school property, school buses, at school
bus stops, at school sponsored events and activities, and through the use of electronic technology or
electronic communication equipment on school computers, networks, forums, or mailing lists.
Disciplinary action may result for bullying which occurs outside of the school and the school day
when such acts result in a substantial physical, mental, or emotional negative effect on the victim,
while on school grounds, school property, school buses, at school bus stops, or at school sponsored
events and activities, or when such act(s) interfere with the authority of the school system to
maintain order. All suspected violations of law will be reported to local law enforcement.
Students who believe they are experiencing being bullied or suspect another student is bullied
should report their concern to any staff member of the School District. School personnel are to
maintain appropriate confidentiality of the reported information.
Retaliation by any student directed toward a student or employee related to the reporting of a case
or a suspected case of bullying shall not be tolerated, and the individual(s) will be subject to the
disciplines set out in applicable district policies and administrative regulations.
Students found to be bullying others will be disciplined up to and including suspension or expulsion
from school.
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
Knowingly submitting a false report under Policy JICK or this exhibit shall subject the student to
discipline up to and including suspension or expulsion. Where disciplinary action is necessary
pursuant to any part of this policy, relevant District policies shall be followed.
Law enforcement authorities shall be notified any time District officials have a reasonable belief
that an incidence of bullying is a violation of the law. Board Policy JICK-EB
Personal Items/Confiscated Items
The School/District is Not responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of ANY personal items brought
to school, including but not limited to, musical instruments, radios, headphones, cell phones, iPods,
iPads, (any and all electronic devices), bicycles, hats, sunglasses, etc. Any loss, theft or damage to
any personal items will not be covered by the School/District liability insurance.
Classroom Management Plan
All teachers will develop a classroom management plan that is approved by the school
administration and communicated to students and parents. The plan will include procedures for
addressing common classroom behavioral concerns. It will also include consequences, some of
which are listed below. When positive behavioral change is not occurring under the classroom plan
or when the offense is immediately serious, a disciplinary referral to the school administration will
be generated by the teacher or staff member.
Informal Talk
A teacher, school administrator or designee will talk with the student, describing the
inappropriate behavior and informing the student of acceptable behavior. The parent may
be notified.
Discipline Conference with Student
A conference is held with the student and the teacher or school staff member to discuss the
inappropriate behavior and discuss/develop a plan for changing the student’s behavior. The
parent may be notified.
Classroom teachers may use a technique similar to the alternative learning classroom
imposed by the school administrator. In time-out, the student is assigned, by the teacher, to
a supervised location isolated from his/her classmates. Time-out generally will not exceed
30 minutes.
Conference with Parent
The parent is asked to attend a conference with the student, school administrator and other
educators to develop a plan for changing the student’s inappropriate behavior.
Restriction of Privileges
Inappropriate behavior may result in a restriction of a student’s privilege to participate in
playground, cafeteria, athletics, common areas or specific special activities. The parent will
be notified. For example, a teacher may assign and monitor his/her own after school
detention, lunch or recess detention.
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
Removal from Classroom (in extreme circumstances)
State law allows a classroom teacher to remove a certain disruptive student from the
classroom and request that a staff committee determine whether the student should return
or be reassigned to another classroom. A.R.S. § 15-841
Scope of Discipline Guidelines
These guidelines apply to student conduct during school hours, at bus stops, while riding, boarding,
or exiting a district vehicle, going to and from school, and at all school-sponsored activities.
Administrative Discretion
The offenses mentioned in these guidelines are merely examples of student misconduct and
therefore are not to be regarded as exhaustive. The disciplinary actions listed are meant as
recommendations only, not to be applied so rigidly as to neglect the best interest of the student,
school, or family. The school administration may prohibit additional conduct and take disciplinary
actions that vary from these discipline guidelines, depending on the circumstances of the offense
and the history of the offender. (Note: for certain disciplinary offenses, the In-School Suspension
Room (ISS) assignment may serve as an alternative to out of school suspension. The ISS operates
with a specific set of rules and procedures. Failure to follow these rules and procedures while in the
ISS, will result in the remainder of the suspension being served out of school. Alternatives to
suspension may be issued by the administration, dependent upon individual circumstances, in less
serious incident.)
In lieu of suspension or expulsion, administration may reassign any student to an alternative
program if good cause exists for expulsion or for long-term suspension, if a student refuses to
comply with rules, pursue the required course of study, or submit to the authority of teachers,
administrators, or the governing board pursuant to A.R.S. 15-841. The district reserves the right to
modify expulsion, long-term suspension, or alternative placement for a student on a case-by-case
basis if the student participates in required academic work, mediation, community service,
restitution, or other programs in which the student takes responsibility. Parental supervision
and/or participation may also be required (A.R.S. 15-841)
Arizona Revised Statues References
Abuse / Verbal Abuse
A.R.S. § 15-507
A.R.S. § 15-341, 15-901
A.R.S. § 13-3620, 15-341
A.R.S. § 15-841 15-844
Computer Tampering
A.R.S. § 13-2316
A.R.S. § 36-798, 15-341, 13-3622
Disorderly Conduct
A.R.S. § 13-2904, 13-
A.R.S. § 15-841
A.R.S. § 13-2911
A.R.S. § 15-802
A.R.S. § 15-841 15-844
A.R.S. § 15-842
A.R.S. § 15-2301
A.R.S. § 13-3102, 15-341, 15-841
A.R.S. § 13-2905
General Campus Rules
Violation of the following campus management rules will result in appropriate disciplinary
action. Chronic offenders of these rules will be subject to loss or privileges or suspension
from school.
Animals and pets: Animals that are not for handicapped students and pets are not allowed
at school or on district vehicles with the exception of classroom pets authorized by
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
Bicycles: Students are not to ride bicycles on the school premises at any time. On arrival at
school, bicycles are to be placed in the rack and locked until school is dismissed.
Cell Phones: Students shall not use technology to record other students, teachers, and
teachers’ lessons in classrooms without prior consent.
Deception: Students will face disciplinary action for falsifying or forging a document used
for school purposes.
Disruptive Items: Possession of disruptive items is not allowed (see Definitions section).
Not all disruptive items can be listed-the principal will determine. Disruptive items will be
confiscated by the teacher or school administration. The school is NOT responsible for
confiscated items that should not have been brought to school. The school will attempt to
keep confiscated items in a secure location, but the school cannot be held responsible for
those items.
Disruptive noises: Yelling, whistling, and other distracting noises are to be avoided.
Food or drinks: The consumption of food or drinks is allowed only in designated areas,
designated times, and/or with staff permission. No food or drink on buses.
Gum and sunflower seeds: Possession of gum and sunflower seeds is prohibited. Do not
bring such items to school.
Makerspace conduct: The makerspace is considered a classroom environment. Students
are to follow the specific rules established by staff.
Littering: Students will not throw, drop, leave, or misplace trash, drink, or food items other
than in proper containers.
Loitering: No loitering will be allowed on campus before or after school. Students will not
loiter around or inside the office at any time.
Missing bus: Students who intentionally or negligently miss their bus or cause a driver to
make an unscheduled return will face disciplinary action. Repeated violations may lead to
suspension or revocation of transportation privileges.
Mistreating school property: Students shall not mistreat or misuse school property. Misuse
includes standing on campus benches, slamming or kicking doors, mistreating furniture, or
otherwise abusing school property.
Office phones: Phones in the office are to be used only for emergencies and only with
permission from a member of the office staff.
Restrooms: Students shall use only restrooms assigned to their grade level and gender.
Restroom stalls are intended for one individual's use at a time. Students found to be multiple
in a single stall are subject at minimum to disciplinary actions related to disorderly conduct.
Mitigating or aggravating circumstances may warrant further investigation by school
authorities, leading to possible additional disciplinary action.
Running: Students shall not run on or near the school's parking lot, sidewalks, or inside any
Students shall not be present in unauthorized areas. Such areas include:
o Teachers' lounge.
o Staff vending machine area.
o Staff preparation rooms.
o Staff restrooms.
o Behind office counter.
Throwing or kicking objects: At no time will students throw or kick stones, sticks, or any
object that may harm another individual or cause property damage. This includes athletic
Parent Conferences: In certain discipline cases, parents will be called for a conference with
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
administration, the teacher (or teachers), and the student. In severe cases, students may not
re-enter school without a parent conference.
Classroom Rules
The classroom is regarded as the most important place at school. Though the classroom teacher has
the discretion to set additional classroom rules, the following three basic rules will guide student
Students will:
Not interrupt a speaker or distract a listener.
Respect the rights, welfare, and feelings of others.
Arrive prepared and on time to class, do the class work assigned, and promptly follow other
directions of the teacher.
Playground, Cafeteria, and Assembly Rules
To ensure the safety of students, and to maintain school effectiveness and order, the following rules
shall be observed by all students (other special rules may apply):
Playground Rules
Students will:
Stay in designated play areas.
o Playground with swings, etc., is for K-5 only.
o Grades 6-8 will be on courts or fields.
Not tackle or engage in rough play.
Use no foul language, tease or fight.
Throw no hardballs without special permission.
Not engage in dangerous use of rocks, sticks or other objects.
Use playground equipment in a proper and safe manner, such as:
o One person to a swing.
o Swinging back and forth only; no side or circular swinging allowed.
o No adjustment of swing height.
o No jumping from swings or other improper use.
No bringing of athletic equipment (balls, bats, etc.) from home without permission. We will
not be responsible for lost or stolen items.
Cafeteria Rules
Students will:
Enter the cafeteria quietly and sit with their classes. No moving from table to table.
Use good manners; no food throwing or creating a mess.
Remain seated until excused to leave. No roughhousing or horseplay.
Speak softly and make no unnecessary noises.
Clean the area around their seat, picking up all paper, wrappers, food, etc. on table and floor,
taking care of the tray before leaving cafeteria.
Assembly Rules:
Students will:
Enter and leave assembly in an orderly manner, as directed by teacher or staff.
Sit quietly in designated areas during assemblies.
Keep hands and feet to themselves.
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
Bring no school supplies or personal property to assemblies.
Remain seated at all times, unless directed otherwise.
Observe standard hand signals for behavior.
Quietly use bleacher aisles when ascending and descending.
Disciplinary actions that may result from the violation of any playground, cafeteria, or assembly
rule may include, but are not limited to:
Isolation from other students.
Loss of school privileges.
Disciplinary referral.
District Transportation Rules
Transportation to and from school is not a right guaranteed by the state or school district;
therefore, the privilege of riding district transportation can be revoked or suspended at any time.
Parents are requested to review district transportation rules and encourage appropriate behavior.
The office should be notified of any bus changes that a parent/guardian needs to make for their
student at least 30 minutes prior to dismissal in order for changes to be made.
District transportation vehicles are considered extensions of the school campus; therefore all the
rules and disciplinary consequences set forth elsewhere in these Disciplinary Guidelines apply to
student conduct at bus stops, on district vehicles, or while boarding or exiting from a vehicle.
In addition to the reasonable rules established by a driver of a district vehicle, students are to
comply with the following specific transportation rules.
The driver of a school bus is legally responsible for the orderly conduct and safety of all passengers
being transported. All passengers are under the authority of the school bus driver (ADOT § R17-9-
104). If there is a serious violation or safety concern on the bus, the driver may bring the bus to the
school or the Transportation Facility where there is adult supervision. Student(s) may be removed
from the bus, and the parents will be notified to pick up their child. Bus suspensions that occur at
the end of the school year may carry over into the next school year.
Surveillance cameras are installed on all school buses. Cameras are used by the District primarily
for aiding with student discipline and student safety on the buses.
A student will be subject to disciplinary actions for violating district transportation rules; such
actions may include, but are not limited to:
Loss or suspension of transportation privileges.
Suspension from school.
Recommend expulsion.
Saturday Detention
Specific Transportation Rules
School busses are an extension of the classroom. The same rules apply.
Students will obey the driver at all times.
Be at designated bus stop 5 minutes prior to time listed.
Board bus one at a time. Do not push at any time. Use the handrail.
After boarding, students must quickly and quietly find assigned seats and move over to
allow other students to sit. High school girls will sit on the driver's side and boys will sit
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
on the door side of the bus.
Students will not leave seats while bus is in motion or stopped, except for loading and
Students must sit up in their seats facing front of bus.
Students will not raise voices above normal conversation level. There will be absolutely
no talking at railroad crossings.
No pets, animals, balloons, or glass objects on bus, unless cleared through
No food, gum chewing, or drinking is permitted on the bus, unless special permission
given by administration.
All students will ride on their assigned bus, unless permission has been given by
administration with required note from parent.
Students are required to be picked up and dropped off at assigned bus stops only. Any
change of more than a single occurrence must be requested by the parent in writing,
signed and dated. The request must state when the change is to go into effect and for
how long it will remain in effect. Administrative approval is required before bus drivers
will be authorized to change the student's bus stop.
Once a student is on the bus, that student cannot get off the bus until that bus arrives at
the school or the bus stop designated for that student. The bus exchange for High school
students is not a bus stop.
Students will not demonstrate public affection (kissing, hugging, etc.) on or around the
Students will not be allowed to ride the bus without shirts or shoes. Caps are permitted,
but must be worn with the bill facing forward.
Excessive use of perfume or cologne will not be tolerated.
No cell phone use on bus.
Radios are not permitted on K-12 buses, unless special permission is given
by administration.
Students will not place arms, hands, heads or other body parts out the window. Students
are not permitted to put down windows.
Keep aisles clear of legs, feet, and book bags.
Students are not to throw anything inside the vehicle or from the vehicle.
Students are to place book bags on bookracks while boarding the bus.
No spiked bracelets. No chains (longer than 4 inches) will be worn on the bus.
The use of any contraband items are prohibited at the bus stops
Parent Liability for Damages
Under Arizona law, parents are liable for damage done to school property by their children. (This
liability applies to damage to district transportation vehicles.)
Parent Responsibility to Transport
Under Arizona law, the withdrawal of transportation privileges does not relieve parents of the
responsibility of sending the student to school.
(Note: for certain disciplinary offenses, the In-School Suspension Room (ISS) assignment may serve as an alternative to out of school
suspension and is at the discretion of the principal. The ISS operates with a specific set of rules and procedures. Failure to follow these
rules and procedures while in the ISS, will result in the remainder of the suspension being served out of school.
Infraction_Definition of Infraction
Use, possession, or being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs on school property, at school
sponsored events, and/or on school sponsored transportation.
The attempt or act of offering, selling, trading, procuring or distributing (with or without
compensation) alcohol and/or drugs on District property, at a District-sponsored event, and/or on
District-provided transportation.
Knowingly damaging a structure or property (either occupied or unoccupied) by causing a fire or
explosion. (A.R.S. § 13-1704, A.R.S. § 13-1701)
(1) Intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causing any physical injury to another person; (2)
intentionally placing another person in reasonable apprehension of imminent physical injury; or (3)
knowingly touching another person with the intent to injure, insult or provoke such person. (A.R.S. §
Bullying or Hazing
Repeated acts over time that involve a real or perceived imbalance of power, with the more powerful
child or group attacking those who are less powerful. Bullying may be physical in form (i.e., pushing,
hitting, kicking, spitting, stealing); verbal (i.e., making threats, taunting, teasing, name-calling); or
psychological (i.e., social exclusion, spreading rumors, manipulating social relationships). Cyber-
bullying includes bullying through the misuse of technology. (A.R.S. § 13-1202)
Bus Referral
Failure to comply with rules established for bus riders.
Includes the act of intentionally using information or property of another, or knowingly sharing
academic information to gain an unfair advantage. To steal and pass off the ideas or words of another
as ones own.
Dangerous Item (Possession)
The possession of items that can cause physical injury or death to any person. Dangerous
instruments include, but are not limited to, airsoft guns, B.B. guns, knife with a blade length less than
2.5 inches, laser pointer, letter opener, mace, paintball gun, pellet gun, razor blade or box cutter,
simulated knife, Taser/stun gun, pepper spray or tear gas, or other dangerous items
Dangerous Item (Threat/Use)
The threat to use or use of items that can cause physical injury or death to any person. Dangerous
instruments include, but are not limited to, airsoft guns, B.B. guns, knife with a blade length less than
2.5 inches, laser pointer, letter opener, mace, paintball gun, pellet gun, razor blade or box cutter,
simulated knife, Taser/stun gun, pepper spray or tear gas, or other dangerous items
Defiance of Authority
Refusal to comply with school rules and regulations, refusal to obey reasonable directions or
instructions of school personnel, or refusal to identify self when requested to do so.
Disorderly Conduct (Including Profanity,
Electronic Device)
Any act which substantially disrupts the orderly conduct of a school function, or behavior which
substantially disrupts the orderly learning environment. (A.R.S. § 13-2904)
Dress Code
The act of non-compliance with the established student dress code guidelines.
Recklessly or intentionally creating, engaging in, encouraging or failing to report any potential
unsafe, dangerous or hazardous situation. Endangerment can include a risk to the health, safety and
welfare of students and staff. Endangerment can include risk of injury, harm and death.
Consequences depend on the potential severity of the endangerment. Consequences depend on the
direct or indirect involvement of the endangerment, including acting as an accessory.
The act of knowingly obtaining or seeking to obtain property or services, or causing or seeking to
cause another to act in a manner, by means of a threat to do any of the following: (1) cause physical
injury; (2) cause damage to property; (3) engage in illegal conduct; or (4) make false accusations.
Mutual participation in an incident involving physical violence, where there is no major injury.
The act of falsely or fraudulently marking or altering a document or a verbal, written or electronic
communication, or any verbal or written communication that is intentionally false or fraudulent (i.e.,
dishonesty or lying).
Participating in games of chance for the purpose of exchanging money or something of value.
Gang Association/ Activity
An activity or affiliation of an ongoing loosely organized association of two or more persons, whether
formal or informal, that has a common name, signs, symbols or colors, and whose members engage,
either individually or collectively, in negative group activity.
Gang Clothing/Symbols/ Paraphernalia
The wearing of hats, bandanas, tattoos and/or other clothing or symbols or possession of
paraphernalia that is associated with gangs or gang-like activity.
(Verbal, Written, Graphic, Electronic)
Statements or actions which intimidate or demean others.
Any written, oral, physical or electronic communication that one could reasonably conclude was
motivated, in whole or in part, by the perpetrators bias or attitude against an individual victim or
group based on perceived or actual personal characteristics. Examples of bias/hate related incidents
include age, ancestry or ethnicity, disability, economic status, gender, height or weight, immigration
or citizenship status, marital status, race, religion or religious practices, or sexual orientation
Includes rough, boisterous play or behavior.
Includes provoking, antagonizing or failing to report a fight or other dangerous, inappropriate
situations. Social media posting, spreading rumors, harmful gossip, recording/videotaping, and use
of language or gestures that may incite another person or other people to fight are also considered
forms of instigation.
Leaving Campus Without Permission
Leaving school grounds or being in an “out-of-bounds” area during regular school hours without
permission of a school official.
Leaving or depositing trash in places other than appropriate receptacles.
Parking Violation
(Parking w/out Permit)
Includes parking of a vehicle on district property without permission or parking in prohibited areas.
Physical Aggression
Minor confrontations, pushing, shoving or other physical provocation.
Physical Display of Affection
The act of kissing, hugging, fondling or touching in public that is beyond casual contact and which
creates, or has the potential to create a disturbance.
Reckless Use of Vehicle on NUSD Property
Includes reckless or improper driving, operation and/or improper driving to or from campus.
Sexual Harassment
Discrimination based on gender that includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual
favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature made by one individual to another
and/or that might contribute a substantial risk of mental harm or personal degradation (Sexual:
relating to, affecting, or typical of sex, the sexes, or the sex organs and their functions; implying or
symbolizing erotic desire or activity.) This violation includes, but is not limited to lewd comments,
any language that is sexually demeaning and/or that might contribute risk of mental harm or
personal degradation.
Sexual Materials
Includes pictures, devices or electronic images that contain nudity or represent sexual activity that is
offensive, inappropriate, and/or disturbs the educational environment.
Sexual Misconduct
This includes, but not limited to, indecent exposure, consensual participation in any sexual act
involving physical contact, touching private areas, de-pantsing (pulling pants down or off,) pulling at
anothers underclothing, possession or distribution of pornographic materials.
The failure to be at a designated location at a specified time. This could include arriving to school late
or getting to each class period on time. Once a student has more than three tardies (excused or
unexcused) in a quarter, consequences can be assigned.
Taking of property that belongs to another without personal confrontation, threat, violence or bodily
harm. Theft does not include confiscation by school authorities of property not permitted at the
school. NOTE: The District is NOT responsible for the loss, theft or damage of ANY personal items
brought to school, including but not limited to, musical instruments, radios, headphones, cell phones,
iPods, iPads, (any and all electronic devices), bicycles, etc. Any loss, theft or damage to any personal
items will not be covered by District liability insurance.
Threatening/Intimidating Behavior
The act of negatively using or applying a real or perceived imbalance of power to frighten, compel,
deter or otherwise threaten or intimidate through actual or implied behaviors. Repeated acts of
Threatening/Intimidating may be considered bullying.
Tobacco/ Vape
Includes use, possession of tobacco/vape products of any kind and/or smokeless tobacco on District
property, at a District-sponsored event, or on District-sponsored transportation. (A.R.S. § 36-798.03)
(i.e., vape pens, nicotine vapor devices, other electronic smoking devices, cigarettes, cigars, dip, chew,
snuff, twist, etc.)
NOTE: Possession by any person of tobacco products on K-12 public, charter or private school
grounds, buildings, parking lots, playing fields and vehicles, and at off-campus school-sponsored
events, is a criminal offense.
Tobacco/ Vape (Providing/Selling)
Includes the providing and/or selling of tobacco/vape products of any kind and/or smokeless
tobacco on District property, at a District-sponsored event, or on District-sponsored transportation.
(A.R.S. § 36-798.03) (i.e., vape pens, nicotine vapor devices, other electronic smoking devices,
cigarettes, cigars, dip, chew, snuff, twist, etc.)
NOTE: Possession by any person of tobacco products on K-12 public, charter or private school
grounds, buildings, parking lots, playing fields and vehicles, and at off-campus school-sponsored
events, is a criminal offense.
When a person enters upon, or in, school property without legal justification or without the implied
or actual permission of the administration, or when a person is intentionally present on school
grounds, after a reasonable request to leave, does not have any specific reason for being there, or
does not have written permission to be there from anyone authorized to grant permission.
(Per Period)
An unexcused absence for at least one class period during the school day, unless excused pursuant to
A.R.S. § 15-802. Also known as ditching or skipping class/school.
(Per Day)
An unexcused absence for an entire school day unless excused pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-802. Also
known as ditching or skipping class/school.
Vandalism/Graffiti/ Tagging
The willful act of defacing or destroying any building, fixture, vegetation or property (personal or
school) either intentionally or unintentionally.
Verbal Abuse
The use of profanity or any derogatory language written or stated publicly.
Verbal Abuse to Staff
The use of profanity or any derogatory language written or stated publicly to a staff or adult. (A.R.S. §
15-507 A person who knowingly abuses a teacher or other school employee on school grounds or
while the teacher or employee is engaged in the performance in his duties is guilty of a class 3
(Possession/Use/ Threat)
Bringing/possessing on school premises any weapon, including on the person, in a backpack, locker
or automobile or anywhere else. A weapon is a firearm, knife, destructive device, or dangerous
instrument. Firearms include any loaded or unloaded handgun, pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun or
other weapon that will expel, is designed to expel or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by
the action of an explosive. Firearms also include any explosives and bombs. Destructive devices
include a bb/pellet gun, slingshot bow, or crossbow. Dangerous instruments are defined as anything
other than a firearm, knife, or destructive device, including man-made devices, that is carried or
possessed for use to cause death or inflict serious physical injury.
Weapon Simulate
An instrument displayed or represented as a weapon, including toys that resemble weapons. Look-
alike weapons, including, but not limited to, toy guns, water guns, replica non-guns, and air-soft guns
firing nonmetallic projectiles.
How to read the Disciplinary Action Chart:
Action taken by the school authority may generally fall between the minimum and maximum consequence listed for each offense as identified
on the following disciplinary action charts. Employment of discipline alternatives is at the discretion of the school authority. School authority
may exercise discretion in applying reduced or maximum range of actions based upon mitigating or aggravating circumstances. In some
situations, i.e., alcohol/drug violations, suspensions may be reduced when the student attends counseling.
What the symbols mean:
* These offenses may be a violation of local or state law. School authorities may also notify appropriate police authorities. Law enforcement
authorities may take action in addition to that taken by the school.
Infraction_Range of Action
to be Taken
Range of Action
to be Taken
Range of Action to
be Taken
Range of Action to
be Taken
Range of Action to be
Range of Action to be
8 Day Off-Campus
Reduce to 4 with
8 Day Off-Campus
(No Counseling
Expulsion Hearing
Alcohol/Drugs *
8 Day Off-Campus
Expulsion Hearing
Expulsion Hearing
Arson *
Possible Threat Assessment
3-5 Days Off-
School Suspension
Expulsion Hearing
5-8 Days Off-
School Suspension
Expulsion Hearing
Expulsion Hearing
Assault *
Possible Threat Assessment
3-5 days Off-
5-8 days Off-
Expulsion Hearing
Bullying or Hazing*
2-4 Days Lunch
1 Day Off Campus
2-3 Day Off Campus
3-5 Day Off Campus
5-7 Day Off Campus
7-8 Day Off
Bus Referral
0-2 Lunch
1-3 days Bus
3-5 days Bus
3 Days In-School
Loss of Bus Privileges
2 Lunch
1-3 Days In-School
1-3 Days Off-
Campus Suspension
No Credit
No Credit
No Credit
Dangerous Item *
Possible Threat Assessment
1-3 Days In-
School Suspension
3-5 Days Off-
School Suspension
5-8 Days Off-School
Expulsion Hearing
Dangerous Item *
Possible Threat Assessment
3-5 Days Off-
School Suspension
Expulsion Hearing
5-8 Days Off-
School Suspension
Expulsion Hearing
Expulsion Hearing
Defiance of Authority
1-3 Days Lunch
1-3 Days In-School
3-5 Days In-School
3-5 Days Off-School
5-7 Days Off-School
7-8 Days Off-
Disorderly Conduct
(Including Profanity)
1-4 Days Lunch
1-3 Days In-School
3-5 Days In-School
3-5 Days Off-School
5-7 Days Off-School
7-8 Days Off-
Dress Code
Confiscation of
2 Days Lunch
Confiscation of
4 Days Lunch
Confiscation of item
1 Day In-School
Confiscation of item
2-3 Days In-School
Confiscation of item
3-5 Days In-
Confiscation of
Possible Threat Assessment
1-3 Lunch
1-3 Days In-School
3-5 Days In-School
3-5 Days Off-School
5-7 Days Off-School
1-3 Days Off-
School Suspension
3-5 Days Off-
School Suspension
5-7 Day Off Campus
7-8 Day Off Campus
Expulsion Hearing
3-5 Days Off-
5-7 Day Off
7-8 Day Off Campus
Expulsion Hearing
Expulsion Hearing
Forgery *
1-3 Days Lunch
1-3 Days In-School
1-3 Days Off-School
3-5 Days Off-School
Gambling *
1-3 Days In-
School Suspension
3-5 Days Off-
5-7 Day Off Campus
7-8 Day Off Campus
Gang Association/ Activity *
Conference with
Student and Law
1-3 Days In-School
3-5 Days Off-School
5-8 Day Off Campus
Expulsion Hearing
Expulsion Hearing
Gang Clothing/Symbols/
1-4 Days of Lunch
1-3 Days In-School
3-5 Days Off-School
5-7 Day Off Campus
7-8 Day Off Campus
Expulsion Hearing
(Verbal, Written, Graphic,
2-4 Days Lunch
1-3 Days In-School
3-5 Days Off-School
5-7 Day Off Campus
7-8 Day Off Campus
Expulsion Hearing
2-4 Days Lunch
1-3 Days In-School
3-5 Days Off-School
5-7 Day Off Campus
7-8 Day Off Campus
Expulsion Hearing
1-4 Days of Lunch
1-3 Days In-School
3-5 Days Off-School
5-7 Day Off Campus
1-4 Days Lunch
1-3 Days In-School
3-5 Days Off-School
5-7 Day Off Campus
7-8 Day Off Campus
Expulsion Hearing
Leaving Campus without
1-3 Lunch
1-3 Days In-School
3-5 Days In-School
3-5 Days Off-School
5-7 Days Off-School
1-2 Lunch
3 Lunch Detentions
1 Day In-School
2 Days In-School
3 Days In-School
4 Days In-School
Parking Violation
(Parking w/out Permit)
2-4 Lunch
1 Day In-School
Ineligible for
permit until
following semester
2 Days In-School
Ineligible for permit
for 1 year
3 Days In-School
Ineligible for permit
4 Days In-School
Ineligible for permit
Physical Aggression
1-4 Days of Lunch
1-3 Days In-School
3-5 Days Off-School
5-7 Day Off Campus
7-8 Day Off Campus
Expulsion Hearing
Physical Display of
0-2 Lunch
3 Lunch Detentions
1 Day In-School
2 Days In-School
3 Days In-School
4 Days In-School
Reckless Use of Vehicle on
NUSD Property
8 Day loss of
Loss of Permit
Sexual Harassment*
Possible Threat Assessment
1 Day In-
2-3 Days In-
School/Off Campus
3-5 Days Off-School
5-7 Day Off Campus
7-8 Day Off Campus
Expulsion Hearing
Sexual Materials *
1-4 Days Lunch
1 Day In-School
1-3 Days In-
School/Off Campus
3-5 Days Off-School
5-7 Day Off Campus
7-8 Day Off Campus
Expulsion Hearing
Sexual Misconduct*
Possible Threat Assessment
1 Day In-
2-3 Days In-
School/Off Campus
3-5 Days Off-School
5-7 Day Off Campus
7-8 Day Off Campus
Expulsion Hearing
1 Lunch Detention
2 Lunch Detentions
3 Lunch Detention
1 Day In-School
Parking Suspension
Theft *
1-3 Days Off-
School Suspension
3-5 Days Off-
School Suspension
5-7 Day Off Campus
7-8 Day Off Campus
Expulsion Hearing
Intimidating Behavior
Possible Threat Assessment
1-3 Days In-
School Suspension
3-5 Days Off-
School Suspension
5-8 Days Off-School
Expulsion Hearing
Tobacco/ Vape *
1-2 Days Off-
School Suspension
3-5 Days Off-
School Suspension
5-7 Days Off-School
7-8 Days Off-School
Expulsion Hearing
Tobacco/ Vape
4 Days Off-
8 Day Off-Campus
Expulsion Hearing
Expulsion Hearing
1-4 Days of Lunch
1-3 Days In-School
3-5 Days Off-School
5-7 Day Off Campus
7-8 Day Off Campus
Expulsion Hearing
(Per Period)
1-3 Lunch
1-3 Days In-School
3-5 Days In-School
3-5 Days Off-School
5-7 Days Off-School
(Per Day)
1 Day In-School
2-3 Days In-School
3-5 Days In-School
3-5 Days Off-School
5-7 Days Off-School
1-2 Days In-
School Suspension
Possible Police
3-5 Days Off-
School Suspension
Police Involvement
5-7 Days Off-School
Expulsion Hearing
Expulsion Hearing
Verbal Abuse
1-2 Days Off-
School Suspension
3-5 Days Off-
School Suspension
5-7 Days Off-School
7-8 Days Off-School
Verbal Abuse to Staff
1-2 Days Off-
School Suspension
3-5 Days Off-
School Suspension
5-7 Days Off-School
7-8 Days Off-School
Weapons *
(Possession/Use/ Threat)
Possible Threat Assessment
8 Day Off-Campus
Expulsion Hearing
Expulsion Hearing
Weapon Simulate
Possible Threat Assessment
1-4 Days Lunch
1 Day In-School
1-3 Days In-
School/Off Campus
3-5 Days Off-School
5-7 Day Off Campus
7-8 Day Off Campus
Expulsion Hearing
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
Student Use of Technology Agreement Form
The Nadaburg Unified School District authorizes students to use technology owned or otherwise provided by
the district as necessary for instructional purposes. The use of district technology is a privilege permitted at
the district's discretion and is subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth in applicable Board policies,
administrative regulations, and this Acceptable Use Agreement. The district reserves the right to suspend
access at any time, without notice, for any reason.
The district expects all students to use technology responsibly in order to avoid potential problems and liability.
The district may place reasonable restrictions on the sites, material, and/or information that students may
access through the system.
Each student authorized to use district technology and his/her parent/guardian shall sign this Acceptable Use
Agreement as an indication it has been read and understand the agreement.
District technology includes, but is not limited to, computers, the district's computer network including servers
and wireless network (Wi-Fi), Internet, email, USB drives, wireless access points, tablets, workstations, printers
telephones, MP3 players, wearable technology, any wireless communication device including cellular
telephones or emergency radios. Also included are software applications and associated file and data whether
accessed on/off site or through district-owned or personally owned equipment or devices.
Student Obligations and Responsibilities
Students are expected to use district technology safely, responsibly, and for educational purposes only. The
student in whose name district technology is issued is responsible for its proper use at all times. Students shall
not share their assigned online services account information, passwords, or other information used for
identification and authorization purposes, and shall use the system only under the account to which they have
been assigned.
Students are prohibited from using district technology for improper purposes, including, but not limited to, use
of district technology to:
Access, post, display, or otherwise use material that is discriminatory, libelous, dangerous, defamatory,
obscene, sexually explicit, or disruptive.
Bully, harass, intimidate, or threaten other students, staff, or other individuals ("cyberbullying").
Disclose, use, or disseminate personal identification information (such as name, address, telephone number,
Social Security number, or other personal information) of another student, staff member, or other person with
the intent to threaten, intimidate, harass, or ridicule that person.
Infringe on copyright, license, trademark, patent, or other intellectual property rights.
Intentionally disrupt or harm district technology or other district operations (such as destroying district
equipment, placing a virus on district computers, adding or removing a computer program without permission
from a teacher or other district personnel, changing settings on shared computers).
Install unauthorized software.
Access systems to manipulate data of the district data or other user information without expressed
Engage in or promote any practice that is unethical or violates any law or Board policy, administrative
regulation, or district practice.
Do not disclose or share user ID or password information with other individuals.
Since the use of district technology is used for educational purposes, students shall not have any expectation of
privacy in any use of district technology.
The district reserves the right to monitor and record all use of district technology, including, but not limited to,
access to the Internet or social media, communications sent or received from district technology, or other uses.
Such monitoring/recording may occur at any time without prior notice for any legal purposes including, but
not limited to, record retention and distribution and/or investigation of improper, illegal, or prohibited activity.
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
Students should be aware that, in most instances, their use of district technology (such as web searches and
emails) cannot be erased or deleted.
All passwords created for or used on any district technology are the sole property of the district. The creation
or use of a password by a student on district technology does not create a reasonable expectation of privacy.
Personally Owned Devices (BYOD)
If a student uses a personally owned device to access district technology, he/she shall abide by all applicable
Board policies, administrative regulations, and this Acceptable Use Agreement. Any such use of a personally
owned device may subject the contents of the device and any communications sent or received on the device
to disclosure pursuant to a lawful subpoena or public records request.
If a student becomes aware of any security problem (such as any compromise of the confidentiality of any login
or account information) or misuse of district technology, he/she shall immediately report such information to
the teacher or other district personnel.
Consequences for Violation
Violations of Board policy or this agreement may result in revocation of a student's access to district technology
and/or discipline, up to and including suspension or expulsion. In addition, violations of the law, Board policy,
or this agreement may be reported to law enforcement agencies as appropriate.
Student Acknowledgment
I have received, read, understand, and agree to abide by this Acceptable Use Agreement and other applicable
laws and district policies and regulations governing the use of district technology. I understand that there is no
expectation of privacy when using district technology. I further understand that any violation may result in loss
of user privileges, disciplinary action, and/or appropriate legal action.
Student Name: Student Signature:
(Please print)
Date: Grade: School:
Parent or Legal Guardian Acknowledgment
If the student is under 18 years of age, a parent/guardian must also read and sign the agreement.
“As the parent/guardian of the above-named student, I have read, understand, and agree that my child shall
comply with the terms of the Acceptable Use Agreement. By signing this Agreement, I give permission for my
child to use district technology and/or to access the school's computer network and the Internet. I understand
that, despite the district's best efforts, it is impossible for the school to restrict access to all offensive and
controversial materials. I agree to release from liability, indemnify, and hold harmless the school, district, and
district personnel against all claims, damages, and costs that may result from my child's use of district
technology or the failure of any technology protection measures used by the district. Further, I accept full
responsibility for supervision of my child's use of his/her access account if and when such access is not in the
school setting”.
Parent Name: Parent Signature:
(Please print)
NUSD 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, K-12
Student Handbook Acknowledgement
My student and I have received, read and discussed the 2023/2024 PARENT-STUDENT HANDBOOK for K-12
including the STUDENT DISCIPLINE GUIDELINES. We have had the opportunity to ask for clarification. We
understand what is expected of students in the Nadaburg Unified School District and are aware of the
possible disciplinary consequences.
Parent/Guardian Signature:
Student Signature:
Date: Teacher: Grade: