Strengthening Patient Care Through Excellence in Clinical IS Education
CID-0112-D, 03/30/2017
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Clinical IS Update
Diagnotes: Getting Started
All IUH Facilites
Staff Physicians and Residents
Diagnotes has been selected as IU Health’s standard secure messaging system.
Is HIPAA compliant text messaging service for use on the employee’s mobile device of choice.
Will protect patient information through the encryption of any data communications.
Does not replace in person conversations, phone calls, or e-mails. Instead it will serve as an
additional encrypted option for the exchange of protected information via mobile devices.
Smart Web is a non-secure way to communicate sensitive PHI.
: Getting Started
Secure Texting:
Use Diagnotes for HIPAA-compliant text messaging and notifications with colleagues and staff. Includes;
Mobile and Web applications
Group and individual messaging
Photos and attachments, etc.
These instructions contain basic information for accessing and utilizing Diagnotes. For additional information, or if you have
any questions or issues using Diagnotes, please contact the hospital operator to be transered to the IS Help Desk.
Accessing Diagnotes
A Diagnotes user account has been created for you by I.U. Health. You can access Diagnotes in the mobile apps (iOS and
Android, direct links below) and/or through the web application using any web browser on a laptop, PC, or other web-enabled
device (URL link below). In both the mobile and the web apps, you must login using your IU Health credentials (full email address and Active Directory password used to access other systems).
*** Be sure to “Accept” push notifications when downloading the mobile app to receive text messages***
Platform Location Direct Link
iOS iTunes App Store
Android Google Play
Web Any web browser
The first time you login, you will be guided through a step-by-step process to set up your profile (clinical credentials, specialties,
locations, contact information, etc.). You only need to complete this process once, and you can change the information any time
by editing your account settings in the web application
Strengthening Patient Care Through Excellence in Clinical IS Education
CID-0112-D, 03/30/2017
Hard copy in uncontrolled. See DMS for current versiion
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Clinical IS Update
: New User Self Registration Process
Follow the screenshots below for new user self registration
1. Enter your preferred email
2. Select Your Groups
Strengthening Patient Care Through Excellence in Clinical IS Education
CID-0112-D, 03/30/2017
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3. Select Your Subgroups
4. Select Your Primary Subgroup
Strengthening Patient Care Through Excellence in Clinical IS Education
CID-0112-D, 03/30/2017
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5. Select Your Specialty
6. Certification: Add your certification or click continue to skip
Strengthening Patient Care Through Excellence in Clinical IS Education
CID-0112-D, 03/30/2017
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Clinical IS Update
7. Phone: Enter your phone or page number to display or click Complete to skip this step.
Before You Start…
Here are a few basics that are helpful to understand in order to have an effective and satisfying experience using Diagnotes:
All Diagnotes communications are organized by “Encounter”—a thread of messages, actions, attachments, etc., that
make up a distinct clinical conversation or experience. Messages may be used to start a new encounter, or a new
message, notification or alert may take place in the context of an existing encounter. Any user may start a new encounter
and choose to include others. Access to the content of the encounter is limited to the “Participant” list of that specific
encounter. Any participant included in an encounter may add other participants from the I.U. Health directory of users.
Encounter Status
Diagnotes encounters may also have different statuses: “Active”, “Documented”, or “Completed”. Active encounters
are current, open or ongoing discussion threads to which participants may contribute new messages. Once the discussion
is finished, any participant may remove it from their active list, close it out and put it in the archives for storage/review
by either “Documenting” or “Completing” the encounter.
Once you’ve downloaded the Diagnotes app and configured your personal notification settings, you’ll receive push,
SMS, email, and/or pager notifications according to your preferences, regardless of whether you’re currently logged into
Diagnotesjust download the app, accept push notifications and log in once.
Strengthening Patient Care Through Excellence in Clinical IS Education
CID-0112-D, 03/30/2017
Hard copy in uncontrolled. See DMS for current versiion
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Clinical IS Update
Instructions: How to Use Diagnotes for Secure Texting
Launch the Diagnotes mobile app (iOS or Android), or go to the web application at
Log in using your full email address and Active Directory passwordif you do not have or know your I.U.
Health credentials, please contact your administrator. Upon login, you will automatically be directed to the “Encounters”
pagea list of your active communications in Diagnotes.
Click “New Encounter(or tap the in the mobile app) to create a new encounter, or select the appropriate existing
encounter from your from your list of Active encounters.
Click “Add Participant” to give other users access to the encounter and to send them notifications. You may add one or
multiple users to any encounter, or you may keep personal encounters/notes for yourself.
Click “New Message” at the bottom of the thread (or tap the text field at the bottom of the mobile app) to enter your text
message by typing or dictating, and click (tap) “Send”. If you would like to be automatically notified in the event your
message remains unread, select the appropriate configurable time window for “Unread Message Alert” upon sending
your message.
To securely attach a mobile photo (mobile app only), navigate to the “Additional Options” ( ) menu and tap
“Attachments” to capture, save and send a mobile photo as part of this encounter.
To send a file attachment (web app only) click “Add Attachment” and select the desired file from your drive.
As long as the encounter remains “Active”, any participant may add participants, send messages, or add
attachments/photos. When appropriate, the encounter may be removed from the Active list by clicking (or tapping)
“Complete” (also found in the “Additional Options” menu in the mobile app—see above). In the mobile app, swipe an
encounter in your list to complete or document the encounter.
As an alternative to “Completing” an encounter, a participant may choose to “Document” the encounter. This also
removes the encounter from the Active list, but it affords the user an opportunity to capture notes or additional
information in summary format as the encounter is being closed out. Click “Document” to dictate notes, mark custom
checklist actions, as well as add attachments and billing (CPT/ICD) codes. This summary will become available as an
addendum to the encounter communication details and messages.
Managing Personal Preferences and Settings
The following personal preferences and settings may be managed by a user in the mobile app by tapping the
Diagnotes logo at the top-left of the screen and then tapping “Settings” at the bottom left:
Read Receipts” turn on/off and control the time windows for unread message alerts,
Alert Sounds” allows users to customize notification tones
Repeat Alerts” turns on/off persistent notifications.
Users can manage these settings as well as their demographic, clinical and contact information in the “My
Account” section of the web application, by clicking your name at the top-right of the screen.
For staff physicians, an account has already been approved/provisioned for you and you may continue using the
following instructions. For other users, a Solar must be filled out for Secure Texting Application.
NOTE: The Verbal Order Policy does NOT permit patient care orders being sent via text.
This tool is approved for Provider to Provider Communication and Communications/Operator