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In 2009 the Board approved the LCFS regulation to reduce the carbon intensity (CI) of
transportation fuel used in California by at least 10 percent by 2020 from a 2010 baseline.
In 2011, the Board approved amendments to clarify, streamline, and enhance certain
provisions of the regulation. In 2015, the Board readopted the LCFS to address procedural
issues, which began implementation on January 1, 2016. In 2018, the Board approved
amendments to the re gulation, which includes strengthening and smoothing the CI
benchmarks through 2030 inline with California’s 2030 GHG target enacte d through SB32.
The LCFS is one of the key AB 32 measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in
California but also has other significant benefits. It transforms and diversifies the fuel pool
in California to reduce petroleum dependency and achieves air quality benefits, which are
State priorities that preceded AB 32.
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The LCFS is designed to reduce GHG emissions in the transportation sector, which is
responsible for about 50 percent of GHG emissions (including industrial sector emissions
from refining and crude production), 80 percent of ozoneforming gas emissions, and over
95 percent of diesel particulate matter.
It is a key part of a comprehensive set of programs in California to reduce emissions from
the transportation sector, including the Cap and Trade Program, Advanced Clean Cars
Program, and SB 375.
The LCFS sets annual carbon intensity (CI) standards, or benchmarks, which reduce over
time, for gasoline, diesel, and the fuels that replace them.
Carbon intensity is expressed in grams of carbon dioxide equivalent per megajoule of
energy provided by that fuel. CI takes into account the GHG emissions associated with all
of the steps of producing, transporting, and consuming a fuel—also known as a complete
life cycle of that fuel.
The LCFS lets the market determine which mix of fuels will be used to reach the program
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Fuels and fuel blendstocks introduced into the California fuel system that have a CI higher
than the benchmark generate deficits. Similarly, fuels and fuel blendstocks with CIs below
the benchmark generate credits. Annual compliance is achieved when a regulated party
uses credits to match its deficits.
Since the regulation was first adopted, the compliance curves have been “backloaded” to
allow time for the development of lowCI fuels and advanced vehicles (the benchmark CI
reduction was frozen by court order for three years between 2013 and 2015). Due to this
program design choice, there has always been the expectation that excess credits
generated in the early years of the program would be available for use in more stringent
future years, if needed.
Under the current LCFS regulation, the 2030 standard of a 20 percent CI decline will also be
imposed for all years post2030.
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Since the regulation went into effect, low carbon fuel use has increased. Fuel producers
are also taking action to decrease the carbon intensity of their fuels.
The program has an established market for credit transactions. The total value of credit
transactions exceeded $2 billion in 2018.
The LCFS Data Dashboard web page was created to display the current and historical LCFS
program data. Some of the information found in the Data Dashboard are the following:
Volume of fuels and credits generated under the LCFS
Compliance curve and the percent reduction in carbon intensity to date
Credit volumes transacted and the average credit prices per month under the LCFS.
To see the Data Dashboard, please see
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Other jurisdictions are joining California, which is evident in the Pacific Coast Collaborative,
a regional agreement between California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia to
strategically align policies to reduce greenhouse gases and promote clean energy.
One of the provisions of this Collaborative explicitly addresses Low Carbon Fuel Standard
programs. California, Oregon, and British Columbia have existing LCFS programs in place
and the Washington legislature is considering a program.
Staff has been routinely working with these jurisdictions, providing assistance where we
can. Over time, these LCFS programs will build an integrated West Coast market for low
carbon fuels that will create greater market pull, increased confidence for investors of low
carbon alternative fuels, and synergistic implementation and enforcement programs.
Other regions including Canada and Brazil are also noticing California’s success and
developing LCFSlike performance standards for transportation fuels.
There are three ways to generate credits in the LCFS: fuel pathways, projects, and capacity
based crediting.
Under fuel pathwaybased crediting, all transportation fuels need a carbon intensity score
to participate in the LCFS, and the fuel type dictates which process is used to determine
that CI. Providers of low carbon fuels used in California transportation generate credits by
obtaining a certified CI and reporting transaction quantities on a quarterly basis. Credits
are calculated relative to the annual CI benchmark and will undergo verification post credit
Under projectbased crediting, projects include actions to reduce GHG emissions in the
petroleum supply chain, and also CCS using Direct Air Capture. Crediting for projects is
based on life cycle emission reductions, and credits are issued after the reported
reductions are verified.
Finally, the 2018 amendments added a new crediting mechanism to the LCFS which is
designed to support the deployment of zero emission vehicle infrastructure. Crediting for
ZEV infrastructure is based on the capacity of the hydrogen station or EV fast charging site
minus the actual fuel dispensed.
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The Alternative Fuels Portal (AFP) and the LCFS Credit Banking and Transfer System (LRTCBTS) are two of the modules that
make up the LCFS database management system. Not depicted here is the Verification module, which will provide access to
participant data for LCFSaccredited Verification Bodies.
The AFP facilitates the application process to obtain a certified CI score. Applicants for Tier 1 and Tier 2 pathways, which rely
on sitespecific data, use this portal to submit their CI calculator and supplemental information.
All Lookup Table CI values were historically obtained through the LRTCBTS. Beginning in 2019, all applicants for Hydrogen
Lookup Table pathways will apply through the AFP, along with applicants for the ZeroCI Electricity Lookup Table pathway.
Entities seeking any other Lookup Table pathway, including CARBOB, ULSD, California Average Grid Electricity, CNG, LPG, and
Smart Charging or Smart Electrolysis, do not need to register in the AFP and will continue to use the LRTCBTS.
The LRTCBTS is designed specifically to facilitate reporting and credit banking and transfers. Beginning in 2019 it will also be
able to process projectbased crediting and ZEV infrastructure crediting applications.
Entity requirements and responsibilities are defined by the role each entity plays. An entity may have multiple roles in the
LCFS, such as an alternative liquid fuel producer may be a Fuel Pathway applicant, but because this entity also reports and
generates credits, they are a fuel reporting entity as well. A hydrogen station owner who generates infrastructure credits must
also be a fuel reporting entity (to report the quantity of fuel dispensed); this entity may also be a pathway holder, or another
entity could have taken the responsibilities of applying for and maintaining the pathway. All fuel pathway applicants become
fuel pathway holders once their CI is certified; they must annually demonstrate that the pathway remains valid.
Note that applications for carbon capture and sequestration may be approved through the:
AFP (fuel pathwaybased crediting) if the capture occurs within the process of an alternative fuel pathway, e.g., CO
ethanol fermentation
LRT (projectbased crediting) if the capture is associated with crude oil production (Innovative Crude provisions) or a
petroleum refinery (Refinery Investment Credit provisions), or by direct air capture (not associated with any fuel; may be
credited as a standalone project).
To access the LRTCBTS and AFP, please see https://ssl.arb.ca.gov/lcfsrt/index.html?aspxerrorpath=/lcfsrt/Login.aspx.
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The LCFS regulation does not apply to an alternative fuel that is not a biomassbased fuel or
is supplied in California with an aggregated quantity of less than 420 million MJ/year.
Conventional jet fuel, aviation gasoline, deficitgenerating fuel used in military tactical
vehicles, and creditgenerating fossil CNG or fossil propane dispensed at a fueling station
with total throughput of 150,000 gasolinegallons equivalent or less per year (until 2021 or
2024, respectively) are also exempt from the LCFS. The LCFS regulation also does not apply
to fuels used in interstate locomotives, oceangoing vessels, and deficitgenerating fossil
propane and CNG used in school buses purchased prior to January 1, 2020.
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Credits and deficits are calculated using the carbon intensity benchmarks for gasoline and
diesel fuel in each calendar year. These benchmarks equate to a 6.25 percent reduction in
carbon intensity relative to 2010 in the 2019 compliance year, increasing linearly to a 20
percent reduction in 2030.
Since conventional jet fuel is not subject to the LCFS regulation and does not generate
deficits, these carbon intensity benchmarks are used specifically to calculate credits from
alternative jet fuel. The jet fuel benchmarks remain fixed at the 2010 baseline CI for
conventional jet fuel, with a zero percent reduction in each year, until the benchmark for
diesel substitute s declines below the CI baseline for jet fuel, in 2023. The jet fuel
benchmarks then mirror the benchmarks for diesel through 2030.
The CI includes the “direct effects of producing and using the fuel, as well as “indirect
effects that are primarily associated with cropbased biofuels. Two models are used to
calculate the direct effects, which are the California Greenhouse Gases, Regulated
Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation (CAGREET) and Oil Production Greenhouse
gas Emissions Estimator (OPGEE) models. To calculate the indirect effects, the Global Trade
Analysis Project (GTAP) model was updated and the AgroEcological Zone Emissions Factor
(AEZEF) model was created to supplement GTAPs estimates of greenhouse gas emissions
from various types of land conversions.
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This is an illustration of the life cycle assessment of California Reformulated Gasoline
Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending (CARBOB). CARBOB makes up the petroleum fraction of
California reformulated gasoline (CaRFG) before any fuel oxygenate is added; CARFG is
essentially 90 percent CARBOB blended with 10 percent ethanol by volume.
CARBOB CI is based on the 2010 average crude oil supplied to California refineries and
average California refinery efficiencies. Crude oil is evaluated using the OPGEE model; the
crude supplied to California refineries in 2010 was found to have an average CI of 11.78
e/MJ, with some crudes ranging from as low as 4 to as high as 30 gCO
Production of CARBOB at all California refineries adds 14.8 g/MJ to the fuel cycle CI. About
75 percent of the GHG emissions from the life cycle of CARBOB occur during combustion in
vehicles (tailpipe emissions).
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This is an illustration of the life cycle assessment of corn ethanol. Emissions associated with agriculture
contribute 29 gCO
e/MJ; of that, 11 g result from the production of fertilizer and soil amendments, and the
soil emissions resulting from synthetic and organic additions contribute an additional 14 g/MJ, and onfarm
emissions from energy use in tractors during activities such as planting, cultivation and harvest, make up the
Emissions from production at the ethanol facilities vary widely depending on their process fuels, their
efficiencies, and any processing of coproducts, such as drying distiller’s grains and solubles (DGS). Please
note that this slide contains numerical values for illustrative purposes only.
DGS is the remnants of the corn after fermentation and is sold and used as livestock feed. A credit of‐12
g/MJ is assessed for the production of DGS at a typical rate of 5.31 dry pounds per gallon of ethanol; this
credit reflects market displacement of corn and other feed ingredients from LCFS application
Contributing substantially to the impacts associated with corn (and other crops) used to produce biofuels is
the phenomenon called land use change, or LUC. LUC occurs when higher ethanol demand increases the
demand for corn, raising its market price. Someone, somewhere, reacting to this price signal, will convert
land to corn production, either directly or through a series of daisychain events, which will result in carbon
emissions from that land. The estimated amount of land conversion and associated GHG emissions are
determined using the GTAP and AEZEF models and are added to the CI of corn ethanol. All cropbased
feedstocks have LUC values.
Finally, the CO
emitted from vehicles during biofuel combustion is considered carbon neutral, in accordance
with IPCC and U.S. EPA GHG inventory guidelines, as the carbon released was uptaken from the atmosphere
by the corn within a short timeframe. Additionally, ethanol is required to be denatured in order to render it
unfit for human consumption. A small amount of gasoline blendstock is added, typically 2.5%v/v, for this
purpose, adding 1 g/MJ to the CI of denatured ethanol.
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This is an illustration of the life cycle assessment of biodiesel made from used cooking oil
(UCO). UCO, also known as waste grease, is collected from sites like industrial food
processors and restaurants. The UCO is transported to a rendering facility where it is
filtered and purified to remove any water, solids, contaminants, to reduce the level of free
fatty acids (FFA) and ensure the oil has the correct properties required for fuel production.
The rendered oil is then transported to a biorefinery where it is converted to biodiesel by
reacting with methanol in a chemical process called esterification. The process also yields
a coproduct, glycerin; an accounting method known as energybased allocation is used to
divide the total emissions from the facility between its two products. 95 percent of the
production emissions are attributed to biodiesel and the remaining 5 percent to glycerin.
Please note that this slide contains numerical values for illustrative purposes only.
The CO
emitted from vehicles during biofuel combustion is considered carbon neutral, in
accordance with IPCC and U.S. EPA GHG inventory guidelines, as the carbon released was
uptaken from the atmosphere within a short timeframe by the plant that produced the oil.
A small amount of emissions, less than 1 g/MJ, result from the GHGs (methane and nitrous
oxide) that form during biodiesel combustion.
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This is an illustration of the life cycle assessment of California’s average grid electricity when it is
used to charge Electric Vehicles (EV).
The carbon intensity of California electricity is calculated in CAGREET 3.0 using the 2017 average
California generation resource mix from the CEC database
, slightly modified to match CAGREET
resource categories
in order to calculate the emissions associated with each resource.
The GHG emissions for this pathway consist of the upstream emissions associated with producing
and transporting each fuel to the power plant, the emissions associated with generating electricity
(combustion of fossil based resources like natural gas), and transmission line losses (translated to
emissions from the excess electricity that must be supplied to meet demand).
Finally, EVs in the Lightduty Vehicles (LDV) and Mediumduty Vehicles (MDV) are over three times
more efficient than the internal combustion engines (ICE) they replace. The life cycle emissions
from electricity generation sum up to 81.49 gCO
/MJ of electricity, but the effective CI shown here
is on the basis of the amount of gasoline that is displaced by the use of EVs. The efficiency ratio is,
therefore, translated to an emission savings representing the smaller amount of energy an EV
needs to travel the same distance as an ICE.
2017 California Total System Electric Generation, California Energy Commission:
California Air Resources Board, CAGREET 3.0 Supplemental Document and Tables of Changes, 13
AUG2018: https://www.arb.ca.gov/fuels/lcfs/cagreet/cagreet_supp_doc_clean.pdf
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This illustration shows the stages that are analyzed while performing life cycle assessment of compressed natural
gas (CNG) from landfill gas (LFG). LFG is also known as biogas as it originates from organic materials which
decompose without oxygen in landfills, resulting in generation of methane. Biogas is typically 5060% methane and
the remainder is made up of CO
and trace gases.
Recovery of biogas is accomplished using electrical fans to draw gas up through wells inserted throughout a landfill.
Most landfills are required to capture LFG and oxidize methane to CO
by the use of a flare or thermal oxidizer. By
capturing and using this gas as a transportation fuel rather than flaring, CO
emissions are avoided.
Capture mechanisms are imperfect, resulting in an estimated 25 percent of LFG that escapes the flare; this emission
is considered outside of the LCA system boundary, as it occurs whether a landfill is capturing gas for use as a fuel, or
for flaring. This is a principle of life cycle assessment, which seeks to determine what emissions would occur in a
reference or baseline scenario, and compares the project case in order to determine the net change caused by a
process or product.
Biogas upgrading is where the majority of the emissions associated with LFG to CNG occur. The objective is to
remove CO
, water, and to scrub unwanted components such as hydrogen sulfide in order to bring the biogas to
pipelinequality and motor vehicle standards. At this stage the gas is referred to as biomethane.
Transmission via the system of natural gas pipelines that span the U.S. can also result in a significant quantity of
emissions, for a conservative distance from a landfill to CA, 3,600 miles pipeline is chosen. Compressors require
energy to move gas through pipelines, and methane has opportunities to escape during gas transmission; the
magnitude of emissions is dependent on the distance gas travels from its source to its end use.
When pipeline gas is withdrawn at a refueling station, it is compressed to CNG before it is injected into a vehicle.
The tailpipe emissions that occur during combustion of CNG in a natural gas engine for methane and nitrous oxide
only; CO2 is cancelled with the avoidance of the combustion of a flare. Please note that this slide contains
numerical values for illustrative purposes only.
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All transportation fuels need a carbon intensity score to participate in the LCFS, and the fuel type
dictates which process is used to determine that CI.
Lookup Table pathways have CI scores that are predetermined by CARB using industrywide
average inputs, or conservative assumptions. Most of the fuels in the Lookup Table don’t require
an application, and those that do require an application have a few requirements and a very
streamlined approval process.
The Tier 1 pathway application process is for the most common low carbon fuels, and applicants
use a Simplified CI Calculator to determine their sitespecific fuel production and transport
emissions. Under Tier 1, most emissions from feedstock production are based on standard inputs,
but the calculators have some flexibility to accommodate userdefined process energy inputs.
The Tier 2 application process is designed for innovative, nextgeneration pathways, which may use
unique feedstocks or include advanced technologies like Carbon Capture and Sequestration. Tier 2
fuels include Alternative jet fuel, and any other pathway that is not eligible to use the Lookup Table
or Tier 1 process. Applicants for these pathways can fully customize the California GREET model to
accurately determine their sitespecific CI.
The diagram shows the basic process for credit generation. Credits for fuel pathways are calculated
based on the CI score that is determined in the initial pathway application, the energy economy
ratio or EER for the type of vehicle the fuel is used in, and the quantity of fuel reported. Credits are
issued quarterly, and pathways with sitespecific CI data will typically be verified annually.
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A regulated entity ’s annual compliance obligation is met when the regulated entity
demonstrates via its annual report that it possessed and has retired a number of credits
from its credit account that is equal to its compliance obligation. The annual compliance
period is January 1
through December 31
of each calendar year.
Fuel transactions from each calendar quarter are reported during the next calendar
quarter. After each deadline, no credits can be generated for an activity that took place in
the prior quarter. Transactions involving business partners must be reconciled by the
“Deadline” dates shown in the LCFS Reporting Schedule table. The quarterly reporting
schedule is as follows:
June 30
: For the first calendar quarter covering January through March
September 30
: For the second calendar quarter covering April through June
December 31
: For the third calendar quarter covering July through September
March 31
: For the fourth calendar quarter covering October through December
The annual compliance reports must be submitted by April 30
of each year.
For more information on the LRTCBTS and AFP, or to submit quarterly or annual reports,
please visit the Data Management System web page:
A system for thirdparty verification is needed to ensure accuracy of reported greenhouse
gas data. The framework and principles of the LCFS verification program are consistent
with the verification systems that support CARB’s CapandTrade program. The LCFS
verification program provides confidence and reliability in reported data for stak eholders,
market participants, and the public—the data have financial implications and quality
assurance must meet a specified level of rigor.
Thirdparty verification is international best practice for credible greenhouse gas
monitoring and reporting and considered a re quirement for carbon pricing systems. The
verification program is based on ISO 140643 and 14065. It also provides a systematic,
independent, and documented process for evaluation of reported data against the LCFS
regulatory requirements and methods for calculation.
Beginning in 2019, verifiers will apply for CARB accreditation and take required tr aining and
exam(s). CARB will publish on the LCFS website the list of verification bodies and verifiers
accredited to perform LCFS verification services.
The entities required to contract for verification services are summarized here.
Regulated entities specified in section 95500 are required to retain the ser vices of
independent verifiers accredited by CARB, beginning with 2020 fuel pathway applications
and in 2021 for LCFS data reports, and thereafter. Deferred verification statements are due
in 2023 for those who are eligible.
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The LCFS Regulation includes requirements for data accuracy and meter calibration.
Reported LCFS data have financial implications and must meet the specified level of rigor.
All entities that submit LCFS data used to calculate GHG emissions and reductions must
attest to its accuracy. Most LCFS data are based on financial transaction meters that meet
CARB’s accuracy requirements: suppliers and purchasers who do not have common owners
rely on the measurements for sales, meters are sealed with a valid seal from the county
sealer of weights and measures or from a county certified designee, or third parties
operate the meters. Meters that do not meet the criteria above, referred to as “internal
meters, must be installed, operated, and maintained according to manufacturer
recommended calibration frequency and precision requirements to meet accuracy
requirements for LCFS data. In addition, entities responsible for obtaining thirdparty
verification must document measurement device information in a written Monitoring Plan
according to section 95491.1(c) and demonstrate acceptable measurement accuracy. If
data are missing, the regulated entity must be able to demonstrate to the verifier that
reported data are accurate within +/ 5 percent or must obtain CARB approval of an
alternate monitoring method pursuant to section 95488.8(k).
If a regulated party does not retire sufficient credits to meet its compliance obligation, then
a Credit Clearance Market will be initiated. Entities with credits to sell can opt to pledge
credits into the market and entities needing credits must purchase their prorata share of
these pledged credits. A price cap in the clearance market prevents extreme market
volatility, thereby providing consumer protection.
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The LCFS contains two credit opportunities for refineries, an expanded credit opportunity
for crude production, and Carbon Capture and Sequestration by Direct Air Capture.
The renewable hydrogen refinery credit provision allows refineries to generate credits
through the use of renewable hydrogen at the refinery to produce gasoline and diesel.
Renewable hydrogen can be produced using steam methane reforming of renewable
natural gas or through electrolysis using renewable electricity.
The refinery investment credit provision allows refineries to generate credits for GHG
reduction projects undertaken at a refinery. These projects include use of renewable
energy sources, conversion of combustion power sources to electricity, use of carbon
capture and sequestration, and process improvement projects.
The innovative crude credit provision supports innovative technologies for solar steam or
heat generation, solar or windbased electricity, renewable natural gas or biogas energy,
and carbon capture and sequestration.
Projects claiming CCS credits must comply with the CCS Protocol. Credits must be prorated
based on the volumes delivered to California, ex cept for direct air capture projects.
The amount of net CO
sequestered by alternative fuel producers can be used to adjust the
carbon intensities of the associated fuel pathways.
All CCS projects must undergo verification.
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Examples of how the CCS Protocol c an be used in the LCFS include low carbon fuel
pathway, refinery investment, innovative crude, or direct air capture.
To generate credits for CCS projects, credits go to the capture facility. The storage facility
must also be a coapplicant, but capture and storage facilities do not need to be colocated.
All CCS projects must receive a Permanence Certification before LCFS credit generation is
Recognized reservoirs under the LCFS include saline formations, CO
enhanced oil recovery,
and depleted oil and gas reservoirs.
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Electric vehicles, trucks, electric transit systems (fixed guideway, buses), electric forklifts,
electric cargohandling equipment, electric transportation refrigeration units, and shore
power to oceangoing vessels atberth are eligible to generate credits.
Due to the fact that consumer preferences of electric vehicle owners has not resulted in
widespread installation of separate metering in residences, CARB calculates the credits for
nonmetered residential charging of EVs, to maintain the quality and accuracy of the credit
generations. Electrical Distribution Utilities (EDU) e arn “base” credits for all residential
charging using the grid average CI, and the load serving entity, auto manufacturer, or
another entity may also generate “incre mental” credits for supplying metered, lowCI
electricity or smart charging to those residences. In the event that multiple entities claim
incremental credits for a given residence, the LCFS provides the following order of priority:
the LoadServing Entity (LSE), including a Community Choice Aggregator (CCA); the
automobile manufacturer who provides metered charging data through onvehicle
telematics; and any other entity who can provide the metered data has the third priority,
which could include a charging service provider or an aggregator. All electricity credit
generators must use credit proceeds to promote transportation electrification, and provide
benefits to their EV customers and educate them about the benefits of EV transportation.
The LCFS streamlines and facilitates the credit generation and reporting for public,
workplace and fleet charging. Utilities will receive those credits unless electrical vehicle
service providers, site hosts or fleet owners opt in.
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The combination of zerocarbon electricity and zeroemission vehicles offer s significant
opportunity for reductions that are not well recognized by the program to date. To address
this issue, the 2018 amendments allow renewable power generated offsite to be used in
EV charging and hydrogen production by electrolysis. The amendments also recognize the
benefits of shifting EV charging and electrolyzer loads to periods of time when excess
renewable electricity might otherwise be wasted. These amendments are intended to be a
first step in promoting further expansion of zeroemission vehicle infrastructure through
the LCFS, as directed by the Governors Executive Order. They would help make these
vehicles fully “zero emission” on a life cycle basis.
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The LCFS also contains hydrogen provisions. The person who owns the hydrogen fueling
supply equipment or the hydrogen forklift fleet is eligible to generate credits for hydrogen
fueling. Lookup Table pathways for hydrogen produced in California are available to
streamline participation. Hydrogen is an optin fuel until statewide use in transportation
meets a threshold of 3,500 tons per year.
To learn more about the LCFS electricity and hydrogen provisions, please see
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In April 2018, the Board also directed staff to explore the establishment of a statewide
Clean Fuel Reward program funded by the sale of LCFS credits and given at the point of
electric vehicle sale or lease. Since the April Board hearing, a coalition of Electrical Utilities
and Automakers have come together to lay the groundwork for such a program. The
approach required targeted changes in the LCFS to accommodate the rebate program: we
have set a minimum percentage contribution from all utilities that opt in, which scales with
utility size and increases over time; and we have also established batter ycapacity tiers—in
line with the federal rebate structure—to ensure EVs with higher battery capacity get the
maximum rebate.
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To provide additional incentives for growth of ZEVs, in the recent round of rulemaking, the
program included a provision termed “infrastructure crediting to include both hydrogen
refueling stations and DC fast chargers. The concept is simple: The LCFS will credit eligible
stations based on the capacity of the station to deliver fuel once the station is fully utilized.
Infrastructure credits will decrease as a station/charger reaches full utilization, until it is
only generating credits for its dispensed fuel. In this way, the provision is designed to be
“selfsunsetting. This provision is designed to address the “chicken & egg problem, in
which demand for zero emission vehicles is low because consumers can’t refuel them, and
refueling station developers won’t build stations until more vehicles are sold.
For more information on the LCFS ZEV Infrastructure Crediting Provision, please see