Neutral Citation Number: [2018] EWHC 308 (Fam)
Case No: FD17P00694
Royal Courts of Justice
Strand, London, WC2A 2LL
Date: 20
February 2018
Before :
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Between :
Alder Hey Childrens NHS Foundation Trust
- and -
1) Mr Thomas Evans
(2) Ms Kate James
(3) Alfie Evans
(A Child by his Guardian CAFCASS Legal)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Michael Mylonas QC (instructed by Hill Dickinson) for the Applicant
The First and Second Respondents representing themselves
The Third Respondent represented by Ms Melanie Carew of CAFCASS
Hearing dates: 1
and 2
February 2018 & 5
February 2018
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Approved Judgment
I direct that pursuant to CPR PD 39A para 6.1 no official shorthand note shall be taken of this
Judgment and that copies of this version as handed down may be treated as authentic.
This judgment was delivered in public. The judge has given leave for this version of the
judgment to be published.
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Mr Justice Hayden :
1. I am concerned here with an application made on behalf of the Alder Hey
Children’s NHS Foundation Trust concerning Alfie Evans who was born on 9 May
2016. The Trust seek a declaration that continued ventilatory support is not in
Alfie’s best interests and in the circumstances it is not lawful that such treatment
2. Alfie’s parents, Tom Evans (F) and Kate James (M), both resist the application. In
the hope of resolving the dispute and endeavouring to forge an agreed resolution, a
mediation meeting took place on the 8 January this year. No agreement as to the
way forward was forthcoming.
3. Alfie was born at the Liverpool Women’s Hospital. He was delivered at full term
with a healthy weight and discharged home three days after the birth. Alfie’s mother
was then 18 years old and this was her first pregnancy. Alfie’s father Tom was 19
years of age. Though self-evidently very young and though Alfie had not been
planned his parents were delighted by him. They were both determined to be good
parents and, from what I have seen and read, were instinctive and natural. The
couple were well-supported by their respective extended families. Alfie was a happy
smiling baby who seemed to be perfectly well.
4. The first indication that all might not be well occurred in July 2016 when Alfie was
noted to have a divergent squint for which a hospital referral was considered
appropriate. He was seen again by his General Practitioner, at four months, for his
first child development check. It is clear that M already had some concerns about
her son’s general development. Alfie’s smile had become less frequent, he was
sleeping to an extent that had begun to alarm her and quite commonly she had to
wake him up. She was concerned too with Alfie’s lack of general interaction and
disinclination to reach out for or play with his toys. I sense also that M considered
that the squint was something rather more serious. She queried Alfie’s ability to see.
It is apparent that concern was shared by others, the health visitor was troubled by
Alfie’s lack of age-appropriate head control.
5. By six months of age there was no doubt that Alfie was showing marked signs of
significant developmental delay. He was reviewed in the general paediatric
outpatient clinic in Alder Hey Hospital in November 2016. On examination he was
there found to be functioning in a range appropriate to a six week 2 month old
infant. An MRI brain/spine scan was arranged for 30 November 2016. The report of
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Dr M, a Consultant Paediatrician, specialising in intensive care medicine, records
the following:
“The MRI brain scan done on 30.11.2016 showed evidence of
borderline delayed myelination for his chronological age and
unexplained diffusion restriction along sensory motor cortex, the
cortical-spinal tracts and fibres leading into the medial temporal
lobes. The appearances were not typical for any specific disorder.
Suggested possible diagnoses to be excluded included mitochondrial
disorders and non- ketotic hyperglycinaemia.”
6. On 14 December 2016 Alfie was admitted to Alder Hey Accident and Emergency
Department with a history of coughing, high temperature and a reported episode of
rhythmic jerking of all four limbs and his jaw. His parents reported that this episode
had lasted approximately 20 minutes, after which Alfie had a sleep. He was taken to
Accident and Emergency about 20 minutes after the episode. The following is
recorded in the paediatricians report:
On review in the Accident and Emergency Department, Alfie was
noted to have a temperature of 38.4
C (normal body temperature
C) and he was tachypnoeic (fast breathing rate) with a breathing
rate of 60 breaths per minute. (The normal breathing rate for this
age is 20 -30 breaths per minute). He had moderate increased work
of breathing with signs on auscultation (listening) to the chest of
wheeze and scattered crepitations (crepitations are heard with
secretions in the lungs). A microbiology test on a nasopharyngeal
aspirate (NPA) showed rhinovirus/ enterovirus. (The test cannot
differentiate these two organisms - infection could be with either or
both pathogens). We commonly isolate these viruses in infants with
acute viral lower respiratory tract infections. Alfie was diagnosed
with acute viral bronchiolitis and a possible prolonged febrile
7. Later in the afternoon Alfie was observed to have episodes of jerking of his whole
body and referred to the Neurology team. An EEG was requested and the plan was
to commence anti-convulsant therapy if the seizures worsened. On 15 December
2016 the seizures continued to the degree that it was thought necessary to prescribe
Midazolam which is a benzodiazepine which is, I am told, a first line drug. This was
administered for Alfie via the buccal route (placed against the inside lining of the
cheek) which enables rapid absorption for patients who do not have an intravenous
cannula. The medical records reveal that the seizures stopped after two or three
minutes and Alfie slept.
8. There were more problems overnight on the 16 December 2016 and after discussion
Alfie was commenced on a different anti-convulsant, Vigabatrin. On the 19
December Alfie was reviewed by Dr R, a consultant in paediatric neurology and on
examination was found to have a slow breathing rate, apnoeas (pauses in breathing)
and his most significant identifiable neurological response was to pain. The plan
was to transfer Alfie to the High Dependency Unit for non-invasive respiratory
support. Whilst preparing for this Alfie’s condition deteriorated significantly, his
heart rate dropped and the periods of apnoea became more prolonged. A cardiac
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arrest call was made and bag-mask-valve ventilation was commenced to support his
9. When the cardiac team arrived, the anaesthetist took over management.
Nasopharyngeal and Guedel airways (an oral airway adjunct to maintain or open a
patients airways) were inserted and Alfie was given oxygen via a mask. In addition
the plan to admit Alfie to HDU was abandoned and he was transferred to the
Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). Dr R has given a summary of this period in
a statement filed in this Application. It requires to be stated in full:
I saw Alfie with his parents on the 15
December 2016. He showed
sudden unprovoked movements compatible with infantile/epileptic
spasms. An EEG performed on the 16
December 2016 confirmed
hypsarrhythmia (electrical correlate to clinical epileptic or infantile
spasms, disorganised EEG). The EEG captured a number of electro-
clinical epileptic spasms. I commenced Alfie on Vigabatrin (anti-
epileptic medication, first line treatment for infantile/epileptic
spasms) with an increasing dose regime as per standard practice.
Alfie did not show any neurological recovery following the severe
respiratory deterioration and critical life threatening illness on the
intensive care unit. Alfie showed signs of a severe infantile
progressive encephalopathy with drug and ketogenic diet resistant
seizures. He remained profoundly encephalopathic/ comatose and
remained unresponsive to central noxious stimuli (i.e. painful/
uncomfortable stimulation delivered via rubbing of cranial nerve
exit points in the area of his eyebrows) . Encephalopathy is a
general term that refers to brain malfunction due to brain disease or
brain injury. The major symptom of an encephalopathy is reduced
responsiveness or an altered mental state. Epileptic seizures and a
movement disorder can also be a symptom of an encephalopathy.
There are numerous causes for an encephalopathy in childhood.
They include infections, brain malfunction due to lack of oxygen or
reduced blood flow, metabolic and biochemical conditions, toxins,
drugs, trauma, and neurodegenerative diseases. At times Alfie
showed withdrawal of his legs to peripheral noxious stimuli (ie
applying pressure to his nailbeds) and presumed spinal reflexes.
This means that information of painful stimuli travel up the nerve,
enter the spinal cord in the back and stimulate a motor response, i.e.
withdrawal, extension or flexion, via exiting immediately through the
frontal nerve roots in the spinal cord without being modified from
central “higher” nerve cells in the brain. Similar to our immediate
withdrawal to for example, touching a hot cooker plate, when we
withdraw our fingers long before we realise there is pain. The
majority of responses to tactile stimuli or to eye opening/light
exposure were and are seizures as confirmed on repeated EEG
10. A further EEG was performed in January 2017. This, however, was markedly
different, showing attenuation with little in the way of reactive response for
protracted periods of time. Changes only really occurred when Alfie had an
epileptic seizure. Though there was no period of collapse between December and
January all are agreed that Alfie was very unwell with a severe bi-lateral
pneumonia. It was at this time that the treating clinicians thought it both necessary
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and appropriate to broach with the parents the real possibility that Alfie might not
recover. In fact Alfie did not succumb to the pneumonia and effectively fought off
the infection. This has become an absolutely crucial feature of Alfie’s treatment in
the father’s mind. I think, having prepared himself for the worst, he believes that
Alfie’s triumph over this infection is indicative of potential for more general
recovery. In cross-examination F has been critical of the doctors for having that
conversation with him which he believes to have been premature. He perceives this
as “the hospital giving up on Alfie”.
11. Though Alfie had successfully resisted the viral infection it is the case that the EEG
pattern did not change and indeed has remained largely static since. Dr R
characterises Alfie’s present condition as showing no response to tactile, visual,
auditory or sensory stimulation. He has concluded that Alfie is in a coma and thus
unaware of his surroundings. By January 2018, the pupillary response was, he
considers, entirely abnormal with only the most subtle, brief dilatation to light without
any normal constriction. Some of this is disputed by Mr Evans.
12. In his evidence Dr R told me that Alfie does not respond to loud noises, central
painful stimuli or peripheral stimuli, he is profoundly hypotonic (abnormal loss of
muscle control). Such response as there is Dr R considers to be entirely seizure
related. All this is reflected in the EEG graphs.
13. In the light of the parents real and entirely understandable concern about the
underlying neurological diagnosis, Professor Judith Cross was instructed
independently to review the clinical history, the EEG’s and the serial MRIs. I shall
turn in more detail to the MRI scans shortly but it is beyond doubt that they confirm
a rapidly progressive destructive brain disease. Professor Cross is presently the
Prince of Wales’ Chair of Childhood Epilepsy at UCL - Great Ormond Street
Institute of Child Health. She is also Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Neurology.
She reviewed Alfie at the PICU on 15 June 2017.
14. In addition to the above Professor Cross reviewed the birth records and the family
history. She noted that the MRI scan performed on 30 November 2016 raised the
possibility either of underlying degenerative disorder or alternatively a metabolic
disorder. Mr Evans, during his cross-examination of the Trust’s witnesses, has
focused on the possibility of the latter, identifying metabolic disorder as the
diagnosis which permits of a more optimistic prognosis. In her evidence Professor
Cross told me that she reviewed the serial EEG investigations. She emphasised that
there is a ‘striking’ and ‘marked’ distinction between those of December and those
post-January. Those in December reveal evidence of hypsarrhythmia i.e. activity,
particularly during sleep. However, in January (2017) Professor Cross was clear
that there was little in the way of reactive response. The EEG she told me was
“markedly attenuated” which she clarified as essentially flat. The only identifiable
activity followed immediately upon epileptic seizure and quickly disappeared.
Both Professor Cross and Dr R have emphasised the evidential significance of
the MRI scans. Both doctors but Dr R in particular volunteer that the scans,
whilst important diagnostically, also have to be considered in the broader
context of Alfie’s clinical presentation and history. A number of scans were
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undertaken. The first, as I have stated above, was dated 30 November 2016.
The second was in February 2017. The third scan was performed on 22
August 2017 and was significant. When Professor Cross gave her evidence
the August scan was the most recent. Because that scan was now nearly six
months old I asked if a further MRI scan could be taken in order that I had the
most up-to-date evidence. I was reassured by Dr R that this would not be an
intrusive or unsettling investigation for Alfie. The most recent scan is dated 2
February 2018. The earlier scans seen by Professor Cross enabled her to
interpret the following:
“bi-lateral symmetrical mid-brain lesions, central tegmental tracks within the brain
stem, global pallidus, thalami and striking symmetrical restricted diffusion in the
mesial temporal lobes, perirolandic cortices” The later imaging however showed
“diffuse white matter signal abnormality and swelling with swelling of the globus
pallidi, haemorrhagic infarction in the globus pallidus and splenium with thalamic
atrophy” The most recent scan seen by Professor Cross i.e. that of the 22 August
2017 she considered was highly indicative of a neurometabolic disorder, particularly
a mitochondrial disorder showing rapid progression. These complex interpretations
of the brain function were distilled into clear and inevitably distressing language.
The analysis led to a bleak conclusion.
16. Professor Cross concluded that Alfie has a progressive, ultimately fatal
neurodegenerative condition, most likely a mitochondrial disorder. During her
cross-examination by F she told him in gentle terms that even if it were possible to
stop Alfie’s seizures, which did not look likely given his poor response to anti-
convulsant treatment to date, his brain is entirely beyond recovery. The brain she
said, again on F’s enquiry, simply has no capacity to regenerate itself unlike e.g. the
liver. She agreed that nobody knew quite why the brain does not have the ability to
do so but it is simply acknowledged by neurologists that it cannot. F, who has been
representing himself and his partner during this case for reasons which I will
address in detail, followed this observation up by enquiring whether given that
Alfie’s brain has not yet (at his age) fully formed it might generate as oppose to
regenerate brain matter. That was just one of F’s many thoughtful and impressive
questions of the medical experts. Sadly, it drew a negative response. The brain
would only be able to generate further from existing matter.
17. Professor Cross surveyed the broader canvas of evidence. She noted the
deterioration in Alfie’s respiratory effort. It is unlikely that he can breathe now
without assistance. She factored in the dramatic deterioration in the EEG scans. All
this she concluded pointed to a mitochondrial disorder. This she recognised had
now been further supported by tests indicating mitochondrial genetic mutation.
Nothing in the brain was functioning normally. Professor Cross considered that the
brain was now only able to generate seizures. Accordingly, this was not an epileptic
encephalopathy by which Professor Cross explained that the epileptic seizures are
not contributing to the neurological degeneration but a consequence of the
neurodegenerative disorder.
It is important to highlight Professor Cross’s ultimate conclusion clearly. She told me
that “even if Alfie is able to sustain respiration in the short term, on discontinuing
ventilation, his respiratory effort will not sustain life.” She amplified this by stating that
were Alfie to manage for the short term his brain will not recover in any event and he
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will continue to deteriorate with extremely short life expectancy. The following
requires particular emphasis:
“All investigations have been performed that would have demonstrated a
remediable or treatable cause and even if at this stage there was something to treat
his brain the neurological function will not show any degree of recovery. I
appreciate this news will be extremely difficult for the family. I do not feel further
therapy is going to have an impact on seizures and even if seizures were reduced
this is not going to change [Alfie’s] outcome.”
18. The parents have, both in the course of these proceedings and in preparation for
them, explored opportunities for alternative opinions. In particular they have
instructed, through their solicitors who were acting at the time: Dr Martin Samuels
(Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician); the Senior Clinical Team at the Ospedale
Pediatrico, Bambino Gesu (BG) (Rome); Dr Matthias Hubner, Medical Director,
Pediatric Air Ambulance, Amtsgericht Munchen; Professor Nikolaus Haas, Medical
Director, Department of Paediatric Cardiology and Intensive Care, University
Hospital Ludwig-Maximilians university (LMU) Munich.
19. It is recognised that all the doctors have come to the conclusion that Alfie is
suffering from a neurodegenerative disorder. Nobody knows what triggered or
caused this devastating erosion of Alfie’s brain, there is no diagnosis and there may
never be. The fact remains however that all agreed the degeneration is both
catastrophic and untreatable. Professor Haas’s report, dated 7 January, was filed in
consequence of my own case management decision on the 19 December in response
to the parents’ application. At that time both were represented by highly
experienced solicitors and Counsel. At the hearing the specialism of the required
expert was agreed but I permitted the parents’ team to identify the individual. In the
light of the broad consensus I do not consider it necessary to review the evidence of
each of the witnesses. It is however important that I identify the conclusions of
Professor Haas. At the hearing the Court staff spent several days trying to contact
Professor Haas who was returning from an international conference. He had not
been warned to attend to give evidence by F. Contact was made and Professor Haas
was ready to commence his evidence by telephone link. At the very last minute F
decided that he did not wish to challenge Professor Hass’s evidence. In setting out
these arrangements I do not intend to be critical of F in any way, but it is important
that it is recorded that every effort has been made in order for him to develop his
case as fully as possible.
20. Professor Haas expresses his opinion in succinct and clear language:
“There are numerous excellent statements of the assessment of Alfies
condition in the file from many distinguished specialists in the field of
paediatrics, paediatric epilepsy, intensive care etc. which I will not copy
and discuss again. These specialist are mainly from the distinguished Alder
Hey Children's hospital in Liverpool as well from other well known
specialist hospitals in the UK and the Vatican (Ospedale Pediatric Bambino
Gesu). In summary i t is clear - based on my assessment and on these
reports - that Alfie suffers from a progressive, very likely ultimately fatal
neurodegenerative disorder of so far unknown origin. There have been
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numerous test performed, unfortunately without any possibility to give the
disease a known name (maybe this disease will be ultimately named after
him - Alfies disease).”
21. In a passage which seems to me to engage directly with the parents’ case in a
manner intended to help their understanding as well as to confront their misgivings,
Professor Haas sets out the central conflict thus:
The main underlying problem seems in my opinion that from the side of
Alfies parents that they do not understand and/or accept that:
a. the majority of Alfies reaction to external stimuli (i.e. touching,
pain stimulation like pinching, etc., reaction to noise, parents voice
etc.) is very likely not a purposeful reaction but very likely caused by
seizures (as proven by repeat EEC monitoring)
b. these reactions are very difficult to separate especially for parents. Based on videos
shown to me, there may however well be a change in Alfies behaviour and his status may
well fluctuate
c. the seizure activity is very likely the consequence of the underlying
d. the neurodegenerative process has unfortunately progressed so far that an
improvement or recovery is also extremely unlikely.
e. Alfies inability to breathe is a consequence of the disease and not likely from the
medication administered.
f. there are by all means no thinkable treatment options available that would stop or
reverse his underlying disease.
22. Finally, two further passages require recording:
I do fully support the assessment of the neuropediatric team that the seizure activity is
caused by the progressive neurodegenerative disorder and not vice-versa. It is well
known and perfectly explained by others….that seizures in these circumstances are very
difficult or even impossible to control.
The colleagues have tried several combinations of antiepileptic mixtures with limited
success. As the seizures are however not under control yet, other treatments or different
"cocktails" of antiepileptic drugs may well be considered and tried. It may also be
difficult for the parents to understand, but in my opinion there is little if any to offer.
23. As to the possibility of any further testing Professor Haas could not be clearer:
Based on the extensive testing already performed, I do agree with the medical teams
involved that there are no useful test that may be performed to improve Alfies condition.
The genetic testing (i.e. whole genome sequencing) is performed by blood sampling and
without any risks for Alfie. These tests may in certain cases be beneficial to delineate a
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new rare disease as pointed out by the doctors of the Bambino Gesu Hospital. To the best
of my knowledge these test have - even if a new disease is found - never been able to cure
a patient with a similar disease pattern as Alfie shows.
Notwithstanding that Professor Haas has assessed Alfie’s medical circumstances in
terms which are identical to those at Alder Hey he has different views as to what he
terms “withdrawal of therapy” and which I shall call end of life plans.
The Medical Consensus
24. Dr Samuels filed a report which was, as I have said, solicited by the parents. F
required him to attend to give oral evidence. If I may say so I thought that was a
proper course for F to take. However, Dr Samuels is very clear that Alfie’s
prognosis is futile. He notes that BG describes him as being in a “semi-vegetative
state” (my emphasis). For Dr Samuels the greatest concern was the possibility of any
potential suffering that Alfie may be experiencing. He considered that the high
quality intensive care that Alfie is receiving at Alder Hey could “sustain him for a
long time”. He noted that there is the potential for acute infection e.g. sepsis, or hypoxia
relating to seizure to cause sudden deterioration and death. Dr Samuels stressed, both
in his report of 10 December 2017 and in his oral evidence, that movement, light
and sound can produce physiological change in Alfie for which he posited three
potential explanations: basic reflex; seizure related activity; association with
discomfort. Whichever was most likely Dr Samuels considered that the appropriate
course was to offer palliative care to Alfie. This he considered would best be served
by symptom management i.e. keeping Alfie comfortable and withdrawal of
ventilation and intensive care. In his thinking the combination of the futility of
Alfie’s life (i.e. the absence of any prospect of recovery) and the uncertainty of
knowing whether Alfie is suffering were key factors.
25. Dr M in her report, dated 20 December 2017 (see para 5 above), sets out her
conclusions and opinion. Though she amplified these in her oral evidence they
remained essentially the same:
“My opinion, based on Alfie’s presentation, clinical deterioration
and progression of his MRI scan appearances and the expert opinion
of a number of paediatric neurologists is that Alfie has a progressive
neuro-degenerative disorder from which there is no hope of recovery.
This opinion is supported by clinical experts both within Alder Hey
Children’s Hospital and from independent national and international
experts who have reviewed Alfie. It also the consensus opinion held
by the entire medical consultant body on the Paediatric Intensive
Care Unit at Alder Hey.
It is my opinion (and that of my intensive care consultant colleagues),
that Alfie has a poor quality of life. He is completely dependent on
mechanical ventilation to preserve his life. He has no spontaneous
movements, cannot communicate and continues to have frequent
seizures. I believe that is it unlikely that Alfie feels pain or has
sensation of discomfort but I cannot be completely certain of this
since Alfie has no way of communicating if he is in pain or
discomfort. I believe that given Alfie’s very poor prognosis with no
possible curative treatment and no prospect of recovery the
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continuation of active intensive care treatment is futile and may well
be causing him distress and suffering. It is therefore my opinion that
it is not in Alfie’s best interests to further prolong the current
invasive treatment. It would, in my opinion, be appropriate to
withdraw intensive care support and provide palliative care for Alfie
for the remainder of his life.
26. It is important that I address the evidence of Dr R. He was the primary witness for
Alder Hey Hospital. He has been present in the Court throughout the entire hearing.
He chose to remain, along with Dr M, even after I had released him from
attendance. That proved to be fortunate as he later had to be recalled in response to
F asking me to admit new evidence. Dr R impressed me as a thoughtful, kind and
extremely conscientious Consultant. He responded to the obvious challenge of
being questioned directly by a grieving parent in a public Court room with patience,
compassion and great professional skill. Without exception he displayed a
willingness to reflect carefully on the questions and propositions put to him and a
readiness to yield to any point that might be made against him. F was unsparing in
some of his challenges to Dr R, suggesting collusion with other doctors and
sometimes seeking to cast doubt on his integrity. Expressed in this way it appears
to reveal F in an unfavourable light but these assays have to be tempered against F’s
essential courtesy and good manners throughout. I observe that, whilst it may not
seem entirely consistent with the case he advanced, F consistently paid tribute to the
medical and nursing staff. This apparent contradiction, which I have already
highlighted, is explained by the extremity of F’s grief which is raw and intense.
27. Alfie has been extensively investigated. Dr R comments:
Investigations have been reviewed both by internal and external experts in the field of
paediatric neurology and infantile epilepsies. No further investigations were
recommended for him other than the further molecular genetic testing to further
investigate the potential diagnosis of early infantile Batten disease. Further results from
Great Ormond Street Hospital in London have since returned negative results.
28. In his report dated 20 December 2017 and in his evidence in chief Dr R considered
that the MRI scans which I have addressed above confirmed the progressive
degeneration of Alfie’s cerebrum and cerebellum. He told me that he had decided
not to undertake a further MRI scan because it would not be of any benefit to Alfie
nor would it assist in confirming the diagnosis. He considered the existing MRI
scans required no further amplification. Moreover, F had indicated to the hospital
that he did not want any further scans. Dr R considered that a further MRI scan
would solely serve the purpose of plotting Alfie’s neurodegenerative decline. As
emerges I took a different view. Crucial to the decision I am being asked to make is
the need to ascertain, as accurately as it can be, the present level of Alfie’s
awareness. Accordingly, I considered that an up-to-date MRI scan was a significant
component in the broad sweep of evidence that was likely to inform this assessment.
The scan of 2 February 2018 confirmed the progressive destruction of the white
matter of the brain which Dr R interpreted as now appearing almost identical to
water and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). In addition, new areas of signal abnormality
were demonstrated in the deep grey matter of the basal ganglia. The thalami, which
I have been told fire the pathways within the white matter which generate sensory
perception is, Dr R points out, effectively invisible in the scan. In simple terms the
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thalami, basal ganglia, the vast majority of the white matter of the brain and a
significant degree of the cortex have been wiped out by this remorseless
degenerative condition.
29. Painful though it is for F to read Dr R’s observations of Alfie’s current condition, it
is necessary for me to set them out:
Alfie does not show any response other than seizures to tactile, visual or auditory
stimulation. He does not show any spontaneous movements. His motor responses are
either of an epileptic nature or are spinal reflexes. He is deeply comatose and for all
intents and purposes therefore unaware of his surroundings. Although fluctuating, his
pupillary responses are abnormal with now only the most subtle, very brief dilatation to
exposure to light but no normal constriction. Exposure to loud noises does not elicit any
response. There is no response to central painful stimuli other than the occasional
seizure. There is no response to painful peripheral stimuli other than seizures or at times
spinal reflexes with extension and internal rotation of his arms and less frequently now,
of flexion of his legs. Alfie is profoundly hypotonic (low muscle tension at rest). Deep
tendon reflexes are absent. There is no ankle myoclonus and no evidence for spasticity
(movement induced increase in tone).
Alfie’s brainstem function appears to be intermittently impaired with episodic periods of
bradycardia, which are currently self-resolving. The brain stem controls vital functions
such as heart rate, blood pressure, temperature among others. Alfie has not lost
brainstem control as he does not show signs of temperature instability, diabetes insipidus
(i.e. loss of central control to concentrate urine) or abnormalities of sugar control.
Episodes of otherwise not explained low heart rate point to an impairment of brainstem
function suggesting that very rudimentary functions are at least intermittently impaired.
This is not unusual. This does not imply that Alfie is able to “enjoy sensations”, it just
means that very basic functions are impaired. When there is severe impairment of the
brain during for example severe hypoxic/ ischaemic events, the brain “shuts down” any
non essential perfusion ensuring that the brainstem continuous to be supplied with blood
flow and oxygen to preserve vital functions to “preserve life” Alfie does not currently
show other brainstem dysfunction such as temperature de-regulation, excessive sweating,
abnormal skin perfusion (flashing or extreme pallor), de-regulation of his glucose (sugar)
levels or dysregulation of his fluid haemostasis (no evidence for diabetes insipidus with
excessive urine output and electrolyte disturbances).
30. I also consider it necessary to set out the full gamut of the challenges that Alfie
faces which are properly chronicled in Dr R’s report, the vast majority of which are
not challenged by the parents:
Alfie has no gag reflex and is unable to swallow or manage his oral secretion effectively.
Alfie is one hundred per cent dependent on ventilator support. Attempts at weaning
ventilation with a view to extubation (taking the endotracheal tube out) have failed on a
number of occasions. From a cardiovascular perspective, apart from intermittent
episodes of bradycardia (low heart rate) which are self-resolving, Alfie’s cardiovascular
observations remain stable with normal central and peripheral perfusion and blood
From a gastrointestinal perspective, Alfie continues to tolerate naso-jejunal (feeding into
his small bowel instead of his stomach to avoid problems from gastro-oesophageal reflux)
feeding without any vomiting. He is putting on weight and is growing as expected for his
age. Alfie is entirely fed by the nasojejunal tube. He is unable to swallow. He currently
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does not show any signs/evidence of gastroesophageal reflux. All of his medications are
administered via the nasojejunal tube. From a urological perspective Alfie has had a
number of urinary tract infections which have been treated with antibiotics. He continues
on prophylactic Trimethoprim to prevent further urinary tract infections. Alfie has not
developed any contractures (joint stiffness) or evidence for scoliosis (curvature of his
spine). Whilst it is possible that he might develop contractures or scoliosis in the future I
think this is unlikely in view of his underlying severely reduced muscle tone and lack of
Alfie does not show any visual behaviour suggesting a most severe visual impairment
(blindness) although the full extent of this is impossible to determine as Alfie is unable to
communicate. Alfie does not show any evidence of response to auditory stimuli (noise).
Whilst there is no reason to believe that Alfie’s inner ears are dysfunctional, the pathways
and cortical centres that are required to process auditory information transmitted from
the inner ear to the cortex are likely to be dysfunctional. Alfie is likely to have severe
hearing impairment and is possibly deaf. This means, in his case, that his brain cannot
interpret sounds entering his ear, rather than sound doesn’t get past his ear. Alfie is
unlikely to be able to tell/ interpret auditory stimuli i.e. reassuring voices or general noise
on the PICU.
Alfie is entirely unable to communicate with his environment. He will never develop any
communication either verbally or with sign language.
Alfie has shown severe/profound developmental delay and has lost what skills he had
acquired entirely. He will never make any developmental progress (gross motor, fine
motor, vision, hearing, social, emotional). Alfie is not responding to any painful or
uncomfortable stimuli other than with seizures or with spinal reflexes to
uncomfortable/painful peripheral stimuli. Due to his underlying neurological process it
is highly unlikely that Alfie has any awareness of pain or discomfort and does not show
any neurological signs that would suggest that he is in pain or discomfort such as
increase of heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate to uncomfortable/painful stimuli.
It is likely that the pathways that would usually transmit the stimuli are
interrupted/dysfunctional making a cognitive awareness of pain unlikely. However, as
Alfie is unable to communicate, it is important to consider whether, despite his inability to
respond, Alfie may still have some awareness of pain and discomfort and this should
therefore be kept to an absolute minimum considering that he might still be able to “feel”
uncomfortable sensation I think it is unlikely that Alfie has any ability to be reassured by
the voices and touch of his parents.
31. To all this must be added the fact that Alder Hey Children’s Hospital is a recognised
centre of excellence in tertiary neurology and neurosurgery. It is a well-equipped,
new and extremely impressive hospital. It specialises in investigating and treating
children with the most complex neurological disorders. The range of investigation
that I have set out above has also to be considered in the context of the available
facilities at this particular hospital, which can properly be said to hold world-class
The Directions Hearing
32. The application brought by the Trust was first considered by me in mid-December
2017. I ordered the case be listed expeditiously. Alfie had been the subject of on-
going investigation in the context of dispute for many months and it was clear that
the case had to be scrutinised by the Court. I ordered the case be listed on the 19
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December 2017. The parents were, at that stage, represented by solicitors. A robust
application, on paper, was made to adjourn the Directions Hearing by F’s team.
That application was entirely misconceived. It is manifest that the case required to
be scrutinised by the Court. At the Hearing, though the parents statements had not
been filed, a timetable was drawn up, with the assistance of experienced Counsel
who acted on their behalf. The parents were given ample opportunity to put those
documents together. I extended the timescales in order that they would not have to
worry about the preparing of documents over the Christmas period, indeed, I
stressed in Court that they should not do so. That time, I recognised, was very
important to them.
33. Counsel appearing on behalf of the parents made a further application to adjourn the
Directions Hearing on the 19 December. I rejected that application, authorised the
instruction of a further expert and set down the case for hearing. I emphasised that
the proceedings should move at Alfie’s own timescales and not be driven by the
exigencies of the litigation. I also indicated, without any request being made, that
this was a case in which I would visit Alfie at the hospital.
34. Shortly before this hearing began the Court received communication from F,
advising that he had parted company with his solicitors and was unrepresented. F
was directed to an alternative and highly respected firm of solicitors, convenient to
his home, who would probably take up the case. That was not pursued and by the
time this hearing began the parents remained unrepresented. I formed the clear
impression that F thought that this fact would determine, in his favour, his yet
further application to adjourn. It was a miscalculation on his part. F told me that
his and the mother’s human rights to a fair trial would be breached if he was forced
to go ahead. My very clear impression was that the father wanted to do everything
in his power to buy time for his son. I do not criticise him, on the contrary he has
my every sympathy but it is, I hope, evident from everything that I have set out
above that Alfie required a decision to be taken.
35. Mr Mylonas QC, who appeared on behalf of the Trust, opposed F’s application to
adjourn. He was entirely correct to do so. In resisting the application he
emphasised that the medical evidence did not allow us to assume that Alfie is free
from pain. Further, it was submitted, the evidence pointed compellingly towards
futility of treatment. The parents had instructed experts of their own to advise them
on the issues. During the course of the dispute the parents have engaged the
services of no fewer than six different firms of lawyers. I agreed with Mr Mylonas
that an adjournment was entirely irreconcilable with Alfie’s best interests. That
said, I should record that the Child’s Guardian, represented by her solicitor Ms
Carew, declared herself to be “probably neutral”. I will make no comment on that.
36. I indicated to F that if I felt him to be under any disadvantage during the course of
the Hearing he could restore his application to be represented. In the event, as
anybody sitting in Court would immediately recognise, F’s presentation of his case
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was extraordinarily impressive. His knowledge of the paperwork and the medical
records was prodigious. His understanding of the functioning of the brain and his
exploration of competing hypothesis was remarkable. At one point in the evidence
when he had asked a question of particular complexity I asked him if somebody had
been providing the questions for him. He told me, entirely convincingly, that he had
written it out a moment or two before. His uncle, sitting next to him, confirmed it.
F left school at 16. He served an apprenticeship as a plasterer. It says much about
his commitment to his son and the time and energy he has directed to this case that
he has absorbed the issues so completely and intelligently. He believes passionately
that his view of Alfie’s future is the correct one. As I said during the course of the
evidence it can only be in Alfie’s interest for all the available theories to be
evaluated. On this premise therefore Alfie could have had no more articulate voice
on his behalf than his father’s in this Court room.
The Father’s case
37. F’s case is not entirely easy to state. His core dilemma, from which he struggles to
escape, is that whilst he recognises and understands fully that the weight of the
evidence spells out the futility of Alfie’s situation he is, as a father, unable to
relinquish hope. This is to my mind entirely understandable. It is a facet of F’s
grief. In consequence, there is often a tension in the logic of his position. His
personal conflict emerges in its starkest form in his attitude to the Alder Hey
Hospital. Sometimes F is fulsome and generous in his tributes to the doctors and
medical staff, on other occasions his criticisms are vituperative. This tension
resonates in his approach to the medical evidence. It is, I think, no coincidence that
F, whose primary position is that “no stone should be left unturned”, was resistant to
the final MRI scan being undertaken. F, in my judgment, knew all too well, in the
light of the earlier scans, what the latest MRI scan might reveal and, again for
entirely understandable reasons, could not bear to confront it. As the Judge I did not
have that option, for the reasons that I have set out. It was shortly after the final
scan became available that F renewed his application for representation. I interpret
that as a signal of his distress but not as an indicator of forensic vulnerability.
38. When confronting the MRI images of the brain which show the degeneration in
particularly graphic form, F has repeatedly stated “I accept that, me and Mum are not
in denial.” This is delivered with a degree of indignation and it is a comment that F
has made on several occasions. Because it has been repeated in this way I have
given it a great deal of thought, not least because nobody at this hearing has, at least
overtly, suggested they are. I have formed the view that F understands entirely what
the significance of these scans is. Time and again in his evidence he avoided
confronting them. Though conscious of repeating myself here I do wish to stress
again that I entirely understand F’s dilemma.
39. All this leads F to cast around for alternative hypothesis. He has done his research
well. He explores the possibility of an episode of silent aspiration of food, raised
intracranial pressure, the possibility of an hypoxic incident and hydrocephalus.
None of these is consistent with neurodegeneration. Moreover, as Dr R has
repeatedly emphasised the volume of the brain has not expanded, brain tissue has
been replaced in equal measure with a combination of water and CSF.
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40. F presses for Alfie to be permitted to travel to the BG hospital (Rome) and
provided with a tracheostomy and PEG feeding. He argues, if that proffers no
solution, there should be a further transfer to the Munich hospital. If that too fails F
says that Alfie should be allowed home to die when he decides to”. In support of
this F places reliance on the BG report dated 12.09.2017. I have referred to the
analysis in the BG report above but notwithstanding their conclusions, they proffer a
treatment plan which is very different to that advanced by the Trust. It is set out in
the following extract from their report:
It is therefore possible that a prolonged ventilator support, with surgical tracheostomy
should be performed. Feeding and hydration are artificially provided through a
nasogastric tube since several months, a clear indication for a gastrostomy is evident.
Renal and liver functions seemed normal. Alfie appeared to be very well cared and
despite eight months of ICU admission he did not present skin lesions due to posture
During clinical evaluation there were epileptic seizures induced by propreoseptiv stimuli
and associated with neurovegetative symptoms as cardiac rhythm and blood pressure
disfunctions. This finding might affect a possible commute. A hypothetical transfer might
be done from the patients bed to ambulance, to airport and subsequent ambulance or
helicopter to the final destination. It is possible that during the travel Alfie may present
continuous seizures due to stimulations related to the transportation and flight; those
seizures might induce further damage to brain, being the whole procedure of
transportation at risk.”
Some allowance has to be made here for the fact that the document is translated from
Italian. I am satisfied however that there is no compromise of the document’s
cogency and nobody has suggested otherwise
41. Further support is found by F in the recommendations of Professor Haas. Again, at
risk of over-burdening this judgment, I propose to set these out in full. These
conclusions must be read in the context of my earlier analysis of Professor Haas’s
reasoning. He embarks upon his recommendations with this significant prefacing
paragraph which because I consider it to be so key to the issues bears repetition:
Based on the extensive testing already performed, I do agree with the
medical teams involved that there are no useful tests that may be performed to
improve Alfie's condition. The genetic testing (i.e. whole genome sequencing) is
performed by blood sampling and without any risks for Alfie. These tests may in
certain cases be beneficial to delineate a new rare disease as pointed out by the
doctors of the Bambino Gesu Hospital. To the best of my knowledge these test have
- even if a new disease is found - never been able to cure a patient with a similar
disease pattern as Alfie shows.
42. The following paragraphs from the report form the foundation of F’s case:
“14. Regarding the potential transport of Alfie outside the hospital, it
is clear for me that Alfie can be transported safely around the world
at any place without any major risks for him. The objections of the
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managing team at Alder Hey are for me not understandable and
without any reasonable medical basis (How can you opt for an
extubation and thereby death but object a transport somewhere else
as risky ?). In the same way I cannot understand the objection of the
doctors at the Bambino Gesu Hospital. It seems evident for me that
these statement, that Alfie may not be fit to fly or a transport would
be extremely dangerous are arguments based on nonmedical
reasons. Based on my assessment 1 can offer a medical transport
certificate for Alfie wherever this is necessary - even directly to the
Vatican (if financial support is granted).”
15. If Alfie would be transferred to our hospital, our management
plan would include an estimated 14 days stay at our PICU including
a tracheostomy and PEG insertion, a repeat EEG monitoring and
MRI of the brain, equipment with a home ventilation system
including training of the parents and a dedicated neuropaediatruic
assessment and potentially additional genetic testing. Based on the
German hospital payment system these estimated costs would be
about 65.000,- €uro for the 14 days including surgery. Additional
cost offers can be obtained for transport and home ventilation
43. Professor Haas proffers this summary of his own perspective as to Alfie’s best
16. To summarize this young boy Alfie is at the best of my
knowledge unfortunately suffering from a severe, very likely
progressive neurological disorder that will ultimately lead to his
death. In agreement with the statements of his medical team I have
difficulties to believe of any cure for this child. It is however unclear
how many time he will be able to share with his parents. Apparently
he has so far lived longer than initially projected. Withdrawing of
treatment will immediately lead to his death and this can certainly
not be in his interest. It is clear that in his best interest there should
be a possibility for Alfie to live the possibly short rest of his life in
dignity together with his family if this is the wish of his parents at
home, which I believe is the best for him, outside a hospital or in a
hospice or other form of caring institution. A dedicated neurological
rehabilitation institution may be of additional benefit because there
may well be other treatment and stimulation therapies I am not
aware of.
44. Professor Haas was instructed by these parents to assist them and the Court on the
basis of his experience and expertise, which is evidently considerable. It is no part
of his function however to utilise the case as a platform for his own personal beliefs.
I found the following concluding paragraph to be inflammatory and inappropriate,
not least because the views expressed bear no relationship to and do not engage with
the facts of this case. It would not be appropriate to edit them out of this judgment
and for that reason only I set them out. I will address them below.
Because of our history in Germany, we've learned that there are
some things you just don't do with severely handicapped children. A
society must be prepared to look after these severely handicapped
children and not decide that life support has to be withdrawn against
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the will of the parents if there is uncertainty of the feelings of the
child, as in this case.
45. The assumption of BG and Professor Haas is that the short note provided by Dr
Hubner of the ‘Pediatric Air Ambulance’ could be relied on. Whilst that is a
perfectly reasonable assumption to have made I regret to say that I have been unable
to. Dr Hubner gave evidence and was cross-examined by Mr Mylonas. He
accepted that he had gone to the Alder Hey Hospital in a clandestine manner, posing
as a friend of the family. He agreed with Mr Mylonas that he had deliberately
withheld his professional status from the doctors and staff. He told me that he had
never done that before. I am at least relieved to hear that. It is corrosive of the
bonds of professional trust and co-operation which are intrinsic to good medical
practice and indispensible in a case of this kind. Further, it emerged that Dr Hubner
had provided a statement directly to the father and to his solicitors. This had not
been filed in these proceedings but it was produced at my request. The statement
began with an assertion by Dr Hubner that he had seen all of Alfie’s files. He
accepted in evidence that this was not the case. In fact, he has seen very little. I
emphasise that the statement contained a Declaration of Truth. Perhaps most
alarmingly, Dr Hubner’s travel plan for Alfie, set out an anticonvulsant medical
regime which, on the basis of Alder Hey’s experience with Alfie would have been
ineffective and inappropriate. In particular the Midazolam proposed by Dr Hubner
was entirely contra indicated by his medical history. Dr Hubner also told Mr
Mylonas that he had not used the Air Ambulance for the purposes suggested here in
cases where patients were dying. I am at a loss to know quite why Dr Hubner fell
so far below the standards expected of his profession. I am constrained to say that
he has failed the parents, the Court but most importantly, Alfie. Mr Mylonas
makes the point that he seemed not to recognise the extent and significance of his
shortcomings in his evidence. I agree.
46. It is necessary here to root my own conclusions in the framework of the Law and
within the available guidance. The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
has produced guidance, published March 2015: Making Decisions to Limit
Treatment in Life-limiting and Life- threatening Conditions in Children: A
Framework for Practice’. The following is relevant:
The RCPCH believes that there are three sets of circumstances when
treatment limitation can be considered because it is no longer in the
child's best interests to continue, because treatments cannot provide
overall benefit:
II When life is limited in quality This includes situations where
treatment may be able to prolong life significantly but will not
alleviate the burdens associated with illness or treatment itself. These
3 .Lack of ability to benefit; the severity of the child's condition is
such that it is difficult or impossible for them to derive benefit from
continued life.....In other children the nature and severity of the
child's underlying condition may make it difficult or impossible for
them to enjoy the benefits that continued life brings. Examples
include children in Persistent Vegetative State (PVS), Minimally
Conscious State, or those with such severe cognitive impairment that
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they lack demonstrable or recorded awareness of themselves or their
surroundings and have no meaningful interaction with them, as
determined by rigorous and prolonged observations. Even in the
absence of demonstrable pain or suffering, continuation of LST may
not be in their best interests because it cannot provide overall benefit
to them. Individuals and families may differ in their perception of
benefit to the child and some may view even severely limited
awareness in a child as sufficient grounds to continue LST. It is
important, here as elsewhere, that due account of parental views
wishes and preferences is taken and due regard given to the acute
clinical situation in the context of the child's overall situation.
47. The legal framework is now relatively easy to state though always difficult to apply
in applications as sensitive and fact specific as this. I do not consider that an
exegesis of the applicable Law is required here, indeed the risk is that to do so might
eclipse the lode star which guides the Court’s approach i.e. “the best interests of the
48. The test is perhaps best encapsulated by Baroness Hale in Aintree University
Hospital NHS Trust v James [2013] UKSC 67, namely:
“[22] Hence the focus is on whether it is in the patient's best
interests to give the treatment rather than whether it is in his best
interests to withhold or withdraw it. If the treatment is not in his best
interests, the court will not be able to give its consent on his behalf
and it will follow that it will be lawful to withhold or withdraw it.
Indeed, it will follow that it will not be lawful to give it. It also
follows that (provided of course they have acted reasonably and
without negligence) the clinical team will not be in breach of any
duty toward the patient if they withhold or withdraw it.”
“[39] The most that can be said, therefore, is that in considering the
best interests of this particular patient at this particular time,
decision-makers must look at his welfare in the widest sense, not just
medical but social and psychological; they must consider the nature
of the medical treatment in question, what it involves and its
prospects of success; they must consider what the outcome of that
treatment for the patient is likely to be; they must try and put
themselves in the place of the individual patient and ask what his
attitude towards the treatment is or would be likely to be; and they
must consult others who are looking after him or are interested in his
welfare, in particular for their view of what his attitude would be.”
49. In Yates and Gard v Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS
Foundation Trust [2017] EWCA Civ 410, McFarlane LJ observed:
“As the authorities to which I have already made reference underline
again and again, the sole principle is that the best interests of the
child must prevail and that must apply even to cases where parents,
for the best of motives, hold on to some alternative view.”
50. MacDonald J reviewed the authorities and distilled the principles to be applied very
recently in Kings College Hospital Foundation Trust v Haastrup [2018] EWHC
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127 (Fam). Though extremely helpful, it is unnecessary for me to reprise that
exercise here.
51. I have on the parents’ behalf taken very great care to evaluate the quality of Alfie’s
present circumstances, even though I accept entirely the conclusion of the medical
evidence that treatment for Alfie is futile. It does not follow axiomatically that the
futility of Alfie’s situation leads to the immediate withdrawal of ventilation. Life
itself has intrinsic value, however tenuous or vestigial its hold. I am very much
aware that both parents are Roman Catholics, brought up in that tradition. They do
not present themselves as devout or observant but it is obvious to me that their faith
plays a part in their life and sustains them both at this very difficult time. In his
closing remarks F said that Alfie is “our child and a child of God”. It is important
that these beliefs are considered within the broad gamut of relevant factors to which
I have alluded and which collectively illuminate where Alfie’s best interests lie.
52. Mr Mylonas presented a document to the parties which I permitted to be filed within
the proceedings. The position of the Roman Catholic Church is sometimes
characterised inaccurately in cases concerning these difficult ethical issues. Mr
Mylonas’s document is an open letter, by His Holiness Pope Francis to the President
of the Pontifical Academy for Life, dated November 2017. In his message Pope
Francis called for “greater wisdom” in striking a balance between medical efforts to
prolong life and the responsible decision to withhold treatment when death becomes
inevitable. His letter identifies that not adopting or suspending disproportionate
measures can avoid over-zealous treatment. I would not presume to add any gloss
to the following extracts:
Your meeting will address questions dealing with the end of earthly
life. They are questions that have always challenged humanity, but
that today take on new forms by reason of increased knowledge and
the development of new technical tools. The growing therapeutic
capabilities of medical science have made it possible to eliminate
many diseases, to improve health and to prolong people’s life span.
While these developments have proved quite positive, it has also
become possible nowadays to extend life by means that were
inconceivable in the past. Surgery and other medical interventions
have become ever more effective, but they are not always beneficial:
they can sustain, or even replace, failing vital functions, but that is
not the same as promoting health. Greater wisdom is called for
today, because of the temptation to insist on treatments that have
powerful effects on the body, yet at times do not serve the integral
good of the person. Some sixty years ago, Pope Pius XII, in a
memorable address to anaesthesiologists and intensive care
specialists, stated that there is no obligation to have recourse in all
circumstances to every possible remedy and that, in some specific
cases, it is permissible to refrain from their use (cf. AAS XLIX
[1957], 1027-1033). Consequently, it is morally licit to decide not to
adopt therapeutic measures, or to discontinue them, when their use
does not meet that ethical and humanistic standard that would later
be called “due proportion in the use of remedies” (cf.
Declaration on Euthanasia, 5 May 1980, IV: AAS LXXII [1980], 542-
552). The specific element of this criterion is that it considers “the
result that can be expected, taking into account the state of the sick
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person and his or her physical and moral resources” (ibid.). It thus
makes possible a decision that is morally qualified as withdrawal of
“overzealous treatment. Such a decision responsibly acknowledges
the limitations of our mortality, once it becomes clear that opposition
to it is futile. “Here one does not will to cause death; one’s inability
to impede it is merely accepted” (Catechism of the Catholic Church,
No. 2278). This difference of perspective restores humanity to the
accompaniment of the dying, while not attempting to justify the
suppression of the living. It is clear that not adopting, or else
suspending, disproportionate measures, means avoiding overzealous
treatment; from an ethical standpoint, it is completely different from
euthanasia, which is always wrong, in that the intent of euthanasia is
to end life and cause death. Needless to say, in the face of critical
situations and in clinical practice, the factors that come into play are
often difficult to evaluate. To determine whether a clinically
appropriate medical intervention is actually proportionate, the
mechanical application of a general rule is not sufficient. There
needs to be a careful discernment of the moral object, the attending
circumstances, and the intentions of those involved. In caring for
and accompanying a given patient, the personal and relational
elements in his or her life and death which is after all the last
moment in life must be given a consideration befitting human
dignity. In this process, the patient has the primary role. The
Catechism of the Catholic Church makes this clear: “The decisions
should be made by the patient if he is competent and able” (loc. cit.).
The patient, first and foremost, has the right, obviously in dialogue
with medical professionals, to evaluate a proposed treatment and to
judge its actual proportionality in his or her concrete case, and
necessarily refusing it if such proportionality is judged lacking. That
evaluation is not easy to make in today's medical context, where the
doctor-patient relationship has become increasingly fragmented and
medical care involves any number of technological and
organizational aspects.
53. I regard the above as a comprehensive answer to the tendentious views expressed by
Professor Haas. No further comment is required by me.
54. In her evidence the Guardian expressed her clear support for the Trust’s application.
Her view had been foreshadowed in her report. The evidence, she told me, had
served ultimately to confirm her recommendation. She stated that in her view
Alfie’s life now lacks dignity and his best interests can only be met by withdrawing
ventilation. This evidence from an experienced children’s guardian requires to be
considered very carefully. I have done so. With great respect to her I disagree with
her view on Alfie’s dignity. As I had promised the family I attended the PICU at
Alder Hey to meet Alfie. I was greeted not merely with courtesy by the parents and
a number of aunts and uncles but with a sincere and genuine warmth. I was and
remain grateful to them. Alfie’s pod in the unit is large, comfortable and he is
surrounded by some of the world’s most up-to-date technology. F was, in my
presence, assiduous to Alfie’s care. He is entirely besotted with his son. M, both
parents agree, is far less involved in Alfie’s practical care and less confident. Her
contribution, in my assessment, is of an entirely different complexion. She has, if I
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may say so, a zany and delightful sense of humour entirely free from self-regard or
pomposity. Her love for her partner and her son was obvious. The atmosphere
around Alfie was peaceful, dignified and though some might find it surprising for
me to say so, very happy. The primary engine for all this is Alfie’s mum.
55. Alfie’s bed is festooned with toys. His walls are plastered with photographs and his
many supporters have delivered a variety of football shirts to him. One, in
particular, was signed by the entire Everton squad specifically for him.
56. Supporting all this is the diligent professionalism of some truly remarkable doctors
and the warm and compassionate energy of the nurses whose concern and
compassion is almost tangible. All this creates an environment which inherently
conveys dignity to Alfie himself. In my judgment his life has true dignity. The far
more challenging question is whether and if so how that can be maintained.
57. There emerge a number of key points in the evidence which now require to be
identified. Most striking is the indisputable fact that Alfie’s brain has been
devastated by progressive degeneration. The MRI scans, as interpreted, are
compelling. The thalami, which regulate the pathways of the brain, have entirely
disappeared. This, I remind myself, controls the stimuli to the most basic sensory
functions. Alfie has lost the capacity to hear, see, smell or respond to touch, other
than reflexively. At the conclusion of his evidence F produced a considerable
number of video clips. The overwhelming majority of these demonstrated the
accuracy of the medical view in that they illustrate reactive responses which were
frequently intentionally generated by F. I stress that this was entirely well-
motivated on F’s part. In simple terms touching part of Alfie’s body generates a
predictable response in a different muscle group. There were two videos however
which caused me much thought. In one Alfie appears to emit a lusty yawn in
another he appears actively to withdraw from a touch to his mouth. I have watched
these, as F is aware, repeatedly and carefully.
58. Following the videos being produced Dr R also viewed them extensively and
thoughtfully. The following day, having had time to reflect overnight, Dr R was
recalled to the witness box. He told me that for the yawn to be a true, as opposed to
a reflexive action, it would require a complex response of the brain. In simple
terms, Dr R said there is not sufficient of Alfie’s brain left intact for this to occur,
other than as a reflexive action. The effect is entirely to mimic a purposeful yawn.
I completely understand why F has invested so much in it. When the yawn occurs
F’s response is one of obvious delight. However, it is impossible to avoid the force
of Dr R’s conclusion, it has to be confronted. The second video can far more easily
be seen as reflexive. I accept this evidence not merely because of the careful,
interpretative expertise of Dr R but also because it unifies the remaining evidence,
the EEG’s, the scans, the observations of Alfie over many months by so many
medical professions and indeed, the preponderance of the parents’ own
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59. Though F cleaves to the need for a diagnosis i.e. to understand what caused Alfie’s
condition, there are no more tests which can now sensibly be undertaken. Indeed,
even if some were identified they would be of no use to Alfie. The brain does not
regenerate. As Dr M says a “label will not help Alfie now”.
60. Whilst I have, for the reasons stated, rejected the evidence of Dr Hubner, I do not
exclude the possibility that travel by Air Ambulance may remain a theoretical
option. It requires to be considered however in the context of the matters above and
one further important consideration. All agree that it is unsafe to discount the
possibility that Alfie continues to experience pain, particularly surrounding his
convulsions. The evidence points to this being unlikely but certainly, it can not be
61. Alongside all this it must be remembered that Alfie can not sustain life on his own.
It is the ventilator that has been keeping him alive for many months, he is unable to
sustain his own respiratory effort.
62. All this drives me reluctantly and sadly to one clear conclusion. Properly analysed,
Alfie’s need now is for good quality palliative care. By this I mean care which will
keep him as comfortable as possible at the last stage of his life. He requires peace,
quiet and privacy in order that he may conclude his life, as he has lived it, with
63. The plans to take him to Italy have to be evaluated against this analysis of his needs.
There are obvious challenges. Away from the intensive care provided by Alder Hey
PICU, Alfie is inevitably more vulnerable, not least to infection. The maintenance
of his anticonvulsant regime, which is, in itself, of limited effect, risks being
compromised in travel. The journey, self-evidently will be burdensome. Nobody
would wish Alfie to die in transit.
64. All of this might be worth risking if there were any prospect of treatment, there is
none. For this reason the alternative advanced by the father is irreconcilable with
Alfie’s best interests. F continues to struggle to accept that it is palliation not
treatment that is all that can now be offered to his son.
65. In this judgment I have referred predominately to F who has been the advocate for
both parents. I should make it very clear that M is in full support of F. She chose
not to give evidence and I entirely respect her decision, nor do I draw any adverse
66. It was entirely right that every reasonable option should be explored for Alfie. I am
now confident that this has occurred. The continued provision of ventilation, in
circumstances which I am persuaded is futile, now compromises Alfie’s future
dignity and fails to respect his autonomy. I am satisfied that continued ventilatory
support is no longer in Alfie’s best interest. This decision I appreciate will be
devastating news to Alfie’s parents and family. I hope they will take the time to
read this judgment and to reflect upon my analysis.
67. I should add by way of Post Script my thanks to Mr Mylonas. His presentation of
this case has been assiduously fair and balanced throughout. His cross-examination
of F was skilful, sensitive and kind. F paid a similar tribute at the conclusion of the
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case which I observed at the time and take this opportunity to reiterate, says a great
deal about both of them.